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File: 114 KB, 846x1390, man is meant to be clean shaved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17326047 No.17326047 [Reply] [Original]

why do women hate facial hair?

>> No.17326075

Facial hair makes you look masculine. Most women want to look feminine.

>> No.17326077
File: 1.37 MB, 1234x1020, 1665233407865481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby it's okay, the only girls we fuck seem to have 20 different pills in them

>> No.17326174 [DELETED] 

my gf likes my stubble rubbing on her clit and nipples

>> No.17326211

feels scratchy on my thighs

>> No.17326266

do women like pubic hair

>> No.17326296

facial hair is gross it just screams how lazy you are or that you have a weak jaw to hide
plus it feels horrible it is not soft or nice at all in the way for example arm hair is
a littlr bit of shadow can be nice and accent the face but that is it
mustaches make you look like a pedo
but i'm a gay man not a woman
it also feels horrible to have: i feel so much cleaner and better when i shave and i feel like a shitty homeless person when i set it grow for three or more days
beards are for soiboys who think masculinity is some charade which is about having facial hair, liking hot sauce and barbeque, and drinking ipa now

>> No.17326304
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 471A3E3F-CE89-4303-9923-7E3E5F9878EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every girl I’ve been with has liked when I have facial hair but personally I think it’s gross and feels horrible

>> No.17326306
File: 65 KB, 1024x1024, depositphotos_5487922-stock-illustration-trash-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'm a gay man

thanks for the heads-up

>> No.17326315

Where do you think you are?

>> No.17326326

REEEEEE because FOOD gets stuck in the beard hairs and he forgets to wash it OUTTTTTTT

>> No.17326427

Body hair keeps you clean. Pubic hair prevents STDs and germs from getting into your orifices. Armpit hair regulates your temperature and prevents excess sweating and stinking. Hair does not hold any more bacteria than skin does, so it is useless to shave it off. Shaving creates micro-rips in your skin, oftentimes not so micro. It causes infections, cuts, pimples, rashes, skin tags, and irritation. However, the one type of hair that holds a disgusting amount of food particles is beards. Beards are actually dirty while all other body hair is clean.
That and women literally just like younger men.

>> No.17326431

This. Beard hair has a nasty texture while other hair is soft. And it hides his face. He's probably ugly underneath.

>> No.17326444

Only literal pedophiles prefer shaven pubic hair and I mean that seriously. If you want a man or woman to shave their pubic hair, porn has given you pedophilic tastes.

>> No.17326628

Bears look like shit, very rare an attractive person will have one

>> No.17326634

I kinda agree

>> No.17326701

Probably a personal preference thing. Maybe some like it. But personally I think it’s nasty

>> No.17326901

which makes no sense. we evolved beards as a secondary sex characteristic

>> No.17326964

Women have objectively bad opinions

>> No.17327244
File: 35 KB, 750x728, really anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we evolved beards so it has to be good

>> No.17327259

Did they say that they liked facial hair more than when you were clean shaven? or just that they liked it too?

>> No.17327399

Because of the patriarchy
women prefer clean shaven

>> No.17327403
File: 151 KB, 365x380, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys on the left would look even more manly if they had beards
>Guys on the right would look more manly if their beards were fuller
The only one on there with passable beard growth is Will Weaton and he does look more masculine with it than he would look clean shaven.

>> No.17327409

beards hide your facial features and they feel tricked if you shave one day and have no jaw or chin. same as they do with make up but as always only applies to men

>> No.17328808

rather, why do AMERICAN women hate facial hair

>> No.17328869


>> No.17328880

It’s a double standard I hate men so much like why are you forcing us to be hairless babies you pedos while you hypocritically walk around without ever bathing shaving you don’t deserve us ffs

>> No.17328889

this is so wild because neither i or any men i know care about hair. unless its on your face

>> No.17328890

just remind this thing it will never be a woman

>> No.17328893

most women love facial hair? tf i have never met a woman who has ever said they hated it. only if its like teenager stubble that just gives off incel

>> No.17329222

scratchy, imagine wires grating against your cheek or clit, not fun

>> No.17329242

No young, prime woman likes bearded men. At most a stubble. Only people to wear beards are old farts and people with weak facial features. You'll never catch a Chad with one.

