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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 275 KB, 1104x750, DE0CBCB9-1CF1-41CE-8808-0687A47BCF92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17219464 No.17219464 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17219470
File: 97 KB, 979x652, CF2B71A4-CE97-4EDF-B8EF-61522E26EB96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17219489

the guy from diiv ?

>> No.17219526
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>> No.17219611
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>> No.17219622

Do skinny girls want a big guy or a skinny guy?

>> No.17220448
File: 167 KB, 720x1061, 9016C225-5574-430F-BA42-189742367A98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people ever ask these questions
Tastes are relative.

There’s infinite unique girls with unique loves.

Feederism is eternally the most common fetish among girls.
But even so, many feeder girls prefer to start with a non-fat guy and make them fat over time. Or get fat together.

>> No.17220478
File: 590 KB, 458x795, behold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny dweebs

>> No.17220490
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1282, Starcrawler9_CreditJohnHutchings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17220535

>Feederism is eternally the most common fetish among girls.
this nigga joking right

>> No.17220586
File: 783 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_8869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw gym religiously and see your picture being used in a thinspo thread....

>> No.17220733

Cover photo too top kek

>> No.17220750
File: 44 KB, 567x597, FbWarGcUEAATM5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the requirement to be involuntarily inpatient, like at what bmi does the doctor force you into recovery

>> No.17220755

idk but I was sent to the hospital when my pulse was in the low 40's. they tried three different machines and did a physical reading before they told me they were calling an ambulance.

>> No.17220999

id on the pants?

>> No.17221058

palace persailles pants

>> No.17221149
File: 164 KB, 800x1120, 1661896344647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll never be thin

>> No.17221427

Just finished a 96 hr fast now 16.6 bmi. Was staying around 16.8-17.2 but I feel now I’ll stay in 16 until 15. Even a drunk binge won’t hit 17

>> No.17221474
File: 12 KB, 300x250, snot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bmi right now is 17.2. I just brushed my hair for about three hours while dancing around on my feet without being able to stop because the fucking amphetamine doesn't wear off (it's been 12 hours I last redosed, and I've been awake for more than 24), even benzos didn't help. My eyes hurt from having looked into the mirror so much. Now I'm slowly getting tired, though. And I think I'm pretty well hydrated for my standards, so no annoying pains so far. I also just peeled some dried piece of blood out of my nose.

>> No.17221486

how much have they helped with losing, thinking of getting an adhd script to make it easier

>> No.17221644

what do those of you who aren’t complete degens eat to stay thin? looking for meal inspo so i can eat less without feeling like shit.

>> No.17221654
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, EYCzODZXQAAEauH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all mentally deranged sluts and faggots. Eat a burger or two and get a proper BMI, somewhere around the 30s.

>> No.17221663
File: 125 KB, 1125x1217, 1641554858790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17221693

Pb2 gives good macros add tuna if you didn’t buy i try on discount. I’ll cook two eggs and eat 10g pb2. Lazy and good nutrition I have others as I dont wsgjwant to get back there

>> No.17221855

New to thispo and want to lose a couple of pounds and get thinner, what are go to food choices you guys would recommend for the one meal with coffee I'll be having?

>> No.17221914


>> No.17221920

potatoes are the most satiating food especially if you have them in big pieces. not much protein though, have some beans too (not the ones in goysauce)

>> No.17221928

this is a dumb image because it implies the guy was a slayer and then decided he'd settle down because of the baldness.
if a guy slayed when he had the hair he would still do okay, at worst, after the baldness set in.

women deciding to settle down when they are used-up and broken is very different and very observable.

>> No.17222011

I like potatoes, a little vinegar and salt and that should be an ok meal to have for one of my days.

>> No.17222331

So, I'm almost at the end of my weight loss journey, nearly 80 pounds in 3 months. Just trying to lose 5 more pounds
It's been unreal experiencing all the health benefits. My resting heart rate is 48 bpm.

>> No.17222340
File: 68 KB, 780x520, _methode_times_prodmigration_web_bin_d3303753-c36c-3940-88f9-c4b4548a6738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17222360
File: 173 KB, 750x750, CA2884C9-52A6-48F6-988C-BEBD36AD72DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats you in the pic?

Utmost respect

>> No.17222404

I’ve Been Having A Salmon Bowl From Work Since 1 Meal Is Free
It Has Salmon , Avocado, Fresh Spinach, Pico, A Scoop Of Potato And Whole BeansWith Some Running.
Topo Chico Helps With A Electrolytes Drink That Has Zero Sugar

>> No.17222573

Both wasted their potential with a selfish livestyle. Anon you are coping and also might be a mozzarella.

>> No.17222620
File: 109 KB, 1080x810, 302022394_165393966068146_6068649597238823180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else here do intermittent fasting?

>> No.17222631


yeah. I have a 16 hour eating window and then I fast for 8 hours

>> No.17222836


Fast Monday-Friday 8pm-12pm
No fasting on Weekends

>> No.17223022

That sounds really tasty and healthy, for my first night I had canned tuna with a little salad, small drizzle of olive oil, apple for dessert

>> No.17223034

I fast on weekends 7AM-9PM, but I usually throw in Friday as the weekend

>> No.17223310
File: 54 KB, 612x612, 1656606679660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This past week I've eaten 800 kcal a day. All of those calories were these shitty little biscuits. I'm 5'8, 109 lbs.

