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File: 815 KB, 1058x1231, 2EBB215D-16F4-4CDD-AB62-396886563D47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17309139 No.17309139 [Reply] [Original]

Drink a glass or two of water before you eat.

>> No.17309147

>dilute stomach acid
>eat food
>create stomach issues and upset


>> No.17309149

Is losing 1lb a week good?

>> No.17309162

Is it truly thinspo to admire a nice butt? Should it be sticks only?

>> No.17309187

If sticks are your thing, then that's fine. I think thinspo includes a nice butt and a good, lean physique in general. You might be taking it too much at face value if you think thinspo should be only twigs.

>> No.17309249

-500 calories under your metabolism -3500 calories every seven days which is 1lb of human body fat tissue. It is the safest and easiest method. -1000 would be 2lbs of body fat tissue every 7 days but is much more difficult to maintain that long term.
1lb a week is fine, you can lift weights and do cardio to increase your burned calories if you want and High intensity workouts or sports will kick your metabolism up more.

Document your calories consumed one week and if you lose 1lb keep that documented until you stall then you likely need to subtract more calories because your metabolism lowers as you lose weight and have loss body mass to maintain.

>> No.17309263
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>> No.17309288

1lb seems too slow though and doesnt feel like youre really losing weight. 2 is a good pace yet like you said, it's hard to keep it up for more than a month or 2.

>> No.17309374

BS, fat retard from Seattle

>> No.17309411

How do you get an ass like that without getting your thighs fat/muscular?

>> No.17309413


>> No.17309417

hamstrings volume

>> No.17309435

can i get pussy from these threads or nah

>> No.17309437
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You can get bussy

>> No.17309439

Who is this semon demon

>> No.17309440

why would he leave the armpit hair? pubic hair is much better imo

>> No.17309446
File: 142 KB, 661x1080, bailey_0102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk go ask him


>> No.17309447

>from these threads

>> No.17309448

You think there aren't skinny boys who want to get fucked in the ass posting in these threads?

>> No.17309450

thought it was mostly femcels idk

>> No.17309579

Just took a pic of my body and I feel so disgusted it's not even funny desu..

>> No.17309661

Boy or girl?

>> No.17309679

That has to be a girl

>> No.17310445
File: 1.51 MB, 3277x4096, 1666651395594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to achieve this?

>> No.17310478

>womb tattoo

>> No.17310519

5'9" 120lbs very light workout program

>> No.17310521

They are a lot heavier than 120 me thinks

>> No.17310524

Couldn't be more than 140 tho

>> No.17310574

Yeah unless short no way 120. The arms and legs alone say higher bf. Hard to guess with the angle fraud and either filtered or just shitty compression as the skin has no definition.
But a raised arm and no visible ribs says it all. Though I doubt they’d care

>> No.17310586

Checked! Not him but even if 1 pound a week is slow try to keep in mind that just eating 500 calories less a day will give you a 52lb weight loss a year. Even more if you exercise. :3

>> No.17310633

Yeah 500 a day a whatever ratio of protein per lean mass you believe is best.
But that feeling losing 4.5lbs(7 was my best) in a week when weighing after a 72 hr fast for both while uw or near it hits different.
Hard to explain how good it feels even when I’m doing anti harm behaviors.
Though my body is breaking down faster than my refeed cycles now it feels. So another choice to make

>> No.17310646

Tbf I feel like I got fat but small pants on a 6’1 guy are still too large and my knee and hand blood vessels show so much.
But damn the stomach for taking volume to do whatever. My leg vascularity seems even ok but

>> No.17310661
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Garbage advice.

Forget about static caloric deficits. Go between 0.5 and 1% of your bodyweight of weightloss per week, but don't exceed daily caloric deficits by pic related.

>> No.17310680

Why is the OP image coomer bait btw? More fit bros will show up and most regs for weeks well played. Except

>> No.17310686

Ok I’m done being nice to irl obligations. Now planning to low potassium fast. But you guys advocate no water kek

>> No.17310696


> wife is 5'2" 210 lbs
> if she eats too much, she vomits
> if she eats too little, she also vomits
> if she exercises too hard it makes her chronic migraines worse

any tips?

>> No.17310699



>> No.17310701

Have you ever thought about what she is eating?
Sounds like she has vitamin difficiencies as well as something like chrons disease.

Start her off on light exercise and a -500 calorie diet. 500 calories is literally 2 cookies or an extra side of a meal. If 500 is making her have problems then she is lying and should be medically checked out to be called out on her bullshit

>> No.17310757
File: 581 KB, 1923x1910, sk8 off cens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at 140lbs and 5'8 and i still get visible ribs despite the soft layer of fat i have

>> No.17310763

holy cr*p it’s the joker from persona 5

>> No.17310792
File: 33 KB, 564x564, 1664751497457043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been told i look like p5 protag like 3 separate times since the pc release

it's over

>> No.17310805


>> No.17310808

why are all of you gay, like holy shit what is wrong with all of you

>> No.17310816

Who here is gay? What are you on about?

>> No.17310817

gastric bypass

>> No.17310857
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1659710633242358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 155cm tall and weigh 50kgs

>> No.17310858

twinks are beautiful

>> No.17310869

doctor or specialist; unless shes extremely over or under eating, it shouldn't be causing vomit. Maybe doc can help that migraine too

>> No.17310970

>fat and always throwing up
take her to a fucking doctor

>> No.17311086

Making sweet boys spew boy goo while scrambling their bussy is better than any girl, I'm sorry, and they're so much more romantic and affectionate.

Girls usually just can't compete with boys. Date a cute boy one time, and there's no going back. The average boy is a unicorn among women.
I say this as a bisexual who actually prefers females aesthetically.