>> No.17329249

idk I still see women with bearded bfs outside

>> No.17329253

You sound like a bitch and probably can’t grow a beard.

>> No.17329265


>t. Chad

>> No.17329266

not everyone minds it, women are individuals and individuals have personal preferences

>> No.17329315


>> No.17329451


>> No.17329456

this is true

>> No.17329465

Depends on the woman. My gf whines if I even suggest I might start shaving again.

>> No.17329476

They don't. I have this female friend that went feral when I grew mine out the first time. Started rubbing her face on my face for minutes at a time. I tried to push her off but she just clung to me harder. Felt real bad for her passed out boyfriend in the other room.

>> No.17329483
File: 305 KB, 1157x1600, Henry-Cavill-Org-Empire-Awards-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never catch a Chad with one

>> No.17329563

trim that shit

>> No.17329812
File: 745 KB, 3500x2280, 1666218384222457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks homeless

>> No.17329815

what a muffin boy

>> No.17330187

Alain... je m'agenouille...

>> No.17330194 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 900x1200, jakey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never catch a Chad with one

>> No.17330704

It's just another domain where men get to choose their inconveniences, unlike women, who are born with an inescapable inconvenience between their legs.

>> No.17330880

I believe in trimming/grooming because it shows character the same way a perfectly maintained garden reflects the people that live there. I hear some men want her shaven because cunnilingus is digusting when you get hair in your mouth/teeth.

>> No.17330899

I haven't heard men caring if women are shaved or not. Are we sure we are talking about actual people or just something people other people care about? I don't think any man ever gave a shit if women have plucked and perfectly symmetrical eyebrows, thigh gaps...

>> No.17330915

>That and women literally just like younger men.
Not to be that guy but going by data sets released by dating sites women tend to prefer men their age + 1 year and this remains true until 40s when women start prefering men same age or a year or so younger. Men have an interest in looking younger since they can get younger women (maybe?)

>> No.17330922

>pedophilia is when no hair


>> No.17330945

My GF likes my beard. I go to a barber so it looks nice and oil it regularly so it feels nice.
You have to keep it nicely cropped if you have a good face though.

>> No.17330986

But Anon, I like hairy women...

>> No.17331005

I like women to be completely shaved below the eyes. But im no hypocrite, because i also shave everything below the eyes

>> No.17331032

Same. I have a short beard and I would shave it in a nanosecond if my gf didn’t love it. She waxes her pussy for me so it seems like a fair trade off

>> No.17331033
File: 8 KB, 213x237, 65BC43DB-7BDE-4BA7-8D2E-0D488992EC1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER be a woman btw

>> No.17331050

/pol/ brainworms gtfo

>> No.17331074
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 23014624-951A-4258-808F-0DF9CA9A5401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ brainworms gtfo

>> No.17331081
File: 954 KB, 3240x1756, 90B3A359-8AB8-4650-8F05-9D4E1D45E0B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are individuals

>> No.17331090
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do women hate facial hair?
Who cares?

>> No.17331099


>> No.17331102

My gf gets pissed at me if I shave because I look older with a beard.
she’s 40 and I’m 30

>> No.17331106
File: 19 KB, 600x531, a18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17331115

oh sorry gigachad I doubted you

>> No.17331137

Omgz she pedo or sumfin?

>> No.17331195

She’s only 40 years old you sick fuck

>> No.17331241

>walk around without ever bathing shaving
God I wish women would do that too.

>> No.17331541

yes because pedophilia is about genitalia and not about age. really smart guy we have here.

>> No.17331544
File: 24 KB, 640x360, 1665451099374221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17331548

what is this actually from?

