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File: 82 KB, 1024x1000, 71fwt3UxWnL._AC_UY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17376526 No.17376526 [Reply] [Original]

Is it safe to wear this on a college campus in the south east? Genuine question, not sure what leftist opinions on this are.

>> No.17376527

I hate skynet so much it's so montreal

>> No.17376536

The only people who know what this is are nazis and they wouldn't have a problem with you wearing it

>> No.17376544
File: 148 KB, 334x393, 1447015400314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit has a whole spread-sheet about "sketchy" black metal bands so it's not just """nazies""" that know about the implications.
And OP, no you shouldn't wear that if you're worried about what other people may think about you
I suppose you're one of those "i just liek teh music" type of guys.

>> No.17376562

yeah bro antifa goyboys are going to bash you over what a heckin le epic facist you are
my advice? kys

>> No.17376574
File: 188 KB, 942x1280, IMG_2877__05285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should wear this instead. Zoomers never heard of them and they performed for Rock Against Racism once, so it's totally ok.

>> No.17376575

classic tshirt but i just assume anyone wearing a burzum shirt is a dickhead

>> No.17376576

Leftist here, I’m a big fan of Burzum and have seen people wearing that shirt walking around my college campus in LA. I wouldn’t worry about it.

>> No.17376579
File: 133 KB, 830x1107, black magick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear this. It's not a problem, people don't really pay attention to other people's shirts.

>> No.17376599

they remind me of an old ennio morricone song but much more gay. But yeah, listen while drunk & high, that orgasmic wall of sound

>> No.17376604

Half of the people I've seen wearing this are unironic leftist vegan liberals here, so you're completely safe, although this might annoy you even more since you won't be able to show how edgy and rebellious and not like the other guys you are publicly anymore.

>> No.17376609


>> No.17376614
File: 58 KB, 640x640, panera_bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a sleeveless version of this. I live in the town of a large university. No one has ever given me shit for it, but i'm also 6'2 220lb with olive skin so that might play a role in it

>> No.17376615

If I see you rock that nazi shit any where near me imma knock you out dead ass

>> No.17376617

>Reddit has a whole spread-sheet about "sketchy" black metal bands
redditors literally seek permission for everything they do that's so funny

>> No.17376618

I don't give a shit what faggot leftists think of me. I just dont want to get sucker punched from behind, or have some crazy pink haired freak come up to me screaming with a ohone in my face. And it doesnt annoy me that vegan leftists are wearing the shirt, its actually quite funny.

>> No.17376620

no you wont you faggot

>> No.17376628
File: 2.77 MB, 4000x3000, 20221204_224540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this for past 3 years. No one asked. People are busy studying here in eastern europe. Whatever edgelord shit I do really does not even register in their minds.

>> No.17376631


>> No.17376632

I'd like to see you try limp wristed troon.

>> No.17376651


>> No.17376698

Who the fuck wastes their time doing this shit? Anyways, just makes me want to wear the shirt even more.

>> No.17376729

>I don't give a shit what faggot leftists think of me. I just dont want to get sucker punched from behind, or have some crazy pink haired freak come up to me screaming with a ohone in my face
you sound like a pussy

>> No.17376755

I wear a western shirt, work boots and a NRA hat everywhere I go. I sometimes wear a pair of jeans with a small dixie flag sewn to the left back pocket

t. German, in university

>> No.17376763

If people might still wear Kanye shirts here and there or Yeezy's then yes.

>> No.17376777

say a pretty girl wearing a burzum shirt at school. Not sure if she knows what it is, but if so that's awesome. It surprised me cause i've liked this music since I was a kid and it was not know then so i never suspected it would be known today by a 20 year old. I guess black metal is growing, or is hot topic selling this shit now and they have no idea about the music?

>> No.17376788

post a video of your deadlift 1rm and a round of you sparring in boxing/MT/MMA then, faggot

>> No.17376789

I have a Mayhem Deathcrush pullover that I wear all the time and no one's ever given me shit for it. I live in a pretty lefty small city. Like the first post said, most people who know who Burzum is won't give a shit and the one's who do give a shit will either like it or be too pussy to say anything about it. You're more likely to get called a tourist/poser than a Nazi.

