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/fa/ - Fashion

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16012266 No.16012266 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stay /fa/ with a mask?

>> No.16012267

By removing it

>> No.16012280


>> No.16012331

I really like the nice reusable black ones they've been selling as of late

>> No.16012334

These https://bananarepublic.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=669657022&vid=1&policy=1&tid=brpl000039&kwid=1&ap=7&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2Y6Ks5mZ7wIVoj6tBh3ybwvAEAQYAyABEgLICPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
are more versatile than these
But the uniqlo ones are more techwear/modern

Idk if masks are really /fa/ anymore, but yeah anyway

>> No.16012458

you don't

>> No.16013218

cope cuck

>> No.16013227

I love it when you can tell someones IQ with ease

>> No.16013259
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>> No.16013308

I know right face diapers scream sub 90s IQ

>> No.16013325

the other way around, downy

actual mega chad with the most effay lifestyle

>> No.16013359
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is living with debilitating retardation a hard life?

>> No.16013380
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>> No.16013382

You think I care about what your American elected retards tell you? What does that have to do with what I said?

Jesus christ you are dumb.

>> No.16013388

>watching Fox
my sides. plz stop

>> No.16013414
File: 177 KB, 389x365, 7DBCD720-16F6-4FC6-AED6-AB24A37141E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.16013430

they weren't elected and it came from the CDC so...
>believeing the news in general
it's a quote. would CNN make it more credible for you?

>> No.16013443

I love the implication. Facemasks are inherently effay and I like that /pol/tards aren't wearing them. Makes it easier to spot them.

>> No.16013452

it doesnt matter if you are left or right wing retard complying with any stupid gobbermet bullshit is not /fa/, plus how can i show the world my sick quarantine mustache

>> No.16013469

what are you doing here? are you lost? this is the fashion board

>> No.16013482

mask is chinlet cope and if yout think mustaches are not /fa/ you should probably git out

>> No.16013498

>they weren't elected and it came from the CDC so..
And who appoints the CDC? Retard. Learn how your own country works.

>would CNN make it more credible for you?
Did I say that? Are those the only two options? Ever heard of Reuters or AP for example?

t. incel

>> No.16013500

have sex incel

>> No.16013512

Liberals influenced by China appointed the CDC

>> No.16013513

t. underage
i can play this game too

>> No.16013536 [DELETED] 

You do know that it's Trump who appointed the head of the CDC, right? Right?...

Please don't tell me you're actually this ignorant on your own country's political system. Please tell me this is bait I've fallen for.

I might be underaged but at least I'm not an incel. How does it feel to know that 15 year olds are getting more pussy every week than you've ever had in your life?

>> No.16013538

this is no game retard. wear your rugby shirts and fuck off

>> No.16013550

so much seething, im not sure about wich part

>> No.16013552

t. retard

>> No.16013723

>trump appointed the head of the CDC

>> No.16013735

you really dont know how your own country works? what do you think the president does? pathetic

>> No.16013907

>what does the president do
literally nothing. do you not know how our system works?

>> No.16013950
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/cgl/ it up

>> No.16014728
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is my gas mask /fa/?

>> No.16014809


>> No.16014811

msa millenium with tinted visor and audiopak aps

>> No.16014817


>> No.16014840

the ability to not wear a mask is now considered a sign of status

>> No.16014882

No, it's mental retardation since only adults with severe mental disorders are exempt.

>> No.16015581
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Wear a mask that upsets everyone.

>> No.16016522

Forshedas are great but that filter will give you cancer.

>> No.16016531

Don't wear one.

>> No.16016565

Just properly wear a FFP2 or equivalent instead of looking like a retarded demitowelhead coofer.


>> No.16016577

I wear my collegiate mask to show plebs I'm just better than them.

>> No.16016592

woah protests are immune to covid? I had no idea

>> No.16016689

>believing a Fox News headline

>> No.16016705
File: 1.28 MB, 1212x1500, rotol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This japanese brand I randomly stumbled upon has been making cool mask designs even before it was cool (precovid)

>> No.16016709
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>> No.16016711

That looks like some serial killer shit

>> No.16016713

I know, I would totally wear it if I was a serial killer. but otherwise not in public.

>> No.16016716
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>> No.16016721

There not, normies sport then now with such stupid prints that it’s beneath luxury brands to sell that shit to nickel and dime their clientele.

>> No.16016790
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>> No.16016812
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I want to have sex with an anonymous male in a mask like that

>> No.16016998
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>> No.16017307

To be fair, most protesters tend to be young people under 30, meaning that they'd only face like a 1 in 1000 chance of death if they caught COVID. Just being a protest would be more likely to get them killed than the disease.

>> No.16017348
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Is this effay?

>> No.16018189
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>> No.16018197

For terrowave yes

>> No.16018202

That's why I don't feel the need to wear a mask. I'm a white man of normal weight in my 30s. Even if I get it, I'm not going to notice, and anyone I spread it to who actually dies from it will most likely be old, fat, or brown. Or some combination thereof. There's literally no medical or societal benefit to my wearing a mask. I want hypochondriac liberal cat ladies to meme themselves into thinking they have "long covid" and killing themselves from the stress. I don't see the down side.

>> No.16018319

>That's why I don't feel the need to wear a mask.
Cool but you still need to wear one Retardet , this mask madness only goes one because of retardet oldfags like you.

>> No.16018827

I would like this but a woman and in latex.

>> No.16018983

>be me
>dress up all cute for a trip to the thrift store
>wear my mask in the store because i dont want to be kicked out
>take a photo of myself in a jacket i found
>come home
>look at photo
holy fuck i look retarded and its not the jacket

>> No.16020038

cringe blogpost

>> No.16020162

Go to /k/ hit up the gas mask general. Pretty sure you can find filters that don't have asbestos.

>> No.16020166
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>> No.16020485

Yes and fashion is also a political and cultural statement that somehow you never figured out. Go back to mindlessly buying shit because you think it looks cool you fucking sheep.

>> No.16020487

Wow another loser sporting university attire because he follows the herd. It’s trash even more now because those same schools do nothing to actually hold their prestige.

>> No.16020491

You realize the mask are useless right? You touch that shit all through your the day and it’s most likely the same one till you get home. How do you think that’s going to prevent anything when the microbes are smaller than the masks lining and thread seems?