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File: 713 KB, 1126x596, aesthetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17327391 No.17327391 [Reply] [Original]

If you ignore the microphones tech, what year does it remind you of?

>> No.17327412
File: 935 KB, 1094x665, retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this aesthetic?

>> No.17327518


>> No.17327663

Small world, I knew this of this priest in Jersey before he went to Most Holy Trinity Seminary

>> No.17327680

The best drip is biretta, stole, alb and cincture

>> No.17327837

He got excommunicated from the new Jersey church after he quit the priesthood there and got a letter about it. What was he like as a priest before coming to MHT? I like his sermons a lot.


Here he talks about how he didn't like the experience at the old church and one of the things he disliked was the music.

>> No.17327885

I knew him through serving at the Tridentine mass they had once every couple months at the church he was stationed. Very well spoken, very intelligent. The pastor there was the one who would celebrate the Mass, so I never heard Fr. Desaye give sermons. I never went to their Novus Ordo masses so I cannot comment on the music, but I'm sure it was just like the rest of NO masses. Coincidentally, we traveled to Florida over the summer and he was saying his first mass at the MHT chapel we went to.

>> No.17327926

Rich cult kiddies are the ones on fa now

>> No.17327934

anyone can go to mass /fa/ggot

>> No.17327947
File: 337 KB, 1000x1500, 17_divine-office_cleric-in-choir_biretta_scriptio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Celebrant Priest wearing Roman "fiddle-back" chasuble made of silk damask with gold-thread galoon edging, and clerical biretta (stiff square hat) worn for preaching sermon at High Mass (and to and from altar).

>> No.17327953

who is priest in pulpit in op?

>fr. desaye
thanks for the name, info and YouTube link for his interview which I'll def watch.

>> No.17328105

We need to start a movement to bring this look back en masse.

>> No.17328124
File: 84 KB, 1080x1100, FQu3NkNXMAE03ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At sung Mass at my church (ICKSP) the priests remove the chasuble when preaching the sermon.

>> No.17328145

not OP, but jersey anon. That is Rev. Luke Petrizzi

>> No.17328212

Here's some excerpts from his inspiring letter:

Dear Friends,

A short while ago, I requested that Bishop O’Connell accept my resignation from the Diocese of Trenton and the removal of my priestly faculties. Upon informing the Bishop that I was in agreement with the position of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Florida, a position called sedevacantism, and that I intended to pursue studies there, I also received notice of excommunication for the crime of schism.

I assure you that this decision was not made lightly, nor was it a reaction to any stimulus of emotion, anger, stress, or frustration. My motivation was not tactical or political, nor was I desirous for a career change. The decision was the result of prayer and contemplation, and from an independent study of the teachings of the popes and doctors of the Church. It was a decision that became necessary for me to make because of a conclusion derived from applying traditional principles of Catholic theology.....

The point that I wish to articulate here is that, as difficult as it might be, Catholics are bound to reject falsehoods taught against the faith, even when they come from apparent authorities. If we who live in these times wish to preserve our Catholic faith, which is necessary for our salvation, then it is essential that we acknowledge Vatican II as invalid, along with the papacies of those who promulgated it and continue to promulgate it.

Our Lord said that pseudo-prophets and pseudo-Christs would rise up and deceive, if possible, even the elect. St. Paul taught that even if he or an angel from heaven should teach a gospel against what he has taught, let him be cursed. In the Apocalypse, St. John predicted a worldwide religious deception. Thus we have direct warnings from Sacred Scripture that a fate such as what is described here would someday befall mankind. It is not for us to choose the times in which we live. It is for us to witness to the truth, even at great personal cost.

>> No.17328305

Pre 1300s

>> No.17328322

Interestingly enough, Bishop Sanborn who made this seminary and network said the 1200s was the peak of Christendom.

>> No.17328726


>> No.17328805

Sedevacantism is not the answer friend

>> No.17328825

What is the answer then? The new synods could approve things like gay marriage and it's been a ride of horror.

Our church system was made 30 years ago and we have chapels in different places, a seminary that opened almost 30 years ago, a school, monthly newsletters with theology, and so on. We have apostolic succession from the Thuc line so we have apostolic succession dating from Christ even though from the founding we were not in communion with the current Vatican. We hold we are part of God's church by divine law of God.

>> No.17328858

>What is the answer then? The new synods could approve things like gay marriage and it's been a ride of horror.
I don't know the exact answer, I just know the best we can do is pray for the pope, the Church and to be an example of virtue to the world.
>We have apostolic succession from the Thuc line
Thuc's line is doubtful due to his mental capacities, and even if his consecrations were valid, the Eastern Orthodox also have apostolic succesion, so that is not enough.

>> No.17329363

If the Novus Ordo Church is Catholic then I do not want to be Catholic. If I am incorrect in the conclusion of my carefully formed conscience, I pray God has mercy on my soul

>> No.17329486
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He made the decision over lots of prayer and meditation. One of the big issues is that things like humanism have been promoted and in this humanism, they care more if a priest relates to people than if he loves God. In my church we emphasize always being in prayer, keeping your mind on heaven, and loving God with all your heart, mind, and soul. We see this humanism in the molestation scandals and it's creating rot. We see the humanism in the change in doctrine. We see it in promoting ideologies that are fit for the new world order.

>I don't know the exact answer, I just know the best we can do is pray for the pope, the Church and to be an example of virtue to the world.

Many people are being led to hell right now thinking that just being nice will lead you to heaven. Thinking that the atheist too can go to heaven. We trust in the church but the structures exist for the church the church does not exist for the structures.

As Bishop Sanborn says here:

"So pray for this third Novus Ordo priest, that
he understand that by fleeing from the heretics it is impossible to leave the Catholic Church in any way whatsoever, realizing that the organizational structures of the Catholic Church exist for the Catholic Faith and not vice-versa. By analogy, the chalice is made for the Precious Blood and not the Precious Blood for the chalice. The organizational structure of the Church becomes a lifeless corpse if the Catholic Faith is absent from it"

The structure means nothing without the faith. The church does not exist for the purpose of empty structures. The structures exist for the sake of the church.

You've made a good decision. As Jesus has said

[16] By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [17] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.

>> No.17329501
File: 262 KB, 960x960, Papacy-21stCentury72020021311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pachamama worship in st. peters basilica - Amazon synod - syncretism
>Amoris laetitia
>"Traditions custodes" (joke of century)
>German synodal way (francis's secret pet project of subterfuge)
>"Synod on synodality"

Sedevacantism looks more and more sane by the year and by the day.

>> No.17329522

*"traditiones custodes" ^

>> No.17329620


quoth the novus ordo queer faggot lol

>> No.17329790
File: 57 KB, 493x456, sede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The nine" turned out to be right all along. Thank God they acted as they did and this picrel was written in 2008.

Cekada, Sanborn, and Dolan were the big 3.

