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File: 367 KB, 1200x1200, 245587097_457239332411525_2368394073213060998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17128810 No.17128810 [Reply] [Original]

Vintage chronos edition

This thread is about the appreciation of watches and their design, their history, and the engineering and materials that are required to make a functioning timepiece.

> Poorfag guide: https://m.imgur.com/a/NFMXDuK
> Watch essentials 102: https://pastebin.com/Rc77hhXV (embed)
> Purchasing used watches: https://pastebin.com/f44aJKy2 (embed)
> Purchasing straps: https://pastebin.com/SwRysprE (embed)

Should I buy this MVMT / DW / "minimalist" fashion watch?
> https://imgur.com/a/6CNO8

Should I buy this Armani / Michael Kors / mall watch?
> https://imgur.com/a/Sw1FsAn

"Suggest a watch for me."
> Your budget
> Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
> Movement, e.g. automatic, hand wound, quartz
> Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd time zone
> Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
> Wrist size or desired watch size

previous thread >>17127310

>> No.17128813
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Why won't they offer a description of these criminals to help identify them?

>> No.17128814
File: 717 KB, 838x1482, 1654875850701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, but retain your dignity.

>> No.17128815
File: 126 KB, 960x1200, 166438382_278831223697016_8316941379680643013_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baltic hasn't made a single bad watch. Prove me wrong.
Literally the best affordable mechanical watches right now.

>> No.17128817

every time i spend thousands on a watch i think about how meaningless it is utility wise and proceed to buy more anyway
i need help

>> No.17128818

As long as you're buying watches that retain their value it's fine.
You do buy watches that retain their value, right?

>> No.17128826
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>> No.17128827

>Omega is in bigboy coping category
>somehow the Moonswatch is a based pepe watch now

>> No.17128828

name a GOOD microbrand

>> No.17128833


>> No.17128836

No watch that makes so many people seethe with so little effort could be anything other than based.

>> No.17128837
File: 100 KB, 1200x900, ming-1709-watch-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17128839

>lands on the moon
>gets the co-axial movement from daniels and cucks patek
>big boy on an obscure image hosting website for autists

>> No.17128840


>> No.17128844
File: 661 KB, 576x1024, omega made in china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Omegafags seethed over it, which isn't an impessive accomplishment considering they're seething all the time.

>> No.17128847

see >>17128839

>> No.17128848

All the hypebeasts who thought they could get one and couldn't seethed.
The retards who bought one before the prices crashed seethed.
Anyone whose wrist was stained blue seethed.

>> No.17128849

Court is the last thing they want. My role in this (besides roofing the building) is either getting a commitment to coverage that fucks them down the road or bullying their "experts" (forensic engineers) into writing reports that fucks them down the road. I pigeon hole them into a shitty, losing position for their "basis for denial" that they think they can stand on because they can tell me to get fucked as the contractor. What they don't know, is that I have already prepped my clients to hire a public adjuster (my guy) and our own parade of experts that is going to take that denial and ram it up their ass. If necessary, we use Assignment of Benefit forms to essentially become the policyholder and we as the contractor will sue the carrier. We do it this way because we are eligible for damages. That being said, no insurance company really wants to go court. Legal decisions regarding policy interpretation can be used to fuck them hard in the future, and they like to keep that shit gray as humanly possible to avoid damage settlements from 'undue delay' and 'bad faith claims practices'. The lawyer around here might know something about this depending on his area of practice.

>> No.17128850

>AP in the same category as Oris
>JLC in the same category as Invicta
>Rolex in the same category as FP Journe
uhh BASED?

>> No.17128851

How is being mind-blown that the masses are retarded enough to pay 260 for a plastic piece of shit whose acrylic is laser fused seething in a based way?
I'm poor so all the poor morons who think they're getting some great deal and it's just richfags in awe, they're imbeciles

>> No.17128852

>The lawyer around here might know something about this depending on his area of practice.
He turned out to be a anti-2A liberal faggot. We don't talk about him anymore.

>> No.17128853

>tfw new falcon won't release for 3 more months
ffs they need to hurry the fuck up

>> No.17128855

>Why don't they make watches like this anymore? This is a lovely watch.
They do, they cost like $15 on Alibaba.

>> No.17128857

They're very simplistic but they largely look fine and proportional, almost every element is a copy however.

And I can't wear one because BALDIC.

>> No.17128859
File: 968 KB, 1920x875, image_2022-07-14_171222503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch id?

>> No.17128860
File: 65 KB, 563x750, mission to ur anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Troonswatch is literally baby's first speculative items.
Thousands of idiots waited hours in front of Swatch Stores with the hope of buying one and selling it five time its retail price. Only a handful of people actually succeeded to make a profit on these.

>> No.17128867


>> No.17128870

I wanted one when I first heard about it assuming it would be the same quality as a low end miyota or something but it's unironically worse AliExpress shitters
The people who paid mark up prices are even more insane
I was just in a group where they were all saying I'm just mad and jealous they're getting a piece of history while I had to "overpay" for the real thing
I don't even own expensive watches

>> No.17128871

It's from the gulag, a certified Stalin classic

>> No.17128873

Not just the resellers. The poorfags who thought they could get a "cool" watch without having to wait in line or win a lottery were super encouraged when Omega said "No, they're not limited edition".
They were frustrated when Omega said they hadn't anticipated demand and then started seething once Omega said that they were boutique only and would never be sold online.

>> No.17128877

>Be lawyer
>Somehow to fail to understand that civilian gun ownership rights outlined in the Constitution have nothing to do with hunting or fishing
>2A actually for violent overthrown of a potentially tyrannical centralized government
>2A literally an insurance policy against tyranny
>Sad, many such cases
Lawyers are generally faggots. Lawyers and engineers are literally the worst class of client. Engineers think they know everything and lawyers will invariably try and fuck you. I have met exactly one cool lawyer, and I use him to sue insurance companies.

>> No.17128881

Watching the way Australia and these other countries handle their citizens over the rona, it removed any doubt I had any the 2A and its importance

>> No.17128898

Oh, the lawyer faggot doesn't misunderstand that at all. He simply opposes the idea that citizens have a right to defend themselves from a tyrannical government.

