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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 522 KB, 828x1033, 7F612E5F-DE12-40AA-8132-492B1428845B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17060324 No.17060324 [Reply] [Original]

saliva edition

>post thinspo
>eat at a caloric deficit until you reach your goal weight
>exercise to tone up
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Only be rude to people and call them a fat ass if you are a gaylord and you like cock. Beat each other up. Just be thin.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc.

last >>17049337

>> No.17060328

muh mental illness eating disorder thread

>> No.17060331

fuck off with ur shitty bulimic shit bruh at least post a scute girl not whatever that is

>> No.17060333

Jealous fatty.


Fuck off zoomer.

>> No.17060334

Kill yourself + i weigh less than you

>> No.17060344
File: 291 KB, 1076x1089, 0BA32A87-D565-4586-A676-0A3D7D55465A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post tummy

>> No.17060348 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 1200x2208, 85F5210E-2877-453F-963B-82727088A2C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll post in this thread too cuz we way too sexy

>> No.17060357

tranny radar going crazy

>> No.17060360

>Jealous fatty.

I'm a fitizen, cock smoker. These threads are just full of eating disorder morons.

>> No.17060361 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 2999x3999, 7195A46B-650F-4239-A0F2-FAEC36526B0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re male and female LMAO y’all always do this

>> No.17060362

ok so post abs mister fitness

>> No.17060365

the best you pull is 6/10 goblinas??

>> No.17060366

He angle frauds hard, when he posts candid pics he looks like a balding tranny.

>> No.17060367

Not a roid monkey, all natty, I can't have visible abs with 16 inch arms, my waist is 34 inches.

>16 inch arms
>46 inch chest
>34 inch waist

It is what it is, puker.

>> No.17060368

is it just me or are both these tummies chubby?? rib flare just means big skeleton =/= thin.

>> No.17060370
File: 85 KB, 640x426, 62F0E6FF-D569-44C7-B833-86CC3C2072D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>34 inch waist

>> No.17060374

Oh dey mad and jelly

Shit sucks hunny bun, but learn to deal with it.

>> No.17060376 [DELETED] 
File: 345 KB, 1125x1991, E15E694B-7ED2-43BB-B3B9-67FB54CACD94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold this L for being mean to me

>> No.17060381

the desperate skinnyfat tranny posting selfies again

>> No.17060385
File: 920 KB, 1125x1412, 7AA9A09F-B75C-44E7-A407-69E027EB1115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s super pretty stop it. Just a goofy pic and I told her to make a face

>> No.17060387

Sooo I already purged a quart of ice cream and full package of Oreos, should I go for round two with a large pizza and milk or call it a night ??

>> No.17060390 [DELETED] 
File: 3.87 MB, 600x1127, 6956C448-136D-4A26-9BCE-CB6979D8E086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too

Best wishes

>> No.17060397
File: 212 KB, 723x1280, A78D121A-CD42-4FB3-983D-C21FD3ED79F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I’ll join in but my stomach looks like shit since I ate recently. But my veins been popping most of the time since I’ve been staying in 17 bmi.
6’1 132-135ish after all that food and water. cis male also

>> No.17060409

nice, real nice, post more

>> No.17060411

>cis male also

>> No.17060424

You’d be surprised some assume stupid shit in the past. Straight male that just enjoys starving and getting drunk.

>> No.17060444

This is embarassing, really. I hope your mother dies of cancer of the eyes.

>> No.17060472

Why not just say male? I think (not sure) in retard talk cis means straight but how is that even an issue with a picture. Just say male for fucks sake.

>> No.17060482

Read the post above that post and be aware of context kek

>> No.17060493

wtf is that belt nigga buy some designer if you want something flashy

>> No.17060501

Oh true bud, I missed that. You're normal thank fuck.

>> No.17060519

Hardly but I doubt there’d be any useful discussion so gll

>> No.17060545

>those nails


>> No.17060557
File: 247 KB, 640x640, 1648126273087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one unironically get of large submandible and salivary glands? They ruin the jawline.

>> No.17060563

stop purging

or take ibuprofen daily, suck on lemon hard candies to keep them empty of saliva, and do a self facial massage after each b/p session. you can feel the saliva trickling down your throat if u massage them right.

>> No.17060564

Purge too long and find out why

>> No.17060583

Bulimics are seriously fucked in the head no cap.

>> No.17060611
File: 6 KB, 300x168, 9AAC3104-DBED-4218-82C3-8920EA397A3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cap

>> No.17060612

I don’t think so. I don’t see the point but if your goal is like 14-16 all ways are destructive

>> No.17060622

It’s so much simpler and normal to just not eat than have these bizarre purging rituals.

>> No.17060652

Looking good both of you

>literally anon, you go to the gym right? Show your abs

Use cm

>> No.17060700
File: 3.64 MB, 480x270, 1651973673123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clippers. #1 guard. Arms and legs. '


>> No.17060733

cis means not a tranny lol

>> No.17060752


>> No.17060764

>"Hello please take 3 minutes to stop looking gross"
>"No I enjoy looking 20 years older and like an ape"
Bro this shit is uncanny. It reminds me of Anthony Burch, how you look 14 and 40 at the same time. Somethings gotta give bro.

>> No.17060811

My brother why do you look like you hang out in drain gang / hyper pop discords

>> No.17060830
File: 36 KB, 460x460, ajnVxzw_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came to /fa/ when I was 19 and someone told me I should eat less than 1k calories today to be thin
>went on with my life but it stuck with me
>26 now and have been eating around 1k of calories a day
>have gotten used to it and sometimes I don't even eat
>last year looked into it and found out people actually suppose to eat 3k calories a day

Holy fuck, I can barely eat anything now, it's like my body refuses anything past 1k, I thought I had fast metabolism but apparently I've been starving myself for almost a decade.

