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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 390 KB, 1455x1521, D9DB6848-6A80-412E-880E-575D213BCB3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17262143 No.17262143 [Reply] [Original]

What Are You Wearing Today?

>> No.17262152

You black ass nigger, the last one hasn't even hit bump limit

>> No.17262434


>> No.17262481
File: 2.70 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20220923_183339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate the fit lads

>> No.17262483

Oh no...

>> No.17262520
File: 911 KB, 1945x2957, PXL_20220923_224804680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return of the basic bitch

>> No.17262532
File: 880 KB, 1698x3572, PXL_20220923_173829170.MP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumpster fire/10

>> No.17262536
File: 459 KB, 2480x2834, froggy hat outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting pics here after years of lurking, so hello. It was finally cold, which was a great relief after the oppressive heat of summer. I'm wearing a black velvet turtleneck dress underneath the striped turtleneck and a lace underskirt beneath that. I don't know what the shoes are, they are vintage second-hands from a Polish woman. She tells me they're french, circa 1980. They are cute but uncomfortable after a time. I'm on the hunt for both fashionable and comfy shoes, if anyone happens to know quality brands.
Critiques are welcome.

I'll reply to some people from the last thread, as well.
The mask somehow is worse than just blacking out your face. If you wore a more form-fitting shirt and proper pants, this would be a decent outfit. I do like the color of the fuzzy jacket though.
This is a good example of doing a grey color scheme decently, imo. The silver jewelry adds a nice touch. Contrary to the other reply, I actually like the sleek vs distressed clash. It's not overwhelming.
Weirdly attractive and repulsive at the same time. You look like your name is Johnny and you spit tobacco into a snuff can. That might be a compliment to you, though. I like the individuality, fuck people who are afraid of being an archetype.
I like the shirt but the rolled-up pants clash a lot. I'd recommend either wearing them straight down or doing the same with brown/dark red pants. That or swapping shirts for something more bright and neutral-cool rather than bright and warm. Like yellow and black.
Not much to comment on. Nice jewelry at least, breaks up the boringness a teensy bit.

>> No.17262542

>Critiques are welcome.
The clothes you have donned do not fit you well because they are women's clothes and you are a man. You stand like a man because you are a man. You have man hands. Your wig isn't actual human hair and it shows. Your upper arm length is that of a man. Just dress like the dude you are and try posting that. Hope that helps.

>> No.17262547

holy schizo

>> No.17262552
File: 190 KB, 684x523, FE90E605-E8C2-4006-A7BD-C5F1B14D4E28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.17262555

What NB model is that?

>> No.17262563

Even though you have your arm covering your stomach because you think you’re fat, I would berry my dick so far inside your ass, that the next person to pull it out would be crowned king arthur

>> No.17262570

>I actually like the sleek vs distressed clash
Ty anonette. I love denim too much to not wear it 90% of the time. Especially since I wfh and have a very, very, very affectionate puppy. He stains chinos within about 30m of wear. As for your fit, it's is on point except for the frog hat. It's cute, but it doesn't match at all. Just get a beret.
And for the shoes, try getting insoles. Even a thin lambskin one will be enough to add some comfort. I don't know enough about womens' shoes to recommend you any good alternatives though, especially not brogues. Maybe see if bootgen can stifle their autism long enough to answer a question?

>> No.17262589

Is this dark academia?

>> No.17262594

>Upholding female-poster hazing etiquette at the low price of your dignity
Thank you for your service

Clothing that is practical and fashionable is always the best. I have dogs too, well not mine really, they are my sister's, but they will destroy nice clothing if given the chance. Would you care to post your puppy? Alongside something fashionable, of course.
Thanks for the comment about the shoes. I will have to sift through the bootgen.

The frog hat was an act of desperation. Under 65°F, I get awful headaches if my neck and ears aren't covered. Something something poor blood pressure, I'm not sure. I still love cold weather, though. I couldn't find any other hat, so I had to shamefully head out in the frog hat. I was complimented by a girl I passed though so it wasn't all bad. I will keep hunting for a proper hat.

Uhh no? I'm out of trends so I am not sure what this would be called, it's more general vintage. I incorporate pieces anywhere from the 1930s to the 1980s typically.

>> No.17262604
File: 2.13 MB, 1624x1624, 21DF8413-76FF-4D5B-8662-1E9825F6B730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally cooling down enough to wear leather again

>> No.17262606

You aren't an actual woman, bro. Your clothes are ill fitting because they were designed for female proportions.

>> No.17262615
File: 661 KB, 2415x3472, PXL_20220922_001930776.PORTRAIT~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never pass up an opportunity to post the puppy. The collar is kind of /fa/. And it keeps him from licking his neutered ballsack.

