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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 414 KB, 575x666, 1613682060129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15973593 No.15973593 [Reply] [Original]

I believe I have the genetics to achieve this with 4 more years of lifting and dieting, but idk what should I wear once I make it
How do I dress in such a way that makes people mire at me but isn't too exaggerated?
What colors should I wear?

>> No.15973621

what kind of beard would match with this physique?

>> No.15973623

Cart before horse

>> No.15973673

>posts roided body
>i have the genetics for it

>> No.15973682

how is that roids? he isn't huge

>> No.15973683

My legs are way bigger than his and I'm not on roidz. He isn't too big just super cut.

>> No.15973684

it's not about being big, you can get way bigger than that as a natty
look at the shoulders and lower abs, "balloon" shoulders are always a dead giveaway of roiding
so are veins popping out in abnormal places, like his abs
you maybe could look similar to that as a natty, but you would need to get really big and then cut hard, maintaining body similar to this could maybe last a month max before muscle atrophy starts, as soon as you eat on maintance or slight bulk you'd have more fat than him

>> No.15973686

You literally shouldn't worry about it yet. What's considered/fa/ will change as you change. Don't get to far ahead of yourself

>> No.15973863

> "balloon" shoulders
what are you fcuking talking about stickboy
the only thing that would indicate roids here is this guys age because he is liek 40+
if you are a normal 18-30yo this body shouldn´t be a problem

>> No.15973882

Stuff stops fitting right. You stop caring about being "mired" when you get older, and clothes just fit weird. Get used to wearing shorts

>> No.15973979

This is right. I've been lifting for about 10 years and I'm about the size of the guy in the pic, getting that lean as a natty is fucking stupid if you aren't doing a show or something, you probably won't be able to get a boner at that bodyfat%. Luckily irl nobody cares how defined your abs are, if you have abs you have abs

>> No.15974105

Retard KYS

>> No.15974141

its not that big of a deal to not be able to look like this. just get juiced if you want it that bad. even if you have god tier genetics, good luck.

>> No.15974163
File: 283 KB, 1200x1700, Square-mirror-shaped-earring-20191216165028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you want bulky disgusting muscles?

Wouldn't you rather be a smooth and slender lad?

Imagine looking like picrel and writing poetry in a book while sitting on the grass with you back leaning against a tree on the campus of a liberal arts college. You'd have all the ladies on campus swooning over you.

Women aren't into musclebros any more, my dude.

>> No.15974227

Post an example good looking a 30 year old "smooth slender lad". Protip, you can't because aging is always harsh and unforgiving.

>> No.15974243
File: 272 KB, 814x1192, don lemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don Lemon has managed to be a smooth lad into his 50s.

If you were as dedicated to skincare, and keeping away from things that cause you to age, as you are with lifting weights, could do it too.

>> No.15974277

Pic rel is chuando tan you fucking retards. He’s in his mid 50s so he’s definitely on Test at the very least. He’s also had a whole life of being /fit/ since he’s a model

>> No.15974395

As long as I don't have to have your face I'm fine, thanks.

>> No.15975266
File: 46 KB, 490x626, 41D602C8-20AC-44A9-993A-B477930510D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve found that the more jacked I’ve become my overall dress sense has become more simple. No real need for showy pieces Welshmen your physique does the heavy lifting for you.

>> No.15975273
File: 58 KB, 750x750, Ck1K50xWUAA5Qdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 years old. slender, and I still pull hard lol

>> No.15975277

Honestly good haircut, and a sense of humor seems to be more effective at getting women than any amount of time in the gym. Women really do not want muscle men. Ottermode is the most attractive. After 40 your body doesn't really matter at all.

Muscles are an incel cope to improve their lack of communicative abilities and get women to want to approach them. It doesn't work that way, though.

>> No.15975311

With that body type you will look dyel clothes, so just a loin cloth

>> No.15975316

As always the delts are the giveaway

>> No.15975321

I agree with you mate. The only other way being fit is alright is if you practice sports or if you maintain a good physique for health reasons.

>> No.15975348

I have those veins on my abs and I'm a skinny skellington

>> No.15975519
File: 1.50 MB, 4281x2855, 1613561258890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is not aging well my friend

>> No.15975534

I have veins like that on my abs but my % is too high cause I have fire metabolism and eat garbage constantly. you don't need supplements to make veins big, you need dense enough muscle to push through your skin and then the right water intake/light cardio and lighting for photo day.

looking at that picture, seeing these posts, really hurts. I don't lift at all but I could have that body in about 2 years max. I wish I were vein enough to have the commitment to do that if I'm being honest.

>> No.15975599

This person is skinnyfat/skinny. Do not listen to this cursed advice.

>> No.15975613
File: 28 KB, 242x517, tag-34-inseam-268-ih-555s-21od-21oz-selvedge-denim-super-slim-jeans-indigo-overdyed-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me what I am. I didn't give advice, just weirded out by the dysmorphia of people who think health centralizes around weightlifting.

