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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 185 KB, 1500x1287, 814Gqk82KoL._AC_UL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15959507 No.15959507 [Reply] [Original]

why is it so hard to find a good dress shoe, bros? everything's got the dumb capped toe or some other gay design. do good-quality, classic looking lace-up shoes not exist anymore? it's all monkstrap this or obnoxious stitching that or sprinkle a bunch of holes right above the toes.
pic related: gay

>> No.15959518
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>dumb capped toe

>> No.15959536
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plain finish looks much more elegant

>> No.15960163

it really dont

>> No.15960169

Styles have changed and retarded young people want over-designed brown brogues now that they're "adulting"

>> No.15960184

allen edmonds if you are on a budget. they make basically every style. after that the sky is the limit and you can get anything you want.

if allen edmonds or comparable brands are above your budget its going to look like shit anyway

>> No.15960246

It's easier than ever.
You can basically order any shoe from any company anywhere in the world and it will be delivered to your house a week later. It has never been easier

>> No.15960251
File: 29 KB, 615x410, 17925FD4-ADFB-47C2-A9AA-CC09D47B0BB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those aren’t shoes

>> No.15960288
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>allen edmonds
>if you are on a budget

>> No.15960298

that's entry level for good looking dress shoes son

>> No.15960313


>> No.15960335

Just get wholecut oxfords, then? If you are looking for oxfords with the side seams and no captoe, you will have to resort to bespoke
Also, >>15959536 are horrible.

>> No.15960363


forgot to say I always get them on clearance. have to wait but I've got some really nice ones for under 200 bucks. get some shoe trees and take care of them. cost per wear is less than sneakers or w/e

>> No.15960543

As much as seething poorfags hate to admit it, Allen Edmonds is entry level and they cost about 200. I would not want to to go lower than Allen Edmonds.
Brands like Meermin offer excellent value at around 190 as well so brands exist, but the point is that 200 is about the entry level for good dress shoes.
400-500 is a really good sweet spot where you can get brands like Carmina that make shoes that could easily rival much more expensive brands like Crockett and Jones.

>> No.15960553

i get cheaper than that. its really not an issue. ive noticed no problems buying cheaper than allen edmonds

>> No.15960565

>they cost about 200
I see almost nothing that price on their website. Most are $400.

>> No.15960568

Look like shit

>> No.15960570

Allen Edmonds is almost always on sale. One a year they do a huge sale and I got a pair of Fifth Avenue oxfords for 160.
Allen Edmonds is absolutely overpriced and should never, ever, be bought at full price. But they're on sale so often that it's usually not an issue

>> No.15960900

you're an idiot

It'll look okay first couple times and when the wrinkles come, it'll start looking shittier than any capped toe

The cap's there for a reason, cope harder

>> No.15960918

Go to their seconds website.

>> No.15960927


>> No.15961109

that looks like some 5$ wallmart shoe

>> No.15962414

This, I got wholecuts for like 150 a few years ago. I dont want to sit here putting allen edmonds on some pedestal but they are really in the sweet spot for this type of shoe. you get made in usa goodyear welted, good quality leather, theres no point to spend more money or less money.
some people go with alden instead but they are always $500+
go try some on it will make more sense to you, the cheaper shoes are total ass in comparison

>> No.15962479

lol retard

>> No.15962885

that leather looks like dogshit

>> No.15963139

I guess you can say op prefers cope toe on his shoes

>> No.15963527
File: 606 KB, 2175x2272, Brendan1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me? It's caret zetone

>> No.15963662

What a stupid hobby.