>> No.17262682


>> No.17262722

no, it's trans

>> No.17262729

what belt are you wearing? im trying to find a good one

>> No.17262731

Really old one from John Varvatos. If you need a good belt (and you don't care about fancy embroidery or perforations) try Narragansett Leathers

>> No.17262733

frogoo 2.0

>> No.17262742
File: 51 KB, 455x216, 20220923_214646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sleek and lovely dog! Thanks for sharing. Is he some kind of lab?

A courageous soldier of schizophrenic etiquette. You are clearly right, my clothes are not ill-fitting because I am wearing a bulky velvet dress under them but rather from my shameful testosterone-induced beefcake forearms and the tell-tale sign of an XY chromosome - a short torso and long legs! Good work on spotting the pink menace, the voices in your head will stick a gold star on your brain worm momentarily.
I love the tranny schizos and I'm happy to have one of my own.

Really nice hair, anon. Is that your natural color? It's beautiful. Also zipper jeans usually look tacky but you mamaged to make them work.

>captcha: m0s0ry - misery

>> No.17262744

Yeah, he's a rescue. Iirc 40% lab, 20% pit, 20% cattle dog, 10% other

>> No.17262754

>Really nice hair, anon. Is that your natural color? It's beautiful.
Thanks! Yeah, natural color, I've never dyed/bleached it

>> No.17262773
File: 252 KB, 266x243, shroom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the recommendation i checked it out seems cool. desu i want a ma+ belt or something like that but im broke. thought of making one but i have never done anything like that so idk

>> No.17262802
File: 2.61 MB, 3984x4064, IMG_20220703_164044_0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17262806
File: 686 KB, 1500x2000, FdYVAS3UAAA0wAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me & the wife

>> No.17262809
File: 249 KB, 2400x1144, which.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.17262895
File: 940 KB, 881x1321, base10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty cool belt and pants rolled up is kinda weird though

very nice

left is real nice but right sorta falls flat

hell yeah

>> No.17262922

get bigger pants

>> No.17263004

ma+ is overpriced and overrated
>t. ma+ belt owner looking to get out with what I put into it.

>> No.17263019
File: 618 KB, 1580x2108, E86D9AF8-84FD-42DE-BBEB-22138D86FFF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visit to ikea

>> No.17263037
File: 413 KB, 749x1331, 20220924_173101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of my top

Wish I have your waist :<

>> No.17263061

How much do you charge for a session?

>> No.17263081
File: 496 KB, 1224x1632, 1533010738894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17263089
File: 435 KB, 1944x2592, PXL_20220922_114922876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shirt and belt are cool but everything below that I'd rethink completely

like you said, it's basic but I think you weren't trying to do anything more than that

I get what you're trying to go for but I'd switch that blazer with a tweed one or something to give it the outfit a more rugged texture

I like the outfit, I feel like you're going for something between cottage-core and twee and it works for you

you're going for SLP heroin chic and I think you're pulling it off but I think the jeans are a little overkill for me personally

I don't know if I hate this or I love this. A Canadian tuxedo in two different washes of denim is the worst thing you could do but somehow you're rocking it

Neither, I'd get a baggier hoodie and pants (or maybe a drop crotch or something). Basically go full rick or try to.

I swear I've seen you chasing me in my dreams. I don't know what to call this aesthetic but you're doing a good job with it

I can't say there's anything wrong with the outfit. Maybe I'd accessorize more? Like add some rings, a bracelet and maybe a necklace.

It's an okay top

>> No.17263093

>Riddle me this batman ...

>> No.17263097

Ma+ and every artisanal brand is for suckers
Guidi and CCP and all the others are laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.17263125
File: 1.10 MB, 1448x3299, IMG_20220924_011716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running some errands

>> No.17263142

>I get what you're trying to go for but I'd switch that blazer with a tweed one or something to give it the outfit a more rugged texture
I definitely need a good tweed blazer but this one is pretty casual. Its a UU nylon one with a seersucker-esque texture. Hard to tell from the pic though
>t. has never handled guidi footwear
I'm with you that artisinal is a meme, but guidi shoes are absolute tanks. The leather quality and construction (except for the back zippers on older x88 models) are phenomenal.

>> No.17263208

you are too pretty for this website

>> No.17263217

That’s a nigger anon

>> No.17263223

and is somehow better looking than 95% of people here including you faggot

>> No.17263227

>413 KB
> What do you think of my top
It doesn't fit you at all because you are a man built like a rugby player trying to wear women's clothing. Frankly it looks ridiculous.

