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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 612x408, dronemode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17103301 No.17103301 [Reply] [Original]

If you are over the age of 25 as a male it's time to suit up, put the hoodies, sneakers, and streetwear behind you.
But on the button up shirt, put on the dress pants and jacket, put on the leather shoes and tie.
You are an adult now.

>> No.17103310
File: 226 KB, 1080x1350, 456467 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never change me.

>> No.17103318

Lmao, yes you learn how to be formal, but you don't stop being casual
fucking idiot lol

>> No.17103337

sex please

>> No.17103341

You are not your khakis

>> No.17103344

I am Jack's complete lack of fashion sense.

>> No.17103348
File: 713 KB, 822x631, 32BD4DCD-AE13-4F4B-8486-68C88D1D6552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post op, I agree 100%

>> No.17103368

Most alternative fashion styles look ridiculous on guys. I saw a 30-something year old guy trying to pull off the 2000s emo look and I almost burst out laughing.

>> No.17103369


>> No.17103372
File: 76 KB, 731x1030, E7ADFB54-3CA7-461C-AE1D-C760023D5479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because men are meant wear clothes like suits, that’s why we wore them for literally centuries

>> No.17103383
File: 443 KB, 1068x1740, 1655062574896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17103384

OP probably wore thrifted, ill-fitting business suits to high school.

You dress for the occasion. Casual wear has it's time and place, business wear has it's time and place.

>> No.17103388

na he's right. if you dress like a teenager after the age of 25, you look like a slob

>> No.17103392


>> No.17103465

idk senpai it seems to me that the proliferation of the suit was more an expression of British cultural dominion more than anything else. there's a reason so much of english tailoring extends from military dress.

we threw their tea in the harbor and their suits are next.

>> No.17103471

do you wear a suit to go over to your buddy's place and watch a movie lol

>> No.17103563

suits are for pansy men that have never lifted anything heavy in their life

>> No.17103570

>You are an adult now.
I've been an adult for a whole homie as long as I make enough to support myself who gives a fuck what I wear. Unless you're concerned with fitting in of course, which is all failed normies care about.

>> No.17103576

Is the pic actually you? To which god do I have to sell my soul to look like that?

>> No.17103578

Post body, im stronger than you and wear suits almost daily
This is massive cope

>> No.17103585


>> No.17103595

Hello Ronnie, hows your back doing. The point still stands.
Suits are not practical, they are for show.

>> No.17103598

post symmetric strength

>> No.17103610

I will only tell you my best lift which is bench press, 100kg for 8 reps

Just as I thought you DYEL bitch lol
>muh suits are for show, not le practical!!1!1
Who cares idiot, clothes are supposed to look nice

>> No.17103615

Clothes serve a function first and foremost.
Our ancestors didn't put on animal hides because
>ohhhh it looks nice
it was to keep warm.
Today with decadence being at an all time high, people treat a practical tool, more and more as something purely for visuals.
When I see a grown as man dressed in a suit when it's not appropriate for some event or some such, I think instantly there is a manbaby who is playing dress up, willing to sacrifice actual function and practicality. You might as well be wearing high heels for me baby boy.
Don't forget your make up and corset.

>> No.17103616

>absolute weight without BW for context

>> No.17103620


>> No.17103629
File: 1.91 MB, 2999x3999, 1FADAE65-A960-415E-9B8F-E22F1A64CB74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>17103620 Is Not me, I was 74-75 kg when I benched that

keep dressing like a toddler while I keep suitmaxxing

>> No.17103628

That is called a lounge suit. It was the equivalent of cargo shorts and flip flops not too long ago. Stop dressing down and start dressing up - say no to the suit.

>> No.17103632

>he fell for the suit meme
Basic suits make you look like a soulless, boring corporate slave.
There’s not an ounce of thought in a basic suit. People who like wearing suits smell like Bleu de Chanel, desperately want a Rolex Sub and their only aspiration in life is to get promoted to afford some sports car.
It’s literal good boy clothing for the most uninteresting people. The ones who unironcally believe in sigma grindset memes.

>> No.17103635

You literally look like the guy at the bar telling some thot about your boring ass job and then wonder why some rando walks off with her

>> No.17103638


>> No.17103639

Post „alpha gym motivation - let’s get this“ playlist

>> No.17103641

Keep telling yourself that
Not my fault you’re too lazy to get a nice fitting suit and prefer to walk around in a graphic tee and flip flops

>> No.17103642

No it’s called empiricism

>> No.17103643

What the fuck were brits thinking when they conceived their quotation marks style?

>> No.17103645

shorts and no shirt actually

>> No.17103647

I do agree that old people should stop dressing/acting like they're young. It's absolute cringe.

I also hate running into millenial faggots at music fests trying to fit in with zoomers. Everyone hates these old geezers.

>> No.17103648

If you walk around the city and go to work with no shirt on then I guess you win

>> No.17103649

I wear tasteful, italian-made fabrics, my boring friend.
You still deciding if a Seamaster is enough to impress your coworkers?
Naaah man better get the Rollie.

