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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.63 MB, 1370x1570, 509B20EB-AD61-4DD8-8C77-1168F5749DF0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17374927 No.17374927 [Reply] [Original]

What Are You Wearing Today

>> No.17374959

>kindergarten edition

>> No.17374987

Is this the thread or will that fat kid troll again?

>> No.17375049


>> No.17375250

>transgender grooming kindergarten children edition

>> No.17375347

Huck, if you wonder why the world is how it is, check your attitude.

>> No.17375395
File: 42 KB, 480x639, 317514981_947810516605489_4618477927845963715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling this one.
had to put on the FATHERS in respect to RAF shutting shop.

>> No.17375406 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 1400x1400, saturday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went to the gym today so here's my gym bum look

>> No.17375424
File: 1.15 MB, 1644x3265, 22DFDF26-A05B-4263-BBCB-4E72DE91D069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JNCO guy if ur out there can u post some fits? I’ve been meaning to save some of urs cus I like them so much but I forgot to actually do it and now can’t find them :c

>> No.17375435
File: 3.26 MB, 1596x2228, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cis het gang

>> No.17375439

(btw thats eyeliner, not tattooed)

>> No.17375464

why ;-;

>> No.17375473
File: 1007 KB, 916x1221, 1667789565653708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17375522
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1136, 10-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeas ill repostin

>> No.17375528
File: 943 KB, 1920x1136, 10-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also rly cool fit nd awesome shirt :P

>> No.17375571
File: 1.86 MB, 1889x3358, 8419D782-7FCD-4BCE-A7A9-39356C2C130D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Office dinner party fit, plus new suit

>> No.17375576

How's the job at Xerox going? Heard you guys got some Apple stock in exchange for giving that guy Steve a tour.
Anyways, do you think Sinclair got it?

>> No.17375612

It’s pretty good, had filet mignon

>> No.17375622

weird to be doing this style now, seems anachronistic, give it another couple of years before its in full revival. also weird that you're still posting. seems all the other covid regulars stopped posting. you, that weird asian kid with the porn addiction who always wore undercover, the edwina horl guy with blue hair, the lad musician guy who always posted from the elevator, the photographer guy? ryan? i think his name was and then the lanklet who always posted from his bedroom and wore weird shit like sulvam and cdg , and then that one guy who played dressed up in his work clothes but took awful staged photographs like he was trying to be kanye west. Oh yeah haha also that fucking schziophrenic kid arachni what a bunch of freaks lol


I oscillate between liking this sort of thing and hating it, I think it works for you because you haven't spent much money on it, looks like a more authentic expression of whoever you are irl. It's when people are in full designer, but dressing like some grungy bum there's just a disconnect.

i like this, where you at? feel like this only would work in certain places.

>No other sizes of this image found.
dios mio.

>> No.17375629

Slick dinner fit senpai. Not entirely sold on the tie as you've had better ties

>> No.17375632

Well it looks like Christmas string lights and wasn’t as loud as my other Christmas ties, plus it coordinated with my gf’s dress (purple)

>> No.17375635


>> No.17375676

lol ryan goodridance, same for the rest of those clowns desu

>> No.17375689

shave ur belly nigga
federal agent core looks good though
you look like a very ugly vampire

>> No.17375695

is there any price you have in mind that would get you in bed with me?
i won't hurt you, unless you want me to.

>> No.17375719


>> No.17375731
File: 1.22 MB, 1911x3789, 55702998-D7A5-45FA-9491-36824BAB71A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing my fav jumpsuit out tonight :3
Oh idk I’ve been around a while, I just haven’t posted in waywt for a rly long time lol.

This, ew
Tyty ur guys r so good
Yung lean?

>> No.17375756

>and itnworks extremely well. Seems like a skill issue to me. Go find a dimifferent forum to be a stinkyhead on and leave this friendly mongolian basket weaving forum alone
Yea maybe it actually looks better in person, I shouldn't be knocking it. Good luck on your style journey. Still, this is just common sense to me; these are the rules I learned.

>> No.17375833
File: 728 KB, 1782x1200, 2022.12.04 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone's looking pretty good today

>> No.17375950

Except you
You look like a Chinese man waiting for the bus
Decent fit tho

>> No.17375958

all of them seemed to have lives to be able to afford cool clothes and Arachni left because of /pol/losers .

>> No.17375960
File: 144 KB, 630x499, IMG_20221203_192327~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work fit last week. Also had a black suede jacket.

>> No.17375963 [DELETED] 


>> No.17375965

You work as a cowboy gigolo?

>> No.17375970
File: 1.65 MB, 2730x3640, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of going to an office dinner party in this, just like >>17375571, but more importantly does anyone now where I can buy black/white striped pants? I can't find any that aren't too skinny or too short.

I like the fits, brothers.

>> No.17375973

For the right price, sure

>> No.17376002
File: 56 KB, 1000x668, 261295_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17376034
File: 530 KB, 2594x1744, 1663710681529588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirin' from afar senpai.

>> No.17376042

Hawt but this is /fa/ not /fit/ so gtfo with that

>> No.17376046

dont worry his outfit looked like shit

>> No.17376075

what shoe?

>> No.17376078

Just a reminder your fits are ugly because you have an ugly body

>> No.17376111

It's pretty much the same as yours except hairier. In fact I'm also representing misaligned abs genetic refuse gang.

>> No.17376113

You look miserable, bro. Get a job and an apartment and leave your parent's house. Just be gay and trash the entire "trans" thing because it's omega cringe.

>> No.17376120

She looks gorgeous, would romantically pursue until the inevitable soul crushing rejection.