>> No.17128905

I imagine he will change his mind when a cadre of future doctors and lawyers comes for his 500k+ watch collection

>> No.17128908

Have you seen his watch collection? Just by looking at them you can thell he was the first in line to get the jab

>> No.17128909

how is that seagull btw?

>> No.17128911

Lol, he'd probably happy at how his watch collection has diversified.

>> No.17128920
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>> No.17128924
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>> No.17128928
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Looks good on the wrist though.

>> No.17128930
File: 1.21 MB, 4032x3024, 20220626_100737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else here even own a vintage chronographs? Omegadrunk?

>> No.17128932

As far as I know there's only the one guy who owns a bunch of old ones and posts pictures of his watches with tools.

I think Omegadrunk killed himself.

>> No.17128936
File: 13 KB, 722x720, 1647382340831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NNNNNOOOOO!! Must be 32mm like they used to be!!!!

>> No.17128937
File: 474 KB, 1190x509, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon, even Patek isn't imune to stupidity

>> No.17128942

Pictured is not a watch meant to be worn, it's meant to demonstrate how many complications they can cram into a single movement.

Stop arguing in bad faith. It makes you look cheap.

>> No.17128945

They make a 36mm for twinks, what's the problem?

>> No.17128947

You're really not doing yourself any favors by posting one of the most complicated watches ever made

>> No.17128948

Every time someone posts that picture, some guy who has an irrational hatred of modern JLC shows up, makes a bunch of retarded arguments, gets stomped hard, and disappears.

Stay tuned. If he shows up, this is going to be fun.

>> No.17128949

i'm pretty sure that is the guy posting the picture. he's a real content farm though

>> No.17128956

>sure this watch looks stupid and is completely unusable but it's not supposed to be worn so pls don't make fun of it
How is that an argument lmao

>> No.17128957

yea who would want to own a proof of concept

>> No.17128961
File: 101 KB, 1200x675, 2296f8014960cd90a953ed34f32e0eef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they even trying?

>> No.17128964

>How is that an argument lmao
I love "debate me" kids.
They don't realize that no one gives a shit about arguing with someone who refuses to change his own mind.

>> No.17128967

Too big to fit in a normal pocket. It's garbage.

>> No.17128968
File: 984 KB, 1520x2688, 1657814901718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a Seiko 6139 (and a 7A28), here's a very old picture.

>> No.17128970

Oy vey jews have deep pockets

>> No.17128974
File: 2.71 MB, 3024x4032, 1657815036642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore my G-Shock up a mountain today.

>> No.17128975

>no one gives a shit about arguing with someone who refuses to change his own mind.
If you put together a well-reasoned argument, supported by facts (and citations, of course) that objectively refutes my opinion, then I'm willing to change my mind. If I don't change my mind, you lose. That's just how it works.

Your move.

>> No.17128979
File: 489 KB, 1017x759, patek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the movement alone is pretty much the same size as my watch

>> No.17128982
File: 33 KB, 332x396, the_quote_of_the_sophisticated_gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you put together a well-reasoned argument, supported by facts (and citations, of course) that objectively refutes my opinion, then I'm willing to change my mind. If I don't change my mind, you lose. That's just how it works.

>Your move.

>> No.17128987
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 20220207_111119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. Love the vintage Seiko chronos. I've got a 6139 and really like it. Would really like a 7016 some day

>> No.17128989


>> No.17128991

Name of that lake please?

>> No.17128994


>> No.17128995
File: 497 KB, 398x697, 1656528324286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain to me why i shouldn't get this when it only costs $100.

>> No.17128999

4:30 date

>> No.17129001

I got 2 normies at work to buy Seiko Snk’s

Based or cringe?

>> No.17129003

because it's an Ali Express brand that probably cost $10 to make. Almost certainly contains lead paint or a lethal amount of formaldehyde since it was made in China. And the winding mechanism will probably snap after a year or two of use, because it's made in China.

>> No.17129006

24 hour subdial

>> No.17129011

this, its worthless shit of a complication

>> No.17129012
File: 225 KB, 652x382, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17129014
File: 2.17 MB, 992x992, delug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd unironically wear that 2020 JLC everyday and it would be awesome
i'd wear it with an elastic strap

looks nice

post a pic once you get it shipped
hard to believe it's auto + 100$

>> No.17129016

I’ve been hunting around for a decent seiko 70s chrono but I might just say fuck it and get a solar quartz instead. I like to wear my seikos and not really give a shit about them.

>> No.17129018

I'm still waiting for someone to do a 24 minute subdial on a chrono. If they really have to do a useless complication, why not make it really useless? At least it'd be unique and noone but the owner would know about it.

>> No.17129020

it's not full automatic. i also just really like the colors/design.

>> No.17129022
File: 82 KB, 517x690, seiko-chrono-6138-8020-panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where you from?

>> No.17129025

...what's half automatic?

>> No.17129028
File: 273 KB, 600x600, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolex rhymes with sex and flex

>> No.17129029
File: 18 KB, 576x169, 1655506524289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't call a meca quartz a real automatic.

>> No.17129030

There's nothing 'automatic' about it at all.

>> No.17129035

You don't have to wind it.

>> No.17129036


>> No.17129037

The most hilarious part about these types of liberal faggots is that they generally live the absolute maximum distance they can way from the (((diversity))) they claim to champion. I would invite these liberal BLM sign having, tranny flag flying faggots to try that living on the near Eastside of Indianapolis. They wouldn't last a week before some diversified future aerospace engineer disassembled their BMW in their driveway.

>> No.17129041

He's a faggot but Rolex > whatever shit you own

>> No.17129046

It's a little too big, I have 7 inch wrists and 38-39mm looks elegant. Zoomers wouldn't understand

>> No.17129054
File: 229 KB, 960x720, krnsko jezerro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.17129055

That doesn't make it an automatic.

