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File: 982 KB, 594x749, 20733CD7-5349-48A1-AED1-0D66BD86B31B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17002492 No.17002492 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really shit at taking pictures of myself and I want to be able to take instafuckboy-tier photos like pic related but not as cringe. I have good photos so I know it's possible but the average photo of me doesn't look very good.

I think my main problem is lighting. I listened to the advice to take a photo outside during the day but when there's too much light, it makes me look fucked up. Do I need some sort of a shadow?
I have a tripod and only have an iPhone 7 so not that great but it should do, right?
Where can I learn basic photography skills?
Most advice on youtube is garbage "smile and don't have stains on your shirt" advice.

>> No.17002543

pay a photographer

>> No.17002547

>taking pictures of myself
this is the problem. a picture of yourself is not truly a picture but an advertisement. it invites intensive critique. women can and incredibly attractive men can get away with such things -- you most likely cannot, and your picture will subconsciously scream of the fact that you gayly obsessed over it. you instead need a picture of yourself taken in a social context -- or at least obviously taken by someone else -- to showcase that you are a normal person and that there is more of you to be explored.

>> No.17002553

>Wanting to attract a GF is gay.

>> No.17002565

Isn’t taking professional pictures for Tinder kinda cringe?

>> No.17002567

Well I got good results on Tinder with a single shit selfie, so I should be okay. I definitely don’t have friends to take pictures in social settings though.
There isn’t anything in me to be explored, i’m a boring autist. Looks are the only thing I have going for me.

>> No.17002576

as a man you shouldn't post pictures taken by yourself. As others said, you need photos that hint your hobbies, that you have a circle of friends. For first photo, you shouldn't look at the camera. It's a little bit like sprezzatura - it shouldn't look tryhard or posed, but well, it will probably be. The best bet is to ask friends to take plenty of pictures of you in different contexts, eating, playing sport etc.

>> No.17002586

I don’t have any interests or hobbies other than the gym and programming, but that’s not something any woman on Tinder would care about.
I’m not going to pretend that i’m someone i’m not because I want women to not have unrealistic expectations. I don’t have any real friends and I have very few photos of myself.

I tried tinder before with a single shit close-up selfie of my face in my bedroom and I got 65 likes in 3 days which isn’t all that bad for a guy. Around 10 of them were ugly but the rest were decent girls.
I just need to take 1 or 2 good quality pics like the guy in OP.
I bought a tripod so I want to take pictures that look like they were taken by someone else.

>> No.17002591

I work at Tinder on the recommendation algorithm.

Two things that matter most: lighting and face.

Having multiple photos with good lighting where the face can be seen will you give you your best shot.

>> No.17002596
File: 61 KB, 525x525, 1652037160028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17002604

I can’t tell if you’re seriously so could you elab on lighting?
Pic in OP is good lighting right? How do you get this kind of lighting?
All my photos are either too dark or too bright.

>> No.17002618

by lighting i mean visibility, brightness. People don't want to swipe if they can't clearly tell what you look like. So if you want to include pictures of yourself say, bowling, you need to make sure you have several other photos where your face is clear

>> No.17002701

Do you have any other esoteric knowledge that you would like to share? I always wondered whether algorithm tries to match similar types of people, for example you get categorized as artsy, so your profile gets shown to more arthoes, etc.

>> No.17002718

how many thousand women have you had your way with

>> No.17002808


>> No.17002894

It sounds like you should research portrait photography and lighting because the iphone will mostly handle all the exposure bullcrap itself.

>> No.17002946

Going on Tinder is already cringe

>> No.17002982

Nah, you’re just too uggo for it

>> No.17003005

i literally thought the OP was the sandy hook shooter

>> No.17003062

bro, its cringe if you think it is
but only top 15% of men get any dates and if you want success you have to take any advantage you can get.
you think you shouldn't use any competitive advantage you can get? you definitely should.

hiring a professional is the best option

>> No.17003082
File: 305 KB, 975x1390, EWATF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless youre paying a photographer its not gonna work out at all, you need to learn how to pose, how to position the camera, how to lightning, how to post process
best youll get by yourself is pic related
instead just work with the cards you got, you only really need 3 good photos. try a variety of locations: go to a beach, park, concert, etc. your mom taking these pics is gonna come out better than whatever you try doing by yourself

>> No.17003323


>> No.17003446

The problem with taking a selfie while holding up your phone camera to your face is that you are most likely going to get an unflattering angle of your face that also looks very amateurish(pic related) Most people will take mirror selfies to try and fix this but IMO it looks just as bad. My solution? Set up an area that has good lighting and put your phone on record and set it up so it's recording your face/body. Then you can make your desired faces/poses and when you finished you look through the recorded video and screenshot the best looking shots.