I feel like I'm dying. But that's okay because living sucks.

>> No.17223351

>calls cookies biscuits
>uses lbs

>> No.17223398
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, F52233A4-8DBA-48A7-878A-AA41B946216C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Here’s a Pic Of The Salmon Bowl

>> No.17223497

I am starting a 30 day fast tomorrow
Im probably gonna fail miserably
Most ive gone is 10 days and i felt really weak and dizzy on day 9

>> No.17223561

That looks like a lotta food for your one meal, is this something you lose weight or keep the weight you have?

>> No.17223573

Why The Fuck Do You Type Like This

>> No.17223630

Every girl wants a fit guy unless they have severe emotional trauma and were raped by a fat guy.

>> No.17223715
File: 124 KB, 832x683, 1612896858159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 20bmi skeleton boy and just wanted to figure out some clothing options
>Thread is just blogging and anorexic fetish thread


In seriousness whats the play as a thin fucker, turtlenecks? striped clothes? oversized baggy?

>> No.17223743

Is Not Really A Lot Of Food Mainly Spinach At Most Maybe 8 To 10 oz Of Salmon But I Still Lose Weight Because Of Running , And Walking A lot At Work.

>> No.17223746
File: 791 KB, 280x200, 47F120FC-F9FB-4E21-A648-59C212DD69B8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK I Like That It Becomes Annoying To Some People To The Point That Is Personal lol

>> No.17223765
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x3024, 95049D21-F3A6-4ACD-8E5B-4524C5A6CCC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve Been Just Wearing Oversized T-shirts With A Dropped Shoulder Look, And Just Tuck In With Some Black Jeans And A Nice Belt. I Try To Match The Belt Color With The Shoe Or Shoelaces

>> No.17224238

>on atypical antipsychotics which lower your metabolism
>already gained 10 lbs from my lowest weight
Should I drop my meds so I can lose weight be honest. They do work but I'd rather be schizo than fat.

>> No.17224259

So you sleep?

>> No.17224358

no retard, just eat less if you insist on being as skinny as possible

>> No.17224965

where cop gf who look like that???

>> No.17225048

imagine everyone worshiping LSD Anon and everything actually suddenly going right for everyone

>> No.17225500

so you know who to filter

>> No.17225811

Anyone here experience extreme bloating after drinking a few cups of water? I think I have some food-allergy or disease, but water shouldn't also cause crazy bloating right?

>> No.17226027

Water contains minerals. Water differs from place to place and so does the mineral composition. What about if your bloating is just your stomach that has suddenly expanded after shrinking?
Did you have anything else other than water?
Is the left underside of the bottom rib sticking out?

>> No.17226046

How do I stop being addicted to food?

>> No.17226195

Just drinking water in the morning before having anything to eat, mostly my upper abdominal

>> No.17226199
File: 223 KB, 750x999, 6ECA2C5D-E121-48C5-9E8E-5AFEE649FBDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The little star on the necklace is crucial

>> No.17226203
File: 134 KB, 750x408, A2C19739-167D-4C23-9779-8EA6D34477DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find other thoughts to enjoy.

Also drink a couple of glasses of water before every meal.

>> No.17226288

i made no progress since march

>> No.17226318

>before having anything to eat
So did you eat or did you not eat after said water consumption?

>> No.17226348

I am heavily abusing amphetamine

>> No.17226363

do xannies reduce appetite?

>> No.17226791
File: 863 KB, 2048x1536, F9EFAD23-7C29-4DE4-ADC8-1544FC7FC186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Coffee Does

>> No.17227065


>> No.17227118

you'll either wake up having eaten a heap of shit or nothing at all, no in between. Admittedly I weighed very little while on benzos, but they fuck your life up pretty bad, wouldnt recommend.

>> No.17227121
File: 166 KB, 1080x564, 2888B9BF-0B09-4D7E-AE0E-80BAACFE0F4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you leave the pickles to be pictured?

>> No.17227122

You don't put pickles your coffee?

>> No.17227123

>Feederism is eternally the most common fetish among girls.
nigga what

>> No.17227124

But you obviously put the pickles there for some reason. You don’t just keep them there, right?

>> No.17227125

Pickles aren’t a decoration anon

>> No.17227380
File: 128 KB, 634x870, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17227436
File: 196 KB, 750x1125, 210ED63D-52BA-4B81-80F6-7913543533B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody else have fits they’re excited to wear once they’re /thin/?

i personally love the low effort boring fits that only skinny people get to wear. the kind of outfit where the only interesting thing going on is the person wearing it.

>> No.17227490

okay then I think me havin the same portion size should also be fine, do you make sure to eat more if you feel like you really put your body through a lot?

>> No.17227636
File: 186 KB, 1120x977, 2019-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinny fat(2019) - 2022 (recent)

>> No.17227810
File: 3.46 MB, 3024x4032, DCAA58E5-09CD-49A2-9757-23A517AC001A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It Can Also Be A Toothbrush Holder

>> No.17227813

I'm going to rape you

>> No.17227816

Looking Good What Type Of Food Did you Eat Before And After ?

>> No.17227821

I Just Add Core Protein Milk/Lean
Core Has 170 kcal, Lean Has 280.Sometimes Whole Grain Pasta

>> No.17228149

I'm on day 6 of my 30 day. Going alright so far, i haven't weighed myself yet.