>> No.17129063

afaik he doesn't have any Rolex.
Mostly useless 90s luxury shitters.
His most valuable watch (and only good one) is the FP Journe Chronometre Bleu

>> No.17129068

Not even. It's like 4:32-4:33 what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.17129084
File: 1.08 MB, 1584x5256, Seiko Rice Soy sauce Sesame Crystal sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17129088

I see
Fucking fat faggot

>> No.17129090

My guess is that he doesn't have half the watches he claims to have. He never posts any updated pictures with the usual bullshit excuse about "being in the safe" so he's probably sold off half those shitters.

>Step 1: find someone with a Journe
>Step 2: ask to try it on
>Step 3: take a wrist shot
>Step 4: post pic on 4chan with the filename "My FP Journe.jpg"

Now /wt/ thinks you own an FP Journe, easy peasy.

>> No.17129095

>and only good one
Lange is a good watch, Credor as well.

>> No.17129103

He posted a massive collection pic not too long ago.

>> No.17129107
File: 1.77 MB, 3226x1924, 20220706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17129108
File: 2.92 MB, 2988x2988, My Breguet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own every watch I've ever posted. I don't think I've sold more than ten watches ever. I don't need to. I wouldn't buy them if I couldn't afford them.

I got no problem with guns in the hands of law enforcement or the military, but guys who feel the need to own a gun are usually overcompensating for having small dicks so they're afraid of everything. We can go into what the "well-regulated militia" part of the second amendment refers to but it would go over your head.

>> No.17129110
File: 3.18 MB, 4128x3096, 20220714_194814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the straps i have for it i think i like this one the most.

>> No.17129115

>He posted a massive collection pic not too long ago.
It wasn't updated. It was an old pic.

>> No.17129116

That yellow gold and black dial Lange is disgusting.
He literally picked the worst configuration available.

>> No.17129117
File: 397 KB, 1045x478, 1657820959477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the shitty quality, just thought I'd share this korean watch I got that the president hands out sometimes to individuals that did something good. The (rough) measurement is 34mm and 37 lug to lug.

>> No.17129121

>Fat fuck always posting about making anons seethe over his watches
>Talks about overcompensating
Fat retarded pussy

>> No.17129123

>He literally picked the worst configuration available.
he gets his dick sucked because of the brand names he owns, not because the watches themselves are particularly good looking.

>> No.17129124

While i might agree with you that it's not the most pretty combo out there (it's subjective anyway) it's still a good watch.

>> No.17129125

You have zero ability to defend yourself or your family in a situation. It's very strange you throwing out penis size as an argument. Maybe you plan to slap a home intruder with your huge schlong?

>> No.17129126

Interesting, and not bad looking at all.

>> No.17129127

>itt: /pol/fags derail the thread to shit on a proper watch collector just because he dared to challenge their retarded worldview, no watches get posted

>> No.17129129

Stay seething while I live in your live in your head rent free.

>> No.17129130

>in a situation
What situation? I'm not him but there aren't many such situations that i'd need a gun to defend myself here you know.

>> No.17129131

Uhh esl much sweaty?

>> No.17129136

NPC dialog bug

>> No.17129139


>> No.17129141

Most people don't get into car accidents every time they drive but that doesn't mean they would rather have cars without seat belts or airbags. When someone tries to forcibly diversify your household, that's when you need to defend yourself.

>> No.17129148

>We can go into what the "well-regulated militia"
Please do

>> No.17129149

>racist Boomer good-guy-with-a-gun fantasy

>> No.17129155
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>> No.17129157
File: 45 KB, 500x625, BN0150-28E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better?

>> No.17129159

the chinks and arabs that buy these watches need people to be able to tell that the wearer is rich from 100m away

>> No.17129160

Like i said stuff like that just doesn't happen here. Also
>florida man

>> No.17129162
File: 672 KB, 1622x1622, My D igitrend Amida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the simplest terms that you can understand, the second amendment does not apply to an individual's right to own a military style firearm since muskets of the day were no different than hunting rifles, no one would have thought that it was a right that needed to be spelled out. (It's the same reason we don't specifically have the right to wear shoes in the Constitution.)
The second amendment gives states the right to form fully-functional militias to maintain peace and security instead of relying on the federal government for that.

This was the prevailing opinion until the "conservative" activists on the Supreme Court decided that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State" was irrelevant to the text in D.C. v. Heller in 2008.

>> No.17129163

Sounds like you're a pretty shitty lawyer if you can't understand the basic tenets that this country was founded upon.

>> No.17129166
File: 45 KB, 473x649, OIP(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17129175


one of you was shitting on the patek 6300 earlier but this is the coolest piece of watchmaking ive ever seen

>> No.17129182
File: 613 KB, 1019x680, Z903106_1024x1024.jpg_(WEBP_Image,_1024_×_683_pixels)_-_2022-07-14_19.06.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so pretty it hurts

>> No.17129185

The argument for our Constitutional right to carry isn't even a matter of self-defense against the individual, it's a much broader matter of self-defense against the government. And to clarify, I don't even own a firearm.

>> No.17129186

>does less than a $10 casio

>> No.17129188

Yep, he outed himself as a retard. No surprise there.

>> No.17129190
File: 1.57 MB, 1105x647, finish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this type of finishing called?

>> No.17129191

omega seamaster 300 co-axial master chronometer

>> No.17129192
File: 2.03 MB, 1281x1600, spd_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy thursday

>> No.17129193

japanese steel folded a million times

>> No.17129194

>message to muslims
>wash your penis!
weird video

>> No.17129196

What a beautiful piece, would buy

>> No.17129197

It's not a finish. It's just unpolished, ungrinded surface with the grooves left by the milling cutter

>> No.17129201

>the second amendment does not apply to an individual's right to own a military style firearm since muskets of the day were no different than hunting rifles
Yeah you're right, I don't understand. Cannons or pistols weren't for hunting, why weren't they spelled out? Surely they knew weapon technology would advance past a single shot musket.

>> No.17129205

Why do I have to subscribe to your subjective interpretation of the constitution?
>shall not be infringed

>> No.17129211

Quandary Peak?

>> No.17129216

Nothing's being infringed upon dummy. The state has the right to form an armed militia. It did before, it still does now. You, personally, do not factor into this equation.