>> No.17376123

Good fit

>> No.17376129

Why do you dress like a woman? Genuine question.

>> No.17376132

Cool minus the shoes

>> No.17376134


>> No.17376156

I don't get it.

>> No.17376157

Stop samefagging bro.

>> No.17376168

Stop projecting your psychosexual phobias on everybody else bro.

>> No.17376172

Ok boomer >‿<

>> No.17376174

How ironic.

>> No.17376190

Fwiw I'm >>17375960 and >>17376034 is someone reposting an old /cbt/ pic of mine.

>> No.17376192
File: 59 KB, 864x253, Screenshot_20221204-094558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 phoneposting

>> No.17376224
File: 438 KB, 1079x1060, not senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea wasn't him who posted his cbt, it me

>> No.17376297

>shave ur belly
no, bitches love a happy trail
Reebok DMX 1600 Gray/Lemon
yea those shoes dont rly go w the fit tbqh, might try it again w/ diff ones

>> No.17376298

you get no bitches though you are the bitches

>> No.17376321

arachni left because he was an attentionfag who couldn't separate his online and real life. he talked big game, but when it came down to it he was just another bitch. had nothing to do with /pol/

>> No.17376339
File: 2.25 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20221123_100424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kind of a basic fit. Carhartt pants and Sperry waterproof boat shoes.

Eastern European grandpa core desu
Cute but autistic
Very nice but not very het
Brown shirt/10
Black shoes clash a little but it's fresh
Why did I turn so many jumpsuits down when I could have tied the sleeves like this FUCK. That said I likey a lot
Chukkas in a sexcore fit. I like
Super bisexual. If you were southern this fit would include more brown and much less/no black
Rick Owens quote/10

>> No.17376362

I don't know why you included me in that reply chain for asking if we should use this thread or wait for huck to start thread wars again.

>> No.17376366

i am bitches but bitches get bitches

>> No.17376388

Idk you look like a movie state trooper
Ty ur goated
That’s so cool (I don’t think I am)
>get a job
I’m an aerospace manufacturing engineer
>get an apartment
I own one already?
>just be gay
I have a gf?
>it’s cringe
I don’t care I’m happy with myself and I wasn’t before :3
Idk I like my appearance a lot more it’s made me comfortable in my own body. Plus androgynous and women’s fashion is so much more fun and interesting :)
I don’t need to samefag I’m a confident person and don’t need to larp on the internet to feel good about myself :)

>> No.17376399

He never claimed to be trans nor female.

>> No.17376405

I didn’t call him trans or a woman, simply curious why he wears women’s clothes

>> No.17376418

sweatpants and a t-shirt. what I wear everyday.

>> No.17376419

Fwiw I consider myself within the trans umbrella, I’m on estrogen and have been for years, but like I just don’t rly consider myself any gender and I just kinda don’t think about it. I’m just, myself lol. People can refer to me however they want and I don’t rly care.

>> No.17376422

He posts all the time in "trans"gender threads on the gay board and yes he is "trans"gender whatever that means anymore.

>> No.17376426
File: 1.50 MB, 1456x2588, C39490F6-9580-42A6-BF2C-365EF5E2152D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17376430

will you please classify yourself as either male or female and dress accordingly and stop confusing my dick? thanks.

>> No.17376441

>I’m just, myself lol.
I can respect that and it's wholly your business what you want to be but
Ew. I didn't know he was an attention whore as his actions contradicts "I’m a confident person and don’t need to larp on the internet to feel good about myself :)" Disappointing really so I'll just filter out his posts

>> No.17376444
File: 206 KB, 1182x1184, Screenshot 2022-12-04 at 21.11.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17376449

Ye I hang out in one of the generals cus I used to identify as female before realizing it doesn’t suit me
No :^)
Not an attention whore just a little histrionic

>> No.17376465

why the everloving fuck are you still poisoning yourself with cross sex hormones? you do realize it is actually killing you.

>> No.17376475

Cus test is poison and bad for aging & retaining prettiness/cuteness

>> No.17376548

I would cum inside you raw

>> No.17376551
File: 337 KB, 1079x1503, gaykiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one listens

>> No.17376616


>> No.17376681 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x1960, 20221204_165250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good evening senpaitachis.

>antique double albert sterling silver watch chain trombone link w/ rondels dated 1915
>off-white black active seamless sport top
>chrome hearts cross belt buckle w/ generic black leather belt strap
>thrifted black wool pants
>velasca fruttiroeu in black
>personalized Yin × BK201 airpods strap from amazon bc unwilling 2 pay 4 merch
>locally thrifted leather jacket
wish ur hair was curly instead of straight and thinning. then u'd b a 8.5/10
can't rly see da colors but looks comfy
this is the first camo fit ive ever liked. sweater hangs how it should with perfect bagginess. the jeans are a perfect fit. glasses don't match the fit.

>> No.17376689
File: 3.29 MB, 1960x4032, 20221204_174325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17376694

Show cat now! Nice boots

>> No.17376706

good evening senpaitachis.
>antique double albert sterling silver watch chain trombone link w/ rondels dated 1915
>off-white black active seamless sport top
>chrome hearts cross belt buckle w/ black leather belt strap
>thrifted black wool pants
>velasca fruttiroeu in black
>personalized Yin × BK201 airpods strap from amazon bc unwilling 2 pay 4 merch
>locally thrifted leather jacket
>>17375960 #
wish ur hair was curly instead of straight and thinning. then u'd b a 8.5/10
>>17376339 #
can't rly see da colors but looks comfy
>>17376551 #
this is the first camo fit ive ever liked. sweater hangs how it should with perfect bagginess. the jeans are a perfect fit. glasses don't match the fit.