>> No.17311093

based hrt femboys

>> No.17312192

liking twinks isnt gay though????

>> No.17312208

been eating 800-1200 calories a day. mostly just egg whites,salmon, spinach and maybe a sandwich
hardest thing is that i get uber hungry at night. been taking Benadryl to knock me out so i dont eat
fuck being fat lads. ppl treat u differently soon as u gain weight fucking cunts

>> No.17312211

Just had cake for the 3rd day in a row. I'm a failure aren't i...

>> No.17312258

liking hrtwinks is actually the straightest thing in the world

>> No.17312263

no you're not. you can eat what you want and still lose weight, and also you don't need to be in a deficit every day. Being in a deficit for prolonged periods actuslly slows your metabolism and its okay to not do well every day, just don't beat yourself up over it

>> No.17312319
File: 4 KB, 300x300, Deftones_-_White_Pony-greycoverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you are. Why tf are you eating cake 3 days in a row? You'll never lose weight doing that. I suggest not eating anything for at least two days as punishment.

>> No.17312329

My uncle brought cake and nobody is eating it but me. I can't bring myself to throw it away because someone else might want it, but it's just me eating it. Only a slice a day but I've also found myself snacking as well. We had a family event and have lots of food left over. I'll probably get myself together in a week when all the snacks and junk get eaten or go bad.

I'm hoping that I'm doing a quote unquote refeed and that when I get back to my diet i can have a faster matabolism

>> No.17312502

Do not drink near meal time

>> No.17312615

don't go from eating normally to fasting like someone is just saying you should, you will just end up binging because of hard restrictions. Which is why I mentioned not beating yourself up over it. If you focus too much on restricting you'll end up only thinking of food and when you only think of food, you'll want to eat obviously? And then you'll binge. Just do what you can when you can.

>> No.17312687

There's a schizo on /v/ who starts seething whenever you mention that hrt femboys are a thing.

>> No.17312693

you're not a trash bin, don't eat food not worth eating

>> No.17312847
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How long does she have?

>> No.17312925

Unironically a powerful phrase. Thanks anon

>> No.17313436
File: 89 KB, 387x669, 3BFDF750-1EE2-496C-99DB-C876CFBE4549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys will still accept me even with my wide ribcage right??? Guys?? Guys please?

>> No.17313519

Its insane how she will starve herself for this long, and STILL can’t dress herself.
What a waste of a body

>> No.17313759

right? sadly not mine, heard it on some lowcarb presentation but can't figure out which one
anyway, keto is good for you

>> No.17313792

Whos the OP pic?

>> No.17313822

Have sex

>> No.17313916

>keto is good for you
As long as you’re not overeating calories in cheese and whatever the fuck else most ketards on tiktok tell you.
Stop eating bread and cut sugar out. Its worth it.

>> No.17313920

yeah it's lovely, been on and off for years but always go back to keto(or carnivore keto or something) for the stable energy, mental stability and all that jazz
also trying to bulk now so not really fitting the thread, hard to do on keto desu, but you don't really gain any water weight or fat tissue this way just lean gains

>> No.17313934
File: 477 KB, 3464x3464, 8t9dcuvatgo91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for more female examples of going from an average weight to an aesthetic weight please. I found this on reddit btw

>> No.17314136

i just hate women a lot

>> No.17314141

time to start a PPL split chadanon

>> No.17314293
File: 64 KB, 415x543, just some spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raw meat carnivore diet.
or some other kind of extreme diet change, cut out everything but meat, milk, water and blood.
cut out other things like all junk food, seed oil, all carbs, all processed sugar and sweets. it's honestly amazing what a drastic diet change can cure.

>> No.17315011

Guys I think I caught that feeling to help go deep into 15. Not going to troll but I’ll post body again when more bones. Ate 2.5k day 150ish protein legs still hurt but the ligaments recovered it feels. Not going to run again that hobby is gone

>> No.17315016

My wife is on a carnivore diet and it seems to be doing her some good.

>> No.17315054
File: 1.28 MB, 2100x1575, IMG_0057777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you guys think? I started at 150, working out a bunch, and eating at a surplus to put on some pounds. Then I got sick and lost all motivation, lost a couple pounds and realized, wouldn't my newbie gains be best utilized after/during a cut? Beginners can gain muscle despite anything. I think I should cut til I can see abs, continue working out, and then eat at or slightly above maintenance after that. I got up to 160, I believe I'm something like 158 in this pic. I'm down to 154 at the moment.

>> No.17315086

i'd suck you off

>> No.17315107
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thanks, you are a woman.... right? right?

>> No.17315208

hey thinspo i need help fixing my eating schedule, rn i eat breakfast, take vyvanse, then eat dinner, and when i dont eat lunch im much more likely to eat at night, and much more likely to eat shit food at night. what are some good foods i can eat when im not hungry from stimulants?? it kinda feels like trying to eat food on shrooms and most foods i have around are gross and unappealing to me around lunchtime. im 6'1 140lbs, gw 130 for ref

>> No.17315252

left is it.

>> No.17315261

Lose weight and work out your core and upper body more

>> No.17315301

>left clothed, right unclothed
she looks better on the left, these thighs look yummy
there isn't anything else to cut down on, you don't have enough fat tissue to remove anymore
eat to maintain and train hard bro

>> No.17315363


>> No.17315424

>coomers cooming for the left
as if you couldn’t walk into any riteaid in the country right now and find 8 of these mom-body-to-bes.

