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File: 64 KB, 500x746, 0cc6470884d6649657ba772926984850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16002897 No.16002897 [Reply] [Original]

Taxi Driver Edition

Last >>15968555

>post thinspo
>eat at a caloric deficit until you reach your goal weight
>do sports to tone up
>stay hydrated
>We do NOT advocate for anorexia or other eating disorders


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be rude to people and call them a fat ass.
Yes, we unironically hate women here.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc.

>> No.16002916

>Yes, we unironically hate women here.
based. what are you having for lunch today, /thinspo/?

>> No.16003090

Todays meals were
Breakfast: 150g spiced chicken, two slices of bread with honey
Lunch: 400g of gyoza
Evening snacks: Two apples, one banana, 100g of sunflower seeds
Drinks: As always, only water

Plans for the future: Also start drinking tea, I don't know yet if black or green. The prices for those things are holding me back a bit though. Also, drink less alxohol when depressed. Replace chocolate and candy with fruits.

>> No.16003103

Why don’t you replace chocolate and candy with not being fat, treat boy?

>> No.16003205

That's skinnyfat to you, chump.

>> No.16003210

are you the reptilian brain guy from the last thread? that's a lot of sugars in the form of honey, alcohol, chocolate, candy and fruit. i would suggest to stop drinking completely as it will wreck your body in the long run if you do it regularly but you could try replacing alcohol with the green or black tea you mentioned. it'll be cheaper for sure too...

>> No.16003223
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Shut the fuck up and post cute twink tummies

>> No.16003254
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alright faggot

>> No.16003259
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>> No.16003291

Do women actually like twinks? Asking for a friend

>> No.16003294

>are you the reptilian brain guy from the last thread?
>that's a lot of sugars in the form of honey, alcohol, chocolate, candy and fruit.
Yes, I know and I am trying to cut back on it. I completely banned chocolate and candy (as of today). But I will continue to eat fruit, I know those have sugar too, but A) it shouldn't be as as harmful as just white sugar and B) fruits also have lots of fiber, vitamins and shit that is generally good for you. Also, I think never eating anything sweet ever again is not sustainable for me in the long run, so settling of getting the majority of my sugar from fruits is a good compromise (I think). I could only completely get rid of honey, I didn't eat it because I was craving it or anything, but I just had nothing to eat this morning and was hungry after my chicken. But since I went grocery shopping I should be good. And I mean that, I bought this 200ml tube of honey like 3 months ago and it still has like 150ml in it. When it comes to alcohol it's a tricky thing, I don't drink it because it tastes good or gives it joy, I drink it to cope with depression. Not daily of course, just when I feel exceptionally shitty, to dull the pain. I don't know if I could lay off the bottle desu, because I think it's either sucking on a bottle or my revolver. I don't want to derail the thread with mental illness shit though, so I won't elaborate on antidepressants and stuff. But of course it would be good if I could stop with the alcohol too. This probably makes me sound like an absolute butter golem fatty, but I am still at 60kg.

TL;DR: I'm doing the best I can to limit my sugar intake. In the future, I plan to get the vast majority of it through the """healthier""" sugar that is naturally in fruit.

>> No.16003301
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>> No.16003303


>> No.16003309

Tbh I just think women like good looking people. Face>height>everything else.

>> No.16003311

I think some of them do. But not many.

>> No.16003320

As with everything else, there's a whole scale of people so of course there's some who do and some who don't. And it's not only about looks.

>> No.16003324

Smoke weed its 0 cals. Just be sure to rein yourself in and don't let the munchies take control. I like to smoke weed instead of drinking since I can still get my funny sensation and relax without feeling depressed or guilty about drinking several hundred calories of sugary fungus water.

>> No.16003326

>sugary fungus water

>> No.16003329


>> No.16003330

I literally have 0 (zero) friends and I sure as hell don't want to buy that shit off street junkies, so that isn't an option for me. Although I'd really like to desu.