>> No.17376739

Not a bad fit, but all black is boring

>> No.17376757
File: 1.86 MB, 2730x3640, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. This is the only pic I have on me. Pick your cat.

Thanks bro. The shirt isn't velvet though and the bolo tie is kind of ass. It's plastic and too light to stay put, but I've ordered a new one online. Cool hair. I miss having long hair.

>> No.17376764 [DELETED] 

>black is boring
please take a look closer at the finer details (or not). first black fit i posted fr

>> No.17376769

>black is boring
please take a closer look at the smaller details (or not). first black fit i posted fr

>> No.17376802
File: 2.05 MB, 2208x2944, PSX_20221204_155727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to get better clothes, and definitely need to get better clothes after the whole BBullshit but went to work dressed like this today.

Been working on losing weight again too. Work sorta took over a lot of my scheduling.

>> No.17376804

What do you do for work anon?

>> No.17376811
File: 58 KB, 403x401, qtvvxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just take care of severely mentally handicapped adults and try to rehabilitate them to take care of themselves and make sure they don't hurt other people.

Nothing too crazy, its a great job but the scheduling I'm still getting used to.

>> No.17376854

Yep, still looks terrible bro. Women's clothes look atrocious on men. Nothing you're wearing fits at all. People will stare at you but for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.17376858

i hate bewbs im not gay, like u for igor. just admit u wanna fuc him already

>> No.17376870

power shitter spotted :^)

>> No.17376875

...philly? Is that you?

>> No.17376884
File: 2.86 MB, 2168x3066, IMG_20221203_162318293~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I look weird, like an old man blah blah blah... I love my grandfathers why wouldn't I want to emulate them...

>> No.17377078

half of you look like gay normies and the other half are literally dad at the mall tier

>> No.17377088

Post fit

>> No.17377101
File: 159 KB, 1310x2880, 20221204_205424_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weather is only growing grimmer

Beautiful fit
I dont even know what that symbol is but it looks fascist
What material is that black shirt? Looks like an interesting texture but id be worried its synthetic fleece
Looks good to me, pants fit well, but you really need some nice leather shoes to match the rest of the clothes

>> No.17377140

>super bisexual
>if ur hair was curly instead of straight and thinning
You have me mixed up w a differrent anon. Its straight, but borders on asian hair with how dense and stubborn it is

>> No.17377204

Not bad, but the pants look too baggy in relation to everything else. I’d go for something a bit slimmer/straigher

>> No.17377212

would consult friendly with because curation of material is on point no copulation

>> No.17377218

what brand boots are those

I fw with the pants on those boots too.

>> No.17377362

nice fit. ID on the shoes?
maybe a preference thing, but dual color fits are a bit odd to me. decent fit though.
ditch the chain maybe
concur with >>17376739. good accessorizing but all black needs to go over and beyond to be rly good
u look good bro no need to be defensive and lash out. would get a cap and less washed out clothes tho.

>> No.17377422

>dual color

It's just black though. Not like you can match shades of black. They're all different.

>> No.17377443

fix your beta posture

>> No.17377457

why you on there brother :o

>> No.17377458

it is synthetic fleece-- i believe it's primaloft's competitor to polartec alpha
thx. clarks wallabees

>> No.17377567

Your other fits are better, are you male or female?

>> No.17377601


>> No.17377607

14y old twink look, faggot.

>> No.17377658

muscle man?

>> No.17377671
File: 3.52 MB, 1903x3850, IMG_20221205_184751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17377681

I did post muscle once yeah. When you guys tried to dab on my bro for his forearms.

>> No.17377704
File: 72 KB, 244x590, Screenshot_20221205-173119_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17377720

Please get real shoes

>> No.17377728

oh hhhnnnfff
GOD TIER fit. went to my inspo folder

>> No.17377825

they are real shoes

>> No.17377888

If they’re so real why can I not touch them

>> No.17378116
File: 313 KB, 911x2301, 34687349876098234762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always looking good!

You have a good selection of earthtones with this fit. You seem like you live on the east coast

How long you been playing?

Everything looks good except the shoes. Very out of place.

This looks great. Its hard to tell with the lighting, but is your jacket green?

>> No.17378152

can definitely tell you have eaten men's cum before lmaoooo. just screams closet case

>> No.17378154

kek this one of those 'soibois in work wear' pics taken from reddit, right?

>> No.17378156


>> No.17378158

Looking good as always my man

>> No.17378159

dredging for memes lol the worst people actually post their faces there

>> No.17378172

Wrong. Believe it or not I actually work commercial construction. I really don't understand why people get a visceral reaction when they see workwear and start screaming, "oMg Lolz rEdDiT SOI!!!!!!!11!"

>> No.17378185

Because usually construction workers don't wear cowboy button up shirts and pristine untarnished jeans. So regardless if you actually work construction or not you're still wearing the construction workers uniform, akin to boot tards wearing engineers boots, or wearing a motorcycle jacket but not riding a motorcycle

>> No.17378189
File: 347 KB, 1672x1254, 4568435745674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do earthwork. There's this really interesting thing that happens not on construction sites where guys beat their chest in the blue collar olympics and make fun of those who purchase workwear for home use instead of only wearing their work duds literally all the time, but also amongst average retards like you who see someone wearing nice workwear and immediately start screaming, "SOI!!!". I've worked on sites with guys from all walks of life, some of them being tieback anchor drillers who also work modelling gigs on their spare time, and dudes who work themselves to death and try to tear those down who see the value in having their separate outfits for home use. What do you do for work? Retail?

