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File: 56 KB, 570x446, 101C7E56-2C2C-4B72-80FF-571A351FBA29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17330868 No.17330868 [Reply] [Original]

Drink a glass or two of water before you eat.

Eat a healthy snack just before a large less healthy meal.
Like an apple before going to fastfood with friends

>> No.17330892

Why is this fatass the start of the thinspo thread?

>> No.17330902

meme advice

if you wanna lose weight eat 1200 calories and walk or run

>> No.17330923
File: 88 KB, 512x636, 1665632524799057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like an apple before going to fastfood with friends
Imagine thinking that eating an apple is going to stop you from ordering like a fatass at a fast food joint, where even the smallest of meals are 700 calories and anything that's a "full meal" is an easy 1k+.

If you even step into a fast food joint you're putting a whole weeks worth of dieting in jeopardy. In order to make fast food fit into a meal plan you have to order al a carte, and then literally cut what you're eating in half and that's STILL going to be 300 to 400 calories.

So no. Stop suggesting anything with fast food. If you have that weak of a willpower that you're going to eat fast food on a diet then youre just a pathetic liar and a bitch.

FYI I've gone out to restaurants and drank water only while my friends had giant meals in front of them. Why? Because I'm actually ON A DIET and my fat friends are not.

If you really want to lose weight. Here's what you need to do.
>calculate your TDEE for a sedentary lifestyle.
>subtract 500
>eat that amount
>workout 7 days a week
That will put you at -800 on a good day and -500 on a day you happen to miss the gym.

As for food. Count your calories. Who gives a fuck what you eat. COUNT YOUR CALORIES. It's very easy to go over you're daily calorie limit if you're not counting
>oh just a little bit of ranch will go good with my salad
Now you're just turned your salad from 100 to 400 calories. Good job. Count your shit. Be vigilant. Be intense. Personally i bought smaller bowls so it's impossible to over eat. I'm at a -500 to 1000 a day, lost 31.2 lbs in 6 months. That's over a lb a week. Treat losing weight like it's your job. Because guess what. IT IS. Fixing your body is your job. Now get to work.

>> No.17330924

1200 kcal is crazy

>> No.17330928

>fat ass
1200 is literally the perfect amount. A person on average burns 1800 calories a day even while doing nothing. 1200 is -600 calories from normal. Just barely more an 1lb a week, which is considered the standard for weight loss on any diet plan. Now gtfo with your bitch shit

>> No.17330938 [DELETED] 

I am cutting down to 3.5k calories because I used to eat 7 to 8k. I am a 5'6" male 340lbs.

>> No.17330942

stfu faggot 1200kcal is for anorexic retards or fucking dwarfs grow some muscles

>> No.17330959

Even on 1200 calories 1 run a 5k 3 times a week, bench 185, deadlift 375, squat 225 and can do 15 pull ups.

Keep coping fat ass

You're a literal fat ass, but at least you're dieting. Don't do 3500. That's still fat. 2500 should be good enough for you to be full and lose considerable weight. 3500 a day is literally eating McDonald's 3 times a day. Thats not even a diet. 3500 would be a heavy bulk to most lifters

>> No.17330972

185 lb bench is fucking pathetic i bench 297lb
do one hour cardio 6 times a week and fucking pullups means shit when you are a lanket and the fact that you think 3500kcal is a heavy bulk is funny

>> No.17330977 [DELETED] 

After I have been on a diet all day, I keep rewarding myself with a pizza or something similar at night. Struggling to eat less than 3.5k

>> No.17330982

Post body. Height and weight.
Youre either
>fat as fuck
>fat as fuck
>fat a fuck

>can't do pullups
Fatass confirmed

>> No.17330989

>diets "all day"
>rewards yourself at night
So what are you rewarding yourself for? All day means literally all day. You don't deserve a reward. Rewards come after you've lost 10lbs and you give yourself 1 fat meal. Not after a half a days worth of dieting lmao.

