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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 572 KB, 2048x1536, 1656975093657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17112689 No.17112689 [Reply] [Original]

DAMN, zoomer fashion looks like THAT?!

>> No.17112692

Who’s got the best fit?

>> No.17112695

the third one on the left mogs everyone desu

>> No.17112701

Bro with blue coat almost perfect but shoes kinda ruin it also op is a faggot

>> No.17112703

fourth looks the beat, most of the others look like theyre going to church kek

>> No.17112709

3, 4, and 7 are the only decent fits.

Everyone else is garbage to various extents. If the performative joke is that you're showing up to a kids movie in as formal attire as possible, wearing fucking Vans ruins the look.

>> No.17112713
File: 79 KB, 599x400, planking balcony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying or renting a suit just to go see the Minions movie for a meme photo.
I’m not going to start planking on a high rise balcony just because everyone else is doing it.

>> No.17112717

It's called having a good time with the bros, I can see you often get invited to parties

>> No.17112727

Friends, been there done that. It’s strange, I can’t relate when people say things like that.
When I see people with friends I think they are stuck in a loop, I was stuck in a loop, doing the same things over and over. I don’t really seek making friends anymore. Some people just don’t like being alone, they put up with anything, but not me. When you’re a kid you just go along with it.

>> No.17112740

#3 and #4 look as if they were held back several grades. Dudes look 25 while everyone else looks like a middle schooler.

>> No.17112746


>> No.17112752

Perhaps, everyone is different.

>> No.17112783

black guy with the blue blazer

>> No.17112785

>People mature at different rates

>> No.17112788

Was going to say black guy with blue jacket but his shoes don’t match. If he had black or grey shoes instead, he’d look much better. The guy next to him on the right has the best complete outfit.

>> No.17112790
File: 113 KB, 219x281, 1656637566656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best part about this trend is that movie theaters are straight up banning people who wear suits

>> No.17112807


>> No.17112811

The black dude because he looks about 30. Wild if they are all roughly the same age, and this is why the whole "he was a child" when he ran at the cops and was shot is BS because some black dudes look old af in high school.

He has twig legs though. The rest are just cringe zoomers, the same faces that post here.

>> No.17112825

only the middle 3 made any attempt to look good. everyone else looks like they bought oversized shit from a thrift store

>> No.17112831

Both the black dudes' fits are great. Blue blazer is the best but his shoes are meh. I still think he looks great though.

The kid in the fedora looks like his suit is actually fitted, which can't really be said for any of the others...

>> No.17112836

Where/when did this /fa/ meetup take place?

>> No.17112837


The shoes just match perfect with his skin

>> No.17112840


>The guy next to him on the right has the best complete outfit

>Belt AND suspenders

Just no.

>> No.17112846

No I don’t think it works

>> No.17112869

3 and maybe 9 cause the dude got some arrogant shit going on its inexplicable

>> No.17112880

>blue coat
>black shirt
>black skinny untailored pants
>BROWN shoes
Stop worshipping niggers. The only reason you think this is because "hurr durr he's confident" as if flipping off your friend taking a meme picture requires confidence

>> No.17112884 [DELETED] 

This shit has to be the gayest viral marketing campaign I've ever seen.

>> No.17112889 [DELETED] 

This shit is the gayest viral marketing campaign I've ever seen. Trips confirm it.

>> No.17112909

Third from left without a doubt, with 2nd from left looking worst.

>> No.17112923

>clip on suspenders with a belt

>> No.17113119
File: 1.99 MB, 213x243, 1656972510031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>belt with braces

>> No.17113324

7 first without question, 8 second, 5 third
t. works in a suit

>> No.17113451

they're being goofy and silly for a silly goofy event

>> No.17113454

Why do so many of them have walking sticks? Do they have mobility problems from being raised on iPads?

