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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 419 KB, 1500x1012, lifemag brow chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17197061 No.17197061 [Reply] [Original]

Where are you, /fa/?

>> No.17197062
File: 360 KB, 940x1302, brows held high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17197063
File: 194 KB, 613x1149, expanding brow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17197090

High brow just looks like cope because he had an argument with a upper middle-brow

>> No.17197099

What year is this from? It is insanely dated.

>> No.17197108


If I remember vaguely from the thread it was posted on, 1948-49. LIFE magazine.

I'm going to try to dig into it.


>> No.17197112

Wow this is from before universities even began to acknowledge jazz and it's effect on world popular music.

>> No.17197200

I'm a design student, that likes opera, free jazz and idm unironically.

Probably high brow i guess

>> No.17197235

>Upper-Middle Brow
>The Game
was this just an elaborate ploy to get me to lose?

>> No.17197242
File: 44 KB, 468x895, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much of this is arbitrary.

>> No.17197261


Perhaps they already lost.


It's sociological theory made for a mushy middle American audience in the '40s. It is of course a little simplified...

>> No.17197285
File: 159 KB, 491x746, 74E63F0A-2BC2-4237-A6DB-17B463011949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like this pic then you'll love this book

>> No.17197316
File: 51 KB, 457x509, Ravel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bach and before, Ives and after
extremely based

>> No.17197477

Most of my family is lower middle brow. My parents ascended to upper middle brow and are constantly trying to assert their status and LARP at what they think is high brow. Meanwhile I pretend to be low brow to avoid unnecessary negative attention. It also helps me get along with everyone else, except the middles and very vain uppers of course since they're so concerned about status. I actually get along just fine with the few high brows I've encountered since I'm not constantly trying to impress my fellow faggots.

>> No.17197482

so shitty abstract art is high brow? seems like a cope

>> No.17197483

That inadvertently means that Minimialism and Steve Reich were "grandfathered in" into being highbrow.

>> No.17197487

>no Schubert
>no Fauré
>no Debussy
kinda based but not extremely

>> No.17197884

I just lost the game.

>> No.17197943

typical lower middle brow post

>> No.17198277

>no schubert
the other 2 have enough post-87 works that i would think they're included in "after Ives," if only those works specifically. Which, to be fair, still is accurate. At least in Debussy's case.

>> No.17198283

Is money laundering high brow? Because that is what modern art is for.

>> No.17198313

>I don't really own furniture
>Currently eating out of a jade bowl made by Toki Takane in Japan
>French New Wave (pseud)
>Seaweed salad
>Critical theory (criticism of criticism, I guess) and avant-garde poetry
>Harsh noise, power electronics, raw black metal
>chess, roguelikes
>Anarchism, poetry, but never both at the same time

>> No.17198320

Minimalism and Steve Reich are highbrow
this is a typical low brow post, it's a Fox News talking point

>> No.17198346
File: 1.06 MB, 3584x2240, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all rows

>> No.17198440

>in the past even the most low brow poor Americans wore full suits
>Now even the richest "high class" celebrities wear sweatpants and nigger hoop earrings
I love this graph but wtf has happened to our culture

>> No.17198454
File: 1.69 MB, 1500x1012, brow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17198513

You’ve just never had really good coleslaw before

>> No.17198535
File: 429 KB, 1500x1012, brows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highest brows in the world

>> No.17198639

>high brow is pseud
>upper middle brow is actual high brow

>> No.17198651

>jesus, a jew, turned water into wine
>but beer is jewish

>> No.17198791
File: 416 KB, 1006x960, 1620351764855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is literally estrogenic, gay and jewish
Also, modern "jews" are not the same as the jews of the old testament, or the bible in general. all the true jews of the old testament became Christian. The ones who rejected Jesus (and killed him) created the Judaism we see today. You can read any of the first Christians (the church fathers) and they will say exactly the same thing. Just one google search away.

>> No.17198809

Dear god…

>> No.17198838

On what basis are hard drinks and the game of Go Jewish in your estimation?

>> No.17198848

great a semantic argument that makes no sense
beer is estrogenic! I saw it in one news headline!

>> No.17198853

I'm >>17198838 and I agree with the schizophrenic idiot that you're talking to about the estrogenic effects of beer. There is a significant amount of research on this topic and it is well-founded that the link between visceral adiposity ("beer belly") and beer does exist.
Why are you trying to attack his allegation on the basis of his own level of research (which you cannot know and is frankly irrelevant) when if you had done any real research yourself you would come to the same conclusion?

>> No.17198858

sorry this was so combative, I thought about this more and you're basically right, it is "jewish"

>> No.17199161

no problem bro <3, don't worry about it

>> No.17199187

One of the reasons I left the classical threads on the music board is they always bitch about Minimalism and Reich in particular. Any mention of post-1950 music inevitably turned into le (((Steve Reich))) ruined music

>> No.17199651

I guess those threads are full of /pol/lacks larping as "cultured", much like /lit/ (even though the guys on /lit/ have only ever read Evola and skimmed through the Nietzsche page on wikipedia lmao)

>> No.17199655

you DARE put tomatos in my salad sir?!

>> No.17199691
File: 178 KB, 613x1550, 10Lxb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another template

>> No.17199701

I've always loved this chart. it's so fun to know that people in the 1950s could make and enjoy what is essentially a modern meme template

>> No.17199710

No. Say all the words you typed out loud, slowly.

The Jews of the old testament (5 books of which make up the modern Torah) remained Jews. The Jews of the new testament (...the teachings of Jesus...), are the ones who became Christians. Do you see the logic? And, of course the first followers of Jesus called those who didn't embrace him untrue. They were zealots who just joined a new cult and such fanaticism is congruent with their willingness to join a new cult.

>> No.17199869

It's not full of poltards, but there are some wagnerfags

>> No.17200895

>No. Say all the words you typed out loud, slowly.
reddit tier response. Can't tell if you're stupid or deliberately missing the point. Rabbinical judaism is formed hundreds of years after Jesus' crucifixion. That's the point.

>> No.17200928

Proudly middle middle-brow. If you think this is in praise of high brow eggheads then you're precisely who they're trying to mock.

>> No.17201001

>deconstructed salad in middle brow

anon they're mocking everyone

>> No.17201056

Not that anon, but Jews go beyond mere weebery, they are Sinophiles. So much so they are coined “JewBus”

>> No.17201068

Beer raises estrogen, yes. Red wine raises test and lowers estrogen.

>> No.17201075

this was my thought exactly