>> No.17330998

cope and sethe i do 8x5 pullups two times a week just admit you are a fucking faggot do you even count protein on your 1200 kcal a day

>> No.17331002

Why would I? I'm trying to be thin not buff. Once again. Post body.
Nice larp btw

>> No.17331006
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actual thinspo

>> No.17331008

tf is wrong with 8x5
only retards are going for the crack whore aesthetic
all im saying is 1200 kcal a day is fucking retarded

>> No.17331011

i’ve lost 10 lbs in a month with 1200
suck it fag

>> No.17331014

Anyone who actually works out knows what's wrong with 8x5 so way to out yourself as a faggot

>> No.17331016

no shit fucktard

>> No.17331018

please tell me what is wrong with it i really wanna hear some input from someone that bench 185

>> No.17331020

i can litterally military press more than you can bench lol

>> No.17331044

I eat at fast food restaurants any time I want, eat three large meals three times a day, don't have an eating disorder and I weigh 55 kilos at 177 cm of height (5'11 to our fellas at the lardland). Have I made your calorie obsessed diet ass suicidal alredy?

>> No.17331075

>he doesn't know
Lmao. Go to /fit/ and find out

Right. Yet you're not fat ass so who gives a shit

Cap. Is everyone on here a fucking liar. Holy shit

>> No.17331076

>fastfood bad
>fastfood and apple good

>> No.17331080
File: 202 KB, 799x944, 280210613_731020311232834_8659058960391824489_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before you eat
>Eat a healthy

>> No.17331084

lmao i got the advice from a dude that have benched over 200 kg and competed you go 8 pullups wide grip 8 pullups normal 8 reverse gripp 8 normal and 8 wide

>> No.17331088

if I go to in-n-out and I'm hungry then I'll end up getting a double or triple cheeseburger with fries and maybe a milkshake because I have to eat anyway.

If I have a raw carrot (which is very filling) beforehand, and a banana or something like that, then when I go I'll just get a regular cheeseburger with water and I'll still have a good time with the people I'm out with. so it can kinda work honestly

I'm not fat btw. 129lbs at 5'5" so frankly I ought to be putting on some weight but my face looks so much better as I lose weight

>> No.17331097
File: 32 KB, 591x429, christian-bale-weight-loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your muscles amount to fuck all. Have some mental discipline and stop shoving shit down your throat

>I'm trying to impress females

Top yourself

>> No.17331110

2003 christian bale look like a cracked out whore why would anyone ever want to look like that

>> No.17331123

It was for a movie, fucking obviously

>> No.17331164

Explain why super models try to be thin. Beauty is subjective retard

>> No.17331175

"When showing off their newest fashions, designers obviously want their outfits to look as beautiful as possible. In order for that to happen, the clothes need to drape and flow, which happens naturally when they are placed on a tall, skinny frame."

>> No.17331378

not him but my current 1rms 410 deadlift, 335 squat, 240 bench, 165 ohp, and 1200 kcal/day with no refeeds would murder me after a week, and that's with me being only 155 lb. if i were 170-200 lb i wouldn't do 1200kcal/day for more than 2 weeks, then either do a smaller deficit or take a 2-7 day break and go back to 1200

>> No.17331390

>1200 would murder me
It wouldnt. Youre just fat and addicted to food

>> No.17331392

No dude wants to get "thin" he wants to get lean and shredded.

>> No.17331426


>> No.17331524

Fat boy getting sleepy? It's like 5:00. Gotta work on your low energy tubby

>> No.17331626
File: 2.77 MB, 3024x4032, 1666398328991014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5"9 184 lbs, down from 215lbs skinnyfat.

Right now I'm doing rolling 24hr fasts (one day on, one day off). My goal is around ~170 lbs.

I've been slacking on going to the gym since I started a new job + jiu jistu/muy thai , but I still try to make it 3 times a week.

>> No.17331657

>taking roads for this

>> No.17331759

>"huh i didn't see him mention juicing"
>enlarge picture
>"oh lol"

>> No.17331810
File: 2.28 MB, 898x1576, Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 12.02.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what to do if I ate ~2500 calories today when I wanted to eat about 1800? I'm already prtty thin so not a huge deal just trying to shed a couple body fat %

>> No.17331813

what I mean is should I aim for 1100 tomorrow? maybe just 1500 for a few days? just ignore it and keep 1800?

>> No.17331890
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>112lb before Covid lockdowns
>140lb after Covid lockdowns
It only took 27 years for my body to finally start storing fat. Any advice to burn it off?

