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File: 628 KB, 1937x3000, ABA24A06-DF9E-4936-B1CF-1AA448984EF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17112457 No.17112457 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss all things hair, whether it be on the body, face, or head.
Previous Thread: >>17089354

>> No.17112472

Can anyone confirm if this is true?

>> No.17112491
File: 173 KB, 817x1222, megan-fox-joins-machine-gun-kelly-at-taurus-premiere-at-tribeca-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to know the fucking name of MGKs hair transplant doctor.

>> No.17112559

It's so statistically insignificant.
More significant would be that poor sleep makes you have lower test which makes you produce less DHT.
Which is also not statistically significant.

Yup his was pretty good. But he was luck with his pattern

>> No.17112625
File: 447 KB, 750x722, EEDED684-D65C-41DA-B679-80F014234FF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do yall feel about this? I’ve been growing my hair out for a bit but my gf wants it trimmed down. I have a selleck stache too so i figure why not

>> No.17112680

just take melatonin supplements before bed and stop worrying about it

>> No.17112726

based if you have a copious amount of body hair

>> No.17112749 [DELETED] 
File: 504 KB, 567x1003, 31F167C5-807B-4DB3-90B2-F1BCBC74ABE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does shorter or longer hair suit my face shape better? I know this angle isn’t the best but it’s one of the only images I can find of me with long hair.

>> No.17112750

How do I permanently get rid of dandruff? I’m tired of having to use dandruff shampoo every other week, it ruins my hair.

>> No.17112753 [DELETED] 
File: 787 KB, 1932x2576, 99C0208B-545A-4F4C-BA89-D28B8B33082C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me with shorter hair
Please provide honest

>> No.17112855

for me it was no shampoo

>> No.17112888

for me it was my conditioner, i made the mistake of letting it soak for too long and putting it on my scalp too. i used to leave it in until i finished shaving my face, once i stopped doing that my dandruff is pretty much gone, i still get it from time to time if im not careful enough but its definitely what caused it for me

>> No.17112989

>have hair like OP's pic >>17112457
>when I use nourishing shampoo it gives me horrible flakes and dandruff
>when I use anti-dandruff shampoo it makes the hair extremely dry
I miss having a buzzcut but man did it look like shit

>> No.17112991

what kind of products to get hair like this? if I don't use any, it just turns frizzy. if I use pomade or clay, it gets too heavy and doesnT get any lift.

>> No.17113007

Could be a hard water problem
try using shampoo every other day
Use your fingers or a tool to clean your scalp

>> No.17113015

>turns frizzy
>gets too heavy
sounds like your hair strands are thin
a styling mousse works best for your hair type

>> No.17113176
File: 70 KB, 799x599, velma-3432845006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I prevent my hair from swelling up after washing it? My head literally becomes round, like I'm wearing a helmet
I've got curtains right now, the sides look huge, man wtf
Should I style my hair with conditioner? I heard it's bad for your skin

>> No.17113331

I quit using shampoo. Only conditioner once a week

>> No.17113420
File: 56 KB, 500x625, Undercut-Fade_fredsilva_barber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think this type of cut would look good on me, obviously I would get it without the gay fade

>> No.17113455

It would look better than what you currently have

>> No.17113525
File: 388 KB, 500x500, 1646114004762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What product should I use for a haircut like this? I think pomade or paste but I'm not sure. I don't want it to be too shiny.

>> No.17113618

How do I tame my stiff and curly and hair. I literally cant style it at all.

>> No.17113626

Use a wax or clay for no-shine. Most pomades will make hair shiny.

>> No.17113788

>every other day
Won't that make my hair dry as fuck
My hair itself is fine right now (I shampoo twice per week), it's the scalp that's fucked

>> No.17113831

how do i tell if my shits receeding or widowspeak

ive had a massive forehead since i was like 10

>> No.17113858

faces sometimes benefit from moisturizer, so too does the scalp

>> No.17113929

Day 30 of no showering
I still remember what you did to me and I will never forgive you

>> No.17114039
File: 720 KB, 1079x1434, Screenshot_20220705-183335_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy here, what about this style. I already tried it once with my hair and I liked it but I'm not sure how to get it to stay in that position

>> No.17114042

>those shoulders
its fucking OVER. might as well buzz it all off

>> No.17114049
File: 2.51 MB, 3024x4032, 20220705_151416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you anons have long hair here? How do you guys part your hair, and what ways seem to get the best response. I usually just kinda put it back behind by ears a bit or have it more like pic rel, but I was wondering on what your guys have to say. Also any recommendations on products to make the hair more picturesque?

>> No.17114056

I've never had a positive response to my longer hair except for a cousin saying she thinks it looks nice but that was probably just her trying to be nice.

>> No.17114079

hair looks gross and greasy
style is good
use a hairspray to keep it in place

>> No.17114083

If you're replying to yourself, fuck them your hair is epic. If you're someone else, maybe your hair looks like shit or they think you look like a fag but fuck them anyways. Especially your cousin, she's hitting on you

>> No.17114087

It's just a culture thing. Where I'm from it's weird if men have hair longer than like, a number 4. It's why I like having the longer hair, it's a fun novelty for me still.

>> No.17114090

>How do you guys part your hair, and what ways seem to get the best response.
Best response for what? If you’re asking how to part your hair in a way that will inspire positive reactions from others, you should an hero

>> No.17114095


>> No.17114106
File: 162 KB, 1060x299, Screenshot_20220705-191416_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they really that bad?
that was because I just got out of the shower when that pic was taken, so it's wet. Any hairspray recs?

