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17353477 No.17353477 [Reply] [Original]

/btg/ - STITCHDOWN Edition

What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and don't wear them daily for too long

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags


>> No.17353491

Is there a boot care set you guys recommend?

>> No.17353494


>> No.17353495

GYW > stitchdown

>> No.17353496
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>> No.17353499

looks unprofessional

>> No.17353503

What about non suede boots?

>> No.17353505


>> No.17353509

is white's still the last pair of boots I'll ever need to buy? or have they become chinkshit and another brand is superior?

>> No.17353516
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>is white's still the last pair of boots I'll ever need to buy
>or have they become chinkshit
what makes you say that? they are handwelting in the PNW with leather from american tanneries

>> No.17353518

bought by jap mega company

>> No.17353527
File: 584 KB, 702x544, 1643069512419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japs are literally the next best manufacturing in the world and they fucking love americana shit. even then the CEO stated that the japs literally left them to their own devices

>> No.17353529

think I'll get myself a pair for Christmas then, I've wanted a good pair of boots for literal years

>> No.17353530

>trusting corpos to keep their word
Maybe I just hate foreigners too much

>> No.17353535
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>ignores the rest about japs being second best
whats your brand you want to shill anyways

>> No.17353538

I can't shill Origin yet, they don't have a true work boot
but they are more American without PNW stink.

>> No.17353539

the handwelted line is what you want. if you're after a pair of custom you get them through bakersboots

>> No.17353548
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ugly af with that retarded extra seam on the side, but they get points for being very american material and american built

>> No.17353574

Literal chinkshit is superior to anything America put out right now.

>> No.17353575

Indonesia is making better boots than the chinks (the dutch taught them well).

>> No.17353577


>> No.17353578

okay bugman

>> No.17353665

Now that Frye is bankrupt, who do I buy square-toe engineers from?

>> No.17353683
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Alright guys, I just got my first pair of expensive boots this week (Mister Lous). My brannock is 11.5D, but I got these in 11E since people recommended going 0.5 size down from your regular boot size and to size up in width due to the narrow toe. So far it seems like a good fit, snug with about 0.25 -0.5 inches of toe room, but my heel has been rubbing very slightly on the back. I've been using mole skin as a temporary solution and its been working at reducing friction, but I'm wondering if the rubbing will eventually stop once I "break in the boot". Any thoughts?

>> No.17353684

yes, engies have a lot of slip to start, thicker heel padded socks would help too

>> No.17353693

As the leather molds around your foot, the rub will diminish.
Post pics btw

>> No.17353725

What does?

>> No.17353726

Literally buy them right now while they're on sale

>> No.17353802

What's a good autumn/winter boot that's available in Europe?

>> No.17353810


>> No.17353824

- pretty much every boot sold in a mall is of sufficient quality of construction
- boots can be other colors, not just brown or tan
- zippers on boots are okay

Carry on.

>> No.17353831

>- pretty much every boot sold in a mall is of sufficient quality of construction
Cemented boots fall apart after 1.5 winter seasons on average, in my experience.
And I'm by no means a heavy user.

>> No.17353840

That looks scratched, you should return them and get a new pair.

>> No.17353841

>pretty much every boot sold in a mall is of sufficient quality of construction
No but you can find some decent boots even in malls
>boots can be other colors, not just brown or tan
>zippers on boots are okay

>> No.17353851
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>>zippers on boots are okay
Your opinion is invalid because zipperfags fuck and isn't that all that matters?

>>pretty much every boot sold in a mall is of sufficient quality of construction
>No but you can find some decent boots even in malls

>Cemented boots fall apart after 1.5 winter seasons on average, in my experience.
>And I'm by no means a heavy user.

I'm assuming no one here is looking to buy a pair of boots only once in ten years given that it's /fashion/
Wear them for 2--3-4 years while rotating with other boots you have and then throw them out and get new ones.
Or be so autistic about qUaLiTy that you have to order them from some workshop in rural Oregon that doesn't even have a website and you have to write them a letter and wait 8 months to get your boots.