>> No.16003333

women under 24 yes

>> No.16003335
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>anons writes he has depression
>just smoke weed bro
you're trying to give him a psychosis, aren't you

>> No.16003339

>women under 24 yes
so only women worth fucking then

>> No.16003347

I’m a woman who doesn’t like guys thinner than me but thin guys r good

I ate a guacamole and rice burrito today And I’ll probably have some blueberries later before bed

>> No.16003359

you should definitely continue to eat fruit, i wasn't meaning to imply that you should cut it off, just that everything else on the list on top of eating it amounted to a massive amount of sugar, healthy or unhealthy as it may be. i hope you find other ways to cope with your depression, and i can relate, but i'm surprised that hitting the gym 3x a week isn't doing enough for you that you need to resort to alcohol. it's good that you banned chocolate and candy starting from today and you plan to limit your intake through healthy ways and remember that procrastination leads to failure and the delaying of your accomplishments. best of luck--

>> No.16003360

and don't fucking smoke weed like the other guy said thanks <3

>> No.16003365
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a reminder to all that you need to actually exercise to become aesthetic
you cant just starve yourselves and expect your body to look good

>> No.16003376

>but i'm surprised that hitting the gym 3x a week isn't doing enough for you that you need to resort to alcohol.
It's not the "my gf broke up with me" or "I got trouble at home" type of depression, it's one of those existential ones that you have for a decade and even pills do nothing (don't take them, I'm trying to get off and it's literally torture). Also, while doing sports definitely does have a positive effect on your physical AND mental health and I can truly recommend it everyone, it can only do so much. Reminded me of my last doctors visit
>Go to doc, tell her shit goes downhill at an alarming speed
>"Have you tried about doing sports"
>"Yes, I do them 3-5x a week. Weightlifting"
>"Oh... well have you tried doing more sports?"
Thanks, cunt.
>best of luck--
Thank you, man.
>and don't fucking smoke weed like the other guy said thanks <3
Even if I wanted to, I can't kek. So I won't do that.

>> No.16003381
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should I get surgery for my pectus

shit's annoying

>> No.16003391
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Based Mishima poster.

>> No.16003417

If you got the money to burn, sure. But if you depend on health care you can forget it. That's a very minor case of pectus excavatum

>> No.16003432

can you actually lose weight by walking or is that just a fucking meme? how much do you have to walk a day for it to be good?

>> No.16003439

walking burns calories. losing weight is simply a matter of burning more calories than you need in a day. but you won't look good if you don't exercise and just stop eating. use the tool in the OP

>> No.16003440
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I heard 100 times that walking is good for you but I don't know why either. I guess if you are a fatty you can effectively lose weight, but other than that I doubt it.

>> No.16003443

of course you won't lose weight if you eat at maintenance you fat fuck

>> No.16003447

Audiobook or podcast and walk 2+ hours
Stationary bike while watching TV or browsing internet works too

>> No.16003478

>2+ hours a day
ain't got time for that shit. cycling it is.

>> No.16003497

How do you not have two free hours a day?

>> No.16003511

if my life is so garbage i only got 2 hours a day i sure as hell am not gonna waste them walking
i play video games and bust nuts
or just jog for 30 minutes for the same if not a better result

>> No.16003533

i was going to call you a fatass until i read the last line. yes, jogging is walking but more efficient and less time consuming. i suppose that if you wanted to relax you could just go walking for a couple of hours, if you've got the time. and many people are so out of shape they need to go on walks before starting with jogging because their greasy hearts and lungs can't sustain them running for more than 2 minutes.

>> No.16003553
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This is the ideal female body. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.16003634

kys fatass

>> No.16003641

Definetly yes.

>> No.16003646

Twinks hit the wall at 23, so...

>> No.16003671

how do i get rid of my man boobs thinspo?

>> No.16003684

by losing weight

>> No.16003685

Do you feel a hard knot behind your nipple? Also puffy nips? If so welcome to le epic gyno club

>> No.16003688

lost a lot of weight but nothing from my chest

no hard knot but have always had puffy nipples. am i doomed lad?

