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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 154 KB, 1080x1350, 371437BC-6D62-473A-9B34-A283FBF7A1C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17302335 No.17302335 [Reply] [Original]

Tattoo thread, post what you got or are getting

ignore inklet seethe

>> No.17302356

nice tapeworm bro

>> No.17302370

Tattoo as a concept is simultaneously cringe and okay at best.

>> No.17302375

How do you mean

>> No.17302377

Sometimes they can be cool, but most times are gay and lame.

>> No.17302387

What's the best place for a smallish, 2-3 inch tattoo?

>> No.17302399

I regret all my small ones, you should just get one that covers the area completely

>> No.17302411
File: 906 KB, 605x666, neckidea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of something like this after the holidays.

>> No.17302416

You can tell exactly what kind of cringelord a guy is based on his tatoo
He thinks he has some gay ass spirit animal. Traits are usually the opposite of the animal tattooed. A bear on a guy doesn't mean he is ferocious, but he is not and wishes he was.
Guy wishes he was a warrior but he's really just a pussy faggot who couldn't even join the army
>traditional tattoos from other cultures
Guy has no culture of his own
>heraldry tats
Guys family has no real lineage in his family
The most cringe. Especially if it's a phrase. Usually the word/phrase is nothing but a pipe they live by

So on and so forth.

>> No.17302824
File: 166 KB, 1254x348, Screen Shot 2022-10-17 at 2.16.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17302831
File: 241 KB, 1131x1280, 1B984F0C-7D22-4C6D-A028-A22E8957C210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new forearm one. It’s hard to get a good pic because of the roundness of my forearm. Looks better/more circular in person.

>> No.17302850


>> No.17302861
File: 229 KB, 1131x1280, 1B984F0C-7D22-4C6D-A028-A22E8957C210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice design but

>> No.17302889
File: 70 KB, 538x527, chipotle bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inklet seething here. Good luck with your high-school-toilet-wall body. Your Prozzac/Lexapro/Lithium prescription is ready, by the way.

>> No.17302915

>protection wards inked by monk while channeling

>> No.17302925


>> No.17302929
File: 189 KB, 1440x1753, FA0DB84D-AB44-4F90-80CC-38AB74E928D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got tomoko a few days ago, gonna get the sabo tabby in a week or two

>> No.17302938


>> No.17302942

Literally everyone I know with tattoos has gotten a snake in the last few months. Literal NPC core

>> No.17302962
File: 194 KB, 1192x1278, nooo you cant just get a shitty tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo check out my new tattoo y'all

>> No.17302963

Plz dont
And yes fuck your bait

>> No.17302969


>> No.17303042
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 497203a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy wishes he was a warrior but he's really just a pussy faggot who couldn't even join the army
I served my time in the army and I'm in the reserves as a nco. Not that the weapons I have scribled on my skin have anything to do with the army or warriors.
I've been scratching my head trying to vizualise pic related as a tattoo that would work in a sleeve

>> No.17303098

It's obviously a katana duh

>> No.17303105

I mostly agree with you, but you sound like a faggot who just hates any tattoo regardless
If you saw mine you would not be able to figure out anything about me, and just seethe while everyone gives me compliments

>> No.17303108

Modern day gang signs, let's the world know you're a cuck. Jewish people may offer you more money in exhange for services.

>> No.17303119


>> No.17303144

Tattoos are degenerate and feminine, usually stemming from some sense of rebellion, but also quite consistently and indicator that a person is uncomfortable with themselves and feels incomplete. It seems to insinuate masochistic sodomy imo

>> No.17303163

it's always funny to see people trying to explain a thing they don't understand

>> No.17303167

What is there to understand? Tattoos are just an edgy cope for guys to feel rebellious. There's absolutely nothing traditional about them anymore, nor does your "personal meanings" count as anything actually meaningful.

Proof that tattoos are just edgy cope?
It's the male equivalent of a woman dying her hair red and thinking she is a badass now

>> No.17303169

Post tattoo. If not then that's nothing more than "I'm so deep my tattoo is an inigma" cope

>> No.17303170
File: 60 KB, 640x427, 2kj98qld65u71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy got tattoos on his hands that are replicas of a character from a video game I like. I really like the tattoos and if I weren't so averse to getting a tattoo that doesn't have personal meaning to me I'd get these. I particularly like the crossed keys on the hand.