>> No.17331988

Sometimes I just ignore it, not the worst case but definitely not good either.

Dropping to 1500 the next day is the best case. Will be pretty easy since you ate a bunch the day before

1100 the next day is for if you can handle being very hungry the day after. If you have that kind of will power then sure, then your diet is right back on track

>> No.17331994

Girl or manlet?

>> No.17332043 [DELETED] 

This. Just foolish. You are not even putting in dedication, this is a classic sign of the bare minimum. The strong areas correlate with the best receptors from using steroids. You have the absolute textbook pumpkin roid shoulders.

In other words, this is achievable with a 6 to 8 week cycle of doing 50 pushups 3-4 times per week and that's it.

It's hard to congratulate on weightloss when you are using gear, and it should be used for serious gym guys. To drop weight and achieve that body is so easy natty (apart form the shoulders)

You're just a fraud.

>> No.17332118

that is exactly what i mean
people here are just retarded

>> No.17332745

not them but you seem to know a lot and i could use some help
at 5'6" 320 lbs, ive been dieting at 1860 calories for the past 2 weeks, i havent weighed myself yet but i have a lot more energy than before and have been going for a short 20min walk at night on my street i sometimes buy 0calorie energy drink to have at night to motivate me to walk. should i lower down my calories?

>> No.17332789

he is retarded but 1860kcal sounds good imo dont go on his 1200kcal a day shit

>> No.17332791

I'm just a short dude

>> No.17332856

>Drink a glass or two of water before you eat.
>Eat a healthy snack just before a large less healthy meal.
>Like an apple before going to fastfood with friends
bro science?

>> No.17332877

Honestly I'm flattered, I didn't think I looked that big lol.

>> No.17332878

sauce for pic?

>> No.17332888

>looked that big lol
The only thing that looks big are those injection marks

>> No.17332916 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1248x734, shoulders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not seriously going to deny it my man?

You can tell you're not very experienced with roids, and that means you misjudge how people that are, can easily tell.

Let us look at a super elite athlete who is known for having huge shoulders. Well, when he is on the magic juice. When he has to fight and comes off, woww.. look at that, you have larger shoulders than him. The shoulders have a very high concentration of androgen receptors.


>> No.17332927
File: 2.03 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_5984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my "healthy" meal, it's lite mayo and i can't bring myself to finish it

>> No.17332976

Looks like goyslop

>> No.17332979

No you don't look big anywhere else but your Samus aran looking shoulders that's why it's funny as fuck.

>> No.17332993

lite mayo, a little bit of siracha, shredded chicken breast, cut up celery, and carrots, and a few peas

>> No.17332996


>> No.17333007

barley any traps though this is very achivable naturally

>> No.17333012

not any gyno either

>> No.17333057

Nothing wrong with 8x5. Although personally I do 4x12 for hypertrophy and have seen better gains than 5x5 and 3x5; that I used to do when I did strength training routines.

>> No.17333168

Everything is wrong with 8x5 lmao

>> No.17333189

OMAD of 6 fried shrimps and a cup of split pea soup. I’m going the distance.

>> No.17333236

That pic looks like you use 500 cals of mayo instead of a 20-50 cal vinaigrette.
At your weight 2000 cals is fine you will lose more than me eating 800 cals with 500 cals of daily cardio at 6’1

>> No.17333380

this is fat person advice
>fell for the calorie meme
literally the worst advice I've ever . being thin is fucking easy, just eat grass fed meat and butter, no vegetable oils or sugar. it's that fucking simple.

>> No.17333383

Got banned on /fit/ again, ketonigger?

>> No.17333384

so can i just eat as much meat (eggs/beef/chicken) as i want and just use butter and salt, and drink lots of water?

>> No.17333410

Don't you know grass-fed beef is actually negative calories. You get thinner as you eat it

>> No.17333447

i didn't pls tell me what your meals are!

>> No.17333460

129lbs at 5"5 isn't thin... I'm 5"6 130lbs and Im chubby

>> No.17333465

You see I eat 5lbs of grass fed beef and butter. No vegetable oils or sugars. By the time I'm done eating 5lbs of beef I'm 5 lbs lighter. I do this every meal. So 5x3 I lose 15lbs a day

>> No.17333468

depends. Fat is less dense than muscle, if I were more fat I'd be less dense. I'm not very muscular and I have a tiny bit of fat on my lower belly which I still need to lose.