>> No.16003707

have u taken wellbutrin.
its been making me feel good. but if its gonna fuck me later. i'll stop

>> No.16003724
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I require sauce, NOW

>> No.16003727


>> No.16003737

>puffy nipples. am i doomed lad?
Yes, probably

>> No.16003938
File: 57 KB, 1082x693, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really happy with my progress but last two weeks have been going to shit... I know that I'll never go back to my old life of binging all day and that losing all the extra weight that I want to is some day going to happen but I've been going through a lot, man. Started almost 18/1, to this day I've lost 5 kg (~11 pounds) and I can't say that I ain't happy about that. The people around me have noticed the difference and I generally feel better about myself. I need some tips on how to maintain so shoot your shot, fatshame, tips, anything.

I love you /thinspo/, you are the main reason that I've started doing this. We are all going to make it.

>> No.16003992
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This now an NBLTHD thread

>> No.16004002
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im back and just as obese as ever
anyone got fem thinspo to dump to encourage me not to eat til my scalpels get here

>> No.16004018
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obese obese or thinspo "obese"

>> No.16004019
File: 58 KB, 717x533, asuz9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're genuinely obese and not mentally ill, this is the wrong place man. Get on /fit/ and look for /fat/ threads. This place here is only good for looking at twinks and getting ED

>> No.16004106

fuck off fitfag
i was medically obese over xmas

>> No.16004317
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hot as a mf out there

>> No.16004395
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If I am 20% body fat how long would it take to get down to OPs pics and what kind of exercises should i be doing

>> No.16004402

nvm this is full of fag twinks

>> No.16004411
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>> No.16004489

Bruh you are like %80 bodyfat

>> No.16004510

that's not 20% bf at all lmao
put on more muscle mass, become builtfat and get some thinspo bussy like mine you disgusting larding fatass

>> No.16004512
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and you are a literal faggot. Id rather be fat lol

>> No.16004517

damn they make fatsos with jew noses now too?

>> No.16004519

shieeet i just used one of those online bf finders in the fit sticky. Fuckin lockdowns man

>> No.16004651

I get that its a grass being greener on the other side thing but in all seriousness, why? I am legitimately the embodiment of these pictures and, while its nice getting really toned muscles without having to work hard for them, I am still constantly self conscious of my body. You dumb fuckers don't know what its like to have twig arms.

>> No.16005663

>T. ugly
Being thin is based af if you dress well and are good looking

>> No.16005686

Your choice tranny. Join the 49%

>> No.16006398

Wellbutrin is nice. Remeron made me go from 105 to like 125 in the span of a year, but once I dropped that and used only Wellbutrin, I barely eat more than 500 a day and have lost nearly five pounds in two weeks. Remeron makes you eat like you're constantly on the verge of starvation; looking back, it's fucking nuts how much I was eating.

>> No.16006530

Bros, does anyone here also have this issue that your stomach size varies GREATLY? Like, at times I look down and it's super toned, you can see the outline of the stomach muscles and I look juicy as fuck. And then a few hours later I look down and have this fucking BEERBELLY GUT. And no, I did not eat 50 chicken wings to warrant anything like this. Does someone here know this feel and more importantly, how do I get back to baseline?

>> No.16006539
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Hey, I am on Remeron too. Was on it for 9 months (30mg) and am currently trying to get off it. I thought I'd just stop but the withdrawal symptoms were fucking insane, depression, anxiety, fast af heart rate, brain zaps. All of this happened at the very first day, so I was spooked and jumped back on it. Of course no one tells you this shit before you get on it. Can you tell me how you got off that shit? Did you experience similar things or am I just absolutely, irreversibly fucked?

>> No.16006544
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, Sd91Re9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is asians default state just peak thinspo? It's not fair...

>> No.16006555

thats called bloating dumbass, every woman experiences it

>> No.16006561
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But I am not a woman.

