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/fa/ - Fashion

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17316221 No.17316221 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to a wedding on Sunday. How's this look?

>> No.17316224
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>those sneakers
>sleeves too long
>casual pattern shirt with formal black suit
>that hair lmao

>> No.17316238

desu as a wedding guest you're not going to be the focus of the day so you're not going to stand out as terrible. That being said, the fit has issues. In order:
1) You need proper leather shoes. Get something like the Allen Edmonds Park Avenue in black
2) The shirt is too casual for your suit, and the sleeves aren't long enough (should be poking out like 1/4" from your suit jacket sleeves). Solid white is the easiest bet.
3) Wear a tie. White pocket square would be good too but not necessary.
4) Black suit isn't a good choice for a wedding, it's the funeral color. Navy, grey, or dark grey would be better.
At the very least, get dress shoes.

>> No.17316243

Need more info. What are you expecting from the wedding? Is it going to be very fancy and formal or a bit more casual and fun? Who will be there and how do you expect they'll be dressed? Are you going alone or do you have a date? How well do you know the other people who are going?

>> No.17316245
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>> No.17316258

You have the worst articles of clothing I ever seen put together.
It makes you look like a school shooter pedophile that is trying to fit into a formal setting. So you can imagine the level of failure you achieve through this set, I'm going to say that a guy with plain jeans and a white tshirt would look better than you for a wedding.

>> No.17316273

>What are you expecting from the wedding
Food and alcohol, mostly
>Is it going to be very fancy and formal or a bit more casual and fun
Casual and fun, they asked to "come as you are" so I don't want to overdress
>Who will be there and how do you expect they'll be dressed
They're all good friends since high school. I know at least one of them is coming in a gray suit, white shirt with no tie, and the groom wants to see what I look like in a suit.
>Are you going alone or do you have a date
>How well do you know the other people who are going?
Most of them are friends, I don't know the family

>> No.17316279

>I know at least one of them is coming in a gray suit, white shirt with no tie
he will mog the living shit out of you

>> No.17316283

A school shooter OF pedophiles?

>> No.17316287

Or a pedophile who shoots up a school to rape the dead kids?

>> No.17316300

>I don't want to overdress
>wears a black formal suit
what did the retard mean by that

>> No.17316303

Michael Jackson at his rape trial vibes.

>> No.17316315

>imagine someone like this comes to your wedding

>> No.17316374

perfectly fine. everyone is eventually going to be too shitfaced to remember wtf you wore.

>> No.17317272

1.It's a wedding, not a funeral, drop the black and get a tailored suit
2.Get a haircut
3.Get a tie
4.Get a pocket square
5.Get some leather oxford shoes

>> No.17317276

>they asked to "come as you are"
that means business suit

>> No.17317290

look like you're going to shoot up the place

>> No.17317293

do NOT wear those fucking Converse shoes with a suit, holy shit. please just do not. wear proper leather dress shoes or don't go at all
if you're not going to wear a tie then unbutton another button up top, you look too stuffy with that shirt buttoned up like that.
jacket sleeves are too long but it's not a deal breaker, 90% of people who own suits don't bother to get the sleeves the correct length anyway
lose the glasses and get contacts. those ugly frames aren't doing you any favors with that long hair. makes you look like a school shooter pedophile

>> No.17317367

a professional virgin

>> No.17317603

A wedding IS a funeral.

>> No.17317609

ok chud

>> No.17317639

As a guy that used to have long hair, you've gotta cut that shit down man. Few guys can pull off the look and you're not one of them. If you have to ask yourself whether you pull it off, you don't pull it off.

>> No.17317666

is this what the majority of /fa/nons look like?

>> No.17317677

his problem is his hair looks so greasy and gross. it's totally flat from the grease. there is no volume, no nothing
>>17317367 was right. OP is a professional virgin

>> No.17317685

>sleeves too long
>sleeves aren't long enough
why would you ever listen to 4chan, just don't outperform the couple, nobody will pay attention to you lmao

>> No.17318129

OP here, just wanted to let you know I've read all of your advice and ignored it. Mostly because I didn't have the time or money to buy different clothes. The only thing I changed is the shoes, I didn't have dress shoes but I have some leather shoes. I'm leaving in 5 minutes to shoot up the place.