>> No.17003449
File: 33 KB, 700x516, This-guy-patiently-took-a-selfie-for-8-years-and-put-them-together-in-a-video-See-your-aging-in-minutes-5bfd3ef8100d3__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic was meant to go with this post

>> No.17003475
File: 662 KB, 1110x1345, 3pointlighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17003846

I’d be fine taking a picture next to a tree or something if it looked good. It’d be enough.
I’d rather kms than ask my mom to help me get pussy on Tinder. That’s why I bought a tripod.

>> No.17003923

start cold/warm approaching.

>> No.17003931

Cold approaching is cringe and to “warm” approach you need a stable social circle, something the average 4chan autist doesn’t have. Tinder is great if you meet the looks requirement. The only ones who complain about dating apps are uggos.

>> No.17003934

Is this really the best way to get a girl? My friend tried Tinder and he said it was mainly landwhales or hot girls who were out of his league and when he did get a date with a fairly attractive girl she turned out to be a slag who had built a reverse harem of beta orbiters who would take her out and buy her shit off of the chance she might be their girlfriend

>> No.17004077

tinder is the best way nowadays to meet girls but you have to be tall and fit and obviously handsome
if you arent all that then maybe dating isnt for you

>> No.17004237

>I definitely don’t have friends to take pictures in social settings though. There isn’t anything in me to be explored, i’m a boring autist.
you need a fake setting where you use your tripod as another person and make it look like you were doing something naturally

>> No.17004250
File: 3.81 MB, 398x498, joy-red-velvet-red-velvet-joy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17004312
File: 1.31 MB, 1460x6444, mac demarco lipstick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.17004328
File: 495 KB, 1722x844, tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't smile and don't have friends to take pictures of me, what are my chances on tinder? and which of these pics you recommend to use?

>> No.17004399

Dont listen to these virgins just get a friend to take a pic of you with iPhone portrait mode and it will already look studio quality no matter where it is taken

>> No.17004405

Is iPhone 7 okay? I don’t have friends.

>> No.17004407

youre white so it should be relatively easy
your pics are pretty trashy, maybe take some more ?

>> No.17004435
File: 307 KB, 1722x844, tinder rapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the light in front of the face, you look creepy.

>> No.17004444

lol okay, thanks
will try to make better pics

>> No.17004448
File: 146 KB, 1228x938, Captura-de-Pantalla-2022-01-24-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this is how photo of man popular on tinder actually looks like

>> No.17004461


>> No.17004488

Learn to smile with your eyes man, you look sick in more ways than one

>> No.17004490

>jbw confirmed again
like clockwork

>> No.17004554

I heard that guy was a cheese pizza enjoyer

>> No.17004559

are you Turkish?

>> No.17004724


>> No.17005570


>> No.17006075

You look like a creep, why can't you smile.

>> No.17006084

like, some guys can cut their own hair, but the majority is better off with mum's bowl cut

>> No.17006100

Pretty good serial killer look. You can use all those pictures except from nr. 3, bottom left & top right.

>> No.17006761

Tinder is the homosexual mating strategy marketed to heterosexuals. Note that Grindr predates Tinder by a couple of years, and it was Grindr's success at allowing fudgepackers to have it off on demand that was used as the model for the modern dating "market". All apps r ghey

>> No.17006918

Just curious, how has your social/romantic/sexual life looked so far?

>> No.17008017

Hell if I know

>> No.17008029

You're not bad looking, you have a kind of sexy serial killer vibe (some bitches love this look) but in some photos you do look a little creepy. Don't have any photos where you are looking down into the camera, it looks autistic and is generally unflattering for your face. At least 1 mirror selfie is okay, but don't have any more. Having all your photos as selfies is also bad. In the end just swallow your pride and buy a tripod for your phone and then go somewhere interesting (preferably somewhere natural, it shows that you have hobbies such as hiking) and take some photos.

>> No.17008195

>talking to women on dating apps is... LE GAY

>> No.17008231

lol how to spot a dyel 1o1. Literally the most trendy thing in years literally every dyel like yourself says the word just to fit in and be cool. its funny

>> No.17008268

bro you look turkish bruh

>> No.17008281

Thanks man, will take the advice.
I live not that far away from Turkey so maybe I have some turkish blood in me, but as far as I know my ancestors are mostly Russian/Polish

>> No.17008288

>OP asks question
>entire thread is about how Tinder is gay, how Tinder is a homosexual marketing scheme
God i hate this website

>> No.17008518

Anyone else here just never take to Tinder? I'm no incel, used to take drunk girls home from the club twice a week, or run some day game and then bang 'em after some drinks that night - I could literally bump into a total stranger and be balls deep in her within 20 minutes. Despite many years being a complete degenerate who would bang anything with legs, there's something about Tinder that just turns me right off. The whole thing is cringe start to finish.

