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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 121 KB, 580x462, Screenshot_2022-08-07-10-28-28-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17175142 No.17175142 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17175145

>friend-zoned buddy
>dresses weird according to femoid date
post pic of ur weird fit

>> No.17175146

post fit LUUUUUL

>> No.17175147

post that fit nigga i gotta see this shit

>> No.17175151

>Went to a date in full rick

Lmao he fell for it bois

>> No.17175152

>taking fashion advice from /fa/
loving every laugh mate why would you do that? That's like going to /a/ and asking what anime to watch.

>> No.17175153
File: 33 KB, 179x236, Screenshot_2022-08-07-10-33-53-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met a couple of people here off of discord and showed them my drip before going
They told me i looked great

>> No.17175155

>tshirt and hoody on a date
She thought you were a manchild and decided to go meet up with Chad instead.

>> No.17175157

>Not going full suit

>> No.17175159

that outfit is atrocious <3 she was right

>> No.17175160 [DELETED] 

got any pics of your fits?

>> No.17175161

How do i salvage this bros
Fuck im so in love with this girl what do i reply even

>> No.17175164

/fa/ shill on scene. Next time you two meet wear…
>a black turtleneck
>ablack blazer
>uniqlo’s black ankle pants
>black vans authentics
You look skinny so you should be able to pull the fit off. It’s my go to outfit irl and i get compliments on it all the time.

>> No.17175165 [DELETED] 

no saving that </3 hot hot is she?

>> No.17175166

I thought she thought it was weird you were wearing full rick or something autistic.
This is worse its like you didnt even try.
Looks like nothing /fa/ would suggest and your arms are crossed like a total dweeb

>> No.17175167


i thought you said this website you absolute schizo

>> No.17175169

You should know by now that Discord, 4chan and /fa/ are loaded with ironic / bitter trollposters there for luls. Now you know... Get more varied public feedback from general thread and always consider sources of opinion.

Don't know what type of place/activity you were planning so don't know how dressy situation was.

Pink tee on dude, in general looks abit weak / effeminate / gay, so you're taking risk there with new girl, and it matches with pink lettering on powder blue hoodie. So it looks kinda gay and try-hard.

First casual date fits should stick to basic guys styles and colors: dark blue, gray, black tee or polo + hoodie, khaki shorts, chinos, joggers. Vans, chucks, Stan Smiths. You get the idea. Keep risky styles and colors for later when you know her better.

>> No.17175171

thats a horrible outfit that's literally what 10 year old me would wear on a school trip to some mountain but yeah DONT TAKE ADVICE FORM THIS BOARD

>> No.17175172


I sincerely doubt anybody on here told you to dress like a high schooler from 2008, unless to deliberately mislead you. Also if your clothes are such a problem that she doesn't wanna see you again, she isn't into you.

>> No.17175173

Yikes... she sent you to the goofy zone, there's no way out unless she is into funny little guys

>> No.17175175

Can't come out the goofy zone lad, you're done, she belongs to the BBC.

>> No.17175176

>salvage it
Salvage it by saying your friends coordinated ur date wardrobe and wanted to prank / embarrass you. ("Ikr, fuck them!") You fell for it because you're not really good with clothes and style stuff. Hahaha...

>> No.17175179

>Also if your clothes are such a problem that she doesn't wanna see you again, she isn't into you
This. Be thankful she's letting you down gently OP.

>> No.17175182

Jesus God, what kind of rat bastard psychotic would dress like that for any occasion? Are you blind or just stupid?

>> No.17175213
File: 374 KB, 220x162, seloro-sides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you got baited into to dressing like an autist from 2007 on a date

>> No.17175219

you look like a school shooter. i wouldn't want to be seen with you in anno domini 2000+22 either.

>> No.17175287

get trolled cunt

>> No.17175292
File: 64 KB, 1015x1024, 1659201970686266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga got trolled hard

>> No.17175328

thats like saying "yeah i have a gf... she just goes to a different school". Nobody believes you.
move on. its over and there's no way out.

