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17086705 No.17086705 [Reply] [Original]

Can plus size women with zoomer hair be effay?

>> No.17086711
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>> No.17086713
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>> No.17086715


>> No.17086720
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>> No.17086805

tattoos on women are so stupid

>> No.17086813


>> No.17086820

I think not

>> No.17086833

You answered yourself, pretty cool looking, cute.

>> No.17086942

>Can plus size women be effay?
>with zoomer hair
Not this one, no.

>> No.17087004

Not everyone can be small

>> No.17087025

I'd show her my plus size model if you know what I mean

>> No.17087061

>plus-sized women with zoomer broccoli hair

that's a lotta red flags

>> No.17087066

me want sex

>> No.17087075

She is big, but it works because she still a good bust / waist / hip ratio. Plz post more pics of her.

>> No.17087081

I want to ravage her fat piggy body

>> No.17087085


>> No.17087100
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>> No.17087107

His name was Robert Paulson! His name was Robert Paulson!

>> No.17087153

I think we both know that she is a tad more than "plus size"

>> No.17087533

tf happened to eggman

>> No.17087556

That's cringe
But fr I'd fuck that piggie so hard, I'd make her ride on top of me so I can feel her weight and hold her so tight so we can be covered in her sweat while I fuck her pussy so hard

>> No.17088778

not with tattoos

>> No.17088780

That's a man

>> No.17089405

>born into big tits
>manage to submerge it in quite possibly every negative indicator possible
if I was a betting man I would say she molested or wants to be molested either or

>> No.17089808


>> No.17089919

>Can plus sized women...

>> No.17090044

Because honestly she seems self aware enough

>> No.17090215

she has one of the most genuinely hideous faces i've ever seen. have you no dignity, brothers? have you really fallen this low?

>> No.17090333

stop calling them plus size. they are just fat, fat ugly women.

>> No.17090336

I’m getting Lena Dunham vibes and I seriously don’t like that woman or her character on the show

>> No.17090466

I only see impending poor health. It's like seeing someone in the early stages of dementia or kidney disease.

>> No.17090496

If you find this attractive, you are mentally ill.
simple as.

being fat will never be effay.

>> No.17090499

Man I love fatties that are on the slightly uggo side, sex is amazing and relationships are good, you can't change my mind nigga

>> No.17090572

Especially fat trash women.... Like lmaoo can you lower you social status any lower?

>> No.17090579

Pretty sure those posters as well as OP are all the girl in the picture. Only a girl would pretend there’s anything there besides tits.

>> No.17090584
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>being fat will never be effay


>> No.17091826

Dressed like this? Yes

>> No.17091897

probably lmao, someone's been making retarded off topic threads on /fit/ with the same picture
>only a girl would pretend there's anything there besides tits
i'm a dyke and honestly don't have a problem with her body, it's that fucking face. and the hair + trashy oversexed fashion nova ensembles only make it worse

>> No.17091903

Fat people are literally incapable of looking fashionable or attractive.
>the twerking
So repulsive and embarrassing

>> No.17091928

I think you look good. Your fat distribution works out in your favor and you know how to dress for your body.

>> No.17092016

lol samefagging your own thread?

>> No.17092150
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>> No.17092170
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Being fat is sexy. Western cucks won't understand

>> No.17092176


>> No.17092386
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i wish the west still fat shamed and found fatties repulsive, now we tolerate and parade them around as good

>> No.17092396

Why tho?
They can feed a family from their tits.
Do you want kids or not?

>> No.17092401
File: 1.22 MB, 3756x3756, CharlesDarwin-5c2c3d7e46e0fb0001a343e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being obese goes against every biological indication of being a viable partner able to raise children, fight off disease, or defend ones self effectively.

If you find fat people attractive its because you're mentally ill and/or have conditioned yourself to develop a fetish.

>> No.17092404

I prefer thin grills, but you do realize that weight used to indicate affluence before the advent of processed foods..meaning it used to be a "biological indication" of being a viable partner

>> No.17092420

tits get bigger when a woman gets pregnant. being an obese slob doesnt make you any better at feeding your kids. especially not with your diabetes tit milk.

>> No.17092425
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No, it was a *social* indicator of being a viable partner. Affluence links to resources, which helps combat/mitigate genetic defects.

Social and Biological are very different.
Sometimes they can overlap or influence one another but, they are very different.

>> No.17092440
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>Why tho?
>They can feed a family from their tits.
>Do you want kids or not?

fat women are infertile, have no self control, no discipline, no self respect, are money sinks and overall have low morals because they cant control themselves.

also breasts get bigger with pregnancy they can have, fat women really cant have children

>> No.17092464

>only fat women can breastfeed


>> No.17092490
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Bigger women give birth to stronger men, smaller women give birth to weak men. Look at us, Ukrainians, and at some western cucks from Britain or Germany. We are the master race compared to you

>> No.17092491


>> No.17092494
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>> No.17092644
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Germany netherlands and the dinaric alps have the highest average height for White people and its average is 6'1 much higher than ukraine. The fatter a women is has no point on the size of her child, if anything a fat parent will spread their toxic mindset to a child resulting in childhood obesity. bad habbits, and poor diet which makes them shorter and weaker. fat women are also infertile


>> No.17092656

tattoos as well

>> No.17092661

you need to be 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.17092666

She's this weird mix of repulsive and breedable that makes me want to humiliate and abuse the everloving shit out of her in the bedroom. She looks like she'd love it too.

>> No.17092855

this bitch is the poster child for BPD

>> No.17092951

no weapons for you anymore, loser

>> No.17092967
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>mfw fat bitch thread
not an architect or a stickfag either, i just like sex and both are good.

>> No.17093225

My attraction went from 40 to 0 in a second.

>> No.17093613
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I will never have a fashionable braphog gf

>> No.17093621

Except it's simple science for anyone to lower their weight, all you have to account for in calories in and calories out. In practice it may prove difficult to actually follow a diet and exercise, but that doesn't make it impossible like you're implying.

>> No.17093744

You are right, not everyone can be disciplined.

>> No.17093746

More a piece of lard with stains all over it's skin.

>> No.17093747

Spot on.

>> No.17093749

fat pigs have fat more pregnancy problems fyi

>> No.17093753

t. my mother is a whale

>> No.17094218

Yeah i'm a lanklet and i actually resent my old man for liking skinny chicks. Fucker gets to be built at damn near 60 lmao. anyways zelensky is a kike and you'd be better off without him

>> No.17094435
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>> No.17094532

Being a fat braphog piggy takes zero effort in the modern world its not impressive and only fethisists like them

>> No.17094533

that's a dude

>> No.17095092

beautiful body but her face is unattractive, maybe some long hair and different makeup would help

>> No.17095134

Based. End of thread.

>> No.17095148

i hate that hair style reminds me of that shitty tiktok era