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17396815 No.17396815 [Reply] [Original]

Cross-cultural fashion is so beautiful

>> No.17398352
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>> No.17398357

>double breasted
>loos around waist
>cuffs on pants
>shoulders look fucked
>ugly ass loafers
so much for a poorly tailored suit in such a great color

>> No.17398368
File: 71 KB, 640x800, 61933514_341064450140973_4333659854672165534_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we hate Ethan? He's chad as fuck now

>> No.17398373

The cuff bad meme only applies to jeans you philistine.

>> No.17398527

This fit has some flaws such as wrong buttoning and the pants being too long; but overall I would wear this and I say he pulls it off well enough

>> No.17398653

This is probably his only good fit. The pants are too long, but other than that I love the suit, double-breasted is king

>> No.17398658

DB suits without cuffs look wrong

>> No.17398771

Being a tripfag is a pretty virgin move

>> No.17399651
File: 112 KB, 799x533, 51855736875_066fdb36bc_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you about the time i joined Ethan Wongs patreon discord
>get in
>most users use their whole legal name as a username
>character of the neighborhood is about what you’d expect, mostly normies of the californian liberal hipster variety
>have some good conversations about menswear, but it quickly becomes obvious that my attitude to style is different from everyone elses
>make some mistakes and voice some incredibly milquetoast right leaning opinions about the negative effect of trap music on black culture or some shit
>people start getting assmad, including the resident “”workwear”” guy, spencer (picrel on right), who gets mad enough to tell me to “sit down and shut up”
>casually tell the person (with he/him in his username) trying to do a “sleazecore” outfit that the look doesn’t work because he’s a twink with glasses
>he immediately throws a bitch fit, seems to genuinely hate me
>try to defend it as harmless banter
> spencer the manly bearded workwear man unironically tells me “banter is a dogwhistle”
>ethan bans me and, credit to him, respectfully tells me that i just don’t belong there and that he’s gonna refund my subscription
Respectfully, fuck your server and its urbanite shitlib weenies, I’m gonna make my own menswear discord with blackjack and hookers.
Link is open for anyone who wants to join.
IMO, Ethans a pretty level-headed and decent guy, but he keeps company that probably isn't centrist and doesn't wanna unravel his brand-image by keeping someone like me around, which is understandable.
I guess he just lives in a different world and is more comfortable going along to get along, which hey, it looks like a nice life, and not worth throwing away on politics. I'd envy him, but at this point I've accepted my social life trajectory is probably going to be very different from his, and that fundamentally I'm just a different kind of person.

>> No.17399910

I was checking out the reviews for a local card /board game store in the greater LA area and saw this dude in the background. turns out he used to play there. Kinda weird to see people memed on 4chan irl

>> No.17399915
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which way, eastern man?

>> No.17399917
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