>> No.17263236

Niggers cant be good lucking though, they’re monkies

>> No.17263289
File: 709 KB, 1536x2048, 9.24.2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17263338
File: 597 KB, 549x1276, BBBE9B04-527C-4B59-9E44-E90A6E82225E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a bit cold

>> No.17263359
File: 188 KB, 330x359, 819328239173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17263364

get some boots and that fit would look good

>> No.17263371
File: 2.45 MB, 1181x1574, selfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night, listening Kid Cudi, fellow kids. Lonely as fuck

>> No.17263379 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 432x432, Joy Division.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coat details

>> No.17263386

i know its overpriced i just think it looks cool :/ if you have any other similar recs tell otherwise im gonna procrastinate making the shittiest belt ever

>> No.17263517

what bag is that

>> No.17263524

>gym equipment in his apartment
Tell me how I know you're a gymcel

>> No.17263542

See if you can find a guidi double o-ring belt secondhand. They're also super long, but less flashy (and therefore much less expensive)

>> No.17263612


>> No.17263782 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 1536x2304, hmgoepprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or nah?

>> No.17263787

Is your neck broken?

>> No.17263859

Need to see shoes

>> No.17263868

Should I settle for a hoodrat

>> No.17263870
File: 1.13 MB, 2046x2011, DDF12737-18EA-4E1C-B752-20E8A3BDB4C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17263878

Ugly mayo cope

>> No.17263998 [DELETED] 
File: 962 KB, 1477x2783, 8C75FD10-3FE3-4C6B-85E4-85928991C0CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a lil show last night
I’d rather not .-.
Also dece
Not feeling the pants tho
Ur fits scare me Ngl
It’s clothes
Can’t rly see much
Not feeling it
Least schitzo poster

>> No.17264003
File: 1.05 MB, 1490x2787, 88237BDB-EDE7-4F5E-9B98-4E60CE534BC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

963 KB
963 KB JPG
Went to a lil show last night
>>17262536 #
>>17262481 #
I’d rather not .-.
>>17262604 #
Also dece
Not feeling the pants tho
>>17262895 #
Ur fits scare me Ngl
>>17263019 #
It’s clothes
>>17263037 #
Can’t rly see much
>>17263089 #
Not feeling it
>>17263870 #
>>17262542 #
>>17262606 #
>>17262722 #
>>17263217 #
You must be atleast 18 to post on this website

>> No.17264062
File: 2.08 MB, 1876x3150, PXL_20220924_193751539~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was squash day.

>> No.17264073

siswet could accommodate that with her hungry ass hole

>> No.17264080

Honestly don't know what else I should have expected out of that search.

>> No.17264264
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, E5AA7D1E-2E1C-4732-A48C-D982C1370B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17264268

Nice fit bro, the tie really pulls it all together.

>> No.17264304

id on the shirt

>> No.17264325
File: 1.57 MB, 2120x3502, F5AD6576-B674-4A0C-8318-82F2829A303D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17264336

>gym cloth

>> No.17264343

the footwear is very croatian

>> No.17264462

Work out and eat moar dude. You look like a starving alien. Your face is too long with ugly nose. Can't fix that with fashion.

>> No.17264465


its ok just wear darker pants

you will never be a woman

the fit fits for what you're doing so no problem

the jacket pattern is kinda shitty but the fit is good, dont wear graphic tees

unironically based for a bald man, but you got time here so im not surprised you have learned to dress well

its good the socks suck, they look manchild and dont wear a beanie, hats are for people with shitty hair or no hair.

Maybe Igor, just get a redneck woman, a rural one i dont know just someone you know is loyal af

>> No.17264609
File: 2.43 MB, 1891x4371, IMG_20220925_132854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17264627
File: 68 KB, 750x1131, 45643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wearing the skin of HASAAN PIKER, like the ancient IRISH did in ancient times. I went to his house last night to pay him a little visit. The house was empty, i went straight to his closet and tried on his dresses. Then i heard him coming back to his house. The rest is history.

>> No.17264670

lmao the bald head slowly revealing itself in the back

>> No.17264723


why the fuck are you posting on a fashion board ahahahaha

>> No.17264743


>> No.17264813
File: 2.01 MB, 720x1280, 3828eh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting in 3 years how y'all doing

>> No.17264822

uuh based

looks kanye inspired. I like it, however not very practical unless you wanna end up arrested or sum

nice figure, however kinda too simple

works really well imo

absolute mess wtf is going on

>> No.17264823

I want that BAD

>> No.17264827

What’s with the sudden influx of nignogs.
What part of 4chan’s reputation makes them think that this will be a receptive and welcoming environment?

