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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 300 KB, 750x541, 88AB6755-32E0-4294-A612-9A29F63CBDEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17129614 No.17129614 [Reply] [Original]

why are women and twittercels incapable of recognizing that the meme dress has a distinctive cut, not just a blue floral print

>> No.17129619

/pol/tards are worshiping this Dutch right-wing princess.

funny thing is she has a history of fucking lots of dudes, including black guys

>> No.17129663

red scare had it 100% nailed. never forget that everyone who appears on TV is playing a character

>> No.17129920

>funny thing is she has a history of fucking lots of dudes, including black guys
This is the case for every girl pol obsesses over

>> No.17129968

Blown out whore decides to pander to tradcucks after she's done riding the carousel? Wow, I've never heard of this in my life!

>> No.17129969

this is the case for every girl

>> No.17129994
File: 65 KB, 1266x688, 1593407654542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back you worthless freak

>> No.17130014

Sun dress? Floral print midi? Trad wife? They're the same dress! Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

>> No.17130016
File: 163 KB, 1300x843, D6EFAF67-0E6F-46E8-ADF2-29F62B588D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funny thing is she has a history of fucking lots of dudes, including black guys

>> No.17130301
File: 177 KB, 700x700, 291862413_448381213541564_7816095996148737817_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, literally him

>> No.17130306

The dutch have jungle fever, they literally worship Africans

>> No.17130360 [DELETED] 
File: 403 KB, 1429x2000, 1009-YFZ-Merrianne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers, incels and conservativecucks never touched a blonde caucasian girl, therefore they didn't got the chance to learn how a whore and a marriage material girl should will like.

It's even beyond me that we need to discuss that girls hit the wall with 25.

>> No.17130362
File: 403 KB, 1429x2000, 1009-YFZ-Merrianne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers, incels and conservativecucks never touched a blonde caucasian girl, therefore they didn't got the chance to learn how a whore and a marriage material girl will look like.

It's even beyond me that we need to discuss that girls hit the wall with 25.

>> No.17130367
File: 120 KB, 736x920, b9097177208dabf86203c547da710c9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times should i tell white bois that traditional white blonde girls are for brown males.

>> No.17130372
File: 23 KB, 410x231, asukagrumpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Head back to your discord and workshop that bait a little more, pajeet. It's not working.

>> No.17130392

mutts law

>> No.17130442

so does your mom.

>> No.17130453

Is this from a mormon dating site?
The quality is admirable from such a rural personality
Is Utah some kind of agri-techno utopia?

>> No.17130468
File: 285 KB, 1464x1736, dfe7e6b38a67a5bff03acb14cebf71ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amish, mormones, jehovas witnesses are full of based white girls.

>> No.17130475

And you leave them alone. They’re precious

>> No.17130488

I need those feet on my face

>> No.17130492

who is camera?

>> No.17130498

No one cares you fucking autist.

>> No.17130501

What fucking board am I on?

>> No.17130505

There's that child-like innocence in their eyes that one only sees in nuns, priests, or highly religious people. I am not worthy of a woman like this and given you're on 4chin I suspect you aren't either.
Also, how can I cope knowing chances are I will not marry a virgin?

>> No.17130542

>a bloo bloo bloo I left my containment board and found out people don't like us for ruining this site a bloo bloo bloo

>> No.17130549
File: 472 KB, 656x949, 516445a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A women lose they innocence by around 20 years, when atleast 50 chads banged the shit out of her and/or intense party lifestyle after given dozens of blowjobs at the local toilet room or lapdances for stranger males.

Funnily you see alot of based soiboiz here defending such females after all the trip she go through as desirable.

Moral of the story: catch her at 20 years old, guide her to be a productive member of society.

>> No.17130578
File: 162 KB, 329x353, 1657891300749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fake blonde

>> No.17130580
File: 343 KB, 1638x2048, DrRewc3UwAADEq7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's even beyond me that we need to discuss that girls hit the wall with 25.
Imagine willingly dating a woman under the age of 25 kek why not date a vaccuum it's suck up your money all the same and you won't have to suffer the most retarded unbearable conversations on date night

>> No.17130598

>mutt enters the trend
>mmmmhhhh today I'm gonna shill
>I need to say something funny
>emh, nigger dick! Ahah so fucking original

>> No.17130599

Did you ever date a women over 30, most preferable already as a single mom?
It's like dating a damaged good, "take me as i am" level.
My last date with an early 20 year old girl was enjoyable as shit. She was a little naive, easily interested in things you do, you can do the love stuff much more intense than a girl who already stuffed million times before.
Do as you please, but early 20 is the way to go(me 36 year old).

>> No.17130609

I said over 25, I don't know why you changed it to "over 30 and a single mom"
But fair enough, if you can manage to stomach the unbelievably naive and awful conversations younger girls go for it. I want my woman to raise me up and push me to become greater, not rely on me

>> No.17130613

>I want my woman to raise me up and push me to become greater, not rely on me

The typical mom syndrome. Something tells me that you might be a virign forever.