>> No.17331551

I don’t mind a nice trimmed mons pubis in a strip or a triangle but for the love of god shave your vulva and asshole so I don’t have to fucking floss while I eat

>> No.17331555

if a woman likes you she'll like your facial hair/clean cut face/whatever the fuck it aint that complicated. you dumb niggers act like women are computers you can just put the right cheat code into and make them love you, it doesn't work like that

>> No.17331833
File: 1.78 MB, 300x242, 1320813769830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips

>> No.17331840

>women are computers you can just put the right cheat code into and make them love you
unironically this

>> No.17331846

Go ahead and don't shave then, men don't really give a fuck
You don't even hate men lol you just hate getting dabbed on by other women

>> No.17331851

>facial hair is gross it just screams how lazy you are or that you have a weak jaw to hide

Literally why I haven't shaved in 3 months. Got a herniated disc, so I'm not in great shape, lost my sharp jaw. So I'm not shaving until I don't look like shit again

>> No.17331852

Absolutely correct, with some practice it just becomes an algorithm

>> No.17331891

Men with beards 50% of the time get one to hide their disgusting lack of chin and the other 50% to compensate their pathetic bald heads

>> No.17331950


>> No.17332039

The worst thing about a beard is getting food/ drink in the moustache area. Makes me want to shave the whole thing off

>> No.17332105

This. Men should only grow beards after they are 40

>> No.17332108

Your gf probably knows you're ugly without one and doesn't want to be seen with an ugly guy in public.

>> No.17332137

hesitate no more, brother

>> No.17332211

bf is very hairy, thick beard and mustache, thick chest hair, I love running my hands on it so much and like other anon said it actually feels good when he eats me out and stubble rubs on me

>> No.17332228
File: 175 KB, 1500x843, straight razor neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never shave mine, only trim, it takes too much time and effort. If they want it done they are going to have to do it themselves just like in OP pic.

>> No.17332251

This is probably the worst example you could have used, he looks demonstrably worse than normal in this image.

>> No.17333387

>takes too much time and effort

but its definitely worth it

>> No.17333393

>but its definitely worth it
I get no attention beard or beardless. One I have to do way less work so easy choice

>> No.17333395

reminder: you are a man with autism and autogynephilia from watching too much porn.
this does not make you a woman.
20 years ago they wouldn't have even pretended you were a legit trans, just a pervert.

see: silence of the lambs.

>> No.17333399

better to appear well-groomed, whether you get pussy or not

>> No.17333825
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, shawn-mendes-6cfb4aa00de64072b9191065954337be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he looks better without it?

>> No.17333829

there is no "bone definition" on a bearded face like there is clean shaven. The line under the chin or on the cheeks which give it a lot of its attractive qualities are hidden. A beard basically makes the face look fatter, darker, and more obscure, indicating an insecurity or basically like makeup or burqa, it hides the face and you cannot be truly considered hot if you need it. Like telling a muslim girl youve never seen the face of shes hot, how do you know

>> No.17333939

beard genetics can be easily selectively bred out

>> No.17333947

This. I never shaved until I was 20. My dad used to shame me for asking him if I should. He would say that it's gay to think this much about your appearance and spend so much time shaving.

But when I moved out and shaved, I literally went from a 7/10 to an easy 9/10 face wise. I have noticed woman just blatantly staring at me sometimes and I love it. Am still short though so that's that.

>> No.17334429

so he never taught you to shave?

>> No.17334465
File: 157 KB, 420x415, beardlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good looking men are good looking
more at 11

>> No.17334472

all would be better clean-shaven :)

>> No.17334490
File: 111 KB, 750x750, 6e18e321397aa4bc294f7d125284053d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. All girls i know like facial hair and body hair, but i'm only into white traditional girls. Asian culture are known to embrace feminity in males, asian girls are maybe not into it.

>> No.17334796


>> No.17334810

based trips denouncing jewish porn influence

>> No.17334832

that's right dog, mow my lawn and be a good pooch; I've got some treats for you later, snoopyboy; would you like that? does little slave boy a scooby snack?

>> No.17334835

shut the fuck up you’re turning me on

>> No.17334839

nobody asked, faggot

>> No.17334840

Is that why people work hard and become "workoholics"? it turns them on? I'm not sure if I envy you or pity you.

