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/fa/ - Fashion

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17194397 No.17194397 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to this board?

>> No.17194411
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I went based

>> No.17195188

Zoomers, r9k, and lgbt (all same thing)

>> No.17195193

Bois autist shill kys
Nothing it was always filled with dark edgelords that never were seen pussy and live in their own world

>> No.17195199
File: 26 KB, 640x640, 90B71138-2A46-487B-9D13-BD00FBCB1A3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes my inspo. Love this faggot like my cousin I just know we would be hella tight and mega boys just chilling maxing ordering Taco Bell after we smoke cigarettes and drink beer but only before our big meeting with the director for the show we wrote over the past two years featuring a beautiful horse named Crayon who was built from the ground up featuring electromagnetism type engines which propel the creature forwards in time by 230 years. Upon arrived to the new world, we find that most humans have becoming transhuman and are half robot half overweight. Let’s do this Robert!

>> No.17195570


>> No.17196940

You did anon

>> No.17197076


what would say Robert's hair color is in these photos?

im looking to dye my hair this specific shade

>> No.17197081

mouse brown

>> No.17197683

Irony and social media killed fashion

>> No.17197743
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Everyone who with good taste and who knows anything about fashion left after 2017~

>> No.17197758

I've noticed across all boards people have left in swarms over the years with a major drop off around that time, but it's hard to pinpoint. I've been going to this website off and on since 2011ish and in the last 5 years whenever I come back I notice every board is slightly less populated. This isn't something happening strictly to this board, it's a sitewide issue, and honestly there's nothing really to be done about it. At one point 4chan's stigma worked to our advantage being it's own form of advertising, but now with the amount of options in the online space few people really have a reason to come here anymore, especially considering the collective consciousness has shifted towards a more entertaining lens rather than a discussion vantage point. The internet is no longer in its "wild west" state where people are willing to explore, there are plenty of places to stay now, and given 4chan's long history and reputation most aren't going to come here anymore. 4chan is a relic of the forum era of the internet hanging on by a thread. It's a good thing 4chan have never been profitable because an issue like this would normally mean a website would be in danger of being shut down, but at this point it almost feels like the website runs as a public service.

>> No.17197789

>every fit gets mogged by the old guy walking past

>> No.17197862
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ong. i do missed 2015 so very much.

>> No.17197895

Endocrine disruptors

>> No.17197908
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leftists and non-whites with no sense of fashion happened

>> No.17197928

left his /fa/ fiancee for some ugly normie wench. sad.

>> No.17198935

i need his fit so so so so so so bad fuck i need it fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck where do i get it

>> No.17199007

Trannies happened, political opinion doesn't really fucking matter. I hate /lgbt/ despite me liking fucking men.

>> No.17199023
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>what happened to this board?

>> No.17199314

Find similar clothes and put it together yourself you fucking idiot

>> No.17199328

>website runs as a public service.
Funny way to say "glownigger honeypot".

>> No.17199334

Ritalinbot zoomies aged into the 4chan poster range. Everyone else aged into the developing symptoms of untreated schizophrenia age range. Then throw in a healthy dose of the puzzle piece "proud to be an actually diagnosed autistic" faggots and now we have a party. I'm not even here to discuss the things I like anymore. I just keep tabs on the future mass shooter population so I get a heads up for when one of them drags the things I like into the mud.

>> No.17199420

That's a troon you schizo.

>> No.17199449
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>> No.17199504

why do 3/4 of them have glasses? Is this like a jewish genetic thing? I've only known one actual jew IRL (he wasn't like a straight up orthodox jew like these guys) and he had glasses too

>> No.17199625

Kek exactly my thoughts

>> No.17199661
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I tried copying as best I could, I’m not a turbo autist so I can’t ID exactly but it’s pretty similar. I don’t watch capeshit so I don’t know what he’s got waist down just assuming based on the rest. Some of these pieces are quite expensive but poorfag swaps shouldn’t be hard to find.
>balenciaga 22 oversized nylon bomber
>uniqlo sherpa lined zip up hoodie
>pendleton woolen mills board shirt
>y3 ch1 slouchy cargo pant
>nike sfb boot
>red rock 28L assault pack
>yohji yamamoto charcoal grey wool scarf

>> No.17199672


>> No.17199685

Bro he’s wearing all these layers cause he’s in Batman gear underneath. It’s a sick fit not gonna lie, but it’s a little much

>> No.17199686

This board was always trash.