>> No.16006586

I stopped cold turkey because I'm a fucking psycho, but I think my combination of other meds kept the withdrawals from hitting too badly. What do you use it for? I was using it for sleep along with trazodone and some other stuff, so I think having those still in my system helped. Try tapering it; 30 to fifteen, then to 7.5, then stop. Maybe even an every other day type of situation, and then gradually increase your intervals until you don't have to take it at all. If it's your sole drug, you just have to power through the symptoms for a bit. You can do it.

I'm a pharmfag, so let me know if you have any other questions, and I'll do what I can to help.

>> No.16006648

It was prescribed to me 9 months ago for depression, panic attacks and insomnia. And at first it knocked me out cold in 5 minutes tops and helped against my other issues quite nicely as well. But then it stopped working 4 months ago and my doctor doubled my dose from then 15mg to 30mg, but it did little to help, so now I want off it, for a lack of positive effects. They are the only meds I take right now, so sadly I don't take any that could help. Unless tobacco and alcohol could do something to help? I've read you shouldn't really drink alcohol with antidepressants though. When it comes to tapering, what times would you advise, so how long should I go to go from 30mg to 0? Because just stopping cold turkey is not possible to me, that shit was scary. I got 80 pills left and would really like for them to be the last one I'll ever take. Especially since my last doctors visit didn't go well at all, so I wouldn't like going back, and sure as hell not for a refill of this poison.

>> No.16006654

Anybody who posts this crap is just a fat ass trying to convince themselves that there's no point trying to lose weight, by creating a dichotomy where there is only a perfect body(athletic and muscular) and and imperfect body(fat or thin/non muscular), and any effort is not worth expending unless it's put towards option number one.

>> No.16006703

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend drinking, I don't smoke so I couldn't tell you about that one. I had the same issue, where it knocked me right out, but then it stopped working so I had to up the dose. Typically, titration schedules have you starting at a lower dose for one to two weeks, and then upping to your full one, but when you're trying to go down from a higher dose, that can take way too long. See how long you can go without taking it at all, and then once you feel the withdrawals, start again, but at the lower dose. So, for example, take a thirty maybe every other day, then stop until you feel it hit you, then start your fifteens and repeat. You really just want to get your body used to longer and longer intervals without it, and eventually it'll just stop needing it.

>> No.16006713

Aw man, I just now this is going to suck. But I'll try it out. Thanks a lot, my man.

>> No.16006935

The guy posted Mishima and used the term "aesthetic," I don't think he's fat but his brain is just Mad Libs so he can't construct a meaningful thought that doesn't defer to what a million other too-online people say. Exercise is fine but you don't have to drill holes in your brain to get thin and also do some push-ups and run a mile every day

>> No.16007202


>> No.16007252
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Does it genuinely take longer to lose weight if you're short and already close to underweight? Or is it just a cope for failure? Because this snail pace is fucking killing me rn. I only lost 1.4 lbs in Feb forfucksake. I just want to be 99 lbs already.

>> No.16007376

O animefag proibido.

>> No.16007381
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based, you can't be thin enough.

>> No.16007384

Yes it does. Look into how BMR is calculated, the younger, taller and heavier you are, the more calories your body needs to function. Don't worry anon, it takes patience but you'll get there!

>> No.16007401

Of course. The fatter you are the more calories you need just to sustain your fat ass. If you need like 3000 calories just to stay on baseline it's very easy to go down. If your baseline is 1500 calories, you're playing a completely different game.