>> No.17060852
File: 16 KB, 430x462, 1637463068252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you just do whatever people tell you, retard? If you were actually eating only 1k calories for 10 years you'd be a skeleton, and if you eat 3k calories, unless you're 6'5 and hitting the gym hard multiple times a week, you're going to be fat within a year.
If you're doing fine, don't fuck with anything over some intangible health benefits some insecure retard grifter told you to feel better about their own habits.

>> No.17060856
File: 137 KB, 860x819, nerdygreentoad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just feel tired all the time anon, and I think it's because of my eating habits, it doesn't affect in other aspects of my life, but I've noticed that for a while now I always feel tired, I'm trying to eat better but my body rejects it.

>> No.17060862

Whats your height and weight?

>> No.17060865

Malnutrition is usually a lot more to do with the kind of food you eat rather then with how much you eat.

>> No.17060866
File: 9 KB, 226x226, 1630718740181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8" and 145 lbs

>> No.17060873
File: 90 KB, 971x138, 1643757842269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a fairly healthy weight, and you would have to eat a lot more to maintain that than 1k calories.
You've been cheating anon...
Regardless, you should take this advice >>17060865 and get some bloodwork done to check for deficiencies first. If you want to proceed with gaining weight after that, you should look more towards spiking your food with butter/oils/condiments, and drinking a soda or two during the day, instead of just trying to eat a larger volume of food. And make sure you religiously weigh everything and track calories. 2k-2.2k calories a day would be a lot better for you, 3k is pretty ridiculous for somebody your size, even if you are going to the gym very frequently.

>> No.17060965

CICO progress is so slow /thin/, what do? Multiday fasting? I don't want to wreck my metabolism either

>> No.17060989


>> No.17061003 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1125x1891, B3DA9FE9-E815-46C2-ADC4-B2D8701F462F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls keep being mean to me i’m a masochist and im about to cum

>> No.17061059

As a chubby enthusiast I can say these 2 specimens right here prolly don't count as chubby

>> No.17061097

im still skinny
same weight in all of these photos
~135 lbs

>> No.17061102
File: 1.93 MB, 4994x2477, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17061132

now do some push-ups

>> No.17061158

i have this
how to get rid?

>> No.17061188

it can happen from long-standing bulimia.
this person had surgery to remove part of it i think.

>> No.17061197
File: 54 KB, 1024x649, 3B8C4B96-D720-4AB9-904A-B562E54C26F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever go to the AA type meetings for eating disorders? can’t afford actual rehab

>> No.17061454
File: 84 KB, 427x576, 2A59E121-0126-495F-8371-EECF52D37EFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pseudo tranny got banned

>> No.17061554

Which? I doubt the trip one got banned as they follows the rules too. Unless that dumbass who had his dick semi blurred on a blue is the one you’re talking about

>> No.17061655

Not really a /fa/ lurker, just trying to gain inspiration for summer because I'm gonna buy some clothes, but I do have a trick to cutting calories that works pretty well for me, it may be of use to you guys.
What I do is basically this
>when I get hungry I eat a snack (200-400 calories)
>keep it strict keto
>after I eat, wait until I feel actual hunger again
It works well for me because I find that keto snacks are very satiating. You are welcome to try this, or call me a faggot. Whatever works for you. But it helps me cut back on calories.
When I say keto, I fucking mean keto.
70-80% fat, 20% protein, the rest as carbs if you eat them at all. You can easily just exclude carbs altogether if that's your inclination.
You'll never be really full, but never starving either as long as you just eat a snack when you do feel hunger. I am a big guy and I easily maintain a 600-700 calorie deficit using this (don't even calculate my daily exercise).

>> No.17061691

Keto is so easy for losing weight. I went from 21 to 15 bmi in half a year by eating only tuna cans and apples (plus a little toast and an egg, occasionally).

Do not recommend, though. Developed an ED.

>> No.17061705

I don't think keto should be a longterm thing. You probably had a nutrient deficiency if that's all you ate.

>> No.17061709

When I had a lot of fat I just fasted instead of keto. Much easier if you’re deciding your food anyways

>> No.17061753

I tend to agree (about the nutrition deficiency, even though I took some supplements and I felt fine physically), although the ED was (is) more psychological.

I realise now that my comment was sort of a non-sequitur. Sorry, carry on.

>> No.17061762

The forementioned ED was, for the record, orthorexia -> anorexia and now I'm just unhealtily preoccupied with food. Can *NOT* stop automatically calculating kcal content in meals and sometimes decide on social event by considering how the situation w.r.t. food and drinks will be. A miserable, neurotic existence in this sense.

>> No.17061766

the one spamming his face ITT

>> No.17061799

I do this but with carbs and seed oil content

>> No.17061820

I do miss fasting/ketosis. Now I can only do about 50 hours until that keto rash develops

>> No.17061840

I am bulimic

How does this make you feel?

>> No.17061843

Doubt you’ll post body but I figure not uw

>> No.17061844

I came here to post this, what the fuck?

>> No.17061869

im 6'1 and work out regularly and my maintenance is 3k checkmate bulimatard

>> No.17062305

wide ass torso and no shoulders to match. literally a rectangle. built like a fridge. kick bucket.

>> No.17062308 [DELETED] 

5kg a month is a good goal?

my stats

cw: 73,5

>> No.17062310
File: 1.01 MB, 1438x1451, 1654558928097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5kg a month is a good goal?

my stats

cw: 73,5

>> No.17062615

that's elliot page

>> No.17062738

that's literally unironically genetically factually a woman

>> No.17062773

or maybe figuratively ironically phenotypically relationally a man?

>> No.17062778

fuck off to edtwt or tumblr or some shit.