>> No.17199687

>implying anon that asked won’t be wearing his batman gear underneath too
Personally, I’d never wear the fit. I just wanted to see if I could put together something similar to give myself a bit of a challenge.

>> No.17199712
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Traffic is higher than it's ever been, trouble is it's low quality traffic and they're mainly interested in /pol/ because they keep getting banned everywhere else.

>> No.17199743

very close but he's wearing straight cargo pants with knee padding and black boots.

>> No.17200849

not every problem is /pol/, my hebrew friend.
the shitty posters on /fa/ are very anti-/pol/, in fact.
"dress how you want" sentiment. that is not right-wing at all.

>> No.17200853

nevermind the five threads a day about nazi fashion and related groups created for no other purpose than to astrotuf the board in facist imagery.

>> No.17200860

>five threads a day

your neuroticism makes you over-do your hyperbole to where it hurts your claim.
i remember the beginning of threads like that. they were very obviously not made by actual nazis and were a false flag.
lefties thought fashion is kind of gay so /fa/ should be a lefty board so they made those dumb threads to drive up hate of /pol/.
it's possible some actually retarded nazis decided to make those threads unironically later. but even if they did: those threads are fairly rare.
there is probably at least 10x weird tranny content on /fa/ than nazi content.

>> No.17200872
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Pretty much every problem with this website can be attributed to phoneposters, /pol/ and the death of 'lurk m0ar' culture.

Computers and internet access used to be considered unessential. Now, digital literacy and second hand and cheap machines means that every household that's not a tent in Africa has access to a PC. In addition, putting an idiotproof device that can easily access the internet in the hands of every person on the planet means that there are simply more people online, including people who wouldn't have owned or used a computer before the arrival of smartphones.

It's important to note that /pol/posting itself is not always the issue - but it often is - but the existence of the board itself. It acts as a point of interest for news reporters and normals to point a finger at and say "look at how terrible this website is they are cyberterrorists and white supremacists". It doesn't need to be true, all it needs to do is draw attention to the website, causing people who otherwise would have little interest in the site to become aware of it and arrive. People on social media posting screenshots from 4chan doesn't help either. And yes, they don't need to be /pol/ users; it's simply a case of summerfags arriving and...

>Death of 'lurk m0ar' culture.
Not knowing when it's appropriate to start posting. Imagine you transfer to a new high school and need to choose some place to sit for lunch. You can observe the tables and find a group that you can fit into, maybe modifying your behaviour a little to do so, or you can just sit at the first table you see, make everyone there uncomfortable by acting in a different manner to what's accepted there, then people start to leave. I'm describing >>17199449. Unfortunately, it's past the point of repair, because on pretty much all boards and good posters of yesteryear have all moved on, and now the garbage 'board culture' that prevails everywhere are election tourists.

>> No.17200879

And no, I'm not a jew. You're probably an American, so I'll spell this out for you; not everything needs to be politicized, and people don't need to be sorted into categories based on what they believe. The overwhelming problem with the internet now is, and I believe this is due to social media companies wanting to make money by selling personal data, that your real world identity has started to meld with your online identity and become a talking point. 20 years ago you were snailluvvr51 and that was all; now you're John Smith, a mechanic from Bristol, England that's 30 years old, likes watching professional wrestling, drinking imported alcohol and mostly uses websites x, y and z.

tl;dr Kill yourself election tourist

>> No.17200883

if you're gonna call /pol/ drawing normie retards "/pol/ ruining this board" you are being dishonest unless you explain that is your point every time.
because the obvious implied meaning of the statement would be something like nazis come here and post nazi things and ruin your board.
but there is objectively very little of that.

inclusion of more phone posters is almost certainly a problem.

my take is high-trait narcissism posters are specifically the worst problem on /fa/ and /fit/ and that these are probably here as a result of lookism and zoomers getting old enough to post.
another part of that is other sites drew away the people that would have become or were the tripfags.

eg. if a guy like casemods called someone a retard that needed to stfu that guy couldn't just go
>lol u r poor and ugly and i am right
and pretend to himself that he was top shit. he'd know it would pass because people knew that casemods was objectively a handsome guy.

too many people talk shit and too few post fit.