>> No.17353877

Buying quality is the exact opposite of autism, it means you can just throw on your boots and go without having to worry that your 3-year-old boots might just fall apart without warning mid-walk.

>> No.17353886

First, boots don't fall apart like that from walking. You're watching too many Youtube cobblers who overstate things for content. Even $70 Sketchers boots won't just fall apart. We've reached that level of technology.

Second, embracing the transient nature of what you wear is a prerequisite for being effay. Whenever I move cities (4 times the past 10 years), I donate or throw away basically all my clothes and shoes and I love the opportunity to reinvent my style. It's a pair of boots, not a family heirloom. If they looked good and you got your money's worth, then they were good boots.

>> No.17353889

>First, boots don't fall apart like that from walking
They do when they're cemented.

>Even $70 Sketchers boots won't just fall apart.
When they look like timbs and don't have soles that wrap halfway up the vamp, yes they do.

The reason cemented workboots have soles that wrap halfway up the vamp is because
1) this means there's more grip for the glue
2) there is no fake welt shelf that can serve as a lip that catches and rips off glued-on soles.

>> No.17353891

You're parroting Youtube cobbler content. That's why you say vamp, like it's a normal word normal people use when talking about shoes.
Welt shelf? Sole wrapping? Sorry, I've never had a pair of boots fall apart on me and I've worn all kinds of cheap boots even with zippers.

>> No.17353894
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>You're parroting Youtube cobbler content.
I'm speaking from experience.

>Welt shelf? Sole wrapping?
Real and fake welts create a lip that can catch on stuff.
Real welts are strong enough to deal with that, fake ones aren't.

That's why actual workboots that are cemented wrap halfway up the shoe, like in pic.

>> No.17353900

>I'm speaking from experience.
From experience of being brainwashed by the youtuber cobbler cabal? Or do you weigh half a ton?

>>Welt shelf? Sole wrapping?
I don't know what any of that means because I haven't had my mind poisoned by cobbler lies. They're so butthurt that their trade is mostly obsolete now so they engage in psyops about mass produced shoes and infect your mind with nonsense about welts and shelves and shanks and ganks and gussets. None of those things are things. There's a boot, it has laces and that's the two components of boots.

>> No.17353901

>pretty much every boot sold in a mall is of sufficient quality of construction
they're really not. retail shoes are rife with bonded leather and soles that start separating before you've worn them down even slightly
if adequate quality means a ugly, peeling upper and a sole constantly getting tacked on with glue then I dont want adequate
>- boots can be other colors, not just brown or tan
rare colors is part of the endgame for bootism
>- zippers on boots are okay
maybe but unnecessary and it introduces a potential point of failure

>> No.17353902

>From experience of being brainwashed by the youtuber cobbler cabal?
Experience having cemented shoes fall apart on me.

>I don't know what any of that means

>> No.17353907

Whites are the last boot I'd ever buy. Why does this general shill blue collar boots so much? I'm not a fucking electrician, whites would look hilariously out of place on any fit of mine.

>> No.17353960

GYW is simply a cleaner, sharper silhouette

>> No.17354001
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then don't buy them.

>> No.17354022
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can anyone id these?

>> No.17354038

>Why does this general shill blue collar boots so much?
They're pretty much the only boots that are actually well made, but don't have pointy toes.

>> No.17354039
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Too damn cold for November

>> No.17354046

Okay just give me the most comfortable boots that cost less that $160 AND don't look like shit

>> No.17354056


>> No.17354067
File: 2.47 MB, 2623x3526, 81345A20-ABC7-4097-AF2E-770CBF53C8F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second pair of discounted Vibergs arrived in Salvia Sego horsebutt. Went up to 11.5 on the 2030 and they fit about the same as my 12D Barrie last Aldens.

>> No.17354080

Work boots larpers can fuck off to /out/ or /k/ or wherever. If you are not here to discuss fashion, only specs sperging, then this is not the place for you.

>> No.17354092

Lol frail man detected, sorry I use mine buddy!