>> No.17062779

Oink oink piggy

>> No.17062793


>> No.17062827

i dont have bulimia though, i just look down a lot

>> No.17062903

>really thin arms
>really thin legs
>shapeless, folds having trash bag looking stomach

>> No.17062940

high T

>> No.17062964
File: 234 KB, 406x634, 1654603508760.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 6'1" 164lbs. about 11-13% body fat with a bad skeletal frame.
are /fa/ posters as consciously aware of how bad the shoulders/arms/back are is or is that reserved for /fit/ posters?

>> No.17063072
File: 228 KB, 777x1573, ea69e704-c856-4dd7-aab5-44c6d5c72cda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pear shaped?
short bros,,,, it hurts

>> No.17063110

just lose fat.
pear is still better than rectangle

>> No.17063124

you are a woman this looks fine
i have the same hips but i am a man
life is pain

>> No.17063130

post a pic please

>> No.17063140
File: 146 KB, 251x490, 1645673891989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he look so weird lads, it's not the troonism. is it the womanletism?

>> No.17063145

sorry i don't see a reason why, unless you like macabre stuff

>> No.17063148

feminine shoulders. feminine traps
feminine legs. feminine waist
feminine everything

>> No.17063151
File: 36 KB, 500x500, artworks-000341499708-5v9qqb-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17063153

but females usually have like a waist and shit and this is a few years pre transition. he still looks like a mini fridge with 4 toothpicks in it.

>> No.17063155

he got an implants they’re a totally different shape than here >>17063140
That’s why his torso looks weird

>> No.17063158
File: 219 KB, 373x684, 1653629376756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a better pic from the same movie

it looks weird in both pics unless you mean he got implants years ago

>> No.17063159

ab implants **

>> No.17063166

someone call me a tranny already

>> No.17063179
File: 14 KB, 633x758, 6ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You will NEVER be a woman!!!"

>> No.17063181

thank you thats what i came here for

>> No.17063252
File: 308 KB, 1447x1080, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17063265

So is anyone here not a tranny?

>> No.17063406

Black and Hispanic men are into this shape

>> No.17063412

Scandi man here. You shape is great. Just do a little cut and work out posterior chain.

>> No.17063443
File: 736 KB, 867x664, robert deniro taxi driver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a dude trying to get that Robert DeNiro in Taxi Driver look. Arms are lookin good but I can't rid my fat bloated fucking stomach.

>> No.17063453

stop eating so many carbs

>> No.17063468

But I eat frozen pizza twice a week (when they are on a sale for 1,69-2€)
Although I did think to experiment with a high fat, high protein, low carb diet.

>> No.17063480

Ellen page lookin-ass

>> No.17063482

That is Ellen Page, she has those distinct chest scars and fake abs

>> No.17063489

I don’t want to be a fatassfatass anymore. I wish I had more will power.

>> No.17063555

wishing isnt going to change anything

>> No.17063561

We’ll I’m going to do it, then.

>> No.17063587

Eat less.
>I'm hungry!!
if you can't starve yourself for some hours a day you will ngmi

>> No.17063591

Why are you all talking about "fake abs" in that Page picture? They're not that impressive even, completely standard, underwhelming natural abs it seems? Or is it just transphobic lore?

>> No.17063593 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 818x900, cigarette_anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks to the author of the food list. It seems like it was written s.t. more items could be filled in, so I did. If anyone wants to use this in subsequent threads, I hope you'll feel free to do so!

>> No.17063602

Try carnivore?

>> No.17063687

listen honey i chase trannies i cant get enough of them im not transpohbic theyre so hot

>> No.17063736

But I need broccoli to shit.

>> No.17063817

you are literally perfect pls don't lose weight
god you are hot holy fuck

>> No.17063821
File: 817 KB, 500x667, 89C570F3-7D94-446D-8B9F-418DA9016049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(pic not me) OK so i’m (20 F) 111 lbs right now, trying to get to at LEAST. 100 by the end of the month. how can i 100% achieve this? i already eat under 1000 cal a day nd it doesn’t make a difference.. i mean it keeps me at 111 but i want to lose weight. i’m thinking i should try and fast for 5 days and then break break the fast with 500 cal one day, 800 the next, 400 the next, 500 the next, just stay in that range for 5 days and then go 5 days Starving mode again. switch with that.. Thoughts? will this work

>> No.17063823

Ppl can hate all they want but this is the ideal body for wearing rick tees

>> No.17064036

So 5 days on 5 days off? You would definitely lose weight. You can check the fasting thread for more specific advice >>>/fit/67087359

>> No.17064053

hot hot hit

>> No.17064260

bizarre flex

>> No.17064281
File: 1.10 MB, 945x945, 1C6F1078-DDBA-40E4-BA45-B667F41BA77D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17064288

I love food, what do?

>> No.17064292

Eat low calorie foods that are filling. Take smaller bites and chew more. Drinking warm water makes me feel more full too.

>> No.17064293

youve already experienced the taste of different foods, you dont need a repeat, just remember the taste

>> No.17064611

eat it then puke. although my tongue and mouth in general are in constant pain from daily stomach acid burns haha.

>> No.17064633

im 5'7 19yo male weighing 55kg
my friend's ex girlfriend got upset whenever i mentioned my weight cause she was 60kg and felt fat around me but she was pretty hot and skinny and all the weight was probably in her ass and tits

>> No.17064640

because they look uncanny due to a weird ribcage and relatively thin appendages which i have proved he already had as a teen >>17063158 and is probably partly related to bone structure
also remember that page is actually closer in height to a dwarf than an average male. it was always a weird looking person but we got distracted with clothing etc.

>> No.17064642

pretty much the same and now i'm stuck in a binging cycle. not worth it yall

fuck you and your total lack of knowledge on eating disorders.

