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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 167 KB, 1080x1157, average Mediterranean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17071804 No.17071804 [Reply] [Original]

How do you avoid overdressing? Any advice?

I moved to a germanic country and people here dress so poorly I think I'm screwed either way.

>> No.17071813

You're never overdressed, yoi're with the wrong crowd.

If all your friends are hillibillies, chavs, people from the hood or manual workers, even a simple white shirt will label you as overdressed and gay.

>> No.17071864

what kind of trousers would those be?

>> No.17071871

just leave, du bist nicht willkommen

>> No.17071881

>implying business casual or preppy is overdressed anywhere

>> No.17071887
File: 89 KB, 1024x576, DgZKrwXWAAEOMFC-4209215526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name of that picture is so wrong.

>> No.17071946

This. If you're over 25 and in upper class circles you're basically never overdressed.
All my matss dress in different degrees of preppy and most have to wear some kind of menswear for their job.

>> No.17071957

Overdressing is wearing a type of clothes to that nobody is wearing. So if you see some people wearing jeans, then wearing a really nice pair of jeans isn't bad even if they're way better than the average. People will notice you and may ask questions but you just tell them you like to dress nicely.
Now, wearing chinos if everyone is wearing athleisure is overdressing.

Try wearing better versions of the best clothes you see around. This is just an idea to illustrate the point but say some people wear shitty jeans, tshirts and sneakers. Then wear a pair of slim or skinny black jeans, a plain but high quality white t-shirt, and nice sneakers like af1s or Jordans. Throw in some tasteful jewelry like a chain tucked inside your tshirt and a watch, and you'll look way better than the average.
Say everyone is wearing shorts, wife beaters and flip flops because it's summer. Well, try some preppy style shorts instead of the average crappy ones, throw on a shirt with the sleeves rolled up like in your picture, and wear white CP style shoes. Add a watch maybe.
Not telling you to dress like that I'm just saying I think the best way to avoid overdressing is to take the type of clothes you see around you and wear nicer versions. So if everyone is wearing shorts don't wear jeans but do get the nicest shorts you can. And don't be afraid of throwing in maybe one piece that's a but overdressed like a shirt, you can always make it look more casual by rolling up the sleeves.
And in the end, if you have a cool personality, as long as you're not ridiculously overdressed people will be friendly. Hell, I've never been given crap for being slightly overdressed. But I have been given shit for being underdressed.

You weren't welcome in Poland, France or so many other countries either.

>> No.17071963

This is hilariously false. For some reason even though I'm poor I've got a bunch of black card friends and they're definitely not wearing things you may call overdressed in a more normal context. Maybe if you live in Milano or Florence or Stockholm
Even in the richest circles, they have clothes that I can only assume you have no idea about if you think you can't overdress. Do you think the 1% of the 1% wear morning dress to grab lunch?

>> No.17071985

>wear a pair of slim or skinny black jeans, a plain but high quality white t-shirt, and nice sneakers like af1s or Jordans. Throw in some tasteful jewelry like a chain tucked inside your tshirt

Jesus fuck, i'm out.

>> No.17072009

Post fit before leaving

>> No.17072048

You can't avoid "overdressing" in most of Germany. Most boomers and younger outside of big city centers dress so fucking disgusting you want to puke (I guess around 80%). It's not only that they are dressing disgusting, but they are also often quite fat which makes it even worse.
Germans rather waste all their money on overpriced and huge cars or on chink shit from Amazon no one needs.

>> No.17072102

What fucking city do you live in? It's not that bad in mine. Lots of Turks with those hideous black leather jackets though.

>> No.17072112

>You weren't welcome in Poland, France or so many other countries either.
Who in their right mind would want to move to Poland anyway?

>> No.17072138

How to be fucking pedantic. Not even the royal families wear morning dress on a daily basis.
You sound like an an American, all Americans dress like shit so obviously you're overdressed then.

My point is, if you are Western European, over 25 and confide in upper class circles you really can't be overdressed. If you go to the bar with mates it is possible one is wearing a suit, one is wearing a sportcoat , one is wearing a t shirt with chinos and one is wearing a shirt and jeans. All depends on the jobs and what they did that day, especially during weekdays. Nothing will really look that out of place.

>> No.17072171

if you wear a well-fitting shirt and pants you're going to be considered overdressed by most retards

>> No.17072276

What's a Germanic country. I only know one, and it's called Germany...