>Typing corny pickup lines you swiped from some website
>awkwardly exchanging pics while taking care not to message too quickly or eagerly
>agreeing to meet up at a convenient and practical time
>having a brief awkward "date" which is really just determining whether the other is a serial killer
>Going to her place
>couple minutes of awkward small talk
>just close your eyes and start kissing (ew) this random chick who you may or may not have chemistry with
>slap skin, bust nut
>sit around a few minutes afterwards, more awkward small talk
>pretend that you're gonna see that person again and there was some kind of connection

The whole thing just turns me off. Just feels completely cold, detached, kinda sociopathic, like there's nothing to put either of us in the mood, no crazy mood or vibe to get swept up in, just a sober, rational methodical decision to acquire sex to address needs. How can you get into it in these circumstances?

Anyone else feel this?

>> No.17008524

>>Typing corny pickup lines you swiped from some website
Only subhumans on reddit do this

>>awkwardly exchanging pics while taking care not to message too quickly or eagerly

what? your pics are already on your profile, she saw them when she swiped right.

>kissing women is ew

Anon, are you sure you brought girls from the club? How is this any different?

>The whole thing just turns me off. Just feels completely cold, detached, kinda sociopathic, like there's nothing to put either of us in the mood, no crazy mood or vibe to get swept up in, just a sober, rational methodical decision to acquire sex to address needs. How can you get into it in these circumstances?

Why don't you go to a bar and have drinks then?

>> No.17008584

>How is this any different?

I guess the difference is that in a club, you know, everyone's in a good mood, the music's good, everyone's had a few drinks, they're sweaty from dancing, the vibes are good, and your energies just crash into another and the next thing you know you got your tongue down the other's throat. That's hot man, that feel of grabbing some sweaty half hammered chick in the club and just throwing yourself at her, that's pure sex. That gets my motor running.

Just sitting on your phone and tablet and being focused and methodical, logically preparing for a sexual encounter, strikes me as cold and sociopathic as fuck. Maybe it works for IT workers and white collar professionals who are fairly detached to begin with?

>why don't you go to a bar and have drinks then?

Ya I mean, I guess. It's not the same... there's no adventure to it. I mean, I guess if you don't nessecarily get this huge whirlwind of excitement from drunken party hookups, and I guess some people don't, then yeah it's the same thing.

I get a distinct sense that you're Northern European, like Finnish or German or something like that.

>> No.17008796

I go to the gym, retard. I don't tell people I do, I just do. What's the problem with that?
Post body.

>> No.17008798

meant for

>> No.17009346

Touch grass

>> No.17009347

absolute cringe. don't listen to this guy

>> No.17009363

anyone know what boots those are and how much height they give?

>> No.17009449

Yes iPhone 7 is ideal, iphone version is not the issue whatsoever.

>> No.17009904

Palladium I think. Why do you care about height?

>> No.17009907

because I'm a manlet

>> No.17009909

No, you are not. What's your height?

>> No.17009913

About 5'9"

>> No.17009967

Thats a cool number

>> No.17010148

you type the word more than you go im willing to bet just by these retarded posts you are a poser please fuck off.
>post body
you really are trying so hard and we all know your 225 noodle arms typed this.

>> No.17010165

where do I find a racist gf that wants kids

>> No.17010281

>he actually wants us to believe that tinder runs AI on every single pic uploaded
you're not google, you dont have that amount of processing power. settle down.

>> No.17010299

I love how you picked out a random, insignificant part of my post and decided to start having a shitfit over it.
Why the fuck do you care about how much I go to the gym and why do you think I care if some random faggot on a fashion board questions how much I go to the gym?
You're quite obviously either a DYEL yourself or you're some subhuman gymcel that thought getting big would get him pussy but realised he can't outlift his genetics.

>you really are trying so hard and we all know your 225 noodle arms typed this.

I see you still haven't posted your body.

>> No.17010742


>> No.17011962
File: 602 KB, 1242x1170, 8BD593EF-7675-4167-81AD-A2DDF2454D72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post yours, boy

>> No.17012106

Most of you are hopeless and I don't know why I bother to make this post.

You are living in the age of digital mediums. If you don't have photography, video, marketing, looksmaxing, and branding skills, you are completely FUCKED.

The fact that you don't have equipment to take high quality photos of yourself with the knowledge to tell a story with each one is highly concerning for your social well being. Never in this history of this species have you been handed the tools and technologies to steal the secrets of celebrities and influencers and integrate them into your life to grow your reach and shape your image.

>> No.17012217


>> No.17012387

might as well get black Timbs/ Docker's/ ...

>> No.17012738


>> No.17012815

>just fall in line with the generation of inflated egos and inflated comsumer products you dont really need
No thank you sir

>> No.17012818


>> No.17012854
File: 1.09 MB, 1236x1658, ubermensch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you niggers talking about how shit Tinder is, it was created by an Iranian kike, what do you expect

>> No.17013619

I’m trans btw, not sure if it matters

>> No.17013756
File: 9 KB, 236x151, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a match with a cute girl on tinder
>she instantly writes 'heyyyy :)'
>unmatch because I don't date chicks who use tinder
god why is it so hard to find decent women?