>> No.17376792

safer than wearing harry potter memorabilia, most people dont know who the fuck varg is

>> No.17376878

If youre worried about how "safe" it is to wear a band t-shirt around a bunch of college kids youre a fucking pussy that shouldnt be wearing it in the first place

>> No.17376924

>I just dont want to get sucker punched from behind, or have some crazy pink haired freak come up to me screaming with a ohone in my face.

grow the fuck up and learn to fight faggot

>> No.17376928
File: 56 KB, 600x600, ssrco,slim_fit_t_shirt,mens,fafafa ca443f4786,front,square_product,600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that mess. I wanna know if pic related is safe to wear on a college campus in the South East. The way I see it, the "South" portion is okay, but the "East" is giving me bad vibes.

>> No.17376944

I wear mine all the time and I'm in the liberal shithole that is San Diego. I'm actually wearing it right this second. Been stopped twice by people on the street and it was for them to either complement it or talk to me about black metal. I'm 6'1 and white and kind of muscular so I'm sure anyone that has had a problem with it has just kept their mouths shut.

>> No.17376951

Based and KPNpilled

>> No.17376967

The average amerilard doesn't even know what that means, they'll just see Lincoln and think you're cool.

>> No.17376992

anyways wheres uncle varg attention whoring these days?

>> No.17377031

you give me homeschooled vibes

>> No.17377049

you're literally wearing a cock on your back

>> No.17377050

this sounds like Ghost but nazi

>> No.17377059

Most people wont know what that is, I saw a dude in Upper Manhattan rocking it this past summer.

>> No.17377122

>ennio morricone
>orgasmic.wall of sound

yeah I know what you mean so intense

>> No.17377177
File: 179 KB, 779x1075, 1657_fitizen_fit_cbt_muscle_bro_tank_burzum__4926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burzum is cool as fuck

>> No.17377184

Reddit isn't real life

>> No.17377199

I doubt people know what Burzum is let alone what Varg beliefs are.

>> No.17377205
File: 968 KB, 900x1585, 08TS972032446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is not real life. People won't care what you wear unless it's something ridiculous or something, and I would worry more about being called a "Satanist" for wearing a BM shirt instead of a Nazi.

>> No.17377211
File: 2.71 MB, 3024x3822, IMG_5401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17377213
File: 56 KB, 960x606, varg9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who use Reddit exist in the same reality as we do. Most of that crowd won't confront you in real life for wearing "sketchy" stuff but they will absolutely judge you and talk behind your back for wearing it.
I've been labelled as a nazi for wearing Marduk merch by the way. It was quite a while ago. I was hanging out with my ex-girlfriends friends and they started asking my gf about my political stance when I wasn't around. My gf told me about it and I played into it and started blasting german volksongs everytime it was my turn on the aux.

>> No.17377229

People will think you're a hipster that likes metal somewhat ironically or they will think you're a Nazi, unless they're a hipster themselves in which case they'll think it "goes hard".

>> No.17377336

Autistic and gay way of handling that situation.
So autistic and gay that I actually think you are probably making it up.

>> No.17377341

I can wear a tee saying kill all niggers and jews and get away with it. Americans are pussies.

>> No.17377344

>Will people think I'm a knob for wearing edgelord clothes
Yes, isn't that the point?

>> No.17377353

What should I have done?

>> No.17377373
File: 41 KB, 820x560, not crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back right NOW NOW NOW

>> No.17377377

I literally only met a couple of people in real life that uses Reddit and most of them use Reddit for memes and what not.
>people will judge you for wearing "sketchy" stuff
Not sure about you but people here don't listen to metal. I think I can get away from wearing any NSBM band like SW, GBK, Absurd, Graveland etc and I only have to worry about being called a satanist

>> No.17377383
File: 1.36 MB, 444x444, 1657851950374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting he did gay retarded autistic shit to OWN the REDDITORS

>> No.17377384

99.9% chance nobody will notice or give a shit

But yes there are crazy people out there who will see you wearing a burzum shirt and immediately come to the conclusion that you're some neo nazi.

>> No.17377393

Obiviously it's not guaranteed that you'll run into anti-fa types of people but if you do and they regonize what merch your rocking they're going to label you.
Personally I think that's a good thing since I'm anti-social.

>> No.17377396

What's your problem little guy?

>> No.17377400

>I played into it and started
Why are you even in same room with these people? Don't you have any place to spend your time?