>> No.17129218
File: 660 KB, 640x1136, 151924801_445238096915807_1295610815169762006_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many /tv/ poster can you identify?
>fat leftist lawyer anon
>alcoholic anon with the Hamilton
>Aqua Terra owner posting wrist shots from some rooftop
>anon with Rolexes and a Cartier Santos with a view on some big city
>anon with a GMT Master II Batman
>anon who hates modern JLC
>anon always posting fit pics with untucked shirt

>> No.17129223

You don't really know what you're talking about, do you?

>> No.17129224

this is pretty cool. what did you do to get this? or is it aftermarket.

>> No.17129226
File: 113 KB, 300x387, 1640656655395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah the state should have a monopoly on violence because I'm a bootlicking faggot who probably gets people locked up on trumped-up charges weekly
>cops and military can do no wrong

>> No.17129229

go back

>> No.17129231

Militia meant "the whole people, except for a few public officials." according to g.washington

>> No.17129232

Looks like some random Ali microbrand.

>> No.17129236

this is the most interesting this thread has been in weeks

>> No.17129241

dude's a lawyer, you didn't expect him to be a parasitic leech on the system?

>> No.17129243

Aqua Terra anon doesn't frequent /tv/. I'm personally a /k/, /sci/, /ck/, and (occasional) /g/ poster. I browse /pol/ and /biz/.

>> No.17129244
File: 66 KB, 696x651, 1656011541512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the only thing I expected him to be

>> No.17129245

one would expect to open /wt/ and see cool watches or faggots sperging about >muh rawleks cope, not retards arguing about whether some oldfags 200 years ago meant i could shoot people with an auto rifle or a cannon

>> No.17129246

>How many /tv/ poster can you identify?
was this meant to be /wt/?

>> No.17129247
File: 503 KB, 1500x1100, TAG-Heuer-Carrera-160th-anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>richard mille
>not a 500lbs hamplanet wearing a clown costume

>> No.17129250

Yeah, I was just thinking how sad it was that no one in the last few posts has accused anyone else of being upset that they cannot afford a Rolex.

>> No.17129249
File: 157 KB, 860x868, Omega-Seamaster-Watch-Movements-compared-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an activist lawyer from all available evidence

>> No.17129252

that interpretation has already been proven wrong many times by people infinitely more qualified to make such determinations

please stop sucking so much dick

>> No.17129253
File: 155 KB, 1080x1350, 290982727_807876583953415_427709945487822774_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shieeeet I wrote /tv/
meant /wt/ obviously

>> No.17129255

>60k rolex to grocery store visit in very mediocre part of town
>no one helps
>man hops in audi suv and runs over median to get away

I've been to that area a few times, not dangerous but wth you have a rolex going to smelly asian supermarket..
better luck next time chang

>> No.17129259
File: 200 KB, 1600x851, Watch-brands-market-share-2021-graph-Morgan-Stanley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard Mille is incredibly based.
Went from completely unknown to one of the most profitable watch brands in only a decade.
His watches are actually fun and bring something new.

>> No.17129270

The worst kind of faggot lawyer
>Goes to law school
>"I'm in this to help disenfranchised (insert minority here)"
>"I'm not in this for the money"
>Starts making money
>Now insulated in bubble of academic, legalese liberal faggotry
>Becomes completely divorced from reality
>Now has watch collection whose value is worth the lifetime income of (insert minority here)
>"Laws are for thee, not for me"

>> No.17129272
File: 126 KB, 1600x1065, fp-journe-t30-tourbillon-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his watches are half a million dollar vehicles for moneylaundering and tax evasion schemes

>> No.17129274


>> No.17129277
File: 463 KB, 700x700, SRPG39K1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a better looking field watch for everyday use? $175 on ebay (new)

>> No.17129284
File: 79 KB, 424x704, 20add5f619a13cd4c880a5c83fa7c89d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a field watch and why wouldn't you just wear a Casio f91w or a Timex weekender/expedition

>> No.17129286

I know it's pretty based.
I've read servicing a Richard Mille is like 7k for a basic watch and it can go up to 20k for a chronograph kek

>> No.17129288

doesnt timex tick as load as a wall clock?

>> No.17129292

It's part of the charm

>> No.17129293

i mean it probably takes a really experienced guy like a week to do if not longer

>> No.17129296


>> No.17129300

What watch goes well with a mustard face

>> No.17129307
File: 27 KB, 400x300, timex-ironman-watch-womens-105_1_9bb28a4ea14bf16926e85d27ad1bb2e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timex remind me too much of my first digital watch from walmart
Casio is a calculator brand

>> No.17129335

what do you mean by field watch then? If you mean something that's gonna go with you into the field and get beat up I wouldn't buy anything else

>> No.17129339

Thank you, i'm not selling unfortunately. There are some nice examples to be found out there still, and they don't cost that much.

>> No.17129342

>im gonna.. im gonna consoooooooom
>rick and morty ™
i think i should stop consooming watches...

>> No.17129348

I don't notice it unless I take it off in a super quiet room or hold it up to my ear

>> No.17129427
File: 2.33 MB, 3171x2748, PleaseDontBeSoGullibleMyFriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, my friends, a couple of things you should know:

1. To my knowledge, at least two faggots keep stealing my pictures and pretend to be me.
2. Yes, I'm a lawyer, bu I'm not american so, thankfully, I don't have to care about all that shit regarding guns.
3. My collection is in fact bigger that what I've shown here, but I'm too lazy to photograph it all, it is in a bank's vault and I keep exchanging watches weekly.
4. I've never sold a watch. I keep every one of them, unless I gift it to someone I love, like my father.
5. English is not my first language.
6. Yes, I'm a bit fat, but I'm also quite tall, so I don't really care.
7. Here I just want to discuss watches, because I can't tell anyone irl how much I have spent in this matter.
8. I like being kind to others, as I was properly rised and with "loooooove"
9. This faggot
isn't me.
>end of blog's entry

>> No.17129428
File: 57 KB, 976x850, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought the vintage rolex perpetual

>> No.17129435

So you're a fat faggot. Got it.

