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17347190 No.17347190 [Reply] [Original]

Folks, we have come full circle.
Post tumblr era inspo.

>> No.17347194

Oh boy, i'm sure all those scene people from late 00s to mid 10s have led productive lives and are now basking in cash and wellness!!!
(I have a nostalgia too but i can't help but think about how many losers subcultures generate.)

>> No.17347217

reminds me of this 40 year old chick I used to fuck, she sucked me off and vomited garlic parm pizza all over me so I stopped talking to her, and 2 months later she messaged me a myspace angle selfie and said "now that I have purple hair, all the guys wanna fuck me." Jen, if you're here, no one wants to fuck you.

>> No.17347251

i truly miss the indie sleazy era even though back in the days i was a normie and thought all of those people r lame brainless partyanimal
scene nowadays are full of post-sincerely bullshit and hauntology zoomer nostalgia, at least the sleaze had such genuinely don't-give-a-fuck attitude and real hedonism life

>> No.17347276

terrible era

>> No.17347277

LCD soundsystem isn't cool

>> No.17347409

A lot of these people were rich kids larping as broke while coasting through college

>> No.17348651


>> No.17348661

That too.

>> No.17348663

The sleaze, as well as many other emerging semi-internet subctures had to get a lot of stuff on their own. You couldn't just pick what's trendy, you had to find some obscure shit to stand out.

>> No.17348695
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Does anyone have an archive of the cobra snake photos?

>> No.17348713

stand out for what? to look like a zoomie who know nothing and only re-find everything before they were born?

>> No.17348715

Anon, you are clueless. Every subculture stands out, the difference is that late 00s indie subcultures and their followers had to stand out by selecting obscure media/styles to be different. It was a drastic difference compared to how "mainstream" previous subcultures were.

>> No.17348723

t. zoomie

>> No.17348730

like what i said, subculture like indiesleazy or other semi-internet subculture are AUTHENTIC at least.
not because they're find something unsound underground horseshit to stand out for they own, its all about the attitude and how people to feel and vibe to it. internet subcultue now are full of juxtaposition of content, tons of rare obscure shit there and where just check any zoomie forums or media they acting like cannibalism devouring everything. all good content loses its original meaning and is just being consumed, a kind of nihilism emotional consumption, they just can't make any real connection between people and context. thats how culture die bc culture its about living people behavior and feed back

>> No.17348739

t. retard

>> No.17348744

They’re probably in finance or tech and have families and live in CT.

>> No.17348752

the problem is that the internet accelerates the entropy of culture. all it takes is one retard with a camera to give the entire world access without ingroup approval. there's no screening process. before the internet subcultures could tell annoying bandwagoners to fuck off and it would at least slow the bleeding for a while. the 60s counterculture and punk both had a decent run before things fell apart. the 60s counterculture in particular had a really impressive run if you're willing to trace it back to the beatniks. simply not possible now unless you have an impossibly unified front of gatekeepers

>> No.17348755

inevitably the game is given up because people either want recognition, money, or both. cultures can still thrive if they're underground in the *true* sense of the word. scenes unironically have to be run like the mob if they want any chance at 'keeping it real'

>> No.17348762

this is facts but the generation of today doesn’t like gatekeeping they want clout so badly
i ran a small diy space for techno, post punk, and noise
was great for 6 months and then it got popular in our area
next thing you know the clout chasing internet fags started showing up and posting our shows on their stories. then the college kids and their e-girls showed up
started getting complaints at my venue
>why isn’t there any trans artist performing
>can me and my all girl group play a shoegaze show
>bunch of zoomers who can’t handle their drugs have seizures and having us have to call the ambulance
>ppl trashing the venue and bunch of weird dudes trying to date rape women
had to shut that shit down

>> No.17348764

Cool story bro but why aren't there any trans artists performing?

>> No.17348769

>the 60s counterculture and punk both had a decent run before things fell apart.
sure they are, also a lot of subs integrated and developed the original one in a organical way. it dosent matter how mainstream and capitalism codify these subculture they are still have their own energy, so you dont need such a gatekeeper to >protect
i can say that the atomization caused by neoliberalism intrusion into human individuality is all about it

>> No.17348779

similar experience on my end. promoters get stuck in a weird spot because there's seemingly no way to keep the "perfect conditions" stable long-term. there's always going to be that one guy who brings friends that shouldn't be there and it kickstarts the entire chain reaction. it's either close shop or expand and become accessible. soon enough the entire north american club ecosystem is going to be littered with stories like yours and skipping from one good promoter to the next as they implode won't even work anymore. the amount of visibility this little world is getting on tiktok scares and saddens me. egirls talking about gabber, jungle, garage, the whole fucking lot. just a few years ago you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who knew about anything other than porter robinson or some shit

>> No.17348810

This thread is a good example of why I hated you faggots back when this was contemporary and why /fa/ has always been full of the worst people alive only now you cunts are pushing 40 and taking out your frustration on the youth instead of your then young peers

Can you assholes just tie the rope and off yourselves already?

>> No.17348827

its normal that people will miss the old days and feel nostalgia anon its called psycho mechanism, and theres definitely something wrong with comtemporary scene you cant denied it
i will live till the day when retrospect of the retrospective ghost subculture to come

>> No.17350157
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>> No.17350165

saddest thread i've seen on /fa/ in a minute

>> No.17350192

not me i was lower middle class in middle school and life is ten times worse now. THANKS OBAMA! :D

>> No.17350193

so are we going to be called "hipsters" again or what?

