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/fa/ - Fashion

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17356160 No.17356160 [Reply] [Original]

Are rings considered fashionable yet? It's been around 6 years and I want to wear them again. I'm tired of only my family seeing me with them.

>> No.17356164

they make you look low iq

>> No.17356185

No they don't. Shut your mouth.

>> No.17356187

I wear rings everyday

>> No.17356240

obv too many and abit too much gaudy bling

1 or 2 rings max and only quality precious metals

dial back the flashy excessive number of sparkly stones

make focus rhe heaviness of gold / platinum / silver

>> No.17356310
File: 1.59 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221030-172000_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear as many as you want anon

>> No.17356417

he's a guy...
you're a tacky attention whoring femoid wearing lots of costume jewelry.

Maybe plan on expanding your taste beyond your mouth, as you mature.

>> No.17356433

I wear 1 24kt gold wedding ring and that's it. I'm considering getting a signet ring for the right hand though

>> No.17356688

>signet ring
based conservative effay ring chad

>> No.17356699

what this guy said

>> No.17356782
File: 1.67 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221030-171950_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear as many as you want anon

>> No.17356791

Every fuckboy runs around with a signet ring, try going outside a little.

>> No.17356797

Looks tacky especially when the older you get you should know about Rings of power (literally) charged energy from old money minerals like ruby and sapphire. Then status rings of social clubs, usually gold, platnium and diamonds. Statement rings, but not like these anon's thin girly ones. Same applies to bracelets and necklaces, you'd want some metaphysical help from ideally minerals and not colorful plastic placebos

>> No.17356798

A single ring or wedding band will get you bitches like nothing else

>> No.17356866

I wear a wedding band and a pinky ring on my left hand.

>> No.17356884
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-0505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really wear rings or bracelets often but here's some that's been gifted to me and I usually wear it like this.

>> No.17356896
File: 790 KB, 1115x1220, 7337C30F-AD43-44F6-81D5-3A87F3A5EAD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rings are effay

>> No.17356976

mirin heavy masculine silver - steel bracelet that suits you well

>> No.17357288

Source on the pic?

It's funny how the guy complaining is worried about how he'll be perceived as if that's not "feminine"

>> No.17357325

"Hurr I got a genuine ruby ring, by the power of this gem I will become a WASP" -Schizo faggot

>> No.17357361

Weird projection

>> No.17357423

You can wear one if you get married.

>> No.17357459

Do the dudes in your gay club have a special nickname for you? Like "Ringjob" or something?

>> No.17357467

If you're wearing anything other than a wedding ring, class ring, non-LARP secret society ring, or superbowl ring, you're going to be perceived as a low class tryhard at best and a homosexual at worst (or best if that's your goal I guess).

>> No.17357485

Exactly. So busy worrying about his image, that's what ladies do. Just do what you want and fuck what others say about you


>> No.17357502

I don't get the appeal for lusting after gold and silver. Steel is enough for me

>> No.17357540

Please tell me you're talking about watches...

>> No.17357543

wedding band on left
i sometimes wear one other ring on my right, one is a symbol and the other is a very murky emerald

>> No.17357550

Unless it's a wedding/university ring then no

>> No.17357688

Holy hell. Not a real stone in sight. But what’s cool is plastic stays for 500 years so you can pass that on to your grandkids

>> No.17357690

If I met a dude like this irl I would be more interested in being his friend. (Female taking)

>> No.17357725

could a ring (or more) be a subtle way to indicate that I'm gay?
I thought about wearing earrings but I don't really think it fits my style

>> No.17357744

>university ring
lol what a fag

>> No.17357774

No I'm talking about rings.

>> No.17357777

On my left hand
>black tourmaline

On the left
>green onyx

>> No.17357934
File: 70 KB, 750x741, 1624_vinnie-hacker_eboy_chad_twunk_nails_1671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're buff social media zoomer influencer e-bro like Vinnie Hacker, you can rock many rings, erarrings and necklaces, just imagine the freedom of expression bros....


All of those metals are base-quality and mediocre settings.... go for fewer pieces (1 - 2 or 3 max) and higher quality precious metals (gold, platinum or silver) and precious stones (diamond, emerald, sapphire, ruby etc.)

Your rings:

semi-precious stones

tier 1

tier 2

>> No.17358417

why should anyone follow this "advice"?

>> No.17358481

If you want to be tastefully dressed with appropriate jewelry to complete your fit, metals and stones of high quality and scarcer number always impress more than the opposite....

>> No.17358487

No they are for good for nothing attention seeking faggots

>> No.17358845

Where do you think you are

>> No.17358850

you go on reddit wayyyy to much

>> No.17358852


>> No.17359816


>> No.17360036

I wear one on my broken pinky because of the significance and symbolism and because I'm always fidgeting when discussing shit at work

>> No.17360150

>broken pinky

what do u mean?

>> No.17360164

hebler accident when I was helping my father whom I also despise
thank God my hand is still intact and the plastic surgery went ok so I can continue to do my actual paid work as a photographer for government

I got some suicide looking scars on the inside of my forearm though because they could take the tissue for transplant from my ass or thigh because both of my arms had to be under drip during the procedure

>> No.17360168

i meant they couldn't take the tissue from my ass or thigh
phoneposting from a psychiatric ward btw

>> No.17360172

hang in there man


>> No.17360174

y-you too

>> No.17360198

Imagine giving a shit if the NPC's around you think you look fashionable. Wear whatever the fuck you like.

>> No.17361441
File: 215 KB, 960x960, Men-Jewellery 08022021160142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17361587

>University ring
>what a fag

what an uneducated peasant boor

>> No.17361654

In the UK every Zoomer wears like 3 on each hand

>> No.17361673

>tfw no family crest to wear on a signet ring