>> No.15965149

What hobby are you referring to

>> No.15965608
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x1908, 20210217_143809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're here! and they're gorgeous.
keep seething cappedfags

>> No.15965693

I dont think that's a dress shoe mate

3/10 made me reply

>> No.15965703

honestly, anything goodyear-welted will last you 10 years and cost you a third of the money it'll cost you to replace glued together shit every other year

>> No.15965709

if it's glued it wont last

>> No.15965763
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x3024, shoe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncap is best cap

>> No.15965799

cheap material and construction lol
at least you’re satisfied with shit

>> No.15966041

kind of an interesting different style though I guess

>> No.15966111
File: 27 KB, 736x736, fifthave-5705-black-angle-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an Allen Edmonds in my hotel lobby on a trip to Milwaukee, bought a pair of these on sale. Kinda cool that they're made half an hour up the highway from there. For me, the single band of perforation hits that goldilocks apex of decoration: provides a little interest without straying into some dandy "midnight cowboy" shit the way wingtips tend to. The build is solid and they were cheap enough that I don't have to be too precious about walking through puddles, etc. Might spend more on some shell cordovan shoes someday, but for the money I'd have to agree with the above anons, Allen Edmonds is a good choice.

>> No.15966120

nice but why black

>> No.15966126

It's not a hobby
I wear dress shoes to work every day of the week and I need some that are both comfortable and durable. Cheaper ones simply don't hold up or they're not comfortable or both.
I gladly pay more for a few good pairs that will last me and won't wreck my feet afterward

>> No.15966131

>wholecut longwing hybrid
eww lol, also hugo boss is for uneducated poors

>> No.15966181

terrible take and anyone who thinks hugo is for poor people doesn't actually make good money

>> No.15966183

>no cap
Congrats on starting high school anon

>> No.15966188

These are kinda cute, deets?

>> No.15966234

AE mackenzie

>> No.15966317

Those are AIDS
If your shoes are gonna be black they better be oxfords and they better be cap toes

>> No.15966318

>buying shoes from fashion brands

>> No.15966346

fuck anon I guess you could do worse but there's still something weird and plasticky about that leather

why didn't you get AE as other anons said or Loakes, I think they're still on sale

>> No.15966349

Laces are ugly as fuck. I like dress shoes with buckles.

>> No.15966354

I want to try some

>> No.15966584

They're chocolate, you dummies.
I'd rather get Ferragamo. What do you think?

>> No.15966883
File: 265 KB, 1887x699, 210803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go...figure it out. Get educated.


>> No.15966905

they’re the j crew of boots in that they’re good entry level clothing that should only ever be bought on massive sale. my favorite pair of boots is from Allen Edmonds. Macy’s had them half off around black friday. they’re my favorites because i wear the shit out of them at that price point.

>> No.15966911

fucking hideous bro. that leather looks like a walmart reversible belt.

>> No.15967346

they will be mired irl so it's cool if a bunch of anons hate them

>> No.15967550
File: 39 KB, 520x494, 53454D30-D56C-4B62-BA7C-0B53F8F5D26C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically basking in the admiration of normies

>> No.15967709
File: 175 KB, 1080x1080, 31870698_1889650944386721_5316939143287144448_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn;t you just get wholecuts

>> No.15968064

their opinion matters more in my line of work

>> No.15968098


you actually wear this shiny shit ?

>> No.15968103

Fair enough

>> No.15968237

>shiny shit
>it's just polished
You never polished your shoes before?

>> No.15968291

What the fuck is this thread. How does OP not know that oxfords, brogues and wholecuts are all distinct dress shoes and pretty much every shoemaker offers all three?

Is he trying to argue oxfords and wholecuts don't exist?

>> No.15968300


nah bru that's a gay level of polished. you trying to be a portable mirror for midgets ?

>> No.15968372

Cringed hard

>> No.15968388


just like most people will when they see you walking in with crow bait clown shoes

>> No.15968393

This is embarrassing. You're proud of having dull scuffed shoes. Anyone that takes any pride in their appearance at all will regularly brush and shine their shoes

>> No.15968407

yeah nice shiny mirrored caps bru
have fun on the newspaper route

>> No.15968525

You can shitpost all you want, you will still look retarded complaining about a shined pair of oxfords

>> No.15968534

burn that ross shit lol

>> No.15968538


okay keep wearing mirrors on your toes

>> No.15968546


I couldn't care less what /fa/ has to say. This place is mostly out of touch with what flies in high society, which is unfortunately where I'm doing most of my work. If I don't get a good reception there, I'll return them.

