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File: 785 KB, 1242x1184, 0CB02F77-52F0-4B31-A342-7A1FF698D6FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17344963 No.17344963 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of men do TikTok girls date? Giga chads?

>> No.17344983
File: 167 KB, 1365x1426, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men who wear burbery

>> No.17344984

Who cares?

>> No.17345057

Sugar daddies with lots of money.

>> No.17345413

It's chad or this:

TikTok girls are also nowhere near as attractive IRL. You're seeing the perfect angle that some insecure broad chose just to make herself look as good as possible.

>> No.17345423
File: 41 KB, 540x540, tumblr_5922c988a625851f60f480ad2dde9403_2503f2e4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Lift weights, don't be a lazy incel.

>> No.17345432

Attractive men. Usually "pretty boys", but if you look like a young, tall jock they'll fuck you too. Basically be Chad. If they're complete sluts they might be into getting money from their looks by selling their pussy, but IMHO there's too many ways an attractive girl can make money besides selling her cunt, so what I said still applies.
Pic related is basically the opposite of what I just said and they'd only get some used up 28 year old roastie.

In words of Francisco Lachowksi, "Why lift weights when it is all about the face?"

>> No.17345594
File: 101 KB, 1080x864, IfgabbpuT41OsAyBtg8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to burst your bubble. Cute women care for powerful dudes. Me as a mid 30 year old guy blow your 18 year old broke cute faced ass out of the water. Why? More money, decent ride, high paying job, experience. And it gets better with every year, if someone don't fuck it up with his career.
I always laugh at young bois looking at me and my car, having a long way to go to get at my position. How might they girl feel when they both see me? Don't dare me asking his girlfriend to get in my ride to, skipping taking the bus or train.

>> No.17345601

Insane cope and projection. I'm 25. Women care more about height and frame than how much you can gymcel. All these "pretty boys" have pretty dimorphic features to begin with. You don't understand shit and I will leave you coping. Post your Tinder matches and let's see, faggot.

>> No.17345607
File: 93 KB, 800x800, 1647794983054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, even as a gymcel the tall prettyboy mogs all lifters

>> No.17345616

Women don't care that much about your career, etc. In fact it's good if you want to be a betabux'd idiotic who pays for her shit. These days women get into careers with high paying jobs and can get money thrown at them just by posting their face online, it's genuinely harder than it used to be using just money as status. Women love drug dealers and criminals more than some office cuck stuck in his 9 to 5 riding his shitty BMW thinking he's the hot shit. Retarded trogdolyte matched some post wall whores with five kids on Tinder and now he thinks he is smashing prime 16 - 21 year old pussy. Dumb faggot.
>also assuming most of these tik tok faggots don't have good background with plenty of money to go around while fucking around in college

>> No.17345618

>Women don't care that much about your career, etc. In fact it's good if you want to be a betabux'd idiotic who pays for her shit
Incel alert

>> No.17345622

They genuinely don't. At least not young girls. Unless you just want to be a dupe that pays all their shit. It's generally +25 women that care more as they're looking to settle. But plenty of women have high paying jobs, so it isn't like you are going to get some hot 9/10 wife just by money alone. Look at ugly billionaires, they're still generally married to ugly women. Office drones are some of the most boring people. Women would rather talk to some travelling bum or a musician as they have adventurous lives rather than some faggot who spent the prime of his life working for his boss like a beta bitch

>> No.17345624

Also, if you're running money game, just fuck escorts rather than date someone who is only there to rip you off for cash, then it's a clear transaction where you pay money to some 8/10 to take it up the ass rather than waste your time being treated like a doormat.

>> No.17345625

Tldr I don't take incels seriously. Sorry not sorry k thnx bye

>> No.17345627

You read every single word you seething cuck. Now go back to your cubicle and overdose on your Joe Rogan brand protein you coping moron.

>> No.17345633
File: 104 KB, 600x345, 748bydi3kwy51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really dont, only ugly old men think its all about money and career with women, when in reality its face and height, a good looking youung guy who is a walmart worker will get women simping for him and get women despite working at wal mart

go watch fresh and fit and rich coper

>> No.17345639

Gymcels, wagecels and careercels have been put on NOTICE. The cope is out, now's the reality.

