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File: 90 KB, 576x1024, pv4cBBsKk-E7D0VMAbQRpJ4-0bR9bNpNwaTJaHY8IB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17321202 No.17321202 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more pathetic lifeform in existence than sneakerheads?
Especially when they're grown ass niggas.

>> No.17321207

Watchfags off course.
Most watchfags also look like shit, and the big watch collectors can't even wear their shit because of the fear of getting robbed.
So they drop their watches at the bank and come look at them every now and then, like a dog who took a shit in the street. Literal freudian anal stage.

>> No.17321208

I like cheap digital watches, casio type, very functional, long battery, durable, good time keeping. Just a bit of fun everyone can partake in.

But watchfags who post the same boring dullard muh 20 grand watches all day long are pretty insufferable.

>> No.17321212

This. There is nothing wrong in getting yourself a nice watch, but every time watchfags are talking they are spewing bullshit. Sneakerheads are just autistic, but watchfags, well, they are not good people in most cases.

>> No.17321214

same kind of consoomerism disguised as a hobby, pretty much
collect some art or artisan pottery or something, not mass-produced crap sold at a premium

>> No.17321220

>Is there a more pathetic lifeform in existence than sneakerheads?
>Especially when they're grown ass niggas.
yeah, incels

>> No.17321223

>t. poor

>> No.17321243

Mind showing us your lambo with timestamp? I hope you are not one of those retards who think they are rich cause they can afford few rolex watches? ;)

>> No.17321246


>> No.17321249

You got me, i wish a could afford a $5k STAINLESS STEEL watch that looks just slightly different than other wagie mall watches and that can't tell the time as good as a digital Casio.

>> No.17321250
File: 538 KB, 673x937, daytona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep on dreaming poorfag

>> No.17321254
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, montre-homme-prospex-speedtimer-chronographe-quartz-solaire-cadran-blanc-reedition-1964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're a bait or not.
Do you really think people will admire you when they see you wearing this shit?
It's the same as wearing picrel, both are stainless steel, both look the same.
Just saved you 48.490€, faggot.

>> No.17321255


>> No.17321256
File: 55 KB, 1023x682, depositphotos_104395688-stock-photo-disgusted-beautiful-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh wow anon, is that a real Rolex? you must be really successful teehee
>n-no, thats a Seiko. its basically the same thing you see...
>oh... I have to go now

>> No.17321259

>these are the subhuman cunts giving you "fashion" advice
wow, cancer really IS a good thing

>> No.17321263
File: 19 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You watchfags are not into fashion, you are into status seeking. Most watchfags look like total shit.

>>oh wow anon, is that a real Rolex? you must be really successful teehee
Said no one ever, kek. Importance seeking fantasies.

>> No.17321265
File: 64 KB, 456x273, 20221101_121553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average watchfag

>> No.17321272
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watchfags on suicide watch

>> No.17321317

lmao imagine being this buttblasted over rich guys spending their pocket change on shiny trinkets
get a job and stop being poor

>> No.17321328

yeah, it's actually a nice analogy because the $60k can be to them what $60 is to you

>> No.17321331

poorfag detected
Don't you have some foodstamps to pick up, Tyrone?

>> No.17321377

I will steal your gay watch

>> No.17321399

>rich guys spending their pocket change on shiny trinkets
I'd say this case is actually justified. But a lot of watchfaggots are really not that rich, but dump tons of money into that shit. As soon as you hear them talking about "investment" and "value retention" they're coping about the sheer waste of money.
Sneakerfaggots are manchildren, plain and simple.

>> No.17321408

you really think the rolexfags in the watch thread are billionaires and not middle class guys who saved up for years to buy some basic bitch explorer or oyster, justifying it to themselves as an """investment"""?
lmao, stop larping

>> No.17321420

There is that one lawyer guy who seems to be wealthy as fuck. I like watches but I don’t collect them as investments. I like them as an art form and something about art that functions and the engineering behind it is something awesome to me. I know my collection isn’t shit to most people but I literally live in a 3rd world war zone so I appreciate them for what they are.