>> No.17334928

Even though this is a feminist idea, I really agree with it.

>> No.17334931

Eating pussy gives you mouth cancer and is degrading/cucked.

>> No.17334944

>lose job and girlfriend
>become a doomer
>stopped shaving for about 6 months
>still dress well which morphs into sleazecore with the beard
>absolutely horrid hobo beard
>women treat me nicer and talk to me longer over menial shit
Are they just scared I'm going to murder them or what

>> No.17334980

Beards make you appear more masculine higher social status. Clean shaven makes you more approachable and youthful. Beards are more for men to signal to each other how "manly" they are and willing to compete for mates. Women seems to go either way depending on their own personal tastes. Some love a guy with a big beard, others hate it. I like keeping some stubble as I already look fairly young for my age

>> No.17335193
File: 1.34 MB, 2560x1707, gettyimages-985667462-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it shows character the same way a perfectly maintained garden reflects the people that live there.

It shows vacancy it shows submission to dove/gillette it shows conformity

>> No.17335264

>Beards make you appear more masculine higher social status. Clean shaven makes you more approachable
>Clean shaven makes you more approachable
Yikes, rip me then

>> No.17335275
File: 173 KB, 740x580, DO IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do it

>> No.17335279
File: 993 KB, 1794x1452, 1643511051658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17335289

You need a fucking teacher to learn how to shave?
Autism level 10000

>> No.17335339


>> No.17335443
File: 121 KB, 1144x770, 1667698536566813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White skin
>White mustache
>Ginger sideburns
>White cheeks
>Brown goatee
>White soalpatch

>> No.17335462
File: 271 KB, 661x434, gobeanigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only consistent thing women compliment me on is my beard desu

>> No.17335464

ok, you get a pass

>> No.17335502
File: 84 KB, 795x992, ht-brosnan-er-170502_4x5_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An unkempt beard is among the most loathsome facial features a man can ever posses.
The clean shave is a quick and easy way out of looking like a slob. A finely groomed beard has a touch of regal masculinity about it, which the clean shave will never quite attain. A sleek stubble gives off a sense of ruggedness. It's laid back, masculine and effortless, but always intentional and tidy.

Far too many men grow a beard as a coping mechanism for their lack of masculinity or personal achievements. That's where you get the typical onions-faced nu-male phenotype. They don't groom it at all. They just let it grow out like pubes without ever bringing a comb or scissors near it. It's disgusting and irritating.
If you want a beard, do it right or don't do it at all.

Also this

>> No.17335505

100 percent. I'll never understand why people like facial hair, it's just flat out gross

>> No.17335540

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit?

>> No.17335667

fine analysis

>> No.17335997

I think beards look good on old men and that’s about it.
It gives off a wise and experienced look. Someone who has been weathered if you will. Ideally, beards should be gray.

>> No.17336011

not the point homo, and you know that

>> No.17336022

Blessed and true post. Nice trips

>> No.17336046

I don't have any of the chud reaction images saved but if I did I would certainly use one now.

>> No.17336885

my girls loves my facial hair

>> No.17336897
File: 230 KB, 804x1325, 1666177626493833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have any of the chud reaction images saved but if I did I would certainly use one now.

>> No.17336899
File: 5 KB, 206x245, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It shows vacancy it shows submission to dove/gillette it shows conformity

>> No.17337053


>> No.17337059



>> No.17337092

Mustaches are good when done right. Beards are good so long as they're not patchy or basedboy-esque. Clean shaven is good if you have defined facial structure and you're not fat.

>> No.17337111
File: 951 KB, 1186x600, aryanmovie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because shaved men are easier to kiss, its not stingy retard. Shave up we live in a civilized society.

>> No.17337113
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mustaches are for dads, if you are not a Dad dont grow one retard. It's the symbolism that means that you have completed your manhood, you havent completed manhood if you're not yet a father so dont be a prick and grow one, shave that shit off let women know you are available.