>> No.17064652
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1642957138473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this melodramatic
>giving the common "hard gainer" hungry skelly the moniker of having an eating disorder
gb2 tumblr

>> No.17064814
File: 88 KB, 620x908, 1654416742948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious to why you say posterior chain and not just ass
Lats to balance out the heavy bottom?
I'll probably go back to climbing and bodyweight so that should help out a lil bit in addition to weight loss
big fuckin cheers fellas its a work in progress

>> No.17064909

fucking nice chinaman

>> No.17065101

>Curious to why you say posterior chain and not just ass
because you want to be proportionate, healthy, and aesthetic, NOT like you're a disproportionate, retarded looking, kardashian n*gger ass worshipper

>> No.17065168

oh, i'm not sure sry
i look down a lot too /_\

>> No.17065176

all those people

>> No.17065181

i think he means they as in the abs

>> No.17065183

I meant your*
Fuck I can't even type
Ok so the fat/cut part is self-explanatory
The posterior chain thing is to lift your upper torso a bit higher and strengthen to back to get closer to that slim 0 navel. With your hips you're going to look like the bomb. I don't know what going on with your right forearm though it looks shopped or like a huge ass bug bite. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume it's the lens playing tricks and not you actually editing anything. I can't tell what your ape index is form the picture unfortunately, do you know your number?

>> No.17065184

THE back*

>> No.17065257

is it worth being skinny while also exercising (not underweight) if you have masculine features (jaw, nose, facial hair) or is it better to try to bulk up

>> No.17065464

Can someone help me get out of the ray peat cult with faktz and logik? I dont know why I fell down the rabbit hole of ray peat-ism or his schizo forum
>I just need to starve and do insane cardio,r-right?
im male,BTW

>> No.17065647

Brother I’m 5’7 with 16” arms and a 28” waist. You are fat

>> No.17065655

All depends on what your goal is anon. If you want to be skinny, don't bulk up. If you want to be beefy, /fit/ is probably the place for you. We can't tell you what your ideal body should be. That's up to you.

>> No.17065711

edtwt is pretty based

>> No.17065736

Idk what you people eat but throwing up your nutrients is a bit much.
Just eat healthier and learn to cook

>> No.17065738

5'8, skinny fat, 212 pounds. Yeah, I don't even wear clothes I buy yet cause I'm fat as fuck. Glasses and long hair too. Very unfuckable, wasn't always this way, but gained nearly 70 pounds very quickly and am having a hard time getting rid of. Depressed, but trying bros.

>> No.17065741
File: 279 KB, 1024x962, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom yelled at me and said my skinny jeans do me no favors and make me look like I weigh 10 pounds
theyre not even skinny jeans theyre slim

>> No.17065782

post pics bbbygirl

>> No.17065787

agggghh i'm on my second day of fasting and my roommate just brought home some rly rly good smelling food.... fuck. part of me judges them though like tht sandwich alone is prbly 1200 cal nd they got fries AND a soda. fawkin lardo

>> No.17065822

I think’ im getting skinny fat or something, I can sorta see a bit of my rib cage showing when I stand but everything under doesn’t seem to let up.

>> No.17065831

that’s like the textbook definition of skinnyfat

>> No.17065851

people at work tell me I’m skinny but all I see are my love handles ????? Ahhh

>> No.17065857

-4 maybe -3 optimistically

>> No.17065886

Ok so maybe not swimming and climbing for you.

>> No.17065926
File: 22 KB, 500x500, FAE8BBA0-2603-4740-8748-4669EF306663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing weight via calorie deficit but any ideas on how to make weightloss faster without fasting?

>> No.17065930

eat less move more

>> No.17065951

Eating less than 1000 cal per day, doing 10k steps. Not losing fast enough.

>> No.17065970

you're already aesthetically skinny enough to show off your feminine figure's waist and shoulders full potential, retard.
any further and you'll just lose your period for months on end.
but if you have to, only eat around 4 scoops of whey powder every day and some non starch vegetables, with fish oil, (400-600 calories) while walking 2-6 hours a day. only do this for like 5-7 days because your hormones will hate you and youll lose your period after enough abuse.
also take amphetamine if you have access to it, or ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin if you like heart issues for the sake of marginally burning more calories

>> No.17065972

Can I get away with just drinking green tea as a diet?

>> No.17065992

What does aspirin do?

>> No.17066017

Of course. Just as with most things extreme it might fuck your body up long term, but hey, the short term good feeling of vanity is worth it, believe me.

>> No.17066019

It's an L i gotta take, no other sport really does it for me

>> No.17066068
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Do I need to lose more thigh fat? I want a bigger triangle between my upper thighs.

>> No.17066072
File: 14 KB, 400x357, 99AC23D6-D670-4D2D-A093-73762759D268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like how she has

>> No.17066106
File: 1.77 MB, 1284x2778, 268BAC1F-27B1-4F5A-8286-E5C137DC7D2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get a bunch of these locks for our cabinets and fridges and throw the key in my roommate's room at night so im not tempted to binge?

>> No.17066119

Don’t buy food you intend to eat.

>> No.17066238

I’m not sure but I think further weight loss on your build (which looks narrow already) would just lose all feminine shape before you get a thigh gap. It’s not gonna happen for everyone. Maybe by working out though.
Woman in the photo is taller, slightly doctored, & moving her legs. not a good reference photo.

>> No.17066243
File: 767 KB, 1242x1483, 859A3070-A9D1-4C95-95C8-A49937B8E118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird leg

>> No.17066270

is there any way for me to retain muh strength as I go thin?Im man..do I train the tendons with kung-fu or something?
I just want to remain functional and able to labor

>> No.17066296

All you need to do is hit your protein macros and do some light strength training this should minimize any atrophy, hope you enjoy chicken breasts bro

>> No.17066304

I lost 9kg and increased my deadlift by 10kg so as long as you're getting enough protein and keep training you'll probably be fine

>> No.17066353

Any advice on preventing stress eating?