>> No.17303172
File: 599 KB, 1000x1751, ina-koos-tarot02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist for the video game also made this piece which I also would love for a tattoo if it weren't for the fact that it has no meaning to me personally.

>> No.17303173

I have nothing to prove to asocial losers on the internet

>> No.17303174

Yup. There it is. Cope harder. Your tattoo is shit and if you posted it everyone here will laugh. You don't get compliments, you get concerns that you were really stupid enough to permanently mark your body with in idiotic image of nothing substantial

>> No.17303203
File: 17 KB, 480x360, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is there to understand?
Here's the funny thing, there's nothing to analyze here. People generally get tattoos because they just like how they look. Not much different from you getting a certain hair cut. Sure it's more expensive and they're permanent. Some people can commit to stuff and don't feel the need to come up with a new personality every week.

>> No.17303206

Ironic because people only get tats to come up with a new personality

>> No.17303213
File: 44 KB, 550x404, 1439750295617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're free to think like that. It's not true but you don't care.

>> No.17303225

It's definitely true and I definitely don't care either way. I'm just telling you what tattoos look like to those who can see past your facade. It's nothing more than a farce. An attempt to make your bland life less bland. But hey, keep thinking you're original and that your images drawn by another man somehow have personal meaning to you. Only thing is now you have another man's mark on your body. Basically you're branded cattle and a walking advertisement for the tattoo artist. Hilarious isn't it

>> No.17303240
File: 200 KB, 590x434, glarkson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know nothing about me other than the fact I have scribbles on my skin, yet you act like you know me better than anyone. You're just baiting a reaction out of me for attention. That's ok, I think it's fun to reply to baits so we both are getting something out of this.
My life isn't bland, you don't have to worry about that big boy.
You know cattle don't get to pick their branding, so your logic doesn't really work.
I don't mind telling other people about the artists that have done my scribbles. I'm really pleased with their work and they're good people. If me having their brand on me helps them, I'm happy about it.
Yes, I think you're being hilarious.

>> No.17303249
File: 15 KB, 316x316, 04456456545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i like sneks, so i gotta get a snek t-ttattoo.

>> No.17303250

>I'm proud that I'm a walking billboard
>Yes Mr tattoo artist please draw on me some more. I love displaying your scribbles on me for attention

I dont know you, but I do know that you're a cuck. You sound exactly like someone with a tattoo would sound. Proud to have another man's work on their body. Actually disgusting. Just a hope skip and a jump away from being proud to raise another man's kids

>> No.17303252

good thing tattoos are just temporary...

>> No.17303254

Didn't read, loser
Girls and normies all love it while you sit here alone and pathetic

>> No.17303256

>On my left side, you may think i am just a simple accountant, but wait till you see my right side and you will know i am totally CRAZZAZAAYYYY

>> No.17303260
File: 54 KB, 625x626, 1585835216725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defacing your body to impress girls and normies
This has to be bait

>> No.17303261
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 04545455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snek tattoo bruda

>> No.17303264
File: 193 KB, 720x960, 5454545445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls and normies all love it while you sit here alone and pathetic

>> No.17303267
File: 37 KB, 466x470, 1439952883912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really clinging on to that goofy little straw man aren't you big boy?
I have my own ideals and thoughts clearly scribbled on my skin so you could say I'm a billboard for myself.
The artist doesn't pick my tattoos. He takes my ideas and turns them into art I enjoy. I'm not a tattoo artist so I need professionals help with bringing my ideas into reality. Just like I often too in my own are of expertise for other people. Do you design and fabricate all of your own clothes? If not, I guess you're a cuck too. Don't be dishonest, we all know you don't do any of that you absolute cuck

>> No.17303270

are you the same guy? >>17303264

>> No.17303272
File: 153 KB, 1216x522, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17303287

On your smallish 2 to 3 inch peepee

>> No.17303291


>> No.17303293

I can take clothes off and I'll always look better naked than wearing clothes. You on the other hand cannot take off your branding
>he takes my ideas and turns them into art
No. You give him ideas and he creates his own ideas. Ultimately it is not your idea that is on your body, but his interpretation of your idea. Ultimately it is his mark, not yours. You also did not choose your branding. You chose the concept. He chose the image and plastered his intepretation of your shitty concept on your skin and now you're forced to cope and say you like it because if you don't, its another 3000 to remove it.