>> No.17378195

>thinking im gonna read all this cope

>> No.17378201

Shut up, kike

>> No.17378202


>> No.17378204
File: 427 KB, 2048x1364, u3kr82j4dzc71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe no one on this SHIT FAGGOT NEWFAG FILLED BOARD doesn't recognize who this is. PIC FUCKING RELATED

>> No.17378206
File: 371 KB, 1440x1800, DB6C1F66-90B5-4DC6-A98F-B49333D2EB55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these EYTYS angels on sale

>> No.17378209

You obviously read it, you're projecting and are actually the one coping. What I found really funny about this interaction is that you seemed to know quite a bit about workwear, which leads me to think that you're jealous and felt the need to huck some turds, only to find out you actually didn't know what you're talking about. Btw, you never answered my question of what you do for work

>> No.17378221

holy shit the neck size wasnt edited KEK

>> No.17378262
File: 185 KB, 482x1111, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello i am wearing a fast fashion mass produced jacket, store jeans, and a band t shirt :) also not pictured some very basic black clarks
idk that tactical choker is pretty sus bro, cool fit tho
nice hair and comfy fit
based blue collar chad btfoing the limp wristed zoomer larper

>> No.17378410

Mang, whats brand of jacket I've been looking for one that looks like that for a while.

>> No.17378585

>How long you been playing?

Like 3 hours total basically.

It's a Schott LCMAINE2. I think they just finished having a sale, although beware of QC.

>> No.17378624
File: 1.01 MB, 2950x1311, 5533DE51-A0C9-4383-BA6F-7187E572D983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting ready to go to work (teaching) and normally this skirt makes me look good but today I feel frumpy… maybe it’s the jumper, any advice?
That’s nice, why do you have 2 caps though
I like it, the sunglasses somehow make you look friendly
I’m not American- do people actually dress like this?

>> No.17378637

Update, I tucked it in and it looks better. Sage

>> No.17378641

fave hot muscular cbt chad/10

>> No.17378643

i took it at my wagie busser job kek in this creepy ass back area

>> No.17378644

where do you work, at the ponderosa

>> No.17378651

>maybe it’s the jumper

Maybe it's all the testosterone that comes with being born a male.

>> No.17378664
File: 822 KB, 3547x3547, PSX_20221206_180535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need advice. I really like the shirt, but I'm a manlet. Looks like I'm drowning in it when buttoned.
Should I return? Crop it? Wear as is?

>> No.17378681

Why did you get it so big, is it thrifted? Just get 1 size down

>> No.17378684
File: 839 KB, 472x1400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On sale and oversized fit.
Aside from length it fits since I have wide shoulders.

>> No.17378718

great fit but u gotta get a better cam bro
and maybe change the pants
change the cap i think trim beard too but that one's your choice
everything besides shoes and pants is too oversized, also pants suck. you have a decent taste, but you have to work on your style.

>> No.17378747

have you tried tucking it in
otherwise probably return it and get a smaller size; if your shirt goes over the crotch of your pants it will always look bad.

>> No.17378769

those accentuating lines look cool, where's the shirt from?

>> No.17378830

>I’m not American- do people actually dress like this?

Yes this a pretty typical weekend look for me

>> No.17378831

This, man in women’s clothes is always gonna look fucking hilarious

>> No.17378843

I'm so butthurt bros.

>> No.17378846
File: 37 KB, 500x216, 98142EEA-66C9-43FC-9941-683AF970E3DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17378854

Lmao, dude. You couldn't even use a female emoji to cover your face?

>> No.17378882

Crop it. It works in the model shot bc the hem is higher up. Just make sure you pin the hem first before you shorten it to nail exactly where it should sit

>> No.17378908
File: 1.08 MB, 629x1600, signal-2022-12-06-161250_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17378917

You're supposed to ask me what happened.

>> No.17378919

OwO who dis?

>> No.17378920

its me mario

>> No.17378949

pants r too skinny for oversized shirt

>> No.17379008

>100 gecs
You're trying!!

>> No.17379064


>> No.17379072
File: 3.92 MB, 750x1334, 32F99165-AB6D-49B9-ADCE-276E84AA772E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17379112
File: 504 KB, 1960x924, 20221204_115258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep, still looks terrible bro. Women's clothes look atrocious on men. Nothing you're wearing fits at all. People will stare at you but for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.17379186

Are you an actual grill on 4chan?

>> No.17379202
File: 25 KB, 480x344, 1669042191130043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice photo

>> No.17379211

>doc martens
Leftist twink detected

>> No.17379212

>post a random unrelated pic without any timestamp to own the critics
lmao, ball's in your court brotard

>> No.17379221

filename's the same as the fits. lurk moar bro

>> No.17379226

You have great fits! Reminds me of Harry Dean Stanton.

>> No.17379253
File: 2.91 MB, 3106x4096, IMG_20221206_212544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought the jacket despite everyone saying it was ugly lmao

>> No.17379274

Where do I get pants like these from?

>> No.17379309

lmao yeah just change the last digit. nah i'm good bro, my criticism of your terrible fit stands.

>> No.17379312

urban, they're their pinstripe trousers.

>> No.17379318
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 1604059512722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I thought these were men's trousers...

>> No.17379321

Pretty pricey, but these are in the same vein and are fucking sick

>> No.17379324

No time stamp, you are a man

>> No.17379327

They are and it's a man wearing them. They just are ill fitting.

>> No.17379344

they're not mens trousers and I'm not a man lmao

>> No.17379361

No these are trash.