>> No.17013779

that's quite based, actually

>> No.17013807

I think the general rule for matches is your first photo showing off your muscles (shirt off obvs). Second photo is you clothed in a nice fit. The rest of the photos are of you in social settings with the photo having been taken by someone else. God speed champ

>> No.17014523


>> No.17014531

Didnt you post before but with shorter hair? You looked less creepy. Defo drop the stache

>> No.17015328

Lol no

>> No.17015662


>> No.17015839

watch this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=CRnpUCPuzSQ

>> No.17016186

>Never in this history of this species have you been handed the tools and technologies to steal the secrets of celebrities and influencers and integrate them into your life to grow your reach and shape your image

Imagine being so deprived of real substance in your life you make a post like this

>> No.17017242

She dont want you man

>> No.17017284

>Pic in OP is good lighting right?
Are you serious? My dingy basement is 10x brighter than OP's pic.

>> No.17017294

Tinder is garbage. No matter what you do to your photos, your only chance of success is being in the top 0.0001% of hot guys, have good muscles, and be 6'3" plus.

I got hit on 3 times Friday night at the bars, and women approaching guys is really rare. Guys almost always have to approach, and 3 different women in 1 night is great for a guy.

Now what is my success rate on tinder? Non-existent. All it will do is smash your self esteem and confidence down. It's not a real market. It's BS.

Tinder and online is the worse place to meet women. And actually, so are bars or clubs. Most guys think those are the 2 best places. Most guys are very wrong. And single.

>> No.17017313
File: 1.19 MB, 1045x620, dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use many different photos (pic rel) so show my personality and that I am a crazy fun loving guy.

I haven't had a single match in 2 years though.

>> No.17017340

>I could literally bump into a total stranger and be balls deep in her within 20 minutes
Kinda slow desu. Are you physically deformed or something?

>> No.17017360

I'm as autistic as they come and the one and only time I went to a club I had women all over me because I was dressed decently and was so anxious my brain shut off and I became so aloof I ignored all these women literally grabbing onto me.

>> No.17017368

Yeah the average guy dresses like shit. Clothing alone will give a good impression, but again on tinder etc. that's lost. It can't compare to walking into some club and being better dressed than most guys.

>> No.17017389

Not on Tinder, that's for sure.

>> No.17017464


>> No.17017755

>be attractive
>take photo

>> No.17017831

Like I said, I uploaded one shit close-up selfie of my face in my dark bedroom and got 65 likes in 3 days (55 of them were decent looking). The few that I asked out said yes and multiple messaged me first, although not as attractive but it was one shitty selfie after all.

No one denies you need to be above average looking to get laid on Tinder, but this “le u need to be a 1 in a billion supermodel to fuck plain janes” is just cringe incel demoralization propaganda because they couldn’t get anything from it. You personally don’t meet the looks requirement for Tinder, it doesn’t say anything about anyone else’s potential success.

>> No.17017835

No one gives a shit about how you’re dressed at the club unless it’s completely autistic, holy shit you fashion autists are hilarious.

>> No.17017838

Also no one cares about how many times you got approached at a bar or club. Every guy gets approached there.

>> No.17018022

Cut your hair bro, and no more hoodie or pictures where you're looking down because they make you look brooding in a bad way

>> No.17018027


>> No.17018102


>> No.17018584


>> No.17018778


>> No.17018900

Practically every image I have on is outdoors (I like hiking)
Still rarely get matches

>> No.17019461


>> No.17019481

>Hiking (AKA walking)
Wow I wonder why people wouldn't match with you

>> No.17019661


>how to pose, how to position the camera, how to lightning, how to post process

ok explain what do you mean by these things
>how do I take good photo
>by taking good photo
this thread is about providing information about how to do that, you provided no information

>> No.17019664

as you can see by this thread we don't actually have any of these tools
if you had them, you would've posted them
but as you can see, you yourself do not have any knowledge on photography, video, marketing, looksmaxing, and branding skills, you don't have access to these tools or technology

>> No.17019727


>> No.17020473


>> No.17021138


>> No.17021645


>> No.17022425


>> No.17022726


>> No.17022998


>> No.17023560


>> No.17023953


>> No.17024512


>> No.17024548

How would anyone know? If someone asks you could just say that you have a friend whose good in photography

>> No.17024568

where do you guys go clubbing ?
here all the guys are above 6' fit, look rich, well dressed and are really handsome although they kinda all look the same
i just go to dance because the competition is too fierce

>> No.17024616

god I NEED to eat Joys ass

>> No.17024645

where are you?

>> No.17024654

Chadtown, USA

>> No.17024659

>the vibes are good, and your energies just crash into another and the next thing you know you got your tongue down the other's throat.
>your energies

>> No.17024665

went out with actually attractive women a few times. they got approached literally constantly. nothing came of any of the approaches.