>> No.17264831


>> No.17264838

you sound like a faggot who's never left their containment board

>> No.17264943

the harnesses kind of clash with the rest of the fit, a more traditional corset would look better

>> No.17264947
File: 646 KB, 576x512, CB3A91BD-29A0-420A-BE5E-1E559B78AFD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begging to be raped whore

>> No.17265080


>> No.17265104
File: 177 KB, 994x1000, 3697808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers can't conceive of someone not liking them
look no further than picrel for an example of how deep the delusion is
I can't tell if they are choosing to ignore the gap between stated and manifest preferences everyone else exhibits, or if they're just too dumb to notice it.

>> No.17265146
File: 3.78 MB, 3276x4096, InCollage_20220925_184220828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going clubbing in a few days and this is the fit I am planning. What do you think?

>> No.17265147


>> No.17265153


how fucking hard is it for you dumb niggers to understand what a WAYWT thread is and not your personal diary

>> No.17265203

what a fucking comment lol
i laughed

>> No.17265205

Right, never do left again

>> No.17265206


>> No.17265256
File: 1.25 MB, 3216x1488, 16641339507644734771781719857342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17265279

Ugly schizo.
Big change of this thread being a complete schizomode shitshow from now on.

>> No.17265281


>> No.17265286

we cant see the whole fit

>> No.17265299


>> No.17265342
File: 680 KB, 2160x3840, 20220925_221825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I style this jacket? I currently wear with Dr Martens boots, black jeans and a black t-shirt but perhaps you guys have better ideas.

>> No.17265373

>looks kanye inspired. I like it, however not very practical unless you wanna end up arrested or sum

I have really enjoyed some of his recent stuff. Pretty much all of this is practical though except I spin the balaclava around for the image. Working on making some diy ones though

>> No.17265510
File: 487 KB, 903x2462, 20220925_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, what boots btw?
very basic dress, but you pull it off with that insane physique and the earrings/glasses/scarf.

>> No.17265526
File: 468 KB, 632x743, mingaknitbeanie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think your style is cute and reminds me of serial experiments lain. also the goblin stripes hat from minga london would look cute with this instead of the froggy.

>> No.17265547
File: 512 KB, 1368x1368, goodselfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17265582
File: 1.35 MB, 4032x3024, unnamed (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17265619

that guy was a model for adidas.com

>> No.17265683
File: 912 KB, 1080x1135, Screenshot_20220925-200942~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh damn, legit pretty cute

Gonna be sick .... I hope... Lol


Tan and off white will go better than black.

Youre prolly handsome but.. he head too big for he damn body. Fit is bad tho ngl chief.

I literally just put on a Zara jacket and I got a shit ton of compliments walking through new York. Might make it my thing:) thoughts?

>> No.17265699

ID on hat

>> No.17265831

Stetson 4x Llano.

>> No.17265921

This kek

>> No.17265956

>what boots btw?

>> No.17265989
File: 834 KB, 1286x3033, 7E9D7C92-6D32-488E-B0A5-161D22406685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17266192

Styx wishes he looked as good.

>> No.17266201

pant too big look retarded

>> No.17266204

extremely good fit man the flip flops suck tho

chino feo
you need some style not so much randomness

its ok


no tie?

>> No.17266470
File: 80 KB, 754x1233, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons idk what I feel about this coat, what do you think?

>> No.17266474

how do the raf's feel on feet? they looks flimsy as fuck

>> No.17266476

looks like toabao techwear, which looks shit irl, but for clubbing, I guess whatever

based mustach, I like the shoes, other than that it's very simple, not much of an impression


pic quality is shit everything is drowning in black, irl is probably pretty good, change the shoes, also I would prefer straight or baggy pants

>> No.17266702 [DELETED] 

I think I'm still too square. For my height of 5'9 the more natural clothes size should be 40-42, medium, not large.

>> No.17266840

good, they definitely require some breaking in though. they are actually surprisingly sturdy desu

>> No.17266930

cool. like how you styled them with the socks.

>> No.17267021

Why is everyone on this board allergic to wide leg/anything but slim fit trousers

>> No.17267032

There are barely any slim fit trousers in this thread, mostly straight/regular fit.

>> No.17267066

handmedowns mostly

>> No.17267102

Id on jeans? The fit and wash are on point

>> No.17267205
File: 55 KB, 764x1146, jcc8r88228riv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new trenchcoat came in from ebay. What do you guys think?