>> No.17103650

yes actually

>> No.17103652

Yeah let me put on a suit and tie every time my buddy wants to hang out and get lunch or something. Totally won't look like a tool in a suit all the time

>> No.17103654

Nobody wants to fit in with zoomers bro
>bussin fr nocap lemme cop that vintage…

t. mid-20s

>> No.17103659
File: 124 KB, 1080x1336, A18CD464-B5F3-4899-9ADA-D3565B10467B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just idk, post your fit and let’s see what others think or just stfu man
I’m going to sleep now

>> No.17103666

Oh no, I infuriated the stencil man.
Good night my dude and have fun at work tomorrow. Let’s get this bread!

>> No.17103673

nice jaw bro, jealous

>> No.17103678
File: 86 KB, 726x900, george-raft-paramount-pictures-1930s-everett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wear what you want. I like wearing suits, sewing and vintage style, that doesn't mean everybody else needs to wear and like it. As an adult you have the freedom to make the choice on how you wish to dress, so just wear what you like.

>> No.17103698
File: 393 KB, 965x1920, Snapchat-476011656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can queer people also wear suits?

>> No.17103709

mid-20s is fine and still technically a zoomer. oldest zoomers are 25.

it's just the creeps in their 30s with receding hairlines I can't stand. you can visibly see zoomer girls get creeped out when they try to hit on them

>> No.17103714

Oldest zoomers are 22, the cut off is the 00's and if anybody tries to convince you otherwise they are a coping milenial oldfag.

>> No.17103826

>imagine living such a sheltered life as to not know that blue collar work exists
Yeah I bet the man who builds your house wears a suit. The man who fixes your car wears a suit. The man who grows your food wears a suit.
Fuck off you delusional classist mongoliod.

>> No.17103866
File: 1.15 MB, 270x252, 1656514106775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post body, im stronger than you and wear suits almost daily

>> No.17103868

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17103871 [DELETED] 

You didn't even spell milennial right. By the way 1997 is the cutoff for zoomers and that's the official number. I had snapchat, instagram, cell phones, memes etc. when I was in high school. I'm the eldest zoomer and grew up with a lot of millennial culture but I'm still somehow a zoomer.

>> No.17103874

>Yeah I bet the man who builds your house wears a suit.
You'd be correct - to weddings and christenings, to birthdays, to the bank, to church. Just not on the job.

>> No.17103926

jeans jackets and pants exist just for that. Not as formal, but still much better than whatever street wear people are rocking nowadays. You can even get away with wearing a tie with it in some cases

>> No.17103935

do you somehow think jeans jackets and pants have completely fallen out of style? do you go outside regularly?

>> No.17103970

>keep dressing like a toddler while I keep suitmaxxing
you're highly autistic & this color scheme bores me to tears
either take out the imagine or take out the greentext you're doing it wrong. starting off sentences with "imagine" and ending them with the thing you don't like is thoughtless and gay

>> No.17103980


God, I'm so glad I'm not a man any more.

If I were, I would probably be some sexually frustrated bitter MRA MGTOW, making threads like this, attempting to establish my dominance over other men on the Internet.

>> No.17103988

OP is a faggot but everyone on /fa/ hates you so all you're doing is legitimizing OP in their eyes

>> No.17103994

I wish oldfag millennials would stop posting on this board.

>> No.17104000

Millenials end at 96, so if zoomers begin at 00 then what the fuck are 97,98,99? Their own generation?

>> No.17104002

You kinda remind me of the guy in those pc vs mac commercials.

>> No.17104021


>> No.17104025

jerry seinfeld was right

>> No.17104029

>tf born in 95
Fuck, I'm not the youngest generation anymore :'(

>> No.17104033

I don't think lounge suits were common daily wear for men for even a single century. For the dressed classes, the stroller was common until after WWI, and while the lounge suit came to prominence afterward, it has becoming simpler, more casual, and has fallen increasingly out of fashion since the 1960s. So it got forty years, give or take, not centuries.

>> No.17104089
File: 18 KB, 480x360, EFF49980-C131-44A5-BE08-BCFA9B564DEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you’re such a pathetic tranny

Thank you

Kek, hope you don’t mean the middle aged lard with an ill fitting suit from pic rel

>> No.17104357

Milenials end at 1999, you obtuse faggot.

>> No.17104372

You're the winchester shirt chad from the other thread, right? You're good at making manchildren weep.

>> No.17104375

No they don’t

>> No.17104388
File: 288 KB, 1548x1024, 30682167-4740-4D63-AB0C-A2E18698E5F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like 35

>> No.17104392

this conversation infects every thread here ffs

>> No.17104393

Queers are not people

>> No.17104405


>> No.17104410

>t. coping zoomer that doesn't want to admit he's a sooner
just accept it, millennials end at 96

>> No.17104445

did some millenial dude fuck your crush or something?

>> No.17104454

>still look 17
I don't think I will

>> No.17104538

Yeah just don’t do that Ellen shit every fucking queer does wearing white sneakers with it

>> No.17104561

>you are an adult
>fight club

>> No.17104564

If I had a custom/well-fitting suit, or suits, I would. I don't, but I might.

