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17099425 No.17099425 [Reply] [Original]

No meme answers please

I'm 5'6 (around 135 lbs) and clothes shopping has always been a hassle for me. Things never fit me how they're supposed to. My clothes are always either too small or too big and living in America, even the size smalls can be too big for me. I'm 23 and currently in the process of getting rid of all my shitty graphic tees and other "younger guy" clothes to make way for a wardrobe that's a bit more mature. Can any manlets here give me some advice? Where do you guys shop?

>> No.17099430

I have the frame of an Asian even though I'm white so I just wear XS or S clothing depending on the brand.

>> No.17099489

I'm 170cm as well and currently trying reality hacking to become tall and handsome. I am basically creating my own magick system from the scratch. I will post how to do it if i succeed. If not I will just try sodium nitrite. I will not live in this biological prison. This is not the body i was supposed to be born in. I will not accept reality because i am not a coward. I will not calm down.

>> No.17099510
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I said no meme answers

>> No.17099537
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I'm same age but 5'3. I feel super comfy in very baggy clothes and don't care if they make me look short, I already am. I dislike how fitted stuff look on me. I genuinely think it makes it much more apparent how short I am. My main inspo in how I wear clothes would be Colombo :-).

>> No.17099621

5'8 king here
Wear regular fit, nothing excessively large or slim fit. Pants should have a break, ankle length makes your legs look shorter.
The blackpill is that it's all about shoulders and arms at this height, so start working out, pull ups and lat pulldowns are the most important but benching won't hurt.

>> No.17099977


>> No.17099982

Uniqlo + other Asian brands. I’m 5’1” and Uniqlo is where I get most of my clothes.

>> No.17099985
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are you skinny fat? Are your proportions fucked up? I'm 5'7 (take that faggot) and slimfit 140 and I can find shit my size and fits me super well. Maybe you have shorter lower body and thus everything looks godawful on you?

>> No.17099997

I’m just skinny. My upper body is shorter than my legs and besides my somewhat narrow shoulders I’m pretty well proportioned

>> No.17100054

Are you a dyel? 2bh the trick to find fitting clothes is to be fit, you'll def need to find a tailor to fix your pants tho. since youre a manlet it should be ez to rack up a couple of pounds.

>> No.17100064

I'd say I'm somewhere in-between an ectomorph and a mesomorph but it might just be because I don't have a lot of muscle around my shoulder area. I've tried lifting on and off but can't seem to build any muscle. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough or just don't know what I'm doing lol. Might need to browse /fit/ more

>> No.17100092

Although I prefer fitted clothing, I think you're based. Congrats Anon

>> No.17100094

As a short guy (or anyone with a body type that differs from the norm) you can't trust stores to have clothes that fit you perfectly.
Wear the size that fits your width best (your waist, chest, shoulders) and adjust the length as necessary (the shirt/jacket length, sleeves and pants inseam). Ask a tailor to do this.
Also note your measurements and read the size chart carefully every time you buy something online. Clothing sizes are not universal, I'm a size S but have found stuff that fits me from XS to L.

>> No.17100099

If you're short you might want to avoid slim and skinny fit stuff, imho they make manlets look twice as bad.
Pretty much all of my clothes are a looser fit.

>> No.17100130

Height is not the factor it's about your physique. Joe Rogan is short but clothes always look good on him because he's in good shape

>> No.17100134

The clothes sold at the vast majority of stores are not made with short people in mind. OP can be in golden shape and he will still have shirts and pants too long.

>> No.17100146

Buy clothes from the kids section
Buy clothes online

>> No.17100152

I don't know, anon. For me, I like having a bit of a body silhouette over being a rectangle

>> No.17100156

nice dubs. but you'll look like a roblox character on top of being short. at least have outlines

>> No.17100163

Thank you anon, appreciate it :-)

>> No.17100253


>> No.17100256

I'm 5'6 and wear 30 30 slim straight jeans/pants and then medium for shirts. My shoulder span is wider then most I've encountered for my height so medium fits me really well.

>> No.17100526

bumping for interest

>> No.17101114


>> No.17101182

Peter Manning NY makes good clothes for shorties, get their size 2.

>> No.17101265
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5 foot six here
Old guy , seen some shit
When I went in the service i was 120 lbs
in my early 30s I hit the gym for about five years and flexed right the fuck up.
Still muscly after all these years but have to diet.
Being short is much tougher these days than it was before mostly because the internet wont shut the fuck up about it
Wide spread pull ups are your ace in the hole for larger shoulder width

I will say that I am glad I never married any of the women that were available to me
Every GF I ever had went on to totally fuck some guys life right the fuck to hell

>> No.17101308

same exact height and weight as you. how are clothes not fitting you? i'm a bit more lean and muscular though ever thought about getting more in shape? men's Small tops and loose fit skinny jeans fit me fine.

>> No.17101711

>get in shape
>visit a tailor
and lastly do not breed, the manlet genes end with us anon

>> No.17101717

muscle weighs more than fat

>> No.17101744

Drink milk and hit the gym

>> No.17102395


>> No.17102439

You probably aren't trying hard enough and probably aren't eating enough. If you're eating 2000-2500cal per day (maybe more depending on your age 20-30+, natural metabolism) and still not putting on any weight at your height you should see a doctor. If you can't make yourself eat that amount for a period of time to put on and maintain decent weight it's a long term issue you should go to a shrink or you will always look shit in most clothes. If you're young you could still build up your shoulders. If it is just bone structure you can't change it but you can improve it a bit with muscle (do pullups until you can do ten per set every time, it may take a couple of years but will build up your shoulders and back), if it is posture cos you sit hunched in front of a screen all day you need to change that. I feel you though cos I'm 180cm and 160lbs, average 2000 cal per day and still look good in most small sizes, s is just right and xs make my pecs pop and my biceps look like pythons. Sometime I put on an xs t-shirt that sits perfectly on me and I don't know how people smaller than me buy decent clothing. I feel like I'm utterly average weight/build but obviously many mass market clothes producers disagree.

>> No.17102622

Ok, im going to hit you with a totally OG, sigma grind move here.

Shop in the teens sections. Teens are usually around the 5 4 - 5 6 height range. Sometimes theres even elastic tabs on the inside to give you that perfect beltless fit every time you put them on (bloated or no.) Ordering them online is usually the best go but im not above going into those sections myself as its apparent that a 5 5 dude looking at the teen jeans is definitely just looking for a pair of pants. Also, just fucking hem your pants yourself and you can wear whatever you want you mongoloid.

>> No.17103640


>> No.17103662

Not true btw, average height men end up settling with short women producing more manlets no matter what. So you just have to embrace it