>> No.17350199

>instead of your then young peers
too real. i remember how disgusting most of the people were in these threads. always browsed the pictures tho

>> No.17350231
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i.e. post more pictures

>> No.17350284
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Is effy effay?

>> No.17351424
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very effay

>> No.17351547

In the states at least DnB still is a pretty niche scene with the only people who actually show up to events genuinely are there for the music and the community.
It’s actually quite refreshing how underground it still is here

>> No.17351569

Man, being years since i've remembered Nick last time. What's he up to these days? Probably curates a bunch of #menswear stores

>> No.17351782

Maybe Im too much of a zoomer who caught on late, but what would be indie sleaze aesthetics?

>> No.17352126

Hugely. Unfortunately we never appreciated what we got when we had it

>> No.17352130

Late 2000s bloghouse fashion and "hipsters".
It's all loser shit desu, but it's nostalgic and is a stark difference to how gaudy the mid 2000s subcultures were.

>> No.17352626

Pls normalize the late 00s/ early 10s coke whore aesthetic again. Shit was so comfy.
>tfw you will never be at a sweaty basement show/house party again

>> No.17352707

What? That scene was all stuck-up collegefags. Guaranteed they’re tech soys or psychologists now. Millennials all love to do this sleeze/poor larp while flexing their degrees and shit:

>> No.17352710

Kill yourself

>> No.17353392
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heres some good twee/indie sleaze thread archives

>> No.17353415

does this mean guitar music is coming back
>and I don't mean zoomer pop punk

>> No.17353420

I swear people that come up with these sub-genre “fashion waves” just never lived their life and regularly had fun with a group of friends or maybe just never went out anywhere where they fit in..Idfk

>> No.17353429

this has been around for like 15 years, may have been coined by Carles... educate yrself before you look stupid again

>> No.17353441

Ok I’ll make sure to educate my myself with whatever idiotic BS you’re talking about. Furthermore…move on you sound like a goddamn loser stuck on some bygone short lived era that hopefully won’t come back bc most of those kids are dead or incarcerated

>> No.17353444

>that hopefully won’t come back
if you lived in a city that mattered then you'd know it's already back

>> No.17353451
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some essential viewing if you dig electronic


>> No.17353455

Oh my bad I forgot there’s a whole generation that still needs to grow up. No worries bb have fun and look stupid while you can

>> No.17353525
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>> No.17353533
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>> No.17353536
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>> No.17353537
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>> No.17353545

i feel like people still dress this way in some ways

>> No.17353634
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twee still exists in stuff like dark academia and cottage core, and indie sleaze inspired parts of y2k revival imo

>> No.17353644
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>> No.17353697

no anon it will never come back

>> No.17353707

>those thick fringes near eyebrow level
We didn't know how good we had it.

>> No.17353837

are you guys gonna start posting about dimes square in eight months?

>> No.17353881

i used to actually be envious of these people but now can see they were just boring late xoomer/millennial cunts with excessive wealth to party every 3rd day and bang in now $8000/mo studios. they feigned the aesthetic of some nihilist chain smoking poetry writer out of 1950s paris, attend retarded performative feminist art of stuffing spaghettios in their pussy, took shitty art classes to do abstract finger paints, and promote anti racism despite high likely hood of doing blackface like trudeau. theyre all married, in upper management or run their own/parent's business now and i guess i'm still envious i could never live such a inauthentic struggle free yet glorified by faggot zoomie lifestyle.

>> No.17354049
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lol, lmao

>> No.17354051
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>> No.17354059

nothing is worse than an independent female, and female music is garbage, same as female literature and the entertainment females consume

>> No.17354112
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But it’s hot

cool and good aren’t always the same thing

Like “like” and “love”

>> No.17354250
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>> No.17354252
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>> No.17354266

smells like fish

>> No.17354404
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>> No.17354421
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>> No.17354423

these people look so boring and vapid

>> No.17354425
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>> No.17354427

Didn't The Strokes meet at a ski academy in Switzerland or something? And they kickstarted the whole movement

>> No.17354431

Naw this fashion was all in the music scene. The weirdo art whore shit was separate. They wore neon and jewellery.

>> No.17354895

They were incredibly annoying and everyone hated them. Check out the Williamsburg fashion videos by Sam hyde.

>> No.17355373
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>> No.17355379

hipsterrunoff was pretty good at mocking the soullessness of boring indie/hipster cunts in a self deprecating manner as well

>> No.17355520

i can feel shit like that in europe too. in my city pretty much all techno clubs became a meme for retards to get drunk and fucked up on random drugs where they can barely function. even if some big name comes over, there's not much point in going there, since promoters now give no shits about sound quality and environment since before-mentioned idiots (which slowly but surely become their main source of income) are too brain-dead to care either

>> No.17355565

you'll become like that when you age. you are already bitter enough.

>> No.17355621

Don't let these pictures dull you into a state of nostalgia. These people were fucking terrible human beings, boring, vapid, nothing to say, no passion, the only thing that got them going was drinking, ciggies culture and appearing like they have a terrible life and use this lifestyle to cope. It's so fake and obnoxious, it's like their entire lifestyle was a photoshoot.