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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 256 KB, 1509x2015, 1601674446594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15978910 No.15978910 [Reply] [Original]

How do you wear chains with a shirt instead of t-shirt or a sweater,

Can you button it up all the way and wear it on top or leave a few buttons open at the top but that doesn't really work ?

>> No.15978912


>> No.15978918

Is the trying to do the cross eyed open mouth weeb shit but is such a fat slob that's too much effort so she just looks up and sticks her tongue out? I like it

>> No.15978920
File: 205 KB, 1080x1145, 1603244725458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15978988


Leave one or two buttons open, and wear the chain under

>> No.15978991

her name is in the watermark

>> No.15979004
File: 433 KB, 1536x2048, bunni-xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the average female a 2/10. It's rare that guys look this fucking washed out and they are wearing no makeup. But every girl without makeup looks like shit.

>> No.15979033

Hahaha the jews amirite?? XDDDd

>> No.15979051

Shut up nigger

>> No.15979141

Youre the one to talk you look like a goblin got raped by by a crustpunk and the resulting child was you

>> No.15979146
File: 262 KB, 1059x599, gonna tap dat ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad hom

Not an argument.

>> No.15979148

>It's rare that guys look this fucking washed out and they are wearing no makeup. But every girl without makeup looks like shit.
sad truth in life

>> No.15979270

who the fuck cares, she looks good with makeup and it makes my pp hard

>> No.15979283 [DELETED] 

Zoomers are SO fucking pathetic and desperate. This is what 40% of males under 25 leads to.

Would you fuck me in makeup? Would you eat some shit if it had sugar covering up?

Hurr who cares she is a pimple faced smelly looking ugly 2/10 bitch she looks good in what amounts to a mask durr my coom brain!!

It's also the exact reason a 2/10 girl can get sex from 100 guys a day, you've created the bad situation for yourself. You've made it that you have to be a 9/10 zoomer to fuck 2/10- zoomer girls.

You do you, saving dumb photos to masturbate to all alone in your room. Sad cunt.

>> No.15979285

t. faggot

>> No.15979287

Zoomers are SO fucking pathetic and desperate. This is what 40% of males under 25 being single leads to.

Would you fuck me in makeup? Would you eat some shit if it had sugar covering up?

Hurr who cares she is a pimple faced smelly looking ugly 2/10 bitch she looks good in what amounts to a mask durr my coom brain!!

It's also the exact reason a 2/10 girl can get sex from 100 guys a day, you've created the bad situation for yourself. You've made it that you have to be a 9/10 zoomer to fuck 2/10 zoomer girls.

You do you, saving dumb photos to masturbate to all alone in your room. Sad cunt.

>> No.15979290

t. samefag


It's so hilarious I have had sex with more women than you ever will.

>> No.15979301

unless girls become naturally hot again, I will continue to fuck hot men

>> No.15979318

Blame men for that. When you simps actually call out and reject these ugly bitches, some form of normality will be returned.

2/10 women will date 2/10 guys.

But now (The West) is masses and masses of young single guys who have never had a relationship online 24/7 simping to ugly women to the point there is a massive imbalance and it will only get worse.

>> No.15979355
File: 305 KB, 600x800, easy_mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that simple.
You'd also have to deal with systemic feminism that has infected Western society. You can't just reject women anymore, that's how you get canceled.
The old social contract was simple, a man who could provide would be able to get married while he was still young, but now we have daddy government and special carveout laws to give women pretty much whatever they want. That creates an imbalance and leads to hypergamy that only benefits women.
Until men start forcing women to actually be held to a equal standard and play by the rules that they have to, rejecting them only fucks you over and gets you labeled an incel and canceled.

>> No.15979364

wtf is this real

>> No.15979376

Well everything is fucked, but I don't mean you reject them all or abuse them, or even be angry at them. You simply ignore them unless it's a real girl you meet in your area and not some makeup covered retarded thot who sells sex photos online.

