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/fa/ - Fashion

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15972109 No.15972109 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15972110


>> No.15972114
File: 2.75 MB, 390x810, oksana neveselaya.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15972116

only if she's my teacher and she lets me sniff in her fartbox if you know what i mean

>> No.15972182

she reminds of the blonde woman on that British game show

>> No.15972184

women shouldn't be allowed to teach

>> No.15972257

No I don't know what you mean

>> No.15972279


>> No.15972290

when did Asian women get ass?

>> No.15972304
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>> No.15972308

when they visited the plastic surgeon

>> No.15972384

She’s a 5/10

>> No.15972454
File: 29 KB, 506x606, 1603014769383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15973341

only for sex ed

>> No.15973369

all her students are failing

>> No.15973381

>70% of teachers shouldn't be allowed to teach anymore
got any other strokes of wisdom?

>> No.15973433

Thread winner

>> No.15973474

women shouldn't be allowed to work

>> No.15973486
File: 51 KB, 841x800, 49598C17-CD79-4FFD-9D4D-D8C3ABF71ADF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a hafu teacher that wore dresses like that and didnt wear any panties
she was very popular

>> No.15973541

If they wear this it means they get off to knowing about the horny teenager jacking off to them.

>> No.15973588

>posters on wall in mandarin script
This is a classroom in Mandarin speaking class/school/country. Pretty racy fit considering this. It looks a bit shopped tbqh.
This definitely.

>> No.15973602

Chinaman = small cock

>> No.15973671

rachel riley?

>> No.15973679

Does anyone else get shivers down their entire body when seeing someone use chalk? You can't even hear it but just LOOKING at it triggers ear memory or some shit and it fucking sucks

>> No.15973784

This is so tame, if you'd get turned on by this you need to have more real life sex because your too fucking horny

>> No.15973789
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>> No.15973823
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>> No.15973859


>> No.15973860

..how did you know she didn't wear panties?

>> No.15973888

MK Ultra post. If you are not turned on by that, it's because your mind and libido have been psy-opped by pornography.

>> No.15973955

No, we had a teacher like that a four years ago and mocked her for terrible boomer fashion choices, Ms. Teacher, why are you wearing pyjamas?

>> No.15973978

if you don't get turned on by that you are a fucking faggot, men still like shit like that even after they have fucked, it's called having a sex drive and testosterone.

>> No.15974012

When pants were scientifically engineered to form it.

>> No.15974014

best reply holy shit

>> No.15974157

yes how else are you going to awaken teenagers sexuality

>> No.15974198


Ok Cum Brain

You guys are fucking pathetic, talking about world wide conspiracy to cover up the shame that you're a horny fucking monkey brain idiot.

>> No.15974853

Ironically, it is you who is the coombrain. So warped that he is only aroused by vulgarity, rather than the simple sight of a beautiful woman.

>> No.15974859

If it's for comfort yes.

>> No.15974863
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>> No.15974870

I'm a lesbian and I was biting my knuckles. Maybe you're gay, anon? Or ruined by porn?

>> No.15974878

I think the point is that she's teaching children? Potentially prepubescent male children?
"too fucking horny" is exactly right

>> No.15974880

Based, and dare I say, redpilled

>> No.15974881

>I think the point is that she's teaching children? Potentially prepubescent male children?
Gross, no. Tameness can be erotic. She's just a beautiful woman and her dress gives the suggestion of an incredible body without being vulgar. There's also just an essence of sweetness in her movements. I want to climb all over her and make her my wife.

>> No.15974891

What I'm saying is, the point of this thread is to ask if it's appropriate in school.
That you find her dress suggestive or can be turned on by the way she looks, means she shouldn't be in this situation.

>> No.15974899

good job telling everyone you have low t lmfao

>> No.15974900

So attractive women shouldn't be teachers? The woman in OP is dressed inappropriately. The dress woman is just wearing a dress that complements her figure without baring it.
Maybe don't blame beautiful women for your horniness, creep.

>> No.15974901

Based and redpilled. Coomera btfo

>> No.15974912

She's showing more skin than not, and the fabric is closely hugging most of her figure. This is not appropriately dressed.
I don't blame her for my horniness, and I wish the situation with young men was different - but it's not, and needs to be accounted for.