>> No.17329796

ok peterfile

>> No.17329798

Projecting aren't you?

>> No.17329856


>> No.17330713
File: 105 KB, 577x712, 1666638820676915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had no idea there were so many Trad Catholics here on /fa

but i do rember there was a Poll for the most /fa relgion and people did say Trad Catholic was up there in terms of garments and rituals

I go between Trad and modern and the different rites such as syro malibar and eastern (i recomend checking them all out)

I always love to dress well, the trad church's attract alot of tweed suits

>> No.17331607

yeah ikr who knew

>> No.17332205

We want to return to tradition because we see the soulless world around and what it's becoming and want something more.

>> No.17332471
File: 66 KB, 810x500, TLM_latin_high_mass_priest_altarboys_810x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17332859

Amen. We must preserve the Mass. We must preserve tradition.

>> No.17333557

Are most trad Caths here Americans?

>> No.17334667

I knew a few brits and croatians

>> No.17334936

Im in UK

>> No.17334990

I am not

>> No.17335072

How's the Sede movement like in the UK? Most Sedes tend to live in America.

>> No.17335109


with Catholics in general? none existent

with Trads? minimal but there are strong underlying currents, the notion Benedict is still Pope is perhaps more common

You have to recall the main groups SSPX and FSSP both affirm the Pope and dont allow for people to be too vocal about such things without issue

It is not like America where there is such space for a larger collection of Traditional movements and offshoots


>> No.17335177

Some of the biggest figures of Sedevacantism were "the nine" who were American priests excommunicated from the SSPX. These formed the SSPV and then some of them left and formed their own independent congregations, seminaries, schools, and networks. This is also another reason.

>> No.17335249
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>> No.17335287
File: 197 KB, 960x720, ICRSS-SolemnMassTLM_Firenze_dIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICRSS basatus vivat

Ad Multos Annos


>> No.17335299


>> No.17335311

Love the aesthetics

>> No.17335312

we need to build more churches like this in the USA

>> No.17335323
File: 162 KB, 640x501, arch.lefebvre-4évêques-sspx_sacres_1988_écône.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with (Anti-)Pope Francis, his henchman Cardinals like Cupich and Roche at CDW. SSPX et al. are the future and they need to consecrate new bishops. Anniversary 35th of 1988 comes up next year.

>> No.17335326 [DELETED] 

Just don't be in communion with the current Vatican and things are pretty easy.

>> No.17335386

When do you plan to consecrate new Bishops for SSPX? Any plans?

>> No.17335402

In God's good time, the Lord of History will provide more High Priests for his Faithful Remnant...

>> No.17335408

You can ordain priests and consecrate Bishops without Vatican permission. Some groups do this.

>> No.17335475

I am the above poster and I was replying to this vaguely facetious comment of anon >>17335386 (>"When do you plan to consecrate new Bishops for SSPX? Any plans?") by my post about God's providential good time.for new SSPX bishops. I know that bishops can be consecrated validly without mandate of Rome, and have Apostolic Succession (thru other validly consecrated bishops which is the crucial issue) regardless of liceity (secondary issue in this time of crisis. I hope that SSPX moves ahead with this matter as Abp. Lefebvre - June 29th 1988 is now almost 35 years ago.

>> No.17335686

what groups?

>> No.17335758

Sedevacantist groups like the Roman Catholic Institute

>> No.17336098

Neither Lefebvre nor the SSPX bishops or priests would like you calling him an antipope

>> No.17336372

Francis is so close, tender and incluuusive to all (***ALL ARE WELCOOOOME***] and the fruit of an internal ecclesiastical coup d'état, how could one ever think of him as an Antipope?!??

>> No.17336592
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>> No.17336846

No, not publicly I'm very sure...

>> No.17336884

Obviously they must, or else they would not be able not administer sacraments to the faithful as they would have no priests. The CMRI actually uploads videos of their ordinations to YT, I'm sure others do as well

>> No.17336915

Yes publicly. Sede churches aren't in communion with the modernist Vatican.

>> No.17337353

aka heretics

>> No.17337585

>calling him [Francis] an antipope

>>17335758 #
>No, not publicly I'm very sure...

comment was untested for >>17336098 topmost post

>> No.17337590

Sedevacantist RC churches are schismatic from modernist Vatican II Rome, but hardly heretical as they merely proclaim the Integral unadulterated Deposit of the Catholic Faith....

>> No.17337741

It's not heresy to follow an obligation to the truth and notice that they changed previous dogmas.

"And you have to remember that our primary obligation is to render obedience to the truth, not to a papacy and an institution that have abandoned truth"

Fr. Anthony Cekada

>> No.17337878

Yeah, churches who want to be in communion with the Vatican probably don't do it publicly.

>> No.17337889

>let me just project this stuff that my religion rejects onto the religion

>> No.17337893

>st. paul said
Already he fucks up
Saul of Tarsus was a jewish political agent of rome

>> No.17337897

What stuff do we project on to our religion that our religion rejects?

>> No.17337901
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You just want to be european pagans with a christian face, you don't actually want to be catholic. That's why you seethe so much at the pope and the novus ordo

>> No.17337922

there is no light in his eyes

>> No.17337935

Because he's jewish, but that's irrelevant
Catholicism is inherently a jewish religion

>> No.17337949
File: 110 KB, 439x593, humanism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bishop Donald Sanborn says the Novus Ordo is paganism because it's humanist and Pelagian and focuses on natural virtue instead of supernatural grace and we do not please God without supernatural virtue from the infused grace of God.

How is the picrel criticism of the Novus Ordo anti Catholic?

>> No.17337987

The picrel is not a criticism
It's irrelevant seething about transgenderism in american public schools, which largely are not catholic.

the LGBT, by the way, I should mention that Catholicism remains in a hard stance against. But it is heretical against your religion if you claim that a tranny or a faggot is going to hell for its behavior, source probably the catechism

>> No.17337989
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He is also not even a catholic bishop

>> No.17337990

It's a criticism because the idea that humanity can perfect itself without grace and without a savior is humanism and promoted by the modernists.

>> No.17337991

Where in any doctrine or tradition of catholicism does it state "humanity can perfect itself without grace and without a savior."

>> No.17337999 [DELETED] 

He believes he can't affect the conversion of the current Vatican but only God can so that's why he's not in communion with Rome but he's still Catholic. He explains here he can't convert them but God can:

S.H. We talked a little bit yesterday that after Ratzinger you were making the allusion to “après moi, le deluge.” If after Ratzinger we get some even worse modernist, do you just see that we are looking to some sort of conversion as some sort of miracle essentially?