Once again. I dont have to identify with any particular brand or piece of clothing. Whereas you are forever marked with an image that represents the skills of another man. You can never remove his marking on you. You are forced to cope and say you like it.

Post tattoo. Inb4 it's also a snake

>> No.17303295

This is actually pretty cool that they have the mental capacity to want this. People with down syndrome are interesting. Just happy fucking people man. They remind me of filipinos.

>> No.17303297

I got a tatoo in a small village in a third world country when I was 18. The village artist gave it to me. Its two fish that look eerily similar to dicks lol. I'm 30 now and want more but would rather spend money on feeding my family. But I still really want more.

>> No.17303301

Based savage

>> No.17303305
File: 23 KB, 476x475, 1440565862397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my favorite thing about tattoos. The commitment.
You walk around the streets naked? You don't, you're a walking billboard to whatever business made those clothes, you cuck.
Nah, it's my idea not the artists. If the artist comes up with a design that I don't like, we work on it until it's just the way I like it. You seem to think that the artist gets to do anything the client doesn't agree with. That's not how it works big boy.
You'e and adult, you know how world works. You give me something, I give you something. Post a shirtless pic of yourself with a legit timestamp and I'll show you one of my tattoos.

>> No.17303342

It's on a 3D surface, are you daft m8

>> No.17303346

Why do people care so much about meaning? None of mine have any strong meaning besides I just think they look cool. If you got pic related would you really have to suffer through sleepless nights fretting about why your tattoo doesn't have meaning?

>> No.17303347


I also have a large octopus

>> No.17303374
File: 132 KB, 1920x1438, SGDaiGurren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic tattoo idea?

>> No.17303379

>the commitment
There is no commitment. Most tattoos are gotten on a whim. Most are regretted. Very seldom have any real traditional meanings to them. Most of the time it's just a dumb animal or design that is nothing more than a bastardized idea of masculinity or rebeliousness.
Once again. The artist keeps coming up with designs until you like one. Thats cope.
You also would ask for a shirtless pic you faggot. Me being shirtless has nothing to do with your shitty tattoos

>> No.17303458

Not sure whats up with the autism on this thread.
I am planning to get a snake sometime but it's something i've wanted for a long time, didn't know about normie trends and don't care. It has special meaning to me, plus it will be just a small part of the whole design
Regarding the branding thing - most people dont give a shit about such concepts, they just want something on their skin and they get it. It's a gripe for me though since i love drawing and i wouldn't want someone else's artwork on my skin. So i want to draw the design myself and then bring it to the tattoer to put it on my skin. Gotta find someone who has a similar style and is ok with doing that.
And if someone insults your tattoos or your choices - on 4chan even, because he would never have the balls to speak in real life - i am not sure why you are here arguing with him. Don't know why you got a tattoo if you care about the judgement of random people.

>> No.17303620

There is nothing more stupid than putting those shitty ass art in your skin forever.

>> No.17303757
File: 166 KB, 893x1182, Screenshot_20221021-004859__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17303772


>> No.17303913

You should at least learn how to speak english before you can say that

>> No.17304177

...You asked for a picture of a man first, fatty

>> No.17304188

My weight (healthy) has nothing to do with your dogshit tattoo

>> No.17304215

You really like to just say whatever. None of that crap you keep posting again and again makes any sense nor has any basis on reality. That's actually a common coping mechanism fr. That's kinda funny don't you think big boy?
I don't really care to see you shirtless and I knew you wouldn't deliver because you have a shit body

>> No.17304217

>i am not sure why you are here arguing with him.
I like like arguing with baits, I think its fun
>Don't know why you got a tattoo if you care about the judgement of random people.
Nah, I really don't care. That doesn't mean I can't have discussion with someone about tattoos bro

>> No.17304426
File: 363 KB, 550x611, 1628329616692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you have a great understanding of parallax LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.17304635

>couldn't win the tattoo argument so he has to attack my weight (healthy)
I'm at a healthy size. Yet my weight has nothing to do with your tattoo. I asked for a picture of your tat, not you shirtless. But then now because that was your rebuttal I know your tattoo is somewhere on your torso. So you 90% likely have a gay rib/chest tattoo just like the guy in OP. Get wrecked kid.