>> No.17114193

When you do shampoo massage your head with a little oil first like scalp double cleanse, and maybe use clarifying shampoo instead of medicated one because ones for dandruff are usually greasy AF and made my hair texture digusting

>> No.17114195

i was talking about the hair covering your shoulders, baldie

>> No.17114198

What could I do with thick, slightly curly hair? Lenght is probably around OP's length

>> No.17114203

oh I have 5 dogs, it's all of their hair

>> No.17114205

clearly dog hair anon

>> No.17114346


good style
>sea salt spray while you have your hair damp
>blow dry it backwards
>then use either a good pomade or a clay
It's that easy

>> No.17114373

I’ve been avoiding shampoo. My hair has a great texture naturally, but after a couple weeks I get dandruff.

>> No.17114446

That was a different anon, usually get random compliments,but black women really like my hair

Why dont you demonstrate for me faggot

>> No.17114551
File: 78 KB, 960x960, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based colonizer. Black women love hair, especially yt bois since it's a nice change from the nigger pube hair that they're used to.

>> No.17114997

I washed it with apple cider vinegar and it really improved. After a few days, however, it came back. Apparently grains and sugars promote dandruff too.

>> No.17115020


>> No.17115025

I'd bet you're using a shampoo with sulphate in it and it's drying your hair out and leaving it all puffed out.

>> No.17115035

>shampoo with sulphate
yeah man wtf
is sulphate code for "shitter shampoo"?
I just use head & shoulders, man
got any shampoo recommendations?

>> No.17115049

Sulphate is really good at taking dirty and oil out of your hair, but for some people it strips pretty much all their natural hair oils out too, which is why your hair suddenly looks so dry and floofs out like that. Personally it's just something I plan around. I'll wash with only conditioner on a day where I have somewhere to be and I'll shampoo on a day I know nobody will see it.

>> No.17115064

I see, thanks anon

>> No.17115074

I have it quite similar to yours and usually get favorably responses from women, but I’m also a metal head so men with long hair is nothing rare in my friends circle. Only my grandparents don’t like it, but making a pony puts my grandpa at ease and I do that anyway for work.

>> No.17115131

hop on fin

>> No.17115132

do you just say this to everyone?

>> No.17115472

Hop of a bridge.

>> No.17115676

hoping to hop on dick

>> No.17115705

You make ponies? You're a horse?

>> No.17116141
File: 19 KB, 207x445, 1656354211373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple questions.

First of all, unbeknownst to me, I had been washing my hair with hard water for months. My hair is dry and frizzy. Should I do some kind of Malibu crystal cleansing? What shampoo can help repair my hair?

Second, I'm overweight right now, skinny fat. I'm losing weight, but have very long hair. Should I cut it? Will I look better?

Thanks anons.

>> No.17116210

You should keep it, depending on what style you’re going for. I’m losing weight too and I’ve been growing my hair out.

>> No.17116218

show your hair. if it looks good then theres no reason to cut it

>> No.17116258

I used to get my hair lined up at the barber. But now I’ve been growing it out, so my widows peak is about an inch and 1/2 long, should I just snip it off?

>> No.17116265

Forgot to mention, the hair on the top of my head is 8 inches long while the sides are also 1 and 1/2 inches long.

>> No.17116266

my hair parts at the middle, like you see the line, and it looks imo pretty feminine (not in a good way), your hair parts nicely

>> No.17116337

how do i slow down body hair growth w/out lasering or having to shave every other day? I'm trying to twinkmaxx but i cant due to how quickly my hair grows

>> No.17116341

You could get it waxed.

>> No.17116345

injecting estrogen and testosterone blockers?
like duh

>> No.17116744
File: 739 KB, 1080x1439, Screenshot_20220707-095403_Photo Editor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this look?

>> No.17116833
File: 24 KB, 400x500, 9_Shaggy-Wavy-Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to handle extremly curly hair? I shower about three/two times a week with shampoo and conditioner. I dry with an old t-shirt and let it air dry or I use a blow dryer with the cold setting.
My hair looks good on shower days.
How do I get my hair under control the next day without a shower? Thanks for your help pic rel. for comparison just that mine is more extreme

>> No.17117065
File: 38 KB, 711x620, 1545437242983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a fade cut
>look the best I ever have
>it's gone after a week
any alternatives/advice?

>> No.17117278

you part your hair the way style-inept parents part their child’s hair for picture day

>> No.17117282

wear a longer style
short hair is cope for slow growth and hairlets

>> No.17117311

I don't know how else to part it, I feel stuck with my style and I don't know how to achieve this look consistently.
I tried this morning and just gave up, it was just a fluke I guess.

>> No.17117360
File: 752 KB, 1080x1383, Screenshot_20220707-164526_Photo Editor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what it looks like when it's dry btw

>> No.17117383

I like it

>> No.17117471

don't blow dry, don't mess it up with the towel. try combing while wet then patting, stroking with towel as much as possible then let air dry. good luck

>> No.17117553

thanks anon, I'll try that

>> No.17117669


But you shoudl try something more dry looking

>> No.17117678
File: 389 KB, 402x502, memeware.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what haircut should I get? please no fades, should I just get a light trim? its curly

>> No.17117778

Same happened to me. Stop using shampoo and conditioner. It strips the oils out of your hair so your body overcompensates by mass producing it. That’s why your hair gets oily and itchy after not showering for a few days.