>> No.17337121


>> No.17337189

I'm 21F straight woman (not tranny) and I agree exactly. If you have facial hair, fuck you!

>> No.17337191

Still gross. "Groomed" beards just scream "Reddit."

>> No.17337208

>if you're not yet a father so dont be a prick and grow one, shave that shit off let women know you are available.
Yikes, rip me then

>> No.17337220
File: 960 KB, 218x381, 1665971457955327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry me, give me your discord


>> No.17337222

They don't, you're just ugly and they don't have the heart to tell you.

>> No.17337726

99% of bears are copers, and that remaining 1% still looks better without a beard
"groomed beard" is some redditor urbanite bullshit

>> No.17337782

Whore you’ll fuck anyone.

>> No.17337784

In my experience as a dude some gfs like it wild some want it to be trimmed, universally among women I've been with shaved is weird

>> No.17337785

What are you talking about you beta bitch. Females go after males who can take care and indulge their bullshit. You must have never had a girlfriend if you don’t get chased by every dumb bitch once they find out your taken.

>> No.17337786

Nope. Guys with shit genes can’t even grow the most masculine trait your body bestows you with.

>> No.17337792

All this bullshit you typed up just shows the class what a loser with a phone looks like. To much time on their hands and not actually doing anything worthwhile with their life to type an essay for a masculine quality.

>> No.17337804

No what he means is that its a right of male passage for older generations to pass on skills or rituals to young men that will instill morals and traditions even if they cease to be relevant. It’s a form of character building that is missing from a large portion of gen z now that technology has become so integral for daily activity and with that the feminization of convenience. Because men can’t name male role models or icons of character that they can look up to, like good fathers. So the default is to prolong their teenage phase and act unruly into their 20s, while navigating the opposite sex and all of its batshit mental illness about how they should behave within their masculinity.

>> No.17337978

calling something reddit shows you can't think for yourself
>literally falling for a meme in 2007+15

There's nothing more normal than a beard on a man and grooming yourself. The only reason you dislike those types is cause they're pasty and dyel, not cause of the beards. People will forget beards were "hipster" or "reddit" in no time. There are literally guys with Hitler moustache walking around and no one calls them nazis.

>> No.17338001
File: 1.96 MB, 1024x1280, 1668225790283158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bearded "men"

>> No.17338008

how tall are you?

>> No.17338160

It makes you hide your shitty jaw line and women are aware of that fact. They don't want to be tricked into thinking you're jawmaxxed

>> No.17338193

Only a den of mentally ill losers and incels can pathologize and navel gaze about something as basic as BEARDS
Its a basic expression of a post puberty male and has been a staple of men's looks for the last 150,000 years you fucking retards

>> No.17338196

Why don't you shave your head? Why are you trying to hide your shitty skull shape?

>> No.17338208

because 'Ericans like everything processed and as far from natural as possible, from bread to foreskin and beards, cut that shit

>> No.17338238

what i said earlier, also they do the same with makeup and dont see the problem

>> No.17338258

Women are hypocrites, what did you expect?

>> No.17338266

i thought hating facial hair was more of a teenage girl/tranny thing

>> No.17338345
File: 38 KB, 291x322, IMG_20221112_145756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally what my facial hair looks like when i try to grow it out, i want to kms

>> No.17338349

good facial hair but goddamn you need to go bald

>> No.17338357

About 6'1

>> No.17338358

>but goddamn you need to go bald
why would you say such a thing?

>> No.17338359

you're very visibly balding already
either that or find a more fitting haircut

>> No.17338369
File: 152 KB, 746x896, 1638788918158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why you people are so neurotic about these things.
>hairline recedes a bit
seems like a gross over reaction

>> No.17338373

it is

>> No.17338381

Literally don't listen to that fucking autistic faggot retard, you look fine and you're not balding, Jesus Christ I hate this board sometimes.

>> No.17338385 [DELETED] 

My hairline is 3 times this.

It has since I was 18. I'm 35 now and it has barely changed. I style my hair in which nobody can even tell.

Fuck shaving it bald.