>> No.17354099

B-but they will literally disintegrate the moment they encounter a water molecule. You must pay a minimum of $1500 for boots that are actually durable and won't give you explosive foot cancer. And you better not buy them at the mall, the only boots that are worth buying are made by the guy who built Pinocchio. The waiting list is 8 years unfortunately, but it's well worth the wait. Oh and you will first have to bring him adequate leather, which means you need to go to the Himalayas to hunt for an intersex yak that is exactly 7 years and 11 months old otherwise the leather is no good. Then you need to get a PhD in tanning from the University of Northwest Manitoba and work that leather to perfection. And don't get me started on stitching, unless you have a spool diamond filament, you might as well wrap your feet in wet paper bags for all the structural strength your boots will have.

>> No.17354114

Some field boots.

>> No.17354115

finally we've got someone who understands.

>> No.17354133

curious how the green looks in sunlight because I know interior lighting never does the color justice

>> No.17354137

or you could stop being retarded and buy Indonesian or Chinese
perfectly good quality for $250-$400

the only people who disagree are stichdown autists

>> No.17354138

Anybody used to be a boot autist that grew out of it?
Two pairs of Red Wings, two pairs Whites, some Aldens and several Carmina dress shoes and one day I just grew out of it
I don't even use shoe trees or brush them off anymore kek. It was just rampant consumerism

>> No.17354153

i don't think there is anything wrong with owning quality items and up keeping them. the issue is being obsessive about it.

>> No.17354200

Weather’s been shit all week so not much direct sunlight. I’m interested to see how it ages. I know green shinki horsebutt can turn brown but I’m hoping the sego stays relatively olive green.

Nope. I have more pairs than I probably need but I continue to buy what I like as long as it fills a gap in my collection. You will spend the majority of your life in Boots/Shoes so why do it in cheap dogshit. You’re just going for a cheaper (up front) form of consumerism without realizing you’ll probably spend the same if not more in the long run. This is before considering orthopedic/specialty lasts and sizing which is the reason a lot of boot fanatics get into it.

>> No.17354224

>I have to have super duper tuff oldschool firefighters boots for my desk job and walk to walmart
k feetlet

>> No.17354228

What are the bootss in the OP pic?

>> No.17354235
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whites are a memes and only amerifag autists buy them repeating themselves that does goofy ass clown boots are worth it because "well made" despite those trashy ass giant welts. If you live in NA and want something similar do yourself a favour and get some vibergs, or oakstreet if you want to go cheaper

>> No.17354242

Those can't be vibergs
I always like Viberg boots and I do not like these

There's something odd with the last, the sole, the toe spring

>> No.17354244
File: 425 KB, 1440x1440, oak-street-bootmakers-trench-boot-natural-chromexcel-leather-sole-x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not, they're oakstreet

>> No.17354245

sickly shade of green

>> No.17354255

the new White's stitchdown

>sole thinner than your hairline

>> No.17354256

need a pic in sunlight. Im still debating on buying the whiskey regency calf BCT.

>> No.17354259

I rarely see white's posted here so im assuming they just shitpost, no way people actually buy those clown boots if they don't actually use them for work.

>> No.17354263
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Not sunlight but natural light. If the coupon still works and you know your sizing get them. Discount vibergs are hard to get. It seems like most retailers only include the discount on them accidentally or for just a limited time based on remaining sizes.

>> No.17354265
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Guys, I've realized I have been unnecessarily torturing my feet by buying smaller sizes all these years

I hate having extra pressure on my instep so I never laced my shoes tightly, so I guess I got used to buying them small so they would be secure without relying on the laces

I bought my proper size for the first time and it feels tiring, it's roomy but if I walk 10 mins my feet feel extremely tired for some reason, like I've walked a really long time.

