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File: 637 KB, 1588x2026, 200548828-1-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17248687 No.17248687 [Reply] [Original]

Women should wear this kind of underwear exclusively.

>> No.17248688
File: 214 KB, 893x1139, 200548828-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so aesthetically pleasing?

>> No.17248692

yeah theyre sexy. but i also appreciate a nice cotton white panty look as well.

>> No.17248707

Tbh I prefer briefs. Why have something creeping up your crack when you don’t have to?
If you have a nice ass - a straight man won’t care

>> No.17248733

My bf wears these

>> No.17249046


this visible-w-de-elastic-waistband look is so vomit inducing, truly peak basicbitch shit

>> No.17249088

>straight men don't care about nice asses

>> No.17249104
File: 687 KB, 1926x2458, 200548828-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why have something creeping up your crack when you don’t have to?
Because it's extremely attractive.

>> No.17249113
File: 567 KB, 1926x2458, 202251618-1-cybergreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>truly peak basicbitch shit
Yes, but for a good reason - it makes women look more attractive.

>> No.17249119

I don't understand how women can walk around with thongs or throngs or whatever they're called and not get poopy swamp ass?

Within about 45 minutes of me putting on underwear or walking around I can sweaty butt and I usually have poop excrement coming out my butthole, not like shitting my pants but just walking around sweating like normal and a little brown saucey residue comes out my butthole. Just about every single pair of my underwear have skid marks when I take them off. I try to remedy this by wiping my ass often even when I don't poop but I honest to god don't understand how women can walk around in thongs all day and not have poopy brown stained thongs.

Granted I am 5'7 250 lbs

Also pro-tip to the virgins out there if she matches her underwear and bra and/or they're black she wants dick that night

>> No.17249145

all girls should wear boyshorts

>> No.17249153

How are we supposed to know they're matching tho

>> No.17249209

What the fuck man, youre so fucking fat you have shit leaking out of your ass, how do you live like that? I've legit never had skidmarks in my entire life, thought that was more of a meme about people shitting themselves or incontinence

>> No.17249212

Actually probably the worst female undergarment other than maybe granny panties that havent been a thing for 20 years

>> No.17249258

You ask

>> No.17249260

I’m not that fat. It depends on what I eat.

>> No.17249340
File: 156 KB, 1098x776, 2022-09-16_11:49:28_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not that fat

>> No.17249346

Overweight is 25-29 but I was overweight at 196 and had a 6 pack. BMI charts are for Zoomers who think there is an internet Infograph and eceleb for everything

Either way it is completely normal for men to have swamp ass. You’re telling me you just don’t fart, faggot?

>> No.17249358
File: 40 KB, 598x687, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a six pack!
>it's completely normal to shit yourself!

>> No.17249362

I did at 196 I’m 50lbs more than that now dumb nigger and yeah it’s normal to have skid marks and fart which is why thongs are treated as lingerie by women. Most women wear granny panties—not that you would know, last vagina you saw was your moms when you came out of it, Jeremy

>> No.17249367

leave a piece of toilet paper on your butthole before pulling up the underwear

>> No.17249483
File: 1.18 MB, 4096x2731, E4vr9f6XoAEKlIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why only women
>250 lbs
you have your answer why that happens you disgusting creature

>> No.17249520

To be fair he could be shitting himself for a different reason like IBS or Chrones disease. Albeit he is fat.

>> No.17249560
File: 851 KB, 653x870, sittin on food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fat fucking retard
>muh opinions
shut the fuck up

>> No.17249611

Make me fagit the best part is I make more money than you I fuck hotter women than you I have a better home than you and I’m just straight up fucking better than you. So go ahead, buy a straw, come to my house, and suck a poop milkshake out of my nasty smelly asshole since I’ve won at life and you’re talking about thongs on 4chan

>> No.17249614

Thongs are genuinely more comfortable, and for a lot of women briefs just turn into thongs after a while anyway, only with more material wedged up your ass. Women really shouldn't wear underwear at all, they're bad for the vag in a bunch of ways and there's no anatomical purpose for them (unlike men, where the support is important, and you see that in the fact that most cultures had men's underwear for thousands of years but not women's until recently) but we're still stuck in victorian bullshit mentality where somehow your choice of underwear reflects your sexual promiscuity in people's minds even if nobody will ever know except your monogamous partner. That goes for men too, it's bullshit that we basically can't wear anything other than boxer briefs without being seen as either gay or really nerdy and uncool.

