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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 90 KB, 1280x720, bald faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17102908 No.17102908 [Reply] [Original]

I hate bald people with beards

they look like 70iq clones and disgusting and so unoriginal

>> No.17102911
File: 14 KB, 640x640, 64c0b27b341e1780ee5f8e5b7ca7b6e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cause the beard is groomed gaily

>> No.17103008

Why don't you join my podcast on next Monday and call in so we can chop it up eh, plugged in beta?

>> No.17104047

beard or no beard, shaving your head is cope. you're still trying to hide the fact that you're balding just like some faggot who wears a wig

if you were actually confident, you will let your hair grow out and embrace the horseshoe

>> No.17104052

Once you shave your head you lose a significant amount of your attractiveness
Baldness is ugly for 99% of men

>> No.17104054
File: 56 KB, 640x853, A8BDuh3xvoqR4rLtEXzpOrVSVRPS0my_7gFgQCOpxhQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17104056

lily | she/her | transbian | anarcho-communist

>> No.17104058

right let's ignore that guy's main issue is his face. he'd definitely look like an attractive model if he just shaved it off.


>> No.17104060

doesn't this fag claim he easily gets laid with hot chicks or at least gets plenty of opportunities?

apparently he's only 5'10 even though he looks taller on camera? if that's true, no way is any decent-looking woman going near him

>> No.17104113
File: 1.20 MB, 6556x1872, 1643841937120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were actually confident, you will let your hair grow out and embrace the horseshoe
Did I hear someone say "embrace"?

>> No.17104272


>> No.17104280

that good huh?

>> No.17104298

You haven't even started balding yet.

>> No.17104319

this. bald people should just wear 9/10 facial features instead of a beard.

also hair.

>> No.17104355

Kek, calling Rich Cooper a faggot shows me that OP is a femboi, twink, roastie or jew. His content is exclusivly for straight males. Don't watch it if you get triggered, lmao.

>> No.17104356

Your hair is absolutely fine, you retard.

>> No.17104415
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, A1E46662-96C6-4170-869B-8AA45988CC72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealous plugged-in beta. Hate only comes from below you. You wish you were like these guys.

>> No.17104417

His shoes are bad as it gets, kek

>> No.17104424

>it's a /fa/, /fit/ and /biz/ meet up.

>> No.17104434

Of course Rollo "I love my bass boosted voice" Tomassi wears all black with square tipped shoes.

>> No.17104472

that guy cheating with roids tho

>> No.17104510

his main issue is obviously the hair you fucking moron. He looks like buffalo bill. He would look normal to good if he shaved that shit

>> No.17104513

If youre taking pictures of yourself from this many angles you need something to do. Stop staring at yourself in the mirror and learn something new

>> No.17104514


>> No.17104518

yo mistah white

>> No.17104534

When you cut your own hair you need multiple angles to see what is going on to judge if you are making an improvement or making it worse.
Also lets me compare how good of a job barbers do.

>> No.17104580
File: 366 KB, 120x120, CatNuclear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, going bald is good if it causes /fa/ to seethe since everyone here is spiritually gay and has never stuck their dick in a woman, including me bro, really makes you think.

>> No.17104610

They are the reason why I am clean shaven for three years now. Beard became beta and the epitome of faggotry.

>> No.17104633

bald people should be killed

>> No.17104663
File: 676 KB, 750x1000, walter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you not like it

>> No.17104830

this delusional

that's an unattractive face and he would look even worse if he was skin bald. like a creepy thumb

>> No.17104834

Na, he's a loser pretending to be something he's not.

He can't get laid with hot chicks. He can act like a badass all he wants, but the fact is the vast majority of women find him gross.

>> No.17104889

he needs to go skin bald, grow a bear and then get buff into a "sven" mode.
its his only way to look good unironically.

>> No.17104961
File: 22 KB, 400x400, image_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two men with amazing handsome facial features

One is bald but tall

The other is short with amazing hair

Both chads in every other respect

Who can win the heart of more women?