I seriously do not even understand why some fat pimple faced girl who is ugly unless wearing a mask and has a boyfriend, is clearly low iq and begs for people to sub to her onlyfans is appealing to zoomers.

Is this your dream girl?

Women have no standards because men don't.

If you want to coom, why not to someone actually attractive? If you are looking for a relationship, again, what is appealing about that type of girl.

>> No.15979378

Yes. 100% real. All her photos on her twitter are without makeup. She is that confident simps will still obsess over her because of how hard they already have and she believe she is a 10/10.

>> No.15979394

i hate the way the dating world is right now
pleae make it stop before i turn into an incel

>> No.15979405

this made me homosexual
I’m a girl

>> No.15979418

She's appealing because the truth is:
>men are less shallow than women and are capable of being attracted to many different types of women
>the hypergamy meme is real and there are legions of lonely desperate men who need human contact and are denied it
>the incel meme has led to men simping to avoid being labeled as an angry incel
Simple as.

>> No.15979431


>> No.15979439

Incels are simps tho. They only start to hate women because they can't get with women (because of their and other males simping) that makes the issue worse. I don't think they take the approach ugly thots with no brain are not worth chasing after.

Forget about labels too. Incel has just become another slur if you choose not to be a simp.

It is very, very disgusting!

>men are less shallow than women and are capable of being attracted to many different types of women

But how can you say this when you're being attracted based on being shallow. That's all you see. The makeup and the tits. If you went beyond that, you'd not be interested at all.

Hypergamy is true yes. But men have fucked that up. Meaning that girl, who is a 2/10 is probably uglier than every guy on here and she probably makes $40 a week from onlyfans. She has low value. So even an average guy on here with an average job would be here going up.

But. Because of the simping, you've all cancelled your chances out and told her she is top tier, 10/10, amazing, and now she wants a top tier rich man.

Only weak men are affected by the incel meme. Try forgetting all that stupid internet shit, because that's what it is. Seeing an ugly thot as ugly and not being interested has nothing to do with being an incel.

You don't rant about her, you ignore and avoid. Simple as.

Then try not giving a shit, assholes do not give a shit. Are women attracted to assholes? No, but assholes have alpha traits, that's the attraction. Don't give a shit and liberate yourself from silly labels and fear.


>> No.15979441

>Would you fuck me in makeup?

>> No.15979451

Desperate coomers should focus all that coomer energy on self improvement. But they are so afraid too. It's safe in their room cooming away.

What happened to heroes of worth? As a teen I wanted to be strong, reliable, smart, a real warrior. Stories of great male warrior inspired me to achieve and push forward.

Now the average zoomer hero is some drag queen or some skinny teenagers in knee high fucking socks.

Man you guys are messed up.

>> No.15979492

>But how can you say this when you're being attracted based on being shallow
Average and above average men are willing to settle for fat, ugly women all the time. Men will fuck an ugly woman just to bust a nut.
But you don't see women doing this; in general, women expect to date above their status and now you have women who would have died as spinsters in the old days that won't even give an average looking guy the time of day.
It's because women's choices and lifestyles are subsidized by the government and title 9, so their mistakes don't affect them like they do men. Women can repeatedly fuck up and get a pass, and if they end up a "wine aunt" or cat lady then so what? That's what daddy government is for. They're taken care of. And so this gives them the entitlement to expect and demand a guy outside their league, because why not? There's no stigma for it thanks to feminism.
>"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of American culture and society"

>> No.15979506

that had nothing to do with the jews you genuine retard

>> No.15979518

Don't engage it's just some nihilist pretending to be a concern troll to make anyone and everyone look like retards

>> No.15979519

>Average and above average men are willing to settle for fat, ugly women all the time. Men will fuck an ugly woman just to bust a nut.

Yeah sure if she is some girl you know irl and have a chance of dating. That's not the case here. Men are obsessing over girls they will never ever meet and if that's some impressive cute female singer you want to have a crush on, fair enough, but these are nobody retard thots who are ugly with no makeup and are just shilling their sex pics to get money out of you.