>> No.17066356

dont eat?

>> No.17066359

is 27 too late to be a femboy even if I achieve thinspo-ness?

>> No.17066376

depends on genetics and what you mean by femboy

>> No.17066377
File: 72 KB, 1302x1736, 266154693_193472959667943_3921021745027221381_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing brahs?

>> No.17066402

post body and goal body

>> No.17066408

Do a few situps so at least your have some cum gutters.

>> No.17066417

Lift you retard, stop wasting your masculinity for a stupid metrosexual aesthetic

>> No.17066421

Unironically the ideal male body.

>> No.17066423
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bro he looks like the incel joker

>> No.17066427
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5'3, 109 lbs. Have never been able to get lower than 104; I need a push.

>> No.17066550

please be in london

>> No.17066561
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>> No.17066562

Looking good Moortugese twink

>> No.17066624

we are in the same fucking boat. same stats and everything

>> No.17066708

>that lump
cancerbros.. not like this.

>> No.17066730
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skante paw

>> No.17066737

This is a thinspo thread not fit cbt kek I prefer cardio and a bit of body weight exercises. Not looking to gain

>> No.17066840

Ive been eating like 75% less than usual since one week ago. im happy(both because of the effects of fasting,and because of the intrinsic fact).
i replaced all snacks with water with lemon juice drops and a bit of 0 cal sweetener. i drink much more diet coke tho

>> No.17066893



>> No.17066898


>> No.17066914

doesnt moderate lifting burn more because muscle is highly anabolic itself?

>> No.17066935

No cardio is far superior for weight loss and you can keep it up even during multiple day fasts

>> No.17066969

https://www.wearesuperiormen.com/how-to-lose-106-pounds-in-3-months/ (full article)


His average day looked something like this:

4:30am: Wake up / Breakfast: One banana

5-7am: Ride on the exercise bike

8-10am: Swim at the local high-school (about 2 miles)

11am-2pm: Circuit workout / Full Body – 5-6 sets of 100-200 reps each

3-5pm: Exercise bike

5:30pm: Run 2-6 miles

7:30pm: Dinner (no lunch): Chicken breast, sauteed veggies, small amount of rice

8-10pm: Exercise bike

10:30pm: Sleep

4:30am: Wake up / Repeat

His average daily totals:

6 hours on the bike

2 miles swimming

2-6 miles running

3 hour circuit workout, over 1000 total combined reps

Calorie Intake: <800/day
(david goggins, the bald guy who runs a lot)

>> No.17067002

is it worth the "trade" to sleep a bit less( 6 hours instead of 8) so I can do cardio/study(to make up for cardio hours done in the day),etc?
is sleep really THAT important to lose weight? just 2 hours sleep..im sure thousands of malespos sleep little

>> No.17067007

>is it worth the "trade" to sleep a bit less

>> No.17067131

yeah, i miss having an account there but some parents found out and I can't risk it again
wish i could get some mutuals on a priv account maybe

>> No.17067266

every time i looked at edtwt it was all 13yo girls posting shitty memes

>> No.17067273
File: 11 KB, 260x264, barbosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit he just wasted 3 months for being a fattie

>> No.17067292

whats that? a forum like myproana?
use a throwaway mail so they cant track it? or protonmail which lasts forever if you need to change password

>> No.17067299

appetite supressant, usually taken with caffeine as well. if you wanna lose weight faster without fasting just move more like the other anon said, go for walks or something, get your steps in.

>> No.17067312

this is semi related but: should I try to have a lower resting heart-rate trough cardio? like,is a low RHR healthy or a way to get a stroke at 30?

>> No.17067314

pinterest deleted my thinspo board that I've been curating since 2015, im going to fucking kms

>> No.17067323

lol its like that depending on who you find but ive met some very mature people there that were genuinely chill and posted helpful stuff, you gotta look for the 18+ crowd. that being said I've met some mature enough minors there, it's just very rare

>> No.17067329

wasn't really by mail or number, i never let any social media make it searchable. my account was actually recommended under my main profile for some reason, and since the pfp was of my favourite musician it was obvious it was me. im just kind of paranoid of the algorithm fucking me over again lol

>> No.17067333

use TOR then..unless the TOR icon/folder showing up is a problem?
if you can have enough privacy to hide the tor fold in your PC you will be super safe,
>dont trust the "tor is unsafe" shills

>> No.17067336

Sleep is that important. Get your 8-9

>> No.17067343
File: 1.33 MB, 1438x1811, 1654813572493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ur underage? why hiding who u r? everybody knows that i have ed, from my family circle to the professional

>> No.17067349

is that an scarification?
>cool inspo,you look like a hangure leader

>> No.17067391

>today I used a paco(like crack but worse)addicted malespo as inspo and avoided 2 meals
i drank a lot of green tea instead

>> No.17067420

dude:) that sucks though. I'm 20, so it only gets worse from here

>> No.17067478

not underage but i live with my parents still and its an uncomfortable topic, you know? there's also the chance of my friends or s/o finding out
yeah that wouldn't be an issue since I don't even think they know what TOR is, thanks for the tip

>> No.17067552

I'm 6'1 181. What's my goal weight? I lifted for a year and stopped about a year ago, so my arms are still bigger than average. I don't want to be an absolute Twink or have to struggle to maintain my weight. Is 170 a good goal as long as I keep lifting?

>> No.17067560

anyone ever purge inn n out before? craving it but I’m scared of it not coming back up

>> No.17067584

it comes up well enough but the one time i tried I ended up with that gross greasy feeling even after everything came up

>> No.17067626

A low heart rate and an ED is how you die anon-sama
Probably better you dont fuck with your heart full stop unless you speak to a doc

>> No.17067703

I kinda like feeling that mixture of disgust and exhaustion, only time my brain stops completely and I can just zone out.

