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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 12 KB, 200x300, pleaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17070197 No.17070197 [Reply] [Original]

Going to college next year, changing style for something classier. Would wearing pleateds be too larpy? What tops should I wear with them? What materials are good and where can I get them for cheap?

>> No.17070249

Khakis in neutral colors and button down cotton shirts that you can wear daily while still being chill
there is nothing worse in my opinion than wearing low quality dress shirts on a somewhat casual occasion
if you do it do it right but ill assume that you dont have neither the money nor the attitude to pull it off
the goal should be to never be over or underdressed ive gone into sleezy bars, clubs amd michellin star restaurants with what you just described and never catched flak or weird looks for it but to be honest a lot has also to do with your charisma and whether or not you are a sperg

>> No.17070274

You’re going to college not a business meeting. Just make sure you’re not tardy nobody gives a sh what you wear

>> No.17070427

The only time dressing up at college is appropriate is if you're ivy league. Even then, comfycore > all else.

>> No.17070476

Caught. Jesus Christ, nobody on this website understands English..

>> No.17070498

So, American. Everyone will think you’re a tryhard fag. Really sucks but everyone around you will basically be wearing pajamas to class. Depending on school, it’s appropriate to dress nicely for tailgating football games but that’s primarily SEC schools and some New England schools. Other than that, the best opportunity to be /fa/ in college will come from Greek life social events. Some of those kids still wear khakis and casual collared shirts day to day, but it’s few and far between nowadays with the exception being the types of schools previously mentioned. Your best bet might be going more classic cheap sportswear like LL Bean and Lands’ End. Pretty understated and commonplace to the naked eye.

>> No.17070593

I'm Canadian, is it the same or people dress better?

>> No.17070611
File: 96 KB, 640x800, life-changing-style-tips-for-college-men-28-640x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm Canadian, is it the same or people dress better?

Im not him, but I am Canadian. Pic related is how all the guys who got tons of pussy and were the most popular dressed . Was exactly like this, if you wear high waisted trousers, dress shirt and oxford shoes you will look so autistic even if you objectivly look better. I used to wear high waisted jeans and tucked in oxford with boots and people thought it was weird

>> No.17070622

>Going to college
So I'm making a few assumptions, for instance you're around 17/18 yo.
Mate, the mature style looks better on someone older than you, most likely you'll end up looking like the report of the week guy.
Additionally, most people dress like shit in college. In the first year or so you see students trying to pull off fits, but the older they get the shittier they dress. Super common seeing students wearing sweatpants with some kind of hoodie/tee, which is some kind of merch or college related.
If you want to mature a bit your style, I think that you should start with chinos/button downs, which you can easily dress up or down. Going straight into pleats and a likes may be hard to pull off right know.

>> No.17070638

Why do Americans and Canadians dress so shit in uni.
In Europe, uni students and upper class boomers are usually the best dressed people. In NA they are some of the worst dresses people

>> No.17070642
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>In Europe, uni students and upper class boomers are usually the best dressed people. In NA they are some of the worst dresses people
everyone here dresses like shit, regardless of uni.only very few dress good. Even at uni when I wore jeans that were high waisted, boots like pic related people thoguht it was overdressed

>> No.17070910

thrifting is your only option

>> No.17071038

Philip's high waisted, pleated pants are the only good thing about that douchebag. Those are the only "breathable" fit for Summer pants I even have.

>> No.17071060

Do you want to wear those clothes though? Or do you just want to look like him because you think he's cool?
Those clothes on a baby faced kid with acne don't look nearly as good.
Besides, James bond and Sean Connery were both classy. A classy man doesn't dress in a way that brings attention to himself. Peacocking isn't classy. Classy men have manners, and part of having manners means adapting to the social norms and conventions of the place you're in.
If you really want to wear those clothes, wear them in your room while studying, for yourself. But if you want to be like James Bond, be classy and learn to pick up social cues.