>> No.17229052

Y0u M1gh7 4s W3ll Ju5t T4lk L1k3 Th1s, F4gg0t

>> No.17229064

no real schedule. Only eat breakfast. Unless mum cooks dinner. Then only eat dinner

>> No.17229068

curious innit?

>> No.17229101

You Mean Type ?

>> No.17229667
File: 150 KB, 1280x1920, 9a29b68ab5f5d754f89c654969590c05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do women find emaciated guys attractive?

>> No.17229671
File: 79 KB, 816x737, 1660525325720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the woman. Some do, some don't. I like lean, muscular guys like pic related.

>> No.17229755

is getting a full body wax thinspo?

>> No.17229786
File: 865 KB, 1170x1039, C14C7694-8382-4862-939F-B0C19B39FAA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look like 149lbs? idk if my scale is lying to me because in my opinion this looks like 160. im 6’1 btw and I lift too.

>> No.17229828
File: 1.93 MB, 2400x3605, Sid__Nancy_78_5A0.width-2400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of girl would be into rail-thin me? I'm 5' 10" 125lb

>> No.17229860

depends on the guy. if he’s talented or good at something then yes. can be kinda pathetic and try hard if not.
has the right idea tho. strong guys are attractive even if they’re kinda cringe.

>> No.17229889

When I was 16 I wanted to look like this so bad.

Now I'm an adult and I think I could probably break these people in two. I prefer feeling like I won't got knocked out by a stray leaf in the wind desu.

>> No.17229947

I go back to uni in 1 month and I'm still fat, it's so over bros..

>> No.17230023

hmm pretty sure they dont honestly, and like a 5150 is easy or whatever but thatd have to be someone else in ur life prob

>> No.17230098
File: 190 KB, 699x1242, turtleneckcensor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently at my thinnest but I dont own a scale or know my measurements
>probably 28in waist (was 30 a year ago)

>> No.17230147

alana <3

>> No.17230180

Goals vghhhh, also do you lift?

>> No.17230412

damn, looking nice especially shoulders. btw do you mind showing haircut?

>> No.17230717

post body

>> No.17230764

He did

>> No.17230993
File: 191 KB, 749x1071, Hair09052022Censor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. I do pullups occasionally but majority of my exercise is thru sex
sure. I get it layered every 6 months of growth
maybe later I'll pull my shirt up or something

>> No.17231144

Hair looks really good

>> No.17231302
File: 298 KB, 1536x2048, 1662414550220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 bmi and still have lower belly fat

>> No.17231306

You have to be 18 to post here faggot, MOOOOOOOODS

>> No.17231375

stop eating refined carbs and sugars

drink lots of water

>> No.17231445

Can you eyeball your weight or bmi?

>> No.17231533

that is a grown Ass Dude. also v hot V v hot v hot v v hot
hot but prbly gay
yes. Yeah
is this your pic..? looks like a girl i know
you all look so good i wanna kms

>> No.17231575

BMI is a worthless meme metric, bucko. As you can see, it isn't useful.

>> No.17231850
File: 157 KB, 749x1331, turtleneckcensor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoulder length soon
weight probably 130, bmi no idea
im bi

>> No.17231921
File: 41 KB, 750x562, 5d66f9a86f24eb4ea4126965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is thinspo attractive?

>> No.17231939

guys I have a situation. I got onto twitter for thinspo pics/circles, got talking to people, and somehow I've ended up paying somebody who can barely afford to eat a bonus for every pound they lose.

Is this moral? is it legal?

>> No.17231943
File: 283 KB, 1440x1440, BDEE634D-FA33-4594-B12F-FE42FBDCFAB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny look is good if you’re 21 or younger but as time passes the thin look will seem pathetic and women want a more stronger frame

>> No.17231959
File: 415 KB, 2048x1536, Dasha Nekrasova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17232171
File: 53 KB, 960x1200, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny but fit.

>> No.17232249

when I was a skinny girll I only wanted skinny guys, but then I realized I wanted to be a skinny guy. I vary at the moment bc i'm trying to lose weight but I'm dating a bigger guy so I can feel smaller next to him

>> No.17232431

literally why do so many trannies have EDs? is it because they already fit the prerequisite of "hate your body" or are they all just fat?

>> No.17232455

Being thin makes it easier to look androgynous, or less like a mature man or woman. Although you look even more androgynous when you're morbidly obese desu, 600lbs of fat looks the same on both sexes and you might unironically pass

>> No.17232475 [DELETED] 

superskinny = androgynous
superfat = androgynous

Is that what you're saying?
Because you might be right. Then, when I think about it, maybe it's nature's way to say you're infertile. When you too skinny or too fat to be your own gender, you should be necked.

>> No.17232479

superskinny = androgynous
superfat = androgynous

Is that what you're saying?
Because you might be right. Then, when I think about it, maybe it's nature's way to say you're infertile. When you too skinny or too fat to be your own gender, it's too much distortion from the natural.

>> No.17232811

How do I get defined abs on thinspo?

>> No.17233223

Fucking do sit-ups. You new/fa/gs think spending massive amounts off money on jeezys and platforms thinking that chicks will start to like you. NO! Get off your ass and do a workout routine.

>> No.17233278

It's Yeezy not jeezy. I don't give a shit about nignogs but get it right.

>> No.17233312

Despite the packaging, those things are not biscuits

>> No.17233640

It makes me pause slightly before reading each word. like there's meant to be a period there.