>> No.17072360

I know at last 3: Germany, Austria, allemanic Switzerland

>> No.17072535


Posh young people where I'm from intentionally try to look and sound as 'urban' as possible.

>> No.17072950

where are you from that this is even remotely true?

>> No.17072953

wear a pair of slim or skinny black jeans, a plain but high quality white t-shirt, and nice sneakers like af1s or Jordans. Throw in some tasteful jewelry like a chain tucked inside your tshirt and a watch
no thanks

>> No.17073403
File: 121 KB, 750x937, 8d18872f36b2f8dd17ff0c277c92615e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overdressing is almost entirely a meme. The average person nowadays doesn't give a shit about how they dress and don't know how to dress well either. And I'm not hating on these people, good for them everybody should wear what they wish to, they simply don't care about clothes and that's completely fine. I 'overdress' because I enjoy style specifically vintage. Some people on this board seem to lose their minds when you
simply wear more than a simple casual outfit, because of fitting in or whatever. By that logic you should also not work out/ do bodybuilding because that way you wont fit in with average crowd. Anyway just wear what you want to wear.

>> No.17073481

I live in romania and overdressing has always been a problem for me because everyone dresses so badly that smart casual doesn't even exist here. I think the most based response would be to not care at all and accept that youre better than the vast majority of peasents

>> No.17073520

ngl, germans dont know how to dress

>> No.17073551

Upper class send their children to liberal metropolitan universities so they end up dressing like homeless people

>> No.17073559

This goddamn it’s a race to the bottom with these people

>> No.17074000

Western Europe
>Ameritard terms
Yeah that doesnt apply here

>> No.17074406

kek very nice b8

>> No.17074519

why do people think that we dress well? The average Italian looks like a chav or any other american.

>> No.17074574

In 5 years /fa/ will unironically be recommending "smart casual Marvel t-shirts" with "a nice pair of cargo shorts."

>> No.17074580

Dress however you want. Fuck everyone else.

>> No.17075283

>why do people think that we dress well?
They are from the US and haven't been outside of their country.

>> No.17075316

Based and truth pilled negro.
Dress for the Yuga you want, not the one you live in.

>> No.17075319
File: 157 KB, 478x463, 1531151229832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek but true

>> No.17075341

What's Yuga?

>> No.17075345

tldw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJbBzgLnwmY

>> No.17075588

And you all fuck each other in the ass judging by this post. Do you also shine your shoes? Fucking christ.

>> No.17075702

Stay poor

>> No.17077202

What shoes go with OP pic?

>> No.17077212

Derbies or loafers. With bright instead of black trousers you could also try boat shoes or espadrilles.

>> No.17077224

you sound like you have your head placed so far up your ass.

people over dressed feels to me like over compensating for something else.


someone might complement you. but overall people over dressed come off like a stinky person.

>> No.17077227

>seething, projecting, and insecure
Tell more how my style makes you seethe, project, and insecure.

>> No.17077234

'style' . post your 'style'.

if you're wearing a fucking tie to get fucking groceries fucking neck yourself.

>> No.17077240

Thankyou sir

>> No.17077246
File: 56 KB, 383x592, 395CB680-53F8-4434-839B-D945C58DAEC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will furiously masturbate to me.

>> No.17077247

thank you, Sir

>> No.17077248

>How do you avoid overdressing?
Have zero pleb friends.

>> No.17077255

nothing wrong with this dress when at work etc or after work w/ co-workers. but its too much to walk around like this.

if you actually had to wear this for work you'd be so fucking happy to take it off and wear something more comfortable.

YES you are over dressing if you don't need this for your job.

no you aren't james bond / danny ocean.

>> No.17077470

You're into dudes... r-right?
Asking for a friend ofc

>> No.17077496

There is dignity in austerity and simpleness. Your fancy clothes won't fill the hole in you.

>> No.17077517
File: 740 KB, 3000x1680, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply overdress and not care. dont be afraid of showing them your superiority. dont let the weak hold you back

>> No.17077588

>germanic country and people here dress so poorly
God damn, I thought it was just me who had that thought.
South Germany?

>> No.17077736

This.... Or they have only been to tourist areas and thought every other ppl were toyrists/arabs/not Italians.... Also everyone looks good when they are skinny vs a country where everyone is fat