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File: 646 KB, 568x586, Saree 2834747129457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15976079 No.15976079 [Reply] [Original]

You don't really see white people casually wearing clothing from other cultures do you? Unless they're part of a religon or etc. Just wearing it because you like the way it looks regardless.

Western clothing is pretty universal now, you'd be hard pressed not to find someone on earth not wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Why doesn't it flow in the other direction?

>> No.15976083

youll get cancelled for cultural appropriation

>> No.15976100

Heard a lot about this. It only seems to be western leftists that think this and it's a massive deterent for any kind of cross polination. That does seem to be one of the problems.

People of the culture the clothing is from seem to like that they're culture is being represented and even offer help. There was this one story about a girl walking around the UK in a saree (pictured in OP, it's Indian traditional dress) and all that really happened was different women approaching her to adjust the garment that had come undone or to praise.

>> No.15976176

Why would you match down when you already have the best style? Plus most ethnic cloths aren't practical outide the third world. But than again, I do consider it larping when I see a black man in a suit.

>> No.15976185

Do white people really think they don't have an ethnicity? It's like Americans who don't think they have an accent, kek

>> No.15976192

Of coures we do, but this term usually means more exotic things, not Hans wearing Lederhosen. If I were to speak about europens I would have used th term folks, as represented in "folkdresses".

>> No.15976194
File: 352 KB, 1500x1000, 1396934919010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shalwar kameez is our national dress for men and I think Westerns look really cool and push the design elements further. I love most of the western designer takes on the dress.

>> No.15976195

Most whites in America are a mish mash of different things. It becomes kinda pointless if you 1/12th Irish 1/12th German 1/12th Swedish etc.

>> No.15976197

you are talking like Europe is a one homogeneous culture.
are you a mutt?

>> No.15976199

It’s significantly cheaper and easier to make jeans and at shirt than to intricately build and design most ethnic clothing.

>> No.15976243
File: 184 KB, 1360x820, 16fcda9f1fcc7c409114d7b715789f2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we could go back to wearing robes

You don't have to think about fit and sizing. Pants are so stifling for your balls and dick.

>> No.15976255

No, I'm german. I am also not saying europe is just the same. I am saying that unlike the word "ethnic", "folk" matches us better. Be it distinctly kashubian dresses or basque ones. Modern europe on the other hand mostly wears a conglomeration of european styles which peakd in classical suits (not fucking jeans, which are post.modern slave attire).

>> No.15976265
File: 171 KB, 465x700, F4259C98-7587-4F5A-B767-E808D5A1B3CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you.
As long as you’re not “exploiting” a culture..you’re flattering it, bringing adoration to their ways...I never understood the big deal...but then again people wear ceremonial clothing that is sacred out of place and there are people like cash you outside girl...the lines are blurred btwn what’s actually cultural appropriation vs appreciation.
Which is not shocking nowadays you can’t sneeze without upsetting someone

>> No.15976290

Well, I'm a Polak and I don't think it's flattering to see a negro wear our traditional folk cloths and larp s a Pole. At best it has comedic value at worst th negro is acting like he's just like a real Pole. I guess that's the same feeling japs get when they see some fat anglo woman in a kimono trying to act all kawai and shit.

>> No.15976423

You’re just shaming black and fat people now.

I bet if some hot white (non pole) girl wore tradition polak garb - you’d have no problem

>> No.15976567

triggered smoothbrain’s invalid opinion

>> No.15976570
File: 527 KB, 1169x1488, 75E848C5-5EE5-4571-A67D-B401487A2269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dare you cultural appropriate niggur prison fashion

>> No.15976924

Borrowing style elements from clothing traditions of other other ethnicities was and could be valid and effay today. For example high mandarin collar and frog buttons in women's

>> No.15977103

Unironically it just comes off as weird to see white people wear clothes from other cultures. As a nonwhite I cringe seeing white women who wear sarees or indian headresses, or white men with dreadlocks. Even if they look good it just comes off as weird. Hell even seeing a white guy in a cowboy outfit is weird, not because he doesn't look like a cowboy, but because it isn't something white people wear in general. Same goes for any race but things like tshirts and jeans are universal at this point so they don't look weird on anyone.

>> No.15977157

>I'm Spanish.
>"You don't look latinx to me, you look european!"
>Yes. My family is from Spain.

sjws hate her
click here to find out more

>> No.15977197

American mutts

>> No.15978666

stop hanging around uneducated dumbfuck npcs

>> No.15978680
File: 362 KB, 280x268, 6E31860B-3146-4512-A418-9B024763E4F3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invalid normie opinion

>> No.15979289

I think it’s fucking sad that you go to a country like India and you see men and traditional flowing draped clothes and then others that have adopted boring jeans and a tshirt

>> No.15979293

>, I do consider it larping when I see a black man in a suit.


>> No.15980480

I wear Indian brocade jackets in a lefty city. Most people just assume I'm gay.