>> No.17315473

do us a favour and never breed with these utter garbage genetics

>> No.17315509

why would anyone choose to eat unhealthy, fatty, sugary foods for a two minute high that ends after you're done eating and only excites your taste buds, when they could eat something healthy that, while admittedly unappetizing, will make your whole body feel great for hours after the meal is over.

having said that, i will still probably eat a slice at the pizza party at work tomorrow.

>> No.17315695


>> No.17315730
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, 4C0B4367-9893-4D5C-A9BA-1DF6E703A4C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the left is me at my lowest, 38.5 kg on the right is just a midway progress pic maybe 40 kg. 173 cm btw

>> No.17315731
File: 812 KB, 2619x2497, DF1E2666-3FFE-4A5A-95FA-D2A613056430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is now, at 56kg last I checked about 11 days ago.

>> No.17315738

Because sometimes I just want to taste something good. Or I don't want to be hungry and angry anymore. Only to eat something and then be full yet depressed that I overate lmao. Classic catch 22

>> No.17315773

You're telling me you're 5'6 and you were 85 lbs? You look good at 85 but that seems too low so I may have conversions wrong

>> No.17315778
File: 794 KB, 1080x2400, B8E65F01-2CCD-4D33-956A-1963093905F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5’8 and 85 lbs. My body looked great but my face was skeletal

>> No.17315781

You look fine. I'm the same height and was thinking 117 would suffice as my goal but apparently I need to go lower to acquire >>17315730 left body type

>> No.17315782

no way you had 85 lbs, bad scale or what

>> No.17315789

Accurate scale I deleted most of the photos from that time period. Gaining the weight has been a huge work in progress. The difference you’re seeing is over the course of a year from then to now. I think that was July 2021 and the newest pic was last night.

>> No.17315804

I'm the same height and weight as you. Do yourself a favor and try to stay one weight. Gaining & losing repeatedly is what makes you wrinkly and flabby as you get older

>> No.17315809
File: 161 KB, 960x1280, 28AD8574-DE2B-4470-9D8F-127E10471574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying get 65kg and keep it. Luckily it’s been continuous gains just slow ones for the most part. Recently I gained about 6kg pretty rapidly and it gave me stretch marks on my ass

>> No.17315826

That's normal lol, good luck Anon stay healthy

>> No.17315978
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What flavor of monster zero do you guys drink?

>> No.17315989

I avoid caffeine in general

>> No.17316084

classic. emo for (brief) life!

>> No.17316097
File: 334 KB, 555x567, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use caffeine as an appetite suppressant

>> No.17316148

group chat for smol ppl https://discord.gg/Yqey6xTC

>> No.17316163

Nice biceps idubbz

>> No.17316209

>pic related
how to be thin but have an ass?

>> No.17316261

work out

>> No.17316442

I like green best but it is ten cals. White is like 8 cals so who should care. Gs848w

>> No.17316454

is that photoshop. those are wide hips for a dude even with the angle frauding

>> No.17316716

I suddenly realized I'm barely eating anything recently as a result of a shitty call center job that sapped my will to live. It helped me lose some weight, but I'm deeply worried about a rebound and/or getting shitty flabby skin from losing weight too fast. What can I do to stop this? Should I try to eat more to slow the descent?

>> No.17316719

Eat a little more + workout

>> No.17316750

What kinds? Cardio?

>> No.17316794

Considering how fat the average American under 30 is, myst be hard to find a thinspo that isnt a butterface and taken.

>> No.17316800

>visible ribs
forget about that and fix the visible gyno you homo

>> No.17316968

post meanspo

>> No.17316973
File: 393 KB, 1055x1031, a2ab2a7e227ca02d477477f90bb4de23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't eaten in now 3 days. I was trying to do things moderately and slowly, but I recently completely lost my appetite after being sick and depressed.
So far I've lost 6 lb on the scale, but I would guess half of that is water weight. I think I'm just going to keep going until I have to eat.
I see a small thigh gap growing?

All I have pre-made is cringy 2013 Tumblr screencaps and I don't have the heart to mock anyone.

I actually have a whole collection of these, give me a minute to post.

>> No.17316976
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>> No.17316977
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#2 - kind of a double deal, although they are a just slightly too thin for my taste.

>> No.17316979
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>> No.17316981
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#4 - unfortunately I don't really have male transformations saved.

>> No.17316982
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>> No.17316984
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>> No.17316985
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>> No.17316989
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>> No.17316991
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>> No.17316993
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#10 - I think I'll stop here. I do have 68 more pics of transformations from/comparisons between fat/average to thin.

>> No.17316997
File: 22 KB, 480x375, oKoOfz3i7AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My uncle brought cake and nobody is eating it but me
This was a really hard hurdle for me to overcome myself, anon. Whenever my family would buy food and not eat it, I felt a duty to finish it. this ruined a lot of progress over the years.
The thing that helped me most is realizing that if THEY won't eat it, why would I? I didn't buy it, if anything I'm reinforcing them buying extra food because they'll assume I'll finish it off. So to break that cycle, I just let it rot. It got the message through to them I was not their trash bin nor pet goat. The more you eat leftovers, the more will be left-over for you.
Also, realizing eating less is something you WANT. You don't want leftover cake, you want to lose weight! So why would you eat cake?? Don't wait until all the junk is gone, there is no reason to eat it good or bad when you don't want junk, but weight loss.

There is a cake in the fridge bought for my sister. I know full well nobody will eat it, only 2 slices have been taken out of it, it'll probably rot away uneaten. Yet I won't because I don't want to eat cake. Simple as.