>> No.17249617
File: 192 KB, 1545x869, coomer1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna cooooooooooooooooooooom!

>> No.17249632

I’m a man and I never wear underwear unless I have pants with a zipper. Once I got my 7.4inch massive girth dong stuck in the zipper

>> No.17249647

Get a bidet. Also, wipe both directions, with wet toilet paper

>> No.17249719 [DELETED] 

On utilitarian purpose of women's underwear is soaking up the vaginal discharge. It's cheaper/easier to clean/replace $5 panties than the more expensive outer garments.

>> No.17249721

One utilitarian purpose of women's underwear is soaking up the vaginal discharge. It's cheaper/easier to clean/replace $5 panties than the more expensive outer garments.

>> No.17250029
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 05D9C05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres just something about these.

>> No.17250201

I think it was more like, once he's at the point where he's seeing your underwear, it doesn't matter

>> No.17250206

>Granted I am 5'7 250 lbs
dios mio

I was a fat fuck when I was 250lbs at 6ft tall. 5 inches off of that and man...

>> No.17250222

Everyone should wear thongs, they're super confy!

>> No.17250262


>> No.17250268

I want to have sex with him badly

>> No.17250286
File: 1.46 MB, 3277x4096, E4Oe3QuXwAIzYkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pasta
I knew the whole time you were pretending
checked and agreed

>> No.17250314

no im tired of seeing pics of women wearing those type. lace panties are best.

>> No.17250321

What's his name? And do you look anything like him?

>> No.17250354
File: 1.52 MB, 2448x2448, 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot his name and I don't really look like him but I do wear thongs if that's what you're asking.

>> No.17250355

100% bait no way this is a serious post

>> No.17250372
File: 23 KB, 300x300, redd-foxx-wash-ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17250382

>Thongs are genuinely more comfortable
no they're fucking not

>> No.17250384
File: 219 KB, 1500x1500, 626935-901-yellow-side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucking are. You can take my man-thongs when you pry them out of my cold dead ass-crack.

>> No.17250424

Is that you?

>> No.17250427

Common the smell isn’t that bad if you can’t handle my shit you don’t deserve me

>> No.17250616

>it's bullshit that we basically can't wear anything other than boxer briefs without being seen as either gay or really nerdy and uncool
Started wearing good quality designer briefs. Yeah, it's absolutely marketed at the gay community, but I said fuck it and gave it a try. They're extremely comfortable, the gents get great support and kept away from the body, and the wife likes how I look in them. Also mixed in a good number of Euro-cut trunks. Again, very comfortable with a modern, clean look. Stop giving a fuck about what society tells you to wear and just wear what's comfortable to you.

>> No.17250635
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1652996005869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not normal anon, people don't live like that

>> No.17250690

You're fat and delusional lmao. Your heart is going to give out 20 years ahead of schedule, you literally shit yourself constantly, and you get irate at anonymous people on the internet being honest with you.

>> No.17250887

Whatever you say baby

Yes it is. Everyone I know sharts sometimes. Basically if you wear a thong you can never fart

>> No.17250927

Agreed, and the BRIGHTER and more neon, the better.

>> No.17251005

Dude 5'7 250 is absolutely fat. Impossible to have that much muscle

>> No.17251019
File: 8 KB, 236x295, 0DF0D8AD-0A8E-41E5-BC6A-255C31876DE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I usually have poop excrement coming out my butthole
nigga what, im 245 and I don’t have leaky asshole, quit letting your uncle molest you

>> No.17251034

I don’t let him
I want him

>> No.17251048
File: 380 KB, 1926x2457, 202251618-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, I agree with you.

>> No.17251156

unfathomably based

>> No.17251214

post moar

>> No.17251216


>> No.17251256

do you have hemorrhoids? that can sometimes cause a leaky asshole

>> No.17251347

I have never fucking sharted in my entire life. The absolute state of amerilards

>> No.17251376

Calm it with the white supremacy.

>> No.17251432

got any twinks in thongs?