>> No.17105252

please answer

>> No.17105261

You look fine but not even close to a horseshoe

>> No.17105273

the horseshoe is obviously later down the line but it's coming

>> No.17105277

nigger you ARE NOT balding, you retards are so insecure self conscious faggots, I never seen anything like this

>> No.17105282

I literally have images a few years ago and seeing progressive receding and thinning.
That hairline is not what I was born with, that hair density on the top is not what I had before.
I don't know why baldfags are suddenly so exclusive about their club.

>> No.17105308
File: 590 KB, 1008x1406, nick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Tsar, you live

>> No.17105317

How does he get his beard to that shape?
I understand the mustache is just grow it out, brush it to the side and use wax to keep it there.
But what are you supposed to do to the beard to get it like that?

>> No.17105405

There's a difference between maturing, receding, balding and bald. It's normal to get a bit of thinning as you age, until you get to Jude Law levels then you might have to worry.

>> No.17105412 [DELETED] 

give exact heights of these two lads. short and tall are subjective terms.

5'10 is short for my nationality but tall/average for others.

>> No.17105420

>There's a difference between maturing, receding, balding
Okay, lets put it this way then
By what metric do you decide it's "balding", where is the threshold?

>> No.17105421

it depends how short the guy is.

if he's 5'10, i can see him doing better than a 6'2 bald guy

but if he's 5'6, no way

>> No.17105430

any diffuse thinners here? #2 and #3 buzz cuts used to look really good on me in the early stages of hair loss. Not anymore. :(

>> No.17105434

if you see a receding hairline they are balding.
don't be a pedant.
norwood 2

>> No.17105437

tell it to these guys >>17105405 >>17105277 >>17104298 not me

>> No.17105444

What do you mean? It's just a normal beard.

>> No.17105454
File: 1.59 MB, 2136x3360, 1650609609334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare pic related, to this>>17104113
If you just grow out your beard, it wont have that shape. I'm starting to wonder if he grew it out then waxed and brushed in backwards to have that volume and tidiness.

>> No.17105455

Once you start getting a bald spot, it's balding. Simple as that. Distinct from the receding hairline.

>> No.17105466

So the crown going bald for example? But let me guess thinning doesn't count?
Also if your hairline receeds up to your crown, still not balding? hmmm?

>> No.17105468
File: 63 KB, 1080x1080, tsar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in christ he was the tsar of russia, he probably brushed the blood of serfs into it each morning to keep it full before he went for a nude dip in the neva river

>> No.17105470

OK fine, if your hairline recedes in a straight fucking line so you have a sixhead then yes you're balding. I don't know what we're even arguing over anymore, most men who start balding get both a receding hairline and a bald spot on the crown, I can't think of anybody off the top of my head whose hair just went backwards.

>> No.17105478

>My brother in christ he was the tsar of russia
Well yes, I expect he had 6 handmaidens groom his facial hair before going out into public . That doesn't explain how it was groomed into such a fine piece though.
Having that knowledge could be useful for events where I am to be more presentable.

>> No.17105490

>But what are you supposed to do to the beard to get it like that?
It's genes. If you beard isn't dense enough it won't look like that no matter much you grow, brush, and trim it.

>> No.17105492

> I don't know what we're even arguing over anymore,
Apparently the high bar one must pass before being allowed into the esteemed club of balding R US.
>I can't think of anybody off the top of my head whose hair just went backwards.
I'v seen some in my life time, where it just recedes and recedes all the way back over the years. Certainly not the most common way to go.

>> No.17105500

Not so. You can cut and trim a beard to hold a certain cshape more naturally without any products.
You can also grow out more length, use wax and brush back and in on itself. So you end up with a lot more hair and thus density.
I theorizied this might be what is done which would explain some of his beard directions and tidiness, but waxing my beard seemed to be a big overkill.
While what I have right now is how it will sit without any kind of product or effort.

>> No.17105501


>> No.17105615

its really just a hand full of lookism fags but they are very loud
the same kind of people who go on fit and try to convince people to stop exercising

>> No.17106499

5'10" is not short
Lets make the bald guy 5'10"
And the short guy 5'6"

Now what happens?

>> No.17106509
File: 56 KB, 469x625, dud melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say the five ten bald guy is the op pic
The five six guy is justin bieber but no one is famous

>> No.17106526

He's white & middle aged, makes good money. He probably gets laid regularly.