Bp. S. Yes Stephen, but every conversion is, in a way, a miracle. A miracle in the strict sense is something visible that happens suddenly, that happens against or in suspension of the laws of physical nature usually, so it’s only in the broad sense that you’re talking about a miracle. Such is a sudden conversion, but every conversion, whether it’s gradual or sudden is by the grace of God. In that sense, it’s extraordinary. The bringing of a sinner and especially a heretic to a state of grace is, and we’re speaking humanly here, an enormous act of God, a tremendous act of God. Of course God is capable of that whether it happens gradually, which is the usual case, or whether it happens suddenly. And it’s within the will of God, and so it is our duty primarily to pray for that end, and at the same time to merely keep alive the Catholic Faith so that’s its visible to all. We are constantly giving testimony to it even though it’s very unpopular. That’s our job. We obviously cannot effect his conversion, but we can be barking dogs.

>> No.17338012

>so that's why he's not in communion with Rome but he's still Catholic.
He is not in communion with the direct line of popes beginning with St. Peter, and their general location?

>The bringing of a sinner and especially a heretic to a state of grace is, and we’re speaking humanly here, an enormous act of God, a tremendous act of God.
Again, this might be a criticism of Catholicism, but my criticism of you is that want to be pagans with a christian face. Just wear the Mjolnir necklace and fedora, it's 100x less cringe. Catholics in general would say the same thing. "The conversion and baptism of a sinner is a miracle of god blah blah". Of course.

>We are constantly giving testimony to it even though it’s very unpopular
tradcath larping is the most popular (by technicality) catholic movement for zoomers

>> No.17338016

I agree with your general sentiment, but just jumping ship to a new sect doesn't solve any problems.

Also, I have no problem with syncretism, it's organic and hating on them will just alienate them from what christianity they do have.

Also, eeeww! That Pachamama idol was so ugly. I am south American and it's literally just mother earth with some rites of appreciation/respect. God is nature and to just sperg over it not being expressed your way is just missing the point in my eyes.

But seriously, why does the church choose the ugliest or most rediculous members of any other religious order/political faction to grovel at the feet of. When did they go full globohomo anyways? Does it help spread Christianity, even if it is neutered?

>> No.17338018


>He is not in communion with the direct line of popes beginning with St. Peter, and their general location?

He believes the way people who define the church by the buildings and outer offices are ecclesiastical materialists because they don't care about the invisibles of the church.

He believes power comes from Christ the invisible head of the church and not just mere office as he says here:

Body and soul. Just as the soul is the life of the body, so it is authority which gives life, so to speak, to the person who is designated to be pope or bishop. It is to say that a mere election or appointment is not sufficient. The authority must come to him from Christ, the Invisible Head of the Church, in order that he be a true pope or a true bishop. This authority is transferred only on condition that the designated person have the intention of promoting the objective and proper ends of the institution over which he is placed.

My second response, therefore, is that the Novus Ordo conservatives are ecclesiastical materialists. They can see only the continuity of lifeless institutions from pre- to post- Vatican II, and from that they conclude that salvation consists in adhering to these lifeless institutions. They see only the material side of the Church, its visible side, and turn a blind eye to the absence of the invisibles of the Church, especially the assistance of the Holy Ghost in keeping the Church free from error and defection.

The Novus Ordo religion is one big error and defection. The fact that error and defection can be found in it is an infallible sign that the invisible assistance of the Holy Ghost is not with the Modernist “popes” and “bishops.” They have no authority to rule, no matter if they are maintaining the buildings and governmental institutions of the Church.

>> No.17338034


>tradcath larping is the most popular (by technicality) catholic movement for zoomers

He was one of the nine priests expelled from the SSPX so his position was considered fringe at the time.

>> No.17338067

I don't care

>> No.17338129


when the abomination of desolation appears, flee to the mountains. The Bible warns us of this

>> No.17338286

>Roman Catholic Media

Thanks for YouTube link n will def watch

>> No.17339040


MHT Seminary Courses Online is another good link

>> No.17339127


What do you mean? i am only referring to the /fa stance on style not religious doctrine

like i said i recommend everyone go to traditional Latin, novos ordo and eastern rite and other rites to get a well rounded understanding of the faith

>> No.17339248

>just want to be *european pagans with a christian face*, you don't actually want to be catholic

The Roman Church is located in the European heart of Christedom, you are the projecting modernist pagan revisionist.

>> No.17339258

Torquemada era was the best Catholic era.
Nowadays, I would convert to Islam if I were a christian. Which ever religion is the most oppressive of women.

>> No.17339263 [DELETED] 

secular life means being surrounded by satanism and demons
be righteous

>> No.17339654

The nine got the idea of Sedevacantism from him

>> No.17339914

Abp. Lefebvre repudiated the Sedevacantist position by his expulsion of "The Nine" for their not accepting the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass and Pristhood, which is, i believe, one of their central tenets re Vatican II.

>> No.17339932
File: 1.27 MB, 1157x601, le.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He did expel them from the SSPX for the letter they wrote and their refusal to go along with the SSPX's plans but Fr. Anthony Cekada claimed that Acp. Lefebvre initially laid down many of the principles that led them to it. The video has some of the quotes Abp. Lefebvre made. It's hard to believe it just came out of a vacuum.


>> No.17340725


I'm attracted to tradcath because Thomism and scholasticism are more suited to the way I think. Religion and the intellect should never be separated.

>> No.17340729

Enlighten me on the Jesuits. Are they above Jews?

>> No.17340733
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1288, Coutume_des_Jésuites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about the Jesuits

>> No.17340739
File: 54 KB, 250x333, pope-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesuit pope

>> No.17340855

Ultra liberals. They used to be cool but aren't anymore.

>> No.17340869

Opus Dei seem like my guys

>> No.17341018

>"Dominus ac Redemptor" (1773)
>allegory of expulsion of Order from France & Portugal

Suppression of Jesuit Order by Papal Bull under pressure from European rulers b/c of their political influence perceived as threat

>> No.17341239


this is a good podcast episode to tell us the root of different issues in the church and world

>> No.17341864

Humanism = satanism

>> No.17341914

thus, heretical

>> No.17341917

humanity is the only thing that matters

>> No.17342168

God is what matters

>> No.17342595

agnostic / atheistic view

>> No.17343161

This is true and humanism has led to lots of disasters. Humanism leads to the notion that God is not the center of it all and we forget we are judged by God when we die, not by the crowd. Doing what's right is more important than doing what's popular.

>> No.17343540

Then where did they get the idea to be Sede?

>> No.17343651

There were other bishops who had serious misgivings about the Vatican II aggiornamiento and liturgical revolution, who felt that the Novus Ordo Missal texts lacked the proper form and intention to offer Holy Sacrifice. Archbishop Thuc of Hue, French Indochina was one and notable sedevacantist traditionalist.

>> No.17343701

The Nine formed the SSPV but then broke up over Thuc consecrations. He was very controversial in the Sede movement. I'm glad Thuc was around though because he was the one who gave several groups the apostolic succession they needed.

>> No.17344352

They have tons of power. They used to be based.

>> No.17344956

Jesuit were most based pre-dissolution.

>> No.17344957

People are still religious?