>> No.17251559
File: 321 KB, 1773x2364, IMG_20220912_045148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so sure if they're more comfortable to wear than regular panties but they're much easier to be washed by hands

>> No.17251560
File: 247 KB, 583x363, 1527881113851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Granted I am 5'7 250 lbs

>> No.17251789

Post pic of your ass

>> No.17251817

Do you like twinks?

>> No.17252318

Can't stand the sides of underwear forcefully stretched up past the hips like this, looks really dumb.

>> No.17252351

It's a sign of sexual power and it intimidates sexless losers like you

>> No.17252494

date me please

>> No.17253422

>I've legit never had skidmarks in my entire life, thought that was more of a meme
I'm fit, eat healthy, low fat diet, and really hygienic (wash myself after every shit if only I can) and yet I can't wear white underwear. It's not even skid marks, but a certain discoloration which shows after several uses.

>> No.17253546

>he takes a shower/bath after every single shit
bro just get a bidet lmao

>> No.17254318

Who says I don't own one?

>> No.17254551

I used to have swamp ass but I haven't had it ever since I started wiping myself for like 10 minutes, after I poop.

>> No.17254556

I honestly disagree. I've tried all type of male underwear (even thongs), and I think boxer shorts are the most comfortable.

>> No.17254566

I don't like those at all. That's some zoomer trend.

>> No.17254625

anyone here who says they don't have swamp ass is a liar. At least for men. For women I don't know. They might not have swamp ass but most women are not walking around in thongs all day

>> No.17254704
File: 43 KB, 1247x879, 61jBPvH4uHL._AC_SY879._SX._UX._SY._UY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to but ever since I bought a load of these and started applying talcum powder on particularly hot days my ass is now dryer than the Atacama desert.

>> No.17254711

no issues with marks or stains ever?

>> No.17254720

None. I'm very well endowed in the ass department though so even if my ass was shitty the trouser fabric couldn't get close enough to mark. But definitely give them a try, I always recommend talcum powder. Clubman Pinaud is my go to.

>> No.17254728

i might have to give it a go, but after i see to a bit of doc assisted weight loss. ive got hank hill ass atm but its from fat, i move too much to have a flat ass muscle wise these days.

>> No.17254739

>hank hill ass
Now that's depressing. Men look better with their jeans filled to capacity.

>> No.17254760

its more, childhood obesity means all my fat is sat above my back and around my glute. ive prodded myself plenty and i can feel that theres muscle under it. ive even got a half decent feeling adonis belt over the front but i cant fucking see it because fat. ill be seeing a doc on it later this year hopefully. getting rid of this will be worth every penny.

>> No.17254804

That's a shame. If you're going to be fat it's a good idea to do it after you've hit puberty right? That way you've got that "man" fat rather than androgynous sack fat. Anyway, good luck obeseanon!

>> No.17254857

well, ive been trying to have real, full success with weight loss for 10 years, and you just never quite get there. theres always something that wont go. fuck it then, ill go get it cut out of me and be done with it. im tired of being fat even after all this effort.

>> No.17254883

10 years! I would've given in to the fat by now.

>> No.17254887

Twinks sould wear thongs (panties) only tbf. Anything else is a total waste

>> No.17254891
File: 116 KB, 1078x806, Screenshot_20220916-090013_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind would look good on me?

>> No.17254903

crotchless ones

backless ones?

cant give up on it anon, ive had a taste of what could be mine and i want more

>> No.17254909

But crotchless ones wouldn't really work for normal wear?

>> No.17255025

only if youre a pussy

>> No.17255053

Lose weight

>> No.17255061

Brazilian > thong
Brazilian panties look hot while being somewhat decent, if you have a great ass regular bikini bottoms should be the go-to drawers

>> No.17255081

Wouldn't it chafe when wearing pants?

>> No.17255105

depends on the sorts of pants you wear, how well they fit, and how much you move.

>> No.17255109

I wear Paige jeans mostly

>> No.17255129

try moleskin, corduroy, and velvet

>> No.17255191

I'd peobably take you to Hunkemöller or some other mid range place and grab 14 different thongs, some garter belts and corsets. I'm straight btw

>> No.17255284

Are you cute?

>> No.17255316
File: 956 KB, 2448x2447, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17255339

You have very nice skin.

>> No.17255367

Is this you?

>> No.17255369

Panty drawer pic pls?