>> No.17317018

>The more you eat leftovers, the more will be left-over for you.
Very true. I'd say that the reason people get more food than what is necessary is just to make sure that people aren't starving. It comes from a sense of empathy. The caveat however is that this has been the industrial standard and all packages are big. Try to buy eg. a small cookies package. Doesn't happen. It's 900kcal+. Even so, the cookies are industrialized and it would be unsustainable to have it that small of a sizing off the shelf everywhere without it being filled with shit.
So yet again we come to the inevitable:
• Cook yourself
• Use real ingredients

Back to my previous point, let's say you hungry, but now your family didn't account for you. Wouldn't that be kind of weird and egoistical?
I think a lot has to do with the quality of the food that's in a household and that's very often linked to socioeconomic status of said household.

>There is a cake in the fridge bought for my sister. I know full well nobody will eat it, only 2 slices have been taken out of it, it'll probably rot away uneaten.
This is also how I developed bad habits. I felt bad for throwing away food so I just ate it instead. The household, entirely, should learn portion control (Japan does this a lot better, among many other things such as pedagogy).
Our fucking boomer progenitors just buy things needlessly in excess of the shelves.
It's so stupid when you think about it. How many hours do their work for food that they end up throwing? Probably tons.

>> No.17317051
File: 48 KB, 340x668, tumblr_l9dloeVf8W1qdgbmfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd say that the reason people get more food than what is necessary is just to make sure that people aren't starving.
I notice there's been a sort of paranoia in the 2 generations after the Great Depression. They are paranoid that there won't be enough food and start hoarding or over-buying food. This leads to excess waste and a loss of money. It DOES come from a place of love, but it is misplaced.

I just avoid prepackaged food in general these days. I became wary of preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, and seed oils affecting my health, and I slowly cut off things. First soda, then fast food, then most restaurant food, now prepackaged food that has any ingredients I don't recognize.

>I think a lot has to do with the quality of the food that's in a household and that's very often linked to socioeconomic status of said household.
Quality, yes. Socioeconomic status? Not really. My family pretty much ate the same when we were on the brink of eviction and poverty and now when we are making good money. As in, eating trash. I've seen this in many families, even when they have more money they still eat shit.
Being more rich or poor is not the issue, it's the fact that people are stupid and/or ill-informed.
When I learned about nutrition during the years of restriction I'd do, I made it my personal mission to bully my family into eating healthy. I don't let them buy extremely processed food and I make not only the meal plans, but carefully cataloged lists of all the food in my house so they all know what we have.

If you have an issue of your family over-buying, I suggest something similar. You might not be as autistic as me about it, but anything - even just vetoing trashy food and making dinner meal plans for the week - will help.
lLso, don't feel bad about throwing away food right now if it's garbage. It would be wasted going into you just as much as it'd be wasted being thrown away.

>> No.17317077

>I became wary(…)
I live in Europe so that problem is less pronounced here

>Socioeconomic status? Not really.
>brink of eviction
>now when we are making good money
I stand corrected; Educated.

>stupid and/or ill-informed
correlates with peasant background

> I made it my personal mission to bully my family into eating healthy. I don't let them buy extremely processed food and I make not only the meal plans, but carefully cataloged lists of all the food in my house so they all know what we have.
You sure put a lot of effort into this and I applaud you. It must not be easy.

I don't live at home. Luckily my mother and father were both health conscious and athletic.
I fell for the don't work out and eat whatever meme pushed by leftist ideologies.

>lLso, don't feel bad about throwing away food right now if it's garbage. It would be wasted going into you just as much as it'd be wasted being thrown away.
This can also be attributed to eco-terrorist brainwashing. Thanks you though, I'm getting better at it day by day.

>> No.17317080
File: 297 KB, 586x518, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sure put a lot of effort into this and I applaud you. It must not be easy.
Oh you misunderstand, I love it. At first it was annoying but I get a genuine satisfaction out of being a psuedo-homemaker. I am otherwise a leechful NEET and don't mind helping my family and running the household, to me it's the least I could do.

Anyway good luck, never fall for anyone who says you can get results the easy way and never let someone guilt you into doing something.

>> No.17317631
File: 2.55 MB, 3912x4080, 20220915_081213[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are very aesthetic and add some much needed contrast, I'll fix em by gaining even more weight :^)

>> No.17317822

As long as you enjoy it! Mostly trying to change people makes you unhappy, right. If you've struck some sort of nice balance good for you.

>> No.17317856

How do I get tummy definition? Ive been doing light workouts like planks and pushups and am 5'7 115lbs but still nothing. I also eat high protein and try for low fat

>> No.17317894
File: 1.15 MB, 1830x3379, IMG_3597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have similar stats, but I'm 5'7" and 109 lbs. If you regularly go to the gym, you should try cable crunches and hanging leg raises (or just regular leg raises if you don't have the core strength yet). I highly recommend an ab wheel as well, since you can do it at home!

But ab workouts aside, the most important thing for definition is really just low bodyfat.

>> No.17317918


>> No.17317936

I actually can't do leg raises at all, my legs force themselves to bend when i lift them and if i try to keep them straight my back forces itself to lean backwards. It's been like that since i was a young teen idk why

>> No.17317949

You have a weak untrained core that's why. Do knee raises until you strengthen your core enough to do a leg raise. A straight leg raise is an intermediate workout. If you're a beginner you shouldn't expect to be able to do one right away

>> No.17317965

i've tried strengthening my core with planks, can hold a solid 2 min plank but idk, i'll try knee raises thanks anon. I think something might also be messed up with my hamstrings / hip flexors but hamstring stretches did nothing

>> No.17318385
File: 1.29 MB, 1290x1275, 452294A6-D217-460F-ADC0-818CF13A79EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting my 6 months progress bros, 600kcals a day 95kg > 67kg

>> No.17318403

Looking good bro, well done.