>> No.17267209

It's official. Big coats are in this season

>> No.17267259
File: 2.88 MB, 1125x1454, uuuuhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I wear to work

>> No.17267288
File: 2.35 MB, 2316x3088, mamamia-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these 2 chains the other day and started wearing them. I'm also wearing 5 in black shorts, black ankle socks, and slides. I'm neither Italian nor Catholic.

>> No.17267296
File: 2.18 MB, 2100x3190, 74FDDA72-3E5A-42C2-84A4-96F5BBD20711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks yo. i wore them again

>> No.17267298

sehr gut, mein kerl

>> No.17267301


too small to be oversized, too baggy to be tailored

>> No.17267655
File: 113 KB, 465x1187, markup_1000000652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten back into pipe smoking recently and could use some more recommendations for fits that go well with a pipe or are somewhat similar to this picture. Got any recommendations?

>> No.17267680

lol i fucking love this. "I'm in-core". keep doing you, king.

>> No.17267689

hardest fit on this board, absolute master over his reality, pussy crusher 3 BILLION, IQ in the quadruple digits, keep slaying you absolute fucking monster

>> No.17267717

topman midwash straight jeans

>> No.17267729

Yeah and its gayyyyyyyyy

>> No.17267743

not posting fit because i'm insecure and lazy
what the fuck is this
switch up the pants lol, really doesnt match the rest
i like it, feel like shirt could be different though
hey... i often like to beat the shit out of women (consensually, of course), so if you live in Denver or nearby, please hmu and i could pay upto 100$ if you would wear that outfit and let yourself get beaten by me. cheers!
pants overdesigned as fuck, and your hairstyle is off what it should be, but honestly decent fit. your cock is pretty big too, good job!
could use more accesorizing on the cone, but very simple and sweet fit overall. your dog is quite effay.
oh shit this is a really good fit bro, but are you a vampire or do you wear makeup? switch up the shoes a bit, they feel deconstructive to the overall style you have.
neither, go to some inspo threads and figure out how to not be a fucking loser with insanely basic fits.
loved 808s
get a lighter skintone, and a better cap
you are literally just wearing what every woman
wears, why do you think this is good enough to post.
good but basic
face too weak, have you ever tried mewing? i have no clue what that is but it seems like it would help you. nice fit though, and you must have a pretty big anus to fit that pink dildo inside, so good job on that too!
if you were born in the 90s and adopted this same style and posted on /mu/, i would be far kinder. however, you were born when you were, so you look like a poser fag
do you have an ED? nice fit, though
good harvest, good fit. maybe get a less bright denim jacket, but honestly wouldn't make much of a difference.
the audacity of wearing a tie over a nike t-shirt really sells this, honestly. if you didn't do that, i'd call it a basic version of above, but you look half-retarded in a good way.

>> No.17267748

you look like a man who's outfit spontaneously fell apart while he was wearing it. also what's with all the rings.
lose some weight you fucking fag, you can see your rotundity through any clothing you wear and your pants don't fit. why is your shirt not properly buttoned? a travesty of a fit, and i hope this is a joke.
nice larp but just from the back of your head i can tell that you would have been raped in ancient greece.
have you ever noticed this sort of narcissa wright-like face so many trannies seem to have? it's honestly disturbing, like a slow morphage of the face into what seems to be a mask. truly unfortunate, and the fit is so passe i don't even feel like commenting.
good if the rave you're going to is cyberpunk-themed, retarded otherwise.
move the camera backwards please
i agree with the tan comment, but not for the shirt, for the jeans. otherwise nice and works well.
strong face, really blurs the line between lumberjack and sex offender. solid fit too, would change the t-shirt and maybe the belt. hit the gym if you don't already.
thought this was that one guy from jurassic park. not sure about the face puckering, but really love the fit, 10/10.
conservative fit, but the sweater really sells it. don't fucking wear slippers outside though, and post good footwear too next time.
it's nice, change the jeans and don't put your canned shit inside of a pocket. lean in to the vampiric style you've got here.
c'mon man
you've got chicken limbs and a shit haircut, not bad otherwise.
this pose makes you look like a twink lol. love the outfit, would change the glasses though.
every choice here is good, but maybe overplayed, except for the sweater, which is dogshit and really should not be something you actually thought would be good. you have the makings of a good fit here, try harder.

>> No.17267749
File: 152 KB, 707x1024, photo_2022-09-25_03-18-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bouta errp in tha eep, homeboy

>> No.17267796

Unfortunately the right was necessary. I live in a rather unsafe city and if I am to take the subway anywhere, I have to cover up to avoid harassment from the innocent Youths who roam and the Future Doctors who hang around train stations all day, every day, doing nothing but bothering people. A baggy clothing style is needed, although I probably could've done it a bit more fashionably.

