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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 757 KB, 1280x1920, F0CCDF51-5039-449F-84B9-AAF260454126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15987182 No.15987182 [Reply] [Original]

knoch appreciation thread
post milsurp/larptard/goth/avant-garde fits and inspo

>> No.15987189
File: 304 KB, 1758x1760, EE0563AE-93AA-48BE-992B-AB9971DAB7EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recently just got a pair of bw flyers, gonna bar lace them and loop them at the top. cant wait to get them in the mail any suggestions on what to pair them with i don't wanna look larpy

>> No.15987219

Is he boyfriend material?

>> No.15987305


>> No.15987322

i got them from asmc but they unfortunately sold out, german ebay has a ton, they go by bundeswehr pilotenstiefel, bw flyers, and german pilot boots i'm sure theres a couple other names for them too but that should make it easier to find a pair

>> No.15987329

also if you could get a pair locally or nationally i guess do that because international shipping is a bitch dhl jewed me like 50 bucks for shipping which was basically the price of the boot itself

>> No.15987338

God tier facial aesthetics

>> No.15987353

thank you friend. these are really nice and the front zip isn't something i've ever seen.

>> No.15987354
File: 503 KB, 828x1025, DA8DCB33-33D9-4256-8614-39EE3486FA87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15987357

This guy looks so fragile

>> No.15987359

np desu its called a fast lacing system, you could add it to most boots i believe i mostly got these for the silhouette and creeper sole as its not very common and aesthetically pleasing

>> No.15987364
File: 820 KB, 828x1019, 006AB6AD-27BB-444F-ACDF-C42ECAE9B378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15987366

Fucking nasty troon

>> No.15987370

read the sticky

>> No.15987374

id sodomize your hamster you deranged troglodyte

>> No.15987380

Seethe harder.
You will never be a woman.

>> No.15987383

your mother is the only woman i'll ever need in my life

>> No.15987387
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>> No.15987608
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ID on the boots?

>> No.15987656


>> No.15987669 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 696x772, 7bfa2f4492c851fb3bb1d8280cb3a086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such as pussy living in Berlin. He can't pose like that in public, getting assfucked by arabs.

>> No.15987677
File: 132 KB, 640x457, halal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a pussy living in Berlin. He can't pose like that in public, getting assfucked by arabs.

>> No.15987694

hahahah as if the arabs aren't sacrificial pawns for the jews in europe

>> No.15987697

Fucking twig legs lmao

>> No.15987735

they might be either german lows or the british variation of those

>> No.15987795
File: 119 KB, 812x1440, 1553085232667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scared of arabs

There's hundreds of pics of him wearing outlandish shit in the streets.

>> No.15987818
File: 833 KB, 1276x932, 1583760513854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that these threads are not made by people who like knochs stuff but by shizoid jealousy

>> No.15988435

Thats not knoch

>> No.15988450

It's hard to tell legit shizoposting from the typical /fa/ A E S T H E T I C faggotry nowadays. For whatever reason the faggots have deluded themselves into thinking
>everyone who criticizes them is part of a conspiracy
>other "aesthetic" subcultures they don't like are part of a conspiracy
>they dress normally
>anyone who points out they don't is part of a conspiracy

Basically this entire board is STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE and STOP DISLIKING WHAT I LIKE taken to its logical extreme

>> No.15988479

wait, knoch is now somehow a point of tranny contention?
lmao dude hasn't posted here in years

>> No.15988497

no fucking shit why would knoch be decked out in rick owens

>> No.15988501

is that his twitter?

>> No.15988554

yes, igor is batshit insane and a faggot

>> No.15988570

i really dont think he posts here anymore (thank goodness)

>> No.15988591

Oh he does. He takes of his trip but Igor is still here. he will NEVER leave

>> No.15988639

if he was still posting the catalog would be filled with a lot more threads asking about ugly overcoats and creed aventus. It was always pretty easy to tell whether igor was posting or not.

>> No.15988653

>Implying arabs would recognize the nazi connection

>> No.15988674
File: 157 KB, 1200x761, sdgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15988712

So is he bisexual?
Just want to get this straight (no pun intended)
Sounds like he wants to be with women but is turned on by men?
I would take a gander he’s probably gay and maybe this confusion is why he’s so lonely?