Sure if you're at a bar and can hook up and bust a real nut in her but again, that's not happening. 99% if not more of the simps are never ever meeting these thots.

Most of the thots have a boyfriend too. How can you live with yourself throwing money at them while she is fucking her boyfriend. IT's not even a cuck meme any longer.

How can you have such crippling low self esteem to fall to that level.. unbelievable..

Feminism is shit and things are fucked. But where do you go from here? Do you give in, complain about it and resort to fooling yourself some ugly girl in makeup with her tongue hanging out is hot and coom yourself to sleep each night over her or do you do what you can.

Ignore the ugly thots, work on yourself, you elevate yourself, and a consequence of that is actually meeting a girl irl who isn't selling her spread asshole for $4.99 per month on the internet.

The greater the struggle, the bigger the achievement and the more respect one gains for themselves and the respect of others.

Nobody walks up the hill and says LOOK AT ME!! I AM GREAT! Nor do they see the mountain and say OH THAT'S WAY TOO HIGH. They climb the mountain, their struggle builds their strength and they learn to do what they thought not possible.

But nah zoomers don't have that mindset they just have HOW DO I GET THIS GREEN HAIRED GIRLFRIEND IN A BRO WITH A NIPPLE SHOWING COOM COOM!!

>> No.15979528

>instead of arguing over girls could you anwser my question ?

>> No.15979531

i dont think any of us spend any money on them
youre preaching to the choir

>> No.15979535

Nobody is going to answer such a stupid zoomer eboy question. Chains on your shirt, chains on a sweater?

It's not 2017.

>> No.15979544

How many threads start with pics like that? You see them all the time here and the first thing is OMG SOURCE COOM!!

This has to be the most desperate thirsty board.

Nobody wants to talk about fashion, to dress well, for it to compliment their life, they just want to see photos of half naked girls when they could do that 24/7 but it has to be everywhere for them.

Of course there are a few normal people. But it is true the average poster here is a virgin simping loser who does not even want to be something, to be great, to be anything more than stroking their dicks locked up in their prison room.

>> No.15979553

Shizo incel posting coming nicely

>> No.15979559

Unironically where to cop bra and panties? I want to get my gf a pair exactly like that

>> No.15979561

Like this is the average IQ of the average poster here.

You just know this guy is going to succeed in life lol.


The answer is because I have zero respect and give zerp shits to the average pathetic poster here who will never amount to anything. You are lower than me. Lower than shit.

They can't concentrate nor focus or do anything more than a few words long and live in buzzwords and memes.

>> No.15979562

being great is not easy and sometimes not even possible
most people live an average life, to be great you dont only have to be outstanding in something, you also have to have luck and connections and be charismatic etc.
youre not that great either, spending your time on 4chan btw

>> No.15979567

Imagine replying to cecil even ironically. Filter him and move on

>> No.15979569

I've considered this and complained about it as well, the most obvious example being Belle Delphine. How the fuck can guys send her money knowing that they're literally paying another man to fuck her?
And the only rational explanation I can understand is it's their fear of being labeled as an incel combined with their social failings. Social pressure on young men today means that if you aren't attractive and sexually active then you better show in some way that you aren't celibate, otherwise you're an incel and a pariah. And these zoomers use simping as a form of virtue signaling.
Because how can you hate women if you're paying them and getting nothing in return? Zoomer logic, I guess

>> No.15979581

>being great is not easy and sometimes not even possible

It's not meant to be, and even just by trying you are still a better person than who you used to be.

>most people live an average life

You don't have to be number one in hollywood. What is an average life? A wife, kids, a house? The majority of kids on here will never even achieve that.

I just think you should always self improve in some way, I think being in a dark room masturbating to random girls each day is a dead end. Work out what you actually want.

Most of these guys want a partner and yet they do everything to stop that happening.

>youre not that great either, spending your time on 4chan btw

I know this is really hard for you to believe but I am short little guy. I grew up with a single Mother in dirt poverty surrounded by the drug scene and my Father was killed before I was born. I could have sunk into drugs and crime, given up. I had a fucked start, no education further than HS and that was bad too. But I pushed myself, I joined the military. Not just as some infantry, all respect to them, but I pushed myself further than most have in my position.