Work on your FACE, maximise your frame and height as much as possible with frauding, and focus on anti ageing. Your age is what you look like. Some people are spent by the time they're 25. Some are still good looking at 40. Doing cardio, which /fit/ shits on, is the best thing to stay lean and slow down aging. Not roiding is also better for aging. Not overeating, instead staying lean and fasting, is also proven to be effective for anti aging. Having good sex life IS also linked with less stress, which is also good for anti aging. Career, money, etc. are all good things, but you can become a rich man in your 50's if you really have a good plan, but you can't get your youth back. You can fuck very, very attractive women until you hit 40. And then you can still pick some good women. It's all about what you do with what you got.

MOST work is incredibly stressful and ages you like shit. Most workcels are too tired to even do any physical activity. Focus on getting an easy job that pays your bills and doesn't take up all of your time. Don't focus on material things like the newest phone, car or whatever. When you cut a lot of consumerist habits, you don't need that much money. Rent is the main expense.

All the best and God bless.

>> No.17345644
File: 614 KB, 850x709, 1668055256549960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, truest post ive seen in a while

>> No.17345649

One good thing about having high income is you can buy some expensive treatments for anti ageing and buy the top of the line pharmaceuticals. I also have theory that so called "maturity" that most wagecucks espouse is just a blanket for their cowardice and giving up on their dreams for the sake of security. Most are utter cattle and just end up broken men mentally. I think to stay young you must think young, do interesting things and not give up. The worst thing that most people do is let themselves go. And Jesus Christ at that pic, he might as well tattoo big company logos on his face and renamed himself a slave. What I'm writing isn't for everyone though, most won't have the balls or strength of character to truly live on their own terms. Most will accept whatever is expected of them and bury their own dreams and aspirations.

>> No.17345652

>One good thing about having high income is you can buy some expensive treatments for anti ageing and buy the top of the line pharmaceuticals

you dont even need a lot of money for a good routine, just 4-5 things. im a wagie and have a great one

>. I also have theory that so called "maturity" that most wagecucks espouse is just a blanket for their cowardice and giving up on their dreams

they give up on their lookat like 25 now, and here in USA the call you gay orhomosexual for even caring about looks like hair and skin, go look at the boomers on pol and fit

>> No.17345658

And for clarification, I am not against all forms of gymcelling, but gymcelling is usually a cope for unattractive men that doesn't lead them anywhere. Also going all the way into roids, using all sorts of shit that ages them... sad, really. Something like ottermode is ideal for your health and sex appeal. Enough functional strength so you can do sports but also lean enough to have great cardio and flexibility.
I mean microneedling, etc. There's lots of interesting things and it might be out of some people's budget if they live a minimalistic lifestyle. Fillers when done well can also easily increase your facial rating by one point, which is a lot. Look up full facelift, it can have insane results, I've seen people look 10-15 years younger across both genders. But eating well, exercising, sleeping well, having low stress and not drinking (you can still drink some ofc), smoking or taking anything harmful is 90% of work. One good thing about our age is that we are in an era where more and more things will become available that can prevent and slow aging, and it is possible that in 20 or 30 years it will even be possible to revert it. Really rich people are already doing it, especially actors and models.

That's 100% true, but remember that you're putting yourself in a good position by disregarding fuckretarded advice.

>> No.17345660

I looked at this guy again.He has good skin, but balding hard is making him like he is 50. Shaving all that shit, keeping a stubble and getting a hair transplant could make him look in his late 20's. He seems to have weak bones sadly and most people with poor bone structure age worse as after soft tissue fails bones is what remains. That's why someone like Mikkelsen still looks attractive at 50.

>> No.17345665

yes his skin is good, but the hair. but still get a HT and do what you can. vincent gallo has an amazing sharp face and looks great at 60

microneedling is also cheap too, you can but the machine to last you life for 300 bones

>> No.17345682
File: 77 KB, 1280x853, 366737bc394b13cd478692474302bbf1684e93d0-934146649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about money, status, social status. Massive cope from young incels playing videogames 24/7. Just wait until a wealthy middle aged dude take away your GF or your crush at College.
Being he guy who has all the power over weak, cute faced males makes women, especially young women wet. Experienced it first hand.

