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File: 144 KB, 1008x756, RockClimbingShorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17272554 No.17272554 [Reply] [Original]

I came across a photo on my Facebook page that just triggered me so much for some reason...it took me a while to figure out what it was, but then I realized it...the two girl's shorts stop at the very top of their thigh, while the boy's shorts go down to the knee. Besides just the photo itself, it's a really widespread phenomenon. Even when buying clothes for toddlers or children you will notice this, which is...rather creepy. Why would you want little girls showing off their thighs? At least keep the shorts length thing exclusive to adults and not forced onto children. I know that both men's shorts and women's shorts used to be super short in the 80's and before that, but in the 90's and forward they get longer and have stayed longer, showing that there is truly no good reason for the length. There's the fact that men's shorts are designed with practicality and function and comfort in mind, while women's shorts are designed just to simply look good for men, but is there any GOOD reason for women's shorts being so much shorter than men's shorts?

>> No.17272555

Why? Are you gay? Don't like looking at women's thighs faggot?

>> No.17272558

Totally would one on left. Healthy thighs. Unfortunate face but that’s fine

>> No.17272559

Oh so you went there huh...it's not about whether I like looking at women's thighs or not, it's about obvious sexism since there's not really a good reason for women's shorts being so much shorter besides appealing to the male gaze. Otherwise men would've kept the 80's short shorts.

>> No.17272564

Dudes are wearing above the knee shorts now and have been for a long time. Women and men have different bodies. Sorry you're too autistic to understand that. Sorry that you don't understand that women, like men, like to show off what they got if they got it. I think leggings are retarded, but dude... shorts? Get the fuck out of here. Daisy Duke? Go get some pussy

>> No.17272568

Trump lost

>> No.17272570

I don't give a fuck about politicians lmao sorry for being straight bro

>> No.17272573

I'm gay, and I still care about women's rights.

>> No.17272576
File: 81 KB, 605x712, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got it completely backwards.
There's simply no good reason for men's shorts to be so long and baggy. the purpose of shorts is to be short, so you can get some fucking airflow when it's hot outside and so they get out of the way when you're doing something sporty.

long baggy shorts are only a thing because Micharl Jordan wore long baggy shorts, and that dumb motherfucker only wore long baggy shorts because he wore two pairs of shorts and wanted one to fit over the other.

>> No.17272578

What does short shorts that women choose to wear have anything to do with women's rights? If anything men should have the right to wear short shorts and not be judged for it

>> No.17272581

because their whole purpose is to make men cum

>> No.17272585

Yeah because you're gay. Dudes basically hate women and women hate dudes but we all want to fuck each other. It's a balancing act. Go back to your gay shit these are our women

>> No.17272586
File: 851 KB, 828x1018, 65C0B2FF-1BAF-46AC-A2BF-6DDC8EF9CECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are forced to wear short shorts
>men are allowed to wear them long
What mental illness do you have to have to think this?

>> No.17272590

This. The good thing is that it’s a lot more common and acceptable now for men to wear shorter shorts, especially if you’re younger and not fat. Most of my shorts are 6” inseam, and I’ve gotten a lot more compliments on those than complaints. No matter what age or physique though, there’s no reason for anyone to wear shorts that extend past the top of the knee.

>> No.17272599


1. Testicles.

2. Women's short legs. My mom is 5'8 and has 32" legs and she looks great in a pair of 10" inseam basketball shorts that she wears at waist level. Literally every other woman I know looks like a stupid cholo in 10"+ inseam shorts.

I used to wear 10" inseam shorts as a 6'4 guy who wears his shorts below natural waist but switched to 9" and it looks better.

>> No.17272600

Huh...I never thought of it that way before...I don't necessarily agree with you, but I can see why you would think that, and respect it.
The thing is though, shorts that short don't seem very testicle friendly. They also don't allow for very much pocket space. They also seem too tight. So I'm happy men's shorts got longer in the 90's.

>> No.17272611
File: 342 KB, 1620x1080, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the same rise and the same pocket space as long shorts or even pants for that matter.
tightness is separate from length as well. you can have tight shorts or you can have loose shorts with action slits.

>> No.17272620

Shorter inseams for men are coming back

>> No.17272633

>women choose to wear short shorts
>somehow men’s fault
Is this that “internalized misogyny” gobbledygook I keep hearing about?