After I left I had PTSD and sunk into medicating with weed. I@m all clear of that and live healthy now.

But I am also a 40 something short ugly dude, I am not some average zoomer. My chances of meeting women for a real relationship are not going to be great.

And right now, this isn't about me. I am not beating off 24/7 aged 18 in a dark room.

>> No.15979587

First of all, if you're going to post with an image like that which has nothing to do with the thread topic then don't bitch when you don't get the answers you wanted.
Second, if the whole point of wearing a chain is so people can see it then why hide it? And if you are wearing the chain for personal reasons then why worry about buttoning up your shirt?
Do what feels comfortable to you and stop worrying so much, the point is to dress in a way that appeals first and foremost to yourself

>> No.15979589

how is spending 20 minutes a day on a part of 4chan that pertains to my interests any different than normies going to ESPN.com or nerds checking out reddit? This board used to be more more fashion discussion and the anon you replied to is correct about his assessment of these coomers.

>> No.15979593

i appreciate your effort, but the 18 year old incel beating it to ugly e girls and spending all his money on them is not what i imagine a /fa/ poster to be like.

>> No.15979594

I am one of the people from /frag/ you’ve been fighting with Cecil. Somehow I randomly ended up in this thread reading your posts and must admit that I agree with you. If you only were not an obnoxious tryhard there.

>> No.15979596

Belle is another totally average girl who is a millionaire now. imagine buying her fucking bath water.

I don't know.. sending her money and buying bath water makes someone sound like a bigger loser and true incel than not doing that.

But who even knows what people get up to. You don't have to answer to people and if you fear they are going to judge you, it's because you have not earned any respect. And by doing the same things as people here you never will. That's what change and improvement is all about. Good things and respect happen as a consequence to it.

If you see a young guy exercising, avoiding drugs, going to college etc. nobody gives a shit or calls him an incel because he didn't give money to some e thot. What they do, is respect him.

None of these people matter. It's wasted energy. Focus on yourself.

There is nothing more pathetic than giving money to a girl half way across the world laughing in your face as she sucks her boyfriend off and they all know how pathetic simps are.

>> No.15979600

>is not what i imagine a /fa/ poster to be like.

There are e thots posted each day with "how do i dress to get a g/f"

I bet 95% of the posters here are male and single and under 25.

>> No.15979606

It's probably because people keep thinking I'm some Jeremy poster or something, I don't know what was happening in that thread.

I haven't done much in those threads since forever, I'm more than happy with my CH Men Carolina Herrera :o)

>> No.15979608
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, none of this matters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I am also a 40 something short ugly dude, I am not some average zoomer. My chances of meeting women for a real relationship are not going to be great
Are you me?

>> No.15979613

You are going to make it, King!

>> No.15979670
File: 47 KB, 666x666, 1592296858307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, maybe not. Life is more about meeting your obligations than chasing your dreams
>CH Men
I've been meaning to try that, but ended up getting JV Dark Rebel first. If you like boozy, leather and tobacco scents it's pretty snice

>> No.15979678

Hmm I've had a John Varvatos frag before.

And indeed, obligations and duty, and it is mine right now to inform zoomers hands off dicks, no saving thot pictures and to better themselves.

Dream chasing can be a part of duty anyway, my ideal person would not shun their duties, so to not, is already becoming. So few can even meet that status today.

>> No.15979768

You're alright, Cecil.
You're crazy, but you're alright.

>> No.15979783

makeup is fucking terrible for your skin
the only safe stuff is lipstick and some of the eye stuff
girls wreck their skin wearing foundation

>> No.15979827

>not an argument
You’re still ugly

>> No.15979834

You’re projecting. Attractive women are much more likely to date less attractive men and nobody simps to avoid being labeled an incel. You’re just actually an incel trying to cope

t. Sigma male

>> No.15979858

Sigma balls.
You're a virtue signaling faggot trying to act like an alpha on an anonymous anime goat smuggling forum. The only pussy you've ever touched is the imaginary one between your legs that you will never have

>> No.15979870

I don't fucking get it either. Anyone who isn't a coomer incel can see right through their makeup deception yet we have retards who spend their entire checks to watch them stream online. And these e-girls are like 4/10 without makeup who aren't worth shit.

