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File: 1.65 MB, 737x1024, 1664158540485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17358189 No.17358189 [Reply] [Original]


What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and don't wear them daily for too long

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags


>> No.17358258
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>> No.17358274

How do Charles Tyrwhitt boots fit? Tts? How's the quality? Apparently some of their stuff is made in India and China

>> No.17358310

>Proper work boots demand veg tanned leather.

Can't stress how wrong this is. Chrome tan is much more superior when it comes to work application. All heavy duty leather (firefighting, logging, combat) is Chrome tan.

>> No.17358385
File: 125 KB, 800x800, A1R18H40-alt5-1687647474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Timbs?
I can get a new pair for 20% of the list price
Been thinking about getting the 45th anniversary edition 6 inch boots since they got some old stock in my size
Anything else worthwhile from them for that money?

>> No.17358390

So there's no confusion
20% of the list price as in an 80% discount

>> No.17358400

Brah, link us to the site. Tims are gay because of the culture theyre associated with but hey, if theyre cheap.

Id still never buy one, but Im just interested in whatever sales are going on on other things.

>> No.17358403

I'm sick of wearing my cock martens. What are some upgrades in a similar boot style?

>> No.17358419

Sadly nothing official to share
Just some under the table dealings through a friend from a friend

>> No.17358424

I keep asking for gohrock boots and I keep getting no replies. Can someone please reply? One reply is enough. Just to confirm I'm alive.

>> No.17358458

Is that the chink copy of GORUCK?

>> No.17358531
File: 1.52 MB, 4032x3024, DDA2BBD9-5AE6-413A-A3E4-261F883DAA24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boot brothas, what is this and how to remove it? That weird stain

>> No.17358579



>> No.17358616

bleach+white vinegar in 1:1 parts
200% certain to remove it

>> No.17358633
File: 3.57 MB, 2268x4032, CC153730-50F6-4E90-ACEA-E79FC1E6CCA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these faggy?
And I really don’t like the yellow laces should I get brown or embrace them?

>> No.17358646
File: 284 KB, 1200x1200, 41872052.509999834_a1833129470_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can anyone tell me if these look like they're good quality? I probably won't buy for the price but was curious nonetheless

pic related

>> No.17358664

grant stone added lodden suede and minerva to final sale

>> No.17358697
File: 56 KB, 1011x417, veg tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and him are both retards, but you're more of a retard.

>> No.17358702

Timbs are trash.
Work boot soles shouldn't tear like that.

>but fashion
Are you black?

>> No.17358704

looks like steel worker boots

>> No.17358706

I'm looking around to get my first pair of boots and I was looking for something all black with laces, preferably without heels.
Something comfortable that I could wear all day long, even better if it's waterproof cause I could also wear them in the kitchen.Anyy suggestions?

As a followup, as a manlet should I only go for 6 inch boots? Not sure if taller shafts would make me look ridiculous.

>> No.17358713

What's your point?
Bunch of hipster shoemakers using a heatgun on boots so they can make their vid and now the brand is shit because of it?
I get that the glue should hold better, but if it takes a heatgun for it to loosen up it's good enough considering the price. It's not like they're $300 RedWing's.
Besides if you somehow manage to get to 500 degrees on you soles you got bigger problems than the glue not holding...

>> No.17358716

When your cemented sole falls off, that's your fault for buying chinkshit.

>> No.17358719
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, smoke_hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaft goes under your pant leg. You're not a paratrooper and you're not at the gay leather club. Don't blouse your boots.
Only exception is if you're in waders for obvious reason.

Pic related. The men who wear the toughest boots. Do you see them blousing like faggots?

>> No.17358730

Threadly reminder that:
If you're a working man, you should buy White's
If you're an office man, you should buy Indys
If you're an Englishman, you should buy Crockett & Jones
and If you hate the irishman, you need to wear Trickers.

>> No.17358731

I intended to wear them under the pants anyway, but I see your point.

>> No.17358741

>I was looking for something all black with laces, preferably without heels.

>> No.17358755

Jigaboo shoes. Probably stolen.

>> No.17358757

>trusting Nicks words
As much as they shill their veggie boots, they themselves do not use veg tan for true work boots. Veg tan is not NFPA rated.

Go look around and find me a true heavy duty work boots (firefighting, logger, military combat) that use veg tan.

Stop being a gullible dog that believes in whatever some shill says. The people at Nicks know nothing about the world outside of their little circle of PNW boots.

>> No.17358765

>veggie boots

>> No.17358773

>stiffer is better
retarded tuff guy logic right here

It seems most tards do not realized that Roughout chromexcel is used for actual combat service boots in WW2.

>> No.17358782

>Veg tan is not NFPA rated.
Seidel work leather is veg tan, and yes it's NFPA certified.
>mass produced boots used the mass-production tanning method
No way
That said, John White chose to continue using veg tan on his boots, and his were the best the British issued.
Northampton does it again.

>> No.17358784
File: 70 KB, 426x341, provd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would appear that our superiority has lead to some controversy.

Why don't you own the best boots? Are you poor?
Maybe you should work harder or spend less money on your vape.

>> No.17358785

I’m a working man I’ll keep my Justins

>> No.17358786

I am so sick of you PNW faggots acting like you're better than us

>> No.17358787

okay poorfag

>> No.17358792
File: 516 KB, 640x637, mh-3-1-boots-1614631276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work

>> No.17358795

>Seidel work leather is veg tan, and yes it's NFPA certified.

>Source: my ass and my feeling

HAHAHAHAHA. Their heavy duty oil tan is straight chrome tan.
The 1964 is probably veg re tan at best with a Chrome tan base.

>mass produced boots used the mass-production tanning method

Mass produced boots for harsh environment that is serviceable, dumb cunts. Did you actually think straight chrome veg tan take longer than Chromexcel like you have been shilled to believe in?