>> No.17345689

I've more experience than you could ever imagine you retarded larper. This is the last (You) you will get as I have a hard rule of not giving more than one pity reply to bait and retarded faggots.

>> No.17345690

>post old ugly man with 2 ugly ass women that are wearing 2kg of makeup to hide their ugly looks...
point proven..

>> No.17345730

lmao this nigga think he george clooney >>17345594 oldhead you posting on 4chan hahahaha jit manager at footlocker acting like he jeffy bezos like hahaha niga what

>> No.17345738
File: 672 KB, 1080x1356, Screenshot_20221116-035730_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17345739

The same like this: >>17345682 Money and status will even let look a fat asian like a chad.

>> No.17345742

Be funny and get pussy broke or rich

>> No.17345822

>comedian posts picture making fun of bozos who post pictures with hot women

>> No.17345893

i have long hair and beard and this summer have been swimming off this tiny island and when id bee bobbing aroundin the waves and a boat would come by the children would exclaim theres aquaman!

>> No.17345913
File: 49 KB, 600x645, party_with_the_bull_by_bbbelly_d77dyj2-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which only works in fiction like Big Bang Theory. Get off your lazy ass hit the gym, get rich or die trying.

>> No.17345914

He definitely fucks more than you, a mouth breathing prole who has no time to work on his social skills

>> No.17345950

im a woman and I have a bf but thx <3
and on top of that you completely misunderstood my reply. I wasn't making a mockery of bobby Lee..

>> No.17345953

They date other tik tok stars, so chad zoomers. They typically don't date outside of their age unless the guy they date has some kind of clout to them. Or they may even date someone boring and unknown. Thats their same age. Typically you won't see them dating older guys, as their fan base is really against girls dating older guys (they call it grooming)

>> No.17345955
File: 636 KB, 1536x2048, FeqgbBMUUAApht6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17345960

>daily blackpill incel thread
Oh hell yeah I love fashion

>> No.17345963

Just going off what I've seen on Twitter and tik tok

>> No.17345969
File: 776 KB, 2038x2037, 1570638736273-donald-trump-models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't these "chad" zoomers not the same like the gay friends they usually chill around doing the silly Tik Tok stuff and secretly fucking the middle aged daddy?

>> No.17345970

ESTPs always get pussy. Not the nerds.

>> No.17345980
File: 1.68 MB, 1371x803, sub-buzz-4828-1563383263-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but somehow the retards here still think zoomer nerds gets zoomer girls. Zoomer chad get some pussy, 30 - 50 year old chad get the most.

>> No.17346087

>30 - 50 year old chad get the most.

how delusional are you oldecel? you should be married and have children in your early 30s, if not than go monk mode and abstain, not engage in promiscuity

>> No.17346118

>Me as a mid 30 year old guy blow your 18 year old broke cute faced ass out of the water.
You are at the age where you should already have a family with kids and yet you are here on a chinese cartoons forum, coping about being an absolute failure of a man, and telling little kids on the internet that you are better than them.
The absolute state of (You)

>> No.17346147

>girls say it online so it must be true
Have you ever been around women? God damn

>> No.17346160

Yes I have

>> No.17346165

lol """"women""""
what is a woman?

>> No.17346179
File: 664 KB, 3000x1970, GettyImages-514496580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just telling the truth that man age like wine. The older the better, a zoomer guy cannot compete with males in they 30s and above and zoomer girls naturally feel attracted to the more wealthy guy, hands down. I already dated 19 year old girls, heaven on earth, they are so easy going, open minded, but they need guidance. Most dudes in that age didn't have they shit together.

>> No.17346182
File: 390 KB, 750x979, 1653607742796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just telling the truth that man age like wine

they dont, men and women peak physically in their early 20s, men age worse often

>> No.17346183

he doesn't fuck any of those women

>> No.17346193
File: 79 KB, 1080x1074, 66c213d2430bbffb2bb14320527aaadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Mens value are in they assets, retard. Females value is her youthful beauty.