>> No.17129436

Oh my god, all this damage control.
>No! Please go back to calling me lawyersama and sucking my dick. I'll even pretend to care about your rights.

You should probably just kill yourself, like by jumping off a bridge, not over the long-term via your unhealthy lifestyle.

>> No.17129439

It's the casiofags. They're very bitter and angry people spend money on clocks.

>> No.17129442
File: 3.09 MB, 199x190, no_one_approves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy posting with my pictures and in my posting style saying things that got downvoted is not me.
Ok, whatever you say.

>> No.17129445
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x3024, 20220611_093132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17129447

Based if true
I want to believe you're not an anti gun homo

>> No.17129448

Doesn't matter, you can never take this back.

>Imho guns are for fags, unless it belongs to a member of the public forces or the military.

Once a leftist bootlicker, always a leftist bootlicker. Go run in traffic and die of a heart attack before a truck hits you, fatso.

>> No.17129449
File: 2.02 MB, 2880x2160, 20200218_161237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really wear this one more

>> No.17129454

It is him, thanks to the time-stamped pics, but unfortunately the post in >>17129448 is him too.

>> No.17129455

Not a quanterine au sauterne? Embarrassing desu

>> No.17129457

>6. Yes, I'm a bit fat, but I'm also quite tall, so I don't really care.

On /fit/ there's a joke
>What do you call a fat tall person?
>A waste of good genetics.

>> No.17129460
File: 1.28 MB, 2520x1784, IMG_20220604_153754073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seethe much?

Whoever they are, is just boring.

The dead giveaway is that he said he SOLD watches, and no, I've never sold a single watch. Keep it up, m8.
>old pic cause people keep stealing my photos

I really don't care about guns, as they aren't a big issue where I live.

Again, I'm not ameritard

lmao that forum is even shittier that this

>> No.17129462

I don't know what that means

>> No.17129468
File: 1.55 MB, 4000x1848, 20220714_143133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*respectfully mogs your watch collections*

>> No.17129470

Whatever. We're bored with you now that you've shown your true color (coward's yellow).


>> No.17129472

>I really don't care about guns, as they aren't a big issue where I live.
Cared enough to say they were for fags. That didn't come from nowhere. You knew what you were saying. You obviously didn't know how everyone else felt, otherwise you would not have posted it.

>> No.17129474

but how do you feel about guns?

>> No.17129478

Every American household should be stocked with an ar15 variant by force, those who refuse get put into labor camps.

>> No.17129482
File: 30 KB, 500x605, images - 2022-05-31T142247.766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've actually been threaten because of my work in human rights issues.
>anon calls me coward
Supreme KEK, my dude.

>> No.17129483

God you're sexy

>> No.17129487

OK, yeah, you get a pass.

You got threatened at work because you stole someone else's lunch out of the office refrigerator.
You're so whiny I'm becoming more and more convinced you're Jewish.

>> No.17129493

>You're so whiny I'm becoming more and more convinced you're Jewish.

>flaunts wealth
>zero ability to handle banter

Was there ever any doubt in your mind? What else could he be? A Martian?

>> No.17129494

rolex sucks dick

>> No.17129498

Of course. Why else would the waiting lists be so long?

>> No.17129516

>perpetually seething Rolexfags are also deranged 1776 Trumptards
like pottery

>> No.17129518
File: 301 KB, 1258x838, Rolex 16570 Polar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I, for one, think that a person can both enjoy wearing a Rolex AND exercise one's Constitutionally guaranteed rights in a calm and constructive manner.

>> No.17129519
File: 328 KB, 1200x2208, 8043E85C-90B3-4369-861B-CCB2E8157E67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello a/wt/ists, greetings from Trash Island. Rocking my new sextimer.

>> No.17129522
File: 2.03 MB, 2880x2160, 20210424_124402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AND exercise one's Constitutionally guaranteed rights in a calm and constructive manner.
The time for that is almost over

>> No.17129523

I'm American and own guns but MUH 2A fanatics are some of the most obnoxious people in the country. Fucking LARPing faggots

>> No.17129524
File: 552 KB, 1306x979, 1629998934713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about them seething lawyeranon, they're just jealous of you.

>> No.17129529


>> No.17129531
File: 6 KB, 220x229, 5198454651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. No other reason anyone could insist on the rights granted to them by the laws of their own land.

>> No.17129537

>I've actually been threaten because of my work in human rights issues.
In terms of, what, defending the people taking away people's rights? Because you definitely don't seem interested in the people's right to put a check on their own government.

>> No.17129545

Nice watch, I like the plant in the back much better, is it real?

>> No.17129546

>muh guns keeps muh guberment in check
lol, lmao even

>> No.17129556

>Perpetually poor Casio faggots are tranny-pandering, socialist fucksticks
Like pottery

>> No.17129561
File: 12 KB, 268x300, av-907895-1637222596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17129563

Fatboy seething pretending to be several anons

>> No.17129564

It's a rubber tree, the ruby/tineke variant :)

>> No.17129570

I thought this watch was small? look gigantic, either that or you have baby wrists.

>> No.17129572

>a rubber tree
like, it's a fake plant made of rubber or it's a real, living plant called a rubber tree?

>> No.17129574

Newshit here, I'm looking for a cheap $100 max watch I can wear casual. I'd prefer the primary color to be white, or white-ish. Is this seiko good for casual wear? I'm open to other watch recommendations at or below this price point.

>> No.17129577

Gotta be honest, if I got absolutely BTFO'd like he did, I'd probably start samefagging too. This thread has been brutal.

>> No.17129589
File: 142 KB, 660x997, seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many more wars do we have to lose to armed peasants before you niggers understand?

>> No.17129595

>7. Here I just want to discuss watches, because I can't tell anyone irl how much I have spent in this matter.
But why not?

>> No.17129596
File: 46 KB, 500x500, tineke_trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual plant. Ficus Elastica. I love this particular species of ficus because of the speed at which they grow. They're just called rubber trees because rubber polymer can be made out of them.