>> No.16007464

thick girl and skinny guy is the ideal combo (bonus point if the girl is taller and dom)

>> No.16007540
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is breast-stroke/mariposa swimming the GOAT sport for thinspo body?
should I pay for swimming sessions twice a day,or do swimming and then bouldering each day?(for male aesthetics)

>> No.16007960


>> No.16008038

great progress so far anon! there are going to be plateaus when losing weight but dont let it get you down
just stay consistent with what has been working so far and you'll get back on track.
I wouldn't try and change anything too much just try and get back into the habits you maintained the first month

>> No.16008089

Nah you’re fine. It’s hard to notice unless you’re looking for it. Save the money

>> No.16008386

man here - i experience bloating too

>> No.16008486

help me
how do I stop eating, after fasting for a day I always crave junk food, and after the sear bite from the impossible burger, I crave a snickers
I dont smoke, nor drink, but I am getting skinny fat really fast

>> No.16008859

I have a photoshoot on Sunday and I look like an oompa loompa at the moment. How do I quickly shed the weight? Unhealthy methods are fine, I'm already going to be eating little/exercising a lot but do things like sauna baths work? Or laxatives to lose water weight?

>> No.16008884

in that time frame, drugs and fasting.

>> No.16008916

trying to lose 10kg by april 4th
i started on 26th of feb and am restricting my calorie intake to 1000kcal a day with two cardio sessions (20 min jog at 8 km/h) in the morning and evening.
do you guys think it's doable?

>> No.16008923

how much are you eating? describe a full day, you can not gain on just an impossible burger and a snickers, unless you are a literal midget. if you are, get fat and become an actor, Danny DeVito will die soon enough

>> No.16008963

3 sets of 1 rep daily of no uber eats, fatty

>> No.16009026


>> No.16009109

depends on your TDEE which is derived from your current weight
unless you're obese - and i don't mean thinspo obese - it doesn't sound possible to lose 10 kg in a month on 1000 daily kcals, and even if you seem to shed a shitton of weight fast after a week or so, that only means you lost water weight. you'd have to literally stop eating
5 kg is waaay more doable without literally having to starve yourself if you're an average or overweight male with a 2000-2500 kcals TDEE

>> No.16009149

is tying a rope around the stomach(not very tight but tight enough so you're forced to do a vacuum)a good idea,or will i stop blood flow?

>> No.16009316
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Only lost 0.3kg in the last 6 days

>> No.16009418

What the fuck is this gay general

Why would you want to look thin and weak? Because you think it’s fashionable? Lol you guys are some fucking faggots 4 real. Eat some food and lift some weights and you might get a single crumb of pussy.

>> No.16009443

this post again
why are you so obsessed?

>> No.16009512

Try doing it around your neck

>> No.16009521

you're supposed to grow out of that when you learn to walk, oedipus

>> No.16009715
File: 54 KB, 640x640, 473B4353-33A6-4422-82E3-16C27C37754A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being fat in [current year]

To much of a pansy to buy meth?

>> No.16009936

I visit thinspo threads to see some skinny bitches, so stop posting these fucking faggots and writing essays in here, you stupid fucking gaylords.

>> No.16009940

which drugs do you recommend? I just hate that bc it gives me terrible breakouts

>> No.16009945


>> No.16009947


>> No.16009952

any strong stims or opioids

>> No.16009961
File: 101 KB, 776x761, 1614858081419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregarding the others, how good is the rabbit routine for thinspo gains?

>> No.16009968

These are retarded, you just have less or more muscle, it doesn't magically grow different.

>> No.16009972

then start posting them retard

>> No.16009981


>> No.16009990

keep complaining then
i'm sure your contributions to the thread will be appreciated you fat fucker

>> No.16010004
File: 815 KB, 2173x2897, PicsArt_03-04-01.28.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bmi is 19 and I still feel fat as hell.

>> No.16010006

>these are retarded
>the muscle have you less or more depending on how much you do
bro, I'm trying to figure out if this rabbit routine is good for a thinspo fag.
Also, how much should a thinspo faget be eating for weight maintainence? 2000 calories a day seems high.

>> No.16010009

alri tinycock

>> No.16010025
File: 610 KB, 980x592, 3_4_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

renpho scales fucking SUCK why is this shit lying to my face? can anyone give me an accurate opinion of what my bodyfat % is? Or is the scale accurate and my core is just that flabby and weak? I'm 5'6".