>> No.17321424

Where do you live?

>> No.17321436
File: 434 KB, 900x900, every day carry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what your collection is, but it's probably more soulful than "submariner, oyster perpetual, cheapest patek model" or whatever
is the lawyer anon you're referring to that transsexual james bond larper who posts in every day carry threads sometimes?

>> No.17321438

Watchfags and sneakerfags are in the game to flex from what I can tell. There are exceptions, but for the most part these types of people aren't into fashion because they like style, have an interest in the artform, or even want to look good, they just want people to see that they spend ridiculous amounts of money on things and they are the easiest things to communicate to strangers with to say you have money.
To be fair there are obviously going to be exceptions, but by and large these people are in it for other people rather than themselves.

>> No.17321441

Proved right by >>17321256.

>> No.17321442

I live in Ukraine.
It’s not too crazy. I have a Slow Watch, a seiko automatic gmt, and a seiko coutura radio sync watch. Currently I’m saving up for a Longines Conquest VHP, that’s going to the be the pinnacle of my collection.

>> No.17321461

see, it's funny that it's all anonymous, but you posted the VHP recently over at /wt. Looks interesting!

>> No.17321463

see, it's funny that it's all anonymous, but you posted the VHP recently over at /wt. Looks interesting!
the EDC tranny posts VC watches only and is bullied by the watch guys as far as I know

>> No.17321489


>> No.17321496

>same kind of consoomerism disguised as a hobby, pretty much
ding ding, a winrar is you. pick any popular or niche obsession with a single (or type of) thing and you'll find people like this. the real kinds of people I hate in any of these circles are the ones that think their shitty niche product makes them superior, regardless of if they're rich or poor, and actively shit on those outside their circle, and even some within. they're truly insufferable faggots

>> No.17321501

Holy fuck, this post reeks of plebbit.

>> No.17321503

How are watches less artisan than pottery?

>> No.17321506
File: 124 KB, 567x463, yamada sou teapot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the kind of pottery that's made by one person and each piece is a bit different
compare that to a rolex, which is just a mass produced luxury good

>> No.17321527

>its a Seik-ACK!

>> No.17321529

So you're a Nazi and poor

>> No.17321547

I like the Vacheron Constantin EDC tranny. There's a lot is aesthetic in his EDC, with the bird pins and stuff.

He is better than those Rolex Explorer wagie NPC who are pathetically trying to show off their status (of being 2k to 5k a month wagies) and have no personal taste whatsoever.

>> No.17321559

The spout looks like shreks ear if it was blue instead of yellow very curious…

>> No.17321596
File: 1.00 MB, 3483x2249, 20221010_155908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own multiple expensive watches and just leave them on my desk next to my computer.

No once will rob you for an expensive watch. No one pays attention to the watch you're wearing anyways.

>> No.17321618
File: 38 KB, 774x527, 758f304db2e0b12f232ac0b3229d74d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home and I see no lambo with timestamp. Sad.

>> No.17321664


>> No.17321797

>No once will rob you for an expensive watch.
not if youre wearing a dress watch from Vacheron
try going outside in a big city wearing something flashy like a Daytona or Patek Nautilus

>> No.17321855

Not really, the muppets that worship rolex or their faggy apple watch are literal societal cancer though I'll 100% agree there. You can enjoy something without flashing it every 5 seconds people.

>> No.17322412
File: 209 KB, 559x549, 1651000815227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw collect both sneakers and watches

>> No.17322416

Could you please post a picture of your Madoka stuff?

>> No.17322429

First step to get better mate.

>> No.17322476
File: 87 KB, 717x1130, B4CCA739-526F-4FEA-BE99-7059BDE863DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEETHE. Driplets are pathetic. You probably look and dress like review brah.

>> No.17322485

Sneakerheadism is like fucking beanie babies for grown men. But worse because it's optimized to take the maximum amount they can.