>> No.17129598

What's even more fascinating, especially for the "guns should be in the hands of cops and military" numb-nuts, is that the idea that became the second amendment was specifically against that idea.

In the state-level precursors to the Constutution/Bill of Rights, this was spelled out much better.

From Massachusetts "A Declaration of Rights" from 1870
>The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority and be governed by it

The people were always intended to look after their own defense and that of their communities. They would have been aghast at our colossal standing army and over-militarized federal police forces.

>> No.17129601

Where is that nagatoro picture, I need it now.

>> No.17129604

Isn't it obvious? They'll laugh at him and, knowing he can't defend himself, take his shit. Does he seem like the kind of guy who has a lot of friends?

>> No.17129605

Hope you get ass cancer fat retard.

>> No.17129606

I mean 1780...fuck.

>> No.17129608

>But why not?
Because they'd cut off his arms and legs and feed him his dick and balls before letting the dogs feast on his entrails. He's in one of *those* countries lmfao.

>> No.17129613

>le funy npc pic
nice argument
what do wars in desert shithole have to do with nutjobs shooting each other in the US, again?
it's been 24h at this point of you /pol/fags sperging about guns in a watch thread without posting a single watch pic, an argument you retards started as cope because you didn't like one of lawyerfag's watches. by how hard you're seething it looks to me like this he's living in your head rent-free, might want to use those guns to evict him with a nice bullet to the temple

>> No.17129615

He did say that he doesn't sell watches but he does give watches away to people he loves, so suck harder and tomorrow might be your day.

>> No.17129616

>white knighting a lawyer
the second reply in this thread reminded you to retain your dignity, anon.

>> No.17129617
File: 374 KB, 1040x1040, Osama with a casio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure bub

>> No.17129618
File: 88 KB, 750x734, revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im an /out/ist and a /k/ommando thank you very much, and all of these dudes with a hard-on for the 2a are right, but misguided

>> No.17129628

In my opinion, this has been one of the more toned-down 2A-related threads. Maybe it's a shock to the posters who aren't American, that's my guess. They assume any American with a gun is some paranoid maniac?

>> No.17129638

i don't give a crap about the lawyer it's just you retards shitting the thread for a whole day, i might be wrong but i don't remember the OP saying
>This thread is about the appreciation of guns and their design, their history, and the second amendment.
you want to talk guns? >>>/k/
you want to talk 2a? >>>/pol/
you want to shit on someone's watch collection? you're in the right place

>> No.17129645

>what do wars in desert shithole have to do with nutjobs shooting each other in the US, again?

>> No.17129654
File: 32 KB, 1024x572, 1656796780600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Australian, I love this country but I fucking hate our government with a burning passion

>> No.17129655

>Trash Island
what 3rd country shithole is this? they have Omega boutiques in Haiti now?

>> No.17129661

>Trash Island
I thought that was Staten Island.

>> No.17129662

Of course, you're not posting any watches either and now you're bitching just as much as the gun nuts.

>> No.17129666

My guess was australia kek

>> No.17129669


>> No.17129670

checked but wrong, >>17129661 was almost correct. I'm in my $5k/month cardboard box in NYC

>> No.17129672
File: 48 KB, 810x877, qetl1yl1y1381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in my $5k/month cardboard box in NYC

Bruh, wtf are you thinking?

>> No.17129673
File: 367 KB, 1011x1354, 1643610413050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Badly disguised poorfag seething
Ok, then

>> No.17129675

cope, seething cope even

>> No.17129681
File: 178 KB, 2048x2027, 1657427418541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a portable single watch pouch/sleeve/box thing to keep my watch in my gym bag.

Do you guys have any thoughts?

Most of what I can see online are chink shit or $300 leather ones

>> No.17129682
File: 417 KB, 1046x1347, Screenshot_20220612-201549_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never have a gf who wears vintage chronographs
What's even the point of going on?

>> No.17129688
File: 430 KB, 735x1078, 1646703439367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cope, coping, cope, copen
You see, how fucking stupid you sound?

>> No.17129697
File: 426 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_8996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had such a new acquisition. This is my first time dealing with this company, although I do have some Rolex homages in general. A colleague who sold said that Pagani had so much improved the quality that it is almost at the San Martin level and I can see that they are actually not much missing, a really well-made watch, a bracelet twisted with screws and a very solid bezel, also precisely placed, makes a really great impression. For homage lovers, he found it, but if someone, for example, so far has worn an Omega A would like to enter this type of Rolex, I think it is worth buying such a homage first and see if we like this style at all White dial with an orange hand and so on.

>> No.17129701

get a boyfriend
women are overrated

>> No.17129725

On one hand, it's sad that /wt/ is losing an active poster, since lawyer anon will surely be chased off (either altogether or into anonimity) via these revelations of his leftist stances, but on the other hand, we must ask ourselves how much we're losing?

If we're being honest, his pictures were poor and he never took new pictures; He was not actually that knowledgeable about watches he just owned a lot of them and, had no ability to handle any banter whatsoever.

I think we're going to be fine, /wt/.

>> No.17129727

>had no ability to handle any banter whatsoever.
his thin skin (and his obesity desu) had me convinced he was a burger

>> No.17129728

i literally don't care you fucking autist. he can be a cum-guzzling communist for all I care, the fact is I would trust his opinion over yours or any other random person when it comes to high end brands because he is the only person in the thread who actually owns them

>> No.17129736

I was going to ask "Gonna cry about it?" but that would be redundant, since you obviously typed that bitchy response through a blur of tears.

>> No.17129738

Pure projection. I don't know how you can be so insecure that you throw a hissy fit for this long because someone has different political views than you. Pathetic.

>> No.17129739

If anything, I'm actually sad that the Omega drunk is dead. He actually knew shit about watches. He was sanctimonious as fuck, but he occasionally had good info.

>> No.17129743

throwing a hissy fit over different political positions isn't so bad as throwing a hissy fit because someone else has nice watches you want desu

you end up looking all the more pathetic

>> No.17129751

he is an active threat to the bitter angry poorfags. sizable collection, friendly, a dominant poster. he was targeted for destruction to maintain minimalist non watch enthusiasts sway over the thread. lurked for a bit and seen it happen a few times now. ask yourselves what posters are doing this, same with the cope/rolex shite.