>> No.17106580


>> No.17106765

>5'10" is not short
are you from a 3rd world country? 5'10 is below average here in the Netherlands.

>> No.17106897

>5'10" is not short

average zoomer height is 6'3-6'6 where I am maybe, if youre malayasian or egyptian 5'10 is tall

>> No.17106899
File: 929 KB, 1565x1827, A5910B0D-E5FD-4CCF-9EF4-9F65D17B4CA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons, i need to know
will this become a decent beard? pic taken 48 hours after last shave.

>> No.17106912

48 hours is nothing, you need 2 weeks to 4 weeks to see babys first beard growth.
But by the looks of it you have a chance at facial hair growth.

>> No.17106956

Yeah thats a few parts of europe
Most of the rest of the planet is far shorter
In the US only 15 percent of men are over 6 feet tall

>> No.17107079

Tall men are attractive
Tall women are not
Anything over 5'9'' is pretty awkward and mannish

>> No.17107084
File: 167 KB, 1080x1350, mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tall women are not
>Anything over 5'9'' is pretty awkward and mannish

I respectfully disagree. All the tall volleyball girls at my college were hot as fuck. Most of them were 5'10 or above.

I love long legs. Mia Melano is 5'11 and a former NCAA volleyball player before she started riding dick on camera.

>> No.17107381

that's not balding, you turnip, that's a perfectly normal hairline.

>> No.17107405

weird fuck doesn't even look human.

there's nothing more annoying than shaved head + glasses + beard.

if you're a bald faggot, you gotta lose at least one of those

>> No.17107694
File: 125 KB, 563x717, 1650720770324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again do you think thats the hairline one is born with?

>> No.17107708

Do you brush the tip of your goatee forward or something? My beard naturally looks like Nicholas's except the sides may be very slightly thinner and I have bald spots under the bottom lip.

>> No.17107712

>My beard naturally looks like Nicholas's

>> No.17107720

Sorry, not posting myself on the chinz.

>> No.17107728
File: 24 KB, 331x221, 1639733232889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, cut out the background, cut out anything above your upper lip, leave just the beard you are talking about.

>> No.17107729
File: 560 KB, 2840x1484, which way will you go, balding man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17107746

Face is so important that both will slay unless the short dude is something ridiculous like <5'2"
I guess environment might make a difference. Like short hairy chad might be better at picking up arthoes in his uni classes while tall bald chad will have better luck in nightclubs.

>> No.17107752

Someone have the version of this chart that includes "the madman"? (clean shaven everything except the eyebrows)

>> No.17107776

The Coomer.

>> No.17107918

The Coomer has a beard are you dumb?

>> No.17107973
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see a beard.

>> No.17108065

Thats Coomer Man and not The Coomer (which is a wojak), besides he does indeed have a stubble and unlike "the madman" no strong eyebrows

>> No.17108081

Fair enough, Coomer loremaster.

>> No.17108094
File: 109 KB, 976x549, _122578521_bog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunt looks like a fucking bog, dude.

>> No.17108185

he's above average by any reasonable metric and you're a mentally ill tranny retard

>> No.17108231
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going for the virgin cope since the average Redditor most likely gets more pussy than the average gay in the mind 4chinner.

>> No.17108349
File: 46 KB, 663x663, 1643977393142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to keep adding to this

>> No.17108464

i have a visible horseshoe but i still grow out my hair. I don't give a fuck and most women my age don't either, especially given that I have a lucrative career.

>> No.17108773
File: 801 KB, 2987x2336, which way will you go, balding man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you

>> No.17108802

>tfw am slavic and do that look

>> No.17108926

literal onions dysgenic phenotype
fertile chads show off their good genetics

>> No.17108947


>> No.17108949

OP is a baldy who cannot grow a beard

>> No.17109780

problem is that when ur bald with a beard u end up looking like every other baldie with a beard.
clean shaven or stubble is a great option if you have solid facial features.
if u wanna switch it up I would recommend something like a beardstache or stubble goatee ala what The Rock is sporting.

>> No.17109812
File: 331 KB, 768x1024, gettyimages-530708802-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Statham was always a "Fuck it" king.