Today I had a fruit for breakfast and that's it. I'm skipping dinner, and I already skipped lunch. I'll probably skip breakfast tomorrow as well and since I'll be busy, maybe lunch too. I'm not skinny yet but I am definitely not overweight.

>> No.17333474

can i drink milk?

>> No.17333498
File: 832 KB, 2000x2000, 88006079_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bodvisualizer.com doesnt show bmi under 17.5
bodyvisualizer.net is down presumably forever
WTF do i do???

>> No.17333592


>> No.17333651

I didn't call you fat just said you weren't skinny. I'm not saying im fat but I'm by no means skinny and neither are you

>> No.17333786


eat less and exercise more. I'm 5'3" too and that's literally all there is to it

>> No.17333810
File: 202 KB, 2080x1560, IMG_20221103_181349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro just use olive oil and salt and seasonings next time baka. made a simple salmon with veggies and broth glaze.

>> No.17333874

Look in the mirror. By 17.5 your hips should be noticeable. Stomach and thighs thinning. Then into 16 for me at 6’1 is the start of the breakdown of muscle >>17333460
Yeah around 135 lbs currently. Was 122 but not interested in forced inpatient and the 120s at my height pushes it
You sound fat based on the advice

>> No.17333896

And even with excess olive oil that would be like 400 calories at most but very nutritional. I’m more of a protein powder and tuna kinda guy when restricting but damn that looks delicious when made correctly.

>> No.17333902

oh okay yeah, I'm kinda thin but not really skinny

>> No.17333906
File: 22 KB, 159x320, CE380C18-55C8-433F-90A2-E8F4DD92A92B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate having to eat food other people give me. But you cannot reject it if smart.

>> No.17333909
File: 64 KB, 318x640, 7AB45D23-07A5-420B-AA68-EFADB6849794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok ios small is very small lol

>> No.17334054

I put extra olive oil since I neeed extra calories hehe. also it's good for your heart

>> No.17334057

What I do is eat a small part of it like a quarter and save the rest

>> No.17334089

how were the moza sticks? never been to TGI fridays myself, i had to have wing stop the other night and i felt so sick afterwards

>> No.17334500

say whats wrong with 8x5 then faggot

>> No.17334521

Imagine doing 8 sets of anything at the gym. I shouldn't have to say it. Just use your fucking brain. Its obviously less efficient than a 3x5 with more weight, or a 4x8. By the time you do 8 sets for all your exercises you will have done 40+ sets considering a standard 5 to 6 exercise workout. When really you could have done 15 sets and gotten a better workout in more than half the time.

Seriously. This is why I know you're larping. You can't be that dumb unless you have absolutely 0 gym experience

>> No.17334664

8 sets might be a bit overkill. But more volume is more better imo. He could make that work very well with a three day split. Not saying it's optimal.

>> No.17334723

Not worth the calories but in public I have to act like I’m recovered. And bulimia isn’t for me I swear if I were gay he’d be very happy.
Any tips as I can literally have my hand down my throat and still not vomitax8tvv

>> No.17334728

Fat in a post. Endurance is better than your silly bloatmode system. Nta as I only do body weight fitness as 16 bmi kills my joints.
Why is fit in this thread again?

>> No.17334777

power walk 4-6 miles a day and have a low cal no sugary/snackless diet. omad added to that = lost 40 pounds (also dropped beef and pork). this is all
used to weigh 260 max, most my life I used to be 160~ now I am 180ish after a decade of letting go. will lightly lift to sculpt my skinnyfat stomach eventually but I am just glad I don't look fat anymore

>> No.17334834

>I used to eat 7 to 8k
Fucking amerifats. How is this possible?

>> No.17334883

You are so lucky I weighted as much as you do at my fattest and I have massive stretch marks on my hips and stomach my life is over

>> No.17335054

>go on youtube
>search my 800 pound life
>watch any of their videos
it's horrid, it makes me sick thinking back to when i'd eat pizza place wings...