>John White chose to continue using veg tan on his boots

>Believing John White is still made in the UK
>Believing John White uses veg tan for uppper
Jesus HAHAHAHAHA, what a dumb bollock.
Reddit tier knowledge right here.

>> No.17358798

You sound like a Rose Anvil fan.

>> No.17358799

You think blue collar dudes are rich or something? What kind of logic is this

>> No.17358805

I'm sorry, that's not an argument.

>> No.17358807

Dumb people shouldn’t have an opinion. You have nothing to argue, swollen twat. Stop wasting people time by pulling falsehood out of your ass.

>> No.17358808
File: 113 KB, 1288x714, ob1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What boots are these?

>> No.17358809

Neither of you know how seidel tans their leather, do you?

>> No.17358810

hot stuff coming through

>> No.17358812

HAHAHAHAH. You absolute nonce.
>wearing any leather not made by Horween

>> No.17358821

>non shell horween

>> No.17358822

Current Seidel is a “retanner”. They import wet blue from else where, then hot stuff or fat liquor the leather themselves, then do the rest or the finishing.
Most they do with veggie stuffs is retanning with tannin extract, like the Double Shot, which is a clone of CXL.

They absolutely do not do straight veg.

You are welcome to visit Seidel to learn more.

>> No.17358825

>he's popular so he's wrong
State of this general.

>> No.17358826

Nope. Everything is completely legit.
Store is going out of business, and I'm getting first pickings through a friend from a friend

>> No.17358827

>which is a clone of CXL.
feels nothing like cxl though

>> No.17358838

>Rose Anvil is totally not hyperbolic, out of context, controversy stirring, flat out wrong many times.

Shills please get out

>> No.17358841

The idea is similar, chrome base, then veg retan, then hot stuff, far liquor with a soft luster surface. Of course it is not completely the same but it is not hard to not see CXL being the inspiration.

>> No.17358844

You're just made he said mean things about the Indy

>> No.17358846

I shit on Indy myself before he ever cut that open.
He knows barely anything about leather and talked mad dumb shits that tards just eat up no question asked.

>> No.17358853

>I shit on Indy myself before he ever cut that open.
Sure you did bud.

>> No.17358854

I sure did senpai.

>> No.17358855


>> No.17358860

Steve from bed has been shitting on aldens materials for years at this point but now that Weston cut an indy in half people are acting like they're shit when in reality while they could do better it doesnt cause any issues
Alden owners used to be the first to shit in Alden but now they're going to be defensive

>> No.17358861

we're back to
>he's popular so he's wrong

>> No.17358862

Inconsistent QC.
They can get away with leatherboard if their finishing is clean, which is no longer a certainty. I also would rather they raise price and use leather.

>> No.17358866

You used two complaints Rose Anvil used. I still think you're parroting him.

>> No.17358870

What he is trying to say is:
Alden leatherboard fiasco has been known for years now. The consensus is that Alden doesn’t explode, doesn’t become uncomfortable, and most important still look good, of which cant even be copied so far.

The youtube crowd rose anvil attracted are retarded drones.

>> No.17358875

So his review is right, you just don't like him because...people who watch youtube are low IQ?

>> No.17358876

If anything, he parroted points people made for years now. How about let not being a jackass?
What parts of shitting on Indy before him dont you understand?

>> No.17358877

your tight pants are faggy

>> No.17358879

Yes. YouTube is full of idiots. Trenton & Heath for instance. Hipsters who think they're cobblers because they read a few books.
They can barely put a shoe back together without sloppily packing it full of cork.

>> No.17358880

Read before trying and fail to be a smart ass.


>> No.17358883

People hate him because he was right for once.

>> No.17358886

Where's the hyperbole? I'd be mad after paying $600+ and getting that much leatherboard too.

>> No.17358888

Read my original post. Did I say anything about his Indy video? Did I trigger you or something?

>> No.17358889

I'm trying to understand you and you're being evasive.

>> No.17358891
File: 31 KB, 600x556, 1643128230593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads I'm in trouble.

I had an MTO coming in January so I bought a pair of boots two weeks ago.
But now the MTO just emailed me saying it's ready, coming next week.

My boyfriend's gonna be mad.

>> No.17358896

>a woman will have too many shoes
>this is totally unexpected, and going to cause problems

Someone who is good at relationship counseling, please explain this.

>> No.17358898

>preferably without heels.

>> No.17358900

>Overhyping blake rapid, a completely normal construction
>Propagating the genuine leather meme
>Don't understand top grain classification
>Backtrack several time regarding fullgrain and grain
>Propagating chrome is bad meme
>Does not understand military leather specs
And that is off the top of my head.

>> No.17358902

Thank you

>> No.17358905

interesting, where did you get this info from?

>> No.17358907
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>a woman

>> No.17358908

You are missing one teeny tiny detail

>> No.17358910

You are welcome to drive up Milwaukee to visit them to learn.

>> No.17358921

Why is chrome(xcel?) bad?
I own a pair of boots in CXL and I do not have them a long time but so far they feel and look good.

>> No.17358922

CXL is one of the best leathers you can buy, and Rose Anvil is an idiot for ever thinking otherwise.

>> No.17358928

I don't use a shoehorn on boots, but I've read that might damage the heel counter on the inside

Am I dumb? My feet kinda just slide in, I only hold the shaft

>> No.17358935

Who makes good cedar shoe trees? Obviously they're not hard to find, I just want to support a smaller business if I can

>> No.17358944


>> No.17358947

They live together but the boots are coming well before christmas gift-giving begins?

>> No.17358952

I bought some on Amazon, a pack of five for like 90€ made in Germany
They're ok, not very good, the moving parts are a little sticky. The wood is rough which probably helps absorb moisture but I don't know if that's good for the lining.