>> No.17129753

This is the most literal case of poorfag cope and seethe I think I have ever seen in this thread.

>> No.17129754

I wish I was gay but sadly I was never sexually abused at a young age

>> No.17129755

no better time to start than now

>> No.17129759

Maybe now we can finally discuss watches without his retarded "hurr durr MY WATCH LE FRIENDO" bullshit in every single thread. Yeah ok you're a rich sociopathic piece of shit what the fuck is your point.

>> No.17129761

>ask yourselves what posters are doing this, same with the cope/rolex shite.
That's a fool's errand, isn't it? No one uses tripcodes in this general so, as is the whole point of an anonymous board, his post had to stand on its own merit. He made the choice to become a known poster; however, and assumed the risks.

/wt/ is what is is. Rich guys flexing on poors, poors larping as rich, poors trying to talk about nice watches and getting shut down for being poor, poors trying to talk about cheap watches and getting shut down for being poor, rich guys trying to talk about anything and getting shut down for being rich.

Occasionally, someone posts a new picture or piece of information.

>> No.17129762

That moron who literally just rambled on and on about the same shit, never had any relevant or factual info, and multireplied to every single post in the thread with an oneliner?

>> No.17129764

I wonder what percentage of the posts defending him are actually him trying to make it look like he isn't universally hated now. He was never that well liked to begin with.

>> No.17129765

>Occasionally, someone posts a new picture or piece of information.
I used to post about new releases and interesting looking vintage watches and all kinds of shit before the richfags took the thread over. Haven't posted in ages because of that and won't until they leave.

>> No.17129767

No, now we need to accuse anyone who didn't like lawyersama of coping and seething

>> No.17129769

the regulars have their own posting style, like the dude above you. envy is a mortal sin, you might confuse someones enthusiasm for their object in many ways, but the fault ultimately lies within you.

>> No.17129770

>before the richfags took the thread over
There's been like four confirmed richfags and one left the thread. Most of these so-called richfags are just taking pictures from social media and larping.

>> No.17129771

Yeah, I know which ones I'm talking about, thanks.

>> No.17129773

I don't know what richfags you're talking about desu. The impression I get is the overwhelming majority of posters here are very poor given the microbrand and shitter posting

>> No.17129775

>envy is a mortal sin
This is the single most tiresome part of /wt/. Everything has to come down to being jealous because the kids here think it has no possible comeback.

>I want to talk about something other than Rolex
Why, can't afford one?
>No, but it's a wide watch world and I want to talk about something else.
>It's possible to be indifferent to or even dislike Rolex, you know.
Sure, if you're fucking poor lmfao trololololol
>OK, fine, let's talk about Rolex
Let's talk about how you're seething at all the Rolex owners!!!!11

>> No.17129779

Which ones?

Lawyer anon is on life support
Insurance Adjuster anon is a regular
NSX anon doesn't post too often
JLC anon is gone for good

>> No.17129780

literally anyone that doesnt have a casio or boctock. doesnt matter if its a dozen or more, extreme rage and anger inevitably follow if you post anything over a paycheck

i think it really comes down to posters hating that an object they might personally despise provides some type of happiness or satisfaction to another.

>> No.17129782

who is JLC anon?

>> No.17129785

I think it'll die down once Rolex prices correct and you can get one from an AD without fellating the guy for 6 weeks. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to engage in that circus, and brands like Patek and FP Journe are also just as guilty.

>> No.17129787

He was here around the middle of last year, had a pretty nice collection of JLCs and some high-end but not super high-end pieces. He wasn't too active.
Then he cut his collection down to like three watches, declared he was done and left. I haven't seen any of his watches posted since then.
Maybe he still lurks.

>> No.17129790

That's right I remember him because he said he bought all his watches within like a 6 month period or something absurd and kept selling them and buying different stuff.

>> No.17129801

Right. That guy was on a fucking binge. I kind of miss him because you know he was always good for some new wristshots. I would not want to be his accountant though.

>> No.17129803

The fact that you know them like they're fucking celebrities does enough to shit up the thread that you don't even have to do anything else, just suck them off like a good little goy. Pathetic turd.

>> No.17129804
File: 243 KB, 465x801, watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17129805

I would have added you,
Jealous bitch anon

But you're obviously not rich.

>> No.17129806

were pretty familiar with your antics also. unfortunately.

>> No.17129807

Hey, nice Submar--oh...

>> No.17129809
File: 560 KB, 1200x803, DSC_0343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you are about 1mm short buddy

>> No.17129810

>a gun
Watch out, lefty lawyer is going to call you a fag.

>> No.17129813

Was that the Breitling that had the rubber bezel insert. Have you had it long? I've been curious to know how they hold up.

>> No.17129818

Hey, nice original jok--oh...

>> No.17129821
File: 497 KB, 1500x976, DSC_0077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately while shooting a few hundred rounds on a 100f day, the rubber must have gotten soft, I reached into the ice chest to get a Natty Ice and some thermal effect then caused the rubber to shrink and fall out. Typical Swiss garbage really, made to look all tactical, but really only made for looking cool in the ski lodge or chocolate shop or whatever fairy shit they do over there.

>> No.17129823

It identifies as a Segway, so it's cool.

>> No.17129827

All I want is a gmt master ii bro. Why do they have to make it so hard

>> No.17129828

Well shit. That sucks. Sorry to hear. The idea always sounded cool, but I never quite trusted rubber parts or coatings on watches. A friend of mine bought one of those JLC Navy SEALs watches with the rubber-clad bracelet links and, while the watch itself was great, the bracelet looked like trash in less than a year.

>> No.17129829

First, put yourself on the waiting list at an AD.
Then, while you're waiting, buy a fake and wear it until you get the call. EZPZ.

>> No.17129830
File: 2.93 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220714_202430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, my friends.
I'm afraid you massively overestimate the influence you may have on whether or not I join these threads. The fact that you call me fat, or accuse me of having certain ideology -which is not relevant to me-, in no way deters me from posting here.
I love my watches and enjoy talking about them here.
>Seethe, if you must.