>> No.17377411
File: 414 KB, 1280x719, rt0du6zc4oqnfqtn4849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17377412

Do you want a play by play? Me and my ex were invited to a get together at a cabin. I think this was back in 2014. I'm a-political so I don't mind spending time with the leftie crowd. I had a shirt on that has a pic of a (British) battle tank so they assumed I was a nazi. They didn't confront me face to face about it so I goofed on them

>> No.17377423
File: 216 KB, 420x360, 1645496349626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gOoFed oN tHeM lEfTiEs So HaRd Bro
ReKt tHem AcTuAl OpInIoN hAvInG fAgS bRo

>> No.17377425

why are you seething so hard little guy?

>> No.17377431

You are going to college that already makes you a massive faggot so some edgelord t shirt isn't going to change anything

>> No.17377432

thats like asking if you should wear a michael jackson shirt. are you a pussy? do you like the music?
and no one's even gonna know wtf it is youre wearing. are you retarded? thats like asking if you should wear a bjork or owl city shirt.

>> No.17377433

Im from louisiana and Ive been called both a nazi and a faggot commie for wearing a slayer T shirt
Also got a laugh out of one guy for wearing a gojira t shirt to go watch godzilla so that kind of balances it out
Its all other white guys or asian girls I see around here that are usually wearing metal t shirts, Ive never seen any merchandise related to black metal IRL though

>> No.17377552

just wear a black button up shirt

>> No.17377709

>I'm a-political
No such thing.

>> No.17377713
File: 111 KB, 1330x840, 1647793598499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17377721

>not interested in or connected with politics, or not connected to any political party

>> No.17377739
File: 193 KB, 830x1245, tss--eb9fe02516475bf62cc864b69a8d313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17377952

he was scheming on some pussy

>> No.17377967

>not connected with politics
Fucking kek.

>> No.17377998
File: 279 KB, 1280x1214, 626_37289375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this exact shirt, it's probably my favouritet. I don't wear band shirts anymore, but I wouldn't hesitate to wear this one.

>> No.17378005

Nah, only people who know gonna be the ones who know black metal, and it's one of the most popular albums in the genre so it's normal to like it I guess. I've wore a filosofem shirt many times with leftist friends and no one gave a shit.

>> No.17378013

sure, campuses are full of stupid npcs paying tens of thousands for to indebt themselves for a piece of paper to have no better chance at wageslaving

no one will know what it means anyways

>> No.17378037
File: 46 KB, 650x536, B30F04AE-5D5A-4C97-ADCF-5F14E03BD752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore a Hvis Lyset Tar Oss longsleeve to a basement show on my campus and just ended up striking up a convo about metal with some black dude in a Darkthrone shirt. Real life isn't the rabm subreddit anon, most people aren't losers who scrutinize obscure (to normalfags) scandinavian bands for le Nazi boogeyman

Great band, but even if zoomies don't know DI6, I'm pretty sure wearing a giant totenkopf on your chest would draw more heat than wearing most legit NSBM band shirts lmao

>> No.17378048
File: 348 KB, 1900x1248, 1606083961474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17378151

Crisis, Dougie's Crass-esque anarcho punk band, played rock against racism not Di6.
I went to a Death in June show a couple years back. Really diverse crowd. Some zoomers, mostly older millennials and Gen X, but lots of very typical hipsters, punks, metal heads etc. Not at all a crowd of "nazis" and the local antifa group that threatened shit online and were gonna protest it didn't even show up.

>> No.17378153

>Is it safe to wear this on a college campus in the south east?
Not anymore. I'm the CEO of Antifa and we're now aware of this problematic shirt.
I have distributed the information to our operatives in the field.
Thank you for your contribution to denazification, comrade.

>> No.17378162
File: 136 KB, 762x1024, E889A21F-D7A2-4C70-8BCB-D44E0F4DEC54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this cool or is the Nazi symbolism too explicit?

>> No.17378173

Wearing a KPN shirt would likely get you heckled at metal shows in bigger west coast cities with woke / antifa populations

Wearing it in public would be fine as the chances of anyone noticing, knowing what it is, and then giving a fuck would be very low

>> No.17378183
File: 155 KB, 960x1280, wbsvanek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problems wearing this...

>> No.17378228

I mostly see women (white and brown) wearing burzum shirts. Plenty of people listen to burzum.

>> No.17378242

They couldn't name a single Burzum song.

>> No.17378252

I asked one and she did actually listen to filosofem. She had 0 clue about the politics/lore though.

>> No.17378284

>imagine the smell

>> No.17378288

women love murderers for reasons i still don't understand.
doubt they're actually listening to the music.