I usually pay a little extra to get lasted shoe trees from the maker when I buy shoes.
TLB is a bargain, like 40€ for lasted trees.
Carmina is ridiculous, like 90€ for generic, non-lasted trees. But they are free on GMTOs.

This may sound dumb but I actually paid 140€ for lasted boot trees recently, haven't got the boots (or trees) yet so I can't say it was worth it. I honestly just wanted to have boot trees once, I've never seen them before.

>> No.17358964

Nothing a decent BJ can't fix ...

>> No.17358971
File: 170 KB, 1460x852, boot trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First result on google.
Is cedar hard to get in Europe?

>> No.17358974

No reason they are bad. Leatherworkers who can't burnish the edge on them just love to shit on chrome tan without any scientific evidences.

>> No.17358975

>an Allen Edmonds spinoff
No thanks. Looking for a smaller company.

>> No.17358977

>without any scientific evidences.
To be fair:
No one is doing science on boot durability. People with money buy boots because they look good, and people without money are irrelevant.

>> No.17358979

If only people here talk more about fashion like the old days instead of specs sperging nonstop.

>> No.17358983

>instead of specs sperging nonstop.
Rose Anvil did this to us

>> No.17358987

Because their front quarter horsehide makes great jackets

>> No.17359008
File: 55 KB, 640x480, B74EFB5A-9C15-4CD1-8099-D4CAD6820DB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The use of leatherboard and even plastic has been common in American shoes since the 1950s. Alden has not been cutting corners as some claim but has been making their boots/shoes the same way forever. Even the og Florsheim (not the modern shell of a brand) made their shoes with leatherboard and/or plastic and they’re considered the peak of American shoemaking. If you actually watch Steves videos you know that Alden and vintage Florsheim are his favorites.

>> No.17359011

Wait what? Any source on this?

>> No.17359013

Steves’s vids

>> No.17359019

The reason I wanted lasted trees is because the boots have high instep and the vamp area is the one where creases form the most, it's the only really important part of the shoe trees all things considered.

>> No.17359025
File: 949 KB, 2048x1536, VjWMjzN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this photo of 20-year old Alden boots on Reddit

Looks pretty good, although I know shell virtually does not age at all.

>> No.17359026

go back

>> No.17359031

Found a post on Vcleat, but it is in 87, not the 50s.

>> No.17359032
File: 134 KB, 947x477, du puy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on Du Puy?
Do they make good leather or is it all paint and embossing?

>> No.17359040

I have no experience but I have seen forum posts of people who had it and said they would avoid it in the future.

Too soft? Too thin? Creases?
I don't recall what the problem was

>> No.17359041
File: 17 KB, 248x189, 1499583011241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks a leatherboard heel ruins a boot (resole it)
>he thinks suede is cheap
>he thinks stitches per inch matters
>he thinks GYW is the end-all-be-all
>he thinks cork means a boot is good
>he thinks pull tabs are tacky
>he thinks a poron insert is bad
>he thinks a pointier toe is always preferable

What else do newfags believe?

>> No.17359042

No one will ever see a pull tab though, it's just convenient

>> No.17359043

Great leather. Crockett&Jones uses them.
Then again, great leather but click badly will still lead to wack creasing.

>> No.17359046

It was as far back as the ‘50s. I had a pair of ‘79 93602s with leatherboard heels and I’ve seen pairs from the ‘60s as well constructed the same.

>> No.17359047

Creasing is also more than just leather anyway.

People say Edward Green shoes are crease-proof but it's not the leather that does that, they use all sorts of reinforcements.
For example Carmina has a fabric layer between the upper and the lining to avoid creasing.

>> No.17359048

And we are back to specs sperging

>> No.17359049

We are back to mocking specs spergs, get it right.

>> No.17359055

Better say something before it spiraled into another spree.

>> No.17359061

Why does the OP say "sustainable" is a danger word when EU regulations strongly encourage/nearly require tanneries to be such?

>> No.17359066

>synthetic insole
>synthetic filler
dealbreaker on any shoe

>> No.17359072
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>he thinks cork means a boot is good

>> No.17359107

new unabashed blue-collar larper just dropped
yet again shits on whites for being owned by a japanese conglomerate and pretends they are the only ones increasing prices
defends jim green and thursdays because they cut him checks in the past (and probably present), claims because they are "affordable" so QC issues are not a big deal

>> No.17359109

Not clicking but if solovair isn't on the list, it's a fake video.

>> No.17359116

no solovair, but overseas docs are, still defends "made in england" as being ok like the retard that he is

>> No.17359120

YouTube is killing the boot community.

>> No.17359128

>boot community

That's not even a thing. You can just put "community" after every word.

>> No.17359131

What, are you a representative of the faggot community?

>> No.17359139

No, are you?

>> No.17359204
File: 13 KB, 500x259, sadcawt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when the scarosso jodhpurs I bought on sale are too big.
I guess i'll just send them back and buy some Orban's since i'm a poorfag.

>> No.17359213

I hate it when that happens and fuck online shopping so much. For literally any shoe/boot/footwear of all kind they should just benchmark and compare fitment with the most popular every day shoes people wear. Like high top cons. If you're 44 in those, this number in our boot will fit. Good job, you now have the right boots. Fuck all this other autistic measurement shit, it literally never works. One time I followed their measurement guide and it told me to get one and a half sizes up.

>> No.17359235

the hardcore "true enthusiast community" is still there on forums, insta, patina thunderdome flexing their 50 boot collections as usual
but the youtube algorithm and the paid shill reviews it's pushing is attracting a ton of dumbasses that view hacky youtubers as some sort of authority
i know that it's a purely consumerist soi "hobby" and not much is lost, but it still sucks that this blatant shilling is coloring the conversation everywhere else and it's just going to keep happening, because people have to click on "top 27 best affordable boots for under $50?!?" and "is the red wing iron ranger overpriced? (CUT IN HALF)(SEXUAL)"

>> No.17359239

I even measured my foot and all that shit. Doesn't help that I have one foot that's almost half a size longer than the other one.