>> No.17130617

I'm sorry you decided to adopt a wallet leak

>> No.17130779

I'm sorry you're poor

>> No.17130791

As many times until you yourself start to believe it, so give or take another couple years in your basement sponsored by the Chinese government.

>> No.17130798

>cares about virginity
>wants to marry
>wants to marry a virgin
>spends time on one of the most degenerate places on the internet
holy crap dude, if you want a brainwashed religious bitch then join a christian cult and leave this website

>> No.17130807

Actually because I have double income I'm quite well off.

>> No.17130924

no you mean we

>> No.17131137

Yeah sure, what I mean is I benefit from double income, I have access to double income

>> No.17131238

does anywhere actually sell the trad wife dress? with the round neck, cloth buttons, frills around the placket, the puff sleeves, etc.? and preferably at least to ankle length (not exactly trad if it shows a bit of leg is it?)

I'll settle for wrong fabric if it has the right shape

>> No.17131257

Learn to sew like a real trad woman

>> No.17131559

/fa/ was always one of the dumbest boards but these days it's fucking retarded

>> No.17131577
File: 56 KB, 592x457, berber_eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah she literally dated some brown Nafri BVLL from France

has a history dating black guys too

/pol/tards on suicide watch

>> No.17131582

The tarde containment board is leaking

>> No.17131587

>dated some brown Nafri BVLL from France

>Julien Rochedy


>> No.17131590

The Amish and Mennonites have a lot of communities in America with lots of beautiful traditional women who keep their virginity until marriage.

I don't understand why you folks who are obsessed with tradwives don't just join one of those communities? Is it because you can't give up the use of electronics since you love spending 24/7 on 4chan calling people the N word?

>> No.17131594

I wasn't aware they were open to random losers like me showing up and asking to join so I can fuck their daughters

>> No.17131954

It's gross the way modern American "men" see their wife as a means to higher income.

Don't you have any sense of your masculine duty to take care of your wife so she can birth and raise your children and run the home?

Why are you so capitalist obsessed that you see your wife as a worker. It's repulsive.

>> No.17131991

>h-has a history dating black guys !
>i-including black guys
You know she makes you seethe because you have to make up headcanon about her.

>> No.17132087
File: 243 KB, 980x1470, lila003 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaming, anime and lack of self improvement results into males that want moms as the GF/wife.
Imagine wanting a wasted over 30 year(or even single mom) old GF who absorbed more stranger semen than a normal human being absorbed water for drinking.

>> No.17132227

ok so I really am the only one who cares that everyone is fashion illiterate and only sees the blue floral print?

>> No.17132239

>funny thing is she has a history of fucking lots of dudes, including black guys
Do you want to know, how I know, that you are a burger

>> No.17132373

>It's gross the way modern American "men" see their wife as a homebody symbol of their masculinity and not another human being with their own goals and dreams

>> No.17132463

Go back to your tranny subreddit, faggot.

>> No.17132467

I listened to a ten second clip on twitter. I don't listen to red scare, I'm not female. but I respect them

>> No.17132542

Don't complain that your future wife/GF will cheat on you with Tyrone.
A feminine women want to be guided.
Stop flavoring your meals with soi sauce, damn it.

>> No.17132546

looks like incelAI has reached the testing phase. needs work if I'm being honest

>> No.17132547

>based white girl
no such thing

>> No.17132552

theyre all mostly used up by 18...
most are sexually experienced by 16.
age of consent is a scam

>> No.17132716
File: 175 KB, 1200x675, ZasedISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real tradgirl meme https://youtu.be/gUyla4Y4b9c?t=94

>> No.17132732

This guy is a MED BVLL and has gigachadesque features. I see no issue.

>> No.17132780

I have never listened to any podcast in my life ever, but redscarepod is one of the few enjoyable subreddits left - it has a unique culture

>> No.17132792

Should be treated with disdain everywhere they go

>> No.17133231

nigga that is the most plastic trad girl I have ever seen

>> No.17133239

This website has always been a racist shithole, fuck off you transplant.

>> No.17133247

yeah but a lot of the edgelords who posted racist words a la George Carlin being offensive epic style have gotten woke since 2009, they think the whole website was supposed to convert with them. "hey guys that joke isn't funny anymore... me and my friends who were posting the n-word in 2007 for teh lulz have nothing in common with this new atmosphere where people post the n-word racistly. this is /pol/'s fault"

>> No.17133316

>Stop browsing /pol/ for a minute because its unusable cancer
>decide to go to a hobby board I never use
>Open up first thread on the catalog that looked interesting
>This reply is the first thing I see
This website needs to die so bad

>> No.17133318

same desu. and the subreddit is genuinely at times a funny and thought provoking place. they are sophisticated thinkers. couple annoying holes but that comes with the territory.