>> No.17024730

chadtown aka munich germany

>> No.17024885

I got catcalled by some German whores there once but was too autistic to do anything. They even asked me if I speak English and I told them no. Would've loved to hatefuck them as a Polishcel

>> No.17025624
File: 852 KB, 1452x1904, Robert Cornelius - First Selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do I need some sort of a shadow?
You need a couple of backlights, preferably in different colors and a main (key) light on your face/body/dick/whatever you're highlighting

There are some great books on photography that can teach you the basics but to get good you just need to practice with shit to see what works

>> No.17025628
File: 146 KB, 1080x1247, dongwon alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, when they catcall you it means they want you to fuck them.
Should've chatted them up and invited them to an out of the way place for a bier

>> No.17026349

Take your pills

>> No.17026489

>have a double chin
>realize I can put lamp over my mirror and selfies become 1000x better
Now I'm straight outta man of steel

>> No.17027551


>> No.17028388


>> No.17029248


>> No.17029737


>> No.17029838
File: 2.92 MB, 406x720, gay lion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just sitting on your phone and tablet and being focused and methodical, logically preparing for a sexual encounter, strikes me as cold and sociopathic as fuck. Maybe it works for IT workers and white collar professionals who are fairly detached to begin with?

I agree with this guy. Tinder always seemed weird/autistic as fuck. being such an embarrasingly desperate coomer that you download some program and methodically construct your profile to get the best swipe ratios/message replies/etc. I never understood how it stuck to normies so easily. I guess normies, not sperglords like myself, are the biggest autists.

>> No.17030220

I remember when I had it I couldn't sleep at night for the first few nights.
The fact that women were coming across my profile, looking at my face, knowing that i'm there to fuck them made me cringe really fucking hard. I didn't start swiping at all until like 4 days later.

>> No.17030881


>> No.17031090


>> No.17031694


>> No.17031751

if you're a man and you're not swiping right 100% of the time you're wasting your time.
for females it's just a slightly warped version of real life

>> No.17031791

I uploaded a single blurry selfie and I still managed to match with some good looking girls. I'm not going to swipe right on purplehaired braphogs lol

>> No.17032601


>> No.17032994


>> No.17034141


>> No.17034144

you're supposed to verbally abuse them first buddy

>> No.17035567

they're not ready for the truth

>> No.17036152

I'm good looking enough to match with a decent amount of attractive girls. For me, the problem is actually talking to them. Women can smell autism through the screen and all my conversations die within a few messages, the only conclusion I can come to is that they're disgusted by the way I type, and probably the very essence of my being. i have no idea how to rectify this

>> No.17036165

you look pretentious, moody and not at all fun to be around. general advice is first get friends before trying to get women because it makes you more confident, it gives you opportunities to do interesting things with people you can talk about which will make you as a person more interesting as well

>> No.17036240

How long do you keep the conversation going? Do you beat around the bush? You both know why you're there for. Try to ask them out as soon as possible.
How many likes do you get within your first 24 hours?

>> No.17036765


>> No.17037002


>> No.17037678


>> No.17039288


>> No.17039296

there needs to be a tinder for friendless schizos

>> No.17040851

there wouldn't be any women on it

>> No.17041123

Tinder is a cringe game do you want to win or do you want to be mid because you’re too embarrassed

>> No.17041127

Women run the AI for them

>> No.17041155

Everyone says this and then offers not alternatives or says “the supermarket” or some shit like romcom meet cutes just happen all day

>> No.17041177

No, as in they would make your chances worse. You can take good pictures with your semi-recent iPhone. Don't need to larp as some model.

>> No.17041190

Any good picture you can take with your iphone can look better if you take it with a real big boy camera.
Girls aren’t going to be like “damn this picture is too clear and easy to read, he must be a try hard”. If you take tryhard pictures that’s your problem, not the camera

>> No.17041215

It's not going to be a night and day difference if we're just talking about Tinder pics. You're either good looking enough for it or you aren't. A professional camera and photographer aren't going to change your bone structure.
Phone cameras are more than enough to take decent pics, although you do need to somewhat know what you're doing because if you just take autistic selfies then you may not do as good even if you are good looking.

>> No.17041345

>facial hair

lol completely ignored

also 25 so confirmed poor or didn't go to college

left swipe 99% of the time. maybe an asian boat person or mexican would swipe right

nothing dries a pussy more than a low status man

>> No.17042219

what does him being 25 have to do with anything?
Also you will never be a woman.

>> No.17042640


>> No.17042641

dude are you serious?
that guy is a fucking mutt, white my ass lol

>> No.17042710

‘aight hope you’re enjoying your dry spell

>> No.17042715

25 = poor/loser/student/broke
left swipe for sure

>> No.17042786

What are you trying to say? Everyone who turns 25 is automatically a broke loser college student?