>> No.17305097

this >>17303105

>> No.17305105

>you're a walking billboard to whatever business made those clothes, you cuck.
No, you are not, retard
Not everybody wear big logos. No one can say where i bought my shit.

>> No.17305107

>snake has a special meaning to me
lol ok keep lying to yourself

>> No.17305115

based snek

>> No.17305482
File: 239 KB, 1049x651, 1665265136899280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to tradition

>> No.17305916

Schizo hours. I'd recommend you get off the internet for a while, your brain is turning to mush. I feel dumber after trying to read your idiotic post. How do you manage to type like an actual retard when spellcheck is built into almost every browser these days?

>> No.17305970

What is it about tattoos that makes some people seethe so much?

From branding, to the Ferrari sticker shit, to the loss of meaning/posers, to the mental health assumptions. They always have a bunch of asinine reasons to seethe.

I don't have tattoos but I want to get one just so I don't have to interact with such people.

>> No.17306226

You seem angry, not sure why but that's ok

>> No.17306359

uh, if you think that
>lol ok keep lying to yourself
sounds angry in any way, you might be actually slightly autistic

>> No.17306837

Idk but it's definitely weird, maybe their gf still talks about her ex that had tattoos

>> No.17306893

You are the autist for not being able to read people
He's angry at the world and himself in general

>> No.17306933

I find tattoos to be legitimately repulsive. My ex brother-in-law had a sleeve done and I almost gagged looking at that green snake skin like tattoo while I was eating across from him. A lot of tattoos look like a horrifying skin condition.

>> No.17307017

What if I have an alchemy circle on my hand?

>> No.17307020

The lain tat is actually really well done, who did you go to?

>> No.17307077

If you notice someone that has a tat, what do you immediately think of them?

>> No.17307078


>> No.17307133

Easy lay and/or Crazy puss

>> No.17307469

tryhard larp

>> No.17307671

I'll never forget when i was about to start my amateur boxing career how i wanted to get tally marks for each match i would participate in but fortunately the quarantines happened and i went back to getting an education

>> No.17308563

Got this yesterday, first tattoo. What do you guys think?

>> No.17308570
File: 71 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20221023_202553_042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image. Got it in my forearm

>> No.17308578

Why did you get it? Why dance!? What does it mean to you.

Genuinely curious

>> No.17308797

typical teenage whore tier 0/10

>> No.17308825

Are you a fellow black metal enjoyer?

>> No.17308834
File: 169 KB, 1037x1196, 278370182_3194412474138391_8973678571812802733_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17308837

I like metal by all types of people, you don't have to make it a racial thing.

>> No.17308838
File: 263 KB, 1531x2048, 296263392_2148187692022221_6375274622526396818_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17308896

are you a "gamer"?

>> No.17309292
File: 1.47 MB, 4032x3024, 0036690E-2163-4C0B-A47D-8A49329D4FF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is selfharm /fa/ >:)

My whole body basically looks like a cheese grater

>> No.17309386
File: 2.02 MB, 4512x3008, 1639685145641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

return to tradition

>> No.17309389

Pussy shallow cuts

>> No.17309403

No free rides big boy. You want something from me, you need to do something for me

>> No.17309451

watch ID?

>> No.17309613

I'm not

>> No.17309645

Don't know, giving it meaning makes it gay for me. I just think it's cool. If i had to give it some meaning it would be it's lack of one (?). Regardless, i am playing rdr 2 and seeing cowboy flicks so i took inspiration from when gunslingers shoot the floor and scream "DANCE!".
Fair enough lmao. Small enough that i'll never regret it though

>> No.17309649
File: 25 KB, 282x189, IMG_20221004_224002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my tat, /fa/

>> No.17310915

Placement: 1/10
Lining: 6/10
Shading: 5/10
Concept/originality/creativity: 2/10

>> No.17312764

Where do you find good Tattoo inspo besides just mindless searching on Pinterest?