>> No.17318416

Nice Man !! What Does Your 600 Kcals A Day Consist Of ?

>> No.17318423

Try Putting Both Your Hands On Your Lower Back To Start, That’ll Help You Developed Some Core Strength. Then You Can Do The Solid Leg Raises Without Hands

>> No.17318475
File: 88 KB, 828x789, 4436347556878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking water changes pH slightly but not significantly at all. The stomach is too acidic for water to really affect it.

>> No.17318504

Good thinspo

>> No.17318505

why do you capitalize every word in your sentences

>> No.17318509

Wondering this too

>> No.17318584


It's not nutritious in the slightest but usually I will eat one meal per day. Typically something ~60-70% protein, such as fish/chicken plus low-calorie carbs (potato waffle/sweet potato). I work a relatively standard 9-5 hours so I will usually eat at 5. I will break this rule every now and then for social circumstances - I don't want to be the guy ordering nothing at a birthday meal.

Take multivitamin, cod liver oil, vitamin D, skin/hair/nails vitamin (C/Biotin) & caffeine pills daily. I've heard caffeine boosts your BMR so I take 2x 200mg pills per day - who knows how much impact that has.

Bearly any snacking but when I'm dying I'll do protein cereals (Yummos are a good brand in the UK). I drink a lot of zero-calorie sodas inc. the famous white monster.

Don't really exercise.. I try to maintain 30 press-ups/sit-ups per day to avoid wilting away.

>> No.17318617

I'm impressed you kept up 600 cal most days for 6 months. I can't maintain low restriction, only high or straight fasting for some reason.

>> No.17318648

Why Not?

>> No.17318666

10/10 would suck and pinch

>> No.17318678


>> No.17318810

Norafawn, go to simpcity.st. You degenerate coomer.

>> No.17319595

it disrupts the natural flow of speech

>> No.17319950

>gf is 172cm or so
Her body looks like shit most of the time, only her ass is ok/good, but even she says she wants more ass for some reason
If only I could lose 10kg and give them to her

>> No.17319958
File: 34 KB, 405x569, AA014272-1E41-4914-A091-2409DA843232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even stay thin in your late 20s? I eat one meal a day and still can’t break below 170lbs at 5’10. I don’t exercise to be fair, but eating any less seems ridiculous

>> No.17319991

Stop eating. Coffee, Water, Vitamins & minerals, protein shakes, & prebiotic + strenuous exercise

>> No.17320232

Dude would unironically look way better if he dressed like a normal guy instead of femboy larp

>> No.17320239

>I don’t exercise
How little exercise do you have to do to have that happen? Is it really that painful to take a walk?

>> No.17320242

How big is your one meal. You can always eat less. I'd others around you aren't concerned for your health, then you can always eat less. Even if they are, half the time they don't understand tdee so fuck em

>> No.17320251

Try exerting yourself in some way, even mentally. If you take a commute to a soul sucking job you will be amazed at how quickly your stomach deflates.

>> No.17320443

What's your activity level like?
I work out 5 days a week but am still fat because I quit smoking and eat at or above maintenance.

>> No.17320487

I'm curious about us. Are we mostly fat people looking to lose weight or are we mostly thin?

>> No.17320506

Wait, this is before >>17315731? So you were able to get fat in your face back?

>> No.17320645
File: 36 KB, 300x400, A66125F5-2335-4CD6-BDBB-EB474E994889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero actually. I just don’t move. Maybe that will help a bit.

I’m starting to see a lot of poor diet effects, which is why I sometimes eat bigger “one meals”. My one meals are typically not very healthy either, like fried chicken or pizza. I’ve ordered some vitamins and fish oil maybe that’ll help a bit.

Will do. At least a little anyway. I’m an intense smoker so any physical activity just gasses me

>> No.17320799

You're literally a midwit.
if you are actually worried about your Stomach acid PH you would buffer your water with citric acid. Besides that, If you're getting stomach issues with water how the hell are you going to eat anything remotely alkaline?

>> No.17320809

I'm fat and trying to lose weight.

>> No.17320827

The one on the right looks like a crackwhore

>> No.17320828

>BMI 18.5
>normal weight
lol no fatty

>> No.17320874

18.5 - 24.9 BMI is the classification for a normal/healthy weight, though.

>> No.17320927

If you’re eating 1 meal a day and still not losing any weight, you’re eating too much.
Cut carbs out. Stop eating so much bread. Eat more protein.

>> No.17320950

As a bisexual man this is wrong.

>> No.17320964

will losing water weight make me look noticeably thinner if I'm currently at a BMI of around 20.5? I have an event in a week but I'm not as low as I'd like to be, not worried about rebounding right after.
180cm 67kg

>> No.17320976
File: 30 KB, 480x253, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have family or friends who will try and make you feel guilty when you dont eat at a family get together or social gathering?

>> No.17320980

From my experience, no, not really. Water weight is usually no more than 5 lbs total, which is already barely noticeable unless it's pure muscle or something.

>> No.17320983

Finding God will fix your eating disorders and poor body image/self esteem.


>> No.17320984

A week isn't enough time to produce any visible weight loss. But a week of fasting, cardio, and full nights of sleep will at least ensure you don't look bloated or puffy.

Just keep following whatever long term plan you have in place

>> No.17321000
File: 653 KB, 502x955, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 21.6 BMI

>> No.17321006

Uhh congrats I guess, I can't tell if you're an ugly woman or some pervy weirdo guy wearing a corset.

>> No.17321026

obviously the latter

>> No.17321032

I don't want to see you on the news in a few weeks having shot up some place. Massive Elliot Rodger vibes.