About what exactly?
Serious question

>> No.17345183

Because we see what the world is like without it

>> No.17345225

Religion provides not only socio-cultural and moral order thru an Authoritative Entity but also spiritual realm above the material chaos of human world.

>> No.17345477
File: 123 KB, 512x640, TLM_private-requiem-mass_gilded_triptych_gothic_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their Jesuit Order is numerically aging + dying by attrition and lack of new vocations, like almost the entire Novus Ordo priesthood and Orders.

This is Francis's plan, as the Sacerdotal Priesthood is an archaic vertige of his favorite catchall bugaboo enemies: Rigidity and Clericalism.

Francis is a thinly disguised Humanist Modernist Heretic who wishes to eliminate the Priesthood and Holy Sacrifice of Mass.

>> No.17345938

What do you think we should do about this?

>> No.17346031

Antipope Francis must be publicly chastised and corrected by high-ranking prelates directly and more forcefully, and demands must be made publicly for his clarification of controversial and vague doctrinal statements.

>> No.17346085

can anyone here redpill me on sedevacantism

>> No.17346287


Here's some of articles supporting it from Bishop Sanborn and Fr. Cekada, the biggest theologians among the Nine

>> No.17346365

ALTHOUGH CERTAIN CANONS in the Code expressly recall principles of the divine positive law (for examples, see Michels, Normae Generales Juris Canonici 1:210ff), the canons that prescribe how the legitimate deputation to baptize, absolve, offer Mass, etc. is conferred or obtained are not themselves divine law, but only human law. According to general principles of law, a human law:
A. Ceases automatically and positively when it becomes harmful (nociva) to observe. For this, see the works by moral theologians and canonists Abbo-Hannon, Aertnys-Damen, Badii, Beste, Cappello, Cicognani, Cocchi, Coronata, Maroto, McHughCallan, Merkelbach, Michels, Noldin, Regatillo-Zalba,, etc. in the bibliography below.
B. Ceases in “common need,” even if the law would otherwise render a sacrament invalid. Thus, for instance, an invalidating impediment to marriage normally requiring dispensation
by a church official with ordinary jurisdiction would cease to bind “because of common need,” when access to someone with
the requisite authority is impossible. (Merkelbach 1:353)
Such a common need would also occur, for instance, “during a time of persecution or upheaval in a particular country.” In
this case, “if the purpose of the law would cease in a contrary way for the community — that is, if common harm would result
from it — the law would not bind, because it would rightly be considered to be suspended, due to benign interpretation of the
mind of the lawgiver.” (Cappello 5:199)
C. Does not bind when it conflicts with the divine law. “In a conflict of obligations, the higher one takes precedence.… Divine
positive law takes precedence over human legislation.” (Jone, Moral Theology 70). “The supreme rule in the matter is this: The obligation that prevails is the one arising from the law which, considering its nature and purpose, is of greater importance…
Precepts of the divine positive law must prevail over precepts of human positive law.”

>> No.17346387
File: 266 KB, 600x760, div1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17346394
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As said in the pics related, ecclesiastical law ceases when it contradicts the divine law or gets in the way of what ecclesiastical law was made for, the salvation of souls. God is exercising His authority and the divine law is providing jurisdiction. Divine law is ultimately above ecclesiastical law.

>> No.17346813

Without God there would be no humanity

>> No.17346820

It's another name for protestantism.

>> No.17346833


t. Bergoglian Spirit of V2 modernist

>> No.17347566

thanks sedevacantist anon

>> No.17347992

yw anon

>> No.17348096

yw anon. This article on ecclesiastical materialism is good too



also these newsletters. God bless you

>> No.17348099


This is a good sermon as well explaining what's going on and what we should do, how we will be judged by God.

>> No.17348350

Ecclesiastical secularist humanist materialism = the bane of 21st century Catholicism

>> No.17348472

And his article on ecclesiastical materialism makes a lot of sense. Just because someone has apparent office in this world does not mean they have divine office or office from God. The structures of the church are meaningless without the faith. They don't pay attention to the invisible aspects of the faith, the aspects that make the church the church, what is empowered by the Holy Spirit.

>> No.17348502

>>>17348347 #
Christ's Holy Catholic Church is the Kingdom of God on Earth and she is a perfect society both fully human and divine, like Jesus Christian Himself.

Her divine mission is the propagate the Faith by going out and making disciples of all nations and peoples. The Church's mission is primarily salvific and spiritual.

The Corporal Works of Mercy (e.g., feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, et cet.) are secondary to her Redemptive and Sacramental purpose.

The Church is not Oxfam, UNHCR or the CICR/ICRC, although she does also minister in these areas.

You have a completely secularist humanist materialist viewpoint of the modern atheist.

The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ is not an NGO.

>> No.17348603

I agree with you actually. The Catholic church is there to save souls more than anything. Humanism is heresy

>> No.17349148

fully agree about humanism

>> No.17349322

tik tok is pretty much on edge of porn yikes

>> No.17349844

Pretty much everything is

>> No.17350282

Epikeia or epicheia justifies them


>> No.17350343 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 665x810, PRAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. In fact, many people against it were very dedicated to the faith. Picrel.

>> No.17350349
File: 118 KB, 748x859, PRAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devoutness of these two men (RIP) who spent their lives traveling, preaching, writing articles, and doing shows to save souls refutes this.

>> No.17350727

Is this article explanation of application of false mercy in excusing chronic sinful behavior based on idea of moral "gradualism"?

>> No.17350729

Catholics are fags. Purple color is gay.

>> No.17350763

purple amaranth and scarlet are *roman colors* associated with power and imperium

>> No.17351389


>Says someone who's countries are known for bacha bazi and forcing homos to be trans in Iran

>> No.17351399

For Jews, Islam is like a downgrade. For christcucks - convert to Islam, it's an upgrade for you.

>> No.17351523

Igor have u converted to Islam?

>> No.17351527

I'm Jewish. But if I was Christian, I would have converted to Islam.

>> No.17351742

Jews generally aren't rly fond of Roman Catholics desu. Amirite? Kek.

>> No.17351743

I'm fond of Torquemada

>> No.17351938

Islam is stupid and not intellectual like Thomism or scholasticism.

>> No.17351948

Traditional Catholicism is an upgrade to Judaism, Islam, or any other religion.

>> No.17352003

Sometimes laws must be broken for the greater good and for the sake of God. One instance would be breaking a car window. You shouldn't usually do this but if a baby is stuck in a hot car and you can't open the door by all means break the window.

>> No.17352436

Society has become so much more immoral now that priests don't get a say in the government.

>> No.17353154


John 14:15-17
King James Version

Words of Christ Himself:

15 **If ye love Me, keep My commandments**.