>> No.17322487

i bought a pair of jordan 1s 6 years ago and they're still in great shape, kidna feels bad wearing them tho cause of the rep these fuckheads have given em

>> No.17322505

Ding ding ding! Have some plebbit Gold, stranger.

>> No.17322508

Semitic beastwoman

>> No.17322712
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, avgCollector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they kinda redeem themselves if their collection isn't solely hyped Nike and Adidas shoes only, with collectors of the former being absolute knobs. QC on jordans are trash with glue splashes being visible on most non-stichs.

>> No.17322770

the poors and the plebs always waste their $$$ on stupid shit.

>> No.17322802

Nah, sneakerheads are peak cringe.

>> No.17322894

Based, real and true.

>> No.17322905

damn you are so fucking MAD holy shit

>> No.17322909

>knowing what a rolex is without you having to tell her
Lol lmao

>> No.17322913
File: 34 KB, 600x527, 4tnk9r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>r u mad lmao xD

>> No.17322919
File: 198 KB, 800x832, 166666821206149795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when his jordan is black on red on white instead of white on red on black

>> No.17322928

Sneakerheads/hype beasts and watch guys are all usually ugly: either fat or creepily skinny, or just have ugly, nerdy faces. Often they’re Arab, or Asian or some kind of mystery meat race. Sometimes you’ll see a good looking middle aged rich guy with a nice watch or two, but the kind of people that are really into collecting either sneakers or watches are usually troglodytes.

>> No.17323044

>ding ding is a r*ddit thing
what really? since fucking when

>> No.17323079

>yes, it's a Rolex Seiko

>> No.17323114
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 166736649630080844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explaining Spring Drive (tm) to a bitch and how it’s the most accurate automatic timepiece ever created
>”Ummm anon it just sounds like a quartz with extra steps”

>> No.17323137

tell me why i should spend up to $75,000 on shoes ill never wear lol

>> No.17323215

Since redditors came here and started trying to throw each other under the bus to appear more "authentic"

>> No.17323305

so you can impress some faggot on the internet that you will never meet

>> No.17323456

>being poor

>> No.17323464

So many angery watchfats itt

>> No.17323577

Post body you subhuman nigger

>> No.17323585

are sneakers still a thing?
close second

>> No.17323684

Nah, watchfags are more of boots or shoe consoomers cuz some fag put a detail at atomic level, say what you want about how much money theyre burning but i can see half of the price bein in the product
Sneakers are mass produced by some kids in taiwan and cost more to export and import them that actually making them

>> No.17323754

I got drunk one night and ordered a fake Rolex, it was about 350 dollars so I felt like a huge retard for spending so much on chinkshit. Then the Chinese accountant at work bought it off me for 2 grand, he thought he was ripping me off because the real ones were about 4k at the time used. So thusly the circle of chink was complete

>> No.17323830

So you lied to him that it was real?

>> No.17323918

I didn't say anything, he just said he'd buy my watch. I'm not gonna protest, he tried to rip me off so I'm not going to talk him out of it

>> No.17324242
File: 62 KB, 738x703, 1619218780436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fat fucking faggots are no better than basement dwelling funko pop, waifu pillow hate fucking man children, and it really makes me smile thinking about it. I'm thinking about wearing Yeezys out of pure spite of these virtue signaling Nike ball gaggers, and even make a thread about it too!!!!

>> No.17324244

>wearing yeezys
You will get beaten up by antifa faggots and then the judge will send you to jail for fighting back
It’s like wearing a swastika

>> No.17324316

Aren't expensive watches some form of investment?

>> No.17324334

I'm a watchfag and I hate both other watchfags, sneakerheads and any other kind of consoomer. They are the biggest paypigs allowing corpos to fuck them relentlessly in the ass and ask for more. Both sneakerheads and watcfags dress like shit too because they think the watch/sneakers are the apex of their outfit and the only thing that matters

>> No.17324346

that would never happen.