>> No.15968552
File: 72 KB, 538x521, 7E87D2DB-C71E-4DA5-B7E1-23E08E5B1415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15968558

With pleasure

>> No.15968560
File: 147 KB, 1200x630, 1D525A22-E10E-4C7F-85EB-CC3ED30030EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15968569

I work in politics, boys. For a PAC, more specifically, in New York State. Daily dealings with Manhattanites, Gold Coast folks on the North Shore, and rich Conservatives who've moved further east into areas like Dix Hills to get away from liberal yuppies. Ironically, also have investors/clients in the Hamptons even though that's generally a liberal destination.

/fa/ is mostly kids on shoestring budgets trying to look cool or "out there." I need to look professional. If it doesn't work, I'll be told by people whose opinions actually matter. No amount of reaction pics or buzzwords will change my mind.

This thread was made mostly out of frustration as I'm not very educated on shoes. The only recommendation I was given was that Ferragamo is great but I'm not at a point where I can spend $1200 on ostrich leather (it's ugly, anyway).

>> No.15968580

>I'm not very educated on shoes

>> No.15968587

Which is fine. I'll get my feedback from people IRL whose opinions directly impact my future - not from kids on 4chan who think they're bleeding-edge and knowledgeable.

I still think capped toes look lame.

>> No.15968802
File: 52 KB, 768x1165, hbeu50454517_001_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats good alternative for these hugo boss derbies that are better quality for 250ish euros? preferably with a rubber sole but not a must.

>> No.15968844

cringe lol. ferragamo isnt even that nice kek

>> No.15968877

What do you like better?

>> No.15968912

Alden is far better. ‘Game is an overpriced fashion brand.
Also if you’re >>15965608 I’d return those asap

>> No.15968925

OP is retarded. But we feed the bait because it’s entertaining. Doesn’t mater if OP is for real retarded or not.

>> No.15968937

I'll get my feedback from people IRL whose opinions directly impact my future - not from kids on 4chan who think they're bleeding-edge and knowledgeable.

I still think capped toes look lame.

I work in politics, boys. For a PAC, more specifically, in New York State. Daily dealings with Manhattanites, Gold Coast folks on the North Shore, and rich Conservatives who've moved further east into areas like Dix Hills to get away from liberal yuppies. Ironically, also have investors/clients in the Hamptons even though that's generally a liberal destination.

/fa/ is mostly kids on shoestring budgets trying to look cool or "out there." I need to look professional. If it doesn't work, I'll be told by people whose opinions actually matter. No amount of reaction pics or buzzwords will change my mind.

This thread was made mostly out of frustration as I'm not very educated on shoes. The only recommendation I was given was that Ferragamo is great but I'm not at a point where I can spend $1200 on ostrich leather (it's ugly, anyway).

>> No.15968951

Ok, OP is retarded. Confirmed it with his every post.

>> No.15968956

I'll look into Alden. Filtering the rest of what's said.

>> No.15969000

>Daily dealings with Manhattanites, Gold Coast folks on the North Shore, and rich Conservatives who've moved further east into areas like Dix Hills to get away from liberal yuppies
okay well they’re gonna laugh at your shoes bro. you’re dressing like an intern.

>> No.15969003

kek I like this copy pasta

>> No.15969018

Best bang for your buck is Carmina. They're still pricy at 400ish, but they could easily be sold for twice that or higher.

>> No.15969029

hugo is overpriced trash for normies that shop at the mall
why not at least get meermin or carmina or any other of the countless shoe brands that produce actual quality for good prices ?
lmao, are you a rapper ? might as well buy louis vuitton shoes
at that price point just get john lobb, edward green or gaziano & girling

>> No.15969037

they are priced correctly, they could not sell for twice as much, stop believing marketing
tlb mallorca sells the same quality for the same price

>> No.15969038

Yeah, he better be a troll. He’s hopleesly stupid.

>> No.15969039
File: 17 KB, 300x225, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree it's hard to find decent dress shoes but not for your reasons. I can't stand goofy finishes, cheap soles and gaudy tooling.

Like it or not, Johnston & Murphy melton's are best one can do sub-$200.