16 And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him...

>> No.17353160

religion is a crock of shit

>> No.17353171

my fav quote from the bible: Ecclesiastes 1-2

>> No.17353193

Our use of epikeia is still keeping the commandments. There are different forms of law. There is divine law for example and ecclesiastical law. Sometimes ecclesiastical law must be broken in order to fulfill the purpose of ecclesiastical law which is to serve divine law.

>> No.17353367

absolutely heretical

>> No.17353370

divine law aka "what schizophrenia tells me to do"

>> No.17353382
File: 11 KB, 200x275, Portrait_of_Archbishop_Marcel_Lefebvre_–_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely heretical

Submitting Dubia, requests for doctrinal clarification and chastising the Pope for his deviation from Depost of Faith are historical and scriptural. (Cf. St. Athanasius vs Arianism & St. Paul rebuking St. Peter). Take your meds Jesuit heretic lover of Antipope Francis.

>> No.17353386 [DELETED] 

wendell is on https://cozy.tv/wendell

>> No.17353396

vade retro satanas

>> No.17353397

(1) Divine law. This in turn is divided into the eternal law (God’s reason and will), the natural law (the knowledge of good and evil written on every man’s heart), and the divine-positive law (the Old and New Testaments). When a lower law conflicts with the divine law, the obligation to observe the lower law disappears.


The ultimate law that justifies all of our apostolate during this Modernist takeover of the hierarchy is a well known adage of the Catholic Church: The salvation of souls is the supreme law. As the adage indicates, all the laws of the Church bow to this great and grand law, and indeed, it is the motive and animation of all of the lower laws of the Church. For the Church exists for the salvation of souls, and for no other reason. The adage reflects the very essence of the Church, and the very motive of the Incarnation and the Crucifixion of Christ. No one would dispute this.

>> No.17353399

Sedes in the UK just become high church Anglicans.

>> No.17353400

take your meds

>> No.17353430

Sycophant of the secularist humanist NWO who would make an NG0 out of The Church.

>> No.17353434

meds, now

>> No.17353436

This is from Fr. Cekada and Bishop Sanborn. They're totally right about the hierarchy of law. As they have argued, ecclesiastical laws are human laws and have exceptions because the ecclesiastical laws are made to serve the divine laws and the law of salvation.

It is, nonetheless, a human law. It is a general principle of human law that it cannot foresee all circumstances, with the result that occasionally, even rarely, it happens that the observance of the law would be harmful to the common good. A perfect example is the consecration of bishops without papal mandate. Canon Law forbids the consecration of bishops without the permission of the pope, which is called the papal mandate.
However, Canon Law did not foresee the horrid nightmare in which we are living, namely that those elected to the papacy and appointed to episcopal sees would abandon the Catholic Faith and embrace the heresy of Modernism. In the procees, they would also invalidate the rite of episcopal consecration. Consequently, to await a papal mandate for bishops who do profess the Catholic Faith would actually harm the very existence of the Catholic Church and of a valid episcopacy.


St. Thomas put it a little differently: Necessity knows no law, referring, of course, not to natural law, to which there is no exception, but to human laws

Because it is a false religion, it cannot be a means of salvation, but is instead a means of damnation. For this reason, every action must be taken to ensure the survival of the true Faith, which is the unique means of salvation. What justifies these measures which we take, this counter-apostolate, is therefore the principle which I enunciated above: The salvation of souls is the supreme law.

>> No.17353440

Exactly. Humanism is a heresy and should be condemned as such. The salvation of souls is the supreme law of the church.

>> No.17353458

you forgot your meds, the voices in your head are not God

>> No.17353469
File: 157 KB, 800x537, Coutume_des_Jésuites_jesuits_expulsion_1773_ 878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17353471

you will never be saved

>> No.17353473

Tldr but I do not approve of these cult threads here.
We have enough loonie toons around here the last thing we need are those that don’t believe in suicide.
<3i say that with love

>> No.17353475 [DELETED] 

These were men trained as priests and even Bishops saying this and I'm posting their words justifying the breaking of the human ecclesiastical laws that are currently not serving their purpose of saving souls.


At 30:16, Cekada explains this.

There is a thing called the "intrinsic cessation of law".

At 18:08, he says they not only had the right to do this but the obligation to do this. Who is the obligation to? God and divine law.

>> No.17353480

These were men trained as priests and even Bishops saying this and I'm posting their words justifying the breaking of the human ecclesiastical laws that are currently not serving their purpose of saving souls.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EgS2GNdLoE [Embed]

At 30:16, Fr. Cekada explains this.

There is a thing called the "intrinsic cessation of law".

At 18:08, he says they not only had the right to do this but the obligation to do this. Who is the obligation to? God and divine law.

>> No.17353483

you forgot your meds

>> No.17353485

Why is not believing in suicide a bad thing?

>> No.17353486

Oh my holy pope and all his followers pls tell me you’re one of them and willing to engage in a convo with me

>> No.17353492

I was being facetious if I much explain

But I do find spirituality and more specifically fixed/certain religions so fascinating I just want to pick their brains to help me understand

>> No.17353498
File: 539 KB, 1080x607, The Last Meme 2022_025457725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Modernists don't even believe in Original Sin, the Incarnation - Divinity of Christ or Sacrificial Priesthood. No need for conversion repentance or Salvation.

Your Salvation is building Secular Humanist Utopia on Earth. "You will never be 'Saved'."

>> No.17353502 [DELETED] 

Do I have to be clergy to answer or is being laity in churches with such theology and connected to such people enough?

>> No.17353510

You’re trolling too hard…nobody in their right mind would believe some dickswab like you on here is some devout catholic or Christian or whatever the fuck…..I mean just imagine —— “father I must confess.. I went on 4chan again and mingled with terrible people and I cannot control myself bc all those trannies are so fucking hot pls help”

>> No.17353513

you will never be saved, and meme magic is not real
only deeds can save you, and your deeds do not go beyond posting online

>> No.17353514

Well you're here too, Dickswab, and apparently eager to be evangelized

>> No.17353517

your words are as empty as your soul, satanas

>> No.17353519

Awfully presumptuous and judgemental of you....

>> No.17353520

I'm laity within this movement and not clergy. However, the 2 churches I attend use such theology of both Bishop Sanborn and Fr. Cekada.

>> No.17353522

a church that teaches the words of heretics is thus, also heretical

>> No.17353528

Didn't you get the Vatican II memo about muh Ecumenism?!?!

>> No.17353532

words words words words words
give me the deeds

>> No.17353543

So what is it that your believe? Aside from what your parents told you….sum It up in a few sentences what your spirituality is and what it means to you - and please do explain that church thing and how/why it’s so important in regard

>> No.17353554

Excuse the typos it’s past my bedtime.

>> No.17353557

The most important thing is the love of God almighty and serving Him in any way we can. The importance of this movement is to preserve the original faith and preserve what we have been taught from the beginning of the faith that modernists try to pervert by the heresy of the evolution of dogma. This counter apostolate gives people this option.