>> No.17324354

true. they share many retarded similarities:
>addicted to shopping
>buy shit based on hype and status
>buy things far above their means
>consequently, they're too afraid to actually use them
>rationalize their purchases as an "investment", even though they inevitably lose money on them overall
>can't dress for shit

>> No.17324385

luxury items are the epitome of consumerism and everyone with multiple cars watches and houses will burn in hell amen

>> No.17324387

if i looked like that i would try to impress other people with my watch too

>> No.17324458

sour grapes lol

>> No.17324469

>Aren't expensive watches some form of investment?
It was when we were in a bubble, but the watch market crashed 6 months ago.

Also, watches can only be considered an investment in you don't wear them, only buy watch models that go up, and have all the papers and original box.

So overall, it's like saying jeans are an investment, sure, they are, if you have original 1965 Levi's new old stock in box.

>> No.17324513

The fact that no one is posting their "expensive" watches only proves OP's point.

>> No.17324585

watchfags only care about watches, most of them don't care about fashion.

>> No.17324606


>far far more expensive than watches
>cucked to the speed limit despite whatever the 1-60 is
>sole purpose is going fast and looking cool
>look like a faggot, 99% of sports cars are made explicitly for faggots
>can't go fast
>getting your car scratched or doing anything with it immediately docks thousands of value
>the only people who can enjoy driving them or parking without being nervous about the value are the 0.1% of the planet, the others are literal retards who think owning a sports car around poors is no big deal

>> No.17324615

>implying women can tell fakes
>implying women know anything more about guys watches than the front pages of some website
>implying they will ask you about your watch
>implying they will notice if you lie to them
if the reason you dropped 45k is to avoid this scenario I genuinely pity you otherwise its magnificent bait

>> No.17324665

>getting your car scratched or doing anything with it immediately docks thousands of value
ever heard of something called "insurance"?

>> No.17324676

>paying yearly sums just in case some chav stabs your Lambo
equally cucked

>> No.17324822

the amount of consumerist slaves in this thread is concerning

>> No.17325033

At least it will get you pussy unlike a fucking rolex

Every ferrari owner I know has a harem of golddiggers, every rolex owner is a balding incel with the occasional asian wife

>> No.17325282

Every Ferrari owner I know is balding and has a low-mid golddigger they haven't married because they are scared of divorce
do they get pussy
at what cost

>> No.17325358
File: 586 KB, 640x600, 1660600235746112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that dudes knees and calves photoshopped? Jesus christ

>> No.17325674
File: 60 KB, 625x417, 61ee362d463f05d9c238cb7211eaa84d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate them because they cop all the good shoes that they'll only wear 2 times in their hole life while sitting on 100+ pairs in no rotation until they sell them to the other sneakerfag will never own them and have them on display like it was a painting. fucking hate them.

>> No.17325693

Hate sneakers but from a market perspective no other item in this generation had consistent, frequent occuring, large supply, 100% and beyond returns on it with every single trade. It was literally free money, no paid advertising, no skill, no barriers for entry so easy a kid can do it until he realizes he's 30 and a compound millionaire selling to other 17 year olds thus the cycle repeats.

>> No.17325729

based anon. hope you enjoyed that 2k

>> No.17325742

Tiktok has a beautifying filter that you cannot turn off. It probably tried to erase his “ugly” knees

It’s also one of the best filters in the industry, it is almost impossible to tell it’s there.

>> No.17325744

>implying they will wear them twice, and not just put it on a shelf or keep it in a warehouse for stockx

>> No.17325753

They like the most ugly gaudy horrible plastic worthless pieces of shit shoes and covet them in the most annoying way possible, they’re all 100% on the spectrum and usually making up for other aspects of their lives buy buying ugly crap

>> No.17325756

A Rolex, a divorce, a second marriage and male pattern baldness are all status symbols on my workfield

>> No.17325917

seek help

>> No.17326190

Nigger detected

>> No.17327013

taking candy from a baby, luck running high with that passive income