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/fa/ - Fashion

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16010982 No.16010982 [Reply] [Original]

Wore a rugby shirt
kept getting compared to pic related
friends made me feel like shit
What are other cursed clothes to avoid

>> No.16010987
File: 158 KB, 1200x1600, averagenazilarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much anything surplus that isn't american

>> No.16011074

Who is Chris Chan and why is he meme - worthy?

>> No.16011077


>> No.16011295

Been looking for that ruby shirt, it's all about confidence to rock it out

>> No.16011320
File: 223 KB, 1646x916, 1542565002340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick your poison

>> No.16011321

I wear a rugby shirt nobody gives me shit

>> No.16011327

Same. Was totally unaware of Chris Can and whole rugby shirt Dramatica thing.

>> No.16011941

I live that there's a Sonichu medallion on every single image. Such attention to detail.

>> No.16011954

why did chris and his parents love getting rugby shirts for him is it some kind of autist sensory thing

>> No.16011961

Kinda funny that even though he looks like shit he has a pretty distinct personal style. If he was handsome and not autistic he'd probably be a huge fashion influencer and have a bunch of people buying striped polos to look like him.

>> No.16012032

Like my man, a lot of Vetements and Balenciaga stuff has this same kind of energy and it's intentional. Not specifically of Chris-chat but a sort of celebration of weirdos and luxury reinterpretation of the clothes they wear.

>> No.16013348

his family was poor so they got all his clothes at second hand shops, I think they picked rugby shirts because they thought they looked nice

>> No.16013517

Chris chan inspired yeezy's early style it is known

>> No.16014022

>Be black
>Wear rugby shirt
>"Woah, Kanye much?"
>Be White
>Wear rugby shirt
>"CWCville is that way, champ"

>> No.16015899

>be black
>wear rugby shirt
>"Woah, is that you *Self Obsessed Autist*?
>be white
>wear rugby shirt
>*Autism City is that way, champ."
Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.16015902

wrong all that shit is just 80s-90s color blocked shit that you could get anywhere at the time but you are probably a retard teenager so dont know this

>> No.16016077

no shut up

>> No.16016098

Had no idea. Lol.

>> No.16016125

always baffles me just how well documented this man is

>> No.16016149

how are you this new

>> No.16016233

Are CWC and sonichu pedo memes?

>> No.16016259

A lot of statement pieces, bold use of color and stripes, and he ties it in with his sonichu medallion for a signature look that never fails

>> No.16016326

CWC "Statement pieces and Signature look". Based.

>> No.16016332

no. cwc is just THE turbosperg and drew super spergy sonichu comics which are his own autistic fantasy version of his own life juxtaposed onto sonic and pokemon lore

>> No.16016336

You have shit friends, and if they know whonis pic related they must be just as bad.

>> No.16017092

This. You're friends are shit. Get new ones.

>> No.16017116

No liquid chris brown ruby shirt? That feud is legendary.

>> No.16017121

Never go full gay. Full gay = full retard

>> No.16017122

Do not come out as gay.

Coming out gay = going full retard

>> No.16017125

and trans[vestites] you never will be a woman
you got bamboozled and it's kinda pathetic in a repulsive sort of way

>> No.16017174
File: 25 KB, 310x310, pepeannoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's back. I thought he died

>> No.16017189
File: 108 KB, 747x280, 4chan, the gay nigger website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of 4chan.

>> No.16017211

Go away, GORsWIPE. Your Aventus is fake.

>> No.16017218

Funny because IRL you are the fake lmao

This is my Aventus https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/iv89iu/creed_aventus_a4219s41_legit_or_fake/

>> No.16017227

Who is this IGOR that has returned to /fa/?

>> No.16017230

Reddit doesn’t know shit. That’s a Russian knockoff, you schizo retard lmao.

>> No.16017233

Creed AVentus A4219S41

>> No.16017325

A couple of the shirts are drawn with stains too...

>> No.16017329

What patterns specifically?

>> No.16017346

>implying Russian bootleggers don’t know about batch numbers
>implying they can’t fake that
What a dumbfuck lmao. Shoulda stayed retired, GORsWIPE.

>> No.16017352

Aventus A4219S41 is the real deal. Quit seething and coping.

>> No.16017389

Never said the number wasn’t legitimate. I said the Russians who faked it knew to put that number on their fake bottle that you bought because you’re a retard. This is not a difficult concept. What, do you think bootleggers can’t etch a number into a bottle lmao? You might actually have a sub-50 IQ.

>> No.16017406
File: 54 KB, 1413x492, 3Xywb9J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that PerfumeOnline.ca is selling fakes? Alrighty then

>> No.16017424

Yup. And now you’re gonna post that trustpilot or whatever screen as if it means something because apparently, your walnut-sized brain hasn’t figured out yet that people can lie on the internet.

>> No.16017427

Dude, you're an idiot. Go away.

>> No.16017444

I’m not the one who bought an obviously fake bottle of Aventus from Russian bootleggers, you bald mong lmao.

>> No.16017457
File: 1.27 MB, 3120x2772, gIxjYzW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obviously fake bottle of Aventus
How is it obviously fake? I paid $400 and bought it from a reputable source

>> No.16017466

You’re so dumb I legitimately can’t get you to understand that it’s not a legitimate source. I don’t know how I can dumb this down more. You. Got. Scammed. You. Fucking. Pinhead. You really think the fact that you paid 400.00 for it means anything? Just means they took you for more money. Means you’re even dumber than guys getting scammed out of less money. Seriously, how do you even dress yourself in the morning?