>> No.17233696
File: 196 KB, 1222x661, timothee-chalamet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Picrel is probably the most sought-after man by zoomers.

>> No.17233712

That's a 10 year old's body.

>> No.17233761

he was 22 when his movie came out.

>> No.17234354
File: 253 KB, 1080x1350, 8EF9C020-9D88-4D7E-B1F7-9BCE00DC1A7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is she so perfect yet so r*tarded

>> No.17234358
File: 10 KB, 229x220, FL5v33_WQA4KZlQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... what do when rib cage is too big
when i suck in my belly, it looks way too disproportionate
are my bones too big to be thinmaxxing?

>> No.17234566

just wear a tshirt

>> No.17234644

you weren't skinny fat before. Also, post that collection of your selfies that gets posted around here every now and then

>> No.17234648


>> No.17235090

160lbs dude standing at 6'0" here.
What would be the quickest way to shed some weight? I'm trying to avoid skinny fat territory and go back to my weight from a couple of years ago (135 - 140lbs)

>> No.17235202

500-1000kcal deficit. Only do 1000kcal if you burn at least 300-500kcal a day thanks to exercise. Don't do a higher deficit and remember to eat enough protein and if you can - do some resistance exercise. That's it. Ohter than that eat whatever the fuck you want.
t. 6 foot 145lbs and was 200lbs a year ago.

>> No.17235264

Thanks bud

>> No.17235479

I started fasting for periods of 72hrs every other week or so in april 2022.

And then maintaining with OMAD at around 1000kcal per day

I was 127kg in April
I was 100kg in June

I then fell for the meme that i needed to exercise and eat a bit more to lose weight "safely" and just stagnated at 100kg. So now i'm back to the 72hr.

>> No.17235605
File: 82 KB, 736x981, Anna Khachiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna's body might even be more perfect, too bad she has a man's face.

>> No.17235905

dont neglect vitamins

>> No.17235917

I take multivitamin every day, and one salt deposit tablet

>> No.17235933


>> No.17235974

what are some good low rise slim/skinny jeans models for men?

>> No.17235977

Skinny or ottermode

>> No.17235994

It's all about the face tbqhwy

>> No.17235997
File: 627 KB, 1984x2083, C54120DD-3A3A-40E3-8658-BEAA74B39E59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they both honestly have a great sense of aesthetics.
i like anna’s dark features but find her autistic edgelord role playing to be kinda cringe for somebody her age. dasha at least leans into the “idk im a dumb actress” shtick.

either way they’re both autistic babes desu

>> No.17236207
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, 15010445032_8db51d78b5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5' 10" and my waist is 27.75"

30" is my goal waist.

I think I'm going to eat a burger today and treat myself.

I don't do alcohol, drugs or smoke, either.

>> No.17236240

Your wrists are fat so maybe you hit the genetic jackpot but I assume. Flexing fingers is a cope

>> No.17236271
File: 37 KB, 295x640, 2F1F3290-2B0D-4150-AC39-7E3AD275F5ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a mid 16-17 bmi 6’1 doing your kinda pose. The skin flaps are annoying but not like I can change that as I go lower

>> No.17236332

Lame pathetic cest le vie You are fat

>> No.17236397
File: 89 KB, 927x630, fatcel is volcel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some stuff I (man) can do to be awesome and brave, even if I stop being the thickmode I am now?
thinspo-benefitted sports:
>rock climbing, gymnastics,caving,etc

>> No.17237047
File: 437 KB, 640x800, Anna Khachiyan 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they both have a great sense of style.
Because nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels.

>> No.17237597
File: 491 KB, 259x189, 1660036858783707 4528534896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I doscovered this new diet called "fasting", ever heard of it?
I eat a bit in the morning, a bit at night, and just drink water and white monster(occassionaly) in between and I lose weight!
Lost about 4kg in a week, and Im not losing a single bit of muscle.
I can do this and not feel weakened, just feel a bit lazy.

Fatsos who like being fat should kill themselves NOW.

>> No.17237900

>i eat

>> No.17238023

i think hes talking about IF
that or hes just literally retarded

>> No.17239246

is it possible to be thin yet strong and fast?

>> No.17239295
File: 480 KB, 828x1172, 1662820059823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17239370

how to achieve this natty?

>> No.17239374

are you suggesting to get a gun? wtf

>> No.17239647

Ok alcohol poisoning sucks. I was told I was 6 breaths a minute. Why alcohol kill uw

>> No.17239656


>> No.17239664

6’1 124 lbs yes I feel dead that was Thursday

>> No.17239717
File: 182 KB, 754x869, fuqboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'5" and 150lbs
Should I gain muscle or muscle+fat? I can do either one. At work, when I wear a lot of safety gear, I look huge and I get way more respect and envy from people, so I'm thinking about bulking but I actually do enjoy being thin and strong at the same time, so how can I pull off a commanding look as this much of a lanklet?

A few years back I was a bit more muscular from when I worked a lot of manual labor. I was 160lbs of pure muscle at 6'3" and got tons of pussy, but I quit exercising and got down to 128lbs

>> No.17239722

Can you dunk?

>> No.17239729

muscle i think.
did a 6 month landscaping job last year doing coke all day only eating quinoa it was sick

>> No.17239766

Dude I can dunk ez at 6’1 so it’d take him at most 3 months to dunk if no leg muscles

>> No.17239797

I've been so constipated on thinspo. Ugh!

