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17352859 No.17352859 [Reply] [Original]

why is women's fashion so diverse, exciting and superior in compare to men's

>> No.17352883

Women are elegant creatures by nature compared to men. The dress you posted wouldn't look good on men. Bodies define fashion.

>> No.17352903

because gender roles. fashion and beauty standards are mostly imposed on women. they've been conditioned to value fashion more and as a result they tend to be better at it.

>> No.17352908

>The dress you posted wouldn't look good on men.

>> No.17352919
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this too

OP, there are plenty of options for men in terms of elegant outfits. But you're absolutely right, like what both of these anons said, gender roles and beauty standards are to contribute to that. You can wear whatever you want, regardless if it's meant for men or not. Because clothes don't have gender, they have a body shape, and not every body shape works with every clothing piece.
>inb4 transgender whatever nonsense
I'm not telling men to put on cutesy skirts and act like a woman without any thought into what you wear. You should dress in a way that compliments your features and expresses yourself fully. Doesn't matter if it's seen as masculine or feminine.

>> No.17352927

Menswear is hella interesting and deep, you are just a tranny coping.

>> No.17352958

Men's fashion gets away with being way more tasteful while still exploring new ideas, because there isn't as much demand for cycling through it so quickly. Everything even remotely tasteful in women's fashion has been explored already and declared "basic bitch shit" by now so women have to dress like clowns and retards to get attention, admiration, and compliments from other women.
Meanwhile OP, if you are coming at this from a tranny perspective, bear in mind two things:
1. You might just like women's clothing because it looks good on a woman's body. In fact, you might just like women's bodies. You might not actually want to be a woman at all - you might just be suppressing your heterosexual urges because you've accepted defeat and given up on ever getting a girlfriend.

>> No.17352975

Sexual selection pressures
>Women are the selector sex and select the most fit partner(s)
>Men are deemed fit by having desirable traits(height,build,resources,social standing,etc)
>Men compete with eachother to have the best traits, fashion becomes somthing to show this(suit quality, muscle fit shirts, men used to wear heels) think of Black Tie attire; men are differentiated by their social interaction, build and quality of the clothes while women wear the loudest most provocative outfits
>Women compete to select the best men, this means emphasising sex and secondary sex charicteristics to attract men, this also serves to show the fittest woman who therfore is entitled to the best men
>Men'll fuck anything with a pulse unless he's a 10 and she's a 0.5

>> No.17352985

because its not, its a matter of perspective

>> No.17352999

>Doesn't matter if it's seen as masculine or feminine.
Absolute horseshit. If a woman sees a guy wearing feminine clothes she just assumes he's gay and won't approach him. So yeah it does actually matter to dress in a masculine manner if you want to get some girlies. "Trans"gender has literally almost destroyed the world not just fashion..

>> No.17353006

So fragile

>> No.17353012

>Absolute horseshit. If a woman sees a guy wearing feminine clothes she just assumes he's gay and won't approach him. So yeah it does actually matter to dress in a masculine manner if you want to get some girlies.
Like >>17353006 said, are you that fragile? Fashion is NOT about trying to appeal to others or going on dates. It's trying to appeal to yourself. It's about being yourself. Your wardrobe and outfits should be a secondary reflection of who you are as a person. I really despise people like you. People who only care about fashion so they can go bang a girl. Who the fuck cares if you're "too" feminine or masculine? Doesn't mean shit to me. All that matters is your sincerity to yourself and how you wish to dress to impress yourself.

>> No.17353015

>seething tranny defends trannyshit

>> No.17353016

Yep, there's the cue. You have no argument, you don't even have a solid claim. You're just throwing insults now, I'm not even a transgender either.

>> No.17353048

unironically because society and the gender roles enforced on men heavily discourage non-conformity

>> No.17353049

Women were literally lobotomized for dating to not be wives.

>> No.17353084

I feel like the average woman thinks much harder about their fashion yet looks just as bad or worse as the average guy that doesnt give a fuck. But thats average people, not high fashion.

>> No.17353089

>why is women's fashion so diverse, exciting and superior in compare to men's
Blame liberalism and the French Revolution.

>> No.17353093

>Menswear is hella interesting and deep
As long as you like grey, dark gray, light grey, blue-grey, black or grey.

>> No.17353100

This. "X is outdated" and "Y is different and modern, therefore novel and fashionable" doesn't mean that Y is aesthetically pleasing. It's a marketing ploy aimed at women with the goal of making them needlessly change their wardrobe all the time in order to conform to arbitrary trends. Truth is, for the most part, most of what's aesthetically pleasing, clothing-wise, has been discovered and established in a quantative and qualitative way a long time ago, and change is unnecessary. Still, it's done in order for certain businesses to gain advantage over their competitors via the forced notion of "novelty" as a status symbol. It's a whole other matter that women's value is much more greatly reliant on superficial looks, causing them to exert a much greater effort in trying to improve said looks.

>> No.17353268

Most men just simply don't give a shit. This has a multiplicative effect in that if most men don't care about fashion male fashion won't change as much as women's fashion.

>> No.17353311
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probably alot to do with sexualization imotbh, a lot of fashion is appealing to sexuality and there are shockingly few ways to sexualize mens bodies as compared to womens. also due to the fact that womens fashion has completely absorbed every traditional 'male' style. shirts are something that comes to mind thinking abt the differences between men/womens fashion. there is almost nothing beyond a t shirt/tank top or some type of button up that is seen as normal and conventional for a guy to wear, while women have a whole host of options. this is not due to mens upper bodies being less sexualized than womens, because although true, there are plenty of body parts to emphasize, abs, shoulders, back, forearms, whateva. however, there is still such a lack of options for men, probably something something patriarchy imoo
wow so a womens dress would not be good mens fashion whodve thought
the problem is less about men not being able to wear womens clothes and more about men not having any unique or varied clothing styles themselves
lol, lmao
also tru but has nothing to with the above
fuck that sucks

>> No.17353354

Because you say it is

>> No.17353356

>a lot of fashion is appealing to sexuality and there are shockingly few ways to sexualize mens bodies as compared to womens
>Women are elegant creatures by nature compared to men

You are straight men. Of course you wouldnt understand the sexual appeal of the male body or how to emphasize it.
Why do straight guys even feel the need to comment on the issue as if theyre unbiased objective observers?

>> No.17353361

>You might just like women's clothing because it looks good on a woman's body. In fact, you might just like women's bodies. You might not actually want to be a woman at all - you might just be suppressing your heterosexual urges because you've accepted defeat and given up on ever getting a girlfriend.
I don't like what you just said, that's a little too perceptive. I have similar thing with wearing women's frags probably due to having no gf

>> No.17353402

>You are straight men.
????no im not silly

>> No.17353804


>> No.17353858

>The Great Male Renunciation is the historical phenomenon at the end of the 18th century in which Western men stopped using brilliant or refined forms in their dress, which were left to women's clothing
>inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment; clothing that signaled aristocratic status fell out of style in favor of functional, utilitarian garments. The newfound practicality of men's clothing also coincided with the articulation of the idea that men were rational and that women were frivolous and emotional.

>> No.17354720
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>dressing a certain way to get girls
most trans people dress like shit but shit take