>> No.17175331

If this shit is real kek. lil nigga how is dressing even hard. Look at what the cool retards in school wear and don't go out looking like a fucking bright rainbow fruity fuck.
>Or if you're not a kid start dressing like a fucking man

>> No.17175334


>> No.17175373
File: 97 KB, 425x300, 1657093821503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17175453

Who the fuck is called Darren in the year of our Lord 2022?

>> No.17175458

>red & blue

you may as well have worn a spiderman costume you fucking faggot
have fun shooting webs alone in your room

>> No.17175468

You dress like an 8 year old anon.
Nobody here would have ever told you that look is okay.

>> No.17175471

Could try asking her for advice on what to wear.
Come up with a good excuse for why you dressed like a retard, eg "I didn't know what to wear since I'm not fashion savvy at all and some friends put together that outfit to fuck with me" and then show genuine interest to learn when she talks about what kind of styles she likes.

>> No.17175473

You shilled for androgynous or ww2 uniform larp or tec core?

Kek, faggot.

>> No.17175512


Get baited fags

>> No.17175518

>no u, it's u who got jebaited!!

>> No.17175557

Imagine caring about what bitches says

>> No.17175562

Life is much more fun if you assume people like this are actually real, you should try it some time.

>> No.17175596
File: 249 KB, 595x342, C001E2B0-C977-4708-8A77-C8A56140A249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so invested into /fa/ OP finds the need to blog post about it

>> No.17175599

Don't forget weebcore. Lots of fags unironically recommending pedophile weebshit that only looks good in 2D as everyday wear.

>> No.17175667

its over retard

>> No.17175848

>embarrassed to be seen in public with OP
>still wants to be friends
Im calling hard bullshit. Nice larp.

>> No.17175855


>> No.17175877

she called you weird and said she was embarrassed being seen with you.. and that you should stay friends. what level of delusion are you operating at? 200%? Its literally unsalvageable

>> No.17175883

eh i got this too, she and her boyfriend both said my jeans looked cringe then lo and behold everyone is wearing dad jeans shortly thereafter. you do you

>> No.17175885

What is wrong with you? Do you have a humiliation fetish?

>> No.17175903

>taking advice from this place in the first place.
You were kinda asking for it, sorry anon.

>> No.17175987

>Joke's on you, I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.17176019

absolutely do not do this lmao
this is like the behavior you'd expect from a desperate creepy indian guy

>> No.17176028

>not /fit/
>not wearing something that actually costs money
Op is a faggot, what a surprise

>> No.17176048

god damn son. Was this your first date ever? Why would you even think you would impress a lady dressing like a poor slob that lives with his parents still well into adulthood? Did you pay for anything on the date? Did your mom give you enough money to pay for dinner or did you "leave your wallet at home"? Congratulations on making a new best friend though goofy.

>> No.17176051

zoomers hyperventilating over an utterly unremarkable t-shirt and hoody

>> No.17176054

You understand that you look gay and you only appeal to other gays, yes?

>> No.17176368


>> No.17176419


u look twinkish, go to the gym and put on some mass, next dates stick to dark colors / black / gray / white and not too eccentric designs, that way u can't go wrong.

>> No.17176467

>anon gets insecure from being called retarded so pretends he made it all up

>> No.17176579

>uhhh my gf goes to another school and everyone clapped and i was just joking and baited u guys totally haha get trolled...

>> No.17176614

You look like your mum dressed you, this outfit is on the same tier as a Star Wars t shirt and joggers. Ngmi

>> No.17176666

I used to do that outfit all the time like 6 years ago, but trust me a charcoal jacket(i wore uniqlo's comfort jacket) breaks up the monotony perfectly.

>> No.17176671


>> No.17176678

thats how i dress when I go to the market anon.

>> No.17176693
File: 354 KB, 720x710, 1654617626912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something like, "sure, I had a good time too." Dont fucking say ANYTHING, stay low, dont make any moves, etc. Start dressing well, put attention and dont over do it. Gradually work your way up to erase that fuck up from her memory. Be confident about yourself, it will take time but it can be done.