>> No.17353558

is this "God" in the room with us

>> No.17353561

He is everywhere and the Creator of all.

>> No.17353563

Can you prove that?

>> No.17353565

Here are some words of Bishop Sanborn on the Vatican clergy excusing themselves of the sex abuse scandal:

Having made these self-damning admissions, he attempts to excuse the Roman “authorities” by claiming that the complex criminal code of the 1983 (Novus Ordo) Code of Canon Law made it impossible to remove these priests who abused young persons. This is a positively ludicrous excuse. It is a shameless sham and an insult to any thinking and decent person. It would be the equivalent of saying, “Stalin was incapable of stopping the slaughter of millions of people because the laws on the books made it almost impossible for him to prosecute the perpetrators.” You might get away with this excuse in a republican form of government, where there is separation of powers, but you cannot seriously say this in the case of a monarchy or dictatorship. John Paul II — the “saint” — could have, with a single stroke of the pen, put a stop to any legal barriers. He could have defrocked priests and deposed bishops by means of a mere telegram or telephone call.

Ratzinger also offers the excuse that the Vatican bureaucracy was overwhelmed by the cases of abuse. This again is no excuse, since the accused could have been easily removed from priestly service while their case was being processed. In that way, the wicked practice of moving them around from parish to parish, where they abused again and again, could have been avoided.

Ratzinger asks the rhetorical question: “Why did pedophilia reach such proportions?” Ratzinger’s answer: “Ultimately, the reason is the absence of God.” The real reason: The godless, faithless, disgustingly selfish, and perverted Novus Ordo clergy who profited from the respect and admiration that innocent young persons had for the Catholic clergy in order to perform upon them acts which make you want to vomit.

>> No.17353569


>> No.17353570

Why does anything exist at all if there is no God?

>> No.17353572

things don't need a reason to exist

>> No.17353576

What is this almighty god? Where did he come from? Why do you live him so much? And most importantly why does he want you to serve him with all your heart and soul?

>> No.17353579

Everything has a reason. Things don't just happen on their own. Did the universe just put itself together? If there is a watch one can conclude that someone designed that watch and someone built the watch.

>> No.17353580

So did god create the matrix and does he control all the parallel universes?

>> No.17353584

God is the creator of the universe. He has always existed. I love Him because without Him nothing would be there and because God in turn showed love and sacrifice for our salvation. God has given us the chance for eternal life of paradise. God wants this because God has the inalienable right to be loved, worshipped, and adored.

>> No.17353587

What the hell you’re probably disappointing god by comparing him to a watch designer

>> No.17353588

things don't need a reason to be, and order is a statistical error in the chaos that is the whole of existence
throw dice enough times, and a small pattern emerges amidst a chaos of meaningless numbers. Such is the same for existence

>> No.17353589

God can do anything He wants but since the universe encompasses all, there could only be one universe and, it would simply be a subset of a large universe just as countries are a subset of continents and galaxies are subsets of the universe.

>> No.17353590

god has the inalienable right to kiss my ass

>> No.17353593

To me it would be the equivalent of throwing puzzle pieces on the ground and expecting the puzzle pieces to put themselves together. The universe is even more complex than a puzzle.

>> No.17353595

do it for an infinite amount of time, and exactly that happens
life is an one in an infinite chance, it just happens that existence has had enough time to throw puzzle pieces around

>> No.17353596

I have come to a conclusion:
Not only are you trolling…but also you have spent a lot of time in prison isolation where the only book you could read was the Bible.

If I’m wrong (which almost never happens) then you’re disappointing god by interacting with the likes of me

>> No.17353603

Not that I believe this Jesus guy is for real or anything but I just can’t grasp the idea that people believe in some supreme power.
Ok for shits and giggles let’s say there is a “all mighty” man/woman…..well can we at least say she’s slacking a bit. With all that magical power and shit why wouldn’t he/she make it better - you know the whole universe this so called “god” created….why did this “perfect” being fuck up so much?

>> No.17353604

The analogy was meant to show that everything has a creator. However I admit the analogy is imperfect because a painting can exist without the painter being around but this world cannot exist without God existing because God actively sustains it and keeps it going.

>> No.17353606

what sustains God, then?

>> No.17353608

God needs nobody else to exist because He is an eternal being.

>> No.17353610

what made God?

>> No.17353614

God is the First Mover and source of all matter and actions in the universe. He is the source and Necessary Being.

>> No.17353616

you said everything has a creator. who created God then?

>> No.17353617

He is omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent. The Necesaary Eternal Being of the Universe.

>> No.17353619

Except God. He is was and always will be. No beginning and no end. Eternal Entity.

>> No.17353621

Don’t even entertain that fantasists. There’s literally ZERO proof god exists or ever existed

>> No.17353622

if he is all powerful, why does he desire a world where evil exists?
why should I worship someone as evil as that?

how are you so sure of that?

>> No.17353625

There is more evidence that aliens exists than there is of god lol

>> No.17353632

Its simply a logical conclusion drawn by regression of all the actions and created matter in the universe. All actions and creations need a cause. An infinite chain of causes without origin is not logical. God is the First Cause and First Mover.

>> No.17353633

how are you sure sure what began the chain exists today?

>> No.17353636

necessary for what?

>> No.17353643

>>17353617 (You) #
>if he is all powerful, why does he desire a world where evil exists?
why should I worship someone as evil as that?

The Gift of Free Will given to humans means that they are free to do both good and evil. God has given humans this freedom of action to love Him as Creator, but also with that is the possibility of Pride and sinful evil actions.

>> No.17353646

there is no evil like leading people astray, like you are doing right now

>> No.17353648

Necessary Being or Force which is at the origin of the created universe. This is the cosmological argument for the Supreme Being

>> No.17353650

Please do join the seminar debate and contribute to leading them rightly.

>> No.17353651

I refuse to believe you are a real person.
If not a troll you’re some nex level AI generated pilgrimage system (that is very inefficient)

I need to go now bc my nite nite meds are kicking in but ffs sake if that’s a real person - I swear I love talking to Bible thumper people even though I don’t know squat about that book all I know is they don’t mKe any goddamn sense

>> No.17353652

how are you so sure there is this necessary being?

>> No.17353660

As I wrote above, it's pure logical argument for the existence of God (the Necesary Supreme Being)
Cosmological Argument.


>> No.17353661

how are you so sure of this logic?

>> No.17353685

Anon hasn't said he is.

>> No.17353752

How is it so unbelievable that God is the prime mover? Many people throughout history have used this argument.

>> No.17353755
File: 160 KB, 860x658, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not heresy to do what Paul tells us to do in Galatians. Picrel.

>> No.17353819

but thats exactly what sedevacantists are doing
thus, they are heretics

>> No.17353868
File: 36 KB, 261x389, St Robert Bellarmine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is St. Paul the Apostle a heretic?