Grab a $7 scalp brush off Amazon. Any of them work, I currently use the heeta brand. Massage your scalp with it in the shower everyday to get rid of extra oil and it helps your scalp not itch. It’s gonna suck for like 3 weeks but after that the oil production goes back to normal. Now you have healthy hair.

>> No.17118045

but too greasy and sweaty looking

>> No.17118052

Just get it trimmed. It already looks good.

>> No.17118091
File: 112 KB, 683x1024, 1A50A514-4B63-4748-A816-061DFA88779E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taper the sides

>> No.17118095
File: 1.58 MB, 981x1512, 1630668174105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything better I could do with my hair?
Normally, I just go to a n*word barber and tell him to give me a business/classic cut.

>> No.17118099

Tell him to fade your hair and get it lined up. 1 on top and 0 on the sides.

>> No.17118103

Trole? That's way too short and wouldn't suit me at all.
Thanks for bumping the thread, though.

>> No.17118107

Why else would you go to a Black barbershop?

>> No.17118285
File: 45 KB, 680x573, 1657270569463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hairline is starting to recede in a violently asymmetric pattern
I keep my hair tied in a ponytail most of the time because my job requires me to look neat and orderly and I read that pulling on hair might be a cause of temporary hair loss, or permanent if it's not addressed (by not pulling anymore)
I've also been extremely stressed in the past few months because of significant changes and hardships in my life, and I read that stress too is thought to be a significant factor in hair loss

so give it to me straight, should I just shave everything off, or what else?

>> No.17118288

>he gets line-ups
ngmi, bligger worshipper

>> No.17118365

Keep what you have, it's not absolutely horrible. Tie your hair up less tight or not at all

>> No.17118375

Haircut for roundish, oval face with huge forehead and widow's peak? Not balding, just big ass forehead.

>> No.17118376

You're stressed and constantly pulling your hair back in a ponytail.

Are you even sure you're really balding?

>> No.17118514
File: 670 KB, 1280x2546, Snapchat-683163520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of cutting a couple inches and shave with a 3 on the sides. Ideally Big boss mode. What do /hair/

>> No.17119238
File: 208 KB, 1206x1135, 9B5EC5EB-AA7D-4ABE-82D9-B262543D39DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shampoo and conditioner should I get for my hair?

>> No.17119307
File: 354 KB, 461x377, get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get/maintain this hairstyle?

>> No.17119310

Male here, I've been growing my hair since early 2020, since I didnt have to go to the office blah blah.

It's now decently long and I take care of it in terms of brushing/conditioner etc. but I don't know where to go from here. Do I need to have it layered or something in order to make it look better? Any tips on what type of style or some shit I can give a try?

>> No.17119340

without a pic it is difficult to say
is it straight?
is it thinning?

what is your core style?
how old are you?
what is your work enivronment like?

>> No.17119347

If I remember to later I will take a picture, its pretty fairly straight and I have pretty thick hair. I'm not balding or anything like that yet. I'm 29. Imagine a stereotypical american with scandi ancestors

I have mostly just been putting it up in a ponytail/bun when going out, work is a business casual office.

>> No.17119373

pull your hair back and look at the skin on your forehead at your hairline. you can tell quite easily where your juvenile hairline was, it's like a small barrier where the skin will sort of start to sink it, hard to explain but you'll know when you see it, anyways, use that as a reference for how much hair you've lost and keep an eye on it

>> No.17119384
File: 2.36 MB, 2573x2482, IMG_20220709_004545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't feel so good...

>> No.17119386

You're becoming Gandalf the White

>> No.17119593

it looks thin and dry
learnt to take care of your hair before hacking it off like a bpd tranny

>> No.17119755

Yeah. Maybe start by blowdrying your hair and using a brush?
ALSO SEA SALT SPRAY before blow drying

>> No.17119757

You don't get it. His hair is all miniaturizing. It's not becoming white. It's just becoming very thin, exposing his pale scalp

Welp, you already know what you have to do so no point in saying it

>> No.17120120

yeah, i mean my hairline is receding hard so I knew I'll have to buzz sooner or later but I didn't think I'd be balding this heavy at 21, i went to a doc with it and been using special shampoos etc but it ain't doing much

>> No.17120228
File: 1.72 MB, 3072x4096, 20220709_135517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been growing for a while now, but used the wrong ties to bind my bun and now I have quite a bit of broken hair. Considering the buzzing it to like 6 mm but have a bit of a widowspeak that I think will only get more pronounced. Dont want to wait much longer if I were to buzz this summer because of tanning. Any advice?

>> No.17120230
File: 1.81 MB, 3072x4096, 20220709_141515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic 2

>> No.17120276

>used the wrong ties to bind my bun
left thread in distaste

>> No.17120299

Your flow works if you wear a style that compliments it. You have two paths in front of you, earth apparel (hippie) or full biker. If neither suites you trim it up no need to butcher that piece. You can always cut more off but you can’t get it back that quickly

>> No.17120304

Probably shouldn’t buzz with that much thinning in the front

>> No.17120362
File: 685 KB, 599x713, imagem_2022-07-09_105552781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I request Alain Delon's haircut to my barber? My hair is almost this long already and I cut it regularly, but seems like my barber is not hitting this sweet spot

Also, what haircare for it? I stopped shampooing too often, I use a good hair mask, argan oil and got a nice pomade that does not shine

>> No.17120486

Just show them the picture

>> No.17120641

stop using dandruff shampoo.

just use a natural sulphate-free shampoo and only shampoo your hair when its actually dirty. use a conditioner with natural oils after you shampoo or any time your hair and scalp feels DRY.