>> No.17359242

Measuring never ever works ever, or these people like wearing clown shoes.

>> No.17359269

There is literally no point in getting engineers or literally any other tall boot memed in these threads if you're just going to cover the fuckers up.

>> No.17359315

im sure it's not that simple but idk why they dont just put thier lasts on a branock
I'm sure they could make soft versions and flatten them or bend a branock or a flexi brannock
this shit of "my branock is 7 but I wear a 3.2 in iron rangers and a 12 in Alden needs to stop

>> No.17359343

The majority of Alden lasts are intended to be worn tts with wool socks. The problem is the majority of people do not know how a boot or dress shoe should fit and have only ever worn tennis shoes in the wrong size with athletic socks. They are stuck in the mindset of only caring about toe room and will return proper fitting boots because they have too much toe room or are too “big” when they’re not properly laced. Because of this manufacturers recommend sizing down to avoid sizing “issues” when those issues are just an unfamiliar fit.

>> No.17359392

what if you want a plain toe boot with a single strap?

>> No.17359398
File: 2.33 MB, 1167x894, 1653171432513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i just got my boots back from alden, what do you think?

>> No.17359404

I wonder where the toe room meme even came from because for any shoe if you line up the ball then you'll be fine at the toe

>> No.17359406

Yo bro I think they scammed you. Those aint your size. They gave you a different pair...

>> No.17359407
File: 255 KB, 319x342, 1639741374904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think he's referring to vertical clearance for toes

what? wdym?

>> No.17359466
File: 1.53 MB, 1800x1350, 1663402825478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of trumans for $322

>> No.17359502

I’m referring to both. An full inch of space or more in front of your toes is fine. Some western and chisel toe lasts will have 1.5” of space when properly sized.

>> No.17359615
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leather boys, i thought i was immune from yt faggotry but there's this channel, this professional jap shoemaker who does semi asmr shoemaking vids with explanations...
literally a gold nugget a in a sea of shit

>> No.17359633
File: 82 KB, 1000x1000, jodhpur_boots_tan_vegano_80106_sadl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look gay

>> No.17359642

last too pointy

>> No.17359648

Thoughts on Meermin boots?

>> No.17359731

looking for a pair of chukkas with goodyear welt/something I can resole. priced $150-250 cause poorfag. also suede would be dope/some kinda lighter sand-y leather but its not that important

>> No.17359733

ok yeah but send link

>> No.17359759
File: 544 KB, 1672x1254, waxi boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /fa/ I've had these waxi's for about 6 months now, do a lot of outdoor stuff in them. Absolutely love them.
I was wondering if there was another brand/type of boot somewhat like them that you would recommend. I especially like how tall these are, they don't seem that tall but it seems like most boots end halfway up the ankle. I'd like to have another pair to take care of.

>> No.17359784

Jim Green AR8

>> No.17359794

hey thanks for the recommendation anon, but instead I might go for african ranger's, that actually might suit me better, something that I can wear somewhat like a shoe and still do some work in. Thanks for the company recommendation, looking for boot companies seems to be the hardest thing in the world.

>> No.17359824

last one i watched was this one where he was making some apron derbies with boar skin

>> No.17359866
File: 105 KB, 884x720, bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone ID these boots? better yet, can someone suggest some that look exactly like this without the zipper?

>> No.17359900

Do people really have toe room problems with boots? I only own cap toes so there's always plenty of room.
What are they buying?

>> No.17359901

They're for people who can't afford Aldens

>> No.17359902
File: 27 KB, 500x500, photo_2022-11-24_22-36-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are a good brand of combat boots? Preferably better than Solovairs.

>> No.17359904
File: 183 KB, 1224x789, ob1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surplus doesn't have brand names, not unless you really want to dig into the supply contracts.
>inb4 unapproved civilian gear
hahaha yeah 5'11"s are exactly the right boot for him

>> No.17359911

thanks homie

>> No.17359954

Loake Niro

>> No.17360066

>plastic and they’re considered
Until people saw that plastic breaks.

>> No.17360087

check huckberry for astorflex

>> No.17360179

if you ignore the zipper it looks like a regular cap toe service boot , which there are plenty to choose from
the best one you can find is the white's mp sherman
also grant stone, viberg, oak street bootmakers make simmilar looking ones

>> No.17360201

viberg is going to look the closest to that

>> No.17360215

>Overhyping blake rapid, a completely normal construction
That's fine. I want more blake rapid boots. We have way too much gyw already

>> No.17360306

Resole would cost as much as a new pair.

>> No.17360391
File: 214 KB, 1080x1440, grant-stone-diesel-in-jungle-kangaroo-v0-yjwf5nbnm42a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17360506

anything under 200?

>> No.17360545
File: 120 KB, 476x362, 1639795104438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what boots these are? They look like Doccy Martens but with those hiking lace hook things.

>> No.17360546

>buy pair of leather boots #1
feels ok for the first few hundreds of meters, end up basically limping and with blisters on my foot where the tip creases
>buy pair of leather boots #2
feels ok for the first few hundreds of meters, end up literally limping and with blisters on my ankle
>buy pair of leather boots #3
see meme arrow #1
should I just give up at this point

>> No.17360547
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>> No.17360553


>> No.17360554

maybe buy your size?