>> No.17335063

i just had to eat 6 boneless wings and im going to go throw up soon as everyone is back in their rooms....<3

>> No.17335075

You didn't have to eat anything. Could have just said no

>> No.17335082

family members i stay with are going to think im avoiding all food again, so i had to eat this meal with them..

>> No.17335107

You know. You could always change your diet into a diet that you can still eat with your family...

What are you eating that's putting you over your daily limit that is not dinner. Any snacks you can cut out. You can even skip lunch. But I don't quite see why you need to purge your dinner unless you enjoy purging for the fuck of it

>> No.17335113

they ordered a bunch of breaded chicken, and asked me to eat my plate's worth while watching a movie with them, so i slowly ate a few of them, but my stomach is telling me theyre not sitting so well... i had eaten soup earlier, my calorie amount daily is 1800

>> No.17335363

im doing 8 reps 5 sets why would i even take advice from a retard that cant bench over 220

>> No.17335379

The amount of personal responsibility in your life is patheticlally low anon

>oh I don't want any, I just had soup
Is that literally that hard to say

>> No.17335456

/fit/fags leave this board please

>> No.17335493

Thinking about chewing nicotine gum for hunger suppression. Is this a bad idea? I don't smoke and I'm worried I might become addicted.

>> No.17335622

yeah dude just give yourself hypertension instead of practicing a little self control and calorie counting yep yep that's very healthy lol

>> No.17335639

I'm at 59kg, it just happened by accident. I don't even want to be thin, I want to be bigger and manlier but I'm too used to barely eating and I just kind of forget to eat most of the time.

>> No.17335759

metroid is a girl tho

>> No.17335787

I may have a slight case of alcoholism.
Can I fit in 4 cans of Guinness cold brew into my diet now and then if I do an extra 3 miles jogging on days I drink?

>> No.17336085

>Tell me you've never touched weights without telling me you've never touched weights
post body

>> No.17336178
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You are drinking it daily right?

>> No.17336303

looks like piss
i drink coffee like a real man should

>> No.17336560

how much cream and sugar you put in that coffee?

>> No.17336570

>roiding for that

>> No.17336634

Height and post legs pls need inspo

>> No.17336725

you DON'T, that's why everyone is accusing you of roiding. you have big juicy delts and the rest of you is soft dyel tier

>> No.17336881
File: 154 KB, 533x1024, Imagepipe_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what tracker app do you yall use? been using picrel (nutracheck) but its paid and i would rather make a spreadsheet than pay money. i tried using one of the the libre ones on neostore/fdroid but unsurprisingly it didn't have many food options.

>> No.17336888

Totally free MyFitnessPal is pretty good. I don't remember what you get for paying tho

>> No.17337044

I drink my coffee completely BLACK, because I am an adult and I fucking LOVE the taste of black coffee, god damn I get hard just thinking about it

>> No.17337047

Can't stop thinking about BIG BLACK COFFEE can't you

>> No.17337093
File: 27 KB, 583x388, 1421782116606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn str8 son, I love me a big black cuppa in the mornyans, right before my workouts

>> No.17337490

I just seriously hurt my right leg quads rising with knee down but usual squat style rise.
Feels like a week or two before I can do cardio as I can barely walk now. So stupid I stretch them daily on top of squats and running

>> No.17337496

Chronometer is better for nutrition tracking but has less user data so more work but far better imo

>> No.17337573

Nutracheck gang. The 5 ingredient limit is annoying when you're cooking complex things but I usually just add a few g of the main part of my meal to compensate for smaller things (onion or mushrooms in a dish etc.). Other than that I tried MyFitnessPal and its alright but idk you use what you get used to. Also not sur eif this is correct but the MFP app either didnt have a barcode scanner or it was horrendously bad, may just be UK tho.

