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File: 125 KB, 794x992, gavin-mcinnes-file-01-rt-jef-181211_hpMain_4x5_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17072955 No.17072955 [Reply] [Original]

Is gavin mcinnes effay?

>> No.17072981

no his fashion sense is stuck in 2008

>> No.17072999

I would say yes. He has had his finger on the pulse of the culture and been instrumental in shaping it since the 90s. He literally invented the hipster phenomenon and kicked off Williamsburg Brooklyn as the hipster Mecca when he moved the Vice office there. Then he jumped on the alt right/lite fad and created a multi racial white supremacy terror group that was discussed live on television by the president and president to be in one of the highest rated presidential debates in history. That last point isn’t directly fashion related but it demonstrates his gift for recognizing emerging emerging cultural trends and engaging with them.

>> No.17073000

He’s more focused on being a dad no so fashion isn’t as important at the stage of life. He’s still far more effay than most suburban dads.

>> No.17073015

this is true

>> No.17073017

it would look weird if older people were perfectly on-point, there's probably a middle ground where they stay in their lane but still look like they're aware time has progressed too.

>> No.17073092
File: 264 KB, 1280x857, 1654326353571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will Millennial (specially millenial men) wear throughout the 2020s? Will they adopt Zoomer fashion or cling to beards, menswear, combed back hairstyles etc? Looking back, the common practice for older people is to retain the aesthetics in vogue in their younger days, but sometimes, like in the early 1900's, old men gave up 19th century long beard/hair/ loose solid black suits to adopt the 20s and 30s men's style.

>> No.17073119


Great fashion insight.

>> No.17073137

>great hair
>chad beard
>solid sense of humor
>delicious hog

Yeah, he effay asf

>> No.17073182

no, checked

>> No.17073209

Kek came here to post this.

>> No.17073229


hipster shit happened in every college town. Im 34 and i had never heard of him until people were bitching about his Proud Boys bit on Joe Rogan.

>> No.17073399

The only people who would deny it are either seething about his politics or zoomers too young to remember that he invented the hipster trend.

>> No.17074617

>hipster shit happened in every college town. Im 34
The fact that you witnessed it years after it started in another town doesn’t disprove Gavin’s influence. This is like saying “punk didn’t start in New York because there were punk bands three years later in Boston and DC”. And trends spread much faster now in the digital age. Stating that you’re 34 isn’t a good point of reference when you’re a know nothing asshat who was oblivious to everything going around him. I’m 40 and I was reading Vice back in the 90s in Canada when it was printed on newsprint paper before it was available in the US. I also didn’t know who Gavin was until after he left Vice and started doing political commentary because most of his writing for Vice was done under various pseudonyms. He legitimately started and popularized the stereotypical male hipster look of a metrosexual with a weak chin compensating by growing a beard and wearing Redwings without doing manual labour. Vice office moving to Brooklyn is the reason it bacame the hipster mecca, through the culture spread on the pages of the magazine, hiring hundreds of trendy young people to work there, and putting on or promoting live music events in the area. Going back to OPs question, if a million people around the world are influenced by your style and it is seen as THE look of the subculture of a generation for better or worse, then yes I think this does qualify as effay,

>> No.17074624

Imagine how fucking jealous he is of his old buddy who sold vice for a billion$

>> No.17074630
File: 1.34 MB, 918x918, Screenshot 2022-06-13 at 20-01-04 gavin mcinnes - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't fat like at all, how come he has that fat person's sagging neck? What medical condition is that?

>> No.17074634

These trips don't lie
Oh, there we go. Yeah, this guy is right.

>> No.17074635
File: 31 KB, 396x528, Gavin_McInnes_in_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's his neck like that?

>> No.17074636
File: 330 KB, 1400x1400, 1052558008.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17074638

He was a vegetarian for a large portion of his life starting from his teens. Could be a developmental issue stemming from that.

>> No.17074647

Plus serious boozing issues. On his podcast he always talks about how his wife is mad at him again because he got so drunk he pissed the bed.

>> No.17074653

It's the groypers

>> No.17074655

Groyper here. Gavin’s a gay cuck. He’s on video shoving a black dildo up his ass and his kids aren’t even white.

>> No.17074689

It’s cuz he has no chin

>> No.17074944

This sounds delusional
But he has style I guess which is effay in it's own way even if he is a closeted faggot
You're probably better off emulating Sam Hyde frfr

>> No.17075324

he's not effay but it will always be hilarious to me that he started both vice and proud boys for shits and giggles considering what both turned into

>> No.17075340

>it will always be hilarious to me