>> No.16017469
File: 5 KB, 108x108, My loser face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fag really seething at my Aventus
always on my dick about how it's fake

>> No.16017470

LIttle known fact but Chris Chan actually inspired Kanye West's first dive into fashion, hence why his early age he can be spotted in polos and rugby shirts.
These anons make a reference to that:

>> No.16017471

>it’s not a legitimate source
Yes, it is. Google "perfumeonline.ca"

>> No.16017475

Why would I be, brainlet? You’re poor, have no friends, are literally mentally ill, fuck trannies, and are thicker than pigshit. You think I’m jealous that you have a bottle of Aventus? LMAO. What a fuckin’ mong.

>> No.16017477

It's legit but why wouldn't you buy a bottle from fragrancenet using the coupon code idiot?

>> No.16017480

>still thinking review mean anything
>implying sketchy websites don’t pay people to post positive reviews to fool rubes like you into thinking their site is legit

>> No.16017481
File: 9 KB, 200x228, excited neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your TV set, rich guy. My settis: Sony A8H 65"

>> No.16017486

GORsWIPE is, and I mean this completely literally and unironically, dumb as shit. He honestly probably has an IQ in the 70s or 80s and that’s me being generous. I honestly don’t know how the dude manages to shitpost here. I’m pretty sure he just bangs a rock against his keyboard.

>> No.16017500
File: 1.95 MB, 2116x2822, B3481290-70EE-464D-B9EA-2CA3785FCC5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t own a TV, but here’s enough cash to buy two of yours.

>> No.16017510

Lol rekt

>> No.16017515

>Igor on suicide watch

>> No.16017528

So you're saying that it's a one-off fake aventus A4219S41 bottle?
That's cool.

>> No.16017534

Nah, they probably made a bunch of them. Just happen you bought one. Because you’re stupid as shit.

>> No.16017539

Kek. Mogged.

>> No.16017545

He bought his Aventus from perfumeonline.ca
Why wouldn't there be google results about them selling fakes in such cases?

>> No.16017554
File: 118 KB, 657x527, 1614564644878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henlo newfren
Lurk moar

>> No.16017560

A lot of these scammers will force bad reviews like that to be taken down by sending threats of legal action and again, they pay for good reviews to be posted to muddy the waters. There are some bad reviews for them, but there are so many (paid) good reviews that you don’t notice them or figure they’re just aberrations. The Russian mob makes a lot of money selling fake junk to knuckledraggers like Igor.

>> No.16017561


>> No.16017571

M8, paying YouTube “influencers” to shill for them (and they are paid, frag com is notorious for this) is a red flag if anything. Also, most of those videos are about different discount sites.

>> No.16017587

Do you know shit about fragrance? I'm not defending Igor but these grey markets are all the same but people mainly use fragrance net. more on "grey markets":
"Grey Market as normally used here on BNotes usually refers to the distributors and retailers who buy inventory from other sellers or distributors at a deep discount off of wholesale price and pass along the savings to the consumer in the form of a lower retail price. This happens all the time and some retailers specialize in purchasing discounted inventory. This process is the good side of the "grey market" because this market benefits the customer with lower prices and benefits the authorized dealers by being a source to unload inventory and convert it to money. Whenever you hear of a retailer or distributor who is going out of business it is almost always due to slow moving inventory and inventory mistakes that is tying up their capital, rather than lack of profit margin. Grey market sellers help keep the inventory moving and it is a service.

How does normally good inventory end up in the hands of these discounters? When inventory is sitting on shelves and not moving (selling at normal mfg. recommended prices) then often retailers decide to cut their losses and sell inventory to "discounter" or grey market vendor who will move it fast at a lower price to consumers. If a wholesale distributor of a brand, changes to a new brand, or a retailer is closing retail locations, or a large customer decides to stop selling a brand and change up their product mix, they will convert their dead inventory to cash by unloading all of it in bulk to "grey market" outlets. These bottom feeders serve a useful purpose of inventory clean up and freeing up the shelves for new and more interesting products to come along for the normal full price market."

>> No.16017595

I know exactly how discounters work. I use fragrancebuy and fragrancenet all the time. Just saying perfumesonline isn’t legit like those other sites. There’s a reason they’re mentioned so infrequently compared to the other discounters.

>> No.16017606

most are all owned by the same people but they are still legit, but Igor is stupid not buying form fragrancenet, probably could have gotten it cheaper

>> No.16017618

>stupid not buying form fragrancenet, probably could have gotten it cheaper
did they have a better price than >>16017406

>> No.16017629

Fragrancebuy is independently owned, actually, I know the owner.

>> No.16017636


>> No.16017638

Yes, with the coupon it comes out cheaper.
didnt know that

>> No.16017640

my theory is that someone complimented a rugby shirt he was wearing in high school so he never wore anything else

>> No.16017715

They're doing God's work.

>> No.16017722

Autism makes you really like routine. To the point where you really want to wear the same outfit everyday since you know exactly how its going to feel.

>> No.16017723

maybe cwc played rugby?

>> No.16017743

I want to see chris chan ina full runway outfit, perhaps Rick Owens, Yohji, or Ann D.

>> No.16017845

Where can I get the blue and red striped one?

>> No.16017870

Kek retard probably bought a fake TV too.

>> No.16019209

For fucks sakes guys, no, he didn't. Kanye is just retarded and that influenced him to go on the same path as Chris.

>> No.16019219

I always wondered - Bob was engineer and Barb secretary (I think). After retirement, they shouldn't have had any financial issues.

>> No.16019321

barb was a fucking vampire who overspent and mismanaged their economy, definitely the type to overdraw their credit card. they were boomers, remember? she fucking pointed a gun at one of her kids as well.

>> No.16020338

All of those would be more fitting on a toddler than a grown man

>> No.16020590

That's like $20 USD

>> No.16020717

no Kanye was an avid kiwi farm's user