>I like the outfit, I feel like you're going for something between cottage-core and twee and it works for you
I barely know cottage-core and have never heard of twee, but I will look into them, thank you.

It's nothing special or quality, just a small crochet-style bag I picked up to replace my old tote that broke while I look for another.

Thanks? I keep seeing you around. You remind me of and look very similar to this crazy Jewish girl I used to know. She was bulimic and had a similar build to you but female. You have an interesting style that is also similar to her. So rest assured, there's a female version of you somewhere throwing up into the bushes.

:D Thank you for that hat suggestion! I found my last winter hat, an Ushanka with the USPS hat. It only works with blue, black, and white outfits though. I might get that hat....
Also I love Lain's aesthetic though I never watched it. I keep putting it off though friends say I'd like it. I might just watch it today because of this comment.

I like the creativity of this comment. The idea a man would pay to beat me up when he and I know fully well if I refused he could beat me up anyway, that's kind of a fascinating idea.
>If I agree to it, I am financially compensated but cannot claim further compensation if he goes too far because I agreed to it.
>If I didn't, I'd run the risk of him beating me up anyway without compensation from him and escaping.
Too bad I don't live in Denver and could never live out this thought experiment.

>> No.17267935

beating up women bro didnt even post a fit

>> No.17267937

what pants are those

>> No.17267972

Levis 501 '93

>> No.17268080

thought so, thanks. would normal 501s be good as well? also what boots are similar to yours but cheaper than you know of

>> No.17268185

I haven't been happy with the fit of any normal 501s, but I've got big-ish legs so ymmv based on your build. And for boots idk if The Last Conspiracy, marsell, or moma are still around but they used to be the go to budget recommendations. You can also try looking for asian made replicas. I know they exist and they're apparently not awful quality either.

>> No.17268195

This was the first thing that it came to my mind when I saw that pic...

Oh fucking no...

>> No.17268345

2nd pic looks good, 1st pic the leather jacket looks out of place and covers up your figure

>> No.17268380

on your fit, what do you think of tecovas the dean, do you think that would look good. or boots similar

>> No.17268652

Yeah, cowboy boots are always a solid choice. I would do the Cartwright or at least the Earl over the Dean though. Zippers are cool until they break and then its a pain in the ass to get fixed.

>> No.17268729

>also what boots are similar to yours but cheaper than you know of
there are plenty chinese/vietnamese shoemakers who do guidi inspired boots or straight up guidi reproductions, quality is good on some of them, but ofc you wont get top of the line guidi leather.

>> No.17268743


Marsell and Moma boots are CONSTANTLY on sale at Yoox. Throw a bunch in your wishlist and wait for a coupon.

>> No.17268803

they are manlet sizes 99% of the time though.

>> No.17268915
File: 1.05 MB, 1661x3925, clashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking cute
I have a dog shaped knit cap somewhere, can't wait until it's cold enough to wear it
simple and based
zara is /fa/ af, stay based, chad
have you ever thought about getting metal legs?

>> No.17269028

C'mon man what
I love that movie, I love JP, I think enough time has passed that won't dawn on most people

New jacket today, which is better. This or>>17267205?

>> No.17269030
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>> No.17269039

You must like that jacket a lot. Srs. Not bad tho.

Looks slick, could work with the right demeanor.

>> No.17269132

I like the old one you posted, just looks more hacker, but they're both good

>> No.17269279
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, BFB0918C-E5DE-451A-83C2-74563F14EF24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17269327

post fit or dont post at all

>> No.17269878
File: 463 KB, 720x719, Screenshot_20220928-104222~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctor appointment today

>> No.17269957

what leather jacket is that?

>> No.17270359
File: 2.70 MB, 2040x3158, E6236061-0356-4FB6-8002-D7ADC7CCB348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was born in the late 90s and i've been a /mu/tant since 2011, am i qualified for the fit now? lool

bottom half looks good. i feel like a baggier top would be the move here though

>> No.17270368

you will look perfect if you grow some muscles and bulk up more

>> No.17270461

getting an compliment from you feels like an insult

>> No.17270481

Bro id on the boots

>> No.17270500

are you even one of the two people I complimented or just an ESL faggot looking to stir shit

>> No.17270505
File: 479 KB, 1188x2128, PXL_20220928_080836267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

childish. try something actually nice instead of the ironic ugly 2000s skate shoe
a little larpy but not terrible. Flairs are ugly, not everything needs to be "brought back"
that is a graphic polo shirt and jeans
you successfully look unremarkable
lose weight and stop dressing so old, you can do that when you're older.
this is fine

>> No.17270522

toilet checks out

>> No.17270540
File: 303 KB, 1536x2048, fit_3.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely corny fit. Feels like something Drake would wear.