>> No.17113536

>guy in the maroon shirt
>black suspenders
>wears a brown belt
>black shoes
clearly he doesn't have trust his suspenders will be enough to hold his pants up. if he just didn't wear the belt it would be a standard fit
>half of these kids are wearing sneakers with a suit
>kid on the left wears a boring fit that's entirely black besides the tie
>pajeet meshes black blazer with black tie
>one of those exotic pattern shirts (classic indian move) that doesn't even belong
>the kids using canes are using the most boring ones imaginable and/or retarded and don't compliment anything
>black dude on the right looks like he dressed for a funeral
>kid two down from black dude has a shirt with a massive collar that does nothing but accentuate his face by making it appear wider
>kid three down from black dude is wearing a fedora and looks like a massive faggot
being retarded isn't fashion

>> No.17113542

>kid on the left wears a gray fucking hat with an entire black fit
i didn't see it because it blended in but im pointing it out now.
these are fags i would avoid irl because they probably fit the zoomer stereotype too well

>> No.17113639

ironic minion shit is played out

>> No.17113703

>chickenlegs mogging anything

>> No.17113709

noooooooo please don't have fun

>> No.17113738

Friends aren't just for "having fun", retard. Friends are supposed to be with you (and you with them) through thick and thin. Humans are social animals. We're stronger and achieve more when we put our minds, skills and networks together. This is why every race beside "muh individualist" whites is organized and thriving. The Jews are so successful despite being a few million is because they do exactly this.
Meanwhile, white people are busy being "individualistists" in their nuclear families and broken single parent homes, or being shut ins/NEETs. The only thing missing is a pod and bugs to go with it.

>> No.17113749

the minions with the tracksuits

>> No.17113773

Your head is filled with bugs, better smash it open to get them some air.

>> No.17115190

Lmao what? Really?

>> No.17115198
File: 791 KB, 1808x2284, ChurchillGeorge0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're dress-canes; used to be part of men's attire.

>> No.17115319

Yeah, I know it's fuckin dumb. If I were to guess, it's probably movie theaters that are nearby large populated cities, since that's where zoomies thrive.

>> No.17115331

Whenever I took my two neices out to see the new Despicable Me movie this summer I couldn't help but be mesmerized by those sexy little tater tots. Throughout the entire movie I had an ever growing buldge in my pants. Towards the end of the movie I couldn't take it any longer and had to... relieve myself in the stalls. I shot my load in the trash can of the Cinemark restroom as fast as could so I could get back to my neices. Once the movie had ended I dropped the kiddos off at VBS for the afternoon. And with Minions, on my mind I drove home and looked at some depraved Minion pictures to say the least. For the past few days I have garnered a rather large collection of Minion smut and sexual Minion art. It was all fine until yesterday, my step mom walked in on me fornificating with my Minion plush that I won from a claw machine at Walmart. She immediately told my hyper religious dad about it and now they're talking about kicking me out of the house (for the record I'm 21). But worse than that, the whole family has been degrading me for my Minion love and frankly, it's making me feal really guilty. So, people of /tv/, do you think my attraction to those fuckable Twinkies is okay or no?

>> No.17115338

No, the rest look like shit. Get over your hatred and look objectively you fucking faggot.

>> No.17115340

Why are they doing it?

>> No.17115391

Zoomers are filming the movie with their iphone cameras.

>> No.17115417

period. Live your minionsexual truth

>> No.17115425
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, legend of a hitman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17115478

How does that relate to banning suits?

>> No.17115532

5 looks like a rabbi furry

>> No.17115535

Maybe its deeper than just suits, like Rick and morty autism was involved

>> No.17115539

Walking in with suits correlates with filming tiktok videos while inside the theater, including clips of the movie.

>> No.17115547

You'd think theaters would want the exposure. Who goes to a theater unironically in the days of streaming from the comfort of home where I can fuck my GF?

>> No.17116177
File: 965 KB, 2048x1536, 1656997278244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17116203

I believe there must be a sword/pistol concealed within the cane I GUARANTEE it.

>> No.17116292

Just do it inside the theater. Nobody else is probably going to be there anyways.

>> No.17116309

Zoomers will save the west.

>> No.17116964

The kid on the right in the gray jacket reminds me of a younger version of Michael Douglas from falling down

>> No.17116982

Back in the 70's before home video you had to go to a theater to watch porn and they were on the wrong side of town next to an adult book store, usually, and the bisexual men would hang out reading magazines in the bookstore watching for men leaving the theater.
Good times, lotta good memories of getting sucked off in my car behind that bookstore.

>> No.17116987

You sound old and gross.

>> No.17116997

I remember when porn was only available on vhs before pornhub and having a good social gang wank with my mates while watching MILF porn, good times

>> No.17117000
File: 558 KB, 1235x464, rosepetaljam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, you're right.
I wouldn't wish old age on anyone!
Make hay (and jam) while the sun shines.

>> No.17117082

Probably had them rented for prom

>> No.17117255

>gay recipe from gay man