>> No.15988858

I don't fucking know. /fa/ is one of the most mentally ill boards on 4chan(nel), but I guess that's a reflection of the typical poster too weak to form an identity, to the point they have to purchase theirs off a shelf.

>> No.15988869

and people wonder why posters like knoch do not come here anymore

>> No.15988887

I'm only here because I wanted to figure out where all the mentally ill aesthetics niggatry was coming from since the posters were unhinged and very, very fragile, even by 4chan standards. I guess I found my answer.

>> No.15988894

like who? Igor?

>> No.15988907

Mostly random anons on other boards, particularly /k/. It's pretty obvious they come from here both in terms of vocabulary used, focus on buying goods without even performing cursory research, and the paranoid-conspiratorial line of thought. It's literally impossible to have any logical discussion with them unless you pretend to agree with them, and then they'll fault you for for not sucking them off enough. I'd say the typical /fa/ggot is just as obnoxious as the typical /pol/cunt, though there is definitely crossover between the two groups, especially in the milsurp-adjacent "aesthetics".

>> No.15988925

Jesus Christ you’re going board to board studying vocabulary and fragility of the anons? 4chan isn’t what it used to be...that’s plain to see...and as for logical discussion - you’re better off talking to your cat

>> No.15988938

Yes? You wouldn't want to know where large amounts of exceptionally loonie individuals are coming from? That's another thing: /fa/ggots tend to be extremely anti-intellectual, to the point where they won't even research where to buy their overpriced fashions.

>> No.15988951

"Logical" is the wrong word. It should be "coherent".

>> No.15988952

I always assumed everyone starts on /b and trickles off somewhere else.
But yea I would guesstimate there is more mental illness here than most of the other boards. Hell, we have a couple tripfags that got dumped off here from /k and /pol like last weeks garbage - and we have to deal with it bc we’re kinda nice...as you said lots of “sensitive” people

>> No.15988970

What brand is this jacket though?

>> No.15988976

he made it from scratch

>> No.15988981
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he still makes them, I wrote him an email about one a while ago

>> No.15988986

he deconstructs items and modifies original designs

>> No.15988991

who is this man and how do i contact him

>> No.15988992

He hasn't done that in years. I don't think he does 'designer' clothing anymore, just from scratch ww2 shit

>> No.15988993

how much do they go for?
they're really interesting id like to buy one one day

>> No.15988997

iirc it was like 250€ initially but he says he changed from prosumer to industrial sewing machines a while ago so they are more expensive now

his email is on his blog herrurst.com

>> No.15988998

thanks anon

>> No.15989002
File: 290 KB, 1000x1118, tumblr_nlxlqmn1L31rvhwhbo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bombers he made are original designs.

>> No.15989041

basically perfect besides the cuffs

>> No.15989062
File: 459 KB, 1227x1920, tumblr_ns1u5rabpy1rvhwhbo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that was his very first one. They are different now

>> No.15989177

why does his hair look like shit?

>> No.15989178

looks perfectly fine

>> No.15989268

How in the fuck do you get to the point where you have such little shame that you actually wear this on the street in everyday life? There are plenty of dull, earth-tone, if not military inspired clothing, and none of them look like you're wearing ammunition pouches because people don't dress like that.

>> No.15989310

Whole lotta text you typed there for nobody to care.

>> No.15989346

is the pilotboot-bro here? i sold my broken pair and ordered a brand new pair in two sizes smaller since the ones i had were way too big, i hope they will fit since getting brand new ones is super hard today

>> No.15989375

Knoch and his band of discord trannies will stop at nothing to groom anons from /fa/ into taking hrt

>> No.15989385

knoch is a handsome faggot

>> No.15989387

Knoch isn't even on MVSE (the neofolk discord)

>> No.15989679


>> No.15989695

Why are fashion e-celebs being posted here? This dude has the humor of a 16 year old who never got out of his edgy "I can debate" phase. He knows his shit about CCP though.

>> No.15989707

he doesn't even know what carol looks like

>> No.15989989

Implying Arabs have anything against Nazis

>> No.15990026
File: 64 KB, 640x640, CCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, a lot of people don't, even if they're Poell fans.

>> No.15990054

is that a pic of him? i thought he never showed his face?