>> No.17354267

>wide ass welt
>giant gay manlet heel


>> No.17354268

requesting third person perspective of you in this position wearing only boots and socks thanks

>> No.17354270

Cultizm has 25% off all items, including Vibergs (I guess)
They also restocked a new color recently

I like them

>> No.17354274

Do they squeak when you walk?
Mine squeak and I am not surer how to fix it

I applied conditioner on the tongue and on the inside of the eyelets where it touches the tongue, some people say that's the squeaky part.
Haven't worn them yet, but it somehow feels like the squeak is coming from inside the sole, in the front half

>> No.17354286
File: 3.79 MB, 3531x3024, FBF268B8-15C2-4425-8909-2CF7B0226BC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think my personal truck really looks that dirty
End your life my man
>t. milf enjoyer

>> No.17354289

Whites MPs with Dainite sole are good enough for business casual

>> No.17354290
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i work in my White's

>> No.17354296

you ever get paranoid about getting run over by the mower?

>> No.17354304

You are not welcome here.
Ugly ass mutt.

>> No.17354305

Nope. Yours might squeak due the shank and the surrounding leather. As the footbed wears in it should go away but it might take awhile. My shell Aldens are my noisiest shoes but thats due to shell just being noisy.

>> No.17354310
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Best I can do for free

>> No.17354313

yea that looks much better
whats the code?

>> No.17354315

No that’s an unusual fear

>> No.17354316

The code is on the front page

>> No.17354323

Nah I’m a handsome dude

>> No.17354328

thanks, now im super tempted.

>> No.17354337

They are well made boots and I love the look but that's basically what you are paying for, the quality is good but it's not any better than let's say Carmina which is much cheaper.
But you're getting an American style service boot that no European maker really does. Very thick leather too.

I don't know if there's anywhere in Europe where they can resole stitchdown boots as well, this type of thing isn't common here.

>> No.17354354
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goddamn what the fuck

>> No.17354360
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Is this a square toe?

>> No.17354362

You have to have size 12+ feet for PNW boots with the thick vibram soles to look proportional.

>> No.17354364

>how much toe cap you want senpai
>all of it

>> No.17354373
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Kinda, that's called a "soft square" toe

Pic related is a square last, G&G's TG73

In my opinion square lasts are only for very sleek dress shoes, not even the traditional ones like black captoe oxfords. Mainly adelaides.
And also, surprisingly, suede oxfords. Also adelaides preferrably.

>> No.17354374

Looks like a mediocre attempt at a British style chisel toe

>> No.17354376
File: 1.04 MB, 1638x2048, 65073939_2303260963100183_5965710158259552256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison, here's the "soft square" last from the same maker, the MH71

>> No.17354380
File: 2.45 MB, 3024x3473, 1E35E1B4-E509-4979-B727-549C8933B925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve bitched about this before and I will continue to bitch about it but I wish more boot makers would line the backs of speedhooks and roll/finish their edges like Alden. Many more expensive brands including C&J and Viberg don’t do it. At the prices some charge it should be a standard feature especially since it’s easier on the tongue and more comfortable.

>> No.17354383

oh wow that is a really nice quality of life feature

>> No.17354386

My vibergs have lining on the inside of the eyelets (no speedhooks) but not the rest of the shaft.
My Carminas have lining on the entire inside of the boot, shaft included. But the edges are not rolled and there's no binding between upper and lining.
I once tried some Enzo Bonafe boots, they were fully lined and there was also binding between the upper + lining. I liked them but they did not fit.

>> No.17354403
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>I don't know if there's anywhere in Europe where they can resole stitchdown boots as well
My local cobbler does so im not worried about having stitchdown boots, dainite soles last forever and im not wearing them more than twice a week at most anyway.
Last purchase this year, hoping for a good Tricker's sale in 2023.

>> No.17354412

Mind the size, they're a little wide.
American "E" fitting (one size bigger than normal D)
equivalent in Europe would be "G"

For example, Carmina's Rain EEE and Forest EEE are "G"

>> No.17354416

Aren't they UK "E" or American "D" ? I already have 2030s so no worries and i don't think they are wide at all actually.

>> No.17354417

the 2030 is anything but wide

>> No.17354426

That's my experience as well and i don't have particularly wide feet at 4.2in.