>> No.17042843

either they're a loser because they didnt go to college and now will be poor/stupid for life or a manual dirty monkey worker.

or they went to college and are an intern/poor/broke as college guys don't hit their stride until early 30s if they're successful.

swipe left, eww

>> No.17042844

lmao @ the name file

>> No.17044672

not like this

>> No.17044832

why not? It's a good photo.

>> No.17045135


>> No.17045456
File: 252 KB, 1000x2448, 1646770182880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just be attractive

Good photos don't matter, all my pics are me in my underwear in my room at my parents house

I get dozens of matches every couple days

>> No.17045606

are you mentally fucked by the internet or intentionally trying to demoralize people?
this guy was involuntarily made a meme for chainfucking his way through new york

>> No.17045858

fuck man, what's a good place to do it then, if you know so much about this

>> No.17045881
File: 142 KB, 819x819, 1653087968488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy i worked with at construction was 6'3 250lbs with a chris hemsworth tier face. we took a terrible photo of him drinking water in an alley and that afternoon he got over 100 matches and at least 10 women that were down to hookup

fucking brutal

>> No.17045968

Is this the rapper prof

>> No.17046057

>I get dozens of matches every couple days
How many did you get in your first 24 hours?

>> No.17046346


>> No.17046875


>> No.17047455


>> No.17047976


>> No.17048909


>> No.17049526


>> No.17049540

Take photos outside - in the shade - before 10 AM.

>> No.17050204

actually best advice ITT so far

>> No.17050912


>> No.17051398


>> No.17052332


>> No.17053357

And I work as CEO of OPEP. AMA.

>> No.17053604

Yeah bro and I'm the CEO of Google

>> No.17054320


>> No.17054324


>> No.17055363


>> No.17055376
File: 165 KB, 598x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17055413

You should smile and wash your shirt

>> No.17056025

Legit disappointing on Asian reveal.

>> No.17056039

u jus dont know how to talk to a chinesse

gotta walk up 2 da bich and say ni how you doin

wok evry time

>> No.17056489


>> No.17056861

Not that I would do it but you buy clothes to look nicer than others, why not look nicer on tinder than others too.

>> No.17057472

nigger detected

>> No.17057521

I didnt read all of this but I prefer IRL dating, I dont like the idea of being on a list for some bitch to swipe through

>> No.17057871


>> No.17058809


>> No.17059150

This whole thing sounds like you depend on them being drunk in order for them to agree to have sex with you.

>> No.17060167


>> No.17060478

you look cool

>> No.17060847


>> No.17061450


>> No.17062235


>> No.17062623


>> No.17063645


>> No.17064061

People don't even use tinder for hookups anymore.

It's all bots, ditched profiles with cash app and Venmo names .

And scams now.

Whisper was the hookup app circa 2014/2015

Idk what it is now. I haven't had casual sex in several years

>> No.17064448


>> No.17065262 [DELETED] 


>> No.17065534 [DELETED] 


>> No.17065667

this is copypasta you clowns
but it's the truth for nearly all photos

>> No.17066285 [DELETED] 


>> No.17067013 [DELETED] 


>> No.17067067

the fact that men still use dating apps in 2022 is ridiculous, it's a scheme for women to get validation and for the app to make money by developing an unfair algorithm and expecting men to pay money to bypass it. here's the real kicker that absolutely no one in these threads bragging about getting matches talks about: due to the sheer ratio of men outnumbering women, the hot chick you do match with has a billion other options to choose from, getting a match doesn't mean shit, just like a recruiter seeing your application and MAYBE scheduling you for an interview doesn't mean shit.

go outside, go to school, get a job, slide up on a girl's instagram story and message her there, all way better options than fucking tinder in the year of our lord 2022.

>> No.17067267

id on his fit

>> No.17068009

lots of words for saying "i'm ugly". Dating apps are for above average men, no one claims otherwise. You don't need to sperg out and write an essay about how everyone is too ugly for it just because you are.

>> No.17068011

and yeah, there are a lot more men than women, but the place is flooded with antisocial incel spergs with dirty mirror selfies who don't even count as competition honestly.

>> No.17068225


>> No.17069254


>> No.17069820


>> No.17069907
File: 135 KB, 980x652, 55870-dpp-6176-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that you're asking to be spoonfed about an extremely broad set of topics. Art schools have an entire semester, an entire textbook dedicated to lighting alone. Meanwhile you're probably operating under the assumption that some anon can give a tl;dr of all that material within a few sentences or so.

If you're actually serious about learning, read through /p/'s beginner's wiki. There are links to relevant tutorials like posing and lighting if you don't want to read through every single thing.

>> No.17070004

>can't smile
Oh fuck off

>> No.17070158


>> No.17070864

stinky nigga

>> No.17070995

Nigger you are gatekeeping something that's been automated for like a decade. Go stand where there is good lighting, hand someone your smartphone and let them snap away on auto mode. crop and edit to your liking...