>> No.15990075

yeah connor is pretty cunty, you could tell he was picked on a bit and had to rely on his wittiness, eventually it probably snowballed into that really gay mentality similar to that of an 11 year old super fan of ben shapiros

>> No.15990081

nice dude, they're pretty common i noticed especially for eu ppl unfortunately not that common in the states or anywhere else, id hold on to that pair theres not many nice creepers today besides ricks i guess

>> No.15990093

ive seen a low res pic of him before and he looked like how i imagined him to look, he just looks like a fag here

>> No.15990095 [DELETED] 

>they think it's conor

>> No.15990099

Yes. Not many actual pictures of him exist. That's only 1 of 2 I've seen of him.

>> No.15990111

i guess not everybody could be an edgychad

>> No.15990116
File: 747 KB, 828x1029, 4591C975-BC06-4848-AF79-82C28D3C900A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there can only be one ecchi chad

>> No.15990265

also can somebody id this for me is it a subhuman or lilies turtle neck i can't really tell, how is it cropped like that?

>> No.15990734

love this guy so much

>> No.15991682
File: 34 KB, 340x476, Tumblr_l_719940964609893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably a stretch but can anyone id this jacket? looks like normal woodland or dpm camo or something

>> No.15991835

seems about right, she has a slim build so maybe thats why it has that oversized look

>> No.15992034


>> No.15992043

Only good fit on this board

>> No.15992053

he looks 12

>> No.15992191
File: 349 KB, 654x632, 9A845696-21E4-4608-826C-1762FDAC9772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they came in today, they look decent i guess

>> No.15992202
File: 2.11 MB, 1280x1920, 831EA190-2800-4F49-8E2D-6D647E31D7F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s an old larptard/milsurp fit of mine

>> No.15992209

looks really nice dude, doesn't look tryhardish at all(which most people end up looking), how fucking hot were those mickey boots btw

>> No.15992231

they look sexy anon, now i rly hope my pair will fit

>> No.15992278
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 4E2B2733-4C23-40C3-9D51-26060C6FF9DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly think they will considering i went about 1.5 sizes down also they look super effay with ladder lacing -> https://youtu.be/De3fr3BW1Og here's a tutorial, id suggest you just condition and shine yours a bit especially on the sole because mine came really fucky and poorly cobbled

>> No.15992290

i love how you laced them, i laced my docs that way before i sold them. i will defo need to put some grease on them since i got them new in box

>> No.15992328

i've seen this fit 30 times on my instagram explore page yawnn

>> No.15992343

looking for an id on the specific jacket though, with the hood and everything

>> No.15992672

is it a hooded m65?

>> No.15992697

they come laced like that...

>> No.15992702

What pants?

>> No.15992718
File: 176 KB, 604x469, Screenshot 2021-02-26 225600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never managed to import nice European boots because my third-world country's currency is worth shit but I got this one in here, artisanally made in small batches and I'm loving it, it's my first "real" pair of boots
Lighting in my room is shit so I can't take a pic of my own pair, but I think they look alright

>> No.15992729

he looks like captain america before he took the super serum LOL

>> No.15992747

no they dont nigger i spent like 20 minutes doing that

>> No.15992755

why would they use a ladder lacing system (which was used to cut the laces incase of injury faster) and a speed lacing system with a zipper

>> No.15992790

Rick Owens creatch cargos

>> No.15992793

there's some on those ccp archive pages, I've seen that one and the one in a black and white magazine,

>> No.15992807

Pants id?

>> No.15992808

can anyone post inspo on how youd style austrian paratroopers or solovairs. im looking to buy a first pair of boots and cant make my mind up

>> No.15993840

t. retard that never owend german pilots

>> No.15993944

He has aspergers face

>> No.15994127

There's no hood on that.

>> No.15994164

If that’s his passions to larp around like a soldier from 80 years ago..then be it...I commend/respect that bc people all have their weird “things”..also he can bring 2 sandwiches with him when it’s chilly outside

>> No.15994166

this thread is STOLEN VALOUR my grandpappy was a TRUE PATRIOT who died for your FREEDOMS

>> No.15994190

how tranny-obsessed must americans be uncontrollably seethe "you will never be woman" "53%" whenever they see a boy with longish hair.

>> No.15994314

you wish bald kike

>> No.15994348

It also looks like your mom cuts your hair, adding to the aspergers aesthetic.

>> No.15994375

that isn't me shizo

>> No.15994377