>> No.17379366

seethe. it only makes me happy

>> No.17379407


>> No.17379442

say it MOAR i wanna hear u cry LOUDER

>> No.17379558
File: 905 KB, 1566x3492, 12062218422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17379622

there's no way that you are happy but youve got sick fits

>> No.17379665

>You really need some nice leather shoes to match the rest of your clothes

>Shoes are out of place

I don't follow this type of mentality. If you are truly interested in fashion, why would you restrict yourself to following boring rules?

Clothes are an expression of creativity to me. I intentionally wore the sneakers because I enjoy the mixture/clash of styles.

>> No.17379689

needs a reboot

>> No.17379735

The problem is it doesn't come off as somebody intentionally breaking "the rules". It just looks like somebody who is just starting to get interested in fashion but doesnt understand what types of items complement eachother. Because the shoes look like cheap shit for teens/manchildren.

>> No.17379745
File: 61 KB, 482x510, black top fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing a shitty tank top and sweat pants
because I barely leave my house

>> No.17379755

That's not a good mentality to have. In order to experiment, you must know the classic fundamentals of what makes an outfit look good, such as what colors match, what types of shirts should you generally wear with what types of pants, etc. Not all experimentation is going to be good by any means. Similar to musicians, you generally cannot make really awesome groundbreaking songs that break outside the norm without having a good understanding of music theory and what is ACTUALLY going to work when you choose to start going outside the box.

Please take your meds and go outside

>> No.17379769

Post fit or stfu

>> No.17379774

>black tank and gray joggers
meaty beefy muscle king

>> No.17379776

furry cosplay pervert uwu


>> No.17379877

Once you start dressing for yourself instead of other people, you'll realise what I'm talking about ;)

Go back and read my initial post.

>> No.17379886

>Posts his fit on a WAYWT thread
>Receives balanced, fair criticism and advice
>Clearly gets butthurt and insecure and tries to hide it by acting like he only dresses to impress himself and express creativity and that his sense of fashion is just too advanced and we don't understand it

Nigga if you cannot take some honest, constructive criticism, then I would just not even post on here. Nobody even roasted you that bad and in fact even gave you some level of compliment. Every single person who posts on these threads is either looking for affirmation, or looking for fashion advice. If you truly didn't care, you would not have replied to literally every single person who gave you some advice. It's a definite sign that you have strong remnants of a boyish mental state despite residing within an adult male's body.

>> No.17379894

are you joking? You people give nothing but shit advice. You bitches be tellin' people to wear capes and shit, anon should wear whatever the fuck he wants and post whatever he wants, he's 100% right about fashion, you're just a jackass with his head so far up his ass about what you think is right. What looks shit to you today will look great to someone tomorrow, eat a dick

>> No.17379911

Relax mate hahahaha

Highschool sucks right though??

>> No.17379915
File: 1.90 MB, 2930x3907, 20221207_012650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only way i know of paring jeans
Tho, i know, trouser shade is all wrong

>> No.17379916

You literally just proved my point about being an overgrown child just by the way you reacted right there. Like, for your own good if you don't like receiving advice on these threads then you should absolutely never post on here again. Nobody ever told you to wear a cape, you made that shit up in your head. Literally all that happened was that you went for the classic 1960s-1980s dad mode but fucked it up with your choice of shoes and every single person that replied to your post told you the exact same thing. Wear the shoes if you want, but that is absolutely not the outfit you should wear them with. A pair of brown leather shoes or boots would have made it a perfect fit.

>> No.17379927

Can you read? Cant see through your angry tears or something hahaha relax please I don't want anyone to get upset...

That's someone else...

>> No.17379931

>f-fashion is about following rules
>a-actually it's about experimenting and being unique
you retards are god damn laughable really. You fashion snobs really can't decide on what you actually want to see, or what you actually consider fashion to be, just a pathetic bunch of trend followers and brand slaves. How old are you anyway? You sound like an insecure zoomer who tries too hard. Embarrassing really

>> No.17379934

Why would he/you post here if he doesnt care and will just wear whatever anyways? And why exactly is "wear shoes that dont stick out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of your clothes" bad advice? Most people want their outfits to make sense and be pleasing to the eye, so most people would appreciate that kind of advice.

>> No.17379938
File: 25 KB, 507x565, hypocrites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17379939

cuz some people just wanna post whatever they want you absolute faggot, they don't wanna hear you whine and bitch about how we're not following the latest zoomer fashion trends about muh baggy and vibrant mac demarco clothes or not following some gay autistic fashion rules you just came up with
that anon looks fine, it's a comfy fit, I'm sure you think it could look better, but that's not objective, let anon wear whatever the fuck he wants without throwing an autism fit, you fucking manchild, you absolute cretin, idiot, buffoon, I will break you

>> No.17379943

>Wears horrendous solomon trail running shoes with the classic semi dress dad fit
>"anon looks fine"
Literally the only point being made by everybody is that the shoes are completely out of place lmao, and that point ACTUALLY attempted to be challenged

>> No.17379945
File: 7 KB, 128x128, 386674289635622933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange how this random anon is so angry and defensive over another anon's outfit.

