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17245844 No.17245844 [Reply] [Original]

You DO have a pair of dark wash jeans and a watch RIGHT?

>> No.17245855

(not related to women, which I hate)

>> No.17245866

Watches are no longer practical in an era where everyone carries a reasonably powerful computer in their pocket.

>> No.17245867

what kind of chinese is she

>> No.17245875

watches are to flex on other men for having no taste
>using a watch to tell the time
ngmi do not pass go do not collect pusy

>> No.17245878

I used to think this until I got annoyed with fishing my phone of my pocket and then putting it back again a dozen times a day.

>> No.17245883

>Watches are no longer practical
Spoken like a true misogynist incel. God...

>> No.17245897

It’s a lot more casual to glance at your wrist during a meeting as opposed to making a big show of how much you want to get out of there by checking the time on your phone. Might as well yawn in front of them and start texting.

>> No.17245910


>> No.17245916

I just wear the watch without winding it, it's just a flex and not supposed to show the actual time

>> No.17245976

It’s absurd to cater to what women tell you they want because
a) who fucking cares what they want and
b) even if it’s deeply important to you, women have no idea themselves until they see it.
Legitimately live for yourself. Not only will you be happier; if you really need women to approve of you, self realization is probably one of the only things they’re reliably attracted to because they’re like kids fumbling around waiting for someone with the vision and drive to guide them and give them purpose

>> No.17246013

Means you're not in rush to anywhere. Pretty good flex, ngl

>> No.17246015

You only wear them to draw attention or not allowed to have a phone at work

>> No.17246016


>> No.17246018
File: 666 KB, 465x783, vibing hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly woman. I'm a model. I have standards. Only date white girls.

>> No.17246284
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wanna tonguepunch her rice remover lads

>> No.17246314

always do the opposite of what videos like this tell you

>> No.17246370

I'll never wear a watch.

>> No.17246523

Fuck that, I still carry a mechanical pocket watch from time to time.

>> No.17246532
File: 112 KB, 828x962, pocket watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17246540

im not going to take sartorial suggestions from a woman who doesnt even know how to part her hair in the middle properly...

>> No.17246543

when i was a teenager my dad was telling me about how he read some article that young people arent wearing watches anymore and i said yeah thats because time is irrelevant and he looked at me funny and said no its because young people all have phones yet i did not have a phone whereas my sister did

>> No.17246562


>> No.17246573

retarded take bro

>> No.17246657
File: 200 KB, 256x350, 1633534657129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am so advanced that I don't look at my wrist to tell time
>I dig my hand into my pants, scoop out a phone and press a button, then I turn off the screen again and shove it back in to my pants
>I have to do this any time I need to know something as basic as the time of day
>I am advanced, this is progress

>> No.17246696
File: 47 KB, 591x631, 9876543456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like im going to listen to what this roastie has to say kek

literally the definition of filtered and ngmi

>> No.17246718

I need a good pair of jeans

>> No.17246743

You and me both, buddy. I've been considering pulling the trigger on something more high-end than my Levi's 501s but whenever I check some of them out I think "You know, I bet if I lost 10 pounds I could get down to a size 33." I've been telling myself that for almost a year now and honestly, even if I did lose those lbs, a 33 would probably not be too comfortable. Maybe I should just spend my money on a blowtorch and pull a Cayce Pollard. Would probably be cheaper anyway.

>> No.17247716

Shut in privileged zoomer.

Someone asking for the time is a common way to make idiots pull out their cell to steal it from them. By just looking at your wrist and then saying you don't carry a cell or anything as you have a watch negates this.

>hurr whad if i have a 10k watch on

You don't.

>> No.17247740

My watch tells me how long I was asleep for and that's all I care about

>> No.17247744

dark wash jeans are for insufferable MFA raw denim obsessed numale faggots

>> No.17247759

I thought America was the land of individualism?
Sure are hostile to invidualiality.

>> No.17247937

it is the land of selfishness.
There is a distinct difference.

>> No.17247954


>> No.17248108
File: 39 KB, 229x343, chrysippus alledgedly died.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck absolutely random grandad anecdote that went nowhere

>> No.17248130

Which was the style at the time

>> No.17248213

Same guy you responded to, but, real talk, isn't the pocket watch guy's stance actually reasonable, and the people at the other table just douches? I like tinkering with mechanical watches as an amateur watchmaker, I can service a simple watch with a day/date complication or an alarm clock, and I have a soft spot for retro fashion and the values that the time held. Actually scorning someone for that reason, unprovoked, is actually just petty and overly aggressive.

>> No.17248263

if a woman advises anything i immediately cast the strongest doubt on it. i have never once heard a good opinion on anything from a woman.

>> No.17248352

You have to be 18+ to post on 4chan

>> No.17248501


>> No.17248502

Nerds like you need to be bullied.

>> No.17248517
File: 23 KB, 526x327, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are useful to know the hours. Also, when leaving home, i never forget to pick the boot little shurikens in case you need to acellerate the horse to run away from bandits.

>> No.17248534

I’ve been saying this in the watch threads and so they hate me

>> No.17248603


they seem really triggered

desu, my guess is the people at the table just had some sort of bet or debate or something about what the chain was attached to and one of the doods at the table decided to go be a jerk and verify that it was a pocket watch as opposed to a wallet or something else.

>> No.17248843

.t Watchcels too afraid to admit that their fixation is glorified jewelry for men

>> No.17248851

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.17250342

goblina phenotype

>> No.17250402

um no I’m a woman? you’re so clueless

>> No.17250433

That's one way of saying you're unemployed

>> No.17250443

Bro get rid of that demon box. Get a flip phone and a flac player.

>> No.17250445

This is why art watches exist. They are also good for saunas. Heart rate, timer, music controller without your phone overheating.

>> No.17250447

>living in a bug hive
>not owning a car

>> No.17250941

more like gobblin' phenotype as in gobblin up that pussy and sushi chute

>> No.17251101

Exactly this.

If they see a guy they like wearing a watch, they like watches. If the guy they like is sporting a naked wrist, then watches are pretentious and uncool.

>> No.17251142

>rice remover
>sushi chute

not sure I can fap to this