>> No.17346197

Yes women. Real biological women

>> No.17346201

if he's richer than you, he's no doubt fucked more than you

>> No.17346205

Having a gash doesn't make you woman, dummy

>> No.17346219

>Mens value are in they assets,

lolno, mans value is in his genetics (beauty) even good looking poor guys will have more than rich ugly short men

>> No.17346220

try leaving your house once in a while you retarded coping oldfag nigger

>> No.17346242

I'm a man. Who has women friends

>> No.17346244
File: 1.55 MB, 640x360, henry-cavill-freya-allen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you able to read sentences in correct order? >>17346179
I date only 19 - 24 year old girls.

>> No.17346245

Meant to reply to you

>> No.17346251
File: 40 KB, 245x239, 1642538385150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Henry Cavill as your argument when everyone knows he is a closet gay

>> No.17346255
File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, 2875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closet gay
So am i, i still prefer 19-24 white girls and they prefer guys with assets. Zoomer guys are just toyboys, they lack depth.

>> No.17346269

>I date only 19 - 24 year old girls.

you should be married with kids now, not a middle aged man coming on her telling 18 year olds how much better you are than them

>> No.17346275
File: 2.28 MB, 2700x1800, rexfeatures_5627543h-c5e63c93-e098-4d0d-a785-76f5fa29cbb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's the truth, nigger. Zoomer dudes will get there too, but they lack depth yet. Means: they can't compete.
As a dude i can start a family with 50, semen producting are still there, different story with women.

>> No.17346284

First, these look ugly
Second, you coping about being a grandpa without a partner, and posting all these pictures with grandpas is really pathetic
Gold diggers are a phenomenon that is common knowledge even among little kids, and everyone considers it sad as fuck for both parties involved.
Yet you are autistic to the point of not realizing that, and thinking young girls are genuinely attracted to grandpas on a sexual level. Or maybe you are just coping hard and acting blind as a self defense mechanism
Either way this is not the correct way to go about your situation, stop browsing chinese forums, go find a partner, go to the gym, join some group activities, do whatever you need to do. Genuine advice

>> No.17346288

Wait, so the sad boomer posting these cope posts is the same guy who posts these weird alien girls thinking they look attractive? Lmao

>> No.17346292

>gay boomer tells kids how much of a chad he is
You really can't make it up

>> No.17346307
File: 569 KB, 1195x1793, l-Paris-Hilton-Donald-Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every relationship is transactional, at the end it depends what the guy can put on the table. If zoomer incels think all what it takes is to be funny, it's blatantly delusional. It's also cool when a zoomer chad can get a zoomer girl, on the long run 30 year old guys can offer more.
Simple scenario: zoomer chad with her GF wanna taking the bus or train, while 40 year old chad comes with his expensive ride and ask out zoomer chads GF to come with him and don't wanna wait any longer for the bus, imaging how the "chad" will feel, when his GF gets tempted. Easy, he lacks assets and depth. Too hard to understand?

>> No.17346321

>But it's the truth, nigger

its not, i doubt its true, especially posting pictures of zion don

>As a dude i can start a family with 50, semen producting are still there,

you will be 70 when your son is 20, you should have kids in your mid 20s not 50s. also male sperm as the man ages has a chance of defects like women

>> No.17346330
File: 138 KB, 569x364, main-qimg-b0e77b91df3bf1906d29eaa7559a7431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not, i doubt its true, especially posting pictures of zion don

>> No.17346336
File: 53 KB, 212x218, 1655066228468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

older for women mean 2-6 years, not 30+

>> No.17346356
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, blacklotus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of depth do you have?

>> No.17346357

Money, cars, fit body

>> No.17346383

>Money, cars, fit body
Post cars and body
need I not remind you to remember to blur out anything that could get you doxxed

>> No.17346500

The local 20 year old that groomed her insecurities

>> No.17346581

8-10 inches
Sorry OP, for you it's just a pipedream

>> No.17346582

convert years into k and then flip it around and you're right. 30k min, 2-6k not a chance

>> No.17346606

Yea you're right that girls tend to be attracted to older more experienced/established dudes, but based on the way you're talking ITT you sound like a coping incel. But yeah dude you'll totally be ready to slay pussy when you're 40.

