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17203753 No.17203753 [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong with zoomer fashion?

>> No.17203775

zoomers themselves

>> No.17203797

Bussin af fr no cap, btw bro u seen that new kaws x uniqlo collab?

>> No.17203801

These people are just wearing clothes, what do you meant what went wrong with zoomer fashion? These people dont really care for fashion and are just wearing clothes, similar to how any other GEN was just wearing clothes but looks cool because muh nostalgia.

>> No.17203802

Holy shit what a bunch of mutants. All short and stocky. Not a single collared shirt. Same basic haircut. This country is fucked.

>> No.17203902

not ONE pair of waxed denim at all, dear god i worry for your country

>> No.17203977

>all spics

Holy shit even Colorado looks like that now?

>> No.17203986

Nearly all people who put on clothes have thought to themselves that they look good. It's a very rare person who never thinks about what they're wearing.

>> No.17204002

so the 56% thing really isn't a meme, huh

>> No.17204049

it's fucked up. I think i saw 2, MAYBE 3 white kids.
the rest are mutts.

>> No.17204078

welcome to the future

>> No.17204087

I hate male bonding.
>i wanna look like my bruh
fucking cattle

>> No.17204116

What am I supposed to be looking at here? I might be moving to Colorado for a while in a few weeks

>> No.17204120

Most of the mutts were American ‘whites’

>> No.17204122

Ironic considering most of the hispanics are mostly just indigenous with Europen and the whites are probably Polish, English, Irish, etc... etc... so the whites you saw are the mutts

>> No.17204131

literally the opposite

>> No.17204185

do all spics dress the same?

>> No.17204193

google "tall poppy syndrome"

>> No.17204198

I see you aren't American

>> No.17204203

yes, thank you jesus

>> No.17204204

Very little of that would look too out of place 20 or even 30 years ago.

>> No.17204218

I 'think' they were hotboxing the bathroom.

>> No.17204232

it's funny though

>> No.17204251

Not a single university stripe OCBD or pair of Clark’s desert boots. I weep for the future.

>> No.17204325 [DELETED] 
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wtf am I seein double here?

>> No.17204330
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who wore it better?

>> No.17204332

Zoomers are a plague

>> No.17204808

bowlcut nation

>> No.17205059

>collared shirt
>in school
you got bullied didnt you and its colorado what do you expect theyre almost all mexican

>> No.17205064

>what do you meant what went wrong with zoomer fashion?
What OP means is that he's an aging millennial who's looking at 40 and angry that young people are doing things he doesn't approve of.

>> No.17205153

They have been totally niggerfied. Just look at how they dress, how they talk, how they walk. In almost every way they black.

>> No.17205161

they are just wearing the shit they find in brick stores
also comfort wear came back because they were all in zoom classes and could wear pyjams to class, and when school resumed in person, they were too lazy to switch back to jeans
I thought that was kind of cool

>> No.17205198

t. kike

>> No.17205228

>tee and jeans
>norm since the 1950s
Perhaps you're the problem?

>> No.17205281

Dios Mio
Los Atrocidads

>> No.17205282

Their parents dress them

>> No.17205290

Exactly. Highschool kids aren’t buying their own shit until maybe Jr year

>> No.17205299

Haven't children been dressed in the most basic branded logo T+basic pants+sneakers since the 80s and logo-less equivalent back to the 50s?

Doesn't seem to be a Zoomer problem, seems to be children getting dressed by middle class parents problem.

>> No.17205319

Why are they all brown?

>> No.17205402

you now understand the zoomer demographic

>> No.17205563

Where are the white people?'

>> No.17205645

Denver has always been a globohomo shithole
I grew up in the suburbs there and my school had probably nonwhite in the whole school

>> No.17205653

>probably one

>> No.17205666

Replace the broccoli hair with skater bowl cuts and swap the GAP hoodies with Vans ones and this is still basically mid 00s highschool-core

>> No.17205684

>only in Colorado now means having zero white people in it
USA has collapsed.

>> No.17206253

>white replacement is just a conspiracy bro

>> No.17206337
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>not a single w'yt face
wtf I love the future!

>> No.17206339

If you're not racist, why do you care so much about being replaced?
Check and Mate.

>> No.17206366

You realize that middle/highschools are regional right? One school’s demographics obviously don’t represent all of Colorado. It could just be a school in a Mexican neighborhood.

>> No.17206425

lmao america looks fucking pathetic. i dont watch american media anymore cos they stopped putting whites in it. i cant imagine how disgusting this country is gonna look in 20 years.

>> No.17206430

everyone looks fucking korean but mixed in with mexican lol

>> No.17206456

le 56% wasn't a meme

>> No.17206701

They don’t put Mexicans in unless they’re drug dealers, gangsters, maids, and landscapers. It’s really only blacks that are getting pushed on everyone.

>> No.17206864

never been to high school?

>> No.17206906

Nothing in this webm you fucking retard, their clothes and backpacks look just like they did when I was in grade school in y2k.

>> No.17206907

>what went wrong with zoomer fashion?
Nothing. Zoomers are good kids.
>Not a single collared shirt

>> No.17207859

Zoomers don't care about fashion and thus they worship norcomore. They value simplicity and popularity above all else and thus you get a taste trained upon the lowest common denominator.

A distinct lack of pretension and aspiration to be elite is the driving force behind their love of mediocrity and the banal.

>> No.17207885

Its high schoolers retard. I guarantee you you were either exactly like these kids or you were extremely cringe and one of those weirdos that would bring a briefcase and gaming laptop to school

>> No.17208326

Me at the end going in to pee

>> No.17208449

what race are these

>> No.17208496

OP is probably the euphori mentlegen wearing his trillby...sorry I meant """fedora""" every day, just like when we were in high school during the 2000's.

>> No.17208576


>> No.17208584


>> No.17208702

broccoli heads

>> No.17209109


>> No.17209183

these are the people that call you non white lmao

>> No.17209286

anon i have worn nothing but blank t shirts and sweatpants for the last 6 years, not everyone cares about clothing. i come to this board for hair and skin

>> No.17209345

American high schools have, uh...changed a lot since those 80s movies, huh? Thought this was Algeria or something.

>> No.17209356
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>Not a single collared shirt

>> No.17209357
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yeah this was much better

>> No.17209398

There's not a unique style. Really this is a 90s problem since that's when the Bohemian type of style became standard. Hoodies, jeans, graphic t-shirts. Everything is bland and disorganized.

>> No.17210379

The fashion isn't really the issue, just how they're fat and move like fags

>> No.17210394

OP shut the fuck up. The only retartded thing is the haircuts which will go away in like a year or 2.

>> No.17211777

left for sure

>> No.17212668

Spics are some of the worst people in fashion sense. Always have some retarded haircut or clothes

>> No.17212700

damn i really thought it was a meme when people said argentina was whiter than USA. crazy

>> No.17212724

Edgar tribe

Excuse you!

>> No.17212939

They are just kids you retard, I guarantee you that you were like this in highschool too

>> No.17213127


>> No.17213467

Millennial boomer from scottsdale az and the beans from my town very commonly wore polos back in the day.

>> No.17213638


>> No.17213648

>This is what boomers gleefully replaced White people with.
Spics all smell bad, and make any place that I go look ghetto and low class. They always gather in packs at amusement parks, and the mall and stink up the place. They're no different from niggers.