>> No.17109957

How exactly lol

>> No.17109965

>But ur at norwood 3 and will probably be bald at 50. But thats cooler than copium for the (((doctors))) that give you poison.

>> No.17109966

Thats balding LEL

>> No.17109970

Post more pics

>> No.17110015

Why and what kind?

>> No.17110057
File: 229 KB, 1384x1140, 1623699048935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.17110061

aspiring to be the chad dad one day.

>> No.17110118
File: 1.73 MB, 1574x1758, baldpill1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that if you look like shit with a shaved/buzzcut head or a receding hairline you are already ugly and you should stop trying

>> No.17110120

You are not ugly because you're bald, you are ugly because you are ugly no shit Sherlock

>> No.17110123

more of ur hairline, wanna compare with mine my tsar bruddah

>> No.17110135
File: 407 KB, 1903x1005, 1651001726269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly sure what you want to see, so I guess have this.

>> No.17110150

I would play for the other team just to have a go at Mikkelsen, fuck me.

>> No.17110284

yes! thank you so much

>> No.17110286
File: 2.27 MB, 496x960, hair_to_bald.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17110292

exactly, the dude would still look bad even if he got his hair back

>> No.17110636
File: 116 KB, 1600x900, skysports-paul-tisdale-mk-dons_4968097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see how it makes men less attractive but if you're bald it's not the end of your life.

I started buzzing it all off with a #1 guard during the lockdowns. Then, when I started working for a new company and going to the office, I was a bit self-conscious about the way I looked.

The first week some HR chick left her number on a post-it note on my desk while I was taking lunch. So apparently I'm still somewhat attractive to women.

You don't even have to be like Jason Statham, just don't be fat and take care of yourself like you always would if you had hair anyways. I promise it's going to be alright in the end and after a year or so you get used to it and it becomes a normal part of your life.

If you're young it makes you look more mature in the workplace and people place more responsibility on you, some even assume you're a leader, so it's definitely beneficial to your career as well.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.17110912

him being fat as hell is doing much more damage than being bald

>> No.17110915
File: 2.20 MB, 938x936, haircope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111042

I think about this alot

>> No.17111251

>you're still trying to hide the fact that you're balding
shiny bald head is super obvious compared to merely shaved head, are you stupid?

>> No.17111850

I'm genuinely confused, what is this saying?

>> No.17111882

you are from a third world country lol

>> No.17111888

I think it's showing how the younger, pouting face mogs the hell out of the older, goofy one despite rocking a horseshoe. Also British teeth

>> No.17111910 [DELETED] 

what are you going on about retard? if your hair is skin bald, the horseshoe isn't as visible

>> No.17111915

what are you going on about retard? if your head is skin bald, the horseshoe isn't as visible. if hair is buzzed, the contrast between hair and skin is more obvious

>> No.17111969


go the Tony route

>> No.17112130

even if you straightrazor your scalp, the hair folicles will still be there and there will still be some matte to the skin.
plainly obvious next to the shiny chrome dome of actual baldness.

there's no hiding actual baldness.

>> No.17112175

it says 'axe the monarchy'

>> No.17112421

My beard looks like that, I just put my hand on my face and drag it downwards while closing it the closer it gets to my chin, I do this hundreds of time trhoughout the day.

>> No.17112428

picture of said beard?

>> No.17112430

I don't even bother anymore, for some reason the mods just ban my IP range

>> No.17112432

>Nooooo i can't let people see my horseshoe!
My god you slapheads are the most insecure people on the face of the planet.

>> No.17112448


>> No.17112505

that was my point. the guys who wet shave every day to try to hide it are the most pathetic.

i just buzz my head once every 2 or 3 weeks. I don't give a fuck. it takes 2 minutes and it's hassle-free.

>> No.17112511
File: 245 KB, 612x792, images20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks cool though

>> No.17113285

That woman has a nice ass for sure but is not very attractive to me

>> No.17113691

>maybe if I simp for women enough they'll notice me: the look

>> No.17113718

he trims it to get to that shape brother
just grow it out and trim it like he does
short fade on the side
thick in the chin area
taper throughout the chin

>> No.17113750

I just realized, Walt may have start this bald head soibeard trend. These retards start becoming ubiquitous around 2012-13, when the show was coming to an end.