DRYNESS is the cause of dandruff. if you have a naturally dry scalp, use very oily moisturizing conditioner. if you have a naturally oily scalp, literally just stop doing anything and let it rock.

>> No.17120646

it isnt a product. its just natural waves/curls. if you have this hair type and still cant achieve this look, its because you are overcleaning/overdrying and damaging your hair. keep them natural oils in.

>> No.17120659
File: 29 KB, 500x547, 63809532-87A8-4014-9BD9-D1817FB350CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no non-feminine way to wear long hair down. tie the top back like picrel. embrace manbun meme, let it rock how it naturally falls, or cut it. full ponytail is creeper vibes.

>> No.17120793

No. What I meant about "You know what to do" was that you know you either take the pill or don't and shave it off. Pls don't fucking buy snakeoil shampoo.
I started balding at 18, I wasn't growing anymore so I started taking it.
You have read about on this thread. Make your own decision

Don't buzz

Sea salt spray. Clay. Also just show him the picture

>> No.17120794

I use ketokonazol everyday and my drandruff hasn't come back since

>> No.17120827

I never heard about that spray. Would you elaborate on the hair care routine needed? As well as the grooming technique


>> No.17120883

Can i get this hair with fine hair?

>> No.17120894
File: 79 KB, 683x1024, E9764D4F-132A-46FD-8DB9-AF9EC3405DCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17120895
File: 69 KB, 736x1104, DC212FD9-590B-4101-8BE1-6412C4CB1B78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17120899
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>> No.17120951
File: 2.02 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20220709_160335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommended hairstyles for me? I try to rock a middle part, but I'm not so good with hair (my hair is a bit unkempt because i didn't have time to fix it up and i was moving stuff around.)

>> No.17120955
File: 420 KB, 425x576, Screenshots_2022-07-09-16-06-23~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this camera. hope this fixed it

>> No.17120974
File: 211 KB, 838x1108, 93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had a high hairline but lately it feels like it's been getting worse so I'm probably balding. But regardless I feel like it looks stupid and I need hairstyle suggestion. It looks alright from the other side and the front but not this side (pic)
Should I just get a hairstyle I can slick back or just cut it really short?

>> No.17120984

I think it looks good Mr. Hitlerjugend. But you could grow it out a bit more and let it hang over your hairline a little so that it's less noticeable, or get bangs but I don't recommend that.

>> No.17120990

so it doesn't really look that bad? Think I should grow it a little longer and thin it out a bit more?

>> No.17121028

It's fine to me. If you want to thin it, sure.

>> No.17121285


>> No.17121344
File: 794 KB, 1576x2098, 91EE853E-A75A-44B0-9775-C0EE2193D75F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any style recommendations? I considered a side part but I’m not sure

>> No.17121370

Tbh it looks good like it is currently as a middle part.

>> No.17121446

you part your hair like a tranny

>> No.17121463
File: 1.35 MB, 2203x2817, 20220709_205933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the longest I have ever grown out my hair, what kind of cut should I get? Also what kind of sunglasses would be good to get?

>> No.17121466
File: 233 KB, 720x480, Cindy-cindy-brady-24440105-720-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hair is telling me it wants to be in Cindy Brady pigtails.
t. psychic stylist

>> No.17121485

idk but looks good man but you're looking angry
I have an RBF as well, I have to consciously try and look happier

>> No.17121514
File: 676 KB, 2400x1200, 927660BA-C1CE-4A83-AA8A-051A9FDE3C05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the milf-magnet hair

>> No.17121625

Yea, I have always had rbf but it's tough to counter it because I have an underbite

>> No.17121632
File: 588 KB, 200x200, thats-hot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17121897
File: 37 KB, 500x600, received_717172592918313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering getting pic rel tomorrow morning please tell me if its good. I have this exact same skull structure

>> No.17121899
File: 334 KB, 1190x1622, c8862043e63c5756346ac30fc1446367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17121934
File: 237 KB, 965x1287, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats in your rotation faggots

>> No.17122061

Good hairstyles for a caveman skull shape?

>> No.17122204

how to know if i have a good skull for buzzcut/bald?

>> No.17122255
File: 876 KB, 1315x2369, 20220710_155606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate getting my hair cut so I always end up being very conservative in my style. Thoughts?

>> No.17122303

based edgelord

>> No.17122319

buzzed head
caveman skull
grow it out to your shoulders

>> No.17122649
File: 1.45 MB, 3120x4160, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only really like my hair when it's naturally messy, usually the day after and then for a day or two after I clean it

should I just take off the length, go standard short hair or something else?

>> No.17122834
File: 1.32 MB, 1206x1851, 03gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got the mustache figured out
Just the beard and then maybe clothes

>> No.17122845
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>> No.17122847
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>> No.17122848
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>> No.17122867

u look like my friend ben, I think any glasses square shaped would fit you.