>> No.17337885
File: 134 KB, 266x400, 1655352610343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tailor the sizes to achieve any sort of draping or flowing effect you want lol. Cope answer, in reality, tall and skinny is a universally visually pleasant phenotype/somatotype

>> No.17337905

>eat a snack 1 day
>+3lbs the next day
What the fuck

>> No.17338242

eat less, move more. thats the baseline
you can go about that in many ways. intermittent fasting keeps your basal metabolic rate high and in my experience is the easiest, but you really cannot consume anything but water, tea, or coffee(without sugar or cream) for at least 16 hours in the day, which might be difficult for you
intense general calorie reduction will make you cranky, wouldnt recommend.
high protein + heavy exercise works well, but probably isn't what youre going for.
very low carbohydrates works well too, but is difficult to implement in your daily routine, you'll have to eat very specialised meals and nothing else

I find IF easiest because theres no change in what I eat, just when I'm allowed to eat it. And as always, cut out the readily available, easily digestible carbohydrates, especially if they're combined with large quantities of fat.
so no sweets, no crisps, no fried food, no sugary drinks. you don't have to cut them completely, but try to limit them as much as possible, ideally cut them out fully.
calculate your TDEE, be honest! if you don't work out you're sedentary, and go on a cut of anything from 200 to 500kcal. the higher the deficit the faster youll get your results, but the harder itll be, and if you're not dieting by fasting or very low carbohydrates, it may lower your
metabolic rate a little, but this isn't too big of a deal if you're not doing a super high deficit for a couple months.

fastest way is to literally consume nothing but water(with added salt once a day!!), tea or coffefor a week, eat some stuff for a day( + multivitamin and fish oil, to replenish your micronutrients) and repeat until youre down to what you want. if that's too tough you can always lower the fasting window until youre down to the base line 16h/8h.
best of luck!

>> No.17338644

Lol midget

>> No.17338844
File: 30 KB, 593x423, 20221104_205450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's an event i have in a month and i need to lose 6kg to look presentable
is there a safe way to do it
t. 5'3 61kg

>> No.17339001
File: 168 KB, 713x1390, embargoed-until-0001-thursday-september-4-2008-lily-cole-launches-new-reader-from-sony-at-waterstone-central-london-2HBKF46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 9 of liquid diet I went shopping and ended up eating. 1 coconut cookie (small), 4-5 salted caramel pieces (170 cal. Per 3), and a couple of crackers with cheese.

When I woke up I was 119. Two pounds from my goal of 117. I'm going to not have anything else except coffee and protein for the day. I'll also exercise and drink plenty of water to make up for it.

Gl wagmi

>> No.17339003

>height in burger units
>weight in bong units
Why do people do this? And on a Lithuanian butter dish collecting forum, of all places.
To answer your question, losing 13+ lbs in just a month is not healthy. You could maybe try losing 8 (just 2 a week) but it's not a good idea to push it any harder than that. Especially at your size, people will accuse you of being anorexic and physically stuff desserts into your mouth because they can't stand the sight of someone who is height/weight proportional. Cut some calories out of your diet and start doing some low-impact cardio every day, just be careful about it and check your weight every morning.

>> No.17339030

this didn't happen or you don't drink enough water

>> No.17339144
File: 385 KB, 2048x1536, 1647853483336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17339218

>immediately eating unhealthy shit after liquid diet
actual dumbass move, you undid a major part of your progress. research how to return to a food diet after a liquid diet if you want to keep your weight off

>> No.17339229

centimeters are stupid

>> No.17339246
File: 2.87 MB, 3264x2448, 1668233342388881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lalo is so cute

>> No.17339539

Hey /fa/ I come to you in an hour of great need. I need at home workouts that can burn some extra calories. I'm at 700, and I am incapable of running because I think it's too destructive on my joints at this daily.
What's a good thing I can do?

>> No.17339564

sorry bro

>> No.17339807

That must've been one hell of a snack...

>> No.17339815

go to a fucking hospital if you can fit out your front door

>> No.17339820

uh 700 lbs or 700 kcal a day? both are crazy

>> No.17340031

I think he means that he cuts 700 a day

>> No.17340150
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2 eggs and a small bowl of rice as my only meal is really, really making me question my life choices rn. lost 1.5kg this week eating just that, but god it isnt making life easy.