>> No.17354434

At US 10 I think that puts you into E territory

The 2030 last felt wide enough to me, usually shoes pressure my ball but not these

>> No.17354437

Gothrock boots?

>> No.17354439
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a GS Chelsea in 7 EE. I am 7 EEE in GS Leo and Floyd last. The Chelsea boots are wide enough but there’s excess room at instep and heel. I had a spare superfeet insole lying around and that seems to fix the excess space issue but it does feel a bit too tight. Should I break the boot in and mould the veg tan insole with thick socks first then insert the super feet insoles or break in the boots with the superfeet insoles from the start?

>> No.17354442

You could try a tongue pad for the instep
Having a loose instep can make your foot slide forward which makes the heel lose and also cramps your toes.

>> No.17354448


I fucked up with the first pair I ordered from cultizm and thought the sizes listed as US was the Viberg size. Ended up with 11s instead of 12s on the 1035 last. Fortunately the 1035 is pretty forgiving (especially in Kudu) and they fit with thin wool socks. Viberg 11.5 is my correct size on the 2030 and probably the 1035 with my normal darn tough socks. Everyone says to buy the same Viberg size as your Trubalance or Barrie size which but I wear those lasts true to my brannock which would have made a Viberg 12 too big. Sizing down 0.5 from brannock seems to be about right for Viberg.

>> No.17354455

look kinda like palladiums

>> No.17354458

>We suggest going with your UK size or one size down from your North American Brannock measurement.
Is what Viberg recommend and it worked nicely for me, 0.5 is probably better if you only wear thick socks.

>> No.17354470

I’m a US 12D (borderline E) brannock with a high arch and instep. I wear most US brands tts and usually go down 0.5 for UK as well, with the exception of Trickers (no half sizes above 11) and Sanders which are 12UK. It’s a pain getting a good fit with taking some sort of sizing risk which is why I’ve avoided Vass, Carmina, and EB since I’m more unsure if their lasts.

>> No.17354472

found the poor

>> No.17354485

found the guy who buys premium HDMI cables

>> No.17354498

The good thing about Carmina is that they are actually a big corporation with a huge factory, so do not be ashamed to order RTW models just to try them on and then return it, even if you had no intention of keeping them.

You can't (and shouldn't) do this with Bonafe, they only really do MTO and it's a small family shop, the old man does all the cordovan stuff and his wife does the delicate stitching like norvegese and reverse stitch split toes, all their stuff is hand clicked, hand stitched (even the outsoles from what I understand)

>> No.17354531

still better than someone who buys zipper boots from the mall

>> No.17354569

Outsole is machine stitched.

>> No.17354585
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x2731, zipperfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well adjusted sex-having people buy their clothes and shoes at the mall and they don't fall for the anti zipper meme

>> No.17354598
File: 66 KB, 640x480, wait....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you keep posting the same guy.

>> No.17354605
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>denim tucked into boots

>> No.17354608

GYW is hardly professional.
You'd want a Blake stitch for that.

>> No.17354652

How is the sizing on Loakes? Are they true to size? Not sure which size to order from them - I was just looking through all my shoes and noticed almost all the ones I bought in the UK are 11 (46) while almost all of the ones I bought in the EU are 45 (10.5)
So do I get 45 or 46 from Loake...

>> No.17354673

You got Islay's right? Do you also have a pair of Stow's ? Been thinking about which of those two i should get.

>> No.17354721

good for wet socks too

>> No.17354726
File: 3.64 MB, 3746x2915, F3F9689E-A08F-4AD6-A46E-4352DC7C194C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Islays are my favorite. I only grabbed the Stows because they were cheap from Pediwear when they had their going out of business sale.

>> No.17354731

well do you want practical, or do you want professional?
a full storm welt is going to look goofy on dress shoes.

>> No.17354738

Thanks that will make the decision easier in favor of the Islays

>> No.17354771

looks fine on my tafts

>> No.17354787

Friendly reminder to go buy yourself a pair of Whites and a pair of Indys before posting.