>> No.17123082

ew you’re a fruity homosexual stay away

>> No.17123333


Long hair by itself is neither good nor bad. I just think it compliments your face. I would take some length.
But the most important thing is to get rid of the pubes in your face

I think it looks pretty good

>> No.17123338
File: 91 KB, 1000x563, conan-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no non-feminine way to wear long hair dow-

>> No.17123345
File: 31 KB, 635x457, bf4a36d90829e19dcc87dea6e0c25a0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that looks shit.

>> No.17123349 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 492x388, 1643288995642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just wouldn't get it

>> No.17123396

takes one to know one, fag

>> No.17123451

So I bought some shitty Syoss hairspray to see if it can hold my hair in place. I've never used spray before, will I fuck up the intended effect if I touch my hair after applying it?

>> No.17123535

>uses hairspray
>wants to touch his hair
retard lol

>> No.17123685

tsar nicholas, i kneel...

>> No.17123729

use mousse if you want to touch your hair
it allows you to restyle it with wet fingers and isn't as sticky as hairspray

>> No.17123749

my hair is so weird

i shed short hairs, long hairs, thin hairs, thick hairs and yet i never bald.

>> No.17123756

shedding means you are balding
it happens slowly because there are so many hairs
then one day you wake up and notice the receding hairline, the thinning pate, the graying pubes and suddenly you realize: IT IS OVER

>> No.17123773

the average human person sheds between 50 and 100 hairs a day.

>> No.17123781


>> No.17123791

it's been this way since i can remember though. i just have a shit ton of hair.

balding people are so cynical

>> No.17123795
File: 114 KB, 1080x1080, What-is-Low-Fade-Hair-Cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this low fade mid top? Also how to style this. Even if my hair longer on top then his , I can never get it back like this. Either I have to put on so much product it is complelty greasy and flat, otherwise it just comes back up and I look like a porcupine.

>> No.17123821

use a blow dryer + brush or a flat iron to style your hair and give it shape before applying product

>inb4 my hair is curly

it still works

>> No.17123824

Thick hair but norwood 2. MIGHT be a mature hairline. Go on FIN.

>> No.17123828

just zoomers on 4chan that looks at models on algorithm insta will scream GET ON FIN/TRANSPLANT.

Thats a fine hairline, NOONE irl will care.

>> No.17123831

if you have thick curly/wavy hair literally never do this. this anons hair prob totally fucked.

>> No.17123875

I really like the way my hair looks in the morning, slightly messy/wavy. How do I achieve this look after washing my hair, you know something that looks slighly messy/effortless, like I didn't just spent 20 mins carefully combing and drying it in front of the mirror?
All the "messy hair" youtube tutorials I've seen have been useless

>> No.17123997
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anyone got better pics of this sort of trim?

>> No.17124025

I have a full head of hair but I’m feeling a sudden urge to shave it down bald. Would it be stupid if I did?

>> No.17124080
File: 2.49 MB, 1482x1550, Screen Shot 2022-07-11 at 12.36.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still growing my hair out but thinking I'll get a trim soon since the sides are getting too puffy looking. What should I go for

>> No.17124604

Find pics of any kpop faggot eboy zoomer homo

>> No.17124617
File: 484 KB, 1500x1000, 1657323821551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got a habit of playing with my hair all the time. i guess i cannot style it in anyway without fucking it up then, right?

>> No.17124620

try a toss-n-go hairstyle like the wolf or whatevs

>> No.17124628

i don't know what you mean. could you help me understand?

>> No.17124633
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20220711_012621_765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a little bit of growth hair is naturally parting like pic rel, off centre. Normally I'd have a side part fash cut but now I want to grow it out. How do I go from short shaved sides to long viking hair without looking like a hippie faggot?

>> No.17124639
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Hair normally

>> No.17124640
File: 61 KB, 650x650, 35-Messy-Chin-Length-Bob-Cut-650x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this achievable bros

>> No.17124641

only impulsive bpd tranny retards are possessed with urges to do stupid shit to their hair
touching your hair could be a soothing habit or a nervous tic
women might play with their hair to be seductive or out of boredom
if you can’t stop touching your hair, get a style that doesn’t require much or any product like a medium-length hockey bro-flow

>> No.17124648

there is no such thing as an awkward stage in growing hair
there are only ugly and insecure people unable to style their hair

>> No.17124665
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am I balding?

>> No.17124676

>touching your hair could be a soothing habit or a nervous tic
that's most likely the case, it's not the only "soothing habit" i have and i've been told i probably have a tic disorder (but i'm not diagnosed or anything so idk)
what i'm trying to say is that yeah, it's basically impossible for me to stop doing it
>get a style that doesn’t require much or any product like a medium-length hockey bro-flow
i'm not familiar with american names for haircuts. but for what i could find in google, you mean just split my hair in two and use a dryer to make it wavy?>>17124665
pretty much bro, sorry

>> No.17124688

Only thing you can do is try minoxidil but it’s not guaranteed to fix hairline

>> No.17125100

how do i trim meh nose hairs? i tried using my pocket knife but i messed it up and now im bleeding all over teh place. pls halp :(((((

>> No.17125190

pluck or use facial hair clippers

>> No.17125193
File: 41 KB, 500x635, CC33F1A7-818A-4536-BF1A-7E26285B9A42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a heavily-texturized and layered medium-length style like picrel
even if you keep touching you hair it’ll look good no matter what
or you can just go with a fade and sbort spiky hair on top

>> No.17125533

as the other anon say, a pluck. be ready to cry
that's what i was thinking then. my hair is chin length and i find it hard to get rid of the length, became fond of it. do you think i could have get some layers with that length?