>> No.16010036

You shouldn't be eating anything fatso

>> No.16010041

Thats because 19bmi is fat as hell
Its best you skip dinner for the next few days so we dont have a chance of seeing your fat rolls in public

>> No.16010050

>furry workouts

>> No.16010080

>current stats
5'8", 180, M, 18
>highest weight
>goal weight
135/145 lbs
>preferred method of losing weight
1500kcal deficit until healthy (160lbs) then 500kcal deficit until 135lbs, leanbulk to 145 (and up if i don't like the way i look)
>aesthetic you're going for
lean asf, i was a runner (never go to the gym: mostly cardio/calisthenics) and want to regain my physique

>> No.16010087

No way is that 17.9 bmi

>> No.16010094

Its easilly above 20

>> No.16010098


>> No.16010117

I'm female but I'm so so happy I was androgynous looking enough that you thought I'm male.
what do you think is an acceptable bmi? my gw is around 16.6-17.

>> No.16010128

ah, miss the days when people actually posted according to format instead of just "how do i actually stop eat"

anyway if you were a runner, why did you stop? if you're still that young it'd be smart to regain the habit of regular cardio before suddenly you're in your 20s and realize what you could have been doing

>> No.16010136

14 is ideal
But you are too much of a slob to be able to get that weight

>> No.16010157

this is the worst gen on any board by far. calling them a slob is just wack, i've been struggling w my anorexia my whole fucking life

>> No.16010177

Stop binge eating fatty, bet you gained all your weight back and even more! Post your big round belly!

>> No.16010189

depression. i ran track and cross country before quarantine but then gained 50lbs when i stopped and binged due to depression. i'm finally getting back into it.
you think it's safe to be at a 1500 deficit? i'm fasting for a day and omad 1000kcal(+whatever i exercise) the next. i feel like it should be ok for the last 20lbs, as long as i eat protein and exercise (to keep my muscles from deteriorating due to the deficit)

>> No.16010224

your attempt at meanspo is just too extreme to be believable, I'm smiling at it instead. 14? you're funny. thin and even concerningly thin is one thing, but I don't want to look like an Auschwitz mode. I walk 15k+ steps a day, so the slob comment is just stupid. I'm bigger than I want to be but I don't have brain rot that terrible.

>> No.16010234

Ok, stay fat ugly and undesirable idc just remember this every time you look at yourself in the mirror
You were never gonna make it

>> No.16010268

extremely poor trolling

>> No.16010274

if i posted my disgusting body you freaks would jerk off to it. i'm 5'10" at 118 you retard. you think i've had a belly in any point in my life?

>> No.16010301

Bullshit 10 bmi is ideal
Stop lying

>> No.16010305

post body

>> No.16010307

you two fatfucks disgust me, if your bmi isnt single digit literally why even live

>> No.16010322


>> No.16010346


Oh no no no
Better skip dinner chubby

>> No.16010352

Please dont post your body we dont need to see that blob

>> No.16010477

low effort try something different and i might actually post

>> No.16010486

We seriously dont want to see a skinnyfat mentally ill coffee drinkers pot belly

>> No.16010520

okay why'd you ask earlier then wtf? make up ur mind retard

>> No.16010527

So mad, your not yourself when your hungry
BUT YOU ARE NEVER HUNGRY ARE YOU PIGGY OINK OINK OINK go on we all know you are going to get another bag of crisps soon

