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17157158 No.17157158 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to wear the same outfit every day like a cartoon character, what outfit would you pick?

>> No.17157170
File: 81 KB, 500x590, E73FEA88-1BAA-4C13-99E0-311EFAF43C0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White dress shirt w breast pocket all you need

>> No.17157172
File: 102 KB, 474x631, th-2230977644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaftan if I had the right climate. And/or nudist.

>> No.17157180
File: 1.02 MB, 1125x1500, F8E4C238-2216-42FB-8A2C-8D34795ED167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akubra Bushman
Persol 649
Red silk scarf
Pic related
Long sleeve olive jacquard knit work shirt
Merino wool boxer briefs
RRL straight leg once washed jeans
Plain leather belt
Merino wool boot socks
Whites MP Sherman
Rolex explorer
Winchester model 70
Blackjack knives handy hunter

>> No.17157182

full julius

>> No.17157264


>> No.17157362
File: 156 KB, 2000x335, Dreamworks face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A CRISP white V-neck shirt, SMOOTH SEXY STYLISH slim fit jeans with a little bit of cuff, a CASUAL COOL olive green bomber jacket and a pair of SUPER FUNKY FRESH white minimalist dress sneakers from today's video sponsor Thursday.

>> No.17157402

that would not be ideal.

>> No.17157411
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>> No.17157525

purple jeans bb belt triple s' and a tight tee all black

>> No.17157527

A black suit and some nice boots. Might as well pick something nice.

>> No.17158068 [DELETED] 

But anon, i wear same outfit like a cartoon character. Black shirt, black pants, black running shoes andblacks hoodie

>> No.17158349
File: 226 KB, 750x1000, 4t5ytheyeyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're playing the autism game, then go big or go home

>> No.17158654

Thank you sir from Bangladesh

>> No.17158657

If we’re talking autism, you lost a ling time ago, anon.

>> No.17158695
File: 7 KB, 390x280, ezgif-4-7f07151810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Shirt
Glasses like picrel
Grey trousers from work
Black Vans

>> No.17158765

muted/pastel yellow hoodie
beige t-shirt
black tapered fit jeans
grey or navy blue sneakers

>> No.17158812

based NPCs

>> No.17158835

I actually have for over ten years. I wear 2 different style black dickies (torn tag off). and few plain black shirts, black socks and black vans/or black van slip ons. before all that I was goth-ish but decided to tone it down and just look normal. I'll buy some black jeans one day but that is it. wearing the same thing and only wearing black makes me happy. avoiding standing out is the goal

>> No.17159011

>dark brown gun-check unstructured sport coat with a rolling lapel
>light blue OCBD
>navy silk tie
>vintage 505 jeans in faded black/charcoal
>brown leather belt w/round silver buckle
>brown weejuns

>> No.17159061

If I have to wear it every single fucking day I'm going for function and comfort. If you're wearing it forever why would you pick something that is currently fashionable knowing goddamned well you're going to look like a clown in 10 years?

>Dickies original work pants in navy blue
>Dickies heavy weight cotton pocket T shirt, white
>Red Wing classic 8 inch moc toe work boot
>Dickies insulated eisenhower jacket

There. I can go innawoods. I can go to work. I can work on my car. I can go to the bar and most restaurants. The only place I couldn't really go are fancy restaurants that I already don't want to go to.

I already wear this outfit to work almost daily and I think I look pretty good in a classic American blue collar sense. I'm a machinist so it suits me.

There will also always be people dressing like this. Anyone who works a real job for a living and not some bullshit in an office.

>> No.17159196
File: 2.16 MB, 2800x2000, effay uniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this, probably with a hat as well.

>> No.17159204

>White’s boots
Based department called, it’s for you.

>> No.17160152 [DELETED] 


>> No.17160326
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>> No.17160327
File: 160 KB, 1059x1265, 98ae5b6676944cf4f7ad9f4cf100abb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian Tuxedo

>> No.17160678
File: 259 KB, 1050x1400, Jidenna-Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The finest suit money can buy.

>> No.17160688

the brands that you get after googling "top ten best ___"

>> No.17162307 [DELETED] 


>> No.17162421

They literally are among the best brands though.

>> No.17162878

Original penguin black polo shirt with white shorts and sandals

>> No.17162892

why is that based though? it's so uncontroversial and lazy to just say "I want the best one". It is almost obnoxious to have that attitude.

>> No.17162940

lmao this guy bought some cheap bullshit

>> No.17163036

Yea dude I need the best boots and the best watch for my typical lifestyle where nothing would justify getting them. Actually I'm going to buy the same down coats they use in antarctica for my next visit to New York because it'll be 30 degrees there
Hey Google where can I buy a military ATV? There are some slightly bumpy roads where I live!

>> No.17163047

You are literally raging because people choose to buy nice things.

>> No.17163050

Misfits t-shirt, Levi's 501 jeans and black Chuck Taylor "basketball shoes" kek.

>> No.17163058

No I am raging about the overkill and waste of it

>> No.17163121

It isn’t overkill or wasteful. Buying the disposable trash that you do is wasteful.

>> No.17163181

I dont buy disposable trash you nincompoop I just dont buy durable logging boots when I live in the city and go to school. It isnt wasteful to buy things that arent for sports or intensive work. That would be wasteful, you simpleton

>> No.17163185

Not him, but buying things like cheap, cemented, plastic boots is wasteful. There’s nothing wrong with spending more to buy quality products that last longer. If you want to shit on designer products that are made like shit, or brand inflation, be my guest, but if people want to wear things not made out of the shittiest possible materials, using Chinese slave labor, let them.

>> No.17163192

Of course bad things are wasteful but that isnt what Im talking about. I mean getting the very best of something which is made for working very hard in is dumb when you arent going to be making full use of it

>> No.17163197

And how would they not be making full use of a Rolex watch, Persol sunglasses, and White’s MP boots?

>> No.17163199

by living in a city and wearing them normally as you would any other shoewear or watch. Persol sunglasses I was wrong about, they're just sunglasses

>> No.17163227

Why wouldn’t you wear them like normal? They’re normal shoes and boots, they’re just made to a high standard. The MP isn’t a logger.

>> No.17163235

Maybe it isn't a logger, but it's certainly made for more than getting groceries

>> No.17163243
File: 673 KB, 1382x2048, MV5BYTBlMGI4YjAtOTQzZi00M2RmLWI0Y2YtMWY0NjM2YmFjZDA4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEzMTI1Mjk3._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.17163292

It’s made to be worn everyday like a regular boot.

>> No.17163323

Vibergs are better than Whites.

>> No.17163340

At what? Vibergs are ugly dress boots.

>> No.17163349

Are you sure?

>> No.17163400

I'm the one who posted the grid. The theme of the thread is "if you had to wear the same outfit every day."
All of those things I picked are well made and not likely to go out of style. The henley, the Harrington, the classic rolex sub, the persols, the blue jeans, all styles that work well together and have been popular for a long time.
Isn't that the point of the thread?

>> No.17163508

Yea that makes sense but calling it based just triggered me because the phrasing of "outfit" makes it seem like its about looks more than practicality and given that it's just congratulating you for choosing what is known as the best

>> No.17163510

I'd stay naked, so everyone would see my little button dick, and women would mock me and spank me.

That, or maybe a suit.

>> No.17163576
File: 1.47 MB, 820x823, 1639950765124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wizardcore for sure

>> No.17163885

based damp danny

>> No.17164377