>> No.17321035

I live a normie ass life with a job and friends, don't worry about that. I'm not even a hapa

>> No.17321037

Just a concerned citizen. Maybe lose the corsets, hit some weights, hair a bit shorter. Life could be better, you know :o)

>> No.17321047

alright, well, this is some interesting advice coming out of a /thinspo/ thread. I appreciate the concern though

>> No.17321049

>taking advice from cecilthevirgin

>> No.17321054

Because "thinspo" is a downward spiral. You understand people in these threads are mentally ill? They have eating disorders and body dysmorphia. They will never be happy no matter how thin they get because their issues are not simply physical, but mental. And until that is addressed, it will be a long hard road of depression and despair.

But the path of good health, to make the body and mind equally as healthy, and simple little improvements to work on that self esteem is the true path out of this.

"Thinspo" is a toxic environment and will rot you from the inside out.

>> No.17321061

You love to see it. Proud of you, brother.

>> No.17321062

I’m here because I have a body dysmorphia fetish and this thread is my pornography

>> No.17321064

Hey well, I can appreciate an honest person. Probably not too healthy though. Porn is for boo boo heads.

>> No.17321099

all the fat she has is on her pussy.

>> No.17321109

do i need to lose weight before I start caring about what i am wearing?

>> No.17321142

There's two kinds of overweight:
Type 1: blessed overweight. Your fat is distributed evenly, so that your silhouette still looks fit. Mac DeMarco fat. The only reason for you to lose weight is if your crush is the sporty type who especially digs abs and clavicles. Staying slightly overweight can give you a carefree vibe and make girls feel more secure around you because they'll feel better about their own bodies. Your clothes should be the priority.

Type 2: cursed overweight. Your man tits bounce, your ass and thighs sway, your flabby arms shake, you have a muffin top, a fupa, a double chin. People see you and get that twinge that tells them BLEGH, this guy is a jiggling gelatinous jelly, not a man. You're walking around covered in boils and sores. People don't see you, they see fat. Luckily, unlike a leper or a cripple, you can fix it. Lose the weight first.

>> No.17321149

i'm definitely cursed overweight but it's not as terribly horrible as the way you describe it. it's all in my midsection and chest and face. i've been struggling with it for a long time. i'm not even sure if my body can lose the weight at this point. like maybe bad things would happen if I just started losing weight. like a shock to the system type of thing. assuming my body hasn't morphed into complete subhuman mode and will even biologically allow me to lose weight

>> No.17321191

>midsection and face
You mean the 2 most important parts of your body in terms of appearance and attractiveness. Stop coping

>> No.17321192

I hate to break it to you, but you're not biologically paranormal for being sedentary. It's no excuse. A two mile run burns like 200 calories, while lying in bed all day burns 1800.

There's only one way to lose weight and it works for everyone. Calorie deficit. Multiply your weight by 13 and subtract 500. Never eat more than that many calories in a day. Presto.

>> No.17321195

>it's all in my midsection and chest and face.

You know these are some very common, if not the most common areas excess weight goes to.. You're totally normal.

>you're not biologically paranormal for being sedentary.

Lol. Nice flow of words.

>> No.17321203


>> No.17321319

No, because I eat there, and rather than say I don't want to eat much, I encourage others to eat more.

>> No.17321968

that means if I don't eat over 3270 cal a day I will lose weight. lol bullshit you retard. i'm not even eating that much per day as is

>> No.17321972

meant for

>> No.17321989

Jesus christ anon, you're fat af. Ifk if TDEE works for people your size, but for a damn near 300lbs, you're going to burn calories less efficiently than someone smaller. Honestly 2000cal is a healthy person's TDEE with 0 exercise. So try to stick to 2000cal and you'll probably see consistent weight loss

>> No.17322257

Lost 30lbs this year. Another 10 to go for my yearly goal. 30 more for my ultimate goal. Let's get it guys!

>> No.17322378

Lift some weights. You'll become a bloatlord easily, you get perks that skinnyfats wish they had.

>> No.17322397

i already lift
it'd be nice to be able to wear pants though. i have one pair of shorts with an elastic waistband that I wear everyday. if it is too cold I wear my sweatpants

>> No.17322400

Lift more. This thread isn't for you, your kings are on /fit/.

>> No.17322431

is this for gays? I didn't pay too much attention and just saw it was about weight loss. looking around now though it seems this is a fag thread

>> No.17322702

Oh thanks for all of these, anon! I forgot to check thread after I asked for pics, thank you so much for all of the ones you posted

>> No.17322852

yes, but /fit/ is also for gays

>> No.17322859

so unfair I was 99kg and I have stretchmark's everywhere my hips, groin, stomach.... even my shoulders despite not gain any weight there.
I feel so indignant
I'll probably have lose skin too, fml

>> No.17323094

I've never had gay sex, I just enjoy looking like a twink

>> No.17323245

Yeah, I regained a lot of weight in my face, I actually have cheeks now. Even developing a little double chin.

>> No.17323260



>> No.17323525

Lying faggot

>> No.17323759

Late to the thread but yeah. The lack of vascularity and no bones showing. You flexed your shoulders don’t do that. Be honest with yourself

>> No.17323766

Drinks and snacks are food. At 6’1 170 was my reawakened point. Back in 120-130 now.
You’re lying to yourself and no one but yourself can help you.

>> No.17323771

It is an aesthetic. But /fit/ tends to raid and tell 16bmi people to lift as if they didn’t know what is required for that body type. And zero desire to be a fat gym bro

>> No.17324155

wish this thread was less gays and trannies. wish that about all of modern 4chan. :(

>> No.17324198

i'm fine with the gays as they're always been here, but seriously what's with all the trannies?
why do they feel so welcome on 4chan?