>> No.17104581
File: 363 KB, 1108x1478, IMG_20220630_234654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear suits to work if the need arises. Why wear it any other time though? It's not the flex you think it is.

>> No.17104628


>> No.17104638

No you see, having friends after the age of 25 is childish. You're supposed to work, and only work.

>> No.17104640

this is your brain /fit/, nightmarish

>> No.17104641
File: 222 KB, 674x506, 5791A969-6B23-47BC-93D0-DF8D9997206E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17104650
File: 1.97 MB, 500x283, the office.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.17104659
File: 491 KB, 620x450, Brad-Pitt-starrer-Fight-Club-ending-restored-in-China-after-censorship-backlash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying 25 is when men should become terrorists?
I'm confused

>> No.17104678
File: 28 KB, 512x512, nico dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I will continue to do whatever I want.

>> No.17104682

no, terror is for teens
25 is the age to teach your children how to plant tomatoes

>> No.17104683

This is a girl. This is a pooner. This is not a biological male. Either way- SEXO

>> No.17104690

What the fuck is a "pooner"?
A girl that dresses like a tranny?

>> No.17104693

Pooner is a female to male tranny. Often they make virtually no attempt to actually be masculine and are instead fujoshis who want to look like anime boys. But it could also be a girl dressing like how a male tranny would dress. In any case the person in that pic is a biological female no doubt in my mind.

>> No.17104739

You only need to do this if you're not attractive enough. If you look attractive and youthful like Brad Pitt did during his late 30s you can dress like Tyler Durden for example or pretty much whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.17104803
File: 568 KB, 900x705, coal miners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suits are for pansy men that have never lifted anything heavy in their life
Moron detected, suits were literally the outfit of the industrial working class.

>> No.17104808
File: 101 KB, 780x438, intro-1631539645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want children
I'm not a pedophile

>> No.17104811

Well dressing like a mtf tranny is masculine in a way?

>> No.17104812

your bloodline will die

>> No.17104816

who cares

>> No.17104828

I could recognise those Crown Court walls from anywhere
i kinda miss that place

>> No.17104833

>to the bank
you fuckwits really do live in 1955 dont you

>> No.17104838
File: 48 KB, 500x501, exVOG_MmJispGYxI0KDvVbyc-aRKC-vHBvIQn20XWvQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's bloodline will die. The universe will grow cold and die, and humanity will not even be a memory as nothing will remain. But while I'm alive I'm fucking a sexy girl and getting high, I feel good.

>> No.17104844

you sound retarded lol you're not edgy or enlightened you're just a 15 year old nihilist

>> No.17104856

22 actually but enjoy chasing after nothing

>> No.17104871

Hello, yes it is me
Someone good me to post pics more often so here i am

>> No.17104872

Corporate lacky time slave
Talk about Pride month

>> No.17104874

Bro what? this is an office bathroom in Poland lol

>> No.17104876

I work for myself buddy, have my own business

>> No.17104877

that's embarrassing lol. they look identical to the walls I have seen in every crown court I visited (for work) i thought you were the solicitor guy i was speaking to in a different thread about suits my bad

>> No.17104885

you say 22 like that doesn't make it worse. grow up a little, let go of the reddit fatalist "nothing matters" attitude and find something to live for other than hedonistic pleasure. i promise it's possible, and it actually feels more rewarding.

>> No.17104886

>find something to live for other than hedonistic pleasure
Okay my goal is to see humanity go extinct before I die. Thanks you've made me se ethe light.

>> No.17104888

You say this as if breeding isn't the flashiest shit you can do, you are so attached to the earthly that you condemn another soul to suffer like you do.

>> No.17104898


>> No.17104900

see if you were actually 15 then this attitude wouldn't be as embarrassing.
i'm not as invested in reproducing as you might think, but your dismissal of having kids for any reason other than wanting to fuck them set off my redditor alarms. i'm mostly invested in the pursuit of truth and love, two distinctly immaterial qualities. familial love is powerful, and alienation from the family unit is a big source of widespread unhappiness in the modern day. a community of flesh and blood connections changes everything. i'm certainly not suffering, not sure about you

>> No.17104905

Nihilism is so fucking gay and cringe.

>> No.17104908

You need to breathe, eat, and sleep, you suffer because existence is inherently suffering, also you don't need to be blood related to have meaningful relationships, you are just soulless conservatard.

>> No.17104918

Bro you literally look like shit.
Like the last person anyone who is even remotely interesting would talk to.
You look so uninteresting, you’d basically be invisible at any venue or event. You look like all you care about in life are your boring ass job and your lifts and all you do is get yourself motivated with some fake alpha mentality, knowing damn well you’d be the first one to get fucked up in any altercation.
You’re horrible. Not just your outfit but most likely your personality too.
You have even less right to call yourself better than anyone else than an athleisure wearer.