>> No.17200897

the narcissist poster is kind of a blackhole.
like, let's say you post a fit.
the narcissist will say your fit is shit and you are a gay retard but he won't tell you why.
because if he told you why that is kind of falsifiable meaning it puts him at risk of someone calling him a gay retard which he doesn't want to do.
if you ask him what a good fit is he will not tell you because if he did that is kind of falsifiable which puts him at risk of someone calling him a gay retard which he doesn't want to do.

i think "golden era 4chan" is people that call each other gay retards but also put forward arguments and counter-arguments and try to work out what is right.

>> No.17200902

/fa/ has always been one of the lowest IQ boards with the least intellectual curiosity. The vast majority of retards into the faggy A E S T H E T I C S bullshit can't be assed to even do cursory research about what the fuck they're buying, just vainly throwing away their money to overpay for an identity they're too weak to form for themselves. This is why you get faggots shallowly posting terrorwave and nazi shit without knowing what the fuck it even means. They say that about 50% of the people walking around on the street can't even tell you what years WW2 even happened. I'm willing to be on /fa/ at least it's significantly higher, even if they are running around in an ill-fitting woodland camo M65 claiming it's WW2 aesthetic (because the etsy description said so).

>> No.17200907

And the person that can actually do research, pick actually good items to wear, coordinate fits so they look semi-approrpiate (at least), and most importantly knows when to stop adding items? They call him a LARPer all while they continue to recommend pedophile weeb clothes str8 outta anime that don't work in more than 2 dimensions.

>> No.17201111

zoomers came of age, took over the board, do not research fashion as a subject, are attracted to normcore and nigger streetwear, post boring and godawful fashion and ask to be spoonfed about everything while contributing no intellectual or meritous discourse but rather constant shitposting

the more educated, better taste, and enthusiastic older millennial posters got flooded out, fed up, and left

so tl;dr, stupid, ignorant, tasteless shitposting zoomers

you zoomers suck and are a cancer on every single board on 4chan with not a single exception; there is no board on this website that has been made better with the presence of your generation on it; you are pretty much all worthless

>> No.17201178


>> No.17201189

nice straw man
keep seething, gay faggot retard

>> No.17201333

you gonna recc me some bleach pants, naruto handband wearer?

>> No.17201341

Are these Russian Zoomer punks, or some scally lads at Slavic /fa/ meetup???

>> No.17201345
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>> No.17201359

They don't move their eyeballs, leading to atrophy. Not just that, but because of heavy inbreeding and near-zero iodine consumption, it causes a myriad of mental and physical ailments- a la a curse from God for their ancestors' crimes.

>> No.17201396

Spending too much time indoors as children. The eyes need a certain amount of regular UV light exposure to grow properly. Lots of Japanese people wear glasses for the same reason.

>> No.17201571

If there's anyone reading this that fondly remembers old /fa/, I have an interest check:
I've been thinking off and on about hosting an oldschool BBS forum dedicated to fashion discussion. It wouldn't focus on any specific genre of clothing the way Stylezeitgeist does but instead welcome discussion of any designer, style or brand so long as the focus is actually on fashion. The other rules would be simple
>No shitposting in serious threads
>No politics or religion
>No flamewars
>Talk shit post fit

The goal is to create a curated place for people who like clothes to discuss them without having to join a discord server, facebook group or otherwise. These all have their own issues, such as discord servers requiring you to be present during a discussion if you want to talk about it, rather than being able to write a wall of text then come back days later and still see it there. Is it pointless trying to start a forum in current year? I sure hope not.