>> No.15969066

he shouldve dialed down the autism a bit and he would have been much more believable
its obvious hes trolling

>> No.15969089

My Carminas are on a whole other planet qualitywise than my Allen Edmonds. If AE is selling for 400 not on sale then Carmina could easily charge 800 in comparison.
TLB Mallorca is the exception in that they're honestly ripping themselves off with their prices. They could be charging so much more what what they're offering but don't. If they were to appear on the market today with their products asking for 500-600 no one would complain

>> No.15969098

allen edmonds are overpriced af, they are often on sale and should be judged as 200$ shoes
the shoes are worth 400, thats why they sell at 400.
tlb has the same quality as yanko same as carmina. they are all good quality but they are not worth 600-800$

>> No.15969164

OP here. Didn't realize /fa/ would get this triggered by shoes. I'll keep the Hugos unless someone says something. For $200, they seem fine. I also wear $400 Suit Supply suits and $5 ties from the dollar piles at Macy's. I'm not AJ Catsimatidis or Chloe Sun - <$1000 getups is fine with me.

I'm baffled by how I'm the autistic one when all I've said is I'll read the room to see if my shoes work or not while I'm being called every name in the book and y'all are going down a rabbit hole about $400 shoes vs. $800 shoes. Do you all follow some /fa/ meta image or something?

For the record, I'm not offended whatsoever. I've infrequently browsed 4chan for years. Y'all need to develop some awareness though instead of just throwing buzzwords at whatever you disagree with.

>> No.15969180

If you want actual discussion on dress shoes, suits, etc. then ask in /sprezzatura/, that's their whole thing. You're only going to get trolls and shitposts if you ask the /fa/ general public

>> No.15969236

Appreciate the advice, anon.

>> No.15969303

>plain finish looks much more elegant
> they're gorgeous.
>I need to look professional
>The only recommendation I was given was that Ferragamo is great
>I couldn't care less what /fa/ has to say. This place is mostly out of touch with what flies in high society
>For $200, they seem fine. I also wear $400 Suit Supply suits and $5 ties from the dollar piles at Macy's
lmao at this retarded bait poster. you claim to know what 'flies in high society' yet you dress like an 18 year old intern. what the fuck is wrong with you ? accept the advice we gave you and throw those pleather hugo boss shoes you bought at ross in the trash

>> No.15969309
File: 18 KB, 264x379, 1445019887514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

detected hostile autism so tldr

>> No.15969405

This. OP is retarded.

>> No.15969424

>I'd rather get Ferragamo. What do you think?
I think you must be a shitskin to prefer flashy fashion brands to traditional and reputable shoemakers, anon

>> No.15969455

OP is a shitskin autist lol

>> No.15969497

Jeez Louise, what did you make this thread for if you were going to react like a smarmy little shit when these kind anons tried to issue useful advice? Your shoes look cheap and will look even cheaper after a few months of wear. If you can't accept that after twenty unaffiliated strangers reiterated it, what are you actually here for? Nobody in the real world is going to "say something" about your footwear because you're going to blend in with every other TJ Maxx-looking gopher in the neighborhood. That's fine, of course you don't need to wear $800 shoes to do an entry-level job, but don't stick around fishing for validation while the rest of us try to use this clown ass thread you made to discuss tastes that [trigger warning] differ from your own.

>> No.15969501

Hahah you kids are simply jealous over my footwear. That’s okay, you’ll get jobs soon.

>> No.15969510

It's just blatant bait at this point.

>> No.15969722

I am brown.
Far from an entry-level position. I filter the autism and take in the useful info.

>> No.15969743

>I am brown.
my condolences

>> No.15969757

No need. I lead a great life. Wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.15969814
File: 181 KB, 420x420, 1613578177588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending more than $50 on any footwear ever

>> No.15969853

>I impress really rich people but I don't know what Oxfords are
Uh, sure.

>> No.15969876

>knowing rich people means you need to know about every fabric and material you're wearing
Misinformation, my friend.

Also, my favorite shoes I've ever worn were like a $60 pair of grey suede Calvin Klein oxfords. I know what they are; I was half-jokingly complaining about apparent current trends.

>> No.15969967

>for 12USD, you too can have 20 anonymous strangers seethe from thousands of miles away!

>> No.15969971


>> No.15970011