>> No.17104921

>I don’t like your outfit so you are literally human garbage
Lol, chill out bro it’s just a picture of a man better looking, stronger and better dressed than you. No need to go overboard with your autism ;-)

>> No.17104923

"existence is inherently suffering" christ will you realise that your misery doesn't extend to everyone else? have you considered that your denial of any significance in familial relationships might have something to do with why you are so unhappy? there's a reason poor parenting fucks up kids so bad. it's cause familial relationships are inherently more affecting than relationships of choice. try calling your mom and telling her you love her.

>> No.17104925

An addendum to this would be
>If you're an artsy type, you better actually be innovating aesthetics and social norms, not just falling into the twatty "forever young" Peter Pan cult

>> No.17104928

Don’t post pics.

>> No.17104942

Not if you still look like a teenager

>> No.17104946

I unironically wear full Loro Piana, have 2 masters and squat 160kg for reps.
You just look, talk and behave like a nothingburger. A fleeting fuck who has to define himself by looking like everyone else, lifting a bit of weight and making a bit of money.
You have no personality but still think you have the right to condemn others in any way. That’s why I hate your kind.

>> No.17104958
File: 43 KB, 680x575, 322B2191-12D1-415A-BE6E-9794FDBECAC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? You’re gonna kill yourself?
I can only imagine what an ugly abomination you must be, samefagging and writing paragraphs upon paragraphs seething that someone isn’t an obese neck beard coomer like you hehe

I will surely take some new ones just for you :^)

>I am strong, rich, interesting and well dressed
>no I will not provide proof!!!1!1

>> No.17104960

bad LARP

>> No.17104973

this is also B8, polish anon wasn't this much of a clown. although he did wear a winchester shirt without a tie and coat...

>> No.17104976

I don’t give a single shit if you believe me or not.
I just wanted to clarify why I despise your existence.
I can almost guarantee you I’m “better“ than you in any way, judging by your superficial, retarded standards you hold because you’re too shallow to think of anything else.
You’re truly worthless.

>> No.17104991

I'm not saying it, the Buddha himself said it, my life is probably betters than yours anyway.

>> No.17104998

>samefagging, paragraphs…

What the fuck are you on about, schizo?
Imagine this: several people might think your a fag.

>> No.17105000

good thing i'm not a buddhist. i'd bet the one saying existence is miserable probably has the worse life.

>> No.17105004
File: 38 KB, 542x543, 1654316718737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17105008

use a trip so we can filter your shit

>> No.17105047


>> No.17105095

I mean if you're in the city commuting with white collar professionals, sure. If you're working remotely or in a midsize town you'll look like reviewbrah if you're going to working class/middle class and under venues. I've been to upscale restaurants in button ups and have been treated like I was celebrating a major life event.

>> No.17105114

I shit on streetwear too, but suits are white collar work wear.
If you're not a white collar worker, you're a larping faggot.

>> No.17105147

you will never live in the 1950's

>> No.17105160
File: 36 KB, 473x446, Image60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17105187

>caring what plebs thing
pleb detected

>> No.17105265
File: 148 KB, 720x737, 1642007535448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you pathetic corporate shill, dumbass lame mother fucker that never got alt girl pussy LMAO

>> No.17105269

No way I am not some lame millenial

>> No.17105271

Do you have children?

>> No.17105274

Most r*ddit thing I have read all week

>> No.17105293
File: 18 KB, 244x248, 1646314514191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im under 25 and still wear a suit to work everyday. Today is grey suit with tommy hilfiger baby blue shirt and titanium watch, Black shoes and belt. Might go home for lunch break to have some of my mums food rather than eating goyslop next door. I have 8 suits *excluding my tux) that i can choose between that are versatile enough to were at the office or at a function. Hoping to further expand my collection though. Anyone know where to get a tailor fit brown suit around sydney?

>> No.17105306

Very based my friend
Suitlets can seethe and cope all they want, the fact it makes them angry I wear a suit makes me want to wear it even more kek

Btw out of curiosity what is your profession?

>> No.17105307

Can be so anymore envious? That people in your age group are having the time of their life, not giving a fuck?
Get a life mr.
People have the right to enjoy life.

>> No.17105354

>Yeah I bet the man who builds your house wears a suit
My house was built in 1929, the builders almost certainly all had suits and wore them at least once a week
>The man who fixes your car wears a suit.
I fix my own cars
>The man who grows your food wears a suit.
The Mexicans probably can't even afford a suit, the farm owner probably does wear one when not pretending to be a humble multi-millionaire.

>> No.17105374

I’m a mod on a japanese anime-inspired imageboard

>> No.17105410

>My house was built in 1929, the builders almost certainly all had suits and wore them at least once a week
They were probably wearing their daily suit when building it, suits were normal clothing back then, suits are only considered office and formal wear in the modern day.

>> No.17105438

Audible kek

>> No.17105441 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 500x281, _l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Movie about not conforming to normalcy
>Uses stillfromsaid image ro conform normalcy

>> No.17105456

There's no way you're well adjusted or even a mature adult.

>> No.17105471
File: 29 KB, 470x535, 1598460952020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17105507

if you care about age then you'll never be effay

>> No.17105513

Builders wore workwear in 1929.