>> No.17324581

they r outcasts, 5chin is a place for outcasts

>> No.17324602

don't assume I am trans just because I take the skittles, I can still beat the ever living shit out of a failed male like you

>> No.17324698
File: 31 KB, 606x626, Don't Fuck With This Senator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try me

>> No.17324818

sorry bro, but this raiden twink will beat ur senator armstrong bussy right to the next dimension

>> No.17325117
File: 618 KB, 1080x1823, don't fuck with THIS senator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right twerp apologize and kneel before the king

>> No.17325128

holy sex

>> No.17325134

monster is shit I drink red bull

>> No.17325236

>blessed overweight
not a thing. It always looks bad

>> No.17326176

does anyone have the links contained in the old thinspo threads with really useful guides to restriction?

>> No.17326292

how to lose weight?
>eat less
There you go

>> No.17326376

/thinspo/ FAQ:

Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>> No.17326378
File: 307 KB, 1742x1122, 50 foods under 100 calories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17326384

I have been eating yogurt with honey and granola alongside 3 full meals every single day, thoughts???

>> No.17326417

>he doesnt eat one full healthy nutrient dense meal a day then fast for 24 hours

literally NGMI

>> No.17326449

yogurt or (((yogurt)))?

Honey or (((Honey)))?

>> No.17326456

Tons of garbage on here. Instead of putting yourself in a calorie prison of trash food, try increasing the quality of food you eat.

You could technically get skinnier by eating just 2 twinkies a day, but your long term health would suffer.

>> No.17326465

>deli meats

top kek, might as well eat 100 calories worth of feces. its low in calories so it MUST be healthy right??

Also instead of those retarded sugar water juices, try eating the actual fruit.

>> No.17326532

literally this. i would also work out fasted and then eat that one meal and feel full for the rest of the day until sleep. the working out part also helps supress appetite in me for some reason. also drink tons of water and coffee throughout the day. super easy hack.

>> No.17326554
File: 179 KB, 1200x812, Neopagan_celebrating_Samhain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't eaten in 4 days. 122 lbs. BMI 19.7

>> No.17326562

are you a midget or what. you need to eat retard

>> No.17326622

tysm <3

>> No.17326683

greek yogurt and honey I got from actual mennonites in the outskirts of town
the granola I just make myself with a bunch of dried stuff

>> No.17327092

Where's your handy pic of foods?

>> No.17327142

does anyone have any recommendations for ana constipation, i have a pain in my lower abdomen and feel bloated so i assume that’s what it is even tho i don’t really feel backed up. It started yesterday after eating, I purged the day before yesterday cause i ate some pizza and went over my daily maximum idk if that has anything to do with it or not.

>> No.17327211

>5’2” 210 lbs
Jesús she must be shaped like a meatball
She should not throw up from under eating. You can fast for literally months at a time and not suffer like your wife claims to when eating slightly less than usual.
Take her to a doctor.

>> No.17327233

lots of guys look good at 25 bmi. that's who i meant by blessed

>> No.17327245

literally any non processed food thats nutrient dense

>> No.17327395

Do you drink a sensible amount of water?

>> No.17327433

Always drink water. You'll just piss it out or sweat it out. Plus it helps you feel full.

>> No.17327534

Go to the gym with that guy who invited you.

>> No.17327688

eat an entire jar of pickles, you will shit out everything inside you

>> No.17328007

psyllium husk I guess, or be a normal human being and drink more water and don't buy processed carb bullshit, for example buy whole wheat bread instead of the trash ass white bread at the store

>> No.17328218

Yes, all the FUCKING TIME.
>You didn't eat much Anon.
>Did you try some of everything?
>Don't you want dessert?
>You're going to starve yourself!
>You're not anorexic are you?
No I'm not anorexic, I fucking love food, I'm just the only one of my family who put in the effort to not become a fatass.

>> No.17328248

I hate myself I’m so fucking fat and gross (133 lb 5’7) but I can’t stop eating right now because I’m still growing and I don’t want to stunt my growth any more than I already have

>> No.17328294

just get the necessary nutrients and don't eat for anything beside that. easy

>> No.17328317

im a jobless college student i cant afford fuckin health food

>> No.17328334

this has been disproved multiple times.

you can eat the healthiest food on the planet for like 5 dollars a day

>> No.17328565

day 12 of eating a full 16 cup full of yogurt and honey with granola..

>> No.17328572

oh yeah? tell me how and where I can buy it

>> No.17328587

I told my wife I wanted to weigh 125lbs. She said she saw on tiktok that a man under 200 can't protect his family. What is this bullshit fat cope that I have to deal with?
She knows I'm getting sexy and she hates it

>> No.17328588
File: 79 KB, 640x966, FbEY52JXgAA39qh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5, 121 lb

>> No.17328595

any super market dumbass, literally stop buying goy food and stop eating out


>> No.17328596

Not him
1. Vitamins (pills)
2. Vitamins and minerals (powder: ensure, carnation instant breakfast, etc.)
3. Whey protein (+ 2% milk or almond milk)
4. Water

>> No.17328599

>I've got ground beef

>> No.17328601

keep eating your daily basedbucks and keep cooking in seed oils bud

>> No.17328837

id honestly wanna kill myself if my main meal of the day was just a plate of ground beef.

>> No.17328840

desu this guy looks like shit in irl videos i've seen of him. just goes to show how fraudulent femboys are

>> No.17328845

then stop being poor

>> No.17328846

is caffeine essential for losing weight? i find that i can't restrict at all unless i have some form of caffeine

>> No.17328938

Why do Russians have such weird & depressing interior home design?