You incels overthink things way too much, he doesn't need pro level content, best he's gonna get is some average looking whore to suck his wiener, all you need for that is non-aspberger pics.

>> No.17071245
File: 40 KB, 700x641, A52A3A8A-6F64-4176-BE5D-86540228E3F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread guys

>> No.17071430


>> No.17071606

>automated for like a decade
And 99% of every family photo ever taken looks like crap because the person who took them don’t know how to take a good photo and just lets the camera decide everything. OP said he wants a good photo. He’s not going to get that by handing his mom his phone and telling her to push the button.

>> No.17071852

>Art schools have an entire semester, an entire textbook dedicated to lighting alone
legit get therapy or assburger treatment

>> No.17072237 [DELETED] 


>> No.17072834

>OP said he wants a good photo.
Yeah... for tinder. Because he wants to fuck pussy. Even shakey hand mom pics are more than sufficient for this. Just don't be gross looking and have regular normal human pictures.

>> No.17073381

not really

>> No.17075112


>> No.17075161

Don't have them you're just contributing to the ever growing population of ignorant retards

>> No.17075163

lmao posing alone photos are trash

just post a load of you having good times with your friends

>> No.17075172

Professional photos will make you look like a bot.

>> No.17075300

Unless you're planning to have an orgy with your friends, don't listen to this tard. Why are people here so autistic when it comes to Tinder?
Posing alone photos are trash if you look like trash. That's what you're supposed to upload.

>> No.17075780 [DELETED] 


>> No.17076330 [DELETED] 


>> No.17076966 [DELETED] 


>> No.17076977

You most likely won’t know how to pose and your mom most likely won’t know how to pose you. The end result will probably end up with you staring into the camera awkwardly like a sperg. A good photographer doesn’t just press a button, they know how to interact with their subject and get them to relax and generally bring out the best in them.

>> No.17077126

Use visakanv's advice of 100 practice selfies

>> No.17077132

You need pic related and friends to take pictures of you. And remember to smile

>> No.17077134
File: 135 KB, 620x386, AC597D2E-FB30-43D6-8FCD-AA92B049AEA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17077534

yea exactly. contrary to popular belief, attracting the opposite sex is not an intuitive thing.
some stuff you will get wrong if you rely on instinct and belief alone.

prime example of things get wrong:
1. belief that getting good pictures taken is "cringe" when in fact it's the number one key on online apps

>> No.17077688

The fuck is that? A tanning bed?

>> No.17078093 [DELETED] 


>> No.17078686

go to church anon, you'll find your TradWife™ waiting there for you

>> No.17078700

because I have a feeling a lot of people here want photos with friends (which they dont have)

>> No.17078707

Yes professional photoshoot pic is cringe. If you want to hire someone to take a pic for tinder, get them to pretend the situation of them being your friend, and go out to take pictures of you "having fun" with a normal phone camera.
Pic quality, lightning, photography skills doesn't really matter. But when all pictures you have are selfies, it shows that you don't have friends and don't normally hang out.

Don't underestimate people ability to assume your lifestyle from your pics alone. Pic related is pretty good since we can assume that:
1. You have sophisticated sense of fashion
2. It looks like you have someone take your picture to show off in your instagram, which implies you having fun with friends with the same hobby
3. You are confident to do something like amateur modeling by showing off yourself on instagram

>> No.17079708 [DELETED] 


>> No.17080765 [DELETED] 


>> No.17082626 [DELETED] 


>> No.17083171

That's just /soc/

>> No.17084448


Best post yet.
Tinder is a waste of time. The best way to get to know girls is school/work/hobbies (sports, crafts etc.).
Every group of classmates or coworkers go for drinks, teambuildings and shit from time to time, so you'll meet some women literally even if you don't want to. Even if you are a sperg, there are always some friendly extroverted people who'd be excited to know you and they'll help you find your place in the group.

If you want to do things online, instead of Tinder build a good social media profile (for me Instagram is the best). Don't even have to focus on pictures of yourself, It's most effective if you pick a theme you are interesting in (traveling, drawing, architecture, animals), stuff like that is always a great conversation starter.
It sounds retarded but girls can be "shy" following a "random dude", but "random dude who travels" is more acceptable for their brains.

I got to know dozens of girls thanks to my Instagram meme account, while being a total failure on Tinder.

>> No.17084696

That’s a lot of words for “i’m too ugly for dating apps”.

>> No.17084702

Lol to meet women IRL you need a friend group of non-4chinner friends, something the average autist here doesn’t have. If you’re a 4chan sperg, nobody’s going to bring you places

>> No.17086114 [DELETED] 


>> No.17086131

>be male nurse
>every cute girl nurse is taken
>only women who flirt with me are confused patients or visitors
scammed hard, bros

>> No.17086176
File: 161 KB, 717x734, ilovelean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you build a following on instagram? just post regularly? follow random people? have a gimmick that attracts people?

and how do you get women in your city to follow you? how do you find women in your city?