>> No.17379947

>doesn't know what a dad/grandpa fit looks like
it's like, you haven't spent any fucking time around you dad or your grandparents
fucking failed male over here, motherfucker thinks dads or grandparents are gonna wear some uncomfortable ass shoes rather than wear some comfy ass running sketchers or whatever the fuck
jesus christ anonette, maybe spent some time around your family instead of looking at soiboy fashion tumblr pages, you might learn to blend into society a little better and look like less of an estrogenized fucking DOPE

>> No.17379948

kek the shoes look stupid af though
you sound like this pathetic anon >>17378262

>> No.17379951

I'm having a laff m8
it's all in good fun m8
you know what's even more pathetic? Thinking that calling me out is gonna somehow prove me wrong lol

>> No.17379955

Oh damn, pulling the whole reverse psychology thing on me and bringing it back to my parents. Oh and if that wasn't enough.....you even called me a soiboi? Fuck dude I can't argue with that. NOTHING can ever help you to recover if some anonymous person on a japanese anime image board throws the soiboi insult. Like damn bro, when someone logs onto a an image board curated for weebs and limp wristed wall flower types and calls YOU a sissy faggot limp wristed zoomer reddit soiboi, you just cannot argue with that

>> No.17379957

you're the retard that's bitching about supposedly out of place shoes on a fucking grandpa fit

don't respond to me again idiot, you're gonna get me angry

>> No.17379960

>Buts into a debate he wasn't even part of to defend some anon with a shitty fit
>Continues to defend anon with a shitty fit on an image board specifically for fashion advice
>Realizes he can't die on that hill forever so anon resorts to shooting in the dark with ad hominem attacks and claims that I have a shitty relationship with my parents


>> No.17379961

why are you still responding to me? Go spend some time with your dad or your grandparents, get some hair on your chest little man, that way you can learn to dress like them

>> No.17379962

>why are you still responding to me?
>responds to me

>> No.17379966

can't wait till you stop posting lol

>> No.17379971
File: 2.83 MB, 2168x3066, 34630294860938463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is so funny about this whole interaction was that logical conclusion of his incoherent nonsense was that he was defending these. Like, what the FUCK are these?

>> No.17379975

>failed male
stance you're posting on /fa/ at 35 mate lmao

>> No.17379978

>Some anon
You know I'm the greatest because even after all these years I can still cause a stir anonymously

>> No.17379984

Anon, have you changed your fit today? Please post it and let us see if you've taken everyone's advice

>> No.17379986
File: 2.03 MB, 2001x2900, IMG_20221202_075632890~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look fucken sick what are you talking about
That post wasn't me and I'm not that old.

>> No.17379990

Honestly, if you were to work as a faculty member in your local university's Physics department, you could pull off that look

>> No.17379992

go spend some time with your grandparents please I am begging you
yeah old as fuck and still better looking than you mate suck my ass
god those shoes look mad fuxking comfy

>> No.17380008

I like your nails

>> No.17380020
File: 3.71 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20221125_191111616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same shoes

>> No.17380031


>> No.17380032

looks like going to record sounds in the field

>> No.17380041

>The shoes look cheap
Lmoa christ, shut the fuck up MFA fedoralord.
His entire fit is comfycore, nothing looks especially expensive, it could easily all be cheap and thrifted, your reasoning for the shoes being out of place because the look cheap shows how much of a clueless fashion victim you are.

The reddit bug person logic you have that his trousers and shirt=expensive and quality because it's cotton and old timey, yet the shoes being bad and cheap because they are more modern is such a low IQ take.

I don't even necessarily disagree that they clash, but it isn't a very big deal on such a casual fit.

>> No.17380052
File: 107 KB, 1200x1600, 1666937776753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting https://www.grailed.com/listings/35941265-supreme-x-yohji-yamamoto-yohji-yamamoto-x-supreme-this-was-tomorrow-tee

>> No.17380055

ironic from the reddit transplant that has been on this board 1> month

>> No.17380070
File: 1.23 MB, 2251x4000, 20221206_185750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would cum in you raw

>> No.17380072

>there's no way that you are happy but
u could be right or u could b wrong n u will never see the end result of that. at the end of the day, i am real n u will keep serving me coffee.

>> No.17380074
File: 1.41 MB, 3024x4032, BLARGGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17380092

I'd on those shoes

>> No.17380332

>cuz some people just wanna post whatever they want you absolute faggot
sure, but what happened was that you/he posted what you/he wanted, then anons posted what they wanted, and you got assmad that they did what you/he did.

>> No.17380342

>No you

>> No.17380350

I think I know.

>> No.17380354

u don't kno, n u will nvr kno

>> No.17380359

doesn't really prove much desu

>> No.17380369

>Notice the lack of hips because he's a dude. And then there is the large adult human male ribcage. But most cringeworthy of all is the shopped in "breast".

>> No.17380371

i asked 4 moar and u answered. my happiness comes in the form of control

>> No.17380377

I dunno why you bitches keep assuming I'm mad, maybe you're projecting cuz I am 100% correct in what I'm saying and it makes you mad so you assume I am mad??? Absolutely preposterous, I am the definition of calm, fuck you

the only point I'm really trying to make is that you're all a bunch of elitist whiney vocal fry dopes who don't know what a comfy grandpa fit looks like, the sketchers are the icing on top, and you faggots would know that if you actually spent any time around your family instead of being a bunch of little bitch faggots with no nipples, bitching about shit you have no understanding of because you're a bunch of zoomshit newfags who haven't lived on this bitch of an earth long enough. Just downright embarrassing really. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. And if you're just posting this to get a reaction out of people, then congrats but uhhh you just look retarded and you're just a laugh9ingstock so congrats???? idiots??