>> No.17318157

just stay away from the flower girl, you sick fuck

>> No.17318169

Amazing hair, nice if somber fit, and could you show us the necktie also, if you're planning to wear one?

>> No.17318188

if its really just that casual you could show up with a dress shirt and jeans, no suit necessary

>> No.17318216

Retard, one poster says the jacket sleeves are too long while the other says the shirt sleeves are too short. Addressing either would fix the issue OP has, but I agree with the anon saying the jacket sleeves are too long since that's something you can actually fix at the tailor.

>> No.17318247

holy fuck how can you be this ugly

>> No.17318297


Don't go for everyone's sake please

>> No.17318461

What a stupid mindset.

>> No.17319416

Kys faggot

>> No.17319511

>t. long hair virgin

>> No.17319519

lol he's right you look weird af

>> No.17319523

*sips* hehe yep

>> No.17319527

Omg???????? My life is over?????? What am I gonna do Anonymouse said I look dumb ??????? Omg??? Crying and sobbing????????????????

>> No.17319529

never ask for advice on 4chan like 90% of these faggots dont even go outside

>> No.17319532

People that are confident in their looks don't seethe with these whiny bitchy replies

>> No.17319550

You look like a lesbian

>> No.17320430

looks like MJ

>> No.17320863

I don't get it why people "dress up" for marriages, my parents are getting maried next month and i will show up in my normal casual clothes

>> No.17320887

most retarded shit I've ever read

>> No.17320933


Brutal, but not incorrect.

>> No.17321085

Are you trans? You look like ellen page detransitioning

>> No.17322555

Bruh look at this dude

>> No.17322693

volume is gay

>> No.17322701
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Bro you look like the school shooter from degrassi

>> No.17322791
File: 3.20 MB, 1080x2339, sketch-1667381396956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here again, you were wrong. Everyone loved the outfit, and I didn't look out of place or anything.

>> No.17322818

Not like you had much competition.
>clip on suspenders with a belt
That guy looks /fa/ though.

>> No.17322824

big W

>> No.17322833

holy shit do americans really?

>> No.17322932

I'm in France

>> No.17322944

my condolences

>> No.17323685


>> No.17323697

Hey Anon. I am glad you had a good time and everyone liked your outfit. I also hope you learned that /fa/ is full of fucking idiots. I've posted outfits here that people have called shit and faggy, yet when I wear them out I get compliments all the time on. This is as a short, bald man too. Trust your instincts, Anon!

>> No.17323698

You look fine, like a nice guy who will be fun to drink and party with. The autists here have never been invited to a wedding so don’t worry about it.

>> No.17323746

Hard to believe a professional virgin like OP wasn't the worst dressed person there

>> No.17323982

Ah, you should've clarified that you were attending an American wedding. You fit right in.

>> No.17324855

>man hands in green dress
>belt and suspenders and a vape
>fats and bad footwear
shocking that you weren't the worst looking

>> No.17324858


fucking kek

good job though OP. did you have fun?

>> No.17324862

>an American wedding
>in France

What did she mean by this?

>> No.17324864

lol, not looking out of place while looking like that really isn't a flex as you think it is

>> No.17324892

OP's outfit is objectively bad, not a single right thing about it. People here weren't harsh enough

>> No.17325025

You're retarded, retard

>> No.17325031
File: 1.91 MB, 3000x4000, 1666994134092487~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No outfit in the world can change that face.

>> No.17325061

Are you the bride?

>> No.17325183

I think you would look better with a haircut

>> No.17325185

hilariously chuddish

>> No.17325188

>clip on suspenders
>a belt
lock that man up

>> No.17325620

is that paisley or small leopard print on the guy with the suspends + belt? leopard would actually be pretty sick if the dots were that small but whenever you try to look for one online it's always tacky and huge print, anyone know w2c something like that

>> No.17326503

these >people are on this board and roam outside
what the fuck

>> No.17326511

soulful boomer joke, anon. have a (You)