>> No.17328953

its because i want to eat her asshole

>> No.17329010
File: 1.53 MB, 2421x2387, E5886490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stick thin entire life to the point family accuses me of being "anorexic"
>eat trash giving 0 fucks, grew up eating basically junk food
>turn 18
>sudden weight gain
>work it off
>currently early 20s
>severe bloating and fat mass gain
>muscle dystrophy, can't gain anything despite inhaling protein
>barely eat and when I do, I'm extremely selective per dietician/nutritionist recs
>shitting my guts out
>look at stomach
>realize I have FUPA and giant gut making me look like a pregnant woman for the first time in life
>doctors give me "love ur body queen" bullshit because "I'm still within the correct BMI" (ignoring bmi is bullshit when what matters is muscle to fat ratio)
>entire family is obese and diabetic
>cursed to go down the same road
>no money for surgery or whatever procedures
>full of disgusting flab and stretch marks
>my ripped toned body seems only like a distant memory now
sometimes I wonder why and how did I ever survive necking myself

why live

>> No.17329033
File: 20 KB, 474x474, 1641018382552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats like shit his entire life
>doesn't exrcise
>is surprised to be skinnyfat

>> No.17329067
File: 169 KB, 671x1172, A08C11C3-80C1-4CB2-856D-5A590C8C2C9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently 70kg
i’m trying to leave the slim life and be chubbypilled since i have an is condition and will still hopefully maintain my hip/waist ratio as i get larger

>> No.17329078

I have stretch marks pretty badly too my skin has torn like a wet paper bag. I was also skinny as a child/teen but I lost all respect for myself and became fat.
nothing to add, just saying I can relate.

>> No.17329084

I'm currently doing a protein-sparing modified fast (specifically, the one laid out on Lyle McDonald's book "The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook," which you can find on libgen) and man, this kinda sucks. My body really does not like going without carbs for more than a day or two. The upside is that I'm only doing it until next weekend. Should lose something on the order of 4-5lb of fat by then, and have lost my taste for sugar (which is my real goal for now). So far I'd recommend (very) short-term crash diets to kick start fat loss.

>> No.17329094

no, I'm surprised how I remained ripped and skinny by eating trash and doing almost nothing in my childhood/teens yet now that I follow a strict diet and exercise I can't stop being a fucking fatty and can't build any muscle.

>> No.17329337

is your goal to look like a fag or..?

>> No.17329354

>Drink lots of water before meals
>Caffine and Nicotine are appetite supressants, this should go without saying but dont get addicted to fags and caffine pills for weight loss, but if you already ingest these do so tactically, again not a reccomendation for any feds that may read this, in minecraft, hypothetically
>Continually being in deficit reduces your hunger over time
>Strong flavours, esp spice, so that you reach satiation due to an overload
>Small and often for high metabolism, big OMAD meals reduce metabolic rates: see sumo wrestlers
>Don't be distracted while eating (phone, tv, etc)
>Celary, Gum, Spinach, onions, peas and other legumes, popcorn

>> No.17329681

>lose water weight only
>get fatter in the long run
you retards need to hit the gym

>> No.17329686

Peak femboy thinspo

>> No.17329749

i’m tryna have that fatboy swag desu
thank ya kindly i’m pretty lucky cause i eat like shit and by like shit i mean like a pig

>> No.17329989

cute. keep going chubby boy

>> No.17330010

Blend 2 lemons.
1lt water
1 cup berries or other fruit if too bitter for you.
Drink 1 cup of this every morning and every night

Cleans liver, lose weight, hydrates and repairs skin.

Paired with regular exercise and a way cleaner diet, went from a 40 waist to a 34 waist. Still going.

>> No.17330029

this post is based because cecil wrote it. even if its scientifically wrong

>> No.17330119

This thread got me to weigh myself for the first time in months, how am I the thinnest one in this thread? I'm 5' 11" and 125 lbs. Is this not a thinspo thread? Do you people lack any discipline whatsoever?

>> No.17330139

>125 lbs
I'm 121

>> No.17330202

>doesn't know newposter

>> No.17330869
File: 146 KB, 583x827, 8B936218-8523-4935-9FDC-E556CD415792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17330984

this thread hasn’t even hit bump limit yet
and /fa/ is slow so its not like youll miss it if it does

>> No.17331807
File: 93 KB, 984x656, aHR0cDovL2NsLmltZ2hvc3RzLmNvbS9pbWdoL2ltYWdlL2ZldGNoL2FyXzM6MixjX2ZpbGwsZV9zaGFycGVuOjEwMCxmX2pwZyxnX2ZhY2VzOmF1dG8scV9hdXRvOmdvb2Qsd18xMDIwL2h0dHA6Ly9pbWdob3N0cy5jb20vdC8yMDIyLTAzLzEzNTMwOS83MDIwMzkyOGRiY2FhODFiMzA4MWQzZDE3YzlkM2U5NS5wbmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you snack on when you're hungry?

>> No.17331883


>> No.17331885

Anything 50 calories or less and Gum

>> No.17331902

Muscular? I used to be both muscular and fat

>> No.17331986

All my fat went to my hips and stomach and my skin has torn leaving me with countless nasty stretchmark's. Two near my groin they are so big that it even looks like I've been stabbed.
I may be able to get skinny/fit but my body is forever horribly scarred. It is repugnant I have been so neglectful of my body

>> No.17331992

What are fat fucks like you doing on the fashion board? Don't you look like shit no matter what you wear

>> No.17332008

It's a /fa/t board, sweaty

>> No.17332315

How do i know what my metabolism is?