>> No.17380379

all da porn in da world but u choose 2 let me see u squirmy squirm squirm

>> No.17380380

>I dunno why you bitches keep assuming I'm mad
>proceeds to show why we assume you are mad

>> No.17380381

He's a reminder of everything you don't have

>> No.17380390

i might wanna beat you up, but that doesn'\t mean i am mad, just an annoying pest i wanna squash, like a mosquito trying to suck my blood, you are a bugman trying to suck the soul out of people, i bet you have an iphone and wear 1000 dollar shoes, stop responding to me

>> No.17380392

watching ppl skitz out and samefag is too funny. i will do anything 2 perpetuate my circus

>> No.17380399

sorry my shoes were 1.7k

>> No.17380404

my shoes r 2k

>> No.17380417

shut up idiot i wear sketchers and i will kick your flat ass with them they cost me 20 dollars and they are good for kicking flat bony twink ass

>> No.17380430
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>> No.17380431

cool fit

>> No.17380444
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>> No.17380530
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x2268, 20221207_120345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll rate yall's fits later, rn gotta get to class

>> No.17380660
File: 417 KB, 833x1615, image18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17380685

Was the boy legs about not wanting to squat in that other thread you too

>> No.17380693

Want a insta or archive of your fits for inspo please. Haven't been on fa long ty

>> No.17380733
File: 17 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17380756
File: 862 KB, 1112x3248, 20221207_193411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how people pose for photos but going for grunge vibes thru autumn and winter

>> No.17380773

Is literally every "woman" on this board a tranny? Btw, dressing up in women's cosplay and cutting off your dick is not going to fix any of your deeper psychological issues.

>> No.17380777

Dude, you look miserable. Your wig looks like it needs a chinstrap to keep it on straight, you stand like a ball-swinging cowboy and if I'm honest you look a complete joke and not a very funny one at that. Stop dressing up in a Halloween costume because that's literally what it is when a man tries to "wear" women's clothing. The flannel is the only decent thing, start over with that.

>> No.17380785

Legitimate questions. Is she or he. And seperately her style is good but no trip name to look for in warosu

>> No.17380787

How much do you get paid to be here so much

>> No.17380788

I don't want him to stop posting though. I like Iberican meat. He looks real juicy

>> No.17380794
File: 24 KB, 751x200, Capture123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally three different people, I think you are on here too much, sir.

>> No.17380795

I really don't understand what larger point you're trying to make. Its honestly pretty cringe.

>> No.17380807
File: 1.17 MB, 2160x2880, Lover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can fill you I want to you
He'll ya

>> No.17380820

Sure buddy, sure

>> No.17380826

it's literally a basic black skirt and my natural hair, go outside lol

>> No.17380846


>> No.17380849
File: 730 KB, 1201x1600, 94b1e61c-dfa0-46d1-93f3-f87d62a975a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't think people know what he looks like kek

>> No.17380853

yoooo steve jobs?

>> No.17380883

So you can get off to them, pedo?

>> No.17380914

>Born with a penis
>Thinks that they're literally a woman

Damn bro, you really got me with "go outside lol"

>> No.17380915

LMAO the fact he's gone quiet means it is him

>> No.17380937

I am literally a woman, maybe i was born with a penis or maybe not. Who actually gives a shit? The only people something like that even concerns are people that I care about and trust enough to be that physically close to me anyway. Not that you would understand.

Unironically, can i get some clothing suggestions? Trying to update my wardrobe.

>> No.17380943


>> No.17380964

So what is your endgame, little dude? No gay guy will want to hook up with you because you're dressed like a woman and as far as I can tell gays guys traditionally aren't attracted to women. No straight woman will want to hook up with you because you're dressed like a woman and again traditionally speaking straight women like men. No lesbian will want to hook up with you because you are a man albeit dressed like a woman. You see the problem right? By dressing in clownish "trans" fashion you are making yourself undateable. Pull yourself together man, and just have the balls to be gay. Srsly.

>> No.17380970
File: 274 KB, 1080x728, Aids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y r u gey

>> No.17380979

thx for making me realize this is what I've been sounding like omg. you sound so cringe to be around

>> No.17380993
File: 140 KB, 561x1111, my name is not important.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fan of chokers but you do you, maybe try adding a necklace? The fit is already very nice, just change the solid color black skirt into denim or something with a pattern to improve it
cool megadave shirt btw

>> No.17381000

Why? Because it's nobody's concern what's between my legs? How is that cringe??
I'm literally dating a lesbian. Bisexual and dated guys most of my life. Answer me, how is a flannel and skirt clownish? Seems kinda basic to me.

>> No.17381038

>I'm literaly more wealthy than Elon Musk. Everybody in the world agrees Im the most smartest. Also Im an astronuat.
lmao thanks for the laughs bro

>> No.17381047

Did you mean to respond to me? I don't get it

>> No.17381076

I think he meant nobody believes your bullshit pronouncements.

>> No.17381081

>maybe i was born with a penis or maybe not. Who actually gives a shit?
Jeez idk maybe literally every woman who doesn't want you invading their bathrooms or changing rooms or locker rooms? and yeah as mentioned several times before me, yo /fa/sh is cringe fr fr

>> No.17381082

oi oi, y u chasing other men?! thot u wanted 2 wack ur pp 2 me ONLY

>> No.17381091 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1306x2560, naow am cryin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna cum powder ur nose in my bathroom babe?

>> No.17381105

Good to know you're able to talk for ecery woman ever. My cis friends are totally fine with gnc people, you're just oldfashioned.

>> No.17381127

>"You can't speak on behalf of what defines a woman because you're not a woman"

If I were to ask you to define a cat, and you did, I could just tell you, "Good to know you're able to talk for every cat ever". This argument does not work. You're literally a dude who is appropriating womanhood and wearing it like a costume. Putting on makeup, wearing a dress, and going to the extent of even going on HRT and cutting off your dick will not change your DNA. You likely started transitioning because you found it sexually exciting to imagine being a woman and started fetishizing it. What's even more crazy is that whenever you troons expect others to recognize you as a woman, it is coming from what is originally a sexual fetish, and everybody around you is somehow obligated to play in and participate in your fetish.

>> No.17381131

I actually lived as a girl a large amount of my life. I never felt comfortable in the whole 'being male' thing. I have little interest in sex.