>> No.17360556

there are no good boots under $200, sorry
if you really have to cheap out there is the thursday boot captains, and i hate recommending these, because the QC is so dodgy and the marketing is so obnoxious
do yourself a favor, spend more and get something decent

>> No.17360568

This might be the gayest thing I've seen all week

>> No.17360573

buy a proper last from a proper manufacturer, learn to break in boots

>> No.17360613
File: 1.84 MB, 1168x1035, 1660960653691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your 900 dollar boot bro

>> No.17360643

> the heel on my $900 shell Indy’s is separating because I wore them for 30 consecutive days literally kicking rocks

Yeah this dude is totally not biased. It seems like the only people who have Aldens falling apart are neanderthals who don’t know how to take care of their shit. The toe separation on his due to excessive wear from his gait but he blames the boot.

>> No.17360645
File: 887 KB, 729x533, 1613673650518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog landed on my CXL boots today, left two scratch marks on the vamp
I buffed it with a horsehair brush for 2-3 mins
Scratches sort of disappeared

is CXL magic

>> No.17360647

some people think well built mans they have to treat it like shit
I cringe everytime stridewise slams the toe into the pavement

>> No.17360699

t. alden

magic oils in the leather

>> No.17360701

You aren’t breaking in your boots, and you aren’t wearing thick wool socks.
Also you might be buying the wrong size.

>> No.17360702

>totally not biased
I've only seen a couple videos but I love that he will spend 10 minutes talking about how enamored with a pair of boots and then says this video is sponsored by said boot's maker.

>> No.17360709

bought a pair of 8084s today
never spent so much on shoes, hope I won't regret it

>> No.17360774

bought the shell indy with commando and antique welt not long before him and some of his points are valid, but most are pointless nitpicks or him just beating them up for no reason, refusing to do any maintenance and then blaming alden for it
>the last is just as good as people hype it up to be and the comfort is unreal, he's just wrong claiming it's "just wide"
>the foam toe part is dumb and pointless
>the shaft is really loose and you can't lace them tight, it's barely passable in really thick socks and i don't even have skinny ankles
>the small foam under the heel sock liner is imperceptible
>his weird inward gait is entirely his own problem
>first claims the boots fit like no other then says they don't fit in the heel
>yes the eyelets are going to fail if you yank the laces repeatedly, maybe don't do it
>the fold behind the celastic is entirely his own doing for one, if he used trees or at least just brushed them occasionally the fold would not have gotten to that point and he still can just smooth them out because the leather allows for it
>second he is absolutely wrong that this fold will inevitably fail and break apart, the one-piece heel stay bends harder and more frequently on the heel counter of the boot just by walking and you don't see that failing ever
>what he didn't mention is that the welt material is shit, scratches at the lightest touch, is really visible and leaves these loose frayed fibers, ironically enough the fiber board he hates so much doesn't
i don't get the patina=beating your boots to shit crowd, scratching and gouging the leather on everything doesn't add character it just looks like shit

>> No.17360785

Is the Viberg 2030 last wide or narrow?
Viberg says it's 'E' width (i.e. wider than normal 'D' like some of their other lasts)
People say it's actually pretty narrow in reality though?

>> No.17360787

He is exactly as I describe. Skinny twat purposely abused the boots just to stir up controversy.

>> No.17360790

had a good laugh when he was talking about his thin ankles and then you actually see them and they're comically small.

>> No.17360815

its narrow as fuck

>> No.17360819

It feels like a D to me with maybe a bit more instep room. Don’t size down a full size thinking it maybe too wide. 0.5 from brannock at the most.

>> No.17360949


>> No.17360965

Are they true to size? I’m 8.5 in whites what is that for these

>> No.17360999
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>> No.17361026

>Steve from bed has been shitting on aldens materials for years at this point
while readily admitting they're his favorite boots of all time and wearing them every day at his shop

>> No.17361034

yeah I know
the materials are kinda shit but Alden owners absolutely love them so I always saw it as a bit of bants to point out the leatherboard because it has never been shown to be an issue

>> No.17361040

Any good 200+- good Chelsea boots available to order in Europe?

>> No.17361044

This page has the size guide

>> No.17361071

go back

>> No.17361147
File: 1.08 MB, 300x300, ConsciousImportantBullfrog-size_restricted[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've waited SO long bros... i have weird feet so i hope the sizing is good

>> No.17361177

meermin but they're not that good

>> No.17361274

Long have we waited!

>> No.17361380
File: 552 KB, 1080x1346, Screenshot_20221126-025809~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How this would be for everyday wear in a rainy area?

I usually wear jeans , wool coats and leather jackets

>> No.17361397

looks like shit

>> No.17361410
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>> No.17361417

itll do fine
ignore whiteshill

>> No.17361462

Thanks anon, I really needed some decent boots asap, I'm wearing white running shoes right now at work in a city where it rains four times more than in London every winter

Why tho

>> No.17361464


> decent
they are not

>> No.17361468

those are meermin you dumb racial slur
theyre ok cheap boots

>> No.17361471

like a quarter tier better than thursdays LMAO

>> No.17361477

which is really all tey need to be for me to recommend desu.
if you cant explain the pros and cons of something and just lump it into good and bad then you dont understand it well enough
the meermins will last the average user more than they probably want it to and wit the sales theyre like $200 which is literally nothing for a boot

>> No.17361479

>i'm ok with trash
plebs will be plebs. be better than the gap

>> No.17361482


>> No.17361486
File: 277 KB, 440x437, 1638128782407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey you should be better and stop supporting trash companies

>> No.17361495

ill goyslop down your throat you dirty pnw slut
theyre fine

>> No.17361523

Which ones would you recommend then

>> No.17361525

Minimum budget for "decent" in your opinion,

>> No.17361593

yes, it´s pretty narrow

>> No.17361646

Can't hear you over your cum gargling.