>> No.17071319

it is not smart to dress smart if you are not on salary. if you are not in a fraternity people will think you are a cop or a trust fund that doesn't want to share. you do not want to be in a fraternity because they are all one or both of those things.

if you wear a button up short sleeve only. polos are only ok in monochromatic or pastel colors.

khakis are better than jeans, but never wear dress pants.

never wear dress shoes, loafers, boat shoes, or chelsea boots. combat boots are fine if you don't tuck your pants into them. vans are ok if you don't cuff your pants.

never wear a leather belt. the belts that snap together like on a backpack waist/chest strap are ok, but don't molle them.

for the most part nobody is going to get wigged out by your choice of backpack so long as it's not rolling, but if you're going for some kind of satchel/messenger bag just go 5.11 so people don't fuck with you.

as for hats, avoid anything political unless it's sourced from a fandom, but you have to own the lore.

watches and jewelry are always lame. fitbits are ok if you cover them with electrical tape.

you can get away with earrings. avoid tattoos not on your back or biceps.

one last thing. never, ever wear camo.

>> No.17071331

Terrible advice. Watches are lame? Literally every self respecting frat boy has a watch. Same goes for all old money students. No watch no class.
Avoid tats? The biggest pussy slayers in campus have all kinds of tats. Not saying OP will want one if he wants to dress like that but that's terrible advice in general.
Polos are okay in literally any color
Boat shoes are perfectly fine in the summer
Chelsea boots are the shit with certain looks which do include tattoos but I would keep them for going out only not for going to classes
Never wear a leather belt? Where the fuck did you get that from lmao the same llave that told you not to wear a watch i assume. I would say reddit but not even reddit is retarded enough to give that advice
I can't even get myself to go through the rest of that abysmal post

>> No.17071364

Dress how you want fuck over people, that’s the point of fashion

>> No.17071786

>all the gatekeepers
people dress like shit because of you, let the guy dress better than others

>> No.17072054

Lmao get a load of this faggot

>> No.17072198

I fucking hate this board.

>> No.17072221
File: 9 KB, 348x145, 1490200342099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides, this has to be bait

>> No.17072288

Just wear gym shorts and a T-shirt or hoodie around campus and dress up for parties. Dressing to a T makes you look like someone who isn’t fun or normal, and that is the opposite of someone who gets laid

>> No.17072564

nobody wears watches even rich people/frat bros
only seen blacks & hispanics wear watches or jewelry
polos make you look like a highschool student unless youre tall & broad shoulders
no one wears belts
source:graduated harvard in 2016

>> No.17072720

ywnbaw btw

>> No.17072791

Holy shit, the US sounds like a shithole.
Nobody wears watches? Or even fuckung belts? Wtf

>> No.17072800

Stop giving shit advice.

>> No.17073208

College kids (you are literally 17-23 years old on average) who try to dress like someone in their 30s with a career looks WAY worse than dressing like a high schooler.
You will just make yourself look uptight if youre trying to wear professional clothing in casual or classroom situations. Even in your adulthood you will look like you have a stick up yur ass if there's no practical reason to be dressed up.

Yes you can dress better than you did in high school but it should be at best smart casual when going to class. Develop that style. Also, you are still basically a kid, you aren't Sean Connery in his 30s. Don't try to grow up too fast.

>> No.17073214

Also not to mention, you likely don't have good money, which means you will either go cheap on pieces or waste money that's better spent on something else.
I'd say a few good business casual outfits or maybe one suit for the right situation is all you need.

>> No.17073308 [DELETED] 

because their culture was negrified. look at what negroes wear, whites from North America basically copy their style 1:1

>> No.17073311 [DELETED] 

You probably should’ve been aborted. But here we are. I’m guessing you live in a ghetto area?

>> No.17073923

Polos and khakis pretty common place where I went to school. Personally, my everyday wear was a polo or plain tshirt, khakis, and sneakers (no running shoes please). Watches were few and far between on campus. My experience comes from the fact I just graduated from an SEC school and was in a fraternity.

>> No.17074938

You're going to be surrounded by sweatpants wearing broccoli heads, wear whatever you want.

>> No.17075381

this. you would be that weirdo

>> No.17075408

wait to buy your clothes until you get there.
then you can see what is cool and buy that and skip the crap you won't need.

>> No.17075412
File: 16 KB, 333x400, 6922fc3b3d7cee2fe453c9f2e7cf7a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're looking to reinvent yourself for your first year of college which is great, but if you go overboard like picrel you will be a joke.
You're way too young to be dressing like that whenever I see a young guy overly dressed its abundantly obvious they're LARPing and trying out something new. Don't be the butt of everyone's joke OP.
If you want a elevated style compared to your peers that doesn't look LARP-y , go for the untucked button down w/ sleeves rolled up ,its a classy casual look. pair it with well fitting jeans/lululemon type slacks and low top sneakers; not high-top's

>> No.17075456

You can get away with wool dress pants if you only wear them with T shirts. Otherwise you're going to look like a Young Republican go-getter in his dad's clothes

>> No.17075526
File: 224 KB, 714x750, 6F04C8D5-9A57-405D-951F-6599F8FBCC61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing something with a collar already puts you above 90% of the student body in regards to formality.