>> No.17067710

I’m 6’3” 170 with abs and I’m aiming for 160

>> No.17067755
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x2620, 99F0C4AB-563A-444D-9097-BE852F95A685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t even want to get thinner necessarily, i think i just want to be a really toned version of what i am now

>> No.17067765

why does your belly button look like that

>> No.17067819

like what,

>> No.17067825

sharpie in pooper?

>> No.17068099

Cute belly, I think where you are now is really hot actually

>> No.17068433

damn wish nofap worked like that in chicks

>> No.17068691

Only chronic porn addicts get anything from nofap so you’re not missing anything

>> No.17068778
File: 6 KB, 802x71, image_2022-06-10_195111085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting to actually log my weight and meals per day to monitor my weight and patterns in relation to the kinds of foods i'm eating.

does anyone else do this?

>> No.17068947

most ppl here do this yeah

>> No.17068954

What was the musician? We may have been mutuals

>> No.17068958
File: 18 KB, 680x290, CCCF2A9B-9D41-499A-9B4E-C26D3A0E830B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune is a pretty good movie

>> No.17069011

i need to be a twink

>> No.17069060

im on caloric deficit and my belly keep making weird noises wtf is embarrassing

>> No.17069090
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It's really not fair.
I think women should also have to constantly hear about some freaks masturbation habits even though they never asked, and be constantly shilled and chastised over the hot new self-flagellation grift of the month

>> No.17069109

thom yorke from radiohead, i doubt we were but that would be fun

>> No.17069319
File: 3.03 MB, 3024x4032, 4ED356D0-2272-4B84-B31A-0594158A98FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gonna hurt coming up later but fuck it

>> No.17069328


>> No.17069336

man you can eat whatever you want but if you get it down keep it down. Dont purge its really really bad as you probably already know. The full belly you're gonna get will go down in a day anyways.

>> No.17069338

it’s like 10k calories that’s 3 lbs of fat, no way. what’s wrong with purging I’ve been doing it twice a day for a month

>> No.17069341

Enjoy being toothless.

>> No.17069346

stomach acid bad

>> No.17069349
File: 2.18 MB, 384x378, 1653171556111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ, enjoy your diabetes friend.

>> No.17069363

no diabetes if you instantly vomit it out

>> No.17069372
File: 1.93 MB, 480x360, mmmeat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17069401

Not necessarily true, blood sugar spikes even before digestion then drops after purging.

>> No.17069427

It isn't even possible to eat all that you (You) hungry nigger.

>> No.17069431
File: 181 KB, 420x420, 6EB76614-2B9F-46EF-846C-89FD63E756A3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my sweet, sweet child.. how very wrong you are.

>> No.17069436

gmgod dam bulimics are disgusting crypto fatties

>> No.17069448

>crypto fatties

Most are actual fatties. Genuinely thin bulimics are the minority.

>> No.17069467

why ruin my teeth if i'm already thin?

>> No.17069473

bulimics are essentially drug addicts eating food for a dopamine hit

>> No.17069490

accidentally called my bf daddy

>> No.17069495

did he pull out?

>> No.17069511

Supposedly bulimia increases your risk of getting diabetes by a significant percentage.

The good news is then you can develop “Diabulimia” and really accelerate your death drive lmao

>> No.17069520

don’t want to die but don’t necessarily want to live either what’s this called

>> No.17069523

I believe the medical term is “a faggot”.

>> No.17069531


>> No.17069595 [DELETED] 

>>17060324 >>17060328 >>17060331 >>17060333 >>17060334 >>17060344 >>17060357 >>17060360 >>17060362 >>17060365 >>17060366 >>17060367 >>17060368 >>17060370 >>17060374 >>17060381 >>17060385 >>17060387 >>17060397 >>17060409 >>17060411 >>17060424 >>17060444 >>17060472 >>17060482 >>17060493 >>17060501 >>17060519 >>17060545 >>17060557 >>17060563 >>17060564 >>17060583 >>17060611 >>17060612 >>17060622 >>17060652 >>17060700 >>17060733 >>17060752 >>17060764 >>17060811 >>17060830 >>17060852 >>17060856 >>17060862 >>17060865 >>17060866 >>17060873 >>17060965 >>17060989 >>17061059 >>17061097 >>17061102 >>17061132 >>17061158 >>17061188 >>17061197 >>17061454 >>17061554 >>17061655 >>17061691 >>17061705 >>17061709 >>17061753 >>17061762 >>17061766 >>17061799 >>17061820 >>17061840 >>17061843 >>17061844 >>17061869 >>17062305 >>17062310 >>17062615 >>17062738 >>17062773 >>17062778 >>17062779 >>17062793 >>17062827 >>17062903 >>17062940 >>17062964 >>17063072 >>17063110 >>17063124 >>17063130 >>17063140 >>17063145 >>17063148 >>17063151 >>17063153 >>17063155 >>17063158 >>17063159 >>17063166 >>17063179 >>17063181 >>17063252 >>17063265 >>17063406 >>17063412 >>17063443 >>17063453 >>17063468 >>17063480 >>17063482 >>17063489 >>17063555 >>17063561 >>17063587 >>17063591 >>17063602 >>17063687 >>17063736 >>17063817 >>17063821 >>17063823 >>17064036 >>17064053 >>17064260 >>17064281 >>17064288 >>17064292 >>17064293 >>17064611 >>17064633 >>17064640 >>17064642 >>17064652 >>17064814 >>17064909 >>17065101 >>17065168 >>17065176 >>17065181 >>17065183 >>17065184 >>17065257 >>17065464 >>17065647 >>17065655 >>17065711 >>17065736 >>17065738 >>17065741 >>17065782 >>17065787 >>17065822 >>17065831 >>17065851 >>17065857 >>17065886 >>17065926 >>17065930 >>17065951 >>17065970 >>17065972 >>17065992 >>17066017 >>17066019 >>17066068 >>17066072 >>17066106 >>17066119 >>17066238 >>17066243 >>17066270 >>17066296 >>17066304 >>17066353 >>17066356 >>17066359 >>17066376 >>17066377 >>17066402 >>17066408 >>17066417 >>17066421

>> No.17069717

smol frendly discord for postin

>> No.17069729

T Rex lookin ass mother fucker what happened to your arms

>> No.17069730

Avoid stress

>> No.17069735

That reminds me I used to know a lady in her 30s with a gore addiction and an eating disorder (fat as it was more of a self harm thing, bulimic obviously.)