>> No.17125538
File: 45 KB, 780x438, intro-1565624482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.17125545

If ur lucky it stops but yeah ur balding. Same happend to me but stopped.

Its fin/minos/transplant if u wanna go back to teen hairline.

>> No.17125549

Lmao why did you censor your face on this board? You're that schizo from the gaygen thread right

>> No.17125581

I just went through that too and all you have to do is cut the parts that stick out on the sides

>> No.17125605

Shut the fuck up fag. NOT censoring is the retarded thing to do. Censoring is the norm.

>> No.17125619

Wait is he the latinx tripfag guy who hates his mom? He's on /ck/ all the time making the worst threads ever

>> No.17125783

do it
single-length hair tends to easily become limp

>> No.17125810

spending on how much hair you have, use a golf ball or two of mousse on damp hair and blow dry
the mousse will give the hair some hold and make it look piece-y

>> No.17125820

wet your hair in the shower and comb it back to see your skull shape

>> No.17125955

You type like you’re bald, nigger

>> No.17126063
File: 29 KB, 727x692, 1657390472915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will I stop having "shoulder length" hair it feels like it's been the same length for six months now

>> No.17126064

long hair fags, how do you keep your hair nice for a long period?
i brush my hair and it looks great, but after half an hour or an hour it goes back to being stringy

>> No.17126104

you have thin hair
use a thickening mousse and hair powder at the roots for lift
thin hair requires more work to look good when worn long

>> No.17126144

What do people use to trim facial hair? There must be an easier way. I fucking hate shaving.

>> No.17126149

Take estrogen

>> No.17126150

Cheers anon

>> No.17126199

Is there any particular product you could recommend?

>> No.17126414

Been taking propidren for around 7 months now, hair has stopped thinning in a male pattern baldness pattern but is thinning overall, which is consistent with the shedding you will experience as weak hair is replaced by new hair. But has anyone else gone through this? How bad did it get?

>> No.17126544

just run some clippers with your preferred guard over your face every morning
it ain’t hard

>> No.17126653
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not the anon but I love use this cuz it doubles as a heat protectant and styling mousse with hold

>> No.17126682
File: 900 KB, 672x858, hfgdhgfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which hair products should I use for my hair to be healthier? What haircut should I get

>> No.17126701

All responses are dumb, I myself use a clarifying shampoo twice a week and condition as needed around 3 times
The answer is always, it depends on your own hair. Research what type of hair you have and which shampoos work best and see how often you really need it, do you need to wash every day? Likely no, but does your hair only need it once a week? You'd have to test it. Less so with conditioner, but your shampoo absolutely should be bought with hair type in mind

>> No.17126791

>accidentally bought 2L of shampoo instead of conditioner.
Fuck me

>> No.17126860

My scalp hurts :(

>> No.17126866

lmao do you even use conditioner

>> No.17126948
File: 75 KB, 641x629, allen-iverson-michael-jordan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my hair braided for the first time ever, I've been growing out my hair for about 8 months now I think and I wanted to see how cornrows look on me. How do I wash my hair without unbraiding my hair and how to make them last long I guess. I do sports 6 times a week so I used to shower and wash my hair 7 days per week. I'm white btw if it matters and have curly hair naturally

>> No.17126958

what are some male medium-length haircuts that lean towards femininity, but don't scream "im a tranny" or "im a twink", rather something like just being warm/kindhearted

>> No.17126963
File: 54 KB, 500x772, C28F144A-B566-4CC4-8231-EE9B7280E543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that ain’t spiky or shaggy
get soft waves
use a lip tint

>> No.17126968
File: 110 KB, 1080x1349, E5611C6A-46BA-47BB-8901-419A103D915E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warmth and kind-heartedness are inferred from facial characteristics. Hairstyle implies it to a lesser degree. Shape your brows, wear a faint lip colour, and have soft-looking hair.

>> No.17126976

Would it be weird to ask my doctor about prescribing me finasteride and minoxidl instead of a dermitologist? Would a normal doctor even know about stuff like NW1 and such?

>> No.17126977


There's no point using a clarifying shampoo twice a week. You're just supposed to use it once to clear out all the silicone and other chemicals left in your hair by regular shampoos and conditioners. It's very harsh on your scalp, so it's not advised to use it too often.

If you want to shampoo regularly, just use a normal shampoo.

>> No.17126986
File: 470 KB, 829x1023, 12F8214B-F270-4B3C-A978-DD8B1FDB679C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sea salt sprays

how do I know which one to buy? Is there something I should look for/avoid?

>> No.17127016

Any products to counter thin and easily breakable hair? I'm noticing quite a loss when i brush and i feel i'll get bald if it keeps going.
I'm also letting them dry via towel frotting and then let the air do the rest if that can help.

>> No.17127316

no should i

>> No.17127758

especially for your hair type,your hair gonna fried without it

>> No.17127760

you can use thickening mousses when styling, but the effect is only temporary
if your hair is damaged, look into bond-building products that repair the actual hair fibres

>> No.17127772

the left side of my hair is flat and more straight compared to the right side (which is more wavy and feels more textured.) anything i can do to fix that

>> No.17127779

>without a shower
You don't anon

>> No.17127795
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Ignore the fact that its
I have jet black hair and pale skin. Would this look fit well? I have never grew my hair before so I dunno how to style it like this or how long it takes to grow to this length

>> No.17128048
File: 218 KB, 500x502, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried a medium fade but my head curves so much at the top that I looked like bert from bert and ernie. Should I got for longer on the sides, shorter on the top?