Is St.Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, also a heretic for teaching the same principle for the self-deprivation of the Petrine Office of a Pope who teaches doctrines which refute the established doctrines and dogmas of the Depoat of the Faith?

>> No.17353876

sedevacantism is heresy, and you doing all this namedropping does not make it any less heresy

>> No.17353904

It requires no authority to reject heresy. As said in this theological directory of the Roman Catholic Institute:

"I also reject as false the notion of those who allege in support of opinionism, that priests do not have the authority to require the faithful to assent to the formal vacancy of the Roman see and the episcopal sees in the present circumstances. For it requires no ecclesiastical authority to insist that the faithful be consistent in their rejection of Vatican II and its reforms, and that they avoid the implicit heresy of associating the promulgation of Vatican II and its reforms with the authority of Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, vested in the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. It requires no authority to require that Catholics regard as a false pope him whom they reject as the living rule of faith."

>> No.17353906

I'm not gonna read all this heresy

>> No.17353909
File: 103 KB, 640x500, pius xii throne flabellum solemn papal mass 3e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When orthodoxy returns to Sacred College of Cardinals, the Sede Vacante will end with election of legitimate Pope.

>> No.17353914


>> No.17353917

heretics throwing a tantrum because they were told to stop being heretical

>> No.17353922 [DELETED] 


Bishop Sanborn and Bishop Dolan have researched their history well. The changes that led to Vatican II go deep.

>> No.17353923

not going to watch heretical things

>> No.17353942

You're the Modernist Heretics, while Sedevacantists are Traditional Catholics of orthodox belief. At very most "schismatics" from Modernist Rome. Enjoy your Pachama worship.

>> No.17353944

orthodox beliefs are heretical too
sedevacantists are heretics, and as "traditional" as megachurches

>> No.17353990

You can repeat this question infinitely backwards
>and what was the cause of that
>and what was the cause of that
Fact: You cannot traverse an infinity, otherwise it would not be an infinity.
If there was a cause that were infinitely back in the chain of cause and effect then its effect would never reach the 'here and now' because it cannot traverse an infinity
Hence there cannot be a cause that is infinitely back and which proves there is one cause that causes things but has no cause in itself
Christians put that cause with God (Omnipotent creator of all)

So you asking
>what sustains God, what made God etc
is asking an uninformed question.
This answer was known 2400 years ago and now freely and instantly available on the Internet, just one or two clicks away

>> No.17354026

Sedevacantism is no different from Catholic history as seen here


As Bishop Sanborn explains, it's the same as rejecting Mass from or not having your child baptized by a Constitutional priest during the French Revolution. It would be something you'd be obligated to reject. Because they had defected from the faith, they had no authority under God.

Thus we are in the same situation.

As Bishop Sanborn also says in this interview, you can live without the Mass but can't live without the faith and mentions how Japanese Catholics lived without it.

He also explains in this interview that the authority of the Pope comes from 2 places, from below which is the church and from above which is God. It's only when those 2 things come together is there authority for the clergy. If there is no authority from above, there is no spiritual authority or legitimacy. This is why he calls ignoring the invisible aspects powering the clergy as ecclesiastical materialism.

"My second response, therefore, is that the Novus Ordo conservatives are ecclesiastical materialists. They can see only the continuity of lifeless institutions from pre- to post- Vatican II, and from that they conclude that salvation consists in adhering to these lifeless institutions. They see only the material side of the Church, its visible side, and turn a blind eye to the absence of the invisibles of the Church, especially the assistance of the Holy Ghost in keeping the Church free from error and defection.

The Novus Ordo religion is one big error and defection. The fact that error and defection can be found in it is an infallible sign that the invisible assistance of the Holy Ghost is not with the Modernist “popes” and “bishops.” They have no authority to rule, no matter if they are maintaining the buildings and governmental institutions of the Church."

>> No.17354073


>> No.17354076

>God is perfect because...because he just IS okay????????????
pretend I posted a basedjack here

>> No.17354100
File: 45 KB, 800x450, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I posted a Chad yes here

>> No.17354102

chads don't believe in stories for children

>> No.17354116

>Has not been to the gym

>> No.17354118

>he doesn't exercise at home

>> No.17354139

Chads don't believe in you
You do not exist.
Begone, Chad wills it.

>> No.17354196

Wrong. It wants to go back to the past:

S.H. But you would cite that as an example of the fact that it wasn’t just “We went to mass.” We were given instruction…
B.S. People in general observed the rules.

S.H. Catholics could swing elections back then.
B.S. Absolutely. Catholics are the ones who cleaned up television in Hollywood. They would adjust movies in order to get the “A-1” rating or the “A-2” rating. The Legion of Decency was revered.

S.H. And who shut that down?
B.S. That was the Council. 1964, I think, was the last year of the Legion of Decency and then the Catholic Office for Motion Pictures was put in its place, and things were starting to be approved that were totally unacceptable. Then they eventually shut it down when Hollywood started to do the MPAA ratings. But, no, if you look at some of the movies and pictures made in the 1950’s, they were generally clean. By today’s standards they were squeaky clean. Consider all of the Hays Office rules for television. That was from Catholicism. The fact that you could not show adults in bed on television — I don’t know if you noticed that…

>> No.17354201

It wants to go back to how things were:

S.H. So television, addiction to sports…can you think of anything else?
B.S. Discipline. Since the 1960s, the discipline of children has changed radically, and there’s a phenomenon of what I call “child worship” where the child becomes practically a little god in the family and all things are directed toward the child, and there is no sense of having the child live in an adult world. The old way of raising children was that they would be quiet and they had to conform to rules and they had to be good little children. Now they run amok and scream and become totally unruly. That’s considered something that is quite normal and natural. “They are expressing themselves.” In fact, these are effects of Original Sin that are manifesting themselves. There is no attempt to suppress these things. As a matter of fact, any attempt to curtail these tendencies in a child is considered wrong and improper in the modern culture. So many Catholics, although they are very pious about the traditional Mass and the traditional Faith, are completely modernized in regards to the way they are raising their children.

>> No.17354205


>> No.17354502

based sede chad poster

>> No.17354703

May God forever bless you

>> No.17354879

Analogy of the present 21st century situation of The Church with Constitutional Church of 18th c. Revolutionary France which lacked legitimacy and desired destruction of Christendom and lay power very accurate. Also some similarities with Vatican policy of CPC state - controlled church in China.

>> No.17355083

moar sede chad pics and info

>> No.17355093
File: 335 KB, 1194x783, vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17355106 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 521x517, authority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's more


This episode shows how lots of evil was in Rome during the Renaissance led to the evils that happened during the Protestant revolt and how everything spiraled out of control. It's an interesting look at history.

>> No.17355113

This is very interesting too

>> No.17355114


This is how hippie theology also infected the faith

>> No.17355196

This is what people fail to understand or realize. They don't seem to realize that power of the clergy doesn't just come from this world but also from God and God doesn't sanction the spiritual authority of those who have the intention of spreading falsehoods nor give them the ability to do sacraments.