>> No.17381135

If I ever saw someone like you trying to enter a woman's bathroom, I'd grab you by the shoulder and say "Hey man, not cool. It's sex not gender. Please use the correct space assigned to you." And if you resisted I'd elbow smash your temple, dropping you instantaneously. I would then speeddial the local police with my left hand and with my right hand I would remove your shoelaces and tie up your hands and feet in a restraint knot that I cannot describe because it is only legal to use with proper certification, thus preventing your escape. Keep in mind I have a gopro on me everyday as an everyday carry (edc) which or course would exonerate me from any wrongdoing. And yeah your fashion choices are shit.

>> No.17381146

I'm curious as to what thought processes went through your head to where you eventually came to the conclusion that despite being biologically male with a penis you are somehow a woman. I mean, you have to at least admit that that is literally the definition of a delusion. Whoever encouraged and groomed you into believing that your a girl should be thrown in prison. Its abuse

>> No.17381155

Actual schizoid behavior
Thanks. I think i was trying to make a choker work bur it's kind of outdated as an accessory now right? I only have like two skirts but I'll consider it when i need to clothes shop next :)

>> No.17381161

wow you guys are so fucking cool literally arguing nonstop about sketchers and capes and what's between someone's legs wow just so cooool very cool fashion thread very cool

>> No.17381165

>Avoids direct questions and does not offer any convincing rebuttal and instead resorts to baseless ad hominem attacks

Its true that trannies really are not mentally well

>> No.17381175
File: 203 KB, 558x838, image_2022-12-07_233139600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i NEED to convince you? you sound so fucked in the head. this is a fashion board right? you came out and immediately started with the gnc hate and now you're going to bring it back around onto me? re-evaluate your shit and grow up.

also here's an outfit i like

>> No.17381192

You're telling me to grow up? That's pretty rich coming from someone who is still playing pretend as an adult. The person who is so obviously a man is telling the person who is reminding them that they're living in a literal delusion that they should grow up? What a world we live in

>> No.17381196

>also here's an outfit i like
Yeah it looks good on her because she is a woman and it was designed for a woman's body.

>> No.17381212

nice fit, id probably switch the skirt for smth not black, maybe have tights with an interesting pattern too, also switch the boots for smth less chunky and less white. p normal fit overall tho
please stop feeding them, they just havent accepted themselves yet so they project their desires onto other people, then get mad at them because they are very jealous and insecure in themselves

>> No.17381220

Kek that's a good one; now post an actual picture of yourself and not some tranny

>> No.17381221

Haha, the good old reverse psychology nonsense. "Its okay, Queen. They just aren't happy with themselves". This is such a red herring fallacy. The actual relevant point to be made is that people generally are fucking fed up with mentally ill freaks determining what language people get to use, what spaces they can invade, and what utterly depraved filth they are allowed to tell children. Feed us or not, everyone everywhere across the world except the US will agree that male trannies are not literally women. I would love to see that guy go to any Asian or African country and be laughed at. At the end of the day, he is simply just a confused gay man.

>> No.17381241

holy shit literally no one cares this much about trans people unless they are repressing something. less than 1% of people are trans, if you think they're icky you can just stop caring because you will likely never have to see them.

>> No.17381247

new thread!!!! move there this ones full of /fa/shion posts and discussions regarding /fa/shion

>> No.17381274

clean your fucking room

>> No.17381280

its clean now

>> No.17381368

>outdated as an accessory now right?
I wouldn't say outdated, but I feel as if it's for a different look entirely, too clean looking if that makes sense? If you're brainstorming for ideas a rough leather collar/choker with some studded holes worn pretty loose could work and be pretty unique

>> No.17381647

agree with others on swapping to a non-black skirt. disagree about adding pattern to tights. bright white on the boots is a bit much compared to how low-key the rest is
it works
average semi-rural blue collar white man
a normal guy of average neck length
bottom half is doodoo. get unfaded jeans that fit
>feeding trolls not only a (You) but going all in and giving them a FAEST

>> No.17381654

>average semi-rural blue collar white man
oops this was for >>17380070

>> No.17381834

What about it?

>> No.17381861

Whats the jacket

>> No.17381974
File: 510 KB, 1446x2286, 20FDDB61-6D89-4F48-BC1E-AF5284FE602A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can i make it better. I mean, acessories and stuff

>> No.17382784

What loafers are these?

>> No.17382802

Depends on what you like in an outfit, but there isn't much to work with here. I think an amber beanie would complement the yellow here, but other than headwear you're kind of limited to just throwing something on top of it like a casual green button up or some zip up outwear like a hoodie or a bomber jacket.

>> No.17383550
File: 1.34 MB, 1879x3485, IMG_20221209_194646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi there

>> No.17383557
File: 898 KB, 1369x2048, 1292022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I /fa/?

>> No.17383709
File: 128 KB, 290x594, Screenshot 2022-09-05 092528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my fit

>> No.17383714

child groomercore

>> No.17383858

yes you're
/fucking autistic/

>> No.17384202
File: 783 KB, 1180x2687, 20221207_122216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went on a speeddate event yesterday and had 0/12 success.

>> No.17384220

lift weights

>> No.17384232
File: 1.25 MB, 1071x2084, FaceApp_1668639028284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright success in OLD, speed date results surprised me desu

>> No.17384463

did you scare them somehow with what you said?

>> No.17384471

Nah the event organisers were worried with my 12/12 success rate and scared I'd take those candidates out the market, preventing revenue. So they did me dirty. Good time in any case.

>> No.17384485


>> No.17384489

somehow I don't believe that