Oh oops you're 40 now and it still hasn't happened. Nah you'll slay pussy when you're 50 for sure.

Oh oops you're 50 now etc

>> No.17346707

Indeed, women can be hoes. I want a rich girl but it’s not even because of the money. I’m an attractive guy and surly have some other women trying to chase me, in order to guarantee that my gf or wife can’t be bribed to leave me or do anything else to me I need to make sure that she has money so she won’t accept any bribes.

>> No.17346710

Or you could just be a loving husband and she wouldn't want to leave you because you're so good to her

>> No.17346712

Nah, I have a feeling that some rich psycho bitches are after me. This will put and end to it.

>> No.17346715

Paris is so sexy. She'd never fuck a loser like me, though.

>> No.17346876

Women like shiny stuff, you’re supposed to be all the shiny stuff that they need but some women seem to be too dumb for their own good.

>> No.17346973

Yes a youthful, very famous actor, 6', with 9/10 face is attractive, what a revelation.

>> No.17346976

You're actually correct, dick matters A LOT. It's still one of the things that men cope a lot.

>> No.17347028
File: 54 KB, 732x645, signal-2022-11-17-115409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are correct. Fuckbuddy's face for reference.

>> No.17347030

and shid on floor

>> No.17347032

Why exactly are you interested in a tiktok girl? You seem to have an attraction to fame and status rather than actual looks. Big dumb.

>> No.17347057

For me any heavy social media user that doesn’t actually make money from using it or doesn’t gain anything but likes from it is a red flag.
I also would prefer a girl that isn’t famous.

>> No.17347160

>Pic related
a gay bear?

>> No.17347384

Young Trump looks like Owen Wilson’s long lost brother.

>> No.17347488

Whatever mainstream media tells them is cool

>> No.17348121

That's a man ain't it?

>> No.17349655


The Truth is the following: TikTok girls hardly date, are not interested in sex and are mentally closer to little toddlers than teenagers.

>> No.17349797

u r arab

>> No.17350144

>TikTok girls hardly date, are not interested in sex
That's a lot of cope anon

>> No.17350170
File: 2.54 MB, 360x640, 1668474390994015.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thin zoomies

>> No.17350270


>> No.17350483

dude, why most of white male end like that

>> No.17350489

ITT people who have never had sex.

>> No.17350513

i-is that AlphaM???

>> No.17350514

>be me, 17 yr old
>parallel parking in new town
>love tap car behind me
> guy comes up screaming about "it's a rental, i hope i don't have to pay out the ass for this"
>sell your burberry scarf then, bro

>> No.17350516

o yea, he examined his rental for damage then pulled away without saying shit.
pretentious old fogie son of a slut

>> No.17350616


now post her without makeup lmao. Your common 6/10 asian slut

>> No.17350688

There's finasteride/dutasteride so Caucasians (which includes more than just whites) and Caucasian-mixes can avoid the balding curse.

>> No.17350703

>One good thing about having high income is you can buy some expensive treatments for anti ageing
This. I spend around 600€ a month on supplements and meds.

>> No.17350805
File: 2.58 MB, 576x1024, 1668262245416816.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fuck TikTok zoomer men

>> No.17350818

so you're in many friendzones huh

>> No.17350823

idk if they do boyfriends
if ur tall and hot they'd probably fuck you

>> No.17351435

I hate these ugly haircuts so much

>> No.17351457

>in the dark room half naked with your bro
This is so gay

>> No.17351460

I dont try to fuck every woman I know. I'm just friends with a good amount of them

>> No.17351468

I literally cried at this

>> No.17351670

This is fake. Nobody can convince a woman to use signal unless shes a drug addict.

>> No.17351677

drop routine bro

>> No.17351696

straight up chink wear.

>> No.17351700

>It's about money, status, social status. Massive cope from young incels playing videogames 24/7. Just wait until a wealthy middle aged dude take away your GF or your crush at College.
>Being he guy who has all the power over weak, cute faced males makes women, especially young women wet. Experienced it first hand.