>> No.17069747
File: 8 KB, 959x79, image_2022-06-11_095829846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 2 of figuring my shit out. i figured that going cold turkey and cutting out all snacks immediately is a good way to relapse and start binging, so for now i'm basically having a french breakfast every morning to stave cravings.

lost 1kg in a day, but it's probably just water weight (weighing myself every morning)

>> No.17069813

imagine puking your meals and still managing to be a fat cow

>> No.17069851
File: 20 KB, 500x262, you&#039;re-terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a gore addiction

>> No.17069895

non skelly accepted?

>> No.17069909
File: 544 KB, 1080x491, shirtbody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is my figure considered to fa normies?

people wont just do a protein spared modified fast to lose fat and maintain muscle. it's the easiest way to get lean.
instead they do meme unsustainable fast binge cycles or perpetual keto.
what body fat percentage are you? im a similar height as you but my bone frame is way smaller.

i barely have my top 4 abs showing and im a sickly
>13.5" arms
>39-40" chest
>30.5" waist
>15.25" neck
>5.875" wrists

im stuck between wanting to be more muscular but also not wanting to look completely retarded in clothes, so i don't know which direction to go. this is also a big cope reason why i dont work my lats as much as i should (can only do like 7 body weight pullups), because i think it makes clothes look retarded on you

lmao i have a -2 ape index on top of 5.875" wrists. so they're shorter and bones are smaller. not sure who i need to blame other than myself because it should be easier to make my arms look bigger since they're manlet sized belonging to a different body. i need more arm days

>> No.17069921

do not change anything. your hips look holdable as fuck

>> No.17069923

>i think i just want to be a really toned version of what i am now
do lots of planks, dumbbell side bends, and hanging leg raises

>> No.17069924

do not change anything. your hips look holdable as fuck

>> No.17069955

dont eat poptarts ever again. 400 calories of nothing. if your mocha has a bunch of cream/sugar, dont drink those. drink green teas instead.

you need more protein all around. you only consumed like 12-25g of protein that entire day on 10/6/22. aim for your bodyweight in kg except in grams of protein to start with. youll feel fuller throughout the day and retain more muscle as you lose weight (assuming you're at least somewhat active when you diet)

more eggs. low fat cottage cheese. chicken breast. turkey. skim milk. whey powder.

eat more non starchy vegetables. cucumber/tomato/zucchini salad with salt/pepper + some EV olive oil or w/e vinegrette you like.

you only should want 50g max carbs a day if you want to lose fat fast. the rest of your calories should be protein first, then fat (but fats ideally shouldnt be over 20g)

eat tons of protein its the easiest way to lose weight while maintaining satiety

>> No.17069969
File: 81 KB, 518x900, tumblr_566954c80454520aa28eb3fdf7a74262_2eef2d3_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat tons of protein its the easiest way to lose weight

>> No.17070107

should i stay at 400kcal for today knowing i also have a fast tomorrow or go through the trouble of applying sunscreen and dressing up and dragging my lazy ass outside (it's uncomfortable and hot)

>> No.17070131

as long as you have willpower it's fine, I don't think you'll be weak if it's just a 24h fast since people can go for a lot longer, but you might be prone to refeeding syndrome and in that case you should be careful

>> No.17070153

you just don't have the hip width for that, definitely no need to lose more weight

>> No.17070155

was worried more about losing it tomorrow and ordering pizza or something but i found enough food in the fridge for a second meal of 400. think i'll be fine

>> No.17070178

i see, good luck in your fast, i think you'll be fine

>> No.17070219

gonna try not to purge today, done it twice a day for a few weeks and I’m feeling drained

feels like AA or something one day at a time

>> No.17070428

I was yesterday-years old when I realised that as a thin, reclusive, balding guy, I'm starting to become gollum.

>> No.17070614

i just had 2 pizza slices as today's OMAD and i feel like I'll throw up... i keep having stomach issues, i thought the stories were an exaggeration wtf

>> No.17071376

That’s such a good movie.

>> No.17071377


>> No.17071381

Sleep more. 8-9 hours at least.

Caffeinated mio in water will get you through a crunch (if you’re stressed because of long work hours or finals or something.) The caffeine will make you more frazzled in the long run so it’s a short term solution.

>> No.17071382

Bad vibes in there.
Protip: anything calling itself “smol” is a trap.

>> No.17071640
File: 47 KB, 460x554, 1577926165091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thin /fit/izen who loves running and cycling
>someone suggests checking out thinspo on /fa/
>come here
>crabs in a bucket mentality and everyone insulting each other like bitchy jealous schoolgirls
back to /fit/ I go

>> No.17071642
File: 1.70 MB, 332x332, tumblr_ba330ccb9daee0378ff672ec8c586390_0a56a8eb_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat person love coping.

>> No.17071643

>jealous schoolgirls
that's probably what it is
on the other hand /fit/ has a lot of genuinely overweight people and i don't really belong trying to go from normal to slightly underweight

>> No.17071653
File: 1.48 MB, 1650x2934, image_2022-06-12_105945103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

156lbs, 68.5in.
Lose or gain?
Meanspo wanted.