>> No.17239815

Not sure, I haven't been on a ball court in years. I was 5'11" when I got out of HS so I should try dunking again soon

Muscle+fat is way harder to pull off, since fat doesn't build up nicely when you're lean. Lanklets getting fat just end up looking like pudgy bitches. I'm probably gonna build up muscle first then put fat on the frame so it builds up nicely.

>> No.17239819

Fasting is better than restricting as breaking a fast usually makes you shit. Meanwhile the 500cal/day poops every 8 days

>> No.17239829
File: 32 KB, 640x324, ACA4E877-20A5-4F1E-A125-1FBA5D9C4BC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bmr is about 1500. No wonder skinny die when sick. Zero exercise but that high bpm damn

>> No.17239892
File: 47 KB, 600x450, greenkaiba (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gained weight, but now I'm losing it again. I'm almost there, bros. I'll soon be able to join these threads again.

>> No.17240170

Who is this

>> No.17240717
File: 342 KB, 387x580, 1615339705465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make sure you don't fall into the "lose and regain the same 5 lbs over and over gain" cycle! like me!

>> No.17241026

You have no idea how fucking motivated I am. I already lost 5 kilos (11lbs for muricans) and I'm not stoping.

>> No.17241066

So the jig is up. People saw my stomach and intestines moving. I really don’t want pointless ip

>> No.17241075

How can you see your intestines though your stomach? Show pic

>> No.17241076

I do that cycle for awhile then drop to a lower weight. I was stuck in 17 for like 5 months. But once I hit 16.5 was easy to stay

>> No.17241086

I lost about 4-6l of water I’m still a bit dehydrated. Wasn’t fun. 6’1 124 lbs getting dehydrated lol. I’m still feeling the regret even after the 8+ hrs of drinking 750 ml of water every 30 mins and eating sodium and potassium. Let’s just say my throat is raw

>> No.17241091

You're gonna fucking die eat something

>> No.17241102

But what if eating isn’t an interest?

>> No.17241106

Is living an interest?

>> No.17241112

You ignore the question but no. I understand those that starve as it’s what I usually do too

>> No.17241115
File: 134 KB, 800x800, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye then

>> No.17241118


>> No.17241190

The lower intestine shows up when you aren’t fat. Below that stomach fat you know. I’m like 8-12% bf I forget

>> No.17241199

I can count my ribs on my back these days so maybe 8% is fat logic lol

>> No.17241409

fat greasy heeb just walked outta the Godfather
Go back Hesh

>> No.17241575

I wish I could see that, I can't find any pics on google. Probably not as interesting looking as I'm imagining though

>> No.17241617
File: 82 KB, 509x339, succ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do those lipo cavitation, lipo derma vacuum, laser lipo, cryolipolisis, whatever really work or is it just another "skinny tea" meme shill moneygrab?
what about lymphatic drainage massage?
>tfw massive bloating for everything and nothing
>look like pregnant fat fuck even on fasting days
>suddenly flat stomach after a dump and/or compression through spandex
probably should go to a medical professional but the advice is always either more drugs, yoga or "healthy diet"

>> No.17241637

hello........ please any girl CIS BIOLOGICAL GIRL. please add me and we can diet together ............................. pangolin#9872 smiles

>> No.17241679
File: 107 KB, 320x400, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep yeah after about 36 or so hours awake you start to realize that you basically spent the entire previous day ritually redosing and not even thinking about it. and that the inordinate amount of amphetamine in your system will continue to circulate and keep your nervous system rigidly splayed out, like an electrocuted body, for a LONG fucking time. for the next 24 hours you will not be high anymore, but you will certainly not be able to sleep either.
focus enhancement will still be a thing but you won't be able to fucking do anything with it because sleep deprivation naturally fucks up your thoughts and makes you delirious.
then you start seeing phantoms and shadows and basically start dreaming while awake so that everything feels psychedelic and wrong (at this stage it helps to do something brainless and physical like take a walk or clean).

eventually, the last 12 hours coming down are pretty brutal and generally just weird cognitively. very ugly and strange thoughts can persist throughout the whole time and take on a dreamlike visual aspect.

ive never done meth but supposedly it keeps you up even longer and the psychosis part is even worse. but people also generally try to get like even 2-4 hours of sleep in the span of an 80 hour bender or whatever, and just that tiny amount can help tremendously.

im only 20 hours in. i still feel safe and good, might even do one more tiny bump

>> No.17241716

Eating is one of the most common coping mechanisms + not caring about your body (pre trans) makes it easier to fall into that trap.

>t. ranny with binging + purging problems but I refuse to go to a psychiatrist

>> No.17241718
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this gonna be my last year using steroids, after 2022 i'm going back scrawny mode to fashionmaxx

>> No.17241869
File: 1.43 MB, 3088x2320, 203B6D2B-B04C-4A43-852F-312F4C3C8223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only place i trust to be honest. am i fat?

>> No.17241878

Can’t tell you much without seeing your whole frame but I’m guessing you should lose 15lb to start with

>> No.17241881

i just put on 20 youre absolutely right

>> No.17241883

It shows. You’re bulging

>> No.17242017

Stand up

>> No.17242047

should i be exercising at all if im on a fast? im thinking no..