>> No.17272771

Hmm...don't know if this is good or bad, but if men's and women's shorts become closer in length to each other, then better.

>> No.17272773

I only wear shorts above the knee, looks fresha

>> No.17272778
File: 14 KB, 477x539, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to appeal to our lizzard brain. For example, the girl in blue is not the best looking bird out there, to put it politely, but with her shorts I find her hella attractive and would.

>> No.17272780

They like to show off. They have the option of longer shorts but simply choose not to.

>> No.17272792

Longer shorts, while they do exist, are still pretty rare in comparison to the shorter shorts, though.

>> No.17272794

>Walk 10 feet over to the “boy” section which a girl is completely allowed to short in
oh wow, longer shorts!

>> No.17272815


That bitch in blue has that sweet hungry pussy, grabbing at her shorts. I bet that poon is hairy and smells like pungent fish. I would without hesitation.

>> No.17272820

I'm a guy and my shorts are about the length of the girl in blue's (go right to/above my fingertips) and girls say i have nice legs u may just be wearing long and gay shorts

>> No.17272825
File: 98 KB, 750x500, cbb-compositenew2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, women are sexual objects, men are subjects of authority. Therefore everything should be short on women. Not suprising that this generation of pussy males forgot about it.

>> No.17272831

What a miserable way to view the world

>> No.17272833

>men are subjects of authority
... so, whose authority are men subject to?

>> No.17272839


>> No.17272845

and what does that have to with shorts?

>> No.17272848

They’ve been back, if anything we’re going to see people wearing longer/looser shorts as the 2000s revival shit gets more mainstream

>> No.17272851

I believe that. But that shit always looked dumb to me

>> No.17272855
File: 496 KB, 1600x1031, efc1dcf29a5cc2b061ead630b9fe6923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17272858

...everything on women should be short

>> No.17272860

but what's the causal relation here

>> No.17272877


>> No.17272881

Go back to Pakistani-chan anon

>> No.17272889

if they made mens shorts any shorter my dick would poke out

>> No.17272915

Men's shorts used to be that short but men are sensitive little babies so they had to make them longer

>> No.17272956

I've long concluded that men who constantly complain about fashion double standards for men and women just have latent autogynephelia. There's no reason any normal person would care about this.

>> No.17272995

Women are willing to pay a higher price for less material because they're stupid.

>> No.17273021

Personally I don't like too short shorts because it makes me feel like I'm wearing underwear or some pijama shorts outside. They are also uncomfortable to do things like rising a bicycle.

But for sport, below the knee is too long. That could be goo for just regular clothes bot not for sports. Above the knee is what I like.

>> No.17273033

fuck, marry, kill

>> No.17273047

because men have dicks that need to be hidden. Also because men aren't attention whores.

>> No.17273056

Men have been wearing above knee shorts for some time. Just because you inbred flyover state morons just found the internet doesn't mean the rest of the world was there for you. No one cares. Baggy shit has been out of style for a decade now, even black guys don't wear that shit anymore. To the point that I'm surprised that those short basketball shorts that wear common in the NBA up until the early-mid 90s haven't made a comeback in the sport.

Short shorts like biker shorts or running shorts are common and no one cares. Wearing shorts that could almost go for pants are only worn by fatasses and people who don't care and go out looking like shit everyday and only dress up for work.

And thigh high shorts on women are hot, especially if they have thick thighs

>> No.17273063

>hiding your dick

>> No.17273072

my dick is only for my wife to see and feel. other people have no business seeing it or even thinking of it.

>> No.17273075


>> No.17273080

men like long shorts in too big a size because they are insecure

>> No.17274202

T-Thai Kick-san?

>> No.17274237

>appealing to the male gaze
if women actually believed this they would just wear males shorts because there's no real difference. Clothing companies would then notice that they're losing money and make womans shirts that were longer. The truth is females like the attention it gives them.

>> No.17274260

Literally the only reason is that men want to stare at women's butts, so shorts are made extremely short to pander to them. That's it.

>> No.17274405

5 inch inseam summer was incredible where were you? Yeah my dick routinely fell out and my inner thighs got their first sunburn, but the rest was great.

>> No.17274436
File: 98 KB, 790x965, f87074f3e6f75f8e59bedf9a13318ed8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because women look stupid in long shorts. They know that their getting looks, that's the whole point. They have the power of emphasizing or downplaying their sexuality and you sound like a halal fag.