>> No.17312769
File: 219 KB, 1036x1280, thumbnail_IMG_9121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Hey anon do you like my new Tattoo'

>> No.17312775
File: 279 KB, 1137x1280, thumbnail_IMG_8942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like fineline detailed tattoo's
>Nearly all the good / interesting artists are in Korea
It sucks that nearly all the artists i'm interested in are stuck in one country on the other side of the planet

>> No.17312782
File: 74 KB, 750x706, Hand-holding-a-knife-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Close Friend got a larger version of pic related on his lower forearm
Honestly at this point i'm making mental bets on how long it'll take before he regrets it

>> No.17312784

Even for a snake tattoo thats quite exceptionally boring

>> No.17312785
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, 1559230261266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cool! Here check out mine

>> No.17312788

okay but they look cool on older guys

>> No.17312790

colored tattoos don't age well

>> No.17312803

Okay but what about tattoos that have been practiced in different tribes / cultures for hundreds of years? You do have a point on the majority of tattoo culture now a days i'll admit. You don't usually see a person in a stable and healthy mindset getting a lot of tattoos in a short space of time (6 months - 2/3 years) and those that eventually do reach a healthier mindset in later life often do end up regretting it altogether.

>> No.17312810
File: 79 KB, 618x792, thumbnail_IMG_9124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram and Pinterest are really the only viable options for tattoo inspo unless you wanna pay for art books.

>> No.17312817
File: 1.71 MB, 2497x1184, yQmMPFtTvlgA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting a palm sized tattoo soon. At this point its kind of a toss up between either of the 2 designs in Pic related. Which do you guys prefer?

>> No.17313219

Tf happened here???

>> No.17313247

AI generated Tattoo

>> No.17313458

wow a winding snake tattoo never Ihave seen this a million times before
did you fall asleep at the party?
le edgy sun
fucking embarassing. never show your weeaboo ways. also what's wrong with your skin?
mental illness
idk i feel like this is what an actual npc might get. a creature with legitimately no inner monologue
hahaha corny ass gamer artstyle
imagine getting a swastika and you aren't even white. cuck
please think things over

the problem with tattoos isn't tattoos, it's that 99% of people are absolute tastelets.

>> No.17313490

I’m not particularly opposed to the idea of tattoos, I’ve just never been able to think of something that I would want on me permanently like that. How do you decide on what tattoo you’re going to get? The last person I asked that irl said “Lol, I don’t know until I walk into the tattoo parlor”, which seems to me like a dumb way to do it desu

>> No.17313499

If you have to ask for advice on a chinese cartoons forum, instead of making the decision yourself, then don't get anything

>How do you decide on what tattoo you’re going to get?
Different people have different thought patterns. I don't have any tattoos but when i get one it will be 1) something unique that belongs to me only, 2) aesthetically pleasing that i will never get tired to look at, and 3) has some kind of meaning so it makes sens to get tattooed instead of being just aesthetic.

>> No.17313552

I’m thinking of getting cherry blossom branches from my left shoulder to my left chest. Would that look too cringe? I want to get it because I think it would look pretty cool but I’d like to wait until I get buffer.

>> No.17313788

>Proud to have another man's work on their body
so is it like ok if a woman gives u a tattoo or r u just gay and projecting

>> No.17313805
File: 1.77 MB, 2320x3585, tatsoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sticknpoked my ankle when i was drunk (left), and again when i was rly drunk (right), nd got a friend to do the one on my shoulder cuz i cant reach
sticknpoke yrself
>Most tattoos are gotten on a whim. Most are regretted.
source: angry about drawings and made it up
also why do you keep obsessing over mens bodies??
>I'm at a 'healthy' size
fatty confirmed
no, cut it out

>> No.17313937

I see something that inspires me and I work a design around that thing. Some of my tattoos are pretty straight forward, some are something I've thought about for years.

>> No.17314423

What would u tattoo?
Not even questioning, just looking for inspo
I'd go for the skull

>> No.17314503


>> No.17315508

Literal nigger tier idea /thread

>> No.17316115

Won't this age like shit?