>> No.17176969

I hate you blackedfags so damn much.

>> No.17176972
File: 896 KB, 2222x1250, 1635500727527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing graphic t shirts as an adult
>wearing hoodies as an adult

>> No.17176981

Im curious why she thought this was goofy. It just looks uninspired and out of season.

>> No.17177030

>im so in love with this girl
You went on one date with them, so this is wrong. You probably have not gotten much attention from girls before, this so now that a girl finally showed interest you became obsessed. This is not uncommon behavior and I did that too when I was younger but you should grow out of it ASAP.

>> No.17177096

Autistic faggot picks up aesthetic he read about on the internet, doesn't have any personality to back it up, and gets rejected. Many such cases! Sad!

>> No.17177212

Chris Chan ass fit

>> No.17177243

>all these fags fallling for obvious bait

>> No.17177298
File: 73 KB, 570x537, 93c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ge-get baited ffaf-faggots..

>> No.17177348

Alright anons which one of you did this

>> No.17177448

I’m incredibly confused by this entire thread. What’s wrong with the outfit? I wouldn’t wear it because I don’t like bright colors, but this absolutely just seems like a normal outfit. I can’t even say it’s an aesthetic it just looks like something a normal guy would wear in the store or whatever. How is it getting so many responses? If I saw someone wearing this I wouldn’t even notice it.

>> No.17177486
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, lmao (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in all seriousness op ,that was an actual 10 y/o´s inspo outfit, do better but dont be a tryhard because you already got called out once for dressing weirdly and overdoing is just overcompensating trying to please a woman, wich is way worse.

>> No.17177505

if youre actually friends with this girl, even though youre interested. tell her you want her to help you dress better and go out shopping with her. something fun to do and she might actually make you look normal.

she probably still wont date you, but maybe improve you for the next girl who comes along. there's no downside except a bit of wasted money if you hate the outfits.

>> No.17177507
File: 91 KB, 564x1002, basic fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Honestly a good fit for next time you see her is something clean and super basic OP. Casual for sure. Pic is what I mean.

>> No.17177510

bruh I thought you were wearing full rick or something, not a "middle schooler with no friends" outfit

>> No.17177624

>good fit
holy fucking shit /fa/

>> No.17177643

he wasnt ready for the SEX

>> No.17177686

have some dignity and move on man....

>> No.17177721

It’s not a “good” fit. It’s a normal fit, and it’s a big improvement over what OP was wearing before.

>> No.17177843

Lmao I'm not OP. god I hate summerfags

>> No.17177868
File: 807 KB, 480x360, jack-nicholson-forget-it-jake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17177870

Sorry lad, you just got goofy-zoned

>> No.17178032

alpha.m made this post

>> No.17178088

Me on friday night

>> No.17178092

You are just ugly

>> No.17178126

How is that a fit? That's basic clothing for basic bitches filled with basics. That's not a fit, that's a standard oufit you start out with in character creation.

>> No.17178353

KEK. This can’t be real.

>> No.17178496

>youre really goofy to be with
HAAAAAAAAAAA SHE SEES YOU AS A DISABLED PUPPY FOR HER TO GO "Ohhh! Bless his heart, I'm such a good person for spending time with this special puppo!" HAHAHHAAAAA

>> No.17178523
File: 497 KB, 460x345, disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tranny Flag colors
>Pink graphic shirt

>> No.17178529

maybe the gay porn jeans fall outside of clean and super basic, but I say that as someone who doesn't live in europe or sa

>> No.17178805

The earlier you accept that you need to be in shape to be /fa/ and that fit dudes in white shirts look better than your experimental shit the better.