>> No.17361670

leatherboard is a non-issue. it's just something brands latched onto to try and make them appear better than competitors. it's so they can say "hey look we use real leather not leatherboard, we're better!) when the reality is no one knows what that means or difference besides people on reddit

>> No.17361713

2bh I think leather is a meme

>> No.17361776

Leatherboard is garbage. Stop doing damage control for a justifiably inferior product. Go dilate back in your discord, faggot.

>> No.17361781

Non schitzo take here:

Leatherboard is acceptable in applications that don’t see direct wear (counter and midsole and heel base). As long as they don’t come into abrasion contact, they won’t break down.

Leather is better technically but leather board is acceptable for cost saving.

People don’t buy Alden or YSL to do lapry work shits.

>> No.17361784

leatherboard is the mdf equivalent. does it suck? absolutely yes. will it age poorly? absolutely yes. is it cheap? absolutely yes

>> No.17361817
File: 170 KB, 1069x1069, Enzo-Bonafe-1-1069x1069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's where this came from

>> No.17361822

I have also been thinking that Enzo Bonafe is probably the best chance of getting a proper Indy clone.

You can ask them to make anything as an MTO, and it will probably end up cheaper than Alden anyway.
Just ask them to stitch a fake U-shape apron on a normal plain toe jumper boot, and put the eyelets very close together. How hard can it be?

>> No.17361879
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>> No.17361904
File: 194 KB, 737x363, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The toe separation on his due to excessive wear
The toe separated because there's a foam section right underneath the outside right at the tip.
That shit is practically designed to separate.
Especially combined with a really soft rubber outsole.

>the heel on my $900 shell Indy’s is separating because I wore them for 30 consecutive days literally kicking rocks
The heel should not be separating, period.
It's clear from the overall construction (leatherboard heelstack, fake Norwegian welt, foam toe layer, fabrication flaws like the lasting hole, ...) that this boot just isn't put together all that well.

>> No.17361908

>right underneath the outside
*right underneath the outsole

>> No.17362008

this is literally the correct take
just dont make the insole out of it

>> No.17362105

On the subject of insoles, I removed the saphir veg tan leather insoles from my vibergs because they were squeaky

The insoles helped fill the empty space above my toes in the vamp a little bit, but they made the boots pinch my pinky toe as well.
But main reason I got rid of them was the squeaking, it was awful.

Maybe if you apply some adhesive before putting them in it might help, or maybe I should have sized them up even more (Vibergs are UK10 and I bought Saphir EU45)

>> No.17362122


>> No.17362154
File: 42 KB, 700x700, 1646166785381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this aint it, nick

>> No.17362157
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>> No.17362189

Looks like a great workboot.

>> No.17362308

Like all Nick's boots, it looks like they put together a lot of thick, high quality materials with zero regard for aesthetics.

I'm sure they will last a long time but I do not like them

>> No.17362318

How long does a topy last usually?

>> No.17362341

W2C best Roughout service boot?

If there's none available I'll just buy White's but it takes 7-8 months to arrive, and that's a long time

>> No.17362343

Excessive wear due to the way he walks. The stitch is completely gone from the toe. That’s not normal wear. RA need the correct size or toe taps. As far as the heals go it’s an easy fix from a cobbler. I don’t know what he did to his boots that he didn’t show but he is not completely unbiased. Everyone seems to think they have to toss the boot out just because there is some separation starting in the sole which is designed to be replaced anyway.

>> No.17362346

service boots is always viberg, albeit, White's does give you easier customization if you can stand the wait time

>> No.17362353

>it's fine if the heel and sole are falling off, it's supposed to
I stand by my Indys as the world's best office boot. I will not accept comparisons to White's, which is what Faggot Anvil keeps trying to do.

And to be clear: There's nothing wrong with White's either, except the fact that they don't belong in the office.

>> No.17362360

>visibly not tighy

>> No.17362367
File: 964 KB, 1188x1584, den01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

denimfags are retarded, more news at 11
>this is a good fit bro

>> No.17362371

I can get White's cheaper via Baker right now, even with shipping.

Are Viberg's worth it to that extent?

Seems at that price I may as well go with Alden's (which, whilst not Roughout, are beautiful).

I'm pretty tired of my Red Wings at this point and want a boot that will go for years.

>> No.17362381

>Are Viberg's worth it to that extent?

>> No.17362386

still coping? if they dont fit they dont fit, get rid of pairs that dont fit you well dude

>> No.17362392

jfl falling for youtube cobbler propaganda
I wear all my timbs for years until I get bored and then I give them away because they're still in great condition

>> No.17362393

no pics?

>> No.17362394

that literally never happens

>> No.17362396

But that is a good fit.

>> No.17362398

Vibergs are whites are hipster trash. all you need are a pair of justins

>> No.17362401

hes intentionally beating on them
thats not how a shoe looks after 1 month

>> No.17362406

>chinkshit literally never falls apart
okay bugman

>> No.17362411

seethe and cope cobbler

>> No.17362416

i got a pair of bnwb vibergs for cheap, the leather is "sweet potato suede" and in the pictures it looked brown, then in reality they were pink... do the saphir teinture francaise dye works well? I´m debating if i should dye them, i would even go and paint them green but i dont know if it would react well with the color that is already there, anyone has experience with dyeing suede?

they are really well built, the quality is really there, a leather counter instead of leatherboard is a huge difference, stitchdown feels solid and the absence of c*rk is noticeable

but the damn color, man... i was not expecting that :/

>> No.17362417

They're definitely the right size in terms of length but I'm still getting a bit of heel slip after 5 wears
Maybe they aren't broken in yet, I've never had boots with leather this thick before

>> No.17362418
File: 23 KB, 500x414, 1350336433470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'cobbler' as an insult
>in a boot thread

>> No.17362424

have you tried heel pads? saphir makes thin straps from suede, it gets rid of the heel slip

>> No.17362426
File: 672 KB, 2048x2730, IMG_5112_3149e48d-1b70-46ce-9d87-58170bb908c5_2048x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they look like this?
That's def pink

I don't know if suede can be recolored, maybe it's safer to take them to a cobbler

>> No.17362438

it's an obsolete profession, like blacksmith
so they're trying to spread propaganda that factories in China and Vietnam can't make boots. The same propaganda was tried with electronics decades ago but it turns out high quality products can be made anywhere.