>> No.15974918

Hello Queenslander phone poster

>> No.15974960

Which is a 8/10 in teacher terms.

>> No.15974982

fuck off incel

>> No.15974991

I wonder if she's putting out bait trying to seduce some poor horny teenage boy into having sexual intercourse with her. Haha how awful would that be.

>> No.15975022

Do you think that this hot blonde teacher is aware of just how provocatively form -fitting and revealing her dress is, not to mention the hemline and her gladiator sandals?

>> No.15975026

This is like that scene in The VVitch where the brother looked down his sister's blouse and the parents blamed the sister for being a whore.

>> No.15975035

>Gross, no.
roastie cunt

>> No.15975039


>> No.15975056


>> No.15975116

That’s wifey even tho she is a glorified baby sitter would still cuff and she got her little booties on

>> No.15975132


>> No.15975493

ahaha fuckin phone. gday cunt

>> No.15975584


>> No.15975594


>> No.15975610

Are you white? If so, that will be good in order to get a Chinese wife.

>> No.15975947
File: 167 KB, 1128x2048, EuYC7QUWYAMs9Bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15976039

Lmao, what a fucking champ.

>> No.15976068

you can tell she gets off on attention. no woman in their right mind that is surrounded by children all day and has to be at work by 6:30AM is gonna wake up early enough to curl their hair perfectly...and wear such form fitting clothes (you can see the underwire of her bra)
ive had a teacher like this in highschool - the boys flirted with her daily and asked questions like "how often do you shave your legs" she said everyday in my morning shower..she always obliged personal quetions with smiles

>> No.15976071

attention from the boys***

>> No.15976133


>> No.15976135


>> No.15976201

*eats ur ass*

heh nothin personal thot

>> No.15976239

Sounds familiar...

>> No.15976247


>> No.15976263

>I'm a lesbian
why is this board rife with trannies

>> No.15976548

i sniffed the ass of the girl i hooked up with this wkend and it was gross. fuck that (literally) shitty meme

>> No.15976565

cope more, horsefag

>> No.15976592

That young mans father deserved a round from all of manhood.

>> No.15976843
File: 527 KB, 1169x1488, 69DBD280-6836-437C-9F02-3921541E178F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you peaked in highschool

>> No.15976866

90% of pedos are girls

>> No.15977350

Child murderers too.

>> No.15977401

When did I say I was only aroused by vulgarity, i just get turned on by actual sexual events, not some teacher wearing a skirt.

Like I don't understand how you people are acting high and mighty for essentially being the kid the gets a hard on in class

>> No.15977461


>> No.15978019


>> No.15978208

please stop

get some help

>> No.15978491

my english teacher used to waer suff like that or miniskirts and cleavage, one day i couldnt take it anymore and just secretly fapped while in class. Eventually she noticed and called me out for it but i straight up denied. School was weird.

>> No.15978506

Yea that sounds weird.
How do you nonchalantly do that?
I can only imagine the kids around you and how Uncomfy they were

>> No.15978512

hormones buddy
i dunno, i think some of the girls sorta got intrigued by it i guess, atleast i hang out with a few of em even after that

>> No.15978513

Reminds me of my 9th grade teacher who squatted and ripped her thin fabric pants. Still fap to all those tattoos covering her ass

>> No.15978516

fuck off abomination

>> No.15978965
File: 530 KB, 554x554, 2B64FD9E-AD36-41E4-9DC4-149147EB644C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15978969

She is cute!

>> No.15978983

Is that you on the right? :0

>> No.15978987

Is that you on the right? :O

>> No.15979005

She's Eurasian, but with only very incidental oriental genetic composition (< 12.5 - 25%). Definite looker, wow.

>> No.15979010

I wish!

Yeah she looks kinda white features apart from the eyes, super cute though.

>> No.15979011


>> No.15979020

I thought /fa/ was into brown girls. So mixed girls are /fa/ too?

>> No.15979024

PRETTY GIRLS. Just 99% of the time brown girls are not very attractive.

>> No.15979071

99% of all populations are not very attractive

>> No.15979095

Mixed girls can be very attractive and /fa/ imo, depending on the mixtures and proportions.

>> No.15979274

The only attractive person being Cecil.

>> No.15979304


>> No.15980501

What a chad.