>> No.17354796

fuck off fag, make your own white general where you can shill your overpriced clown boots. honk honk

>> No.17354799

what do you wear, smallfoot?

>> No.17354803

Why do you want everything to be so homogeneous?

>> No.17354813

I've got a pair of Indys and I might purchase a pair of White's used, I'll post regardless though.

>> No.17354828
File: 1.07 MB, 5472x3648, 1667159109738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you best believe in White's thread

cause you're in one

>> No.17354843
File: 142 KB, 580x580, grantstonediesel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a pair of grant stone diesels in suede for 180 on ebay nice

>> No.17354854


>> No.17354908



>> No.17354915
File: 380 KB, 2532x1399, 567899432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based or simpleton shoe and no bitches?

>> No.17354939

It's a chukka boot, a classic.

>> No.17354941

suede chukkas are always cool

>> No.17354966

Get a fucking bean boot you autist

>> No.17354978

>cost less that $160 AND don't look like shit
pick one

>> No.17354997

Jesus Christ, fucking disgusting consumer trash. You don't need to buy everything new just because you moved to a new apartment you fucking autistic faggot.

>> No.17354999

>don't question
>just consooooom every time you move

>> No.17355001
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Well no but thanks for trying. This is a stitchdown boot.

>> No.17355002

What's with the seam on the shaft?

>> No.17355016

I don't know that's how the guy who makes them makes them

>> No.17355074
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After finally starting to upgrade my closet from my old closet, I finally got around to getting a nice pair of boots. What do you guys think? They're a version of Sorel's Madsons

>> No.17355100
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>> No.17355101

Super gay/ go away

>> No.17355150

please recs on something similar to this. i love everything about this except i cant justify the cost...https://shop.whitesboots.com/work-boots/the-lineman-stitchdown-construction/

>> No.17355152

i like those theyre nice. i was thinking of getting something similar with a moccasin kinda shape

>> No.17355162

There is no other
Submit or perish

>> No.17355176
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three laced chukkas have no chill
loosen up

two lace only ever if you want to be acid house

>> No.17355214

>i love everything about this
there is your justification

>> No.17355261

anyone? tl;dr - are loakes tts or do they run s/l?

>> No.17355301

Somebody post the European shoemaker chart please

>> No.17355320
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I normally hate zippers on boots but it seems all curling boots have them. Is it nevertheless effay? Also, does anyone know of a cheaper option than the Bally at €550? My parents recommended me some Canada Snow ones that look similar but they got a big fat fucking leaf on them and I am not a faggot.

>> No.17355332
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>I am not a faggot
>wants to wear pic related

>> No.17355337
File: 99 KB, 800x800, yanko-derby-boot-brown-grain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend a better non-faggot boot then, I am open to suggestions. Has to be brown and needs that rubber protection because we just got 2.5 dm of snow last night. My current leather boots (pic related) got water damage last year despite me putting Saphir wax on them and I'd like to not have to repeat fixing the water stains.

>> No.17355389

already have both

>> No.17355393

Dainite sole for actual winter conditions?
C&J Snowdon is a good option if you want something business casual like your current boots.

>> No.17355404

Those aren't bad at all but not what I am looking for. The toe box of the boots I have get wet and ruined by the snow and sleet unless I remove the snow manually every few steps so I need something like the Bally that protects that area. My current Yanko boots already have a Vibram Dainite-like sole so traction is not the issue.

>> No.17355416

why not buy a more robust pair of winter beaters with a lug sole and waxed flesh?
you can slather them in snow seal or obenaufs

>> No.17355418

Well, that's what I intended to use the Bally for unless you had a specific example at the same price or cheaper. The C&Js were 50% more expensive.

>> No.17355423

idk check grant stone
they should have a dark oak roughout Edward with a lug sole and you can get it for $320 with the sale. if you do check what leather care stuff they carry when you're trying to get to $400 to trigger the discount. if moisture is an issue then get a pair of shoe trees for them then commit to abusing them in winter

>> No.17355432
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Guys, I need help my Palladium Pampa Sport Cuff WPS boots arrived and I don't know how to style them. The tongue of the boot is too big and don't know what kind of pants would work well. Any suggestions?

