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15980975 No.15980975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What style are cute Asian girls attracted to?

>> No.15980980
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White guys who can’t get white girls core

>> No.15980988

>no hips
>no waist
>no bust
>man jaw
If you are attracted to this then you are a homosexual

>> No.15980996

Built for medium sized white or racially ambiguous cock

>> No.15981000

just be white

>> No.15981002

>no hips
>no waist
>no bust

Now you just sound like a dyel jawlet.

>> No.15981007


>> No.15981016
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I'm already white and fairly attractive, but they're not coming to me. They act flirty but none of them ever ask me out or take things further.

>> No.15981023

>They act flirty but none of them ever ask me out
if you weren't so autistic to ask them out you'd be drowning in brown pussy already

>> No.15981029

I’m neither white nor asian, just a guy who observed hundreds of wmaf couples at college. The guy is always the type who’s invisible to white girls (Enginering, gamer, band nerd, etc) so he maxes his SMV with asian 7s. It’s a smart move

>> No.15981035

Not much else you can do as an average white guy these days. Can't be helped.

>> No.15981039

>none of them ever ask me out
lol ur dum

Just download TanTan and get matches, then WeChat to follow up on matches with. Living in Los Angeles, SGV, Irvine, OC, and many other southern California areas will also make it super easy

>> No.15981045

bee laym dung, suck big wite CHOCH, see muy la dam, tit suRRRgeriy nipel playcement, trow up fuud in toylet apter i eat

>> No.15981051

i was gonna post the /fit/ thread you got this from, but the thread was deleted

quite a quality post

>> No.15981054

what's that mean?

>> No.15981056

Are the girls not weirded out by the fact that you're on an asian app specifically to date asians? I know some of them have complained about fetishization etc on twitter.

>> No.15981059
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>no asian qt to shoot ropes on

>> No.15981087

sexual market value

>> No.15981155
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Right? They are divine.

>> No.15981183

you're a real one. I'm about to go hard on tantan when I go back to school

>> No.15981216

The same ones who complain about being fetishized by one guys are the exact same ones who exclusively date white guys.

>> No.15981229

or they just like each other like normal people

>> No.15981233

or those are just the type of people likely to be into asian girls. or asian girls tend to have similar interests so they get along well. etc etc. not everything plays into your weird "SMV" nonsense

>> No.15981245

Never seen a 10/10 white chad with an asian girl before. Just saying.

>> No.15981350

got jacked off by a fob chinese cutie last week, pretty fun, she's a virgin but she wants to see me more so might change that

also been talking to this other cute ABC girl, we made out and said if she wasn't on her period we can smash so hopefully gonna see her soon

>> No.15981357

if they match with you and talk to you they obviously don't care, just pay a little bit of interest to them/their culture

don't be ugly

>> No.15981359

Just wear streetwear or some shit

>> No.15981361

Eh. Chinese girls I've been with have mainly been pillow princesses, with a few exceptions. You really shouldn't seek people out based on ethnicity alone, anon, not because it's wrong but because you'll be disappointed. You'll be disappointed first when you realize they aren't divine and second when you realize just how little you have in common.
Anyway, the answer is the usual trifecta of what girls anywhere like. Gym rat, preppy, or artsy and kinda gay. Pull off any of the above well enough and you'll do fine.

>> No.15981366

big white cock

>> No.15981367

I've never seen a 10/10 white chad with any girl for the long haul. They just fuck their loins stiff until they wither down into 5/10 wage slaves. The status game really ain't that serious, anon, we are all losers in it, even chads, aside from the lucky few.

>> No.15981373
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>> No.15981378

For what possible reason would I want to date a white girl?
>inb4 muh tradition muh racemixing

>> No.15981381

You'll find that it's generally easier to get along with someone with whom you share at least some things in common, anon.

>> No.15981386

Second worst Beatle.

>> No.15981387
File: 1.33 MB, 1259x919, EF1DC5E6-3957-4B5F-8615-7782636AAF8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have in common with white women
What do I have in common with a narcissistic BPD bitch who loves dogs more than her own kids and can’t be bothered to be a loving girlfriend without any prospect for her?

>> No.15981406

An upbringing; a set of cultural norms; more similar social expectations and tastes in things than you might otherwise expect. I have lived in Asia and it sounds to me as if you have not. Trust me when I say the gap is larger than you might expect. Chinese girls especially are rather intransigeant on these things and will regard all your ways, from the most trivial to the most personal, as mere savagery to be corrected, and at best passive-agressively ignore your holidays, beliefs, customs, anything.
Moreover, it seems that if you fear white girls for being individualistic and selfish, that is just one more thing you have in common.