>> No.17086177
File: 320 KB, 828x581, 1655520545357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confused patients
You're missing out.

>> No.17086701 [DELETED] 


>> No.17087115 [DELETED] 


>> No.17087127

this is autism.

>> No.17087435 [DELETED] 


>> No.17087448

this is the main reason people should not be using tinder, why would you give some woman who doesn't know you the option

>> No.17087766

>why would you give some woman who doesn't know you the option

>> No.17088106 [DELETED] 


>> No.17088132

Be attractive.

>> No.17088170

>I never understood how it stuck to normies so easily.
Because normies don't do any of that shit, they don't meticulously craft their profiles. They grab some pictures of their instagram and write a one sentence joke bio. That's all.

>> No.17088535 [DELETED] 


>> No.17088621

Main picture of just you, have someone else take it and have it ar an event or somewhere that your important. If you're going for a specific angle then include a pet or a sport. For example my main photo is me holding a cat showing off my broad shoulders.

2. A group pic, make sure you're the centre and tallest. If the group is mixed good but don't have too many women.

3. A pic on the beach or doing something outdoorsy.

This is what I do. 99% of time women are so superficial they'll just look at the first pic and decide.

Make your bio something short, sweat and unopiniated. Don't be afraid to be fun, but don't go overboard.

Keep convos shorter and let them do the talking, don't tall day after day, try to get an inperson date soon-ish.

That's all. Works for me. Go on tinder seasonally in autumn when girls come for Uni. Average success rate of ~4 dates a month have of which end in shags. Mostly prefer hooking up in bars/clubs.

>> No.17089298

I'm just revisiting this board after a few months since I've been busy and also getting more into mens fashion. Do yourself a favor and just don't even bother with tinder at all. I struggled to find friends for years and even despite some success on dating apps I still felt lonely as all hell, but I've found that creating a fruitful life of my own, one where I can bring other people into it that would be interested in what I'm doing, to be much more rewarding. This doesn't apply to people that are already generally happy and just looking, but imo anyone even remotely desperate enough to be trying to look for tinder tips (which is a game you will lose 9/10 times as a man at a cost to your self worth, mental health, and ability to actually do the shit that will find you a partner), then you need to just delete the app outright, and find other ways to be social. I've been going to local house shows in my city and even if I'm not making lifelong friends right away its still worth it to get out and talk to random people. I'm not saying you'll necessarily find someone, I'm saying that feeling you need someone to complete you or love you and fix your issues is never going to work, you need to find your own inner peace. Treat tinder like the stupid game it is.

That being said, a used tripod, old dslr, and lights shouldn't run you up more than $300 if you know where to look. From there its more a matter of learning portrait photography (and you'd be better off looking the basics of that shit up or going to /p/ than asking here), and with that who knows, maybe you'll pick up a hobby that will actually make you interesting enough to date in the first place

>> No.17089343

focal length of a lens will actually affect how your face looks in the pic. And the focal length of iphone cameras is absolutely terrible for this. fyi

>> No.17089607
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 524642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17090338


>> No.17091078


>> No.17091790

Hinge >>> Bumble >>Tinder

>> No.17092427

Any 'strategy' employed outside of naturally coming across a girl because of your already socially integrated and present lifestyle / luck, is equally as cringe as the next... ultimately, something is only cringe if you know you shouldn't really be doing it, but still follow through. Hence why approach could be cringe if you're not confident enough, and tinder could be cringe if you're too awkward. At that point, you might as well embrace being 'weird' or abnormal so that you don't have to strain yourself which exasperates your desperation. Take shitting - you really want to be relaxed with a good posture while you just let the shit shit itself out. Same with dating. Try too hard, it's obvious you don't enjoy the process, it's obvious that you're desperate, it's obvious that *you don't even really know what you want* (or that you're too stupid to realize that you're out of your current depth.) Take eating - you should chew slowly and appreciate the meal. If you don't fundamentally enjoy the process, then you might aswell sell yourself out to pure utility and fuck a whore, or drop any shame in taking contrived photos for tinder.

>> No.17093919 [DELETED] 


>> No.17093925 [DELETED] 

They’re the same shit, cope. Tinder has the most people so it’s objectively the best.

>> No.17094059

most people as in the most blatant fake accounts and onlyfans/instagram advertisements? Hinge seems to be the most legit in terms of finding actual people

>> No.17095570 [DELETED] 


>> No.17097039 [DELETED] 


>> No.17098545


>> No.17098719

serial killer vibes

>> No.17099743

Why bother, only 10% of people on tinder are "women" and 70% of those are most likely catfishers from India, you would probably have a higher chance of finding a girl at a gay bar desu.