>> No.17105582

Real estate agent in sydney.

>> No.17105754

>tommy hilfiger
where are the suits from? jos a banks?

>> No.17105756

Fuck no! Shave those pubes off your head you clown

>> No.17105767

lmao get fucked faggot

t. 33

>> No.17105781

Your father molesting you already changed you enough

>> No.17105902

I like hoodies plus shirt plus dockers

>> No.17105919

You can’t do epic shit with basic bitch fashion.

>> No.17105939
File: 478 KB, 1494x2542, 20220701_000207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol you’re such a pathetic tranny
I am not the same person as the guy with the 666 get. I just inserted myself into your argument. I called you boring because the black suit and blue/grey shirt is super played out and gay. be more creative with color.
I called you autistic because you said called it "suitmaxxing" and because your standards for how "better dressed" is defined are highly autistic. anyways here's the outfit I wore today

>> No.17105941

Holy shit you look like a tranny hahahahah
Not reading all this shit btw

>> No.17105944

i made a minor edit and forgot to delete the replaced word this is the worst day of my life
>you look like a tranny
guys with long hair do not look like trannys. its the other way around. MtFs who don't pass look like guys with long hair.
>Not reading all this shit btw
there is barely any text
every person who gets BTFO'd says "not reading this" you aren't fooling anyone least of all yourself

>> No.17105945

why would you post this lmao

>> No.17105946
File: 899 KB, 1267x1780, 74D7F5C1-E3B2-4CF7-9648-325EE1FAB93C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I called you a troon already so I can be more constructive now. The suit is navy not black but yes, it looks boring. I have other suits and I do play around with color sometimes, not going all Saul Goodman but yeah

And I guess your fit doesn’t look all bad all tough I wouldn’t be caught dead in it

>> No.17105957

> I have other suits and I do play around with color sometimes, not going all Saul Goodman but yeah
>And I guess your fit doesn’t look all bad all tough I wouldn’t be caught dead in it
you could learn a lot from the outfits of us peasants, the colors in my outfit could be translated into menswear and look great. besides the shoes that is, good luck getting mint green dress shoes. fortunately brown shoes go great with orange, blue, and khaki.

>> No.17105964

kill yourself asap

>> No.17106245

If im not wearing politix or van heusen, im wearing custom tailored fit. I need to get them all re-tailored due to recent weight loss.

>> No.17106252

>men are meant to X
Fuck off tradcon-formist
I'll wear what the fuck I want. Life is not a rule book I'm supposed to follow

>> No.17106254

Suits WERE workwear in 1929 you fucking mong, especially ones made of heavy fabric, usually worn with a flat cap or newsboy cap.

>> No.17106262
File: 578 KB, 1024x682, Builders-of-the-Dorchester-Hotel-Park-Lane-London-W1-Alamy-DRFKJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17106293

Enjoy your suit in 35° degree weather, you moron.

>> No.17106345

>100kg for 8 reps
lmao and you're talking shit? fucking dyel pussy

>> No.17106347

Just wear linen you moron.

>> No.17106402

Post body with time stamp or your lifts fatty (you won’t)

>> No.17106496

>play around with color sometimes
Wow I’m feeling frisky today I think I might go for light grey instead of navy.
Hehe they won’t know what hit them at the office.

>> No.17106510

Based OP.
Bought some formalwear a couple of years ago but have put it off for a while. Now am ashamed for not making use of it, but at least they still fit.
Been recently watching realmenrealstyle. His advice is solid enough to brush off his shilling ads.
Fashion can be fun when you understand basic rules properly and how to bend them, without looking like a tryhard like most of /fa/

>> No.17106513

I’ve seldomly read a worse post.
You might unironically be better off on reddit

>> No.17106893
File: 1.96 MB, 350x272, 1640730510728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start wearing suits every day
>random black guys start complimenting me all the time telling me I look fly

>> No.17106918
File: 69 KB, 355x500, 99960_ca_object_representations_media_1881_mediumlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17106932

underrated post

>> No.17107085


>> No.17107140

I think 35 is the minimum age you should give up any semblance of a fun lifestyle anon

>> No.17107142


>> No.17107247

yeah I was confused when he talked about playing around with color and posted a fit with a blue tie and no other color

>> No.17107269

Literally NPC-core lol

>> No.17107274

Being trad is just as gay. Literally obsessed with guys

>> No.17107278
File: 3.05 MB, 3464x3464, 1655962303086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do play around with color sometimes, not going all Saul Goodman but yeah

>> No.17107291
File: 49 KB, 652x434, VanityFairHallOvFame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mark Wahlberg

Marky Mark Don' Answer 2 Hiz Slave Name

>Claim 2 Fame

>> No.17107297

I have to wear a suit 2-3 times a week. It sucks. Don't get a job that males you wear a suit.

>> No.17107368

Wearing a costume of a costume. In 5 years you'll be fat and your mostly mentally ill "cool" friends will be well on their way to the grave with a crippling fent addiction. Time comes for us all.

>> No.17107380

You look horrible.