Unsolicited and unhelpful comments incoming.

Any of the items should be a different colour for this to work. As an example, this would look better with dark blue trousers.

Seems off at first glance. The trousers could be more adventurous, and a darker black would fit the ensemble better. Rest is fine.

Left > right, since the pattern on the sweater brings something interesting to the overall sober colour palette. Coat could be a bright colour that fits the scheme, like a yellow.

Outfit is perfect on its own, but I think the colours don't quite fit your hair/skin combination.

Looks super cohesive, great. But I think the cap and shirt (and undershirt?) are fighting for my attention.

Can't tell the difference between these two fits, but don't match these colours. Lighter top, please.

Simply perfect. Nothing to add.

Sometimes simple is better, but the skirt and the top seem like they want to do two different things. The headwear and earrings would be better paired with a very bright clothing ensemble, so they feel slightly awkward in combination with the simple black clothes. Something bright and (dark) yellow/orange would look great here.

Simple. Curious as to what shoes this was paired with.

Keep it simple with some simpler shoes, one or two colours tops.

I like the striking contrasts here. Blue and black look good. Trousers could perhaps look better in a darker, browner hue. But overall excellent.

The trousers and the T-shirt are too close together in space and hue, which makes them blend together. Try a darker grey trousers, which would also pull the shoes back in.

Good. Nothing to add.

Same comment as the other anon: boots would improve this fit. Can't say much more because the blacks are crushed.

Excellent. Perfect fit.

>> No.17270562
File: 296 KB, 1536x2048, signal-2022-09-28-224007_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cont'd from >>17270540

Croatian neo-horror. I hate it, but it looks purposeful, so I guess I have no further comments.

Good. Get rid of that ugly yellow wristband.

Quite good. I love the brightness of the blue denim here. Wish I could see a little bit more yellow in the trousers for some more beautiful contrast between it and the jacket.

Great. Would look better with fewer rings (two tops) and a different hair colour.

You look strangely short here. The black top and trousers go excellent together, but consider trying something slightly different with the shoe colour.

Trousers bad.

First looks better, probably because it covers most of the brown and blue which clash with the black.

That bright blue doesn't go well with your season.

Starting to really hate this type of trousers.

Great. Colours are excellent, although maybe the belt could be brown. Whites shoes are okay, but it's tripling down on the white, which gets old.

I actually like the shoe, but a blue as bright as that is very hard to combine, and the colours you chose aren't the way to go.

Not sure how those legs are physically and biologically possible. Outfit looks clean, although the shoes seem out of place. Would be better served with a simple boot, like a Chelsea.

>> No.17270577
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>> No.17270644
File: 1.31 MB, 2042x3676, 20220928_223802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold weather means I can finally wear my dad's old fire brigade coat that I got tailored last year. Going to an outdoor screening of Night of The Living dead with live music so I went with mostly black and white clothes to suit.

I feel like you're going to be in an Edgar Wright fight scene in that cripple toilet wearing that fit. I like it.

>> No.17270657
File: 2.33 MB, 3056x5032, IMG_20220928_144454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this hat

you look like a boring person
this is so white
scott pilgrim without a costume designer
why would you choose to wear these pants with those legs

>> No.17270693

>you look like a boring person
I'd struggle to pick you out in a lineup of one.

>> No.17270750
File: 521 KB, 1303x1914, 20220927_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too corny except for the chain hanging out of the sweater lmao, looks good though.
>You look strangely short here. The black top and trousers go excellent together, but consider trying something slightly different with the shoe colour.
probably perspective making shit look weird from trying to take a full body selfie in a half mirror.
you are right, fit is better with white sambas imo.

>> No.17270772
File: 559 KB, 1147x2361, 20220928_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a boring fit, but its comfy for the boring fall weather.

i like everything except the hat.
thanks, i always thought guidis would look strange for some reason, but they look great here.
based, you remind me of james ferraro
cant be bothered, i like being lean and i dont want to go to a gym ever.
i like the yellow rain jacket, not a fan of the shoes though.

>> No.17270828


>> No.17270840
File: 231 KB, 1560x1560, 20220928_144700_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up way warmer and drier than i dressed for but whatever

they make belts out of seatbelts?
looks cozy but chinos or dress pants would look better than cargos
we can see the filename is a 4chan repost dog
i feel like having just one white garment is too much contrast, like you could either go all black or have another color of pants than black

>> No.17270920

dude thats just shit
youre a 40 year old dude tryharding to be 20
just get a suit

>> No.17270930

this is sex and i don't even kno y
works really well

>> No.17270954
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, F597968C-FDE5-43AE-867B-ADA9EF1E33FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i agree. Considered white turtleneck instead. Should have gone with that!