>> No.17115382

Inspiring, anon. Buzzed it and didn't look back for like 5 years. Tried to grow it out again only to discover a big bald spot growing in the back. Never been happier tho I do still have dreams of finding that I have a full head of hair.

>> No.17115485

it's rare to read something on this board that is motivating and not some demoralizing bitter incel shit

>> No.17115546
File: 214 KB, 753x881, bruce-vilanch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dwayne "the rock" johnson laughs

>> No.17115551

The combo of bald head, glasses, and beard looks really bad.

I actually have that look right now. I think I'm going to shave the beard. It's way too hot for full beards anyway.

>> No.17115584

A common cope from people when you point out the "oof" factor of this dude's unfortunate hairline growth is:
>N-no, he didn't look hotter because he had more hair back then, he just looked hotter because he was younger!
However, simply by swapping the hair he once had with the dome he has now, you can clearly see that it's not just his younger face that made him look good, it was mostly the fact that he had hair.

For most people (not even just women), when it comes to rating how attractive or cool a guy looks, full-head-of-hair vs. bald/balding/receding is the #1 most important factor. Even a 5/10 face can be saved by a full head of hair, or completely ruined without it.

>> No.17115720

some of the guys in this collage are norwood 0's. The grey of their hair is still shaping their face.
I agree with you, but you collage is flawed with the norwood 0s in it.

>> No.17115724

>This combo is really bad
>i have this combo
Why do we do this to ourselves?

>> No.17115747

The only way to bald is long hair, slick back maybe slicked back and to the sides, and let the sides and back go wild and curly. Looks great. Has helped me pick up quite a few 18 year old hunnies. Before it was boring short hair widows peak. Now it's slick and looks cinematic

>> No.17115756
File: 244 KB, 1080x751, Screenshot_20220706-181948_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mid/late twenties
>not even horseshoe

Maybe it's the unhealthy live I've been living for the past year, but I am just balding on the crown and my hair was already thing. So if I left it, I'd just look like Dale from King of the Hill. I was going to cope buzz it all off in the winter and go no beard. Just work out and embrace the ugly.

Do I just kill myself? Pic isn't me but close enough

>> No.17115831

>For most people (not even just women), when it comes to rating how attractive or cool a guy looks, full-head-of-hair vs. bald/balding/receding is the #1 most important factor. Even a 5/10 face can be saved by a full head of hair, or completely ruined without it.

(citation needed)

>> No.17115843

If you decided to go the meds route, your balding pattern would be very favourable to regrowing most of what you've lost. Generally speaking people with thinning can recover more hair than people who are mainly receding.
It's understandable if you don't want to risk the side effects though.

>> No.17115849

I can't stop laughing at how funny he looks. He literally looks like a thumb with glasses and a beard.

Just grow out your hair and stop looking like a faggot. Why are you trying to hide the fact that you're balding at that age?

>> No.17116732
File: 161 KB, 483x323, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The beard, wrinkles, glasses and the casual formal attire make it work so fucking well. Probably a peak example of how an otherwise average looking man can stand out and be unique.

That biker-esque full beard paired with a bald head is fucking gore, literally nothing can salvage it

>> No.17117179
File: 3.23 MB, 2412x1584, 1842j1429l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did I hear someone say "embrace"?

This is some actual embrace you pussy ass faggot three musketeer-looking weasel bob-head

>> No.17117194
File: 394 KB, 630x584, buzzed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A reminder that if you look like shit with a shaved/buzzcut head
>>17117179 here, pic related is me a couple of weeks after shaving it, can I make it?

>> No.17117211


>> No.17117222

>*checks foreskin*
nope, still intact, ain't a jewish halfbreed from Canuckistan

>> No.17117666

You look like you're a norwood 0. go fuck off somewhere else

>> No.17118015
File: 30 KB, 429x594, tony_middle_finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking weird-looking faggot looks like a cartoonish finger.

most guys look like shit without any hair and you're really just an insecure beta trying to hide your balding. you might as well wear a wig.