>> No.17316160

rent free

>> No.17317062

the amount of cope lmao

>> No.17317168
File: 123 KB, 961x1280, tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17318227

Dude lookin like a fucking PlayStation controller

>> No.17318317

terminal retard

>> No.17319617


>> No.17319896
File: 73 KB, 842x1024, 1664259695909797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's your asscrack bro

>> No.17319940

is that so they never forget how to put their dicks on your ass when they fuck you

>> No.17320032

it represents fan-in and fan-out, which are integral to the functioning of cryptography and hashing algorithms.

>> No.17320149

yeah, dick-in dick-out, which are integral to you're ass getting fucked

>> No.17320233

Wow that's gay as fuck

>> No.17320581

no u

>> No.17320584

I'm finna fan out your ass cheeks and fan in your bussy boy

>> No.17320589

I would fill your throat with 10mm bitch nigga

>> No.17320734

never seen logic gate tats before; looks pretty embarrassing. Should have got the truth tables too so you don't have to explain it every time.

>> No.17320740

eh, I don't really give much care to what others think of it. I know it looks retarded at first glance, but cryptography is one of my favorite fields, so it means a lot to me.
It's also a fuck-you to fed bois who cannot change the laws of nature.

>> No.17320760
File: 2.64 MB, 4000x2250, IMG_20221101_020546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it this summer from a friend who just started tattoo school or whatever you call it, he wanted to practice, hence why the line is off and there is a little overshot on the eye

>> No.17320823

Cope and it looks horrible. Your friend looks like he can't draw for shit. Tell him to practice more at school and stop fucking up people's bodies for practice.

>> No.17321276

Anybody got that pic of the dude with the Russian style full Back piece with the dark bold lines, cathedral towers, and skull by any chance?

>> No.17321422

>T.Party Penis on face drawer

>> No.17321440

Not him but I like it. There's some personality in imperfection there.

>> No.17321513

What happens when you get a tattoo on your biceps and afterwards you get really buff ?

>> No.17321548

Nothing will happen unless you magically go from twink to bear mode.

>> No.17321571

Will the tattoo turn out to look worse?

>> No.17321582

Based Evangelion enjoyer

>> No.17321656
File: 3.35 MB, 2553x2348, 64iBLnA9q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva tattoos are quite easy to pull off but it probably would've turned out better if you'd just gone to an actual artist

>> No.17321660


>> No.17321800

Often skin expands fairly evenly, so you'll mostly have the same tattoo just slightly bigger and with very minor actual distortion(?). If you have insane genetics or roid up and actually get stretch marks that could potentially "tear" the tattoo, or at the very least make it fade, but also stretch marks usually only appear where the bicep and triceps meet the deltoid. A good artist should be able to fix it unless its an insanely precise and intricate tattoo, but overall I wouldn't worry.

>> No.17321888

your body is fucking disgusting you look like you've had ab implants and you have gyno and carved in chest

>> No.17321946

i chuckled

>> No.17321965

>He thinks he has some gay ass spirit animal. Traits are usually the opposite of the animal tattooed. A bear on a guy doesn't mean he is ferocious, but he is not and wishes he was.

what if i got two animals?
a unicorn and a fox, if im opposite of the both im a simpleton who likes experienced women (:

>> No.17321987

ngl i like minor self harm scars
dunno why people hide them, they are cute
but i never had the drive to commit them myself and getting them as a scarification is gay af, so i got tattoos instead as a limited form of self harm, i agree with those who think that no ink is better but sometimes you have the need to harm yourself

>> No.17321997

You want to be told you're special, you want to be different, but really you're just another NPC and nobody really cares about you
You want to be cool, shifty, sneaky, a bad boy who can play the game. Really you're just a nerd, someone who sits and watches other people live their life. Youre not a bad boy and you're too afraid to get into any real trouble