>> No.17178902
File: 16 KB, 226x199, 1593377223843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be real oh my god, my sides are in orbit

>> No.17178903


>> No.17178958

>you dress weird
>you're goofy
>im embarrassed to be seen with you
>completely disrespects you and is rude to you


why the fuck would you love someone who treats you like shit? move on you stupid moron

>> No.17179392
File: 34 KB, 547x394, 1647114904290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17179397


>> No.17179422

You actually typed this out. You actually typed this reply. To an image titled 'Basic fit.jpg'

>> No.17179490
File: 38 KB, 750x551, 1646942089040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move on retard, she sees you as forrest gump without the success

>> No.17179495
File: 32 KB, 463x480, buffalo bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an angel but at least I'm a girl!

>> No.17179705
File: 155 KB, 1000x967, big grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17180192
File: 141 KB, 500x610, D7DF486F-41B5-49F2-9C20-FDE0E79799E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright dickhead the one thing you need to answer is how old are you?
that will determine if this situation, and you as an extreme autist, is salvageable at all

>> No.17180216

It's normal enough but obviously doesn't look good at all. For someone who is going on a date, let alone someone who apparently seeked out advice on his "drip" and was told his outfit was good, it's pretty bad. Just because it looks normal doesn't mean it's not ugly.

>> No.17180243

Now that's a fucking roll. I'm unironically going to look into that jacket now lmao

>> No.17180251

The colour combination makes my eyes hurt

>> No.17180480

>Wearing multiple primary colours at the same time

>> No.17180634

I still have a few I particularly like for running to the store or work (tradie shit)

>> No.17180816

chris chan core,
I'm honestly impressed you did this sincerely

>> No.17181408

Nah find a different girl.
Maybe ask this one for style tips to point you in the right direction.

>> No.17181530
File: 145 KB, 454x550, bdc-removebg-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youre really goofy to be with
Holy fuck OP it's over

>> No.17181538

Next time you should wear cuffed raw Japanese denim, with a tucked in starched white T-shirt, and with a full grain leather belt that’s distressed and has a vintage buckle. You should wear crepe sole, moccasin toe Red Wing boots. Try Pendleton flannels or Carhartt duck canvas jackets. Accessorize with a Hamilton khaki field mechanical watch or a green Seiko Alpinist on a OD green NATO. This should win her back over.

>> No.17181574

hoody and tshirt is weird? it's shabby, but why weird? were you wearing anything else weird?

>> No.17181869

>normal jeans
>plain undershirt (white, grey, black)
>shirt with rolled up sleeves and two buttons down
simple as, hard to offend with that

>> No.17181875

#menswear died like 2-3 years before covid and covid put the final nails in the coffin, get with the times neckbeard hoodies and t shirts are standard for adult men

>> No.17181918

Just find a girl that wants a goofy, funny guy, she's not for you bruh

>> No.17183245

She thinks you ugly. she just trying to be nice

>> No.17183275

Do you really cry after a girl who is so shallow as to spend not a single thought about what lies beneath the clothes?
You dodged a bullet there mate.

>> No.17183277

Goofy or silly is the polite way to call you a dork, dumbass.

>> No.17183832

What are you doing with your hand?

>> No.17183892

>can't be with you cuz you dress ''goofy"
She doesn't seem like she's worth it anon.

>> No.17183901

you dressed like an autistic 16 year old. i know because thats how i dressed when i was 16

>> No.17183905

400lb squatbros... revenge!

>> No.17184210

that's it? that's her problem? blame her actually. youj dodged a bullet. yeah, your outfit isn't great and looks like you don't try but it's just a red t shirt with a hoodie. big deal. can't even believe how she actually pointed it out. big deal. so what.

>> No.17185798

she let me hit cuz im goofy

>> No.17185806

Jeans on a man is an automatic no from me, and it doesn't matter how attractive the man is. it's just always so uncomfortable looking, and most of them can't do anything resembling manual labor, so the arete of the jean is lost. Like, are you a cowboy? No? Then what's with the labor-wear? And why are they so tight? Aren't your balls squished? Or do you not have any?

>> No.17185977

you are certainly not attractive enough to think like this

post waist

>> No.17186012

op are you ugly

because if you were not, you'd still bang her