>> No.17128197

a hairdresser worth your money would’ve taken account a customer’s head shape and cut the hair in a way that squared your face instead of making you into a toothbrush

>> No.17128263

You're probably right, but keep in mind, when I went to this hairdresser I hadn't had my hair cut for a few months and it was pretty long, and I had never gotten a fade nor knew what I wanted. Maybe this next appointment she will have more of an understanding of what shape my head is?

>> No.17128285

not the anon but hairdressers usually feel up your hair and head to get an understanding it’s texture, density, growth direction, to know how best to cut it
you got cut by an unprofessional

>> No.17128326

grow out the peyot Chaim

>> No.17128403

go away, troll

>> No.17128507
File: 704 KB, 792x787, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is wearing one of these metal headband things cringe nowdays?

>> No.17128625

most men are too ugly/normal-looking to pull off many fashionable clothes/accessories

>> No.17128794
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How do I style my hair to get this do?

>> No.17128983

This looks good as fuck how exactly is this being styled/tied back?

>> No.17128990

>don’t wear anything unless you’re chad

>> No.17128993

Nah bro just a mature hair line h-haha

>> No.17128998
File: 467 KB, 793x686, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting my haircut in an hour or two. Any suggestions? Ideally I still want it somewhat long but I'm thinking of getting a fringe so the hair doesn't constantly fall in front of my eyes.

My hair is very straight and fine but dense, if that helps.

>> No.17129005

oh and also, I want the fringe taken up to my eyebrows and the back taken up maybe to chin level? No idea if that will look ok or not.

>> No.17129038

Dandruff even when using ketoconazole. What do?

>> No.17129111

Gonna start growing my hair for the first time. What am I in for?

>> No.17129118

Longer hair

>> No.17129172

No shampoo

>> No.17129235

Yeah I’m naked right niw

>> No.17129237
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What would you call this haircut or tell the barber?

>> No.17129503
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 202C981B-A779-4CC2-969F-1682E6BFBF2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a hair tie
normally the tie would be visible but you can also style it in a way that hides the tie

>> No.17129508

it’s just a pushed-back parted bowlcut
use any matte product and let some hair fall in the front

>> No.17129550

make your own

>> No.17129573

grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow it out
grow your hair out
grow it out
grow your hair out
grow it out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow it out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
dont go and grow your hair out
grow your hair out
grow it out more, oakley/wide sunglasses
long hair like cavemen had
grow your hair out
grow your hair out
good progress king, don't get a tr*m
grow your hair out and constantly trim the sides ig
yes, by growing your hair out
shoulder length is perfect, and it's probably your genetic limit
grow it out
it would
grow your hair out
grow it out
cut to shoulder/chin length
grow your hair out


>> No.17129833
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>>17120955 (me)
pic rel

>> No.17129894
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Any bros have tips for hard water damage? I've been using clarifying shampoo but it's leaving my hair insanely dry. I've been thinking about a malibu crystal gel treatment but afraid it'll dry out even more... good advice = small amount of $ to your paypal/cashapp

>> No.17129911

clarifying shampoo is too remove excess product oil and gunk
it’ll dry your hair
few people ever need it since most hair products and scalp dirt are washed away with regular shampoo
use conditioners to repair your hair and purchase a shower head filter to make the water soft

>> No.17129916

>shower head filter
google where you live and see whether the water is hard/soft
if hard, a filter is a must

>> No.17129958


I've managed to soften the water, but I had been using hard water to wash my hair for months and months now. It feels and looks terrible, I was under the impression that clarifying shampoo combated that.

>> No.17130007

Anons my hair is long. Looking to do a ponytail but everytime I do, my head hurts. How do I make it not hurt?

>> No.17130013

How did you get such volume on the top?

>> No.17130047

don’t pull so tight
loose ponytails exist

>> No.17130058

clarifying shampoo just contains extra stripping agents to remove product buildup

the extra detergents may be necessary in hard water, but are overkill in soft water unless you apply a lot of conditioner and gel or spray daily

in fact, if you lurk moar you'll find that we recommend not using any shampoo at all

>> No.17130217
File: 238 KB, 1080x1440, 1657868930581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck curly hair

>> No.17130228

>straight facial hair
>curly scalp hair

>> No.17130357

Got almost shoulder length hair, decided to cut it. Mostly straight, slightly wavy. Looking for medium/short inspo to show the hairdresser, something classic

>> No.17130425

i have long hair, i just let gravity do its thing.
women are envious and will only compliment if they're friends or are drunk
listen to >>17114090
yeah easy
it's a thread about hair, not about faces

>> No.17130434
File: 353 KB, 1175x1854, PXL_20220703_173322450.MP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No advice needed, just posting hair.

>> No.17130438
File: 441 KB, 3968x2976, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some of my hair has this on it? Tried everything.

>> No.17130456

lice eggs bro

>> No.17130548

you have brain cancer anon. im so sorry

>> No.17130562

Lol it's just oil

>> No.17130595

Thats normal retard

>> No.17130805

Growing mine out. About a bit shorter than the OP length right now.