>> No.17338396
File: 160 KB, 873x1367, 1660137569230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look fine
I personally like how I look, though the real question is how much will it impact the younger womens opinion of me. As the facial hair and hairline make me look older.

>> No.17338397

time to shave, bro

>> No.17338427

Yeah man I'm literally going for that teenage pussy like any straight man would

>> No.17338429


>> No.17338435

Never met a bearded guy who wasn't overcompensating. You bearded fags are furthest thing from masculine.

>> No.17338450


lmfao the state of burgerstanis

>> No.17338693

I love how you dumb cunts are constantly bitching about men any which way you can. And end up going for the same guys you hate. Just goes to show how mentally I’ll you are being a walking contradiction.

>> No.17338702

Dude quit projecting your insecurities you fag. If you were a man you wouldn’t give two shits about what another guy is going through. That’s female bitch shit. Keep crying beta it’s always the same bs.

>> No.17338726

im a lesbian so idk if everyone feels like me but its just wierd.... why do you have a enough hair a wig on yo face like ew

>> No.17338814

Nigger, I'm not a woman. I'm just telling you what I believe these retarded women who hate beards think.

>> No.17338968

people haven't tried the real solution, raise the age of consent to 30

>> No.17338973

>she said this full well knowing it was the other women bullying her and not men

>> No.17338998

No he doesnt >:(

>> No.17339108

that's why then

>> No.17339109

if you're tall funny, interesting
if you're short crazy, rapist

>> No.17339382

but i like shaven pussy and I'm not a pedophile.

so uh, looks like you're wrong.

>> No.17339511

How old are you?

>> No.17339516

Lmao what, I don't know what gen you were born in but a lot of men shave armpits, pubes, and face...

>> No.17339551

shut the fuck up, faggot - Will Weaton

>> No.17339552

look its two faggots, dont forget the king used to make the little fags shave with dull blades

>> No.17339554

your hairline is fucked, you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.17339559

sounds like queer shit, you fucking faggot

That's exactly the same shit your mom says while I'm porking her in her asshole and she's yelling out your uncles name

>> No.17339561


>> No.17339565

Stfu dyke, if your kind could grow a beard to be more butch you would do it too.

>> No.17339702

how old do ya think?

>> No.17339777

reddit because it is for coping men who look like faggots
irl check people who fuck 16 to 24 year old women, its insanely rare that anyone with a beard will be there
beard is fine if youre older than 40 because then it is fitting
but if youre young and you have a beard youre ruining your sex appeal and chances at fucking women
and if youre young and your sole concern isnt fucking women get your t levels checked
also imagine giving a fuck if you look more "manly" to other guys, literalyl sheep tier faggoty

>> No.17340000

When I was shaved I pulled bitches. Now that I have a beard pull just as many bitches. How can this be?
A beard is cope for redditors. Seething about beards is cope for beardlets.
Women don't care about beard/shaved/stubble/whatever. Women care about hygiene. If your beard looks good, that's a good look. Simple as.
>Still retarded
Also highly coom brained. Sometimes you just wanna do shit for the fuck of it. Fuck what girls think, they'll let you hit either way.

>> No.17340004

trimmed beard (~3-5mm) requires very little maintenance and looks good on me
every few months i shave it all except for the mustache, keep it that way for a week and then it completely

keeps things interesting, the mustache phase is pretty fun but i dont think i could wear one all the time

>> No.17340067

for effay hollow cheeks some stubble it nice, it brings them out

>> No.17340136

birth control

>> No.17341543


>> No.17341550

What? It's the opposite. A clean face accentuates your facial structure and the lines around your lips and cheeks that make your face appear more attractive. Any stubble will only subdue this effect.

>> No.17341552

It's the opposite. Facial hair is impractical and gets into food, no matter how well you upkeep it. Between eating my meals without hairs in them and appeasing women, i'll take my baked salmon, thank you.