>> No.17242113

wouldn't say fat but you could lose some pounds for sure, at least from this angle. Take another pic standing up

>> No.17242238

dear god no I am 5'9"@135 and too small, why would you want that

>> No.17242272

>20bmi skeleton
You are normal, not a “skeleton”

>> No.17242819
File: 95 KB, 1200x675, https---cdn.cnn.com-cnnnext-dam-assets-220613232351-biden-reelection-white-house-karine-jean-pierre-cnntv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 9 feet tall and I weigh 50 lbs. Does /fa/ approach? Please love me.

>> No.17242848

Clip your nails

>> No.17243138
File: 541 KB, 1365x2048, flat stomach jimin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need advice and help: I want to tap into my suicidal ideation to lose all fear of pain and dread of fatigue, and perform strenous cardio on a caloric -restricted- diet.
How do I get out of my (((comfort zone))). Even if its just for one year before I turn 30,I want to shine as a thinspo boy.
I just need a little push, to fulfill and claim all my willpower and determination.

>> No.17243191
File: 113 KB, 280x280, 1662901476416712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw missed out on being thin
>tfw I was actually kinda a fag and realized it too late
>tfw could've lost weight when I was 18 and slept around
>tfw I'm still kinda a skinnyfat fuck at 24
I died the gay/thinspo death before I even realized it was a thing. I wish I could be young again

>> No.17243236

you still have at least, 2 years, before you're an old fuck who needs to die

>> No.17243532

>almost reach my goal weight
>become an alcoholic
>gain a bunch of weight
>cant stop drinking and cant lose weight
this sucks for several reasons

>> No.17243724

if you're not eating 1 cup of each of broccoli almonds and fish and drinking 10 liters of water and running 4.5 miles so you wake up the next day with a 120 bpm resting heart rate, you don't care enough

>> No.17243806

drink only carb free alcohols like vodka or light beers

>> No.17243954

Praise be o great Nyarlathotep.

>> No.17243963

Dasha Nekrasova

>> No.17244036

can i kiss this tummy please

>> No.17244137

not fat not skinny, just average

>> No.17244205


I had a 14.1 bmi and my admission into the anorexia hospital was involuntary. took me to court

>> No.17244583

Start smoking or doing meth to offset the weight gain.

>> No.17244649

So I recovered from that poisoning which was dumb, unless I tried to trick myself it was only 1l of vodka but I guess being in the 120s at 6’1 means I gotta pace like a nonamerican kek
I’ve burned around 3500 cals a day staying in bed this is too funny except just feel like death

>> No.17244658

Small? I don’t want ip and I know technically anyone could do a welfare check and fuck me these days

>> No.17245347

looking for fitness/ana buddy

>> No.17245405

fucking eat for christs sake

>> No.17245490

What do you mean by small lmao

>> No.17245498

went to bed shivering with hunger last night then passed out in lab this morning lol

>> No.17245512

train your core pal you will look way more aesthetic

>> No.17245999
File: 62 KB, 612x551, 306461961_1212194856290652_3669801342509966507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello does anyone know who is the model next to Leon Dame? ty

>> No.17246096

what the fuck happened to this guy

>> No.17246099

that's classic paul dano

>> No.17246179

its nottttt youre trolling me i really need to know that guys name lol

>> No.17246205
File: 145 KB, 828x1518, FA8790FF-333E-49C1-A0A8-486753CB80C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are my knees so Fucking Knobby

>> No.17246267

you know what I'm thinking? METH. who's with me?

>> No.17246274

I wish I looked like that

>> No.17246334

You might if you bought a skirt and heels

>> No.17246708

If you are a real woman with a vagina, then you look very attractive.

>> No.17246734
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>> No.17246741
File: 221 KB, 2554x1288, 113CED9E-87F8-4469-86D6-F4A270CAF945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Body ?

>> No.17246770
File: 170 KB, 800x1048, 1651768392256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daan Duez

>> No.17246806

it is very attainable
thanks i Guess. I’m trying to lose 15 more pounds

>> No.17246911

>thanks i Guess. I’m trying to lose 15 more pounds
Invite me to your funeral.

>> No.17246919

??? i’m not even that thin. i’m 110 Pounds (49.8 kg) and 5’2 lmao i’m fucking Lard

>> No.17247140


>> No.17247144

you need a gastrologist if you're genuinely bloated
try probiotic pills and looking into low fodmap diet on the off chance you have ibs

>> No.17247175
File: 419 KB, 867x1830, Snapchat-1889612295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me kiss you

>> No.17247298

I haven't eaten in 65 hours and I feel like shit. But I lost 6 pounds so far.
Tell me honestly /fa/ am I going to die if I continue?

>> No.17247300

Drink water + an apple and you'll be fine

>> No.17247326
File: 52 KB, 1200x720, 7e310d629e1e538c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wasn't old and bloated bros. Mid 20s really is the point of no return, there's no youth left in a man anymore

>> No.17247345

still see guys in their thirties and forties with little to no bloat, how do they do out?

>> No.17247445
File: 415 KB, 1600x1933, 08957128902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60 something years old
>skinny and with a very lean face
just say you are a lazy cunt

>> No.17247451

I've been bloated as fuck all my life
I'm 25 but first got under 160lbs when I was 18. Then got fat to 200, then at 21 I got back to 155, and I was still bloated gargantuously and monstrously and goblinly.

It's just being cursed with bad digestion, insulin resistance, maybe longer then average intestines, badly localized fat storage; all or some combination of any of these.