>> No.15979922

these 18-19 year old girls need to stop having big fat mommy milkers I’m a 25 year old man I shouldn’t want to call little girls mommy

>> No.15979944
File: 9 KB, 220x220, 4890F448-7A22-46E9-BBB9-F4CDC0D216AB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s all so tiresome... seeing grown men whipped to the bone on their knees begging for a crumb of mediocre pussy and 4/10 females with massive egos and narcissism complexes. I miss the days of romance where the two furiously sought each other out and lusted after each other.

>> No.15979990

>I miss the days of romance where the two furiously sought each other out and lusted after each other
Too bad you’ve never experienced that

People have always been like this, it just hasn’t been broadcast as much and as obnoxiously, you believe in a world that never existed because things were never “simpler back then”, people just had less access to technology

>> No.15980008

Haha is that a frog smoking a cigarette? No fucking way LOL!

>> No.15980016

ban makeup restore equality

>> No.15980022
File: 303 KB, 368x657, 1534322249281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Eat shit

>> No.15980047
File: 1.91 MB, 302x230, 1611267051735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15980287

hehe yep it's even shifting its eyes and everything!!

>> No.15980304

>what is withholding (You)’s

>> No.15980314

>it never existed
Believe it or not there was a time where the internet didn’t exist and people weren’t as alienated as they are today under capitalism

>> No.15980339

Holy newfagness

>> No.15980455


Not that guy but you guys are looking pretty fucked and debased right now, not even gonna front

>> No.15980460
File: 74 KB, 252x436, 223af9e75385329e5e4e97f8b96c158a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfags are ITT

>> No.15980544

believe it or not, things were not easier or simpler before the internet and people were just as alienated by other forces

>> No.15980881

buy a white redondo half sleeve from allsaints and unbutton the first two buttons. minimum of two chains with that look. as for legwear some black slacks should do and for shoes chuck 70s or any black shoe with a white sole.

>> No.15980883

assuming that you're a male ofc

>> No.15981652

Not the other guy but fuck dude you look soooooo underlevelled right now it's fucking absurd

>> No.15981663

OMG is this real?

>> No.15981695
File: 1.99 MB, 1900x1796, 1599853978905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has to be the most desperate thirsty board.
unfortunately /fit/ is equally sexed
i just want to lift and dress well
but it's all pictures of hoes

>> No.15981698
File: 96 KB, 944x930, Es1L5-XU0AUUrnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being great is not easy and sometimes not even possible
boo hoo nigga saying "it's not easy"
with faggots like you giving up it is exceedingly easy to be great
if most people my age (zoomers) have your mindset then I'm great for just trying

>> No.15981706

larping faggot

>> No.15981708
File: 87 KB, 1080x1047, 1607052868260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15981855


>> No.15981876 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 1031x1250, 1610967466198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a mentally ill dish washer and never served in the army.

>> No.15982062
File: 417 KB, 575x620, lu1613661332124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image anon

>> No.15982301

how did you become great ? pls tell

>> No.15983027

im not great, almost the opposite
im saying if everyone else gives up and i keep trying I will immediately be great on principle

>> No.15983157

She looks particularly gross, but the reason that women without makeup look so jarring is because we're already used to the standard of women wearing makeup.

>> No.15983168


>> No.15983172
File: 107 KB, 1242x787, 43BC0151-4508-4D1C-830A-390EF5EF48A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch is beautiful massive mommy milkers would worship at the altar

>> No.15983190

wtf is this thread even

>> No.15984270


>> No.15985450

Not even anyone in this thread but whoever you're responding to just anally sodomized you big time, dunno what to say