>> No.17341584

I like how you look too desu. no homo tho

>> No.17341757
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>> No.17341946

When I'm dating a chick, once I can tell she is really into me I always tell her to stop shaving pubes. They always do it

>> No.17341966

When I'm dating a twink, once I can tell he is really into me I always tell him to stop shaving his bussy. They always do it

>> No.17342056 [DELETED] 

>When I'm dating a transgender, once I can tell it is really into me I always tell it to stop shaving it's open wound. They always do it

>> No.17342061

When I'm dating a transgender, once I can tell it is really into me I always tell it to stop shaving it's open wound. They always do it

>> No.17342193


Get candidiasis from shaving your vag, cunt.

>> No.17342204

women preferring men with heads full of hair is also a pedophilic taste i suppose?

>> No.17343488
File: 143 KB, 884x1146, embracemaxxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaving is a cope
Embracemaxxing is the way forward

>> No.17343489

tie those sides into some sort of pony tail or mullet and sculpt that stache into a hefty chevron and he would be king

>> No.17343814
File: 105 KB, 437x550, Yul_Brynner_in_1959_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace the shave

>> No.17344595

I have to shave every week sadly, i wish i grew my facial hair slower
dpeends on what you eman by bitches, show your tinder matches or pics of girls you pull, if we are talking about +8/10 women you're definitely fucking yourself by having a beard
unless you mean you have a stubble, but thats not a beard

>> No.17344632
File: 203 KB, 390x460, cat laid out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If more men have facial hair, then the ones who don't have facial hair stand out. If more men don't have facial hair, the ones who do stand out. That's the basic principle I believe. Throw in the grays with how men treat their beards and how other men treat others with beards it is now a mess. Personally, I think it's better if a man determines that his look is just better with or without a beard and just make sure that which choice they make they take care of their face regardless. Unkempt beards are gross from anyone and nasty stubbles from those trying to keep their face clean without shaving properly are also gross. Make yourself look your best based on what you have rather than what other men say I guess.

>> No.17344762
File: 222 KB, 809x594, 1668561638225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beard has worked well for me. Had a huge bushman beard for awhile but have trimmed it back to the jaw lately. Took awhile to figure out you should trim and shape it yourself to make it look exactly how you want it rather than letting a lebanese barber touch it.
Not all girls like beards but plenty do. Can’t be all things to all people.

>> No.17344916

mirin beard.

t. fellow beardbro (looks much like mine)

>> No.17344927

Cheers beardbro. Fuck shaving.

>> No.17345438

You look decent because it looks like you have a chin and a jaw behind all that. But you also look older and will attract older women. It really depends on what you want. I do still recommend all the young guys ITT to shave or only keep as stubble if they want to fuck girls in their prime.

>> No.17346638

>all women are the same
Yes I know what the replies to this will be

>> No.17346687

Yes, there is no secret left to how to pull woman. They adapt to trends they believe what men want from then. Even though woman reinforce their own discrimination. And the studies on birth control have already established on how it’s fucked their hormonal system up and the bitches are going crazy because of it. Gen z females is literally mentally I’ll.

>> No.17346727


>> No.17346928
File: 706 KB, 1635x2180, C975C29C-4CB0-47F9-BF25-785C8B66D9E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually pull a lot more hoes with this beard. Idk maybe is the haircut aswell.

I look like shit shaven

>> No.17347416

Beards are for the elderly and homeless. Kids think they need a beard to look older and attractive are retarded, the world wants to look younger not older. I went on this date with a 27 year old big titty'd dominican and she was upset I'm 24 at the end of the date, saying that'll be a problem, and that she dated a 24 year old before and it didn't end well, I still hooked up and fucked her. Here's the kicker, I'm 28 lmao learn to play the game

>> No.17347430

My guy, good taste. Dominicanas are fucking fine, it's a shame there aren't that many round here.

>> No.17347934

19- 40 has been the age range I have pulled lately. My jaw and chin are decent but the beard takes takes a decent jaw to a hypermasculine jaw.

>> No.17347951

disregarding the picture of a gay bear, this has been my experience. asian girls think it's unclean.

>> No.17347956

ok tyler durden.