>> No.15981436

I wasn’t even talking about Asians specifically but I have gotten along a lot better with latinas and menas than any white girl. You seem to think white women are trad or something and actually uphold a culture

>> No.15981450

Nah, anon, I don't give a shit about abstractions like "trad" or "upholding a culture." I give a shit about having a liveable life with a partner you can get along with. I'm glad for you if you can get along with latinas or menas. They share far more base expectations with white americans than asians do.
White vs latina is a distinction that only matters in the Americas by the way. That's simply not a concept in Europe.

>> No.15981462

Ah so your European. No wonder you haven’t experienced latinas or menas. Many of the Asians and menas are just FOBs who stick with their own crowd. Trust me if you dated a Latina you would experience a relationship so vastly different than a white woman. I was honestly shocked at first and didn’t know women could be this endearing

>> No.15981537
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E-boys with fried bleached hair who don't eat meat but beat the shit out of her in bed.

>I know a lot of 19/20-year-old Asian girls who are absolutely gorgeous but froth over the same type of guys.

>> No.15981877


Skinny white boys with thick hair.

>> No.15981937

He should have imagined there were no bullets in his killers gun. It’s easy if you try

>> No.15981948

They’re the best-looking and will produce the best offspring for you in terms of looks/intelligence/social status, shouldn’t really be hard to grasp. Enjoy your elliots

>> No.15981953
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>white "women"

>> No.15982008

This describes me, pretty much every type of girl is into me but I don't know if I'd date an Asian girl. All the ones I've met are ridiculously high effort and play way to hard to get so I just don't bother. Go for a latina instead

>> No.15982021

ethnicity doesnt matter but culture does - majority of women who were not raised in the "west" are pretty based - the cliche of the white women is a synonym for the western women, a princess who got her cake and can eat it too, the most priviliged race/gender combination in human history, and with all that comes the burden of choice - its like playing gta with cheatcodes, you go crazy

>> No.15982024

>pretty much every type of girl is into me
how does it feel to be chad ?
do you get more than 10 matches a day on tinder ?

>> No.15982032

I don't know if I'm a chad, just good looking I suppose. I'm quite introverted and end up ignoring most of the girls who're interested in me because I don't want to deal with their bullshit. I don't really play the dating game and I don't use tinder

>> No.15982034

what a waste of good looks

>> No.15982036

How do you figure

>> No.15982069

>tfw when you walking around campus with your asian qt gf strapped around your arm while passing by lonely asian manlets who don't dare to make contact with you out of embarrassment and walk by with their heads down

>> No.15982072

I probably have more in common with Asians, Indians, and black girls than any white girl desu

>> No.15982099

what worth are good looks if you dont put them to use
abuse your power
you can persuade almost everyone to do anything

>> No.15982111

well tradition and continuing the superior gene pool is one but otherwise, better bodies, more interesting personalities, nicer faces, nicer hair, better parents, better friends... really white girls have all the advantages aside from being harder to get

>> No.15982118
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I have a Japanese gf and she's one of the best things that ever happened to me. She's also a lot wealthier which is attractive but I didn't know about that until we had already hooked up a bunch.

>> No.15982137 [DELETED] 
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>dorky white guys like submissive asian girls
That's my point. My 5'5" white friend who plays Xbox all day only dates asians and claims to hate white girls. Gee, I wonder why?
Couples like that were all over my college campus (USA for reference)

>> No.15982157

you text like youre strangers on the internet wtf
all empty phrases
congrats on the relationship though

>> No.15982158

>better bodies, more interesting personalities, nicer faces, nicer hair, better parents, better friends
those are all not even objectively true
do you have any friends that arent white ?

>> No.15982164

It might come across that way because she's still learning English so I try not to use slang and abbreviated spelling and things like that.
Being with her is an amazing feeling, though.

>> No.15982169

Big chest and big arms. I like near a college with a large Chinese visiting scholar population and holy shit biceps are like candy to them

>> No.15982181

ping pong style cuz they are ching chong

>> No.15982182

this, had a Chinese gf and she would bite my chest during sex and hug my arm at night because it made her feel safe
we had SO much seething thrown our way from asian dudes and HAPA permavirgins when we walked on her campus
Similar reaction when I dated a black girl but the seething came from other black girls

>> No.15982191

Just go to an Asian massage parlor sometimes to get your yellow fever out then date actual white/Latina girls.