>> No.17255506

uhh why?

>> No.17255523

Are you single?

>> No.17255525

Another dude telling women what to wear. Guess what, if you exclusively wear these, and youre a woman, you will get yeast infection. If youre unlucky, bacterial infection as well. This is not healthy underwear to wear. Vagina needs to breathe.

>> No.17255537

Vaginas are so disgusting

>> No.17255613
File: 597 KB, 2048x2048, schhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but I'm ace sorry

>> No.17255679


>> No.17256700
File: 37 KB, 435x435, 6E6B6DB3-50B0-44F1-BA12-A712C2D7CB7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ultimately though it’s about the butt that wears the underwear and not the underwear itself

>> No.17256707

ive never got a yeast infection, and i dont normally wear underwear. thats probably why. it's too humid in the summer. sweaty balls are disgusting . having excessive hair in your ass crackk is disgusting. keep it goinng

>> No.17256719

>Ultimately though it’s about the butt that wears the underwear and not the underwear itself
I literally get hard when I walk past manequins wearing thongs

>> No.17256808
File: 105 KB, 258x566, 6655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with boys
Relationships with women

>> No.17257028

The slack in the middle of the band looks bad

>> No.17257031

ywnbaw, roastie

>> No.17257150

??? all women's underwear is close fitting what's your point
you'll grow up someday fag

>> No.17257334

Nothing wrong with liking both pussy and dick.

>> No.17257797

It's the other way around, relationships and sex with men and casual sex with women

>> No.17257800
File: 42 KB, 600x750, Calvin-Klein-Underwear-Steel-Micro-U2715F_DK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men should wear this kind of underwear exclusively.

>> No.17257833

it's true i peeled off a little nympho's calvin klein sporty undies and could sense her little pussy needed to air out a bit , then we 69'd in that early afternoon light and i came so fucking hard. we went on a playful adventure date all afternoon and came back to fuck like a king and little princess from a neighboring kingdom. it was our final fuck, RIP

>> No.17257865

How did this thread become gay instead of being a dump of bimbos like >>17251048

>> No.17257877

nah, assless is nice

>> No.17257893

absolutely agree. a women with no panties ruins outer clothes. >>17249614 is either a man and doesn't realize how often a typical girl discharges, or is a gross woman.

>> No.17257894

Clothing models are boring and generic.

>> No.17258048

incorrect, unless you are a hot big boobed woman who records it for me

most posters here know absolutely nothing about women

>> No.17258316
File: 111 KB, 959x1280, 1642557154730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes attractive women even *more* attractive; on an average woman, it looks low-class, OP.

>> No.17258320

Jesus, bro, are you 16? You have to be 18 to post here

>my last wet dream was at age 25

>> No.17258530

Nah, I'm 26. Whaletails just did something with the 10 yo me that I can't explain.

>> No.17258741


>> No.17258934


>> No.17258948

I wish I was low-inhib enough to smoke crack on the subway.

>> No.17258954
File: 64 KB, 1080x654, ded533772add6515dfde88531115d062dd1eaac0bca99a7bbfadd63f4a398ef0_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17260726


>> No.17260793
File: 830 KB, 225x183, 1658318175146629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I reading. That's not normal anon, nobody lives like that. I'm scared to imagine what you look like.

>> No.17262222


>> No.17262723

Looks uncomfortable

>> No.17262751
File: 185 KB, 900x881, 1644196619085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woemsn panties are more comfortable than any kind of mens underwear
Prove me wrong
>protip: you cant

>> No.17262929

Hoss, I have been 240 at sub-15% BF and I was absolutely miserable. Joints hurt, blood pressure all over the place, the works (never had skid marks tho). And I’m 6’2”. You are NOT doing well at 10 lbs. heavier and 7” shorter. That’s why you’re shitting yourself.

>> No.17263410

Do you take pride in being this stupid?

>> No.17263584
File: 23 KB, 500x496, 1656354003447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soft white briefs

>> No.17263665


Fuck you Edgar

>> No.17264716

somehow the crackhead is more effay than everyone else

>> No.17265093
File: 6 KB, 222x227, UABox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They stopped making pic related a few years ago. Im pissed because I have yet to find a replacement. Under Armour Boxers were the best

>> No.17265149