>> No.17378295
File: 218 KB, 1536x2048, BA0997DF-0D81-426E-8AEB-20B1410254F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this image and am now ordering two Burzum shirts directly from Varg

>> No.17378297

>What other shit nazi metal bands are you into
Forefather, Waylander, Aether Realm

>> No.17378305
File: 20 KB, 220x220, La_Sanie_des_siècles_-_Panégyrique_de_la_dégénérescence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KPN, GBK, kævum, Satanic Warmaster, Mayhem (because apparently leftists consider mayhem a nazi band now), and Kanye West.

>> No.17378313

i listen to Burzum but i will assume you're a nazi if you wear a burzum shirt unless you're also very obviously/loudly a communist or anarchist, and even then I'd be inclined to sus you out

>> No.17378321

no one considers Mayhem a Nazi band, they just rightly criticise euro for being a pol-potist and the rest for associating with Varg. you're likely to get harassed for wearing burzum merch, incredibly unlikely for Mayhem bc its surface level hot topic merch anyway, basically like a nirvana tee

>> No.17378346
File: 154 KB, 489x896, EC39E203-32F1-48CD-A0AE-DD699830D620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Peste Noire so much

>> No.17378350
File: 50 KB, 720x668, hibristophilia twunk badboy meme 4016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Femoid psychological and sexual attraction for dangerous aggressive males.

>> No.17378371

Yes lol. Recently saw a girl working at the perfume counter wearing this shirt.

>> No.17378434
File: 11 KB, 147x114, 640112 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a cat?

>> No.17378436

99% don't even know what it is a graphic t with olde english font

>> No.17378649
File: 2.19 MB, 1310x979, Screen Shot 2022-12-06 at 1.34.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's Gus hiding under the blanket (the cutie in the back in this pic)

>> No.17378670



>> No.17378700

seriously? who is on this list?

>> No.17378787
File: 867 KB, 1880x2763, 1657_fitizen_fit_cbt_muscle_bro_tank_burzum__4703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17378835
File: 259 KB, 1024x1411, 20022032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of the big names you have deathspell omega, and mgla to lesser extent, because of their association with mikko aspa from clandestine blaze. Singer from Marduk and another member were on a costumer list for a swedish natsoc webshop (NMR) that was hacked by antifa, they had bought books and propaganda stuff apparently. So I think Marduk have been forced to cancel a few shows here and there because pressure/threats from antifa.

Hellhammer have said a few things in the past and was friends with Varg. I'm sure you can find if you search.
You might have seen a similar symbol on mayhem shirts as on pic related lol.

>> No.17378839
File: 55 KB, 800x970, doplnujici-1-robky-76-2020-7-98-21720-1-jpg-21994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17378850

Shadows make it seem like you have a sword on your back in the thumbnail

>> No.17378859
File: 7 KB, 243x208, 1636173484820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this is why i wear shit that doesn't have any symbols just plain coloured shit (yeah call me a coward)

>> No.17378862


>> No.17378866
File: 810 KB, 574x1151, Burzoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it safe to wear this on a college campus in the south east? Genuine question, not sure what leftist opinions on this are.

>> No.17378897
File: 139 KB, 500x500, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this one

>> No.17378904
File: 243 KB, 460x348, varg-460x348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a scandi and I wear my burzum shirts regularly, both to work, at home, when I go to see my parents or other family, shopping etc etc, no one has ever said anything or mentioned it.
At most I suppose someone will see the shirt, think "interesting", search for the band on spotify, listen to a song or two, decide "wtf is this" and never think of it again.

>> No.17378942

I have a hoodie of this direct from Famine. It's one of the nicest quality pieces of band merch. Very pleased.

Have this too, from a DiJ show. Hardly ever wear it.

Where to cop directly from Varg?

>> No.17379022

got kicked out from Cross club in Prague for wearing that

>> No.17379024

The only person I met with a Burzum tee said "Yeah the music sucks but I mostly agree with Varg's ideals"

>> No.17379035
File: 138 KB, 705x960, Motörhead Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear the shirt seen here on Lemmy.

>> No.17379796

That's pretty gay, was it a black metal show?

>> No.17379803
File: 46 KB, 500x500, gP6hSNZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I get called a war metal brö or a fascist for wearing this?