>> No.17270963
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>> No.17271115

God I’d be like 6’4” in those boots I need to start wearing gay leather shit asap

>> No.17271229

id on shoes?

>> No.17271264 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, 68245599043__3FF5A2BC-EE25-4B11-91A9-D315FC39F529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i hot

>> No.17271269 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, 68245599043__3FF5A2BC-EE25-4B11-91A9-D315FC39F529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i hot

>> No.17271282

>Marsell and Moma boots are CONSTANTLY on sale at Yoox.
Which models? I dont really see any that look anything like it.

>> No.17271297

You're my wallpaper now kek

>> No.17271301
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>> No.17271309

"A bomb"

>> No.17271367

i dig it. streetwear done right. nice color matching, not too overt. yellow is underrated also.
nice. edgy, but understated. great choice of accessories as well.
not bad. just get a better haircut.
hmmm. youre a good looking guy, that much is obvious, but the fit as a whole is kind of eh. the top looks good, the bottom not so much. some waxed denim skinny jeans would look better, maybe with a motorcycle boot. accessories would help as well.
we can tell you like bladee.
nice. great stache.

>> No.17271392
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x1592, 20220925_132100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good fit, could use a bit more embellishment, like a really bold necklace or something, cause it just looks a bit like a base right now
also terrible posture
boy or girl, cute either way, good coherent style and good pallete
stupid pointless zippers but ok fit
always the best-taken fitpics in every thread. I salute you sir
dang it bobby
cool anime hair also sex now
hope you're doing okay
lovely hair and outfit but please maintain a healthy BMI ):

:D squash day! :D

troll fit
tuck in your shirt you sloppy fuck don't pretend your not a fat ass
you have that mousy overbite sort of look which is cute in it's own way I guess
good fit, not bad but not too unique either
that's a commitment to the hyper-saturated cyberpunk look that I can really respect
>doc martens
please be joking

those jackets really only look good with a collared shirt desu.
also, Walter white core
cool guys
but not WAYWT
those lips were made for smooching
keep raving king
doc martens are cringe but otherwise you look like a decent guy
the patina on those shoes looks fake and gay, and too shiny for the overall fit
cool shirt
love the shoes
code gayass looking mf

>> No.17271403
File: 240 KB, 692x1056, 1644196005148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17271662

Excellent, really nice. I think you can (should?) do a different colour on the socks, though. Maybe just the same colour but with a pattern?

>just get a better haircut.
NOW you tell me?

>> No.17272035
File: 754 KB, 921x1249, Screenshot_20220929-141450_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17272042

you need a white wifebeater under that amazing sonic shirt, wtc

>> No.17272044

Best fit ITT

>> No.17273122


>> No.17273174

Chemo patient hat

>> No.17273311
File: 1.42 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20220930-144918_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit pic sorry

>> No.17273372
File: 3.32 MB, 4032x3024, 500A291B-2FF0-4A1D-AD76-70BB620EA60A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17273374
File: 479 KB, 1200x2208, 3E89BDB9-B87E-4785-BBF4-70090B66FFB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17273392

You look good, and I like the dress. Incredible figure as well, I must say. Keep posting Queen.

>> No.17273830
File: 910 KB, 1794x3512, PXL_20220930_192940991.MP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid as usual
>you look like a boring person
I'd be concerned if you liked my fit
very cozy
Not terrible for being a meme

>> No.17273833

what jeans

>> No.17273840

>unbuttons shirt to show off hairless, feminine chest
>wears tight jeans to show off chode
>folds jeans up once to look as sloppy as possible
Address these things and you may get positive responses

>> No.17273852

Kirkland. Unironically.
Kek. Post fit (and body)

>> No.17273968
File: 823 KB, 1510x2141, C0C5D4E4-6C0D-46F1-B24D-CC1DC59822FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to school :^)
But I’m 25 and don’t like suits :( kms !
I do not like it
Da fake rams :^)
Oh man is this real
I like this but not shoes
Pls different shoes
Ur hair looks cute are you cute?

>> No.17274258

Unironically best in thread

>> No.17274267
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x1592, 20220925_132009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it's real

I'm a lanky noodle dandy

>> No.17274460


>> No.17274464

this man is possessed by demons and is trying to hurt everyone on this board

>> No.17274491

harrowing visage. please return to sheol.