>> No.17107400
File: 15 KB, 812x567, 1656433329134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17107415


>> No.17107484

How daring!
I’ve never seen such ingenuity before! Really unique and groundbreaking!

>> No.17107548

If you only knew how wrong you were you would pivot from seethe to cope in record time. Forget the wall, 25 is going to hit you like a runaway train. Develop good habits while you're still in your late teens.

>> No.17107593

No...but No one will employ you..so there's that

>> No.17107621
File: 73 KB, 736x994, 3e4e6d9141299964875dcaec1e7c969e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17107719

Yeah no need to take the man’s pics from waywt

>> No.17107739
File: 27 KB, 280x288, 80a78c499d498906f876a04740077897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linen suits are based, especially with a Panama.

>> No.17107760


>> No.17107766

says who?

>> No.17107770

I am unemployed at 30. Don't waste your time online zoomies.

>> No.17107789

Are you me?

>> No.17107790
File: 203 KB, 768x936, Df1Ro-1U0AERz9V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing suits isn't for adults anymore. adults usually know what century they live in and dress according to their situation.
if you wear a suit because you think its what adults do, you're just going to look like reviewbrah.

>> No.17107791

Yeah that's going to look really awesome on jobsites as an electrician
Fuck off you dumb cunt

>> No.17107795

Friends and streetwear are for poorfags.

>> No.17107801
File: 89 KB, 900x600, 1655766494179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, lmao even

>> No.17107817

???? zoomers has always been either 95 or 96+, you are an obvious zoomer trying to move the fucking date to unzoom himself. you're a pathetic cunt.

>> No.17107821

Zoomers are not real, they do not exist

>> No.17107829

Lmao. What area was this in? Just curious. Sounds like California or some big city. What was bad about it?

>> No.17107844
File: 260 KB, 1003x1390, 53B30A23-E5A0-4CF7-B668-B1A937A3AA61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor choice of pic my brother in Christ

>> No.17107846

He is more famous as a Denim or khaki wearer my dude.

>> No.17107852

Your shirts sleeves seem to be a bit long for you, otherwise you're looking pretty good

>> No.17107860

I think you're an absolute retard who can shove all his suits and his ties (your nooses let's be real) up his asshole

>> No.17107863

Not to me

>> No.17107866
File: 142 KB, 1400x2100, 2ffzF1WmeXtH420fSUoCrecFvDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are not cool

>> No.17107885
File: 478 KB, 750x1066, 7E94DBB8-4641-4239-BEC9-312FB0EEE281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I am

>> No.17107889

looks passable, but god that tie looks ugly. Also, iron your fucking dress shirt you slob.

>> No.17107890


>> No.17107892

>It's not the flex you think it is.
not when wearing a shit 'suit' like that. absolutely disgusting...

>> No.17107895

that suit makes you look like an old man. I suspect you don't work for a big-four law firm, or else you would not be seen twice wearing that arrogantly.

>> No.17107896

Wait, now I just noticed. Holy shit, that suit is not fitting you. Shoulders, length of jacket, size of pants... wtf is this atrocity?

>> No.17107911

I’m 28 and still get piss drunk and do coke two nights in a row.
The only difference is I can now afford to do so in designer clothes.

>> No.17108030

25 is literally nothing, i wish i was 25 again.

>> No.17108181

that's literally the only reason he's posting the pic retard, stop giving him validation and attention

>> No.17108202


>> No.17108406

>wearing a track suit before you're 25
grince and lrap

>> No.17108473

what are some simple t-shirts to wear as an adult? I have too many thrifted tees that I love, but they are quite worn

>> No.17108521

monochromatic tie dye

>> No.17108552

Gimme a job that earns enough money to need to wear a suit, and I'll wear a suit every day for the rest of my life. But so long as I'm a poorfag, no suits for me. I'd rather not wear one at all than to wear some cheap ill-fitted garbage.

cheap ill-fitted suit < casual clothes < nice well-fitted suit

>> No.17108558

>But so long as I'm a poorfag, no suits for me
I have been unemployed for five years and i wear suits everyday, thats no excuse. You cant get decent quality suits second hand and vintage for not a massive amount.

>> No.17108560


>> No.17108574
File: 219 KB, 947x1697, western.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But on the button up shirt, put on the dress pants and jacket, put on the leather shoes and tie.
>You are an adult now.
If you are an adult, you should realize you don't have to sacrifice your freedom and give up your style. Wear practical clothes that you like and that you find comfy.

>> No.17108660

>u need to start dressing like everyone else or i will BULLY YOU!

weird how kids who got bullied are now the ones who try to police their own kind into being 'normal'

>> No.17109089
File: 670 KB, 1332x2560, Snapchat-366089620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I think Ill dress like an actual man

>> No.17109091


>le dangerous olde mane


>> No.17109109

zoomies making fun of this thread here:


>> No.17109137

that moustache is a far cry from practical, son

>> No.17109139

the student has become the teacher

>> No.17109293

there are these people called tailors, they can help make your clothes actually fit well. maybe you could find one?