>> No.16010538

i've been trying to gain weight for the last year

>> No.16010580

>never made it so gave up and became a fatty instead

Damn you really are just a brainlet fatty

>huhh duh i cant skinny so i go mcdonalds

>> No.16010587


dumb & dumber

>> No.16010606

Atleast im not a fat retard like the other anon

>> No.16010608

tf? why am i dumb? suck me off retard

>> No.16010617

i see. depressive episodes have always been the opposite for me, my body basically rejects food. i get fatter when i'm happy lol. 1500 deficit is fine depending on your exercise, like i burn that much on even a weak, easy day of outdoor or at-home cycling so even eating at my TDEE of just under 2000 cals means i lose weight, and if you do nothing physical for the day you can avoid a lot of food just fine with the right mindset that you'll be able to enjoy it guilt-free tomorrow. drink water regularly so your stomach feels full and you pee enough that you feel like you've "digested" something. definitely try some simple bodyweight exercises for resistance, push-ups and planks are my favorite cause my legs get enough work from the bike. and yeah emphasize protein. you can make it, you just gotta remind yourself that temperance now means more freedom later. best of luck, don't get too lazy now before your youth escapes you

>> No.16010826

Im drinking a cocky cola rn

>> No.16010849

why would you do this

>> No.16010900

It better be diet

>> No.16010906

i have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke

>> No.16010913

gays and women drink it

>> No.16010929
File: 255 KB, 1170x1641, F6F1CF15-557D-493A-848D-42FEDCDB70BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at thinspo threads is so strange to me. People saying that a body like mine is their goal seems so weird when I got bullied for it throughout highschool

>> No.16010941

Does anyone else have trouble sleeping and shedding hair when restricting? How do I fix this?

>> No.16010995

Its pretty much impossible, this is a side effect of restricting that happens to mostly everyone

>> No.16011057

build them pecs a little

>> No.16011227

I've seen plenty, coping fatty

>> No.16011300

i miss him

>> No.16011399

You're fine mate

>> No.16012112

yeah I started working on upper body a bit recently. Don‘t want to get bulkier though

>> No.16012317

>17.9 bmi
could this be because youre not white? bmi was based off white males or whatever so that might be why it's so off?

>> No.16012417

Just ate 3000 calories yesterday and put on 4 pounds but it's just waterweight haha

>> No.16012453


>> No.16012692
File: 90 KB, 820x500, welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome coffee poster, we miss you.

>> No.16012793

your body is literally perfect i would fug you dont even try to lose or gain anymore weight

>> No.16013194

they weren't bullying you for your body. they didn't like you for another reason (ugly, weird, etc) and used your body as ammo for insults. If a good looking and charismatic dude had the same body, he'd be celebrated (i.e, Timothee Chalamet)

>> No.16013300
File: 283 KB, 524x519, cortisol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have returned to do gods work

>> No.16013329

There's no way those sets would produce bodies like that. Lmfao at the idea that 3 pushups and 2 seconds of planking is the difference between a twink and a bear body.

>> No.16013374

Its as if the only difference between those bodies is how long have been working out and building muscle for

>> No.16013441
File: 45 KB, 600x600, ewwie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99 lbs

>> No.16013465

that's actually not abnormal at all for a very short girl to be at and stay healthy anon

>> No.16014020


>> No.16014122

I am going to frame this. Thank you

>> No.16014127

Yeah idk probably a mix of a couple of factors. But my body was definitely used to insult me. Also, most straight teenage boys don‘t really see people like Timothy Chalamet as the ideal

>> No.16014228

>straight teenage boys
that explains it. they were just being jelly and seething.

>> No.16015338


>> No.16015341

Shut the fuck up and workout dyel holy fuck
Bet your bench is not even 1pl8 lmao

>> No.16015417


>> No.16015465

Wtf happened to this board why is it so dead now, did you just all accept you will always be fat pot belly coffee drinkers

>> No.16015469

/fit/ tourists killed the mood

>> No.16015545

But they always came to do that before themselves once they realise they have bad genetics and will never look even "normal"

>> No.16015550

>tfw was cutie slim and exercised every day before 'rona but now chubby and ugly
staying with my parents over lockdown isn't easy as well because they feed me loads / there is always food available
can't wait to go back to my own flat when lockdown ends and just lose dangerous amounts of weight

>> No.16015562

agreed with the parents thing but defeating the urges to eat whenever shitty food is available def strengthened my willpower and did not make me gain weight

since we're on /fa/, any clothing recommendations? i personally like skinny, tight jeans and a baggy top usually because i'm a faggot. how do you dress, /thinspo/? do you try to emphasize your physique?