>> No.17355200
File: 289 KB, 1064x705, history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some Sede history. It went from members of SSPX getting expelled for refusing to compromise with the modernist Vatican to forming the organization the SSPV to some leaving SSPV for a more radical Sede position and starting independent ministries and apostolates. Picrel.

>> No.17355209

This is interesting information on the development and reasons for split of founder Sede priests from SSPX & Abp. Lefebvre and subsequent SSPV. I knew of the use of the pre1955 Roman Missal and mention of JP2 in Canon as issues of contention. The Abps. Thuc and Gonzalez consecrations of some of The Nine is key. Thanks for info.

>> No.17355220

The contention over the pre 1955 Roman Missal was that some believed you had to accept all changes from a valid Pope and others believed that since these changes led to the modernism of today, you could reject such changes for the benefit of the church as the liturgy is there to help the church.

Here's the liturgical directory of the Roman Catholic Institute:


As you see, modernist changes to the liturgy developed in the 40s and 50s were thrown out.

Here is their reasoning:

1. The general liturgical principle of the Institute is to preserve the traditional Roman liturgy. The Institute holds that the changes which were made to the Roman liturgy by the Commission for the Reform of the Liturgy, founded by Pope Pius XII in 1948, and headed by Annibale Bugnini, were transitory changes which were made in view of the Novus Ordo Missæ of 1969. Consequently the Institute shall reject any changes made at the suggestion of the aforesaid commission, even if promulgated by Pope Pius XII. The Institute holds that, although these changes were duly promulgated by Pope Pius XII, the acceptance of them in the light of the changes of Vatican II would be harmful to the stated end, namely the preservation of the traditional Roman liturgy. Nonetheless, the Institute does not regard the liturgical changes of Pope Pius XII as sinful to observe or attend, or as non-Catholic, but does regard them as a prelude to the ultimate changes of Vatican II, to which their author, Annibale Bugnini, attests.

>> No.17355258
File: 202 KB, 1024x972, tumblr_nvo59b9UNm1rcphkdo1_1280-1024x972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Liturgical Directory" is fascinating:
somr of the entries are surprising and others expected and logical:

Pre-Pius X Breviary (so back to Benedict XIV edit.)

No 1955 Missal incl. Holy Week Reform

No Restored Easter Vigil of 1951

No Gothic vestments (had to chuckle here as these are "ecumenical outreach vestments" lol)

No Dialogue Mass (kinda understandable)

Fascinating and will peruse some more. Quite the roster of Clergy and seminarians at the RCI.

Nota: Who is this Pope in picrel seated at desk reading?

>> No.17355259

Is it St. Pius X? ^

>> No.17355321

Yes it is. This is him in the Vatican gardens in 1913. They love him for his anti-modernist stances and fight against modernism.


This is the pastoral directory of rules


Here's a short theological directory of beliefs. Any thoughts here?

>No Gothic vestments (had to chuckle here as these are "ecumenical outreach vestments" lol)

Exactly something they'd do to not look like the liberal ecumenists lol.

>Pre-Pius X Breviary (so back to Benedict XIV edit.)

I wonder how common this is. It's very traditional.

The RCI is connected also to MHT seminary connected to multiple churches within the US and even other nations. MHT has 19 seminarians this year which is why they had to move to Pennsylvania and plan to set up more churches around the local area in both PA and local states like New Jersey or Delaware.

>> No.17355339

One thing I also know is the SSPV uses the 1920 Missal.

>> No.17355342
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>> No.17355347
File: 392 KB, 1317x876, cessation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some stuff from Bishop Pivarunas about the intrinsic cessation of law.

>> No.17355353

Another division is over their attitude towards things like apparitions and private revelations. Some groups place lots of importance on it and are too obsessive with them as data but others for example don't see it as data or even binding to believe and think it's a distraction from the traditionalist movement. There are others who discourage being too into private revelations or apparitions. I agree that apparitions are not data so they can't be used for doctrine determining the nature of the church.

>> No.17355357 [DELETED] 

Here Fr. Cekada refuted people who used Fatima against him to say Sedevacantism can't be true because of what was promised at Fatima. His arguments IMO were really good.


>> No.17355364

Here Fr. Cekada refuted people who used Fatima against him to say Sedevacantism can't be true because of what was promised at Fatima. These are very good arguments.


He rightfully makes the point that Fatima is private revelation and you don't necessarily have to accept private revelation.

Also that private revelation isn't data for this issue and that Fatima was a distraction from the real battle with modernism.

He also pointed out that as a private revelation, it's also subject to lots or private interpretation by lots of different people so it really doesn't work.

A. Private revelation isn't necessarily a starting point for a theological argument.

B. People are putting their own interpretations on top of this private revelations and drawing their own conclusions.

Also that it shouldn't be a starting point for any theological argument.

>> No.17355370
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>> No.17355372
File: 494 KB, 634x940, Jensky_kodex_satan_prodava_odpustky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17355375

Keep seething and being pissed

>> No.17355462

Noted and thank you for more detailed info about MHT and seminarians

noted and will read

private revelation is important in current situation of The Church, like Fatima Apparitions, but its def not depositum fidei
vade retro Calvin - Luther satanas lol
Deus lo vult

based trad sede bros

>> No.17355478

whole lotta heretics in here

>> No.17355843

The prayers were changed and dogmas were erased. They tried to form everything into watered down hippie garbage which is what Fr. Cekada exposed. He saw how different things were in his childhood and made it his life mission to bring that back.

>> No.17355864
File: 469 KB, 1197x769, refuted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not heresy to reject heresy and to reject changes that attempt to water everything down. This is the one world false ecumenical church the Bible talked about. Picrel is Fr. Anthony Cekada refuting claims.

>> No.17355865

Catholics are going to Hell because most Catholic women are sluts and whores.

Same with Protestants.

Only Muslims have served God rightfully by keeping their women in control.

>> No.17355906
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>> No.17355942

yeah whatever catholic cuck

the Bible clearly teaches that men need to control women and keep them from becoming promiscuous sluts and whores

catholic men have clearly failed with regard to that. you're going to hell

>> No.17355962


>Going to hell for what someone I don't even know does.

Heaven works as an individual ticket not as a group ticket. Other people's sins don't get counted against me, only mine count against me.

And you're going to hell for picking a demonic faith. Enjoy hell. The crusaders did nothing wrong.

>> No.17355965

not true at all. you don't even understand your own religion.

you are absolutely being sinful by not teaching women to respect themselves and stop being whores.

you are a prime example of why i left the catholic religion. you're an absolute gynocentric cuckold.

>> No.17355968

the heretics, they are multiplying

>> No.17356002

the cuckolds. they are multiplying

>> No.17356007

My church does teach this and has a strict dress code. Sorry you're too stupid to church shop. Must be the 80 IQ.