This. LMAO, when I saw the guy he was 35, receding, skinny arms, belly, chinlet. She even slipped into a conversation after we split that "she doesn't work and her new BF drives a porsche"
Slag. Funny, but money is what you need, at least I got to hit it in her prime years.

>> No.17351708

these chicks are hideous, I bet Don says "I don't want too many really good lookg women here, they make me looks worse, just get some decent looking chicks, so I still look ok"

>> No.17351747
File: 41 KB, 656x499, shelly-e1610389584659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're all wrong.

TikTok girls like men with a sense of humor.

>> No.17351765

this thread is full of coping faggots who need to find something to give their lives meaning

>> No.17351779


>> No.17352049

Their fanbases need to get their tiktok idols stolen by older guys.

>> No.17352055
File: 37 KB, 700x420, 5364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? Like zoomer bois are so gay, that white zoomer girls literally go for older guys.

>> No.17352056

Ah yes, because women can't have assets. Found someone who is actually clueless about money.

>> No.17352057

>black dude pumped with shitload of estrogen says his opinion on the straight dating market

>> No.17352058
File: 154 KB, 1459x2000, ninni-laaksonen-ee4a140490f046e48af57969c74603cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, do men mostly seek assets in women or they youthful beauty? Do you see your irrational retardness?
No one cares about powerful women, therefore they have alot of cats or dogs.

>> No.17352061

Anon, you're clueless, but that's not surprising.

>> No.17352062

Care to proof otherwise?

>> No.17352063
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>> No.17352485
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Based asexual draingang zoomer not fucking with thots

>> No.17352709

not a single woman in this thread isn't wearing make up, don't move the goal posts.
who says she's not one?

>> No.17352765

isn't this the man who admitted to being such a massive, unrepentant coomer that he didn't touch his near dimepiece of a wife for like three years? and when she wanted to save the marriage for some reason, he flat out insisted that he had no desire to stop jerking off so much?

>> No.17353034

I want to fuck Renee Bellerive.

>> No.17353626
File: 122 KB, 750x1000, therowsmvse-FX2yswXXkAIjWhr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being he guy who has all the power over weak, cute faced males
>closet gay
>So am i, Zoomer guys are just toyboys
ohh ok
too baity
i love looking at all the fashion posts on the fashion board
the sad truth of the matter
absolutely incomprehensible
incels will never understand the concept of being friends with someone of the opposite sex
almost always true

>> No.17353695

women don't write "get women" pal you gotta work on your larp. 17 years ago i was larping as a cute girl in ragnarok online better than you are today

>> No.17353720

Relationships with women help with that

>> No.17354010

He told the truth and they hated him for it

>> No.17354012


>> No.17354033

1. Be the most attractive man in the room
2. Have cocaine
3. Just be yourself

It doesn't matter if you are a gymbro, a rich guy, whatever fucking "type" you are just be handsome and have coke, literally that's it

>> No.17354371

She 100% gets passed around by her "photographer" and her "agent" at swanky Long Island estate parties.
t. seen this chick drunk as fuck in Manhattan two summers ago getting into the back of a black cadillac

>> No.17354388

Kino. Where do you live?

>> No.17354395

Guys ten years their senior

>> No.17355133

A little talking mouse in my wall, that I've never physically laid eyes upon, told me, through scratching out morse code, that they only date sleeper agents, and that the sleeper agents receive their missions through tiktok longitudinal ratio gematria.

>> No.17355369
File: 105 KB, 1280x852, OxbFbi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pencil-necked limp-wristed broccolihead zoomers don't understand the power of having a masculine look combined with elite wealth and status

>> No.17355515

They look so fucking terrible without make up, Tik-Tok filters, and phone filters though.. Their skin is dead, they have huge feet that look so fucking nasty, huge grotesque hands, their hair looks like a fucking brooms, they aren't REAL. (just some things)

>> No.17355539

>caring about "huge" hands
small dick nigga detected

>> No.17355875

if you're shorter than 6'0, most tiktok thots will not even consider dating you

unless you're very good-looking like vinnie hacker