>> No.17322019

Guarantee you look worse

>> No.17322035

that's funny, you simply try to throw some generic stuff hoping that something will stick

nope, unicorns and horses are full of flying grace and foxes are very adorable that's why i like them, i just like cute things, if i watched more mlp i could get a pony tatto lol, most likely trixie or young luna, my unicorn wears a scarf and is based on the one from phoebe and unicorn lol, but nobody would recognise it

doesn't btw mean im ugly, but i do care about how i move and look

but that's obviously only a part of the reason, im bipolar and as i said above i got them partially as a pussy way to harm myself (founding the best artist i could and making her redraw the sketch several times lol), they also reflect some of my bpd, actually i began to wear an amigurumi fox on my bag as a sign of guilt for being narcissistic and selfish... it was a part of the reason to get the tat too

if you call fox my "spirit animal" i accept both her good and bad symbolic meanings

btw foxes are solitary and independent animals, bad boys in a group it's the wolves

>> No.17322084

if that makes you sleep better at night then go ahead
go back

>> No.17322120
File: 159 KB, 780x1100, 54811559-1EF4-4C0B-ACDE-AA7DFE42B291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putting inks inside your body is akin to self mutilation

people generally don't like irreversible or nearly irreversible body modifications, tattoos get it easier than say elf ears surgery even though the latter changes one's appearance much less

probably the best that was posted on this thread imo
i just wonder how well it ages

neither they are both terrible
the skull is much less disturbing

back to where

not sure what is "that pic", domes over the whole chest or back is a very common theme in the old russian criminal tattoos, here's a not very typical (they don't usually mock religion) but funny example

>> No.17322157





>> No.17322163

calm down
the only place i wouldn't mind to return im banned there for political reasons till december... damn i just whished some... whatever

>> No.17322189

>yea this is important for the cryptography, that's why I have it permanently on my back

>> No.17322210

So you can learn how to invest while fucking him

>> No.17322238

Yup called it. You think you're special but really you just hate yourself and want to harm yourself. So the unicorn represents that feeling of "you just want to be loved"

The fox was correct as well. You thought you were being selfish, narcissistic, bad. So you began to associate yourself with foxes. Really though you're just a dork and it shows lmao.

Once again people with tats are as predictable as ever

>> No.17322265

fucking retards. cryptography is not cryptocurrency. cryptography is a more powerful concept than guns, and has been employed since 1900 BC, and likely since before.
fan-in and fan-out are why you cannot reverse time without memory of historical operations.
they are why your passwords cannot be discovered when your dumbass bank has its DB leaked.
with just a cryptographically-secure hashing algorithm, you can implement symmetric cryptosystems, and any other data structure you can imagine.

>> No.17322282

Oh nice anon! I have a buddy who’s gay too!

>> No.17322303


That’s cool anon. Do I need to be high IQ to get into that kind of stuff? Seems interesting.

>> No.17322540
File: 11 KB, 235x256, 77fda5d37d960c7cb2ae3f604bb1f802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup called it. You think you're special but really you just hate yourself and want to harm yourself. So the unicorn represents that feeling of "you just want to be loved"
>The fox was correct as well. You thought you were being selfish, narcissistic, bad. So you began to associate yourself with foxes. Really though you're just a dork and it shows lmao.
>Once again people with tats are as predictable as ever

>> No.17322567

you stretch the meaning as far as it's possible :3

generally i agree that the symbols hold some widely accepted meaning but they hold a whole bunch of them and here you missed completely

>> No.17322573

that's pretty common
people se tats to show their profession all the time, it's one of the oldest usage of tsttos, to show off belonging to a group and your way of life

back then it was mostly sailors and criminals but nowadays a hairdresser can have a tattoo of comb or scissors, a vet doctor can have paw footprints, a guy with interests in math ene crypthographical mumbo jumbo

>> No.17322588

those are for midwits

>> No.17322634

why is people so angry about what some random dude decides to do with his body? lmao, imagine having a life that boring.

is that, or mummy didn't let me get tattoos and brainwashed me into thinking it's bad

>inb4 muh pretty white skin

>> No.17322639

i took pics of my clean skin before getting tattoos to feel some masochistic regret later

>> No.17322772
File: 349 KB, 1684x2048, 4DBB53B0-968C-4091-83B9-A488FDB42E90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also have a large octopus

>> No.17322780

these are really cool :)

>> No.17322792

No one cares you try hard fag

Any genuinely good physicist or mathematician into cryptography doesn't get some gay ass tatts for dudes to pull out and cum onto lmao

>> No.17322796

>why is people
Opinion rejected

>> No.17322797


Dude, just take this to a tattoo artist and work something out with them. It's literally their job!