>> No.15975667

Shoo shoo hungry little skeleton

>> No.15975688

>I don’t lift at all
Sure buddy

>> No.15975715

probably the closest you can get to a compliment here, I weigh 175 though.
if I told you what I did you would believe me less, but I don't lift.

>> No.15975765

>all these virgins lifting for female attention
everybody knows lifting is for yourself and other bros

>> No.15975834


thanks anon for the reminder. /untard/ back to peanut butter, raw eggs and another gym sesh

>> No.15975874

This is it. A nice white tee tucked in some jeans.
Voila, a great chad outfit for warmer weather.

>> No.15975885

this works well.

it's the same with good looking women. some of the most /fa/ outfits I've seen on women are incredibly simple.

>> No.15976279

I have the genetic to achieve this in a month

>> No.15976367

Good luck achieving those delts natty, dyel

>> No.15976451

Don't worry. If you're actually going to do it then you'll learn a thing or two and won't have to come back here with your stupid questions.

>> No.15976453

Kek what a fag

>> No.15976464

Just wear nice shirts and t shirts with some classy pants, some nice shoes or boots, and a good haircut. easy.

>> No.15976486

i was in such good shape then the commies happened

>> No.15976724

You sound like a closeted homo

>> No.15976752

there are drug tested athletes who look better than him

>> No.15976841

>he doesn't know

>> No.15976902
File: 819 KB, 600x627, 1611117714912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell who this middle aged man is even without even looking at his face? Kinda gay dude.

>> No.15976911

Lurk moar newfag. Chuando tan is a major inspo for anti aging here.

>> No.15977855

Been here since 2016. Sorry I don't memorize the physique of other men lol.

>> No.15977868

2016 isn't newfag, it's cancer lmao

>> No.15977896

Also children's blood

>> No.15977911

adrenochrome is a fucking meme, if anything elites fuck children but they don't eat them/drink their blood. These are tall tales and that dude looks like age.

>> No.15977949


>> No.15977954

>adrenochrome is a fucking meme
Adrenochrome's chemical composition:

>> No.15978476


Post DYEL body

>> No.15978484

It doesn't stop aging

>> No.15978801
File: 57 KB, 550x467, 1604490559655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have that body shape while being a 18% body fat skinny fat

>> No.15979158

I have veins on my abs and I’m a twink
It’s just being low bf hardly abnormal u fatty

>> No.15980688

His delts stick out off of his skinny ass frame. He's on juice. Its the most obvious giveaway. Dude has like 4% body fat but somehow built his delts up... but in a way that also didn't build his lats or traps. Go ahead and find that workout. I'll wait.

>> No.15981372


>> No.15981389

just copy Jeremy fragrance

>> No.15981391

first of all thats more like 8-10% bodyfat
then yes he is on juice but we know that because he is fucking old not because his delts are insane
his delts are good yes but steroids also have that effect on traps and his traps are mediocre
find a workout that focus on delts?maybe he does a shitton of lateral raise
also wha is a genetic predisposition
i have great delts but a weak chest and i work out chest a lot and never work out delts
all im saying is this body is definitely archivable natty for anybody from the age of 18-30
not for a 50yo

>> No.15981701

Implying you could achieve this mode, are you seriously planning 4 years in advance how you're gonna dress ?

What kind of wanking dreamer are you lmao

>> No.15981900

I swear some people here are 100% delusional, have poor awareness and never leave the house.

Despite your post being a bait

>> No.15982125

>his delts are good yes
his delts are literally impossible if youre natty

>> No.15982127

>all im saying is this body is definitely archivable natty
maybe if youre 5'2"

>> No.15982163

im sorry i forgot that you zoomers have a fucked up endocrine system
maybe consider transitioning

>> No.15982518

such bad hair wtf.

>> No.15982617

achievable in less than 3 years
dont quote me

>> No.15982689

*with test and clen ofc

>> No.15982696

the ones who say natty are always DYELs with two years lifting max, it’s like pottery

>> No.15982713
File: 82 KB, 900x723, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a transparent rain poncho
>"balloon" shoulders
if he were roiding he'd have muscles in weird places like monster traps and forearms
that's just a guy who's been lifting for decades and has low bf

>> No.15982840

>if he were roiding
we already KNOW hes roiding, shithead

>> No.15982859

lifting makes you gay
>lusting after girls
unbelievably beta ngmi

>> No.15983039

is op achievable natty?

>> No.15983392
File: 101 KB, 680x720, CHADSEXCORE..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep lifting based /fit/ Chads

Wear Chad SEXcore. Srs right now

>> No.15983908


>cause I have fire metabolism

I too don't know how to count calories

>> No.15984549

plz no

>> No.15984796
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x1509, Screenshot_20210224-063408~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all about the face bro.