>> No.17201613

Elitism died, that's why this board is shit. It's what kept the retards from posting stupid shit, now everyone here just say "le dress how you want XD". Lack of elitism killed /mu/ too, now that board is just filled with top 40 garbage and whatever flavor of the month the Melon talks about. No one post anything new or underground anymore.

>> No.17202542


>> No.17202568


>> No.17202590

I would be interested anon, but at the same time that sounds difficult to get off the ground really

>> No.17202623

success would depend heavily on how it is moderated, if you can actually enforce underage b& I’d be interested.

>> No.17202632 [DELETED] 

What bomber is that?

>> No.17202636
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This will explain

>> No.17202689

It's difficult to know how moderating it will be because I'm unsure of how many users would show up. I would probably do the moderation myself along with a trusted friend initially, then if it were to grow a bit would look for volunteers among the userbase. I'm not really sure how to promote it apart from posting it here as I only have one friend who is into clothing. I suppose word of mouth would be best and fitting with the theme of only wanting people who genuinely care about fashion.

>> No.17202895

on what

>> No.17203080


>> No.17203096

Not at all, unless your that stupid to fall for obvious scams. Which in that case please off the net if you don’t at least have some type of safety protocols from bored losers that also browse the web

>> No.17203112

You sound so fucking stupid. The opening sentence told me everything about you being a newfag and not a experiencing how awesome /fa/ use to be.

>> No.17203116

I left /effay/ for about five years. Moved to Alaska to pursue career aspirations, no real scene up here so I sold off most of my pieces, stopped following trends and just dress gorpcore now. This board is nearly unrecognizable from what it once was, terribly disappointing to find it in its current sorry state. I don’t think it’s salvageable and I can see why actual /effay/ anons didn’t stick around.

>> No.17203123

lowest IQ board is /x/ and its not close

>> No.17203127

I think some coom boards might have them beat but most folks are retarded when they’re horny. /x/ is definitely dunning kruger containment board.

>> No.17203354
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op here, im a zoomer and in 2014-2016 this board was significantly better. shit slowly turned into mfa

>> No.17203358

people say this shit every week. just get off 4chan

>> No.17203486
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>just get off 4chan
came in 2010, left in 2017, came back during plandemic

>> No.17203584

>my take is high-trait narcissism posters are specifically the worst problem
honestly this might be it. anonymity is a really good way for narcissists to say whatever they want and get away with it. on reddit you have an account history or something so you can be banned or people wont take you seriously because they can see what shit you posted before
so i guess my take is that moderate narcissists (from reddit or twitter or whatever) come to 4chan because there people could somewhat see through their bullshit, but here they are intoxicated with freedom and can finally express their narcissism fully. The fact that most of the modern social are really good at producing moderate narcissists doesn't help
less accessible boards like /ic/ just straight up died because people there were already extremely self conscious, and good tips and critiques were drowning in a meaningless spewing of narcissistic begs

imo to keep a board alive posters should be both dedicated AND humble

and since this is a /fa/ board being humble usually means embracing non-conformity which is basically impossible

>> No.17203840

Seems like an issue with so many fashion forums. This place, Sufu, SZ, FuK. All of them died and morphed into Facebook groups, which are also dying. The most popular one that hasn't gone under is probably The Basement which turned into a meme group used to sell shit tracksuits. People don't really want to talk about fashion as a hobby, most fashion forums have turned into /soc/ with a healthy dose of anti-gatekeeping whilst still gatekeeping anyway, and lots and lots of snark. Somewhere like /fa/ or Sufu, my two favorite places to discuss fashion are the absolute antithesis of modern fashion.
Imagine Fashion Bros running now, their overlords at Complex would never let them clown on random people's fits

>> No.17205346


>> No.17205360


>> No.17205367

>wants to make redundant 4chan copycat forum

>> No.17205370
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>People don't really want to talk about fashion as a hobby
It is only a hobby if you have a large disposable income and loads of free time.
For most of us, it is a chore, a task that needs to be done.
We certainly don't want to be talked down to by ignorant 14 year olds who read anime.
The idea that you kids bring anything to the table but humor is ridiculous.
You're all overweight, short and mulatto.
There is nothing fashionable about any of you, nor will there ever be.
Go back to cleaning toilets.
Your attempts at finding a community will always be rebuffed by The Chan.