>> No.17348094

who are top left and bottom right? they look familiar but i cant quite land on their name

>> No.17348219

I'm retarded and this is almost definitely wrong. but top left kinda looks like charlie hunnam. bottom right kinda looks like zac efron. But I highly doubt those are actually who those are, since the other 2 look like older actors or something from before my time so I assume all of them are

>> No.17348227
File: 196 KB, 773x697, C47F09E7-49CC-424D-8B1E-32382127C376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don’t know any better.

>> No.17348232

they most deffinitively are not those people but you reminded i never finished watching sons of anarchy lol

>> No.17348237

Don't bother it's a shit show. I watched it about 5 years ago and it was the most overhyped, unrealistic trite I'd seen in a long time.

>> No.17348322

i am this anon >>17348219

>>17348237 I kinda agree with this, it was alright but I honestly wouldn't watch it again. Also was extremely heavy. just made me feel sad af

>> No.17348443

noted, never made it from the first eps

>> No.17348554

retarded comment. women want to know if i'm bald, not what fucking shape my skull is.

>> No.17348567

>why do women hate facial hair?
They hate ugly men with facial hair.
As always there's 2 rules for them to like you:
A) Be attractive
B) See rule A.
You can pick almost any trait and it will be liked if you are attractive.
BTW, never listen to a women's advice. They aren't smart enough to know what they want and will talk buzzing points instead.

>> No.17348570

thank you sir

>> No.17348590

> But you also look older and will attract older women.
You know nothing, anon. Woman love older guys.

>> No.17348602

If you look at a fully grown woman nude and only think of a child when theres a lack of hair, that's on you

>> No.17348619

trannies are not normal people.

>> No.17348821

2 to 5 years older on average, not 10-15

>> No.17349673

Ok. But what makes a man attractive?

Isn't, for one example, his facial hair, one of the things that may or may not increase or decrease his attractiveness?

>> No.17349829
File: 16 KB, 225x225, B3B46F49-B824-4564-B80F-6D201691D95B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know if they do.. i just think they hate those moustaches/ugly five o clock shadows those weirdos in class have. Guys are objectively better looking with facial hair, as long as they keep their moustache thing/ less than their goatee

>> No.17350117
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shave, barbarians

>> No.17350451

beardlesscels be seething over beardchads

>> No.17350725
File: 30 KB, 650x233, recurring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will seethe but this is true

>There are literally guys with Hitler moustache walking around and no one calls them nazis
yeah because most of those guys have a badge and a gun and can ruin your life if you don't say "good afternoon officer" in an adequately subserviant way

only incels will pretend that facial hair fashion doesn't swing back and forth like all other fashion. we hit peak beard about 7-8 years ago and we're in the trough right now, which means flyover shit holes have just discovered them and every lifted pickup truck driving, microdick having, joe rogan listening high school dropout from west virginia to idaho is rocking a lumberjack beard thinking he's the coolest guy in town, eventually even those people will turn against beards

>> No.17350733

my experience is that the "barely legal" crowd loves a reasonably well maintained beard, and more mature women are ambivalent or dislike them

>> No.17350742

Because a) it makes you look older and people are obsessed with youth (for good reason) and b) it hides your face and women don't like that (only they are allowed to cheat).

>> No.17350748

If it's only receded a bit, you can restore it with finasteride or dutasteride. If it's receded badly (NW3+), you definitely need a transplant even with meds. Only when it's receded beyond NW5 should you shave it off because at that point nothing can save your hair anymore.

>> No.17350754

this thread is 100% seethe

>> No.17350817

chinletcells be seething over chinchads

>> No.17351153

I have both a chin and a beard. Cope.

>> No.17351295


>> No.17351315

Paul Newman & Alain Delon

>> No.17351405

and even if you actually ARE older, they still prefer you to look younger. this is why i shave.

>> No.17351710

facial hair is like body hair. women are too stupid to know that they crave it until they get their hands on it, then they can't stop running their fingers through it. they're propagandised into finding effeminate men attractive.

>> No.17351834

agreed, why would you want to look older