>> No.17129834

Does anyone remember the Tudor fag that got us kicked off /g/? I'm starting to get the same vibes.

>> No.17129835
File: 158 KB, 474x534, 1657321383801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made all that up it was a rep and actually held up great even using it in salt water a ton until eventually the crown tube stripped out after maybe 5 years of use. $200 well spent.

>> No.17129836

Fucking genius. Anyone know where to find good quality fakes?

>> No.17129837


>> No.17129838
File: 207 KB, 667x667, My Celadon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek nice Segway

>> No.17129839

i gather youre in the southern hemisphere? canada, mexico, peru, Columbia, ecuador, and panama use that timezone.

>> No.17129840

looking for accurate time? *whips out my phone*

>> No.17129843
File: 1.21 MB, 1981x1930, My Chopard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, my friendos.

>> No.17129844

Lol, it gets worse. He's not even white?

>> No.17129846

Cry harder

>> No.17129849

Well now we know why he doesn't own a Rolex. In his shithole countries, wearing a Rolex would get his arm machete'd off, so he has to wear shit like >>17129843 instead.

>> No.17129850

Thanks! It’s actually pretty damn close. I only notice one discrepancy between it and the real thing. Definitely good enough to pass off while I wait.

>> No.17129851

so are you just going to spend the next 3 days seething over this guy or what

>> No.17129854

i think anything would get your arm macheted off in some of those places. im pretty sure if he wanted a rolex, hed have a rolex

>> No.17129855

Sure. Watching you pull your own hair out at anyone who owns a watch more expensive than a Vostok was getting tiresome.

>> No.17129859
File: 3.23 MB, 4032x3024, 4BFEEA68-1F08-40BC-8214-98B88DEF4BF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 42.5mm- am i a wristlet?

>> No.17129860

Please take your meds you schizo, I don't own Russian or micro shit and never will

>> No.17129861

I really like this two watches, lawyer, but I hate both straps

>> No.17129862


Welp, time for a new thread.

>> No.17129864
File: 139 KB, 782x758, 1651088289587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooooo You can't like (n) watches

>> No.17129866
File: 32 KB, 450x450, s3ku3983_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre not a wristlet, but that is probably your limit. it looks fine. anything with a bracelet that size you should be wary of the endlinks making it wear larger.

>> No.17129868

looks like a 6.5 inch wrist

>> No.17129871

He's some Colombian or whatever South American third world shithole mafia lawyer, you don't know this yet even though he's been samefagging in every single thread for years?

>> No.17129876

> wristlet?

far as i can tell, that's the RA-AC0H04Y with a lug-to-lug of 49.4mm which would sit big on most dudes, unless they had an 8 inch wrist or more
'course being a pilots watch, they're meant to be rather large; the models from WWII often sitting at 55mm diameter
how about you simply measure your wrist and then you won't need us to tell you anything

interesting piece btw

>> No.17129906

Know any better fakes?

>> No.17129917


>> No.17129924

It's made in china because most "Swiss made" watches are.

>> No.17129927
File: 416 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20220629_093153378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the name of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Cope, I demand you begone shitbird

>> No.17129929

can you at least put the watches in focus my man

>> No.17129931

Why? You can see what they are poorfag.

>> No.17129936

Negative, frendo

>> No.17129938

Fun color dw-9052 options when?

>> No.17129940
File: 1.21 MB, 3024x2851, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try

>> No.17129951
File: 2.51 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20220714_210842664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17129952
File: 221 KB, 633x1097, Screenshot_20220715-123140_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on this?

>> No.17129953
File: 790 KB, 2291x2291, My Tudor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice JLC, I'm not sure if you have posted it before.

Tudor Bro...

Nice Swatch

>Someone make a new thread

>> No.17129956

That looks fucking abysmal, is it fake or are they really this shitty?

>> No.17129957

thanks, i try to refrain posting my watches because it typically derails the thread into shitflinging
i have lots of thoughts on GO in general. their movement finishing is really amazing but i don't know why so many of their watches are oversized and a lot of their dials are real headscratchers design wise

>> No.17129959

No, they are very well made, I'm just not that good taking pictures of them.

>> No.17129961
File: 161 KB, 1280x980, GO-PanoMaticLunar-Back-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point this watch retailed for under 10k euro in 2020

>> No.17129962

Dude look at the lume on 11 for example, that's not a picture taker issue.

>> No.17129963
File: 1.50 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20220711_002613671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's actually an armitron awatch, but the logo even looks like swatch, I thought it was one when I got it from a family member until I read it closer. nice little 20 dollar thing that I enjoy wearing

>> No.17129964
File: 37 KB, 758x644, 6f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal swatch homage

>> No.17129970
File: 178 KB, 978x977, My Jaeger LeCoultre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i try to refrain posting my watches because it typically derails the thread into shitflinging
You shouldn't. It's a very nice watch and, as you can see, threads are going to be full with shitposting anyway.

Although I'm parcial to TV screen dials, I don't think the display works terrible well. Love the colour, tho.

It is, the odd shape is due to bad lighting and shadows

Well, it really fooled me. Even the font is very similar in the right. Nice.

>> No.17129971

>It is, the odd shape is due to bad lighting and shadows
Ok, take a pic of the marker from another angle.

>> No.17129973
File: 234 KB, 800x720, bad lighting lmfao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17129974

I should have other pictures, hold a while.

>> No.17129977

Yeah I'm not waiting for you to photoshop this out >>17129973 loser.

>> No.17129981

New thread:

>> No.17129984

If you don't want to wait, don't wait. I'll post it in the next thread.

>> No.17130009


>It is, the odd shape is due to bad lighting and shadows


>> No.17130017
File: 20 KB, 474x528, teddy roosey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks dudes

>> No.17130050

You should put the NATON strap on it. It's way more comfy. The bronze feels weird to me.

>> No.17130089

>replica breitling
can you go any lower...

>> No.17130227
File: 69 KB, 600x400, 11_Benjamin_Watches25464_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so pretty...