>> No.17205375

you don’t need money to enjoy fashion as a hobby
>For most of us, it is a chore, a task that needs to be done
this is a big issue with the board, there used to be all sorts of anons that would intelligently discuss fashion and create some really amazing inspo pieces. now it’s the same audience as MFA just a bunch of dweebs that think a button down shirt will replace their lack of personality and finally get them some pussy. /effay/ has become /fit/ for anons that are too lazy to hit the gym.

>> No.17205385

Just make a discord server with vetting prior to letting people join the main channels and a serious discussion channel with slow posting enforced
People having accounts and identities will make them accountable and repeat offenders can be removed

>> No.17205387

Slavs wear Nike?

>> No.17205389

everyone is working three job just to survive the boomerpocalypse

there is no free time for leisure or leisure suits

>> No.17205607
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This is often my conclusion as well. Narcissistic people are on the surge, everyone believes themselves to be superior to another man but can never really explain why. When presented with something “triggering” they shit post and flee. It’s one thing to tease someone who’s acting genuinely retard and it’s an entirely different ordeal to treat them like shit because it triggers your own projections. Carl Jungs path to individuation is becoming one the most important aspects of my life. Iv become a totally new person after finally confronting myself. I’m not longer plagued with intrusive thoughts, I’m never hit with a fleeting thought of past action. I can see through people clearly, I can understand their motives without prying, and most of all, I will never project what I dislike about myself on to others. The confrontation with your shadow is the most impactful process you can ever undergo, for the betterment of your own psyche.
I hope everyone here can accept themselves and understand we all have archetypes, to try and change who you are, what your very fabric is, to masquerade and to hate it, which is the route of all poison in your life.

>> No.17205690

It was never good, but pre-2013 /fa/ was a lot better than the years that came after it.

>> No.17205744

>mobile boogeyman
I started lurking in 2008 and I'm mostly phoneposting from bed or work nowadays

>> No.17205763

>be fashionable
>you don't need fashion advice from spergs
>you leave board

>be unfashionable
>you need advice so you can pull off your flawless animu desert motorbike style
>stay on board because its the only place that will give you attention
This board was doomed from its inception.

>> No.17206131

A Discord server is the antithesis of what I want to make; the key difference is that Discord requires you to actively be around and participating in discussion when a topic you're interested in is happening. A forum on the other hand is slow. You can make a post, come back several days, a week, or a month later and have one or more replies that you can then respond to, and then still have people respond to you. If you try to do this in a Discord server, the discussion is done and dusted and you'd have to get lucky with having other people online *at that time* that wish to discuss it.

Also, Discord
encourages sending messages
like this
instead of writing well formatted and thought out walls of text, which generally leads to higher quality discussion instead of scatterbrained stream-of-consciousness style writing.

Anyway, I think I will go ahead with trying to create this forum, however I'm a bit occupied with moving into a new job and some other real life things at the moment. I will try to do so within the next few months and post a link in a thread similar to this, or a 'post old /fa/ content' type
For some reason the only active board in Sufu still is denim and maybe techwear occasionally. I still like to visit that website for the news articles but there's nothing of value to be had in supertalk.

>> No.17206161

How about an imageboard where you can post anonymously?

>> No.17206479

w2c similar bomber?

>> No.17206809

yes however like I said you can make a slow discord channel for discussion where people are only allowed to post once a day for instance, that should achieve the desired effect
combined with everything else I mentioned I think that's quite clearly the best way to go

>> No.17206928

I’m pretty sure those LGBTQIA’s threads were nonexistent on /fa/ like 3 years ago when I used to come here more often. How this degeneracy spread here at that degree? Are jannies here all fags?

>> No.17207069

I miss all the inspo material I could get from this board in 2016 just by lurking for 5 minutes.