>> No.17340244

not him, but is 700kcal a day bad? was thinking of lowering from 1800 to 1000 since my appetite and cravings have gone down substantially

>> No.17340531
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>Beauty is subjective
Heh sure thing buddy

>> No.17340550

i eat 700cal per day is what i meant

>> No.17340664

700 cal a day isnt that crazy, mabye for a year straight its not good but i have maintained it and less for 3 ish months before

>> No.17340673

>large meal
for you maybe
>three times a day
fucking casual
>don't have an eating disorder
says everyone with an eating disorder

>> No.17340911

you should rather eat nothing than so little

>> No.17341055
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>> No.17341128

what you doing just eating chicken and mayo?

>> No.17341152

lite mayo, and siracha yea, with vegetables

>> No.17341308
File: 1.96 MB, 400x710, fatty_at_the_footy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Target weight 115 lb
Current weight 119 lb

Haven't had anything solid to eat all month save a handful of candy. Will continue liquid diet and exercising every other day. Good luck everyone

>> No.17341354

That doesn't look like lite mayo lmao

>> No.17341942

>come to the thinspo thread bc im anorexic and want to eat
>its just faggots fighting over lifting and calorie amounts
>still want to eat

>> No.17341947

1200kcal is extremely easy to eat at. Eat only 2 meals, quit the sugar jew, and stop eating processed garbage.

>> No.17341970

It's better to ease your way into weight loss if you're a a lard bucket. Keep doing 1860, eventually you'll get to a point where 1860 is too much, basically when you reach about 170lbs. Then you can go for less. So you really don't need to change your calorie amount. Keep 1860, progressively work out more

>> No.17342253

thanks, i've been doing really well, im down to 216 after going out for a jog everynight, and eating at 1860, i have a small appetite in the mornings all i do is drink cold water until 4pm and eat chicken breast with stir fried costco veggies, i might eat some bread or fruit for dinner
thinking i might lower my goal to 1700

>> No.17342458

1700 is fine too. Basically you're still at a point where you don't have to go off the deep end calorie wise to see progress. Meal plan sounds good as well. Good luck anon

>> No.17342647
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Am I winning

>> No.17342663

no because it's 2022 and transgender is omega cringe

>> No.17342668

we're /fa/ggots not trannies

>> No.17342835

How the fuck do i avoid getting an ulcer? I have been eating like 400 cals a day for the last 2 weeks and losing weight like theres no tomorrow.
Still, my tummy's starting to hurt and im not sure what to do. I'm all over the ed train now, so i'll keep the low calories, but is there some stuff i can do to reduce the damage??

>> No.17342871

you have some of the worst proportions ive ever seen lmfao

>> No.17343436

silence dyel

300 calorie deficit is ideal and most people burn way more then 1800

>> No.17343464

>Not even a lb a week

>> No.17343639


>> No.17343692

>sugar jew
>Indians discovered how to crystallize sugar during the Gupta dynasty, around 350 AD although literary evidence from Indian treatises such as Arthashastra in the 4th-3rd century BC indicates that refined sugar was already being produced in India.

>> No.17343790

Its really hard for me not to stress eat. Food kinda gives me that emotional excitement and happiness that nothing in my boring life gives me. When you don't have friends, a girlfriend, super close family combined with living in bum fuck nowhere midwest without shit to do, porn and food kinda become a stockholm syndrome outlet. Im fine not eating breakfast but I can't handle not eating lunch which is why I fuck up in OMAD. What can I do?

>> No.17344048

I had 6 ounces of beef all day yesterday. Today, I am going to eat 3 eggs. I’m hoping this eating disorder will stick.

>> No.17344070

Stop being a bitch and man up

>> No.17345017

how are people capable of 1200+ a day? im trying to put on a pound or two since i recently dipped below 16 bmi but eating that much seems impossible. yesterday i had 1340cals and had to vomit from how full i felt. i cant eat breakfast or ill feel sick all day, is that why? are you supposed to continuously eat/snack instead of two big meals?

>> No.17345157

i want a pbj

>> No.17345340

start going chinkmode and doing tai chi or kung fu as a LARP to make this sort of diet tolerable. also binge read buddhist texts to compound this effect

>> No.17345360
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i actually am a Buddhist and do some judo for fun, so the larp is pretty much complete.

>> No.17345417

which school

>> No.17345475

bjj mostly. i only started a few months ago so i havent built up enough stamina to really compete with the others at my gym, but that will come in time.

>> No.17345919