>> No.17109303

t. reviewbrah

>> No.17109311

Society will collapse once millennials take over because they are perpetual children that can't function without fitting in like the weak herd animals they are

>> No.17109650

Mate it's embarrassing, you spent a year doing SS and now you're a big boy. We are all proud of you but just relax ok?

>> No.17109655

maybe don’t call him dyel when you’re scared to compare physiques and strength, simple as

>> No.17109658

I'm a different anon reading your cringy self conscious replies. Work on 1234, that at least gives you enough experience that people are going to take you seriously.

Stop trying to fight on fa and go grind... Seriously you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.17109667

again, not the lifter anon, my point still stands

>> No.17109670

>we need you to pay taxes and support israel
no thanks shlomo, I'm gonna continue to wear my fursuit and diaper

>> No.17109738

Thank you for the compliment:)

>> No.17109999

I work the docks making sure you get your corpo serf uniform on time so I think I'll wear whatever the fuck is comfortable and durable nigger

>> No.17110010

>can queer people also wear suits?
Sure. Be a man about it and stop acting like a flaming, mincing, lisping, limp-wristed faggot about everything.

>> No.17110469


I see shit like this at the highest frequency in decadent flyovers - especially back when I still lived in a buttfuck southern idaho town.

too many severely mentally ill/personality disordered individuals who peaked in their teen years - having no hope in themselves being confined to their unprolific shitholes; so they are developmentally stunted to their corporo-inspired dudebro/hot topic years till they wind up in prison/OD'd/on a sex offender registry

>> No.17110621

So close to perfection but low iq physiognomy.

>> No.17110625

If your suit isn't extra slim fit, it's ill-fitting.

>> No.17110627

Awful fit. Complete embarassment. Boxy ass nigga.

>> No.17110629

The button down Oxford shirt dates to the very late part of the 18th century so yes, suits are not even that old.

>> No.17110632

Mid to late Gen Xers are perpetual teenagers.

>> No.17110635

Asperger's low-t zoomer who can't grow a beard and is poor.

>> No.17110637

25 is where the pressure comes on to start being an adult and get your shit together before it's too late, and subsequently it is the age where you stop being a "youth" and can no longer have those romanticized experiences. 27 is last call.

>> No.17110638

Modern slim fit suits look like ass.

>> No.17110639

Awful fucking suit fit but the tie is nice and the watch is gorgeous. Never heard of Tevise.

>> No.17110642

Did I say "slim fit"? No. It is watered down classic / traditional. If it does not have "extra" in the title, it is worthless.

>> No.17110652

No, you are correct. 97 and onward are zoomers. Zillennial is a zoomer cope, just like Xennial is a millennial cope.

>> No.17110658

They have. Where is Tripsk? Nowhere. This board got flooded by lazy, ignorant, tasteless zoomer fucks. Awful worthless place to post in. And it shows because the activity is fucking dead compared to 6+ years ago right before the decline.

>> No.17110681

Sneed harder cityslicker

>> No.17110688

>Millenials end at 96

No, they don't. Only old, self-hating Millennials say this. I've seen over the years the years of Gen Y go from 2001, to 2000, to 99, now to 96, and I've even seen 95. Old Millennials constantly fucking with their years of their own gen. because they dislike the younger portion of it.

The Strauss/Howe generational theory -- which coined the fucking Millennial term -- has it ending in 2004, and I give them more significance than a board that is constantly fucking about.

>inb4 it's just a theory, though!

Yeah, one people still accept/use and being disingenuous about.

Even think about the term Millennial and its relation to the turn of the millennium. I wonder what year that was... Definitely 96!

>> No.17110698

because everyone here is coping in some form

>> No.17110702

Pew Research Center says 1997.
Pluto astrologically says it's late 1995.

>> No.17110703

The industrial working class men are on the left there in raggedy shirts you fucking moron.

>> No.17110732

Look good in the mirror today OP? If you really want some validation, you should ask people if you look good, not try and squeeze them into your autistic paradigm and command that they play along.

>> No.17111239

In case you're actually serious here, suits should NOT be overly slim, no traditional self respecting tailor would make em like that. There's supposed to be some drape, even the slimmer fitting suits of the 60s and late 20s were nothing close to extra slim, for a reason. Too close fitting and you get no drape and get a bunch of wrinkles, a wider cut when properly tailored to you will have straight lines with little breaks thus looking very neat.

>> No.17111253

Based, all these patrick bateman wannabes are seething.

>> No.17111273

Cool Rolex fake anon, did you pay $99 for it?

>> No.17111277

I can't wear normal clothes. Even my normal pants fall off all the time even when I'm wearing a belt, yet are still much too tight. Also my shirt ends up wearing most of my dinner, so not a big fan of dress shirts.

>> No.17111280

also i fart a lot.

>> No.17111293

can i be like, grungecore?
or maybe pastacore?

>> No.17112398

It mostly depend on what you are going to do that needs certain clothing, using a suit looks nice on parties, dates, weddings, at works, etc. But you wouldn't wear one when camping/hiking, going to the gym or a concert you know will make you dirty. In another type of event, say a sport match, a concert or convention, you would find yourself with some kind of accessory themed after said event.
Don't be an absolutist and think pragmatically.