>> No.17208073

newfags this was neither left or right board you imbeciles

>> No.17208246

same things that happend to everything else anon

>> No.17208536

Influx of too many trannies is the real answer

>> No.17208550

>in 2014-2016 this board was significantly better
because zoomers weren't allowed to post
your picrel would have been denigrated as wigger shit a decade to two decades ago, but zoomers see nothing wrong with this

>> No.17208551

/x/ is full of shitposting zoomers who don't know anything about any paranormal topics

funny how every board that was once decent but is now shit also happens to have large zoomer populations (which you can conveniently easily confirm by their natal charts).

>> No.17208555

retarded post, this board is shit precisely because the newblood ISN'T pretentious and thus doesn't give a shit about objective quality and dressing to the nines

/fa/, an inherently elitist board, has been overrun with plebeians and the natural outcome has been it becoming absolute garbage

>> No.17208557

because 2017 was the start of the decline

>> No.17208564


>> No.17208565

but fashion was literally better back then
now, even if there was a will to post such, there is no way

>> No.17208570

It's a precarious affair. It doesn't all fall apart the moment overall quality dips, but it creates a feedback loop where a quality poster asks themselves "why bother anymore" and, first, stops contributing, and then afterward abandons the place altogether

I wasn't one of the best posters, but I left /fa/ when nobody responded to my threads and instead spent their time on and in inane and worthless threads. Dumping a thread of inspo by yourself can take an hour of your time.

>> No.17208601
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>> No.17208778

Most mainstream fashion is streetwear or some derivative of it. The rest is just people looking at pictures from 20 years ago in old magazines, finding an outfit that could be acceptable today but is still different enough to be ‘new’ and trying it out, rinse and repeat. Being into fashion has become so much more acceptable it’s sort of required, and that means people who otherwise wouldn’t give a shit come here and ask dumb questions and it’s been overrun at this point. It doesn’t help when nobody wants to lurk and thinks they’re an expert after 5 days. I saw a thread recently of some idiot talking about some super secret website and that the other post should ‘gatekeep a lil senpai’, it was Buyee.

>> No.17208797

>It was Buyee
my sides

>> No.17208811

Zoomers are objectively worse than any election tourist or summerfag ever was. They never learned to assimilate. They never lurked. They just spam shitposts and threads that don't need to exist. They don't even check numerals.

>> No.17208819

I've been on and off /fa/ since 2016 and this is the first time in my life I've heard of Buyee.

>> No.17208820

this exactly
and checked

>> No.17208837

>op here, im a zoomer and in 2014-2016 this board was significantly better.
>shit slowly turned into mfa
So I'm an oldfag, been on this hell hole site off and on since 2006. When I first started coming to /fa/ in 09-10ish what is currently considered "mfa" styles were largely what was popular here. Business casual type fits, Clark's desert boots, red wing iron rangers, Oxford cloth shirts, raw denim, etc. That was one of the largest factions of posters here, among the hype beasts, and designer full rick goth ninja guys. Mfa copied that style from here and I imagine a lot of oldfags migrated there. So it's coming full circle really.

Why is this happening? Probably because the majority of zoomers are now in their early/mid 20s. Many graduating from college and are "growing up" trying to look more normie to get their first office job. Happens to some guys. You can drink, suddenly you want to look and feel more adult. Time catches up to everyone eventually and aging makes people do strange shit or shit they said they'd never do.

>> No.17208843

>what happened to this board?
every problem in this world is caused by stupid fucking yanks. this board is no different

>> No.17208849

Effay was a predominantly American board until the mid 2010s and was significantly better before slavshits and europoors start clogging up the catalog.

>> No.17208869

look around you you silly fucking clown,
see if you can spot any clothes posted by a dumb yank which hasn't come from zara or whatever shitty bargain basement store.
You cunts throw on a pair of chinos, some shitty NB shoes and a white top and think you're a god of fashion, when reality is you look like you're straight from a 1980s sitcom.

>> No.17208882

Cope, seethe, projection, etc.