If done by the right artist, I think something like this could be fucking sick.

>> No.17322799
File: 84 KB, 602x803, B33576E8-691D-48A7-8273-BAAE77CF8FED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not that guy with the tatto

scientists get tattoos too including those about their interests it's just less common for them overall than for the artsy types and as for the professionally specific tats those are overall rare outside of military and seafaring

btw one should have a weird fetish if he wants to nut on the logic symbols

>> No.17322801


There's a certain idea people seem to have when it comes to meaning of tattoos. All my tattoos have a story, but a lot don't have a specific meaning. To me tattoos are an aesthetic choice first, a story telling medium second.

>> No.17322806

>female "scientist" with danger hair and tatts


>> No.17322808

>it has no meaning to me personally

come on, everybody met some obstruction in their lifes

>> No.17323167

You don't have to be too smart, but it does take time to learn about crypto.
I have personally implemented my own algorithm for organizing symmetric keys into a hierarchal tree, where parent keys can generate children keys and access their data. This does not require anything more than storage of your personal key, as well as the names of your descendants.
I've also written a symmetric cryptosystem that is used in conjunction with any hashing algorithm, hence it is upgradeable. You can even use it with cost-based hashing algorithms that are themselves upgradeable.
I want to write an asymmetric cryptosystem that uses hashing algorithms internally, but I don't think that will be possible. I have a semi-solution working as of now, but it's no RSA.

>> No.17323417

We're never going to have a drama free tattoo thread, are we.....

>> No.17323956

maybe one day

>> No.17323984

it doesn't matter what you think about "giving them meaning" whether it's gay or not you give it anyway

this one means - "move, the movement is life", you have just admitted it yourself, and its meaning also is pretty clear even without this explanation, it's not the only possible but it's one of the first that can be guessed

>> No.17324246

And make sure you're not late to the office tomorrow you pathetic limp wristed faggot.

>> No.17324381
File: 427 KB, 2048x1364, tumblr_4dzc71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you expect

>> No.17324477

These are the people insulting tattoos online
Then in real life when they see a tattooed guy, they just lower their gaze and keep walking like the bitches they are.

>> No.17324493
File: 130 KB, 959x1092, EE51689E-0480-43E5-9924-F4879E5E3F09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comedy tattoo I got a few years back

>> No.17324517

so you agree that its not even that deep and yet you brand yourself like cattle for the rest of your days?

>> No.17324575
File: 70 KB, 620x675, 8fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you agree that its not even that deep and yet you brand yourself like cattle for the rest of your days?

>> No.17324877

>with just a cryptographically-secure hashing algorithm, you can implement symmetric cryptosystems
how comes? is there any key exchange alternative to diffie hellman that uses only hashing or how do you do that?

>> No.17324880

but even then, that would be only the key generation, no actual encryption/decryption

>> No.17324926

diffie-hellman requires asymmetric crypto, not symmetric

>> No.17325102

i like that guy with a giraffe neck
he has to get a giraffe tattoo

>> No.17325113
File: 72 KB, 720x960, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17325467

he would better cured those pimples

but it's a nicely done somebody's face i admit even if the place is meh

>> No.17325526
File: 118 KB, 1080x1080, 78855930_208309433670975_8197439179102055750_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17325661

Curved surface numbskull

>> No.17325909

for some reason i like pubic tats...
the horse is great too even if too big for my taste
it's very well drawn

is it you?

>> No.17325910

why does her pussy have a penis-cast?

>> No.17326074

i like the face actually, even if the placement is odd

i have a friend that got a beetle in that same place, looks cool

>> No.17327635

This is sick

>> No.17327657

>yes, i'm a faggot. how do you know?
>slap me here, dady

>> No.17327665

Pretty clever trot for an exam in electrical engineering but you need a mirror to use it, retard.

>> No.17327676
File: 66 KB, 720x644, 1533406040891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but with My Little Pony. That would be something!

>> No.17327705

had an idea a while ago
three eyes on the backside of the upper left arm
four eyes on the backside of the upper right arm
you wouldnt instantly spot the reference, which I like it this way

>> No.17327735

based... or cringe idk