>> No.15982218

yeah I'm an immigrant to Canada so most of my friends aren't white, there are more races than white and non white though I'm just saying asian girls are boring and ugly

>> No.15982245

This is how normal people text

>> No.15982313

Is a DYEL someone who doesn't lift or one of those faggots who goes "DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO?" Never understood who it was mocking, people who aren't gymrats or himbos.

>> No.15982315

No he’s right. It seems weird unless it’s their first week or two of dating.

>> No.15982323

What do you expect to see? Do you think texts between couples are always full of inside jokes and sonnets or something?

>> No.15982327

If you have to ask...

>> No.15982331

I'm neither a gym obsessed insecure faggot nor am I someone who doesn't workout so your snarky reddit attitude doesn't really convey the appropriate answer. Tip for a newfag, don't end sentences on 4chan with ellipses.

>> No.15982338

Not the anon you’re replying to but mine are. I wouldn’t text my girl
>We can do it.
>Why? We are a team.
>Morning! Are you feeling better than yesterday?
That sounds so robotic, like the dialogue in a Gameboy game.

>> No.15982350

I still don't get how it's robotic. I know I'm retarded but wishing someone good morning and asking them if they're feeling better doesn't seem soulless.

Unless he supp text n shrthnd or whatev

>> No.15982373

He’s clearly altering his dialect because English isn’t her first language. Looks/sounds super similar to how I ended up talking after a year in Japan

>> No.15982378

What are you talking about? You're retarded

>> No.15982380

It just sounds disingenuous. Like your mimicking what you saw in a romantic movie. I could never talk like this, but I guess it's okay if it's genuine.

>> No.15982384

Im dating a SEA girl. She liked me when I was a hipstery skinny tall guy and now as I’m transforming into a fit hipstery tall guy. Some of her relatives have married mexican guys. one or two relatives married a black guy, and the rest under 40 are married to generic white guys.

Basically dont be asian lmao

>> No.15982393
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I'm not trying to insult you or the gf guy, it's just the first thing that came to mind for me.

Yeah language barriers make for funny-looking texts. If my friend texts me in Spanish he has to write it like a textbook so that I can read it.

>> No.15982409

you sound raycis orc boi

>> No.15982417

>What do I have in common with a narcissistic BPD bitch who loves dogs more than her own kids and can’t be bothered to be a loving girlfriend without any prospect for her?

this. Caucasian women are garbage now. they are tattooed up cum dumpsters with the bitchy personas of a karen. asians gf master race

>> No.15982421

As a white engineer with a white 8/10 gf I can confirm this is cope

>> No.15982425

your trying to make reality fit your racist prejudices. your basically talking like all orcs you know steal and assault people

>> No.15982428

I am a furmomma bitch nigg

>> No.15982431

no your a foreign invader. get the fuck out

>> No.15982443

I texted like this when I dated a girl from China
She was completely fluent in English but a lot of idioms and turns of phrase we take for granted were completely foreign to her. Our texting had this very specific kind of language to prevent confusion
I still miss that girl

>> No.15982451

This country is made to be raped for its profits, I'm doing the same as your ancestors did. You have no national identity and your politicians have sold all your assets to USA and China. You're a cultureless mutt, enjoy your suburb. I pay more taxes than you and my family owns 5 properties, if anything I'm the better Canadian than you mutt

>> No.15982512

based lahwf poster

>> No.15982542
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>> No.15982553

How do you rationalize the fact that your women fall head over heels for even the most basic white guy?

>> No.15982569

Be white. I'm dating a Korean girl rn who gave her virginity to me on the first date. She does everything for me: cooks, cleans, pays bills. All I need to do is insult her occasionally to keep her ego low.
Id honestly recommend the Yellow pill.

>> No.15982577

racist lies about history and tax policies. kys. all foreign invaders are losers. they couldnt make it in there own country so they suck off gubberment gibs and duhversity hirings.

>> No.15982587

GOOD question

>> No.15982602

this is an embarrassing larp

>> No.15982610


>> No.15982613

Just worst.

>> No.15982625
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>none of them ever ask me out
I think you found the problem anon. Women don't "ask you out" unless they're borderline bipolar. You have to do the asking.

>> No.15982630

>critisize white men for being racist because fetishizing asian women
>realizigngasian women are reciprocating the preference just as much if not more
>you just erased the voices of minority women

>> No.15982745

>we had SO much seething thrown our way from asian dudes and HAPA permavirgins when we walked on her campus
>Similar reaction when I dated a black girl but the seething came from other black girls
guarantee this never happened and you're just projecting your racial hatred developed on anime image boards onto random passerbys
>Heh..did you see that hapa glance at me and my TRAD asian gf while walking past us!? HE must totally be seething so hard right now!