>> No.17379834


>> No.17379847

very dapper effay
manly Norwegian natsoc chad effay af
based af

>> No.17380406

>olive skin
t. nigger

>> No.17380428

You’re probably going to be confronted by a leftist bro sooner or later, and the other people on campus will definitely side with him, whether they know what burzum is or not. Word will spread that you like fash shit and before long you’ll develop a negative reputation. Most people will try to avoid you, especially women. If none of that sounds like a problem and you want to be the creepy guy on campus for some reason, then go for it.
It says “supremacy” on it, which is kind of a dead give away for what kind of band that is. Same as above, you’re going to be shunned if enough people recognize the shirt and start spreading rumors.

>> No.17380449

supremacy there probably refers to some cult shit. idk if its racist or not but they probably have some philosophy and isnt racist. someone who assumes that would just be admitting to be a lazy retard. and no ones gonna spread rumors.

>> No.17380465

I wear Burzum tees but I will assume you're a nazi if you listen to Burzum unless you're also very obviously/loudly a communist or anarchist, and even then I'd be inclined to sus you out

>> No.17380469

it doesnt matter what it actually means, but when the average person sees a totenkopf and the word "supremacy" on your shirt theres a decent chance they will think youre a nazi for obvious reasons
wear it anyways though, who gives a fuck

>> No.17380474


This is my experience as well. Everyone at BM gigs is usually super chill. I've never had any problems wearing 'questionable' band shirts.

>> No.17380499
File: 80 KB, 830x623, tss--241a63e1c27a80beedd17c903ca87b35_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17380510

I have that exact shirt and I were it out pretty often to the city.
Anyone who'd ever really bitch about something like that wouldn't know what it is.

>> No.17380514


>> No.17380543

i used to wear a lot of black metal shirts in school, burzum included, i also wore a leftover crack "rock the 40oz" shirt with 9/11 on it, some other questionable shit too but nobody ever said anything about it lel, girls were still interested in me, people dont really care

i also had a latina gf while i was wearing this shit too, funnily enough she bought me different burzum shirt

>> No.17380901
File: 217 KB, 450x405, uijr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what band is this

>> No.17381205


>> No.17381208

Who is this?

>> No.17381716

which core is this?

>> No.17381780

Scandi-metal-fashie core

>> No.17381835

there were some threads a few months back about this aesthetic, it led me down some cool rabbit holes. I wish I could remember what it was called

>> No.17381856

It's just black metal fashion you tourist

>> No.17382637


>> No.17382916

anyone who likes burzum is a larper and a virgin

>> No.17382962

big ups for Reek of Unzen Gas Fumes and Macuahuitl those two are fire

>> No.17382971

I need to get the KPN hoodie no clue how to secure one tho

>> No.17382982

idk, was just curious because of all the censor blocks in the pic

>> No.17383073

need dis effay as fuck black red and gold norvege hoodie like rn

>> No.17383252

death in june are an elite band, get stoned and listen to hollows of devotion, i will ascend

>> No.17383311

I got my current gf because of my Burzum shirt.
Don't even like Burzum that much (I liked the more ambient stuff he did later on though). I just thought the shirt looked cool.
It's a shirt of his Umskiptar album if you're wondering. My Swedish friend sent it to me for my birthday.
I've never had anyone nag on me for it. Probably because 85% of the people in my bumfuck town don't know what a "Burzum" even is.

>> No.17383352
File: 762 KB, 2048x1583, Di6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior Di6 shirt

>> No.17383353

Just bookmark Famine's site and keep checking to see if he restocked it or not. It's pretty good quality anon. https://lmhfrerie.com/en/

>> No.17383356

no one truly cares what others do just dont wear it to faggot camp and no one will ever care or notice, unless they also think its cool

>> No.17383359

I recently sold my Burzum shirt actually. But I did wear it in public a few times and got complimented on it only once. Now, I haven't worn my KPN hoodie in public much, so we'll see what kinda reactions I'll get.

>> No.17383617

One of my software engineering lecturers wears Burzum shirts all the time, and I wear Black Magick SS shirts on campus and no one has ever said anything, you'll be fine.

>> No.17383701

Burzum shirts have been hipster cool for 15 years or so. Pretty sure they do sell the shirts at hot topic or other similar stores. They’re hardly an underground nazi cult band.

>> No.17383704

Good taste desu

>> No.17383742

where can i get a decent burzum shirt in UK? any decent sites? (I know they're all rip offs and dunno if the site on vargs old website is still up)

planning to get one for christmas

>> No.17383744

i thought you had a fkn sword on your back lmfao

>> No.17383794

Plastichead or Eyesore Merch. Both official.