Now go back to your mountain cabin and cry that no one needs your cobbling services.

>> No.17362441

The rubber outsole is really soft, it's very possible that the stitches wear out in a month of wear.
My Dr Soles are pretty hard, and the stitching was kind of getting worn through after a few weeks too.

>> No.17362445

Are you implying that I should send my boots back to the factory to be resoled?

>> No.17362447

No, just junk them a buy new ones for $150

>> No.17362448


>> No.17362453

bootbros, what are the best leather slippers for wearing around the house? i'm looking to get comfy in style

>> No.17362456

>resoling boots
>treating boots like some family heirloom
>treating boots like a 1963 corvette

it's just stitched leather, getting so attached to it that you'd passionately defend one type of stitching over another is ... fetishism. It's sick. Get help. (I don't mean go to a cobbler, I mean go to a psychiatrist)

>> No.17362460


>> No.17362463
File: 475 KB, 707x522, Screenshot 2022-11-26 125914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but it was advertised as this, it was misleading :/

suede can be recolored, should be easier than smooth leather, there are lots of videos on youtube but i´m worried it would react differently given that pink base color
and my local cobblers are the worst you can imagine, i sent one a pair of beat up boots for a repaint and they completely fucked them up, i ended up throwing them away

>> No.17362467

Can you not return them?

Anyway, recoloring them might be a cool project

>> No.17362468

it´s consumerism, brainwashed by the media to think shoes should be precious, shoes are just that...

>> No.17362472

>i was not expecting that :/
desu this >>17362426 perfectly matches a sweet potato

>> No.17362474

sadly no the store doesn't accept returns :(
i got them for 499 usd online and it was a final sale

i might as well dye them, i´ll have to do some testing first, but wanted to ask if anyone has experience doing that and could give an advise

>> No.17362479

Opinions on Oak Street Bootmakers...?

Pretty cheap with the sale, and free worldwide shipping. Made in USA. Seems like a good deal?

>> No.17362480
File: 254 KB, 1500x1012, 81iTnVbbirL._AC_UL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a pair for $100

>> No.17362485

very crude boots

>> No.17362489

based, based, so fucking based

>> No.17362500

>Opinions on Oak Street Bootmakers...?
fine but overpriced though thast not an issue with the sale
they look more like old school military boots than most service boots

>> No.17362502

Who makes the best duck boots nowadays? Quoddy?

>> No.17362505

I'm reading online that if you lose weight your feet can shrink by almost a full size
I can understand width, but length? How does that work

>> No.17362509
File: 665 KB, 1884x865, Footwear options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to grab a pair of RM Williams Chelsea boots today. They'll be my first pair. I know their chestnut craftsman would be a safe bet for your first pair, but I find them incredibly cliche - I see everyone wearing them. Instead, I was thinking of getting the Chinchilla boot in either Bordeaux or cognac. Would you say this is a good choice? I want them to be versatile (go with anything) and a good first pair of RM Williams.

>> No.17362528

Well the color that goes well with everything is dark brown. And dark green but that's another story.

Medium and light browns can work well with light color trousers too.
Bordeaux goes well with many things in theory but in practice you may feel it's too much and never wear it.

>> No.17362535

Just wear them and apply the saphir suede renovateur spray in dark brown occasionally. It will slowly darken them slightly and get rid of some of the pink tones.

>> No.17362542
File: 2.83 MB, 2872x3831, 1F78BEBF-CFE7-42EA-BC91-78F9466940A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not as soft or as bad as people claim. This pair is several years old and looks to be in better condition than Rose Anvil’s. For being such a leather and boot expert you’d think he’d take better care of his footwear. He doesn’t use shoe trees or have any sort of conditioning/care regiment. I guess since he doesn’t have to spend your his own money on boots to “review” he has mo incentive to care for them. That or he is just lazy which is the case with most normies who buy gyw footwear. They assume “quality” or expensive materials means that they don’t have to maintain anything.

>> No.17362549
File: 505 KB, 718x990, 1666488091606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good workboot

>> No.17362551

>Are Viberg's worth it to that extent?
as an owner of both, no.

>> No.17362553

Do they have the foam underneath the tip?
Also, if those are several years old, they're most definitely office boots.

>> No.17362557

Thank you

>> No.17362576

Yes. I don’t wear the toe on my boots like Rose Anvil does. Some office wear but they’re my usual good weather go-to boots so mostly in-town wear. Sidewalks, cobble stone, dirt walking trails/light hikes. If I’m going to go on a serious hike or go through mud I’ll grab a different pair. I don’t expect Alden to perform as well as an actual hiking boot for hiking just like I don’t expect Whites to look good in a suit. However most people don’t understand this and think Alden and Whites share the same market just because a few hipsters on leddit larp in “work wear”

>> No.17362580

sounds like a good idea, i´ll do that and if it ends up staining them badly i´ll be able to dye them without fear, i just used a little bit and it´s barely noticeable but did darkened them a little

>> No.17362582

>I don’t expect Alden to perform as well as an actual hiking boot
Problem is they're the Indiana Jones boot lol.
They used to be made extremely well with all top quality materials, but not anymore.

>> No.17362605

>Problem is they're the Indiana Jones boot
because the actor liked them
alden never marketed them as explorer boots

>> No.17362610

They were built much better back then, they were tough as nails. Pretty much like Vibergs are today.