>> No.17247460


>> No.17247480
File: 206 KB, 1125x2000, IMG_20220915_150128_603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of those pics posted are not me and taken from my socials lol I don't really go on 4chan anymore

>> No.17247483

Can I be your bf?

>> No.17247621

You're crazy and schizophrenic so I have no idea if you're lying or not

>> No.17247629

She is not that skinny at all

>> No.17248138

is there any way I could end a 4 year long restrict-binge cycle without getting fat? I cannot even count how many times ive lost gained and then lost again the same 15 pounds.

>> No.17248436

SIR.... are you straight? Please be straight.

>> No.17248457

Well, it's been a while /thin/... I was so skinny thanks to this board back in 2016, managed to keep it up until 2019 and now it's finally happened. I'm back to the approximate equivalent weight I was when I first started /thinspo/ and restricting.... I've let myself go from covid and depression, but I'm fucking sick of seeing this body in the mirror. It's only getting harder to lose as I get older so I'm going to go back to restricting again, but god I don't even know where the fuck to start... and all this stupid body positivity shit and 'anti eating disorder' just makes it so much harder to find a community to help push me, unless i join a fucking gym and I couldn't be fucked to deal with THAT shit. It's so slow because they want to bleed you for all your money. So what do I do? When I started I was living at home and had space and privacy to work out in my own home, but now I live in a cramped share house and have no room to work out, and I hate working out in public, even if I know realistically no one really cares about you.
Maybe I'm just making excuses. Every time I bring it up with friends they don't understand. They don't think i'm fat, they say at least I'm not ugly, but it's not just about how I look, it's about how I feel, and I feel like fucking shit.

So I'm back because this is the only thing that helped me lose weight.

>> No.17248460

How old are you

>> No.17248462


>> No.17248472

Height weight?

>> No.17248508

like 5'4" and I'd say probably 65kg... too scared to weigh myself but that's about what I was last I checked, I might be 68~. I'm female.

>> No.17248513
File: 821 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20220915-192036_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah calorie restriction is going to be necessary. I'm 191cm and 65kg

>> No.17248521

Have you tried intermittent fasting? Not only does it help you lose weight but there is also evidence that it can slow the aging process and have other health benefits

>> No.17248559

My calorie restriction back when i first started was 1200 and it really worked wonders for me. I used to track with 'Lose It' app, though it was difficult to always get accurate numbers i feel like it still helped immensely.

I feel like I passively IF just by nature of like. Sleeping. I tend to not eat until midday and I don't have food late at night. So from like 8PM to 12PM? I don't think it inherently works for me more than calorie deficit.

Also I went vegan and it helped me keep off weight for ages. Since I stopped being vegan the weight just came back so quickly. veganism helped me be passively skinny, I didn't have to work out too hard to stay relatively skinny, even if i wasn't /thin/, it felt a lot better to look 'healthy' and not chubby like i look now.

>> No.17248761

thinspo only works for /fa/ cities like nyc/boston/san francisco
everywhere else you should lift

>> No.17248922

how the fuck do you guys sleep if you drink coffee all the time? do you just not sleep?

>> No.17249063
File: 437 KB, 500x280, f0fd0abd00043c8161e7a778dff93a73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nana peak thinspo?

>> No.17249108

These people are so nutrient deprived that they can sleep whenever they want, even if they're full of caffeine. Their frail bodies need to preserve whatever little bit of energy they have left. Sometimes they just pass out like this fuck >>17245498

>> No.17249305
File: 62 KB, 668x1000, 858E7CD6-5BA3-44E6-B28D-C9064CB88A41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17249417 [DELETED] 

How do I cope with the fact that due to being in the 95th percentile of shoulder width I will never be thinspo?

>> No.17249435

rope yourself and better luck next time

>> No.17249590
File: 21 KB, 680x542, d8af7f678e0fc4f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being skinny at my age is unattractive, it's something you should do when you're younger

>> No.17249727

why does everyone want thin eyebrows? I feel like it looks as ridiculous as the big lips and wide butt. I like whatever looks natural on a person

>> No.17249989

It's about proportions too, not everyone is slim enough

>> No.17250266

Why was the new thinspo deleted

>> No.17250270

made by some skinnyfat attentionwhore who wasn't even wearing clothes
at least make it /fa/

>> No.17250451

Whenever I (25) eat carbs, I end up being bloated as fuck. Couple of days with fewer carbs (and said carbs being whole grain, not that processed shit) and I'm back to no bloat.

>> No.17250701

Please seek a therapist.

>> No.17250722

ok i finished this 4 months doing steroids and then i'm going full thinspo

>> No.17250924
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 821F203F-6B96-4B94-A429-98BC423E78A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17251012
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how do I stop binging (and purging)

>> No.17251288
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update on this:
spent 5 days sleeping and being miserable and not being able to leave my bed and being crushed by hopelessness.
now im back at 200%. no idea how i powered through that, i guess as i said, by sleeping through it.

abusing stimulants at high doses mimicks some kind of severely turbulent BPD shit. hopefully i get sick of it soon. this is unsustainable.

>> No.17251418
File: 831 KB, 1279x775, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17251422
File: 84 KB, 1080x720, 29222646602021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely right

>> No.17251448

If you where skinny fat before, you're skinny fat now. Might want to work in some body weight exercises along with what I'm going to assume is a sustained caloric deficit. Burn the candle at both ends, so to say.

That or you could go the other way. Eat at a surplus, and exercise.

Regardless, you'll look better toned.