>> No.17383797


This is really good.

>> No.17383909

>i wake up
>first thing i do is fire up reddit to check which metal bands i'm allowed to like
>memorize new metal hate symbols
>do the quiz to make sure i got it down
>i get 15 right out of 50
>i start hyperventilating. what if a nazi walks past me on the campus and i won't recognize xir?

>> No.17383931
File: 892 KB, 654x964, burzum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17383957

>but the "East"
OP is probably in FL, so not in the south at all.

>> No.17384053

lmao my ex gf is a right leftist cunt and seethes living in Saxony because people round her likely wear burzum tees.
Her Viet bf was low hanging fruit off her asian fetish so her suffering is all the more funny to me

>> No.17384159

I found this at a store nearby but was afraid to buy it. I told some people about it afterwards and they all either said they'd beat up or kill abyone wearing that flag.
Fuck Canada.

>> No.17384161

Dated a Swedish chick and we fucked to black metal. Depressed metal chicks in general are good fucks.

>> No.17384164

Dawn of the Black Hearts might get a stronger reaction.

>> No.17384176

Kommando Peste Noire
Grand Belial's key
Baise Ma hache
Infernal War
Clandestine Blaze

devotio is so un-fucking-believably good

>> No.17384559

can i avoid the hate if i wear this as a woman or will people still think im a nazi?
i sometimes wear jeans that have the iron cross on the back pockets and no one has said anything to me about those

>> No.17384695

I will think you’re a Nazi and propose marriage.

>> No.17384704

Iron Crosses are fucking based, keep wearing them

>> No.17384730
File: 616 KB, 813x870, polskipunisher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and even then I'd be inclined to sus you out

>> No.17384733

Onions fragility

>> No.17384822

Based bruh

>> No.17384826

Just wear it big boy.
These days nutcases will see nazis even in their cereal for fuck sake

>> No.17385050

Exactly this. Fuck popular opinion. INGAF.

>> No.17385054

>I Non't Give A Fuck

>> No.17385100


* "N" means Never here

>> No.17385112
File: 43 KB, 436x680, anna-tshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17385470

femoid wearing burzum tee noice

>> No.17385504

Fucking zoomies wearing nazi shit without even knowing what the band is. Bash the fash!

>> No.17385566


>> No.17385581

safe? it's dumb music shirt. that most normies won't know wtf it is. you're a giant pussy for asking this

>> No.17385612

go to a boxing gym bucko.

>> No.17386009

This is basically my wardrobe wtf

>> No.17386160
File: 114 KB, 870x1110, ed0b838_fred-perry_polo_bro_chad_tatts_b1344a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeahh I can identify with this /fa/shie inspo

>> No.17386185

I wear this on campus in Minnesota, nobody knows what it is.

>> No.17386188

isnt minnesota basically a white ethnostate? so of course no one cares

>> No.17386307

lolno, they've imported boatloads of somalis, in true accordance with their nordic heritage. all of the rioting in 2020 started with a negro from there being killed

>> No.17386455
File: 495 KB, 960x960, burzumtee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People claim Read is a fascist, idk though. Förster plays Caller of storms ins Blasphemy so make of that what you will

>> No.17387195

Bro, im a corporate guy and I use Burzum shirts every now and then. Just use it.

>> No.17389007

I saw someone on my campus wear a Burzum hoodie and he looked like a dweeb

>> No.17389008

Do you live in the 1980s?

>> No.17389030

abstaining from politics means siding with the oppressor

>> No.17389035

>living in the 1980s

Wdym by that remark about his post? More concerned about Satanism gossip vs Nazi gossip or reddit isn't the real world???

>> No.17389047
File: 56 KB, 680x404, 1649_wojak_soijak_pure_soy_pc_lgbtq_meme0060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>17377721 #
>abstaining from politics means siding with the oppressor
>I'm a-political
No such thing

Holy fucking Christ, go back to Plebbit you sanctimonious l*ftard S-J-W. Be outraged over the choice to express or not express one's free speech elsewhere. JFC.

>> No.17389294

Satanism gossip vs Nazi gossip. I really don't think people would pay much attention to le epic metal shock-value satanism nowadays.

>> No.17389298

Fallen is usually one of my go-to albums to listen to when I'm on the rag

>> No.17389507
File: 559 KB, 820x930, 1617589298623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the FUCK can I get these