>> No.17112420

based >>17110625 has no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.17112567

he didn't make the post I lifted the image from WAYWT to poke fun at the playing around with color phrase
it clearly says tevise you didn't even fucking look at the picture
rolex worship is gay

>> No.17112856

>You are an adult now.
One big change that came with becoming an adult is that I put much more emphasis on practicality, comfort and price.
Suits are pricey (I wouldn't want to buy a cheap one that would look ugly), require a bit more time and effort spent on maintenance and don't really look that good, the main appeal of suits is that we are raised to see them as some kind of status symbol, but they all look boring to me and while I do like some things about them which I'd like to see outside of just formal wear, I don't feel that good wearing a suit (also, I kinda feel like I'm overdressed all the time) so there is nothing to balance the downsides.

>> No.17113174
File: 141 KB, 1024x828, 1565525931316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all about being comfy and well fitting now kid. Good luck.

>> No.17113181

we're talking about a real bio-hole here fellas. dig in. its carpet munchin time!

>> No.17113188 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 1988x2048, 1651859562758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become unsuitable.

>> No.17113201
File: 130 KB, 842x960, 1644903384615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Become unsuitable.

>> No.17113429

why do blacks love dapper suits even though their style is even more casual. are they going to keep it alive?

>> No.17114117

You're forgetting the whole pimp dress phenomenon. American blacks have an extensive history of self-ornamentation and adornment. They LOVE fashion. Look at the designer sneaker and street wear trends. It's a culture that never went through the Great Renunciation.

>> No.17114208

>suits are impractical and uncomfortable
Sounds like you're just deluding yourself

>> No.17114357

>be adult
>look after your skin
>dress like teenager
>pull teenagers
I'll grow up once I hit 30 or my skin makes me look too old for this game.

>> No.17114510
File: 43 KB, 449x675, slideshows-mens-fashionshows-F2013MEN-patrik-ervell-patrik-ervell-new-york-fashion-week-fall-2013-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 32 and dress kind of like this casually. Switch out for a button down and doc martens lows for church or if I need to dress up a little more.

Is this ok?

>> No.17114521
File: 1.44 MB, 320x254, stig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>button up shirt
>dress pants
>leather shoes
and no

>> No.17114656

youll still look npc tier wearing normie jeans

>> No.17114657

>no to leather shoes
huge mistake man. its really comfy

>> No.17114658

i can't wait for this thread to hit post limit

>> No.17114660


>> No.17114666

This only applies if you're 25+ and not attractive c:

>> No.17114694

I come from the Raw denim meme era. I feel like I'm wasting wear time if I'm not either wearing my current project jeans or showing off my already worn in jeans

It's a weird compulsion

>> No.17114768

Yes and they're still wearing suits with those raggedy shirts you fucking troglodyte

>> No.17114783

a suit is an specific set of clothing, theyre wearing put together scraps, which might count as a suit for a troglodyte such as yourself but for a regular human it does not

>> No.17114785

being insecure is hardly the mark of a mature person

>> No.17115013
File: 40 KB, 425x573, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a broken suit is still a suit, here is a better pic of some working men in their suits.

>> No.17115047

okay you're right these guys look better

>> No.17115054

25yo here, I come to work in sweatpants.

>> No.17115155


>> No.17115524

Nah senpai that's boring af

>> No.17115556
File: 62 KB, 419x419, 1655231096156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like all your money goes to loan payments and you spend the rest on overpriced whiskey to cope with the few hours of free time you get away from work

>> No.17115681

your dad's suit looks cute on you bro

>> No.17116001

>leather shoes
at what price range do these become comfortable? i still wear sneakers because they feel nice on my feet

>> No.17116026

>all these seething replies
damn this is a kid's board afterall

>> No.17116035

Nothing wrong with the fit of that suit better than all the slim fitting shit, actually looks like an adults suit.

>> No.17116415
File: 377 KB, 1127x889, white_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work on a construction site
>work in a grocery store
>like to walk around in forests/natural areas
suits are impractical for doing pretty much anything except purely intellectual/office work. I spend too much of my free time working on DIY projects and being outdoors to be wearing a suit all the time. When I work as an english teacher I like to dress up but otherwise im in casual/practical mode.

>> No.17116418

I'm not wearing your city slicker slippers!!
Sorry, but they just wouldn't work on my terrain!!

>> No.17116419

Yes, and no. Suits are cool, but they're impractical if you're doing physical work and in daily life. Generally, I remember I used to be against them, but now that I'm adult I actually appreciate wearing tracksuits in daily life. Outside of work they are actually comfy and don't limit my movement.

>> No.17116957

and I wish zoomer's flippant attention seeking stayed contained on /lgbt/ and /r9k/

>> No.17118030
File: 17 KB, 255x300, 79deee9a762e562f1e0997db5ddc3761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you aware that casual wear is a thing OP or were you that kid in high school who wore shitty suits that nobody liked