>> No.17362612
File: 22 KB, 300x408, c96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next you'll be telling me Mauser C96 doesn't fire blaster bolts

>> No.17362614

Indiana jones is a movie. If you basing how something should perform off fiction then you’re retarded and only buying them to larp but even then you’re forgetting your larping as a professor larping as an adventurer. The boots Alden (and even UK brands) sell are intended for normal wear (eg walking) while offering additional protection should one encounter water, snow, dirt, etc during the day. They are to get you through adverse conditions not stay in them to do “work” day after day.

>> No.17362617

They were built much better back then, with better materials. They were just a lot tougher.
Also, remember than Alden themselves market them as the "Indy".

>> No.17362622

They were built the same with leatherboard (just like Florsheim, J&M, Bostonian, and every other American manufacturer did at the time). The only difference is the vintage pairs had a duck canvas lining instead of leather which one could argue is lesser quality.

>> No.17362625

Viberg is a fashion brand bro. They’re not work boots even though their good quality.

>> No.17362632
File: 297 KB, 1200x1600, F037FF2A-AF9A-4787-B25F-FB75BF9F0B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better materials

You’ve been lied to. The only thing vintage pairs do better is stitch density (sometimes)

>> No.17362636

i hate the high spi meme


>> No.17362638
File: 3.89 MB, 4032x3024, 2770D925-0C95-4766-8752-3D31FC1F3E19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought these boots (eytys michigan) in 42 (27.8cm)

my feet are around 26cm so there’s around a 2cm gap.

are these too big? should i size down to a 41 (27.2cm)?

>> No.17362642

Which Nicks model is that?

>> No.17362644

what the fuck is that last, that shape

>> No.17362654

what do you mean? i like the shape

eytys michigan. they’re my first pair of boots and i’m not sure if 2cm at the front is too much

>> No.17362656
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>> No.17362662
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/btg/'s thoughts on Tecovas?

>> No.17362671

Don't worry about it. Retards here have only one types of boots they like: brown work boots with a goodyear blimp or whatever. They all wear the same shit and think they're fashionable but they're all fashion cowards and they all look the same. The boots you chose are a fashion statement, that statement presumably being look at my massive boots!

>> No.17362676

i have 5 pairs of their boots, a couple belts, and a wallet.
very comfortable. no break-in period.
they look as good in person as they do in their photos, maybe even better.
quality control seems great. customer service is top notch.

>> No.17362695

It's simply retarded to charge that much money for shoes riddled with leatherboard, a split leather insole, etc.

>> No.17362717

thank you! so i’m guessing 2cm is okay for boots?

and yeah they’re a statement piece, i’ve ordered a 2nd hand pair of solovairs for normal use but i really do like the sole on them

>> No.17362735

Source that Alden were using leatherboard for midsoles and heelstacks back then?

>> No.17362741
File: 2.81 MB, 4624x2604, 1646714451385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of the box, gonna exchange them lol

>> No.17362770
File: 10 KB, 64x77, LoRbh91GOyADq0gEw8dK59qvJODRO+EeEEsxWNLVLAHxaf4TcQWf4o403ePLCRGLPgFPAq4Sf2EgzuKVNpKBGDcI3fODlca6cdjv9X5LOriea40G3AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whomst made these

>> No.17362771

vibergs lmao

>> No.17362772

even the brogues are shocked

>> No.17362778

They are viberg, I love the color, pic doesnt do it justice but this shit isn't acceptable to me.

>> No.17362780

Is it brown CXL?
CXL is notorious for dick veins but that's not acceptable imo

>> No.17362782

nope, my CXL vibergs are flawless. Its whiskey regency calf.

>> No.17362796
File: 78 KB, 768x432, ED458D81-B0E6-4BBE-B603-B37C87A2EBE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Leatherboard and fiberboard was more common in vintage American shoes than you think. Why waste leather on on parts that are meant to be regularly replaced? The America brands that are considered heritage/luxury now were just normal shoe brands back then. Nobody gave a shit about leatherboard until redditors started kvetching because they have to have the most overbuilt boot will the best/most unique materials to show off and one up each other.

>> No.17363117

No doubt EB is quite good, but in case you didn't know most Indonesian bookmakers do apron toe boots similar to the indy.

>> No.17363213

Yes Weston, that is elastic on a work boot.
For other proof, look at Blundstone. They are an acceptable work boot, even if they have moved manufacturing to SEAnigger land.

Not everything needs to be built to your autistic PNW standards because 99% of working men aren't worried about their boots getting set on fire.
You weren't even in a hotshot crew. You did one summer in a fire crew and act like everyone needs Whites on at all times or they're going to die. Fuck off, clown.

>> No.17363221

The Cartwright is built on canvas, the Doc and the Prescott are built on leather with a channel cut.
Don't buy the Cartright unless you're only going to wear it at the office.

If you want a work boot, buy Justins.

>> No.17363222

>stitch density on a wedge sole
what is he smoking?

>> No.17363237
File: 18 KB, 411x293, 1641744508628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>workboots neet a secure fit around the ankle
>elastic can do so

>> No.17363244


>> No.17363245
File: 87 KB, 495x384, heel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody gave a shit about leatherboard
Maybe up north, but down here anything other than a full leather heel and a leather rand is a sure sign of a shit boot.
That said, we do rely on our heels in a way no one else does. You can get away with it if you walk, but if you ride you can't.

>> No.17363248

You're right. Everyone should always wear 10" lace-to-toe boots. You might have tiny girl ankles and fall out of your boot while standing on your level cement shop floor.

Fuck you Weston.

>> No.17363253




>> No.17363362
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1643769159430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back from previous thread, think i'm going to pull the trigger on a pair. which kind is best,any recommendations? I'm looking at "the earl" right now. I have a wide foot.