>> No.17071654

Untuck your penis you gyno having fag.

>> No.17071679

Lose and tone

>> No.17071702

Don't do cardio, it's a waste of time.
I ran over 1000km last year without changing my diet and my weight always stayed the same. Even in the summer months where I was clocking 100km+ per month. It does fucking nothing.

>Those numbers are nothing, just run more
So you want me to dedicate my entire spare time to running like a retard? Even 1000km is already a fucking bother.
Wanna go on a bike ride on your rest day? Well fuck you, you can't do anything that uses your legs.

Either go lifting weights or do sprint training for weight loss.

>> No.17071774

>>17071640 (You)

>> No.17071920

don't listen to this anon, kids. do cardio. and not only for weight loss (which it obviously helps with, as long as you don't burn yourself out with 2hrs of cardio a day and then use it as an excuse to pig our for the rest of the day, as many unfortunately do. anyway, what a long bracket, gonna end it now.) but also circulation, breathing, mental health etcetera etcetera and so on and so forth *sniff*

>> No.17071943

I was 5’4 and 100lbs for years. Ate like normal, 3 meals a day made by my grandmother. You can do it

>> No.17072008

thank you anon:) Definitely going the homemade route- no grandmother but I enjoy cooking

>> No.17072037

Lose 20 lbs

>> No.17072039

It’s a self-harm general full of teenagers. Very little actual advice going on. Many people who post their stats are average BMI. A lot of ‘trying’ to lose weight fast. Very little exercise discussion even though that actually makes you look good. Tons of skinnyfats.

>> No.17072041

The weight loss scene on /fit/ is just a bunch of /pol/tier retards trying to grift you in to blaming da joos, carbs, and seed oils because they can't put the fork down.
Go back.

>> No.17072046

The best way to do it? Like >>17071702 said, cardio is a waste of time, at least for me. I don't lose weight through it.

>> No.17072095
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1650183898812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to diet AND exercise, fat asses. Of course it doesn't do anything when you only burn 300 calories through exercise and then eat "exactly the same as usual"(oops actually it was about 300 calories more than usual)
If you burn 500 calories through exercise every day and actually have your diet in check, you will burn an extra 1lb per week.
And incline walking > running, just fyi

>> No.17072143

if you're a woman you should be ashamed of being this plump while having as much tits as a 15 bmi
>Lose or gain?
Gain what? Even more fat? no way, just cut your cals and you'll look alright

>> No.17072148

I unintentionally lost weight because I'm a gay bottom who overuses saline fleet enemas before having buttsex. I was doing it so much that a couple months ago I started having chronic diarrhea and haven't been able to get it back down to normal. My stomach hurts all the time and I can barely eat anything anymore. I'm too scared to eat anything anyway because I'll get sick. But I love how I look right now:
>thigh gap
>clothes hang on me like a coat hanger
>can feel my ribs and hips

the only thing is that my nose got bigger because i think the fat made it look smaller, but at least i actually have a jawline now. maybe i could learn how to contour. i'm really excited because my t-shirts that i used to never leave the house wear now look like model off duty streetwear heroin chic olson vibes. add that with a stacks of jewelry and i look hot af. i do wish that my stomach would start hurting tho. don't do this!!

>> No.17072170

pics ??

>> No.17072175
File: 41 KB, 402x575, AE39A4DB-09C6-4337-AF20-7199C2804825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ate two bagels with cream cheese and a coffee cake


>> No.17072177

>Very little exercise discussion even though that actually makes you look good.
tbf every time i've seen someone mention anything besides lifting some /fit/ tourist starts sperging even though you could easily get a thinspo body with basic calisthenics

>> No.17072210

Looking good senpai.

>> No.17072222

This is true. “I don’t lose weight from cardio” is an insane statement. That being said, some people hate cardio so much they will never do enough of it to burn 500 cals in a day and they should find some other way to exercise. But they probably won’t because they’re fat.

>> No.17072233

That just how it is here. Fit spergs gonna sperg. It’s still crazy the way posters in this general pretend you can get a thinspo body just by starving. Maybe for a few years in your teen/20s you can, but some of us plan to live longer than that. This is why people age so horribly and have invented things like “hit the wall”. Bitch you didn’t hit the wall, you’re out of fucking shape.

>> No.17072243

s long as I do (((caloric restriction))) ,will 30 minutes per day(not consecutive;overall)of neck bridges give me a thinspo neck? with visible adam's apple, no "double" chin, etc..a visible throat system neck
>is 30 minutes enough? Do consider Im ((((restricting))) "calories"

>also im extremely agressive towards everyone since I started going super hungry 10 days ago,,is this normal?

>> No.17072259

Oh ouch. I'm mostly muscle, not fat. It's why I weight so much without actually looking 'fat'. I'll cut cals - thank you.
Doing cardio and dieting just makes me feel exhausted constantly. I would rather lift or do something else to exercise and keep my weight down without feeling so tired.

>> No.17072334
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how do i stop feeling light-headed when fasting ? it makes working and studying much harder

>> No.17072368

Exercise (pushups, crouches, leg raises etc), cold showers (if you're at home), whatever helps with circulation. Be mindful to not to faint, though, if you're prone to that!

>> No.17072571



>> No.17072583

>talking like a redditor

>> No.17072926

>same weight as me
>4 inches shorter
>I still have a gut

>> No.17073165
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>And incline walking > running, just fyi
seconding this

>> No.17073383

Genetics, I guess. I have a lot of muscle from working out and a big butt.

>> No.17073951

How should I be eating to reach 160 lbs? I'm 6'1" and 180 right now with a 32 inch waist. My diet consists of coffee and water for breakfast, a sandwich and fruit for lunch, then pasta or a rice dish for dinner.