Pic Related.

>> No.17355444

You should pair them with a trash can and buy a proper boot at a $1000 minimum. Also that brown is too dark.

>> No.17355448

>Paid $700 for that stitching
Honk honk indeed.

>> No.17355470

tight cargos or joggers if you want to tuck the top
if you just wear your normal pants they're just fancy converse

>> No.17355507
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Can white people wear this?

>> No.17355514

White people, could infact, wear that. The question is why would you want to?

>> No.17355552
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Any well-built boots similar to this?

>> No.17355556

These are kinda ugly.

>> No.17355564


>> No.17355579

>need help my Palladium
Bin it.

>> No.17355584

you guys are too hard on palladium
they have a military history and dont really claim to be anything but a rubber sole melted onto a canvas sock

>> No.17355602

I was just making fun of the boot fetishist autists here. The boots look fine to me and I'm sure they'll last for years.

>> No.17355603


>almost 2023
>wearing boots without zippers

Enjoy your perpetual virginity

>> No.17355616

>if you don't buy shit products you will be a virgin like me

>> No.17355627

what kind of retard laces their boots like that? zipperfags everyone

>> No.17355628

you'll never use the zipper and it's just an unnecessary split in your upper

>> No.17355633

I use zippers all the time. Never failed, never caused a problem, plus I can make a loud click when I tap my feet together and that gets girls all wet.

>> No.17355638
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shoepassion no. 6613. Not top quality, but certainly better than that circus footgear

>> No.17355642

>shitkicker soles
>dull color
>no zippers

>> No.17355664
File: 1.24 MB, 257x200, bowie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus I can make a loud click when I tap my feet together and that gets girls all wet
you really believe that.

>> No.17355680
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can't tell if bait or pure fucking retarded

>> No.17355686

yellow brick road walkin ass, heel clickin ass hoe

>> No.17355687

Believe it or not, many people live in civilized areas where they don't have to wade through manure daily, and their footwear reflects that.

>> No.17355689
File: 55 KB, 900x643, edwardbootwaxedcommander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17355696

I really wish they'd do the Edward eyelets on everything
the diesel/Ottawa eyelets are too big

>> No.17355703

lmao what the fuck are these fucking medieval jester boots ahahah holy shit look at those tips

>> No.17355713

ok it was the latter

>> No.17355716

https://www.trickersoutlet.com/outlet/mens + 20% off at checkout. Some really good deals possibly.

>> No.17355772
File: 1.65 MB, 866x827, 1663963519207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new stitchdown cruisers from White's

>> No.17355774

why would you buy them before styling them with your current wardrobe?

>> No.17355778
File: 552 KB, 943x499, 1640929606679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy turdsday
>soles literally turning into dust

>> No.17355804

they're dragging thier feet
which of thier models is that pointy though?

>> No.17355815

think it's their women line which are made worse than their men's line

>> No.17355958
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thoughts? are these stylish enough for casual wear?

>> No.17355966
File: 360 KB, 1184x1384, C4F78036-5C52-41D0-A6A6-CFF7783C361B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got experience with Cheney and Sons?

>> No.17355974
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>> No.17355980

My brother has his Thursdays for 7 or 8 years now and they’re still fine

>> No.17355984

im thinking on buying em. chelseas are just too much for me, too dressy. these seem casual enough plus theyre rubberized so rainproof, i just dont want to look like an idiot wearing them

>> No.17355996
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I regret to inform you that this thing is made by renowned Norfampton oldschool bootmaker "Tricker's"

>> No.17356051
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jesus christ

>> No.17356053

Someone paid $630 and waited 5 months for these

>> No.17356056
File: 208 KB, 600x432, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are like the dress versions of those clubfooted hiking boots lel

>> No.17356058

Lace over toe boots

>> No.17356060

need the lowest maintenance possible boots