>> No.17251458

>I lift too
Clearly not a lot.

How about you stop staring at the scale, seeing as you view it as little less then a spook, and go off what you see.

Spoiler alert: You have body dysmorphia, and loosing more weight isn't going to fix that.

>> No.17251488

i weigh 170 lbs and want to kill myself.

>> No.17251493
File: 745 KB, 1125x1668, F093EE0B-63F4-4F34-B9EC-FA0A8A9C4BEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread

>> No.17251566

I’m 6’1 and currently 129 lbs but back when I did lift his body shows core strength and at least useful upper body muscles. Most people don’t care about fatties bragging about lifting objects instead of useful muscles.
As for 150 lbs I can see it as you’re not low bf and cursed stomach like most of us. Though it looks like you ate recently or bad posture

>> No.17251600

So the result of alc poisoning was just 4 lbs lol. I guess I’m cursed as I succeeded and now the cold is coming. This fall will be free cardio

>> No.17251842

eat tons of carrots, like eat half a bag of baby carrots everyday, they have a ton of indigestible fiber and will help pull the bacteria out of your digestive tract. if thats not enough consider seeing a naturopath and getting on a course of antibiotics, I dont remember which kind specifically but I think it might be tetracyclines e.g. doxy that can help with bacterial overgrowth

>> No.17252783

I do not take bald people seriously.

>> No.17252925

yeah this is legit really good maybe more pectorals but its very close to spot on

>> No.17252986

talk to a psychiatrist

>> No.17253171

How to skinnymaxx fast? I have a BMI of 22 and I want to get to 17.

>> No.17253427

I went from 22.5 bmi to 18 in 2.5 months via just fasting and cardio. But if you were serious you’d just not eat already

>> No.17253480

Not her (?) But my face looks best with thin eyebrows, it's such a hassle having to pluck hairs every day tho

>> No.17253485

Balletmaxxing I guess

>> No.17253524

Yep or just use your body. I’m 16 bmi I can still do 10 chin-ups, plank for around 2 min and run for too many hours lol. I know I lost raw strength but whateve

>> No.17253537

>penis owner

>> No.17253565

No one going to post on a blue faggot

>> No.17254557

Black slimfit jeans and a black t-shirt.
I want to enjoy being the skinny tall dude for a while. Maybe even wear a light jacket on a windy day despite it being summer.

>> No.17254889

how does one goes from extra-skinny fat (noodle arms level) to this (without leaving my room)?

>> No.17254892

Intermittent fasting? I've tried that but I don't lose weight. I eat less than 1000 calories a day. I'll try cardio.

>> No.17254894
File: 211 KB, 754x908, Screenshot_20220916-001955_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 bmi

>> No.17256304

fridge waist

>> No.17256463
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1e88bd0b68a12dc0fc2e896e3730bb4fc50b4f5f2ac670135f75bbbaf6b9f73a_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, what can I do aside from that? I don't like how a psychiatrist has the power to ruin my life just by talking to them.

>> No.17256508

Seriously? How? I tried not eating and I get so hungry. How do you go multiple days without eating a bunch of food?

Also how much cardio

>> No.17256518

i eat like 2-3 times that much food in a day but bike or walk everywhere, play basketball 3-5 times a week, work out a couple times a week... it's so much better to live this way than sit around feeling hungry all day. i still lose weight unless i'm drinking and then it's a steady plateau with more bloating than i'd prefer

>> No.17256560

Rat face

>> No.17256609


>> No.17256834
File: 74 KB, 770x600, 1663507289436621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't lock you in for an ED desu, only if you're severely underweight. You can also tell your family or a friend so that they know to check up on you but you have to ultimately make the decision yourself to stop binging and purging. I believe in you anon.

>> No.17257506

Please lift one (1) weight

>> No.17258003

been fasting for 2 straight days, 48 hours
woke up this morning on the 3rd day nauseous as fuck. quickly made myself some food and upon trying it i almost threw up, couldnt finish it, not even halfway
am i overdoing it? idk what to do now, im objectively starving but cant force myself to eat at this point else i will feel even worse

>> No.17258004

do you know what you're doing? that sounds bad
if you do intermittent fasting you'll lose mad weight or are you actually ED?

>> No.17258007

That's called anorexia. Usually intermittent fasting is the way to go. Eat one meal a day that way you're not killing yourself

>> No.17258038

nah ive been fasting for 24 hours for years now, intermittent fasting doesnt do jackshit for me, never did. maybe my metabolism is fucked.
im overweight slightly still but at a standstill; 1 day fasts didnt do it for me anymore so i decided to go for 2 or possibly even 3, lots of /fit/fags do that already. i weighed myself earlier and im down 2 kilos already, so it worked, but what happened after i never experienced before

>> No.17258176

Start with something easy on the stomach like tea with honey or idk some bloody crackers

>> No.17258302
File: 388 KB, 1200x1200, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been eating around 300-500 cal a day and have lost 8 pounds in two weeks.. kinda mad. maybe it's water weight? idfk, i definitely don't look 8 pounds lighter in *my* opinion..
i've started today with two eggs-140 cal cooked with 1/2 tbsp of butter-165 cal total so far

>> No.17259503
File: 169 KB, 1482x2273, SPOILER_IMG_20220912_164910_edit_465366895844612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 24 yo, 57 kg, 178 cm.
I dunno if I should go lower, it seems kinda dangerous...