You don’t want to look like a LARPy business student on one hand, nor do you want to degrade into sweatpants every day. Keep one decent pair of dress clothes (at least two dress shirts, navy blazer, khakis 1-2 ties, and cheap dress shoes) for events that could need them.

To achieve your goals, I’d simply invest in non-jean, non-sweatpant trousers (linen, non beige chinos, some cords), casual button down shirts, some sweaters and maybe one or two interesting jackets that aren’t hoodies. Shoes, keep to simple, neutral sneakers and maybe a pair of chukkas.

Use ebay and thrift.

>> No.17075530

What fucking shitholes do you live in that even simple tucked in dress shirts and chinos are overdressed?

>> No.17075533


Have you been to a fucking college that isn’t some kind of Ivy League prep haven? 90% of people stick to athleisure, with maybe a pair of khakis and leather shoes being the height of formality.

>Graduated ‘21, small southern lib arts college

>> No.17075590

Went to a German university and as long as you didn't walk around in a suit or like those try hard leftards nobody gave a fuck what you wore. Preppy and toned down business casual were pretty common at least for business, law, medicine or economics students. Obviously not as much with human science or mint students.

>> No.17076798

are you retarded? I look up 'random man on the street' and the first pic has a belt and watch in it. Stop lying in order to drag people down to your level you sloppy faggot

>> No.17077071

>The only time dressing up at college is appropriate is if you're ivy league.

>> No.17077074
File: 19 KB, 300x250, 1654923660336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir please, and good morning lads, I mean sirs.

>> No.17078229

Suits aren't accepted at a German university?

>> No.17078627

The only good piece of advice here was no tats. Everything else is shit

>> No.17078642

Dude stop larping, you can dress like that in your 30s. College is about one thing and one thing only, fucking the youngest legal girls possible. Sex core or gtfo bro

>> No.17078690

Just wear what you want, get wool trousers at a thrift store if you want cheap quality. Get them tailored or learn to do alterations yourself. People saying you need to be at least 30 to dress like that are wrong. You can pull of anything if you're not insecure about it. Tomorrow's not given so might as well start today.

>> No.17078709

Suits are just worn by the professors so you'd look completely out of place and pretentious wearing one. Even the docents that aren't proffessors (yet) don't wear suits but a sports jacket at best.

>> No.17078723

take it from someone that tried to dress "mature" as an 18yo undergrad: don't bother. nobody gives a shit. just find your clique, if any, and dress as they do. e.g., frat = sperries, chubbies, etc. athlete = athletic shorts 100% of the time, beaters. nerd/geek fuck = wrong size jeans, new balance, Minecraft t shirt. business major too cool for a frat: dark jeans and button down
changes depending on where you're at; mountain college ofc everyone will wear hiking books everywhere and flannel/plaid
SW is basically as little clothing as possible

i dropped out after my sophomore year and returned in my mid 20s and this is status quo

>> No.17079482

I don't think they're trans, just retarded

>> No.17079485

Correct answer here

>> No.17079563

>no one wears belts
are you, by chance, a nigger?

>> No.17080434
File: 261 KB, 1082x1920, mirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear this

>> No.17080437
File: 145 KB, 371x367, 1350014923891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries that hard to fit in with basic bitch information
>still sticks out like a sore thumb
yeah prolly a troon. Or maybe Asian. That advice can be completely boiled down to "Don't stick out-- the nail that sticks out gets hammered down." Beta shit

>> No.17080440

>sounds like a shithole.
It is.
>Nobody wears watches? Or even fuckung belts? Wtf
Everyone dresses like a peasant, including more than half of any given student body.

>> No.17080442

Everyone just wears sweatpants, pajamas, or jeans and hoodies

>> No.17080443

>whenever I see a young guy overly dressed its abundantly obvious they're LARPing
It's how I've dressed since highschool you mong. Not my problem society equates a button down shirt with "overdressed"

>> No.17080445

belts shouldnt be needed, your pants should fit you and not fall off. Also go back to /pol/ racist