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/fa/ - Fashion

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17363046 No.17363046 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17363052

>those broad shoulders
that's a dude isn't it

>> No.17363060
File: 2.12 MB, 1836x3108, 20200812_163226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i have kids i will tell them i wore a baly to da bank

>> No.17363125

if that's your first thought after looking at this then your brain has been permanently damaged by this site and you will never feel happiness again

>> No.17363128


>> No.17363132

yeah i'm actually a trans man so thanks for the validation. you will never feel the touch of a woman, incel

>> No.17363135
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>> No.17363139

t. Politics is for the poor

>> No.17363141

lol you're so obssessed with trans woman that you don't even know how to insult a trans man. have sex, incel

>> No.17363167
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Go back to your containment board Gayden.

>> No.17363171

I understand that she's a girl, but why does she kinda look like a guy lowkey?

>> No.17363177

i love how east asian women can be so beautiful yet theyre also so nice and gentle in their demeanour

>> No.17363186

sorry i'm not mentally ill enough to understand what any of that shit means

>> No.17363194
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>> No.17363199

>Doesn't know sport coats typically have padded shoulders, especially women's ones.
Embarrassing, really.

>> No.17363210

National culture of extreme superficiality.

>> No.17363216

>t. SEA in a nation of degenerates

>> No.17363242

They don't worship obesity and ugliness

>> No.17363249

I'm European, retard.
Are you disputing that Koreans are extremely superficial and shallow?

>> No.17363260

They don't import rapefugees.

>> No.17363429

Are you disputing that the EU is degenerate? You can be europoor but also ethically something else you know.

>> No.17363464

Your schizo ramblings aren't making much sense, they aren't related to the topic being discussed or my point.
>"Korean women are effay because Korean society is very superficial"
Literal brain rot logical incoherence.
I guess KOREA having one of the worlds highest plastic surgery rates per capita, high suicide rate from people considering themselves failures, and extreme fashion trend conformity doesn't matter when discussing KOREA because EUROPE is d-d-degenerate.

>> No.17363465

Yes, East Asians want to look better than you. Is looking presentable suddenly a hobby? Wash more.

>> No.17363470

Why are you getting so upset at someone making an accurate response to the question in the OP?
>East Asians want to look better than you.
Emphasis on the "want to", hence they are trying to look pale, cultured and sophisticated like euros ;^)
They just end up looking like an army of NPC's dressed exactly the same with no individuality and originality.
Sorry, Johhny Junior McKoreaboo.

>> No.17363474

>asians whitening their skin
>crackers getting fake tans and frying their skin risking cancer from a tanning bed
almost like it's a race to the bottom.

>> No.17363476

Point is that there are reratarded people in every fucking race you plebians

>> No.17363510

Why are you coping so hard? OP asked about Koreans, no one is talking about anyone else.
Are you incapable of discussing anything without making some irrelevant fake moral equivalence?

>> No.17363515

Why aren't you freezing enough?

>> No.17363535

Are you the seething chink that made the flip thread? Gooks, chinks, bugs will never have the soul of the white race. No matter how much you "mog" poorfags south of you.

>> No.17363541

Jokes on you I only fuck whites

>> No.17363545

T. Ricel cope. I know you're one of the bugs that posts their fits here. No effay can compensate for it.

>> No.17363552

The west is no less superficial. Your point applies universally.

>> No.17363610
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They aren't.

>> No.17363612 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 970x545, oink oink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expectation: >>17363610

>> No.17363649

so you're at home?

>> No.17363980

it's the jacket

>> No.17364025 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 355x220, ezgif-2-58fa356b79.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, i nutted in her 20year old pussy raw, it was epic.
Found a way to edit the vid.

>> No.17364101

you have yellow fever OP

>> No.17364410

She's literally just dressing as a parisian girl from 20 years ago. Yellow Fever ahs gotten to you man.

>> No.17364471

Massive domestic production of cheap fast fashion available everywhere + terminally online and in tune to the same media = baseline higher than other countries that don't care but in reality they're all just wearing the same cheap shit
Ops pic is eastern equivalent of leggings on a white girl

>> No.17364475

>other countries make mine look poor poor poor!

>> No.17364480

Why is it so hard for you fuckers to give an explanation that isn't riddled with bullshit?

>> No.17364558

>other countries
I'm Korean and live in korea

>> No.17364562
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Then you should know that they're better than white ""girls""

>> No.17364573
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>> No.17364575

You just have yellow fever and can't get pussy
Korean girls are aite, def not what virgins on 4chan would like to believe they are and def not wife material, compared to your average white girl they aren't any less basic / crazy, in fact they're usually more basic or more crazy

>> No.17365324

It's the face for me

>> No.17365359 [DELETED] 

Delusional Chinese. Your engite legal system is based off the Chinese. White washed Asians are greasy like the white whores

>> No.17365400

Delusional Chinese. Your entire legal system is based off the Chinese. White washed Asians are greasy like the white whores

>> No.17365482

Because they are goyim 2.0

>> No.17365531

Touch grass

>> No.17365535

Fashion is political.

>> No.17365552
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I'll touch you.

>> No.17365559

Lmao this unhinged koreaboo

>> No.17365562

How so?

>> No.17365574
File: 40 KB, 850x400, quote-man-is-by-nature-a-political-animal-aristotle-1-3-0321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All art is political, as art is a dictation of values. Fashion itself in an art that focuses on people, and people facilitate politics. The clothing you are wearing makes statements, and making statements results in an a evaluation of morality and a rerevaluation of morals results in social consequences. For example, when women slowly started wearing pants in the 30s it resulted in controversy on the role of women in society and whether the female was becoming masculanized. Or today when Harry styles was wearing that dress it caused a stir in the media. Fashion like all art is inherently political.

>> No.17365603

I understand what you're saying but you can skip over these problems with money