>> No.16015570

black and baggy everything but good, sharp silhouettes
the baggier the better because then it's more shocking when you show someone how thin you actually are

>> No.16015573

Depends if i feel fat or not, but im also what your egirls ideal guy would be so i just wear super skinny black clothes

>> No.16016463
File: 72 KB, 526x640, loomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw period bloat

Really fucks up my charts - and self-image.

>> No.16016506

Six slices of toast with cheese and jam. 8 beers for din-din :D

>> No.16016930

If you walk for 90 minutes every day averaging 3-4 miles per hour, youll lose an extra ~10pounds a month than had you not walked and consumed the same amount of calories

Walking / burning more calories from activity in general will make you disproportionately hungrier though

>> No.16016941
File: 79 KB, 432x525, 1593978103074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16016978

>youll lose an extra ~10pounds a month
even if you're already a normal/heathy weight?

>> No.16017048

nah I average 5h 4km/h for about 2 months and didn't change weight or eating habits

>> No.16017079

sorry to hear that anon. I would suck ur dick if that makes u feel better

>> No.16017312

I don't have a dick :(

>> No.16017680

Request a drawing from me.
I'm bored/feeling like shit right now and don't know where else to post this.

>> No.16017705
File: 7 KB, 170x204, 22ea6b5564b34ee7a690c8ef9e5281e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna be /thinspo/
>will always be /fatso/

>> No.16017736


>> No.16018128


>> No.16018145
File: 83 KB, 1080x608, 75D5EFA3-10EF-4E03-918B-DFEA7F338244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stop eating and do exercise I did it to

>> No.16018175
File: 27 KB, 637x400, 83E83818-D548-4B67-AB28-F8CE66D94ED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16018179

Absolutely coping dyel/fatty

>> No.16018799


>> No.16019046

i hate to break it to u bro, but women use the internet too

>> No.16019071

No they don’t

>> No.16019259

Nah, the closest you would get on this board is those 2 guys who think they're girls

>> No.16019538

there are extremely gay people itt but you are the biggest fag by far

>> No.16019580

imagine being this person

>> No.16019584

They're just seething because they are overweight now

>> No.16019637

draw a thin goodman

>> No.16019719

Counting calories helped me lose a couple pounds.

>> No.16019725

pro tip: you don't need to count calories if you don't eat

>> No.16019737

if only fatsos did the same thing...

>> No.16019747

I need to have gay sex with /thinspo/ males

>> No.16019755

I need to have straight sex with /thinspo/ males

>> No.16019760

epic but only if you can lift me up and throw me around during sex
so be in good shape <3

>> No.16019767

Its not straight even if you think you are a girl ferri

>> No.16019807

sorry im not the man for you. Im thin and hairy

>> No.16019850

how long does it take to actually die from anorexia? is there like a specific point of no return bmi or something?

>> No.16019907

if you're a man, going below 3% bodyfat will kill you

>> No.16019910

source: personal experience

>> No.16019919

damn RIP bro :(

>> No.16019990

Is there even a thinspo discord anymore

>> No.16020077

shaved steak and peppers and then i had some strawberries and raisins afterwards.

>> No.16020242


>> No.16020433

why are these threads so slow nowadays?

>> No.16020511

everybody starved

>> No.16020513
File: 367 KB, 1080x1271, 1592702229110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fat fucks. Go outside for a walk or run or bike
>yes I am giving myself motivation also

>> No.16020515

Only the fat trannys are left

>> No.16020554

How do you guys find clothes that fit? I'm 6'1, 145 lbs, and clothes just don't seem to be made for me. Shirts are either way too tight in the shoulders, or fit like trash bags.

>> No.16020572

This is not thinspo. Look how much smoothing she had to do to her stomach to make it look passable. Uncanny valley shit.

>> No.16020723

she is fat as fuck