>> No.17208883

well that certainly refuted my point you mong

>> No.17208894
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The whole point of this being gatekept is to keep people who aren't dedicated out. Buyee is the retard honeypot that will milk your money with their shady ethug activities and exorbitant service fees. YJ and Rak used to be super seekrit klubs that you would only hear a whisper of here or there; you'd probably have to hear about them from a friend like I did. Then Hypebeast etc did an article before Rak global closed down. I don't really think it's a secret the way it used to be, but it's also not something that shouldnt be advertised with neon lights.

>> No.17209644

2016 happened

>> No.17209805

Cope, seethe, projection, etc.

>> No.17209830
File: 211 KB, 1583x647, 1473545647909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone trooned out.

>> No.17209840

For some stuff its still pretty good, like yohji and other jap brands + the yahoo auctions can sometimes be really steals . You could also use different proxy than buyee.

>> No.17210022

They’re all shit. Zenmarket and their Russian kike owners can die too

>> No.17210242

I stopped posting everyday and it went to shit....10 years of I wish sieg would fuck off.

Then years of "what happened to this board?!"

>> No.17210246

Canadian. All the cute white sluts were in Canada. Blah, play, etc

>> No.17210251

Oh fuck.
I was hoping you had died.

>> No.17210255

Almost, I probably got a few more years

>> No.17210284
File: 383 KB, 1920x1291, 1661189124400610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free
>there is probably at least 10x weird tranny content on /fa/ than nazi content.
This lol

>> No.17210293

4chan has always been racist you stupid fucking tourist nigger.

>> No.17210295

Trips of truth

>> No.17210297

Fill me in on this

>> No.17210298

you’re the reason this place sucks
you kept making people hate me and lied that we’re together ewww

>> No.17210300

What are you wearing today?
Would it give Sieg an erection?
Post a pic and see if you can titillate him.

>> No.17210337

Canada is in America senpai.

>> No.17210513

Imagine being this autistic lol. kys paragraph cuck

>> No.17210529
File: 634 KB, 1920x1280, eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good, get fucked. This board was always garbage and so was /mu/. It was always the lowest common denominator of poverty fashion losers circle jerking the same 3 brands for eternity. Take your nostalgia goggles off and go back and look through those old archived threads, it has always been pure trash here lol. Low effort posts from people pretending to be more knowledgeable than they were, no accolades and nothing to show for it

Fashion is a heavily visual hobby, and the imageboard template simply isn't up to par to meet the needs of modern users. /fa/ has been outpaced by other platforms like tiktok, Discord, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube which have flooded with much more talented and better looking people in recent years. Youtube alone has doubled in popularity since 2018. With much higher quality curated images for inspo than anything you will ever find on this autistic congregation site.

>> No.17210655

That photo is from like 2016 you stupid zoomer. This board went to shit in the early 2010s. Lurk moar you fucking newfag.

>> No.17210660

Lmfao holy shit you braindead faggots will push that fucking goalpost back as far as you can to escape the undeniable fact that this board has ALWAYS been shit. It was never good, your standards have just risen above the shitty standards from 2009. Fucking tie a noose you retarded cuck.

>> No.17210663

that photo is 2019
lame b8

>> No.17210780

Same thing that happened to every other board.
These. All these.

>> No.17210823

That graph is 6 years out of date now

>> No.17210830

You have to outjew the jews and use buyee only with coupons (even make new account for them)

>> No.17212428

I'm objectively correct
Further proves my point. You were using a relatively recent meet up of incel zoomers as effay having always been garbage tier. It's was never all that great here but it was significantly better prior to the mid 2010s.

>> No.17213912

>I hate /lgbt/ despite me liking fucking men.
Your kind is the only kind of faggot I'd happily see treated like in the 50s. You're no different than the rest, stop this "pick me" shit. Faggot is faggot.

>> No.17213942

Was unsure to agree until you said /mu/. You know what you're talking about. /mu/ has to be the worst fucking board. It is twitter users who think they're too cool for twitter. There seems to be a spill over to /fa/ as well.

>> No.17214077

I blessed the board and make it based

>> No.17215642

ok faggot.