Hair is in my face.. products are gay and don't keep it out. I was thinking of a headband. Minimalist headbands or ones for men that can be colored or match something else in a fit? Anyone have suggestions or headband experience, or will they make me look like a faggot?

>> No.17130860

been using minox since december, my hair feels a bit thicker than it was then, although maybe its just because of the different haircut. but im gonna believe my hair is growing back!

>> No.17130932

Shampoo once or twice a week and use conditioner the rest. That’s me btw

>> No.17130944

>Hair is in my face.. products are gay and don't keep it out. I was thinking of a headband
nice b8, faggot

>> No.17131017

That's what i do and i rarely have volume. Do you blow dry it? Or use any product?

>> No.17131035

I'm not baiting. I've tried about 12 different products, clay, matte, shiny stuff. My hair never stays after working for like an hour. Genuine question. I don't really visit this board or post here at all.

>> No.17131059
File: 648 KB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a high hairline and spikey hair (almost as spikey as pic related). What should I do?

>> No.17131080

neem oil has made my hairline so fucking GOOD omg

>> No.17131197
File: 434 KB, 1068x1800, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on graying hair?
I'm 28, makes it difficult for my to decide for a look. Normally I keep it kinda short and pic related is as long as it gets .

>> No.17131379

I usually air dry and sometimes use Leave in conditioner

>> No.17131391

why would you shave everything off when it's not even that receded? people here are mentally ill i swear

>> No.17131423

headbands are for anime queers
try using hairspray to hold your hair in place
tie your hair back
tuck hair behind ears
or use a bandana

>> No.17131427

get the luke skywalker or obi-wan hair
a youthful face with gray hair and medium-length hair is based

>> No.17131440

Does shampooing every day really damage your hair? I use a pomade for my hair and if I don't shampoo some of it will stay in my hair after my shower.

I feel like shampooing everyday is better than letting pomade just build up in my hair which is why I do shampoo everyday.

>> No.17131444

Noted. Probably can't use a bandana at work so I'll give hairspray a shot. not quite enough to tie just yet.

>> No.17131478
File: 119 KB, 750x857, 20220714_092149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is getting pretty long for the first time in my adulthood.

Am I better off going to a salon to have them shape it? I typically go to a barber but I'm worried they won't know what to do with my long hair compared to a salon

>> No.17131537

Everything damages your hair. Sunlight, debris in the air, sleeping on a cotton pillow, etc. Don’t use too strong of a shampoo and always follow up with conditioner. People here are anal about shampoo usage because their hair tends to be finer or thin, and finer and thin hair is more prone to breakage due to being more porous. Porous hair absorbs scalp oils due to wanting moisture, and this is why many anons preach about no-poo since it works for them, despite not realizing people have hair unlike theirs. Thick and non-porous hair isn’t as easily damaged from frequent washing.

>> No.17131749

You should really ask for advice

>> No.17131752

what hair

>> No.17131892
File: 154 KB, 1440x1080, xi-jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for the style like dripking Xi.
Also, your hair looks dry as fuck, use some moisture

>> No.17131960

Grow it longer, then it won't be as spikey and you can style it.

>> No.17132048 [DELETED] 


>> No.17132171
File: 46 KB, 578x1200, !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make my hair softer, and stop it from curling up?
it's also a bit thin on the left side, but not the right one, is that fixable?

i wash it at least once a day, and i last shampooed it one week ago. i tried conditioner for a while, but my hair would just become even drier than it normally is adter an hour or so. was i just using the wrong conditioner for my hair?

>> No.17132203

based and /grow your hair out/-pilled

>> No.17132204

You won’t stop it from curling up without hair relaxer, and going through that treatment is probably going to be a lot more trouble than it’s worth for you

>> No.17132217

Long crew cut? Feels pretty 90s, definitely one for showing a photo.

>> No.17132224
File: 1.26 MB, 2944x2208, faramir_core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time to cut it all off lads, its time to join society once again

>> No.17132230


>> No.17132247

can i at least do something to make the curls look better?

>> No.17132357
File: 898 KB, 2320x3088, CDD87CE9-DDD3-4CD1-BE3A-ECF9D3CFC565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No advice needed. Just posting the mane :)

>> No.17132498
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 7308fc17eadacabe5b6b605dc3497aa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what clipper length would you say this is

>> No.17132512

like a 2 or 3

>> No.17132521

There's no standard clipper length, so one razor's 2 can be pretty different from another's.
Looks like he has about an inch on the top.

>> No.17132557

My hair is exactly this length and style
I want to get it cut
Any suggestions?

>> No.17132689

based if it was less stringy and if you had eyebrows

>> No.17132721

Apex Twin

>> No.17132883
File: 851 KB, 1000x800, haircut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is picrel haircut called and/or how do I describe it to my hairdresser?

>> No.17132908

a regular haircut frfr no cap

>> No.17133161

do clipper numbers not mean 1/8th of an inch, on 2/8 (or 1/4th) of an inch, ect? i thought it was universal

>> No.17133180

It’s not universal. It’s an arbitrary system, similar to Small, Medium, Large, and whatever nonsense women’s clothing uses. Different clipper brands have guards graded usually in numbers 0-12. These graded numbers refer to clipper guard lengths that vary across brands.

>> No.17133188

New Thread

>> No.17133645


What the hell is curly facial hair